Fair Election Financing and Reform Act of 2015.pdf

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  • Fair Election Financing and Reform Act of 2015


    Whereas it is recognized that the United States of America is a republican democracy and a nation

    founded on diversity and the various freedoms assured to us by the Constitution of the United States, it

    is essential to the preservation of our democracy to enact a system of publicly funded elections and

    comprehensive reform of the Federal Electoral Commission, so as to ensure the free flow of ideas in


    Proposing a comprehensive reform of the Federal Electoral Commission to reform the financing of

    Senate, House of Representatives and all other federal elections, be it enacted by the Senate and House

    of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

    1) Section I Title; Short Title

    a) Title - This Act may be cited as the Fair Election Financing and Reform Act

    b) Short Title This Act may also be cited as the F.E.F.R. Act

    2) Section II- Declarations

    a) The current system of privately financed elections creates a culture that stifles free speech and

    fosters actual or perceived conflicts of interest by encouraging elected officials to accept large

    contributions from private interests in order to retain their position of service

    b) The current system of privately financed elections encourages legislation that benefits private

    interests that stand in derogation of public interests by diminishing elected officials duties to

    their constituencies

    c) The current system of privately financed elections undermines the meaning of the right to vote

    by allowing private interests to have a disproportionate influence on the political process

    d) The current system of privately financed elections makes it difficult for potential candidates to

    run for political office

  • 3) Section III Comprehensive Reform of the Federal Election Campaign Laws

    a) All current Federal Election Campaign Laws regarding campaign financing are to be redefined or

    nullified upon enactment of this act

    b) All current laws regarding the creation of Political Action Committees are hereby nullified as a

    result of public campaign funding

    c) Large campaign contributions as defined as $100 U.S. Dollars are hereby banned

    d) Campaigns are allowed to accept a total of $150 U.S. Dollars from U.S. Citizens

    e) Business and non-U.S. entities are hereby banned from making campaign contributions

    f) The Federal Election Committee (herein referred to as the F.E.C.) is hereby granted the powers

    of funding campaign finance through the creation of the Fair Elections Fund

    i) Governance - The Fair Elections Fund is to be governed by the Fair Elections Oversight Board

    (1) The Fair Elections Oversight Board (herein referred to as F.O.B.) is to be overseen by the

    F.E.C. agency executive(s)

    (2) The F.O.B. is to be assigned by President of the United States, with confirmation by the

    United States Senate

    (3) Board members are to serve a six year term, and are allowed to serve three consecutive


    (4) Board members are subject to congressional oversight regarding expenses, and may be

    removed with a vote by the House of Representatives

    (5) The F.O.B. will serve as a treasury board, tasked only with the equal distribution of

    campaign funds and oversight of campaign finance investigation

    (6) The F.O.B. will be tasked with lobbying congress for campaign funds, and will be

    allocated at least $25 million U.S. Dollars each campaign cycle

  • ii) Qualifying period Individuals wishing to run for office must file with the Federal Electoral

    Commission in a period no less than one year before the date of primary election to qualify

    for campaign funding

    (1) In order to qualify for public funding, candidates must poll higher than 5% in a census to

    be given out eight months before the date of primary election, in addition to a petition

    of at least 1,000 signatures per election cycle

    (a) Be it assumed that every candidate running for office in the Model US Government

    fits the aforementioned requirements

    iii) Funding Limits Individuals running for public office will be subject to spending limits as

    defined by this act, and as adjusted for inflation by the F.O.B.

    (1) House of Representatives Individuals running for the House of Representatives are

    limited to no more than $250,000 U.S. Dollars as provided by the F.O.B.

    (2) Senate Individuals running for the Senate are limited to no more than $250,000 U.S.

    Dollars as provided by the F.O.B.

    (3) President Individuals running for the Presidency are limited to no more than

    $5,000,000 U.S. Dollars as provided by the F.O.B.

    (4) Campaign vouchers are limited to a maximum of $10,000 USD and must be applied for

    by a candidate and/or their respective campaign committee within 30 days of election

    and must be argued before the F.O.B. as necessary for the continuation of a campaign

    (5) Candidates are limited to spending considered pertinent to the campaign, and frivolous

    spending is punishable for up to two years in a federal penitentiary and upon discretion

    of the court, public funding may not be provided in any future campaign attempts by

    individuals violating funding limit laws.

  • iv) Campaign Spending Campaign spending is limited to three days after the beginning of

    primary election until the end of primary election.

    v) Political Action Committees- Political Action Committees are redefined as organizations

    under the direction of a political party, created for the purpose of supporting a candidate,

    and may only be used to pay for costs related to campaign headquarters, real estate and

    speaking costs.

    (1) Political Action Committee spending is to be overseen by the F.O.B.

    (2) Political Action Committees may not run commercials or partake in any media

    whatsoever, for any purpose other than explicitly related to the aforementioned costs

    vi) Media Money allocated toward a campaign may be spent for the purposes of any and all

    media advertisements

    (1) Vouchers for media advertisements will be provided by the F.O.B. to all qualified


    (2) Television channels and providers are to receive a 5% tax deduction for allowing

    additional campaign commercials during the times of 6 am to 9 pm at a reduced or free

    cost to the campaign

    (3) Social media sites with already existing advertisements that allow for candidates to

    advertise additional advertisements on their sites at a reduced cost of 50% will receive a

    15% tax deduction for the months the advertisements

    4) Section IV Violations

    a) Any violations of any provisions of this Act, if undefined, are to be found in violation of Federal

    Election Campaign Law and are subject to a fine or punishment as defined by a federal court

    5) Section V - This bill shall take effect no later than 100 days after the enactment of this Act.