Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 2015 Report Presented at the Annual Scholars’ Reception February 19, 2016 Hagerty Lounge, De La Salle Hall Revised June 30, 2016

Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 2015 Report · 2016. 10. 12. · Report: Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, January

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Page 1: Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 2015 Report · 2016. 10. 12. · Report: Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, January

Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 2015 Report

Presented at the Annual Scholars’ Reception February 19, 2016

Hagerty Lounge, De La Salle Hall Revised June 30, 2016

Page 2: Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 2015 Report · 2016. 10. 12. · Report: Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, January

Saint Mary’s College of California 2015 Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Report

Featuring highlights of faculty publications, presentations, readings, performances, exhibitions, creative

works, lectures, and other scholarly activities completed from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015 Abildskov, Marilyn (English). Publications:

1) “Dirt,” The Normal School, 2015. 2) “What Stood Out,” The Offing, 2015. 3) “Housesitting,” The Rumpus, 2015. 4) “On Beauty,” Hotel Amerika, 2015

Allen, Roy (Economics). Publications: R. Allen, L. Herkenhoff, P. Hosie, “A Human Ecology Economics Approach to Strategic Management,” International Journal of Business and Social Science.

Ahnen, Ron (Politics). Publications: “Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America.” Bulletin of Latin American Research 35.2 (October 2015).

Ahmed, Hisham (Politics). Publications: “U.S. Must Lead World in Resolving Syrian Crisis,” The San Francisco Chronicle, September 15, 2015.

Anantharaman, Manisha (Justice, Community and Leadership). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) “Middle class waste, working class hands,” South Asia by the Bay, May 11 2015, Berkeley. 2) “Recycling class: The cultural and environmental politics of the new middle classes of Bangalore, India,” At the Urban Studies Week, University of San Francisco (March 11 2015, San Francisco). 3) “Challenges and Opportunities in Municipal Solid Waste Management in India,” At “Infrastructure in India,” A Symposium organized by UCLA’s Center for India and South Asia (May 15 2015, Los Angeles).

Anguiano, Rebecca (Counseling). Publications: “Home activities of Mexican American Children: Structuring Early Socialization and Cognitive Engagement.” Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (fall 2015).

Anguiano, Rebecca (Counseling). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Cynthia Martinez (primary recipient) and Rebecca Anguiano. “Rethinking Parental Involvement in Urban Schools: Poplar Education, Community Organizing, and Social Justice,” a grant of $10,000 funded by Tipping Point Community (https://tippingpoint.org), 2015.

Atalay, Zeynep (Sociology). Presentations and Papers: 1) “State-Civil Society Partnership in Turkey: Power, Agency, and Co-Optation” 2015 Middle Eastern Studies Association Meetings. 2) “The Reconfiguration of the Relationship Between Civil Society, State, and the Market in Contemporary Turkey” 2015 Middle Eastern Studies Association Meetings.

Bachani, Jyoti (Management). Presentations and Papers: “Pedagogy in the Digital Era: Incorporating Virtual Experiences into the Classroom,” co-presented with Nancy Lam and Linda Herkenhoff, Academy of Management Conference in Vancouver, Canada.

Barragan, Rosana (Performing Arts). Presentations: “Dancing at the Place of Space: Cellular Consciousness Experienced from the Perspective of Body Mind Centering in Relation to Dance Practice,” International Dance and Somatic Practice Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, England. July 9-12, 2015.

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Barram, Michael (Theology and Religious Studies). Articles: 1) “Between Text and Sermon: Isaiah 58:1–12.” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 69 (2015): 460-462. 2) “‘Fools for the Sake of Christ’: Missional Hermeneutics and Praxis in the Corinthian Correspondence.” Missiology: An International Review 43 (2015): 195-207.

Barram, Michael (Theology and Religious Studies). Presentations and Papers: “To Serve God and Not Mammon: Reading Matthew 6 as Missionally Located Formation for Economic Discipleship,” GOCN Forum on Missional Hermeneutics, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 21, 2015.

Barram, Michael (Theology and Religious Studies). Reviews: 1) Review of Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life, by Albino Barrera (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2013), Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 69 (2015): 485-486. 2) Review of Jesus, Debt, and the Lord’s Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus’ Intentions, by Douglas E. Oakman (Eugene: Cascade Books, 2014), Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 69 (2015): 487. 3) Review of Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications, by Daniel K. Finn (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013), Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 69 (2015): 486-487. 4) Review of Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, by Dean Flemming (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2013), Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 69 (2015): 240-41.

Beck, Kristen (Mathematics and Computer Science). Publications: 1) “Augmented generalized happy functions,” by B. Baker Swart, Kristen A. Beck, S. Crook, C. Eubanks-Turner, H. G. Grundman, M. Mei, and L. Zack, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (2015). 2) “On the image of the totaling functor,” by Kristen Beck, in Communications in Algebra Vol. 43, no. 4, pp1640-1653 (2015). 3) “Eventually Linear Partially Complete Resolutions Over a Local Ring with m4=0.” Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 15.3 (April 2015).

Beran, Carol (English). Presentations and Papers: 1) “The Paris Perspective.” Association for Canadian Studies in the US. Las Vegas, NV. Oct. 2015. 2) “The Paris Perspective.” Western Social Science Association. Portland, OR. April 2015.

Beran, Carol (English). Publications: “Beautiful Girlhood, a Double Life: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Margaret Laurence, and Alice Munro.” American Review of Canadian Studies 45.2 (2015): 148-60. Print and online.

Bossard, Carla (Biology). Publications: 1) “New patterns of establishment and growth of Picea, Abies and Betula tree species in subalpine forest gaps of Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, southwestern China in a changing environment,” by Carla Bossard, Yutao Cao, Jiayuan Wang, Ashley Rose, Ya Tang, in Forest Ecology and Management, Available online 9 September 2015; doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.07.032. [Note: Ashley Rose was a Saint Mary’s student]. 2) Tang, Ya, Bossard, Carla, Reidhead, Jacob, “Effects of Percent Cover of Japanese Cedar in Forests on Slopes Slides in Sichuan, China.” Ecological Engineering 74 (January 2015).

Boyda, Edward (Physics and Astronomy). Publications: “A Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delineation from 1- m NAIP Imagery Using A High-Performance Computing Architecture,” by S. Basu, et al., in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53:10, 5690 (2015).

Brunetti, Jerry. (Teacher Education). Publications: “Cal Council: A Story of Continuity and Change.” Issues in Teacher Education (spring 2015).

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Bulman, Robert C. (Sociology). Articles: 1) “Conflicted view of high school is reflected in Hollywood films.” San Francisco Chronicles (March 27, 2015). 2) “How Teaching Can Inform Scholarship.” Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications (April 10 2015). 3) “Dance with Me: Dancing and the Promise of Instant Intimacy.” Social Forces 94.1 (September 2015).

Burley, Joel (Chemistry). Publications: 1) Burley, J. D., Theiss, Sandra, Bytnerowicz, A., Zielinska, B., Schilling, S., 2015. Surface ozone in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Atmospheric Environment 109, pp. 351-369. 2) Gustin, M.S., Fine, R., Miller, M., Jaffe, D., Burley, J., 2015. The Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative (NVROI): Insights to understanding air pollution in complex terrain. Science of the Total Environment 530, pp. 455-470. 3) Fine, R., Miller, M.B., Burley, J., Jaffe, D.A., Pierce, R.B., Lin, M., Gustin, M.S., 2015. Variability and sources of surface ozone at rural sites in Nevada, USA: Results from two years of the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative. Science of the Total Environment 530 (October 2015): pp. 471-482.

Cardwell, Brother Kenneth (Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts). Presentations and Papers: “Jesus and the Coin of Tribute (Mark 12: 13 – 17).” Invited paper for the Markan Literary Sources Seminar, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, Georgia, November 23, 2015.

Carpenter, Anne M. (Theology and Religious Studies). Presentations and Papers: 1) “Real and Imagined Oppositions: Balthasar and Lonergan on Remembering the Tradition,” keynote address, Lonergan on the Edge (September 2015). 2) “Sense and Memory: At the Critical Conjunction of the Sensus Fidelium and Church Tradition,” Catholic Theological Society of America (June 2015).

Carpenter, Anne M. (Theology and Religious Studies). Publications: Theo-Poetics: Hans Urs von Bathasar and the Risk of Art and Being. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-0268023782.

Chandrasekaran, Vidya (Biology). Publications: 1) “Drosophila Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution,” with Wilson Leung (primary author) and Participating Students and Faulty of the Genomics Education Partnership, in G3 vol. 5 no. 5; 719-740, May 1, 2015. [Note: the author list includes the following Saint Mary’s students: Christopher Beck, Kristen R. Hatfield, Douglas A. Herrick, Christopher B. Khoury, Charlotte Lea, Christopher A. Louie, Shannon M. Lowell, Thomas J. Reynolds, Jeanine Schibler, Alexandra H. Scoma, Maxwell T. Smith-Gee, Sarah Tubert] 2) “Reactive oxygen species are involved in BMP-induced dendritic growth in cultured rat sympathetic neurons,” by Vidya Chandrasekaran, Lea C, Sosa JC, Higgins D, in Mol Cell Neurosci. 2015 Jul; 67:116-25; doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2015.06.007; Epub 2015 Jun 14. [Note: Charlotte Lea was a Saint Mary’s Student]

Conner, Andrew (Mathematics and Computer Science). Publications: “Some non-Koszul algebras from rational homotopy theory,” by A. Conner and P. Goetz, in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2015) 47 (3): 473-482; doi: 10.1112/blms/bdv019.

Davalos, Catherine Marie A. (Performing Arts). Performances: 1) Choreographer: Davalos Dance Company, 1994-present. 2) Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers, new excerpts from Oh the MOON!, presented by the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, San Francisco, CA, September 2015. 3) San Francisco International Arts Festival, excerpts from Oh the MOON!, co-produced and presented by the SFIAF, by invitation, Cowell Theater, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, June 2015.

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Davalos, Catherine Marie A. (Performing Arts). Presentations: Master Teacher: presented a faculty class in Modern Dance technique, and a student and faculty class in choreography called Creating your Toolbox, Baja Region, American College Dance Association, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, March 2015.

De Angelis, Maria Grazia (Modern Languages). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: The Italian Cultural Society Grant (Sacramento, CA) December 2014.

De Angelis, Maria Grazia (Modern Languages). Presentations and Papers: 1) “Italian Cultural Exchange among International Students” Collaboration between American and Italian students. American Association of Teachers of Italian International Conference, Siena, Italy. June 2015. 2) “Combing Service Learning and Technology: Videotaping Oral History Projects to Preserve Italian Language and Culture.” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Santa Fe. October 2015.

Doane, Janice (English). Presentation: “Handwriting Play in Gertrude Stein’s Compositional Practices,” WAGs. April 2015.

Dopfel, Costanza (Modern World Languages and Cultures). Presentations: 1) “Medieval Childbirth: Social Representations and Medical Realities I and II.” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, U.K. July 2015. 2) “Heroic Mothers and Holy Nativities: Towards a Discovery of Female Visual Epic.” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, U.K. July 7, 2015. 3) “Fertilissima Firenze: Imperativi Demografici ed Epica Femminile nell’ Arte del Quattrocento Fiorentino,” Semenario di Studi. Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna, Ravenna. June 2015. 4) “Did Women have a Renaissance Epic?” The Sacred in Italy across Time, Place, and Discipline, California Interdisciplinary Consortium for Italian Studies Conference, UCLA. April 2015.

Dopfel, Costanza (World Languages and Cultures). Publications: 1) “Bridget’s Vision and Jan Provost’s Nativity.” In Art and Social Exchange, ed. Susan Dixon. La Salle University Museum Publications, December 2015. 2) “Nascere. Studi di Antropologia, Inconografia, Aggografia, e Storia della Medicina dall’ Antichrista all’Eta Moderna.” Ed. Costanza Gilson Dopfel and Alessandra Foscati. Bologna: Il Mulino, November 2016. 3) “Pregnancy and Birth from Late Antiquity to the Renissance.” Ed. Costanza Gilson Dopfel. Turnhout: Brepols, March 2017. 4) “Holy Births: A History of the Iconography of the Nativity.” Cusor Mundi. Brepols, 2015.

Doran, Caroline J. (Management). Publications: Natale, Samuel M., Libertella, Anthony F., Doran, Caroline J., ”For-Profit Education: The Sleep of Ethical Reason.” Journal of Business Ethics 126.3 (February 2015).

Edwards, Laurie (Teacher Education). Presentations and Papers: (2015) “The role of gesture and the body in learning & teaching mathematics,” Invited Speaker, Learning and the Brain Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Emhoff, Chi-An (Kinesiology). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: “Effects of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on exercise performance and recovery in highly endurance trained athletes.” Corporate Research Grant from GU Energy Labs (Berkeley, CA), 2015.

Emhoff, Chi-An (Kinesiology). Presentations and Papers: Effect of Peppermint Oil on the Ventilatory Threshold in Endurance-Trained and Moderately Active Men American College of Sports Medicine – Southwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Costa Mesa, CA 2015.

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Fitzgerald, Monica D. (Justice, Community & Leadership). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To conduct archival research on early American ideas about gender and to transcribe oral histories. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Fitzgerald, Monica D. (Justice, Community & Leadership). Reviews: 1) Review of A Sense of the Heart: Christian Religious History in the United States, by Bill J Leonard (New York Abingdon Press, 2014), Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, Summer 2016. 2) Review of A Reforming People: Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England, by David Hall (New York: Knopf Publishers, 2011), The Journal of Early American History 4 (2014): 95-101.

Fitzgerald, Monica D. (Justice, Community, & Leadership). Presentations and Papers: 1) “The Middle Ground of Masculinity: Puritans, Rogues, and Soldiers,” Ohio Valley History Conference. October 2015. 2) “Children, War, and the State: American Youth’s Wartime Experiences,” Western Association of Women Historians. May 2015.

Flanagin, David Zachariah (Theology and Religious Studies). Publications: 1) The Quest for the Historical Jesus, Now You Know Media lecture series; 21 lectures on 8 DVDs, 2015. 2) “Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres.” Catholic Historical Review 101.4 (Fall 2015).

Foster, Jeanne (English). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival’s Poetry Contest, 2015.

Foster, Jeanne (English). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: “The Wild Prayer of Longing.” Personal Theology Forum, Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley.

Foster, Jeanne (English). Publications: Goodbye, Silver Sister, book of poetry, Northwestern University Press (2015).

Foster, Jeanne (English). Readings: 1) AWP (Milwaukee) 2) Poetry Flash (Moe’s) 3) UC Davis Reading Series 4) Holy Names University Reading Series 5) Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center Reading Series.

Freund, Peter (Art and Art History). Exhibitions [As Artist]: 1) IRAN|USA, Solo Exhibition, Sazmanab Center for Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran; August 21-27, 2015. 2) The End of an Error, Group Exhibition, Chicago Underground Film Festival, Logan Theatre, Chicago.

Freund, Peter (Art and Art History). Presentations and Papers: IRAN|USA, Presentation, Iranian Studies Program, Stanford University, Palo Alto; March 12, 2015.

Freund, Peter (Art and Art History). Publications: “Acorus Calamus,” Vimeo (2015).

Ganote, Cynthia (Sociology). Publications: Ganote, Cynthia and Patrizia Longo, “Education for Social Transformation: Infusing Feminist Ethics and Critical Pedagogy into Community-Based Research.” Critical Sociology 41(7-8): 1065-1085.

Garrison, Keith (Biology). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: “The Role of Mobile Genetic Elements in the Evolution of Disease Resistance in Wine Grapes,” Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, September 2015 – December 2015.

Gentry-Akin, Father David. Presentations and Papers: 1) Faculty Mentor, Collegium’s annual Colloquy on Faith and the Intellectual Life. Saint John’s

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University, Collegeville, Minnesota. June 18-June 25, 2015. 2) “A Celebration of the Life and Work of Father Thomas Berry: His Contribution to a Creation Theology for An Ecology Age,” paper given at the Annual Convention at the University of Portland in Spring 2015; subsequently submitted and accepted for publication.

Gordon da Cruz, Cynthia (Justice, Community and Leadership). Presentations and Papers: 1) Garces, Liliana M., Cynthia Gordon da Cruz, Ann Ishimaru, Sola Takahashi, Amanda Taylor, and Mara Tieken (April, 2015) “Interest convergence across communities and universities.” American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL. 2) Garces, L. M. and Gordon da Cruz, C. (February, 2015). A re-envisioned interest convergence: Toward a new racial equity framework. Critical Questions in Education Conference. Academy for Educational Studies, San Diego, CA.

Gordon da Cruz, Cynthia (Justice, Community and Leadership). Publications: 1) Gordon da Cruz, C. (2015). Critical democratic citizenship: A definition. In SAGE Education Video Collection. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE 2) Gordon da Cruz, C. (2015). Critical democratic citizenship: Learning outcomes to engage for justice. In O. O. Delano-Oriaran, M. W. Parks & S. Fondrie (Eds.), Service-learning and civic engagement: A sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Graham, Rosemary (English), Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: 1) Simple Lessons in Irish, novel-in-progress, 2015-2016 Saint Mary’s Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014. 2) Finalist, Tucson Festival of Books writing contest for Simple Lessons in Irish 3) Vermont Studio Center for novel-in-progress: Simple Lessons in Irish.

Guarneri, Carl J. (History). Presentations and Papers: “American Utopias and Japanese Socialism.” Big H Conference, UC-Berkeley, February 27, 2015

Guarneri, Carl J. (History). Reviews: Review of Enrico Dal Lago, William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini: Abolition, Democracy, and Radical Reform. In Journal of the Civil War Era 5 (March 2015): 154-56.

Hadani, Michael (Management). Publications: 1) “The CEO as Chief Political Officer: Managerial Discretion and Corporate Political Activity.” Journal of Business and Research 68.11 (November 2015). 2) Hadani, Michael, and Susan Coombes, “Complementary Relationships Between Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Political Activity: An Exploratory Study of Political Marketplace Contingencies.” Business and Society 54.6 (November 2015).

Hamm, Elizabeth A. (Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts). Reviews: “Review of Glenn Van Brummelen, Heavenly Mechanics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry” in Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science, 11, 127 – 130 (review mounted April 29, 2015).

Hammond, Zaretta L. (Teacher Education). Publications: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Corwin A SAGE Company (2015).

Hawley, James (Management), Presentations, Papers, and Talks: Panel session on systemic implications of environmental, social and financial portfolio decisions (investment allocation, engagement processes) of asset owners and managers, co-hosted by the Boston Federal Reserve Bank and the The Investment Integration Project.

Hawley, James (Management). Publications: 1) Co-editor, The Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment; chapter author, “The basics and basis of responsible investment;” chapter co-author, “Reclaiming pension fund fiduciary duty” (reprinted).

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2) Greg Bala, Hendrik, Bartel, Hawley, James P., and Yung-Jae Lee, “Tracking Companies’ Real Time Sustainability Trends: Cognitive Computing’s Identification of Short-Term Materiality Indicators.” Social Science Research Network (February, 2015).

Herkenhoff, Linda (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Publications: 1) Herkenhoff, L., Heydenfeldt, J., Sharma, A., Kingshott, R., Rowley, C., Mohd Shalleh, N., Hosie, P. & Nankervis, A., “Emotional intelligence and organisational effectiveness: Emerging HRM perspectives,” HRM and Organisational Effectiveness in Asia. Elsevier Press. 2) Banbury, C., Herkenhoff, L. and Subrahmanyan, S. (2015), “Understanding different types of subsistence economies: The case of the Batwa of Buhoma, Uganda,” Journal of Macromarketing, June, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 243-256, doi:10.1177/0276146714528954. 3) R. Allen, L. Herkenhoff, P. Hosie, “A Human Ecology Economics Approach to Strategic Management,” International Journal of Business and Social Science.

Herkenhoff, Linda (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Presentations and Papers: “Pedagogy in the Digital Era: Incorporating Virtual Experiences into the Classroom,” co-presented with N. Lam and J. Bachani, Academy of Management Conference in Vancouver, Canada.

Herrera, Dana R. (Anthropology) 2015. Publications: 1) “#OFW: Social Media and Public Discourse Regarding Overseas Filipino Workers” in Discovering Diaspora: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Tine Vekemans and Natasha Miletic (eds.). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 121-128, 2015. 2) “The Philippines: An Overview of the Colonial Era” Education About Asia, 20(1), 14-20, 2015. 3) Van Gilder, Cynthia and Dana R. Herrera, “The Ninth Island: Hawaiians in Las Vegas,” Southwestern Anthropological Association. Conference Proceedings, v7, 22-28, 2015.

Herrera, Dana R. (Anthropology) Presentations and Papers: “The Foundation Generation Project: Supporting Students Who are First in the Family to Attend University,” sponsored by Czech Institute of Academic Education z.s., Budapest, Hungary.

Heung, Jennifer D. (Anthropology) Presentations and Papers: 1) “Strange Body Language: Embodying English, Urban Chinese Identity, and Cultural Capital” American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado, November 17-22, 2015. 2) Discussant. “Producing and (Re)configuring the Asian Diaspora: Identity, Globalization, and Cross-Cultural Narratives. American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado, November 17-22, 2015.

Heung, Jennifer D. (Anthropology). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: “Good Global Citizens: Strategic English, Educational Governance, and Cosmopolitan China,” 2015-2016 Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Hiken, Charles (History). Publications: “Consuetudines et Regulae: Sources for Monastic Life in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.” Renaissance Quarterly 68.4 (Winter 2015).

Hillman, Brenda (English). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To Translate Contemporary Brazilian Woman’s Poetry, 2015-2016 Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Hillman, Brenda (English). Presentations and Papers: 1) Sonoma State University, Panel Discussion on Metaphorical Thinking, Rohnert Park, CA 2) Monfort Interdisciplinary Symposium: Crisis & Creativity, Colorado State University—Ft Collins, CO

Hillman, Brenda (English). Publications: 1) “Radiance of Time During Their Love,” included in Four Poets, Minus A Press, 2015 2) Eight poems from “Metaphor and Simile” in Lana Turner, 2015 3) Co-editor, Particulars of Place, Omnidawn Publishing (2015).

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Hillman, Brenda (English). Readings: 1) Bucknell University Reading at The Stadler Center for Poetry - Lewisburg, PA 2) Bay Area Book Festival - Berkeley, CA 3) Cascadia Poetry Conference – Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, Vancouver 4) Sacramento State University, Reading 5) Harvard University Morris Gray Reading Series Cambridge, MA 6) Concordia University Reading Montreal, Quebec 7) Geography of Hope: Women and Land – Point Reyes Books 8) Reading, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 9) Shanghai Book Festival 10) The Hundy, E. M. Wolfman Books, Oakland, CA.

Hughes, Sheila Hassell (English). Book Chapter Publications: 1) Sheila Hassell Hughes and Carolyn Ridenour. “Talking Out of School: Crossing and Extending Borders with Collaborative Research in Girls Studies, Women’s Studies, and Teacher Education.” In Difficult Dialogues about Twenty-First Century Girls, ed. Alice Ginsberg and Donna Marie Johnson. SUNY Press, 2015. 2)Peggy Orenstein, Lynn Mikel Brown Elaine Lipkin, Bianca Gonzalez, Stephanie Sears, Sheila Hassell Hughes, and Alice Ginsberg. “Standing on Shoulders Strong: A Conversation with First and Second Generation American Girls Studies.” Roundtable publication. Moderated, Donna Marie Johnson. In Difficult Dialogues about Twenty-First Century Girls, ed. Alice Ginsberg and Donna Marie Johnson. SUNY Press, 2015.

Hughes, Sheila Hassell (English). Reviews “There Is More to Be Told: Sexual and Tribal Dispossession and Survivance in Louise Erdrich’s Fiction,” National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (November 2015).

Imamura, Makiko (Communication). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To continue a longitudinal project studying communication between East Asian international students and the Americans they interact with most frequently. 2015-2016 Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Jabbour, Rebecca S. (Biology). Publications: 1) “Impacts of the Number and types of Teeth Employed in Assessing Development Ages from Skeletal Samples,” by Becker, Dana E., Castellon-Hinkle, Natasha A., Cirillo, Laura E, Burke, Elaine M., Ding, Julie, Jabbour, Rebecca S., and Gary D. Richards, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156 (March 2015). 2) Pearman, Tesa L., Jabbour, Rebecca S., “Testing Functional Hypotheses about Variation in African Ape Scapulae using 3D Geometric Morphometrics.” American Journal of Business 156 (March 2015).

Kale, Jivendra (Finance). Publications: Jivendra K. Kale and Arnav Sheth, “Power-Log Optimization and Positively Skewed Option Returns Reduce Risk and Raise Portfolio Performance,” Journal of Investing.

King, Jeannine (English). Presentations and Papers: “Dangerous Narrative: Apocalypse in African-American Literature.” PAMLA (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association), Portland, Oregon. November 2015.

King, Jeannine (English). Publications: “I’m Not Here: Existential Acts in Nineteenth-Century African American Women’s Narrative” in Existentialist Thought in African American Literature before 1940. Editor: Melvin Hill. Lexington Books, December 2015.

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Klein, Adria (Teacher Education). Presentations and Papers: 1) “The Analysis and Use of Running Records with English Learners.” Literacy Research Association (December 2015, Carlsbad, CA). 2) “‘California Dreaming’—The Issues, the Problems, the Politics, and the Policies: An Annual Symposium of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.” Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (November 2015, Costa Mesa, CA). 3 “Oral language, reading and writing: Connections for English Language Learners.” Northeast Regional Reading Recovery Conference (November 2015, Providence, Rhode Island). 4) “Oral Language Development: From Theory to Teaching Practices in Reading Recovery Lessons.” Texas Woman's University Regional Reading Recovery Conference (November 2015, Dallas). 5) “Focusing on Shorter Tests for Strategic Processing at Higher Book Levels.” California Reading Association (October 2015, Riverside, CA).

Klein, Emily (English). Presentations and Papers: 1) “Fantasy Feminisms II: Remembering and Reimagining Feminist Pedagogies,” Roundtable panelist. Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, Quebec. July 2015. 2) “Bad Translations: Adaptation, Affect, and Apathy in Post-Political Dystopias” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Montreal, Quebec. July 2015. 3) “In Dialogue with Brecht: a pre-show conversation” Roundtable panelist at Good Person of Setzuan opening reception. Saint Mary’s College, CA. April 2015 4) “Imagining Lysistrata 2.0” Invited talk for UCLA Friends of English Salon Series. Los Angeles, CA, January 2015.

Krafcik, Drew (Counseling). Publications: 1) (2015). “Words from the wise: Exploring the lives, qualities, and opinions of wisdom exemplars.” Integral Review Journal, 11(2), 7-35. 2) “Shadow in clinical/counseling practice.” In K. Goodrich, & M. Luke, (Eds.), Group work experts share their favorite supervisionactivities. Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work Activity Series.

Lam, Nancy (Management). Presentations and Papers: “Pedagogy in the Digital Era: Incorporating Virtual Experiences into the Classroom,” co-presented with L. Herkenhoff and J. Bachani, Academy of Management Conference in Vancouver, Canada.

Lam, Nancy (Management). Publications: 1) ”Typology of employee-oriented voice: An exploration of voice content,” Journal of Management Policies and Practices (vol. 3, no. 2). 2) “Pitching employee suggestions and ideas: Managerial voice propagation up the hierarchy,” Journal of Business and Policy Research.

Lee, Clifford (Teacher Education). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To investigate how urban youth develop critical computational thinking practices while creating news stories with interactive elements. 2015-2016 Saint Mary’s College Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Lee, Clifford (Teacher Education). Presentations and Papers. 1) Lee, C. (2015). Social Justice 2.0: Nurturing Critical Digital Natives. Social Justice and Education conference, San Diego, CA. Invited Presentation. March 2015. 2) Lee, C. & E. Soep (2015). Critical Computational Literacy: Coalescing Storytelling, Design, and App Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. April 2015. 3) Lee, C., A. Richardson, & D. Jackson (2015). Programming + Journalism = Youth Radio's Innovation Lab. Digital Media and Learning conference, Los Angeles, CA. June 2015.

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4) Lee, C. (2015) From Snapchat to Social Action: What is the role of the critical educator? Invited keynote address at the annual meeting of the National Writing Project, Minneapolis, MN. November 2015. 5) Orellana, Marjorie F., Danny C. Martinez, Ramon A. Martinez, Elizabeth Montano, and Clifford Lee, “Leveraging Linguistic Repertoires: Language Brokering in School” Presented with Presidential Session, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. April 2015.

Lee, Clifford (Teacher Education). Publications. Lee, C. H. (2015, Jan. 29) “Nurturing Conscious Digital Natives.” [Blog post at The Huffington Post]. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/youth-radio-youth-media-international/nurturing-conscious-digit_b_6527954.html

Lee, Yung-Jae (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Tina Zhang and Yung-Jae Lee. “To identify factors that affect the social and financial success of microfinance institutions in the Philippines.” Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Lee, Yung-Jae (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Publications: Greg Bala, Hendrik, Bartel, James P. Hawley, and Lee, Yung-Jae, “Tracking Companies’ Real Time Sustainability Trends: Cognitive Computing’s Identification of Short-Term Materiality Indicators.” Social Science Research Network (February2015).

Lenart-Cheng, Helga (Modern Languages). Presentations: 1) “Developing Language Skills and Cultural Awareness through STEM Content.” ACTFL, San Diego. November 2015. 2) “The Conflicted Commitments of Archbishop Endre Hamvas Following the Communist Takeover in Hungary.” Hungarian American Educator’s Association, Cluj, Romania. July 2015.

Lenart-Cheng, Helga (Modern Languages). Publications: Review of Alexander Lenard: Stories of Rome, Hungarian Cultural Studies 8 (2015).

León, Raina (Teacher Education). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: 1) To implement new teaching technologies at Daraja Academy, a girls’ secondary school in Kenya, and study the effect. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014. 2) CantoMundo, Austin, TX, 2015

León, Raina (Teacher Education). Publications: 1) “Two pounds, night sky notes,” Bronze Chimes anthology (2015). 2) “Calypso and the DJ" and “Tango Criollo,” Black Gold: An Anthology of Black Poets, Turner Mayfield Publishing (2015) 3) “When your mother is a god” and “vessel strut,” Torch, poetry, prose, and short stories by African American women, Torch (2015) 4) Mini-essay on fear, Kenyon Review, Kenyon Review (2015). 5) “Genocide Bop,” “Everyw(here),” Issuu, 2015. 6) “Quotilla: Closing the Bar,” “Archangel,” and “Villanelle to Blink Plastique,” Monday Night, 2015.

León, Raina (Teacher Education). Poetry Readings: 1) Humboldt State University 2) Bay Area Art and Education Justice reading 3) The Poetry Center at San Francisco State University 4) Flor y Canto reading, Artillery Art Gallery 5) Crosstalk, Color, Composition Conference, (Formerly the Berkeley Poetry Conference)

Leopard, Dan (Communication). Presentations and Papers: Leopard, Dan. “My Mummy Complex: Fusing Trauma and History in the Televisual 1960s.” Association

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for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society annual conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, October 2015.

Leopard, Dan (Communication). Reviews: Scars and Wounds: Film and Trauma in National and International Contexts, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

Levine, Paula (English). Publications: 1) “Undreaming Landscapes,” poetry chapbook, Aldrich Press, 2015.

Lingwood, Mark (Chemistry). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: “Acquisition of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometer for use in research and teaching.” Private foundation grant, October 2015.

Long, Douglas (Biology). Publications: 1) “A new clade of putative plankton-feeding sharks from the Upper Cretaceous of Russia and the United States,” by Shimada K, Popov EV, Siversson M, Welton B, and Douglas Long, in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35(5), 13 pp. (2015); DOI:10.1080/02724634.2015.981335. See story from National Geographic. 2) “Etmopterus benchleyi, new species of the deep-sea lantern shark (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes, Etmopteridae) from the eastern central Pacific,” by V. Vasquez, D.A. Ebert DA., and D. Long in the Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation 17:1-8 (2015). 3) “Redescription of Hydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist, 1922) (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), with a review of Southern African chimaeroids and a key to their identification,” by Walovich KA, Ebert DA, Doug Long, and Didier DA., to appear in the African Journal of Marine Science 37(2):157-165 (2015).

Longo, Patrizia (Politics). Publications: Ganote, Cynthia and Patrizia Longo, “Education for Social Transformation: Infusing Feminist Ethics and Critical Pedagogy into Community-Based Research.” Critical Sociology, Nov. 2015, Vol. 41 (7-8) 1065-1085.

Marchetti, Michael (Biology). Publications: 1) “Freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity,” by Nathaniel P. Hitt, Lisa K. Bonneau, Kunjuraman V. Jayachandran, and Michael P. Marchetti, in Lessons in Conservation 5: pp5-16, January, 2015. 2) “Non-Indigenous Fishes and their Role in Freshwater Fish Imperilment,” by Vander Zanden, M.J., N.W.R. Lapointe, M.P. Marchetti, in Conservation of Freshwater Fishes, Cambridge University Press, Gerard P Closs, Martin Krkosek, and Julian D Olden (Editors), 586 pp., 2015. 3) “Ecomorphological plasticity of juvenile fall-run chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in perennial and ephemeral streams,” by Bowen, H.L. and Marchetti, M.P., in Environmental Biology of Fishes, 99(1), pp.67-78; 2015. 4) “Predicting invasiveness of species in trade: climate match, trophic guild and fecundity influence establishment and impact of non‐native freshwater fishes,” by Howeth, J.G., Gantz, C.A., Angermeier, P.L., Frimpong, E.A., Hoff, M.H., Keller, R.P., Mandrak, N.E., Marchetti, M.P., Olden, J.D., Romagosa, C.M. and Lodge, D.M., in Diversity and Distributions, 22(2), pp.148-160; 2016.

McGraw, Barbara (Management). Presentations and Papers: 1) Chair, annual interfaith leadership and prison chaplaincy management conference, co-sponsored by the American Academy of Religion and Saint Mary’s Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism, November 20-21, 2015. 2) “Religious Liberty in the US: Coming to Terms with Hobby Lobby, RFRA, and RLUIPA,” Religious Studies News, online publication of the American Academy of Religion, 2015.

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McVann, Brother Mark (Theology and Religious Studies). Presentations and Papers: 1) “Thou Shalt and Thou Shalt Not: The Ten Commandments Then and Now (But Mostly Then),” Bible Speaker Series lecture for the intro course in TRS (Soda Center) 2) Presentation on Our Lady of Guadalupe with Prof. Anne Carpenter. Sponsored by the Latino students (Soda Center).

Meneses, Rashaan (Justice, Community and Leadership). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Finalist for Salem College, The Center for Women Writers’ International Literary Awards Reynolds Price Short Fiction Award, 2015.

Meneses, Rashaan (Justice, Community and Leadership). Publications: 1) “The Body Is a Promise” (personal essay), BorderSenses, Volume 21, (Fall 2015). 2) “The Rift” (short fiction), Puerto Del Sol Volume 51, Issue 1, Fall 2015. 3) “All I Have to Show” (poetry) Completely Mixed Up: Mixed Heritage Asian North American Writing and Art Anthology, Rabbit Fool Press, 2015. 4) “Under the Influence” with Patrick Newson, Thaisa Frank, Abbie Amadio, and Joe Stillwater, The Emerald Tablet, San Francisco, February 2015.

Merrill, Gregory B. (Accounting). Articles: Craig S. Galbraith and Merrill, Gregory B., ”Academic performance and burnout: an efficient frontier analysis of resource use efficiency among employed university students.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 39.2 (2015): 255-277.

Metherd, Molly (English). Presentations and Papers: “Mexican Language, Culture and History in the Western Novels of Willa Cather.” Seattle, WA. Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. April 2015.

Montaño, Elizabeth (Teacher Education). Presentations: 1) “Expanding What Counts as Language for Latina/o Youth in an Urban Middle School Setting,” Paper presented with Danny C. Martinez. Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. December 2015. 2) “Leveraging Linguistic Repertories: Language Brokering in School,” Presented with Marjorie F. Orellana, Danny C. Martinez, Ramon A. Martinez, and Clifford H. Lee. Presidential Session, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. April 2015.

Montaño, Elizabeth (Teacher Education). Publications: “Becoming Unionized in a Charter School: Teacher Experiences and the Promise of Choice.” Equity and Excellence in Education (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10665684.2015.991220.

Moskal, Mary Kay (Teacher Education). Presentations and Papers: “Teachers as Learners: Exploring Ways to Support Teacher Writers as they Negotiate Action Research Projects.” International Literacy Association Annual Conference St. Louis July 2015.

Mount, Andrew (Art and Art History). Creative Activity: Paintings Screen prints (Kala Art Institute)

Nguyen, Anh (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Publications: “Continuous Improvement in Vietnam: Unique Approaches for a Unique Culture,” in the Journal of Asian Business Studies.

Novakov, Anna (Art and Art History). Curated Exhibitions: 1) Provisional Haven, Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco, March 2015. 2) The Sky is Moving – The Earth is Humming, Terrain Gallery, Oak Park, Illinois, December 2015. 3) Axis Mundi/ Open Portals, Saint Mary’s College Museum of Art, October – December, 2015.

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Novakov, Anna (Art and Art History). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: 1) Utopian Intensions, book manuscript. Residency: Rockefeller Library, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, September – October, 2015 2) Utopian Intensions, book manuscript. Visiting Scholar: Fleet Library, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, November – December, 2015

Novakov, Anna (Art and Art History). Publications: “Locative Interference: The Dérive, Cybergeography and Contemporary Art,” Magazine Article published in New Art Examiner, Chicago and London, December 2015.

O’Brien, Michael (Management). Publications: “Using Signal Theory to Determine Non-Obviousness of Inventions,” coauthored by Idonah Molina, was selected for publication in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law (University of Georgia).

Otter, Ken (Leadership). Presentations and Papers: 1) “Widening the Lens of Leadership: Enhancing Leadership Literacy in Coaches,” 17th Annual International Leadership Association, Barcelona, Spain, (spring 2015). 2) Paxton, D. & Otter, K. (2015). Engaging Leadership Through Values: Bridging Borders, Generations and Mindsets. Workshop at the 17th Annual International Leadership Association Conference in Barcelona, Spain, October 14 – 17. 3) “Widening the Lens of Leadership: Advancing Leadership Coaching as a Specialty. 8th Annual Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare, Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital. Boston, MA. (2015).

Otter, Ken (Leadership). Publications: Otter, Ken and Pauline Fatien. “Wearing Multiple Hats? Challenges for Managers-as-Coaches and Their Organizations. ” International Leadership Journal, Fall 2015.

Pagliarini, Marie (Theology and Religious Studies). Publications: “Spiritual Tattooing: Pain, Materialization, and Transformation,” in Journal of Religion and Violence, Vol 3, Issue 2, 2015.

Palmer, Norris (Theology and Religious Studies). Publications: “Inverting the Object of Study: Recalibrating the Frame of Reference in Study Abroad Experiences.” 2015. Teaching Theology & Religion 18, no. 1: 63-72.

Pan, Wenting (Operations and Quantitative Methods). Publications: Pan, Wenting and Candice H. Huynh, “Operational Strategies for Supplier and Retailer with Risk Preference Under VMI Contract,” International Journal of Production Economics 2015.

Paxton, Doug (Leadership). Presentations and Papers: 1) “European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness* (2015). White on White: Communicating about race and white privilege, using critical humility: Experiential workshop. Pre-conference Institute, The 16th Annual White Privilege Conference (WPC16). Louisville, KY, March 11 – 14. 2) Paxton, D. & Otter, K. (2015). “Engaging Leadership Through Values: Bridging Borders, Generations and Mindsets.” Workshop at the 17th Annual International Leadership Association Conference in Barcelona, Spain, October 14 – 17.

Paxton, Doug (Leadership). Publications: 1) Paxton, D. & Van Stralen, S. (2015). “Developing Collaborative and Innovative Leadership: Practices for Fostering a New Mindset.” In Journal of Leadership Education, Volume 14, Issue 4. 2) Paxton, D. (2015). “Small steps taken together help us with tough topics like race.” San Francisco Chronicle, July 17, 2015.

Perez, Kathy (Leadership). Collaborative Partnerships: LIFT UP! Literacy Innovations For Teachers – Urban Partnership

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Perez, Kathy (Leadership). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) Transforming School Cultures through Teacher Leadership in Literacy. January 5-7, 2015. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2) “The Brain Science of Teaching: Using Mind-Body Connections to Optimize Learning.” February 12 – 14, 2015. Learning and the Brain Conference, San Francisco, CA 3) Keynote Speech: “Co-Teaching: Inclusive Classrooms to Meet Diverse Needs.” February 19 – 21, 2015. Council for Exceptional Children – Canada, Manitoba, Canada. 4) Keynote Speech: “Classroom Cures, Instructional Adaptations for Student Success.” March 9 – 12, 2015. Academic Support: Collaboration for Success Conference. Doha, Qatar. 5) Keynote and multiple workshops focusing in on brain-based teaching over two days for regional teachers. April 20 – 22, 2015. Education Institute for Teachers. Grenfel, New South Wales, Australia. 6) “Revitalize Critical and Inventive Thinking for Student Engagement Using Thinking Routines.” June 1 – 5, 2015. Ministry of Education – Singapore Principals Academy, Singapore. 7) “Dynamic Differentiation—One Size Does Not Fit All” and “Learning is not a Spectator Sport—Equip your students with a burning desire to learn!” August 17 – 19, 2015. University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. 8) “Co-Teaching: Inclusive Classtooms to Meet Diverse Needs.” March 4-5, 2015. National Association of Bilinguial Educators, Las Vegas, NV. 9) “Strategies for Teaching Academic Reading for Struggling Students.” December 7-9, 2015. Learning Forward National Conference. Washington DC. 10) “Co-Teaching Strategies to Support English Learners.” December 14-15, Bureau of Education and Research Minneapolis, MN Alexandria, VA. 11) “Dynamic Differentation: One Size Does Not Fit All.” Charter Schools State Leadership Conference. November 15-16, 2015, Burlingame, CA.

Pesavento Jim (Biology). Publications: “Cdc45 (cell division cycle protein 45) guards the gate of the Eukaryote Replisome helicase stabilizing leading strand engagement,” by Tatjana Petojevic, James Pesavento, Alessandro Costa, Jingdan Liang, Zhijun Wang, James M. Berger and Michael R. Botchan, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112 no. 3, pp249-258 (2015).

Peterson, Joan (Teacher Education). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) Remnants of Anti-Judaism and the Internet. Peterson, Joan. Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Philadelphia (March 2015) 2) Moderator: Response of the Professions: Medicine and Education. Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Philadelphia (March 2015)

Pihas, Gabriel (Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) Invited Lecture: “Borromini’s Restlessness and the Classical Tradition,” St. John’s College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 13, 2015; 2) Conference Paper: “Hegel’s Dante,” Association of Core Texts and Courses, Plymouth, Massachusetts , April 10, 2015.

Pihas, Gabriel (Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts). Publications: “Dante’s Beatrice: Between Idolatry and Iconoclasm,”St. John’s Review (Fall 2015).

Pitre, Terrence (Accounting). Publications: Terrence Pitre and Ronald Diagle, “The Impact of Order Effects on Nonprofessional Investors’ Belief Revision When Presented a Long Series of Sequential Disclosures in an Experimental Marketing Setting,” Accounting Horizons 29.2 (June 2015).

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Plehn-Dujowich, Jose (Accounting). Publications: 1) “Incentive Contracting with Independent Underwriters: Does it Benefit Insurers” (with Siwei Gao) in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance. 2) “Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Problems with Respect to Occupational Choice” (with Richard S. Brown) in the Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. 3) “Demand Uncertainty and Cost Behavior” (with Dmitri Byzalov and Rajiv D. Banker), The Accounting Review. Paper received 2015 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award.

Proehl, Rebecca (Leadership). Presentations and Papers: Can “Grit” Explain Urban Students’ Success? Action Research Network in the Americas Conference, May 8 - 9, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

Proehl, Rebecca (Leadership). Publications: Proehl, R., Everett, S. & Starnes, H. (2015). Catalyst Schools: Public Charter Schools and the Catholic Ethos, Journal of Catholic Education, 18 (2).

Quijada David (Ethnic Studies). Publications: 1) Cahill, C., Alvarez Gutiérrez, L. & Quijada Cerecer, D. A., (2015). A dialectic of dreams and dispossession: the school-to-sweatshop pipeline. Cultural Geographies, 1-17, doi: 10.1177/1474474015597431 2) Cahill, C., Quijada Cerecer, D. A, & Alvarez Gutiérrez, L. (2015). Theorizing in the Belly of the Beast: Resisting the School-to Sweatshop Pipeline. In M. Abendroth & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), Understanding Neoliberal Rule in K-12 Schools: Educational Fronts for Local and Global Justice Volume I, (pp. 285-300). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age.

Randall Rains, Elizebeth (Performing Arts). Performances: 1) Feb 2015 Glossolalia; choreographer Tyler Eash; tour to New York City to perform at Judson Church, the iconic post-modern dance venue. 2) May 2015 Strangers Become Flowers; Paufve Dance, choreographer Randee Paufve; Western Sky Studio, Berkeley; Work-in-progress performance of an evening-length piece to premiere February 2016.

Ray, Chris (Physics and Astronomy). Publications: 1) “SAR Altimeter Backscattered Waveform Model,” by Ray, C.; Martin-Puig, C.; Clarizia, M.P.; Ruffini, G.; Dinardo, S.; Gommenginger, C.; Benveniste, J., in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.53, no.2, pp.911-919, Feb. 2015. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2014.2330423 2) “Amplitude and Dilation Compensation of the SAR Altimeter Backscattered Power,” by Ray, C.; Roca, M.; Martin-Puig, C.; Escola, R.; Garcia, A, in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.12, no.12, pp.2473-2476, Dec. 2015. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2015.2485119

Rokeach, Martin (Performing Arts). New Compositions: 1) Completion of New Work: Concerto for Piccolo and Orchestra; World Premiere; Oakland Symphony; Michael Morgan Music Director; March 18 2016. 2) Songs for mezzo-soprano and guitar Jessica Bowers, mezzo-soprano; Oren Fader, guitar (Manhattan School of Music faculty); commission: October 2015; anticipated New York premiere: winter 2017.

Rokeach, Martin (Performing Arts). Performances: 1) Delicate Fear for horn and piano; Graduate Recital, University of Melbourne; Susan de Weger, horn; Melbourne, Australia; March 2015 2) Fast Lane for violin and trumpet; Graduate Recital, Instituto Nacional de Costa Rica; Daniele Aguilar, violin; Jose Morales, trumpet; San Jose, Costa Rica; August 2015 3) Nocturne for piccolo and piano; New York duo Suzanne Gilchrest, piccolo (NYU faculty), Charles Jones, piano; Performance at Summerkeys Music Camp; Lubec, Maine; August 2015.

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Rokeach, Martin (Performing Arts). Recordings: CD Release, Naxos Records: Going Up? for flute, viola, cello; New York Ensemble: Eight Strings and a Whistle; October 2015.

Santiago, Myrna (History). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To conduct oral interviews in Nicaragua for an account of that country’s devastating 1972 earthquake. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Santiago, Myrna (History). Publications: 1) “Mexico’s Energy Reform: National Coffers, Local Consequences” ReVista the Harvard Review of Latin America, Summer 2015: 16-19 2) “Railroad Radicals in Cold War Mexico: Gender, Class, and Memory.” American Historical Review 120.2 (2015). 3) “Black Lives Matter=All Lives Matter,” “The Paradox of “Black Lives Matter,” Cummins Institute (2015).

Santiago, Myrna (History). Reviews: Review of Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America by Anthony Bebbington and Jeffrey Bury, Hispanic American Historical Review 95:3 (August 2015): 549-551

Santiago, Myrna (History). Presentations and Papers: “La reforma energética en México y la ecología del petróleo: lecciones desde la historia.” Seminar on the Effects and Territorial Dynamics of Oil in Mexico, Instituto José María Luis Mora, Mexico City, June 25, 2015.

Schönfeldt-Aultman, Scott (Communication). Journal Articles: 1) Schönfeldt-Aultman, S.M. (2015). “Whiteness Attacked, Whiteness Defended: White South African Rhetorics of Race” in JULUKA Newsletter. Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, 11(1). 2) Schönfeldt-Aultman, S.M. & Morrison, C.A. (2015). A Dance Class, A Drag King, and the Pedagogical Possibilities of Performative Hip-Hop: An Interview with Carmen Morrison & Alex U. Inn. Multicultural Education, 22(2): pp. 16-21.

Schuh-Huerta, Sonya M. (Biology). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To develop a hands-on student research program at SMC for studying key genes and environmental factors related to embryonic development and fertility. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Sheth, Arnav (Finance). Publications: 1) “Downside Loss Aversion and Portfolio Growth,” in the Journal of Finance and Bank Management. 2) Jivendra K. Kale and Arnav Sheth, “Power-Log Optimization and Positively Skewed Option Returns Reduce Risk and Raise Portfolio Performance,” Journal of Investing.

Sigman, Jeffrey (Chemistry). Publication: “Structural Determinants in Hinge-Bend Motions of Neurolysin,” by Brianna Bibel and Jeffrey Sigman, FASEB Journal 29 (April 2015).

Smith, Jim G. (Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts). Publications: Smith, Jim G., and Suzuki, Sawako, “Embedded Blended Learning within an Algebra Classroom: A Multimedia Capture Experiment.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31.2 (April 2015).

Soine, Aeleah (History). Publications: “London Hospital.” Nursing History Review 23 (2015).

Songster, Elena (History): Presentations and Papers: Award for “Best Poster”: Elena Songster and Michael Lewis, Title: “Saving the Snow Leopard with Science and Spirituality,” ASEH Annual Conference, March 18-22, 2015, Washington DC.

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Sosa, Gloria Aquino (Counseling). Presentations and Papers: 1) Pascua Dea, T. J. & Sosa, G. A. (2015). Strengths based institutional change: Inclusive excellence as social justice advocacy to impact student success. Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture, Diversity Challenge. Boston College, October, 2015. 2) Sosa, G. A. & Pascua Dea, T. J. (2015). Strengths Based Institutional Change: Inclusive Excellence in Action to Positively Impact Student Success. Presentation at the 28th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), Washington, DC. 3) Watkins, C. A., Sosa, G. A., Pascua Dea, T. J. (2015). Training Students to Become Peer Facilitators for Intergroup Dialogue: Design, Implementation, and Institutional Support. Presentation at the 28th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), Washington, DC. Presented with 6 HP students and 2 graduate students. 4) Sosa, G. A. & Pascua Dea, T. J. (2015). Strengths Based Institutional Change: Inclusive Excellence in Action to Positively Impact Student Success. Presentation at the AAC&U’s Network for Academic Renewal conference Diversity, Learning, and Student Success: Assessing and Advancing Inclusive Excellence, San Diego, CA. 5) Sosa, G. A. (2015). High Potential Sphere of Success: Changing the Narrative to Positively Impact Student Achievement. Invited presentation at the AAC&U Centennial Forum. Los Angeles, CA. 6) Sosa, G. A. (2015). Supporting First Generation Students: A Conversation. Presentation at the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Academic (WASC) Academic Resources Conference, Higher Ed’s Imperative. 7) Sosa, G. A. & Jones, J. W. (2015). Presented approved preamble document and strategic planning update at the CSJ Town Hall Meeting at the American Counseling Association national conference.

Sosa, Gloria Aquino (Counseling). Publications: Jones, J. W., Sosa, G. A., Jackson, J., Vides, R., Goodman, R., Patrick, S., Thompson, C., Alexander, Q. (2015). Counselors for Social Justice Strategic Plan, 2015-2020.

Sosa, Gloria Aquino, (Counseling). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Sosa, G. A. and Pascua Dea, T. J. (2015). Federal SSS TRIO Grant Saint Mary’s College of California, High Potential Sphere of Success Program. Submitted February 1, 2015. Requested: $1.1 million. Funded September, 2015. Yearly Peer Review.

Souza, Lawrence (Finance). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: Panel addressing the future of California’s real estate market, California Association of Realtors EXPO Conference on October 7, 2015.

Spencer, Tamara (Teacher Education). Presentations and Papers: 1) Spencer, T. & Falchi, L.(2015). Challenging the Discourses of Readiness and Accountability in Early Childhood Literacy Education. (Refereed) symposium session to present at the 23rd Conference on Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Research, Dublin, Ireland. 2) Spencer, T., Martin, A.D. & Lee, E. (2015). Complicating what counts as a text for young children: Teaching multicultural literature in teacher education courses. (Refereed) scholarly paper presented for the annual meeting of the 2015 American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Spencer, Tamara (Teacher Education). Publications: Spencer, T. (2015). “Preparing teachers as literacy leaders in a hybrid classroom.” Bank Street Occasional Paper Series, (34).

Subrahmanyan Saroja (Marketing). Presentations and Papers: “Analysis of Market Based Strategies for Alleviating Poverty,” Prosperity, Poverty and Purpose of Business Conference, 9th International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education, Manila Philippines, February 26-28, 2015.

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Subrahmanyan Saroja (Marketing). Publications: 1) “Ethical consumption: Uncovering personal meanings and negotiation strategies, Geoforum, Vol 67, December 2015, pp. 214-222. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.07.001 2) Banbury, C, Herkenhoff, L and Subrahmanyan, S (2015), “Understanding different types of subsistence economies: The case of the Batwa of Buhoma, Uganda,” Journal of Macromarketing, June, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 243-256, doi:10.1177/0276146714528954.

Suzuki, Sawako (Leadership). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To refine an assessment tool that measures parenting self-confidence in diverse populations. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Suzuki, Sawako (Leadership). Publications: Smith, Jim G., and Suzuki, Sawako, “Embedded Blended Learning within an Algebra Classroom: A Multimedia Capture Experiment.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31.2 (April 2015).

Sweeney, Meghan A. (English). Presentations and Papers: “The Everywhere and Nowhere Skill: Sustaining the Assessment of Analytical Reading as Critical Thinking across the Curriculum,” Writing Program Administrators Conference, Boise, ID. July 2015.

Sweeney, Meghan A. (English). Publications: Sweeney, Meghan A. and Maureen McBride. “Difficulty Paper (Dis)Connections: Understanding the Threads Students Weave Between Their Reading and Writing.” College Composition and Communication. June 2015.

Taylor, Kathleen (Leadership). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) Taylor, K. and Marienau, C. (Pre-conference workshop), “Exploring Experiential Learning and the Adult Brain: Embodied and Analogical Approaches.” CAEL, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2015. 2) (Keynote) “Changing the Adult Brain: A Critical Pathway.” Alternative Dispute Resolution of Northern California Conference, March 2015.

Taylor, Kathleen (Leadership). Publications: Taylor, K. & Marienau, C., Essay on Drago-Severson’s Books, Journal of Transformative Education (October 2015).

Tenorio, Lysley (English). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: 1) 2015 Rome Prize Literature Fellowship from The American Academy of Arts and Letters 2) Winter residency, Yaddo

Tenorio, Lysley (English). Performances: 1) Staged adaptations of “Monstress” and “Save the I-Hotel” at The American Conservatory Theater 2) Workshop of “The Brothers” at The American Conservatory Theater 3) Workshop of “Felix Starro,” musical adaptation, Ma Yi Theater, NYC

Thomas, Suzy (Counseling). Presentations and Papers: 1) (2015) “Action research within a counseling department: A self-study of teaching methods and mentoring needs.” Paper presented at the conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA), Toronto, Canada. 2) Touset, V., & Thomas, Suzy (2015) Someone like me: Mentors, allies, role models for LGBTQ youth. Presentation at the CASC/H.B. McDaniel Northern California School Counselor Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

Thomas, Suzy (Counseling). Publications: “Reflections on Being a Lasallian Educator,” Educational Perspectives (2015).

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Tywoniak, Ed (Communication). Presentations, Papers, and Talks: 1) “Opportunities between Media Ecology and General Semantics.” 101st Convention of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV, November 2015. Panel Participants: Corey Anton, Grand Valley State University; Thom Gencarelli, Manhattan College; Martin H. Levinson, President-Institute of General Semantics; Lance Strate, Fordham University. 2) “Towards a Contemporary Media Ecology Curriculum: Communication Theory.”16th Annual Media Ecology Association Convention, Denver, CO, June 2015. Preparing manuscript for submission to Explorations in Media Ecology. 3) Keynote Speaker, Executive Director Transition Ceremony School of Applied Theology, Berkeley Graduate Theological Union, Berkley, CA, May 2015. 4) Seminar Leader, Athenian Dialogue Society, Monterey, CA, November 2015; Reading: Lord of the Flies (William Golding). 5) Seminar Leader, Athenian Dialogue Society, Half Moon Bay, CA, May 2015; Reading: The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)

Tywoniak, Ed (Communication). Publications: Editor, ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 2015.

Tywoniak, Ed (Communication). Reviews: Roger Waters and Pink Floyd: The Concept Albums (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Communication Studies, January 2015)

Van Gilder, Cynthia (Anthropology). Publications: Van Gilder, Cynthia and Dana R. Herrera, “The Ninth Island: Hawaiians in Las Vegas,” Southwestern Anthropological Association. Conference Proceedings, v7, 22-28, 2015.

Veomett, Ellen (Mathematics and Computer Science). Publications: “On Coloring Box Graphs,” by E. Hogan, J. O’Rourke, C. Traub, and E. Veomett, in Discrete Mathematics, Vol 338, Issue 2 (2015), p 209-216.

Vu, Hoang (Psychology). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: To purchase an eye-tracker necessary for research on eye movements during reading. Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Weissman, Susan (Politics). Publications: Mark “Etienne” Zborowski: Portrait of Deception, Part Two, published by Critique (Part One was published previously).

Welch, Marguerite (Leadership). Presentations and Papers: Marguerite Welch and Kristen Del Simone and Ty Tynan, “Virtual Communities of Practice for Sustained Collaborative Learning,” International Leadership Association Conference in Barcelona, Spain in October, 2015.

White, Judith (Management). Publications: 1) “Virtual Classroom: Help or Hinderance for the La Pura Vida”’ in International Association of Business and Society. 2) “A Model of Moral Courage: A Study of Leadership for Human Rights and Democracy in Myanmar.” Journal of Civil Society 11.1 (2015): 1-18.

White, Judith (Management). Papers: “Introduction.” Journal of Management Inquiry 24.1 (January 2015).

Williams, Andrew (Management). Publications: Co-editor, The Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment; chapter author, “The basics and basis of responsible investment;” chapter co-author, “Reclaiming pension fund fiduciary duty” (reprinted).

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Williams, Claire (Kinesiology). Presentations and Papers: 1) Pierpoint, L.A., Williams, C.M., Fields, S.K., & Comstock, R.D. (2015). “Injuries in US Track & Field High School Student-Athletes, 2008/09-2013/14” at the Society for Epidemiological Research Annual Conference. Denver, CO. 2) Williams, C. (2015). “To a Greater Goal/Vers le Grand But: Women’s Soccer in 2015” at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport annual conference. Santa Fe, NM.

Williams, Claire (Kinesiology). Publications: Williams, C. & Fields, S. (2015). “Between the Lines: Women’s Sports and the Press in Washington, DC.” In DC Sports: The Nation’s Capital at Play, D.K. Wiggins & C. Elzey (Eds.). Fayetteville, AR: The University of Arkansas Press. Book Chapter.

Witzig, Denise (Women’s and Gender Studies). Presentations and Papers: “Danger Zones: Trigger Warnings and the Precarity of Speech in the Feminist Classroom.” Roundtable Discussion. (Organizer and moderator.) National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Milwaukee, WI. November, 2015.

Witzig, Denise (Women’s and Gender Studies). Publications: “Masculinity and Its Discontents: Myth, Memory and the Future on Mad Men.” Mad Men and Politics: Nostalgia and the (Re)Making of Modern America, ed. Lilly Goren and Linda Beail. Bloomsbury Press, 2015. 175-205.

Woolpert, Steve (Politics). Publications: “Commentary on ‘The Church of Economism and Its Discontents,’” in The Great Transition Network Bulletin, December 2015.

Worthy, Kenneth (Environmental Science and Studies). Publications: “The Green Mind: Finding the Human Place in Nature.” Psychology Today, 2015.

Xu, Ben (English). Publications: 1) Decadence and Silence: A Perspective on Cynicism, Beijing: The Orient Press, 2015. 2) Reading Classic Books: Liberal Education in America, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015.

Zapruder, Matthew (English). Publications: 1) “Thinking Through the Poems,” in AWP Writers Notebook, March 2015. 2) Why Poetry, ECCO, 2015.8) “Everyday Creativity,” in AWP Writers Notebook, March, 2015. 3) “Summer Poem #2” and “Summer Poem #3,” Ploughshares, Spring 2015. 4) “Poem for Ann Hood,” in Zyzzyva, Spring 2015 5) “Birds of Texas,” Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, April 2015 6) “Everday Failure,” in AWP Writers Notebook, April 2015. 7) “Poem for Doom,” Tin House, Summer 2015 8) “Into the Alpine Meadow I Send a Few Silent Dawn Apologies,” “Poem for Keats,” “Poem for Coleridge,” “Poem for Tomaz Salamun,’ “Poem for a Sleepless Friend,” American Poetry Review, September 2015 9) “Poem for Noguchi,” in Blau (literary supplement for Die Welt), September 2015 10) “My Childhood,” in Poem-a-Day: 365 Poems for Every Occasion, Abrams Image, Fall 2015. 11) CD Release, Vespers for a New Dark Age, Missy Mazzoli, Zapruder, Matthew, Stephen Cran, Glen Kotche, and Lorna Dune, New Amsterdamn Records, 2015.

Zapruder, Matthew (English). Reviews: 1) “Best Book of 2015: Softcover by Monica Fambrough,” in The Partisan, December 2015 2) “Review of The History of Silence,” The Believer, Fall 2015

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Zapruder, Matthew (English). Readings: 1) “Ordinaire,” Saint Mary’s College of California Film and Media Arts, 2015. 2) Poetry Center, Sacramento, CA, 2015. 3) Tuesday, A Reading Project, 2015.

Zeccardi, Joe (Collegiate Seminar). Presentations: 1) “Charting Our Evolution: rom Directing the Writing Center to Leading the Campus,” Presentation with Tereza Kramer. International Writing Centers Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 2015. 2) “What’s in a Name? Negotiation Contradiction and Navigating My First Year as the“Writing Specialist,” Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. July 2015. 3) “If You Want to Lead the People, You Must Learn How to Follow Them: Collaborative Leadership and Empowerment in the Writing Center,” Presentation with Tereza Kramer. Northern California Writing Centers Association Conference, California State University, Fresno, California. March 2015.

Zhang, Xiaotian Tina (Finance). Publications: Yin, Yingkai, Zhang, Yahua, Zhang, Xiaotian Tina, Hu, Fang, “Does Foreign Bank Entry Make Chinese Banks Stronger?” Global Economic Review 44.3 (July 3, 2015).

Zhang, Tina (Finance). Grants, Awards, and Fellowships: Tina Zhang and Yung-Jae Lee. “To identify factors that affect the social and financial success of microfinance institutions in the Philippines.” Saint Mary’s College 2015-2016 Faculty Research Grant, awarded December 2014.

Zibello, Deanna (Performing Arts). Performances: Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them. By A. Rey Pamatmat. Dir. Desdemona Chiang. Scenic Design by Deanna L. Zibello. Crowded Fire Theatre, San Francisco. 26 Feb-21 Mar, 2015.

Please note: Saint Mary's College values the scholarly accomplishments of its lecturers. In future years, we hope to list citations from all contingent faculty.