FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2 Thomas Gräupl, Nils Mäurer [email protected],[email protected] Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen, München, Germany Corinna Schmitt [email protected] Research Institute CODE, Bundeswehr University Munich Neubiberg, Germany ABSTRACT Civil air traffic is currently growing by about 2.7% per year and, thus, is expected to double in the next 26 years. To cope with this growth the current communication, navigation and surveillance infrastructure for civil aviation is undergoing the transformation from analogue to digital systems. To fulfill the requirements of digital ATM communication we need large-scale simulations to simulate future aeronautical communication systems scaled to the increased amount of participants. This paper presents FACTS2 – the Framework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2 – enabling the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to use simple software building blocks called "simulation services" to create complex simulations for this purpose. Via FACTS2 we can simulate and evaluate arbitrary air-to-ground or air-to-air wireless point-to-point or broadcast data links between arbitrary entities such as ground-stations, aircraft, or drones in a mobile environment. CCS CONCEPTS Computing methodologies Modeling and simulation; Modeling and simulation; Software and its engineering Software creation and management . KEYWORDS Framework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simu- lations 2 (FACTS2), large scale systems, Air Traffic Management (ATM), aeronautical traffic data simulations ACM Reference Format: Thomas Gräupl, Nils Mäurer and Corinna Schmitt. 2019. FACTS2: Frame- work for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2. In MSWiM ’19: The 22nd ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simula- tion of Wireless and Mobile Systems, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456 Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. MSWiM ’19, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9999-9/18/06. . . $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456 1 INTRODUCTION At the heart of the modern air transportation system lies the air- ground communication infrastructure enabling air traffic controllers to ascertain efficient aircraft guidance and safe aircraft separation in all phases of flight [3]. As it is suffering from increasing satura- tion in high density areas, air navigation service providers strive for the sustainable modernization of the aeronautical communica- tion infrastructure. Air traffic management (ATM) communication shall transition from analog voice communication to more efficient digital data communication supported by automated decisions of computer systems. This digitization of the air-ground communica- tions infrastructure has to be evaluated carefully to ascertain its safety, security, sustainability and efficiency. Since avionics devel- opment and flight trials are expensive, aeronautical communication systems are evaluated in large-scale computer simulations first. Various tools have been used to evaluate improved aeronautical communications systems. Khanna et al. [7] created the FASTE-CNS traffic analysis and capacity planning tool for communications. The L-band Digital Aeronautical Communication System (LDACS) was evaluated by Ayaz et al. [1] using OMNeT++ as described by Hoffmann et al. [5] in the first version of FACTS. It is a common feature of these simulators that they are, barring basic model-view- controller separation, monolithic tools. Monolithic tools are inher- ently complex and difficult to maintain. In addition, monolithic simulators make it hard to generate and store intermediate results for later re-use and analysis. In order to support agile development of new aeronautical com- munications systems the German Aerospace Center (DLR) strived to overcome the limitations of monolithic simulation tools and cre- ated the Framework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2 (FACTS2). FACTS2 is a simulation framework based on modern, service-oriented software architecture: Simulation services organized in a parallelized toolchain of loosely coupled software services split by the separation of concerns. This paper describes the software architecture and underlying design principles of FACTS2 in Section 2. The envisioned content of the demonstration is briefly described in Section 3 before concluding the paper in Section 4. 2 ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The architecture of FACTS2 is based on the application of the UNIX design philosophy of separation of concerns and the combination of simple services to solve complex tasks. Particular simulations are implemented as toolchains of simulation services implementing partial simulations of the overall problem. In this paper we follow

FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications and ... · for the sustainable modernization of the aeronautical communica-tion infrastructure. Air traffic management (ATM) communication

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Page 1: FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications and ... · for the sustainable modernization of the aeronautical communica-tion infrastructure. Air traffic management (ATM) communication

FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications andTraffic Simulations 2

Thomas Gräupl, Nils Mä[email protected],[email protected]

Institute of Communications and Navigation, GermanAerospace Center (DLR)

Oberpfaffenhofen, München, Germany

Corinna [email protected]

Research Institute CODE, Bundeswehr University MunichNeubiberg, Germany

ABSTRACTCivil air traffic is currently growing by about 2.7% per year and,thus, is expected to double in the next 26 years. To cope with thisgrowth the current communication, navigation and surveillanceinfrastructure for civil aviation is undergoing the transformationfrom analogue to digital systems. To fulfill the requirements ofdigital ATM communication we need large-scale simulations tosimulate future aeronautical communication systems scaled to theincreased amount of participants. This paper presents FACTS2– the Framework for Aeronautical Communications and TrafficSimulations 2 – enabling the German Aerospace Center (DLR) touse simple software building blocks called "simulation services" tocreate complex simulations for this purpose. Via FACTS2 we cansimulate and evaluate arbitrary air-to-ground or air-to-air wirelesspoint-to-point or broadcast data links between arbitrary entitiessuch as ground-stations, aircraft, or drones in a mobile environment.

CCS CONCEPTS• Computing methodologies → Modeling and simulation;Modeling and simulation; • Software and its engineering →Software creation and management.

KEYWORDSFramework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simu-lations 2 (FACTS2), large scale systems, Air Traffic Management(ATM), aeronautical traffic data simulations

ACM Reference Format:Thomas Gräupl, Nils Mäurer and Corinna Schmitt. 2019. FACTS2: Frame-work for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2. InMSWiM’19: The 22nd ACM International Conference onModeling, Analysis and Simula-tion ofWireless andMobile Systems, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA.ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACMmust be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or afee. Request permissions from [email protected] ’19, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9999-9/18/06. . . $15.00https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456

1 INTRODUCTIONAt the heart of the modern air transportation system lies the air-ground communication infrastructure enabling air traffic controllersto ascertain efficient aircraft guidance and safe aircraft separationin all phases of flight [3]. As it is suffering from increasing satura-tion in high density areas, air navigation service providers strivefor the sustainable modernization of the aeronautical communica-tion infrastructure. Air traffic management (ATM) communicationshall transition from analog voice communication to more efficientdigital data communication supported by automated decisions ofcomputer systems. This digitization of the air-ground communica-tions infrastructure has to be evaluated carefully to ascertain itssafety, security, sustainability and efficiency. Since avionics devel-opment and flight trials are expensive, aeronautical communicationsystems are evaluated in large-scale computer simulations first.

Various tools have been used to evaluate improved aeronauticalcommunications systems. Khanna et al. [7] created the FASTE-CNStraffic analysis and capacity planning tool for communications.The L-band Digital Aeronautical Communication System (LDACS)was evaluated by Ayaz et al. [1] using OMNeT++ as described byHoffmann et al. [5] in the first version of FACTS. It is a commonfeature of these simulators that they are, barring basic model-view-controller separation, monolithic tools. Monolithic tools are inher-ently complex and difficult to maintain. In addition, monolithicsimulators make it hard to generate and store intermediate resultsfor later re-use and analysis.

In order to support agile development of new aeronautical com-munications systems the German Aerospace Center (DLR) strivedto overcome the limitations of monolithic simulation tools and cre-ated the Framework for Aeronautical Communications and TrafficSimulations 2 (FACTS2). FACTS2 is a simulation framework based onmodern, service-oriented software architecture: Simulation servicesorganized in a parallelized toolchain of loosely coupled softwareservices split by the separation of concerns.

This paper describes the software architecture and underlyingdesign principles of FACTS2 in Section 2. The envisioned content ofthe demonstration is briefly described in Section 3 before concludingthe paper in Section 4.

2 ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGNThe architecture of FACTS2 is based on the application of the UNIXdesign philosophy of separation of concerns and the combinationof simple services to solve complex tasks. Particular simulationsare implemented as toolchains of simulation services implementingpartial simulations of the overall problem. In this paper we follow

Page 2: FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications and ... · for the sustainable modernization of the aeronautical communica-tion infrastructure. Air traffic management (ATM) communication

MSWiM ’19, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA Gräupl and Mäurer, et al.

Hürsch and Lopes in the definition of separation of concerns [6]:"Separation of concerns separates the basic algorithm from specialpurpose concerns, allowing the locality of different kinds of informa-tion in the programs, making them easier to write, understand, reuse,and modify."

We apply this approach by implementation and combination ofsimple software building blocks called "simulation services". Eachservice implements one partial simulation in the overall simulationtoolchain such as:

• Simulation of infrastructure consisting of static entities suchas ground-stations, airports, runways, sectors and movableentities such as aircraft or drones.

• Simulation and generation of aeronautical data traffic(e.g., COCR, CBR, FCI data traffic).

• Simulation of flight patterns or parsing of real-world flightpatterns.

• Simulation of arbitrary aeronautical data links and protocolsvia those links (e.g. ALOHA or GBAS via LDACS).

• Simulation of cell planning depending on the used data linksand simulated ground infrastructure (e.g., cell range depend-ing on environment).

• Report functionality on data link properties, cell planning,flight movements, security and more.

• View plane to depict all flight movements, infrastructure,cells and handled data packets.

The simulation toolchain is formed by calling individual simu-lation services from the command line and linking them via theUNIX pipe interface. Alternatively services can be invoked usingthe Portable Batch System (PBS) [4].

The benefit of our approach is that specialized partial simula-tion services are easier to create and maintain, and can be reusedin different simulation toolchains. Since each service has to dealwith one particular aspect of the simulation only, the workloadcan be distributed at service level making the overall solution lessconstrained by computational limitations improving scalability.

The information flow between services is realized through XML.Our interface format encodes changes of the simulation state, for-mally the derivative of the simulation state. If S(t) denotes thesimulation state at time t , FACTS2 services encode its derivative Eas XML(E) with E =

{ddt S(t) , 0


Simulation state can thus be inferred by each simulation serviceby decoding XML(E) and integrating over the non-zero simulationevents E under the assumption d

dt S(t) = 0 if no simulation event hasbeen encoded. Interpreting event-driven simulations as derivativesof time-stepped simulations allows us to combine time-steppedsimulations (e.g., mobility models integrating motion equations)and event driven simulations (e.g., data link simulations) withinthe same toolchain.

Our approach lends itself naturally to a network-transparentextension that we call “service-oriented simulation”. The approachpresented here includes technology-neutral and loosely coupledservices, which are not location transparent. For a fully service-oriented variant of our simulation approach it is referred to [2].

3 DEMONSTRATION OF FACTS2The FACTS2 services called in Listing 3 simulate the L-band DigitalAeronautical Communication System (LDACS) [8] in an evaluationscenario of one hour (13:00 to 14:00) of air traffic and data traffic overGermany. The air traffic is extrapolated to the year 2030 according toEUROCONTROL growth scenario C (“ScC”; random seed 1234). Thesimulated flight trajectories are merged into one stream, augmentedwith data traffic, and cropped geographically. After the data linksimulation (“ldacs”), a graphical view (“viewgl”) is generated andfurther output to standard out is suppressed (“–nooutput”). Blacksquarres in Figure 3 denote the position of simulated aircraft and inFigure 1 we can see the report on the LDACS data link. Note that thiscommand can easily be submitted to PBS if scripted appropriately.

The first part of the demonstration will walk the participantsthrough Listing 3. We will build the simulation toolchain step-by-step on a laptop. In each step we will inspect the simulation in-put/output and discuss the simulation events added by each serviceand the interface format akin to Listing 2. In the second part of ourdemonstration we will build a simulation toolchain interactivelywith the audience. Here, FACTS2’s output can always be connectedto a graphical view as illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. We will startwith the simulation of a single data-link enabled flight similar toListing 1 and Figure 2. Then we will place a ground-station intothe simulation and evaluate the comparative performance of twoexample aeronautical communication systems. Finally, we will givean outlook how FACTS2 simulations can be scripted to benefitfrom parallelization. If questions to coding details occur duringpresentation, we are delighted to explain them.

4 CONCLUSIONFACTS2 – the Framework for Aeronautical Communications andTraffic Simulations 2 – is the next generation simulation tool usedby the German Aerospace Center to support the agile developmentof new aeronautical communication systems.

In our demonstration attendees will be able to see how FACTS2enables us to evaluate wireless aeronautical data links in a het-erogeneous simulation environment that takes contributions fromvarious domain-specific simulations into account.

REFERENCES[1] S. Ayaz, F. Hoffmann, U. Epple, R. German, and F. Dressler. 2012. Performance

Evaluation of Network Mobility Handover Over Future Aeronautical Data Link.Computer Communications 35, 3 (Feb. 2012), 334–343.

[2] T. Gräupl, M. Mayr, and C.-H. Rokitansky. 2016. A Method for SWIM-compliantHuman-in-the-loop Simulation of Airport Air Traffic Management. InternationalJournal of Aerospace Engineering 2016 (Jun 2016), 1–15.

[3] A. Helfrick. 2018. Principles of Avionics. Vol. 9. Avionics Com.[4] R. L. Henderson. 1995. Job Scheduling Under the Portable Batch System. In

Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. Springer, 279–294.[5] F. Hoffmann, C. Bauer, D. Medina, and S. Ayaz. 2008. FACTS: An OMNeT++ Based

Simulator for Aeronautical Communications. In 1st International Conference onSimulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems &Workshops. ACM, 1–4.

[6] W. L. Hürsch and C. V. Lopes. 1995. Separation of Concerns. Technical Report.College of Computer Science, Northeastern University. 1–20 pages.

[7] M. Khanna, C. Dhas, C. Wargo, S. Vidyanandan, M. Joseph, C. Netto, and K. Wargo.2003. Results of Field Trials and Features of FASTE-CNS-a Traffic Analysis andCapacity Planning Tool for Communications, Navigation and Surveillance. In 22ndDigital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). IEEE, 4.B.5/1–4.B.5/8.

[8] M. Schnell, U. Epple, D. Shutin, and N. Schneckenburger. 2014. LDACS: FutureAeronautical Communications for Air-Traffic Management. IEEE CommunicationsMagazine 52, 5 (May 2014), 104–110.

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FACTS2: Framework for Aeronautical Communications and Traffic Simulations 2 MSWiM ’19, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA


Figure 1: FACTS2 report function, listing properties ofLDACS air-ground data link.

Figure 2: FACTS2 simulated flight running listing 1 fromEDMO airport near Munich to Prague. KML report viewedwith Google Earth.

1 $ . / f l i g h t EDMO LKPR |2 . / kml −− o u t f i l e Flight_EDMO_LKPR . kml

Listing 1: FACTS 2 simulated flight from EDMO to LKPRairport.

1 <!−− c r e a t e an a i r p o r t −−>2 < c r e a t e _ a i r p o r t i c ao_ code ="CYYZ" i d = " 2 5 2 47 "

name=" L e s t e r B Pearson I n t e r n a t i o n a l "p o s _ a l t = " 1 6 5 . 5 0 6 4 0 " p o s _ l a t = " 4 3 . 6 7 6 1 0 "pos_ lon = " −79 . 6 2767 " / >


4 <!−− c r e a t e a f l i g h t −−>5 < c r e a t e _ f l i g h t t ime = " 0 . 0 0 0 " i d = " 9 9 4 7 "

f l t _number ="WN535" p o s _ l a t = " 3 9 . 2 6 7 2 8 "pos_ lon = " −99 . 9 0824 " p o s _ a l t= " 1 1 8 8 7 . 2 0 0 2 0 " pos_head ing = " 8 8 . 0 9 6 "a p t _ d e p t _ i d = " 2 6 4 40 " apt_dept_name ="Denver I n t l " a p t _ d e s t _ i d = " 2 6 3 65 "apt_des t_name =" N a s h v i l l e I n t l " a c_ type ="B737 " / >


7 <!−− update f l i g h t to s imu l a t e movement −−>8 < s e t _ f l i g h t t ime = " 6 0 . 0 0 0 " i d = " 9 9 4 7 " p o s _ l a t

= " 3 9 . 2 7 1 2 5 " pos_ lon = " −99 . 7 4830 "pos_head ing = " 8 8 . 2 1 9 " / >

9 . . .10 < s e t _ f l i g h t t ime = " 4 2 6 0 . 0 0 0 " i d = " 9 9 4 7 "

p o s _ l a t = " 3 8 . 2 9 0 4 4 " pos_ lon = " −88 . 7 8475 "pos_head ing = " 1 1 3 . 8 5 9 " / >


12 <!−− d e l e t e f l i g h t a f t e r a r r i v a l −−>13 < d e l e t e _ f l i g h t t ime = " 6 3 0 0 . 0 0 0 " i d = " 9 9 4 7 " / >

Listing 2: XML output of simulation of infrastructurecreation and flight movement.

1 $ . / a i r t r a f f i c . / 13 14 2030 ScC 1234 |2 . / merge |3 . / d a t a t r a f f i c |4 . / coun t ry −−count ry de5 −− s h a p e f i l e . / s h a p e f i l e s / de . shp |6 . / l d a c s |7 . / v i ewg l −−nooutput

Listing 3: LDACS data link simulation for Germany.

1 $ z c a t wwatm_24h_3s_updates . xml . gz |2 . / v i ewg l −−nooutput

Listing 4: Worldwide air traffic movement for 24 hours with27,302 IFR flights with a peak instantaneous aircraft countof 3,579 aircraft viewed from a stored simulation result.

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MSWiM ’19, November 25–29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA Gräupl and Mäurer, et al.

Figure 3: FACTS2 running Listing 3 in light mode.

Figure 4: FACTS2 simulating worldwide air traffic movements as in Listing 4 in dark mode.