FactoryLogix ® Architecture and Technology Deploying FactoryLogix in your IT Environment FactoryLogix is an enterprise class software system, capable of handling even the most demanding environments. The system was designed ground-up with scalability, fault tolerance, and security in mind. Its technology is based on decades of experience that Aegis earned deploying previous generation MES systems in thousands of factories around the globe. 4 z

FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

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Page 1: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing


Architecture and


Deploying FactoryLogix in your IT Environment

FactoryLogix is an enterprise class software system, capable of handling even the

most demanding environments. The system was designed ground-up with

scalability, fault tolerance, and security in mind. Its technology is based on

decades of experience that Aegis earned deploying previous generation MES

systems in thousands of factories around the globe.



Page 2: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing


Change Log .................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4

System Architecture and Technology ............................................................................................. 5

Overall Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 5

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) .......................................................................................... 6

Scalability .................................................................................................................................... 7

Load Balancing ........................................................................................................................ 7

Multi-Threading and Support for Multi-Core Processors ....................................................... 8

FactoryLogix Caching Technology........................................................................................... 8

High Availability Capabilities and Technology ............................................................................ 9

Support for VMWare, Linux, and Hyper-V Virtual Failover Clusters ...................................... 9

Support for Microsoft SQL Server High Availability Features.............................................. 10

Intrinsic High-Availability via Multiple Load Balanced Application Servers ........................ 10

Smart Client Based User Portals .............................................................................................. 11

User Interface Technology ........................................................................................................ 12

Page 3: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

Change Log

Version Updated By Updates

0.5 Ken McIntosh Draft

1.0 John Walls Initial Release

Page 4: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing


FactoryLogix is an enterprise class software system, capable of handling even the most demanding

environments. The system was designed ground-up with scalability, fault tolerance, and security in mind. Its

technology is based on decades of experience that Aegis earned deploying previous generation MES systems

in thousands of factories around the globe.

This document provides an overview of the FactoryLogix system architecture and technology. Hardware,

software, and infrastructure requirements are also detailed, as well as guidelines for sizing and deploying the

FactoryLogix solution within your environment.

The intended audience of this document is CIO’s, CTO’s, and other Information Technology (IT) professionals

responsible for deploying and maintaining the FactoryLogix system within their corporate enterprise.

Page 5: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

System Architecture and Technology

The FactoryLogix system is a multi-tiered, enterprise class application. It utilizes a highly scalable, service

oriented architecture capable of achieving extremely high transactional rates and servicing the world’s largest

factories and manufacturing environments.

Overall Architecture

The FactoryLogix system is built as a multi-tiered, layered system. All system transactions are funneled through

a unified and common application stack, whether driven by human operations, or by automated data collection

and integration modules. This architecture is depicted in Figure 1 below.



Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

LINQ to Entities


Entity Framework, ADO.NET

FactoryLogix Database

Automated Data Collection


Standard Aegis User Interface Portals

Custom User PortalsSystem-to-System

Integrations (xTend)

FactoryLogix Application Server

Transaction Sources

FactoryLogixApplication Server(s)

FactoryLogixApplication Server(s)

Figure 1 - FactoryLogix Application Architecture

As can be seen, the system is constructed in layers, with transaction sources at the top of the stack, and the

FactoryLogix database at the bottom. All transactions originate at the top of the stack, typically in response to

an end-user activity. The client application then issues a web service call to a FactoryLogix application server,

which in turn processes the transaction. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the technology which is

responsible for brokering the web service transactions across the network, to and from the client application.

WCF is an open, service oriented, interoperable, and highly scalable technology provided by Microsoft as part

of the .NET Framework.

Page 6: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) utilized by the FactoryLogix system has many tangible benefits,


All transactions are processed by a singular, highly optimized application stack, regardless of their

source or origin. This ensures that ALL transactions are processed in the same manner, with the

same business rules applied regardless of whether the transaction is initiated by a human operator, or

an automated production system.

Since all transactions are processed through one singular application stack, transaction performance

is consistent and reliable from one application to the next.

The SOA architecture allows FactoryLogix application servers to be scaled both up and out. Multiple

application servers can be deployed to meet the transaction demands of a given deployment, and the

system supports a variety of load-balancing techniques.

The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it

highly interoperable, and allowing clients of most any platform to utilize its services, including Apple

iOS®, Android®, Linux®, and any other platform capable of working with web services.

The application server can evolve and advance over time without impacting the client applications that

are utilizing its services.

By utilizing well established Microsoft components, such as WCF, LINQ, and ADO.NET, the FactoryLogix

system inherits the proven, robust, and advanced capabilities of these technologies, which are utilized

by millions of companies around the globe, and maintained by armies of Microsoft software engineers.

The FactoryLogix MES / Business function layer serves as a singular, open API, which can be used not

only by Aegis client applications, but also by 3rd party integrators or in-house IT staff to build

customizations and integrations to other business systems.

Page 7: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing


FactoryLogix has been designed ground-up to meet the needs to the world’s largest factories. A single

FactoryLogix application server is capable of servicing hundreds of end-users. However, its application-server

centric design allows customers to seamlessly deploy as many servers as may be required to meet the

transactional demands of a given factory environment.

The system is able to scale up or out as required to service many thousands of end-users. This capability is

depicted in Figure 2 below.

DB ServerDB Server

FactoryLogix Application Server Pool

FactoryLogix Application Server Pool

Factory Office NPI Users

Factory Floor Operators

Figure 2 - FactoryLogix Application Server Pooling

Load Balancing

The FactoryLogix design allows IT departments to implement a variety of load-balancing techniques and

technologies when deploying the FactoryLogix system, as depicted in Figure 3. In this manner, the

transactional load of all users can be distributed across a pool of FactoryLogix application servers, thus

providing a fully scalable solution. As transactional demand increases, more servers can be easily added to

the server pool to handle the increased load.

Another benefit of load balancing is high availability. Should a single application server go offline for any

reason, the load balancer can redirect user requests to the remaining servers within the application server


Though the great majority of FactoryLogix services are stateless, some methods utilize WCF state to facilitate

callbacks and streaming or larger data sets (such as electronic CAD and real time video). As such, Aegis

requires that the load balancing technology utilized in any given deployment support “sticky sessions”. Sticky

sessions ensure that any single user interacting with the system maintains affinity to a particular application

Page 8: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

server over the life of a given set of transactions. This allows a single application server to stream larger data

sets to a given user in “chunks”.

The FactoryLogix system supports the built-in load balancing features of Microsoft’s Windows Server operating

systems (2008, 2008 R2, and 2012). Microsoft refers to this feature as NLB (Network Load Balancing). NLB

supports the concept of sticky sessions, and refers to this feature as “Singe Affinity” mode.

FactoryLogix Application Server

FactoryLogix Application Server

FactoryLogix Application Server

Figure 3 - FactoryLogix Load Balancing

Multi-Threading and Support for Multi-Core Processors

Each service call initiated by an end user on a FactoryLogix application server is serviced by its own

independent thread of execution, dispatched from a thread pool. In practical terms, this means that when

multiple service calls are received by the server at the same time, they can be processed simultaneously by the


This multi-threaded design allows all resources of the server to be fully leveraged as multiple end-users impact

the system. Multi-processor, multi-core, and hyper-threaded servers can execute these simultaneous requests

in parallel with full independence. This design maximizes the performance of each server in a FactoryLogix

application server pool.

FactoryLogix Caching Technology

FactoryLogix application servers utilize a proprietary and unique data-caching technology designed by Aegis

software engineers to optimize transaction processing. Using this technology, transactions are processed

more efficiently, and with less overhead.

The caching technology is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the load on the data-tier and database

server by holding frequently accessed information in memory. The database server is thus freed to focus on

Page 9: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

recording data, rather than repetitively retrieving the same information over and over during transaction


This technique radically reduces database server load, and increases the overall performance and scalability of

the system.

High Availability Capabilities and Technology

Once deployed, the FactoryLogix MES/MOS system will quickly become a mission critical element of your

factory’s operations. Aegis understands this, and has engineered the system to be compatible with a myriad of

high-availability strategies commonly used in today’s IT environments.

Support for VMWare, Linux, and Hyper-V Virtual Failover Clusters

Many enterprises rely on server virtualization as the core element of their high availability strategy. Aegis

understands this, and has engineered the FactoryLogix system to be fully compatible with virtual failover

cluster technology.

FactoryLogix application servers may be deployed as virtual servers within a failover cluster. Failover clusters

utilize multiple physical servers and shared storage to provide seamless and continuous service to application

users in the case of a physical server failure or physical server reboot, as depicted in Figure 4 below.

FactoryLogix supports a variety of popular virtualization and high-availability platforms, including:

VMware (vSphere, ESX, and ESXi)

Microsoft Hyper-V (Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012)

Red Hat Linux Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV)

Figure 4 - High-Availability with Virtual Failover Clustering

As can be seen, virtual FactoryLogix application and database servers may be live migrated from one physical

host to another automatically in the case of a physical server failure. FactoryLogix virtual servers may also be

Page 10: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

live migrated from one physical host to another on-demand to provide a myriad of additional benefits,


Ability to perform maintenance tasks on physical host servers without incurring any downtime (by

migrating FactoryLogix servers temporarily to another host).

Ability to upgrade to newer more advanced physical servers as they become available without

incurring any downtime.

Ability to replace faulty physical servers without incurring any downtime.

Ability to upgrade physical server components (RAM, processors, etc.) without incurring any downtime.

Ability to seamlessly backup and restore virtual servers via virtual machine snapshots.

Support for Microsoft SQL Server High Availability Features

FactoryLogix utilizes Microsoft SQL Server as its relational database management system, and is compatible

with Micosoft SQL Server’s “AlwaysOn” failover technology. This enables FactoryLogix to continue operation in

the event of an application-level or physical failure of the database management system. In this situation,

FactoryLogix application servers will immediately and transparently failover to a redundant database server

instance, eliminating any end-user downtime.

Intrinsic High-Availability via Multiple Load Balanced Application Servers

As mentioned previously, the FactoryLogix system supports the deployment of multiple application servers

behind a load balancer. When deployed in this manner, it is possible for system to continue operation in the

event of failure of one or more servers operating behind the load balancer. As long as at least one application

server continues to function, end-users will continue to enjoy uninterrupted service. Any number of application

servers can be deployed behind the load balancer to satisfy the desired level of redundancy and failure


This capability is depicted in Figure 5. This figure shows a situation with 3 application servers, one of which

has failed or been taken offline. In this situation, the remaining two servers simply assume the transactional

load of all end-users. This transition is transparent to the end-users.

FactoryLogix Application Server

FactoryLogix Application Server

FactoryLogix Application Server

Figure 5 - High Availability via Multiple Load Balanced Application Servers

Page 11: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

Smart Client Based User Portals

All native FactoryLogix end-user applications are self-deploying smart clients. A smart client is a Windows

based application which can be self-installed by end-users by clicking on a hyperlink or URL shortcut. It is

designed to communicate over a network with an application server in order to function, similar to the way in

which a web browser functions.

Smart clients have numerous benefits as compared to traditional Windows applications, including:

End-users can be sent a hyperlink via email (or other mechanisms) which allows them self-install any

native FactoryLogix smart client application. There is no need for IT administrators to manually deploy

FactoryLogix software on end-user systems.

End-users are NOT REQUIRED to have Administrative privileges on their systems to be able to self-

install or run any FactoryLogix native smart client.

Smart Client applications automatically upgrade or downgrade whenever a new version of FactoryLogix

is installed on the central application server. Each time a smart client runs, it communicates with the

server to ensure the appropriate version of the smart client is installed on the end user’s system. If

not, the smart client automatically downloads and installs the appropriate version.

At the time of this writing, the following FactoryLogix end-user applications are packaged as smart clients:

The FactoryLogix NPI Portal (used in the factory office).

The FactoryLogix Production Portal (used on the factory floor).

The FactoryLogix Analytics Portal (used wherever required).

The FactoryLogix Dashboard Viewer Portal (used wherever required).

FactoryLogix smart clients are deployed using Microsoft’s ClickOnce technology, support for which is packaged

by default into all Microsoft operating systems supported by FactoryLogix. This technology can be controlled by

Active Directory group policy for tighter security and streamlined client installation.

Page 12: FactoryLogix Architecture and Technology · The FactoryLogix application server is based on an open service-oriented architecture (SOA), making it highly interoperable, and allowing

User Interface Technology

FactoryLogix native smart clients utilize the some of the latest graphical user interface technology offered

today, including Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). This allows end users to have a rich, modern, and

intuitive user experience, reducing training requirements and improving overall usability.

The smart clients are multi-touch compatible, allowing them to be used on the factory floor in situations where

ergonomics demand touch screen based operation.