NEWSLETTER March 2014 kernbridges.com KERN BRIDGES YOUTH HOMES TELEPHONE 661-396-2301 FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over the years we at Kern Bridges have come to not only appreciate what a great person Joe is, but also what a great family he has. Joe and his wife Yolanda (“Yolie”) have been foster parents for many many years, and have adopted several times over. Joe, his wife, and their beautiful kids have been familiar faces to all of us at KBYH and we have had the pleasure to be a part of seeing his family grow and bloom. On February 12, Yolanda suddenly and unexpectedly passed away, and as his extended family, we mourn with Joe and feel the pain and sting of this sudden loss. Yolanda was an amazing caretaker who, as Joe recently stated, has left endearing qualities of herself in each of the kids, and we will all miss her.

FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

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Page 1: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

NEWSLETTER March 2014 kernbridges.com

!K E R N B R I D G E S Y O U T H H O M E S

T E L E P H O N E 661-396-2301 F A C S I M I L E


YolieJoe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over the years we at Kern Bridges have come to not only appreciate what a great person Joe is, but also what a great family he has. Joe and his wife Yolanda (“Yolie”) have been foster parents for many many years, and have adopted several times over. Joe, his wife, and their beautiful kids have been familiar faces to all of us at KBYH and we have had the pleasure to be a part of seeing his family grow and bloom. On February 12, Yolanda suddenly and unexpectedly passed away, and as his extended family, we mourn with Joe and feel the pain and sting of this sudden loss. Yolanda was an amazing caretaker who, as Joe recently stated, has left endearing qualities of herself in each of the kids, and we will all miss her.

Page 2: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

Upcoming Trainings

(please RSVP)

March  11,  6PM-­‐8PM  Adop1on  Support  Group  !March  24,  9AM-­‐11AM  Adop1ons  with  Carrie  and  Jessica  !April  12,  9AM-­‐11AM  Fun  Ac1vi1es  with  Children    with  Lillian  Adkins  !May  14,  6PM-­‐8PM  Posi1ve  Discipline/Self  Esteem  with  Ruth  Jackson  !


Monday April 7th, 12:30pm at The Links at Riverlakes Ranch Golf Course

All proceeds benefit Kern Bridges Youth Homes

Payment Method: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Checkplease checks payable to Kern Bridges Youth Homes, Inc. 1321 Stine Rd. Bakesfield, CA 93309

Card #:

Cardholder Name:

Exp. date:


City / State / Zip :


4 PERSON SCRAMBLE TEAM COMPETITION - Entry fee $125.00 per person.Entry fee includes greens fees, cart, range balls, & a lunch, and a meal after the tournament. Non Golfer Dinner Only tickets are $30.00. Meet and interact with Condors players.

FORMAT: 4-Person Scramble - 12 noon shotgun start. / ELIGIBILITY: Players of all skill levels are invited. TEAM PRIZES, CLOSEST TO THE PIN, LONGEST DRIVE, PUTTING CONTEST & MORE

Entry fee must accompany entry form. All entrants receive gift bag.

For information call John Bacon at 661-396-2362 or Mikie Barrett at 661-324-7825

Mail, Bring or Fax Entry Form & Entry Fee To: Fax: 661-396-2349

Address: Kern Bridges Youth Homes

1321 Stine Rd., Bksfd., CA 93309

Name: Phone:




NON Golfer Dinner only: Name:




Dinner Price: $30.00

KBYH was at the Home & Garden Show 2/21-2-23. Thanks to all of you who stopped by

to say “hi”.

KBYH will be holding it’s annual golf tournament fundraiser on April 7 at Riverlakes Ranch Golf Course. To sign up, use the form below or visit kernbridges.com to access registration and sponsor forms.


!www.kernbridges.com PH 661-396-2301 FAX 661-396-2349

Page 3: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

Child  Birthdays  March10: Naydelyn B March 23: Hailey M !Foster  Parent  Birthdays  March 1: Maurice Harice March 1: David William March 6: Jennifer Mercier March 18: Laura Cruz March 24: Anita Caudillo !KBYH  Staff  Birthdays  March 19: Mark Dominguez March 26: Carrie Wombacher March 30: Ida Rebollosa !

RECOGNITIONS/CONGRATULATIONS  -­‐Mariah,  Bradley,  Haley  and  Marcos  par1cipated  in  a  church  youth  program  which  involved  dropping  off  food  baskets  and  praying  for  the  household.  -­‐Noha  is  now  able  to  read  50  sight  words

I've taken a departure from book reviews this month to review a truly must see movie; The Odd Life of Timothy Green. This movie tells the story of a family who struggles with infertility which leads them to the pursuit of adoption through foster care. I think most of us will relate to the family members/friends who say hurtful, misguided comments, as well as the emotional investment one makes to bonding with a child who is completely unique. This is a must see movie for anyone pursuing adoption, but also very appropriate for children ages seven and up, who might also be involved in the process. The movie gives many opportunities for a dialogue on adoption/foster care. A truly beautiful story! !-Alexis Edwards

Movie  Review  “Odd  Life  of  Timothy  Green”  

KBYH  Staff  Anniversaries  Luis Machuca: 4 years


!www.kernbridges.com PH 661-396-2301 FAX 661-396-2349

Page 4: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

Foster  Children  of  the  Month-­‐Ethan  and  Payton  B.  Ethan  and  Payton  B.  were  placed  in  the  Don  and  Shawna  S.  home  on  December  5,  2013.    Since  being  placed,  Ethan  and  Payton  have  shown  posi1ve  behavior  and  appear  comfortable  in  their  new  home.    Ethan  has  been  in  WRAP  services  and  is  going  to  have  his  WRAP  termina1on  party  on  3/7/14,  which  is  the  same  day  they  both  have  court  to  move  towards  adop1on.    This  is  going  to  be  a  big  day  for  Ethan  and  Payton.    They  have  both  gone  fishing  for  the  first  1me  and  celebrated  Christmas,  which  was  new  for  them.    Ethan  and  Payton  have  done  excep1onally  well  in  school  and  fit  perfectly  with  the  family.        !!!!

DHS  Social  Worker  of  the  Month-­‐Bobbi  Bailey  Kern  Bridges  is  happy  to  spotlight  Ms.  Bobbi  Bailey.  Ms.  Bobbi  has  worked  at  DHS  for  19  years.  During  her  time  at  DHS,  Bobbi  has  worked  in  all  areas  of  CPS.  She  was  one  of  the  Birst  Human  Service  Aides  at  DHS!  She  is  now  an  Adoptions  Social  Worker.  Ms.  Bobbi  said  she  loves  her  job  and  is  blessed  to  be  able  to  give  her  time  and  expertise  to  the  families  she  works  with.  Ms.  Bobbi  feels  she  is  lucky  to  have  seen  the  full  circle  of  CPS  by  working  in  all  areas.  She  thinks  it  is  great  that  she  should  end  her  career  in  adoptions.  She  always  goes  the  extra  mile  for  her  families  and  the  families  absolutely  love  her!  And  so  do  we  at  KBYH!    Good  work,  Ms.  Bobbi!  !

Foster  Parents  of  the  Month-­‐Anne[e  and  Kerri  Reyes  !KBYH  is  proud  to  highlight  the  Reyes  family  for  March.  Anne[e  and  Kerri  Reyes  have  been  cer1fied  foster  parents  with  KBYH  since  May,  2012.  They  received  placement  of  their  two  daughters,  Olivia  and  McKenna,  in  November,  2012.  It  is  with  great  pleasure  that  we  announce  that  their  adop1on  was  finalized  on  February  14,  2104!  Congratula1ons  to  the  Reyes’  and  their  FOREVER  FAMILY.  Olivia  and  McKenna  now  want  a  li[le  brother!  


!www.kernbridges.com PH 661-396-2301 FAX 661-396-2349

Page 5: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over


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Page 6: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over


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Page 7: FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie - Kern Bridgeskernbridges.com/uploads/March_2014.pdf · FACSIMILE 661-396-2349 Yolie Joe Ortega has been part of the KBYH family for over 14 years. Over

*This is the last part of a safety checklist to help you examine home safety* In Homes With Small Children

• Lock the cabinets. Install safety latches and locks.

• Install window guards on every window. Make sure one window in each room can be used as a fire exit.

• Install safety gates . Bar the top and bottom of stairs.

• Lock up hazardous materials. Place any poisonous or hazardous products in locked cabinets. Post the poison-control hotline’s number (800-222-1222) by every phone.

• Make sure all your medicines and vitamins have childproof caps. Store them out of children’s reach.

• Stow away sharp knives. Scissors and cosmetic tools as well as matches and plastic bags, should be kept out of children’s reach.

• Lock up any guns. Be sure they are unloaded and separate from ammunition.

• Install padding on furniture with sharp edges. Put doorknob covers on entry doors so kids can’t get out unattended.

• If you have a pool, fence it in. A pool should be enclosed with a four-sided fence and a childproof gate.

• Teach children their address and how to dial 911. As early as possible, children need to know these fundamentals.

Burglarproofing • Install a sturdy deadbolt lock on every door to the outside. This should include the door into the house from the garage.

• In any room with window bars, make sure at least one has a quick-release mechanism. Replace or retrofit as needed.

• Install motion-sensing floodlights in the backyard.

• Keep your house looking lived-in when you’re away. Arrange for the lawn to be mowed, stop mail delivery, install timers for selected lights, leave a car in the driveway, and leave drapes or shades open at least a bit.

• Advertise prominently any home security system you have installed. You might think about putting up signs even if you don’t have a system.

• Examine your landscaping. Trim shrubs and trees near windows and doors that provide hiding places for burglars, and prune limbs that serve as ladders to upper windows.

• Purchase a metal bar or a solid-wood dowel to insert in the tracking of sliding glass doors. This will prevent anyone outside from opening them.

• Put your street number, not your name, on your mailbox.

• Give a spare key to a trusted neighbor or nearby friend. Thieves know all about fake rocks and other hide-a-key tricks.

Miscellaneous • Make sure your house number is visible from the street. It should be easily spotted in case an emergency vehicle needs to

look for it.

• Keep flammable objects away from the kitchen stove.

• Plug a rechargeable flashlight into a socket by your bed. You’ll be able to light the way through smoke in a fire or signal to firefighters.

• Install nonslip decals or a nonskid tub mat in your tub.

• Put lights and light switches at the top and bottom of the stairs. Prevent falls in the dark.

• Paint the bottom basement step white so it’s more visible. You’ll be less likely to mistake it for the floor.


!www.kernbridges.com PH 661-396-2301 FAX 661-396-2349