Face Book in Career Services

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  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    To Facebook, or not to

    Facebook?That is Career Services Question

    Laurent Troland

    Career Services

    Bridgewater State College

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services



    Background and Purposes

    Facts about Usage

    Student Impressions Why this is an Important Issue

    Employers and Social Networking websites

    Career Centers and Social Networking websites Recommendations for Career Centers

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    Definition of Social Networking Websites A Web site that provides a virtual community for people

    interested in a particular subject or just to "hang out"together

    Sites may also serve as a vehicle for meeting in person

    Globally, hundreds of millions of people have joined one ormore social networking sites(www.pcmag.com)

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    The Purposes Connect/Reconnect with friends and classmates

    See who is on campus

    Announce events

    Send messages

    Join common interest groups

    Share photos, music and videos Network

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    Student Usage

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    What StudentsD

    o Not Realize

    They are Public Domains

    Unread privacy policies

    Many employers and administrators already online

    It is not illegal for colleges or employers to look up

    information online It is not illegal for employers to use information found when

    making hiring decisions

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    MillennialsWhy They Use This The

    Way They Do Millenials as a group

    Online interactions = personal interactions

    False sense of security

    Not aware of implications of their online usage

    Invasion of their privacy

    Online space is just as private as their home

    Do not see how their personal life affects their work life

    Online self is not a true representation of their real self

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    Why is this an issue? Students unaware or do not monitor

    Social Networking = The Real You?

    College recruiters are often young professionals right out ofcollege Access to sites increases and so does the temptation to use them

    Employers and CSOs these websites more and more

    Unprofessional, false and inappropriate profiles/information

    Examples of the problem

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    National Trends of Employers According to NACEs (National Association of Colleges and

    Employers) Job Outlook 2008 Guide, employers indicate

    17% of employers surveyed plan to use social networking sites

    66% advertisement

    53% networking

    38% screening

    2007 Job Outlook Guide

    25% report using search engines like Google.com to see whatcomes up with a candidates name

    2009 Guide does not have any such statistics

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    National Trends of Employers University ofDayton nationwide poll found

    40% of employers would consider using Facebook

    profile information in a job interview

    AfterCollege.nets study found that

    40% of employers conduct web searches

    37% of these stated that if they found something

    questionable, they would consider NOT hiring that


  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    Career CentersWhat Can You Do?

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    Recommendations for

    Career Services Offices

    We cannot go on the offensive or our message will be lost

    Discuss responsible online usage of these websites

    Create a Helpful Hints page with tips and advice

    Create workshops, handouts and/or materials

    Online Image Checklists Post How To sections for enabling privacy features

    Polish personal pages; use www.linkedin.com

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    Helping Your Students Create a

    Personal Internet Presence Look-up name on search engine sites like Google

    Technorati.com and IceRocket.com search social network sites

    Use a professional email address Keep separate email addresses

    Review all personal websites

    Enable privacy features on websites

    Be conscious of postings on other sites and blogs Disconnect from friends who have questionable profiles

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    Career Services

    If You Go Online

    Research and consider creating a Facebook page

    Most create a Group page Post location, office hours, contact information, etc.

    Post calendar of events, tips of the week, discussion boards

    Have student workers invite their friends and watch the group

    expand Who will monitor this site?

    Create pages for your special events and invite students to RSVP

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    But Keep in Mind Actual foot traffic of such pages is low

    While using these websites sounds great, are we exposing

    ourselves to liability? Are we liable for ignoring the negative things we see on these


    Currently not aware of legal cases, but could we be blamed?

    Some students regard these websites as their personaldomain Using this medium can be a double-edged sword

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    So WhatD

    oes This All Mean? Learn about and explore these sites

    Be aware and keep up with the trend

    Teach your employees and students about the pitfalls andresponsibilities of online conduct

    (Especially your Millenials!)

    Be cautious about creating your own pages

    Use it for inclusion

    Stay current on news and legal issues surrounding online


  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    Any Questions?Thank you for attending!

    Laurent Troland

    Career Services

    Bridgewater State College

    Bridgewater, MA 02325

    [email protected]

    (508) 531-1328

  • 8/6/2019 Face Book in Career Services


    References and Sources www.naceweb.org www.facebook.com



    www.aftercollege.net http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook




    www.timesargus.com www.llrx.com








    www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/news www.jobsearch.about.com




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