.wm rf.... '' - .................................... . *-j VOLUME 7, NUSfflEU 151. - Borah Promise Inquury Injto Charges; For iffiiDEBTBiniER . Progressive Sluth Fund.AI- ^ leged Tiy National G. « ------------- PrChairtiaan. ' ' S I ' u CinCAQO. n).. Oct :0._CaunUr e> clwritet ot A ‘'iluili fund” by ihb Lo- FpU«L<e*WIiaolor ticket' woro mn<I« g" tvdar In a Btalcmenl linued from n, rcp'ubilchn cnrap»lgn lioadiiuartora hor« DT«r tne nune pt William M. ail Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce, to lathmon wlinMHOs trom St Wlicoaala to tell of tho propoaal to to ralto. 1600.000 th tUat atato alone lo ____ (o r tue IndepotKienC ticket. . - or It tha tamo ratio waa followoil In <n olher atolca, Ib'o UiFolIoUo-Wlioolor 0 fund woulil bo hlRher <Han the ro- »« putillcan ’ campaign fun<t, UuUor . M ^ -------ot..hln -f^mmluaa. AraljlnB la Waah- ^ tPICtow—tofliy. 'The "Bluah fiinU" It cbanea mad* by Sanator LaFoIIoUo HSalnM the republicans wlll bc In- . YMilnalftil tliaro Btartlng tomorrow - ................ . ^ History Proves Irtaccuracy of ^ ^ 4 K e -S tiiw o te * . WAfSSnn^N, Dot. 20.-^ __ V T h iJ L lU i^ ZHgwt ,i» - try* ^ litf'tt'iiS icsW 'tius'election'of. f Prwlda}it.i3wUileo.” tb# dem- » ------------»cratIO."’ 'JBWioinfll~ .coidmHtee" „ .'o h u ^ ia > sta^.«nent chsi- Whaa;tBt'demooratfo org&o- 111 -------- . 'JisUdft abaT'nof'fcttiOir-tlie- i gpod-f»Wirt)f tli® :N«w-York \ publlwitlbiv.it rtates: that too ''straw-poll”-is obviously m»* f, ' "because ballots aro b»> ' ing sent to voters in tho ratio [ ----- ^ ----------of-nearljr-throe-republlcans-to- - . ono demMTSt.'', - ■' ordwp t« have its 'straw',Tdte’ eliMtions accept- '* ed M:WtUlb%-U'-to first aeo- " eisatjr ter.i^.Xiiteraiy Digest o to blot from xhiBmory » 'straw ■ .voteVitooj^lictodia.me. . " “if the cenntry had voted . ____________] that year as the'Digest's straw pgU- iidicated. Ur. Hughes' . p lu ^ ^ . would havo .been 4,m im instead of the plur- allty of BM.885 which Presi- dent Wilson feoeivod.” . . ‘Solid: So^lh' ^lear# pavitj' LaiFollette, State _________ Tonn- Oet. 20-John ^ '.W. DsVu-delivered bero to3a? BTIT' ' meitese of 'cotifMenco.io “tho 8011(1 csuia o} democracy 1* saining oVerrwhm.'*.be aald. "TbD votoni oow uidM itw a'tke. Isaaas and- »rt>. doUi^ m ind to order a chaoRo In the;Con> ducrbt tn .tovoram eni'at. .Waabing- ____________ . The dtiwkiyUc prMlilcdtlal canrt’l- *' ot.'bti lour on tbo betla-ot.Nporta, tbat' TeBxiwato-whlcK went, r«puhl(- | ' eaa 1& i»»~>wu' >avei1n f. aKsla. Thls;w u t>ratopJly.(tMiod. by all hlaj ' XQihorltjBs.'tier^who" a^Burod ■■Wm-f- , ■, ih»tjiiibiwtimr«nHBrkMC.T*jwie<t« wUU;poU:»;bl» voto lbo acmoerSla tliM m <at:tttsD er4d^^It will give .^aa'iM UJUrft'tTSlUjr te ^->>*Uena]i . weeks lroin_tp- "IT O i^ ’SS®aa~«rd-eahJMtl -. . ^ ^ttarlMd m u»ut ;■ Ocy~^S£iia^o FA ;es Thorough Slusli Fmid ’ irgets Politics Scene of Investigation ShifU lo Washington; — Idaho Senator Civets Up - _Re-.election.Campaign..!____ W ashington, d. c.. oci. 20.- Wlth the arrivnt of ijunatom Bornh, Drue* nnd Cartway, ot iho Boaalo camtulKit tu;iil8 InvesilgailDC com- nillUo loday. (ho luono ot tbe j>robo abirwd f»”om cniea«fa tt)-tho"cnplta1 ' and will coDllnue liero until the electloQ and looser It nbceanary. Tlto Inquiry win bo rosijmed tomor- ro.w. Clom 'u Shaver and Janiea W. Oerard, treaaurer ot ll\) damocra- Uc'nailDnal commtueo, will tc«ilty.. On Weilncfday witncDBM .‘Bummon- aa trom PhllndolphlR to (ontlty con- cerning Senator LaFollaite'a "slush tuna" chargCB will apncar. ,r. . . ^ ■ T ~ v :'O ’Connor " o f tho-" Uniteil tl Stvea HblppInK board, may bo aakwl Ij lo tosUty In connection wltli* Lal-'ol- „ lotte’* cbargo thal llio republican _ orgaofta»on p«W etptmnea nf Jabor- Ing men wbo ateemled rruxlrtant n Coolldge-B reception at tho White iruune LAbor day. J Borah Aid ho wna propnrod to carry cn thi iBTCptlpHlon tmtlJ elec- uy^^hlii campaign tor rt-olectlon In _ ' ----- ~ I JUMPERFAHS- TO HER DEATH Holiday Crowd at Texas J "”Al^menTTwk'TO“ nesses Tragedy. ■ " HOUSTON. Te».. Ogl,_20-Ono_Dro- j foaalonsl Arachuie Jumpor and two ( pleaauro aeckora wi-ro klllrd wllhln | ibe.apace et a lew. hQunmLan ajiiiiBft- . m*tit park haro latn Sunday. . , Mlaa Momie iVm y. protcgglonal , I t OaujTwiu' lM M tlM U lSd”wbw J UlO accond parachute of -ft thrw par- \ Bcbmei leap, (ailed lo opeo and she - ptnncKl to bcrdeoth from a licUhrof ? 2.000.(ccL ..ThouaandB ,of plcaaure- . Bookon wIlDCCBod tho inaKcdy. | •Charlcd C. Johnaon. Zfi, •anil Mlai. * • Mary Wllnon. lit. werc-lnntanlly-klll- «1 wben Iwth wen* rhrw n from tbo * front neat ot a tmln of earn on a roi- ‘ Icr coaster. ----------- ^ ------.............. -------------- 1 WSAWI KxreiTWJ. ^ DB.S'VEll. Colo.. O ct.' 20.-^n«aUi waj- fo i^ a t Ibnlgbl fot Henry Aug- utuu-Bucfatal.- 77. (ornor gotemor « of-Colorado, and chahcollor oraarllus I ot Danvar unlvorBlty. n r -phyBieianB I at:hlB badilde today. Dr. Qochtel ta 1 autferlnr from brain betaorrUaga and < nrlBht’B dIaeaBe. - ~ II _ MELLONiSJWEWNS.^ ■■ 4) ]^ ' - i i' i<« 7 :;.i J-,. ifflijiSlk I* “ (' ..... ppiinf ■vy ____ : _________ _ _______ _ TOIN FALLS, . IDAH( \m COMES TO p Tbis. ezceptionally fine photogra Ackerman, lOEA Servioe and The / .1 efie'tbMa^advwtiw^v^hlflh-bnjni f lighter-Uiiko.air .oraft, and wblcb was *■ war repsratlcins paymojit by the Ga > ......: 1: .. t. ~7 ~~. ' .' '•! •raORSHAKES C i-SOUTHXAROLINA^ • •' .' ■ -■ - “ T*"* ............ I'Ul Pictures Drop From Waii lwMany-€iHes;-Spartaii- m< burg Is Radius of Gigan* oii jj tic. Earthquake. srAiiTANsmmo.'a. c. on, :n- • Pldrmount rtlntrlrt «niii|i t'an.llna , , wna acverply hbukuu loduy l.y ai\ “ tMlllQuako. . --------- --------- . ...The ..tremors'.worp felt In 'inKtin . and cItiM In flpartanBburR and (irrcn- ,, vlllfl countlcfl. Tbouunda wrm arouanl hy Ihc dlx- „ii turbancen; which otxurrcd nhorlly al- mi 'O ter 3:30 a. -m. anti conllnncd noveral In mlnuioa. ^ ~~Wlpa»*"var.prTattled~ttnd~plctureB ea ' dropped from the wnlln, « s M b whero tho'dlaturbaoca Wmimoni ^ violent and airanKo ruinhllnK (loiindn S ---------------------■.••■■------------ ^ ' -Deatdi'ntn at rickonn thmiRhl a )<<V- rlflc cxplooiou ha<I oocitrrod anit'find (rom tbelr HmmPH trrrlflnr _________ £d ll. ■fowna which rcporicd <lln(iirl>«n‘‘‘'« f l I,p lii,clu<lfd AofliTson. a riv r, Kaaloy, Un- y ,]. Ion, and l.Ibwty. , }® • Thfl Vjuakn wan 'ROHeral wllhln a ••- mtfluifof-KK''nllpti of-SparlnnhtirB,- U, WAIJE IXfUEASK ARKKP. ' th g- - CIUCAOO. Ocl. 20..-D«niaml tor m or waget blgh enough 10 onable tbenl pi us to bay Ihreo psira of illk. iiocklngfl tu nB for their' wives coch year Is mnde lu ts a request' tor Increased pay on (Ile «■ nd with the Unllod States railrosa labor In ' I board lioro today. . Ci "I'l'tv • tiATT HO;. M O toA Y ,- O.CTOBE IRESTAtLAKEHl 0. H im . sfaiif.^bctoghp]aer.' The ac a ag h t'tb e:'^ ^ i'front 'M ederichslutfe vas marked b^.fiiahy IbrUilhg apcri Qennan goveiwent.; - Georgetown S( Doeis N o t Re; ll w u^oa cartlinuiLkuJiiy ill- TM sinimvnut did noi nhuv a Uiln); at lhal lime." nald Falbcr Tan«lro{f. soJa- • / moKraphlsl of QcofKotocft- university rar ot-the rcporled <^iiak.viti South Car- If. ollna loday. the '" I l iiiay have bren ft Isnrtslfdc^" he Jai said., ' ■ _ , ■ '«'■ , nxiRK^CB, Italy, Oct. SH,--A nhorl to desultory carlhqtthki' uliiiok «sn foll rcil III lln* . district hcivifcn (..fuilflnuovo and liarfajjuana 'I'xlny; . _ I AHilKVILI.li. K. C.; Ocl. 2n-S«vcro d»i I'nrili I'hocks wcri' toll lion- al 3:30 wc n. III. today. Tho tr.'inorK iwied ’a . m/eiiitc. caasMiHg of a errlvg of sharp J ------------------------- -------- ' - ........... Jin CI.AUKSVH.Ub] Ga., OcU 20-An lut earth-trcmof-laaUftw-HlxiiH-aOsooonds Ub Suit A^ai^iA'boliehy ’ n Pan-Americ^ Co. Is ----- Set for Tomorrow IX)S. ANOEUij.-Oct.'!(l.-Sus|iuna- . ed tor 5« hours. opcnUii of tho gor- cr;imcnrM suit uealnnt i'l Lj. DhIicii. v' s l*an-Amorlcsn Oil compnny, nerklQK « lo Vrcflk Ihd Klk lllll nii vnl rcsprvo Icaso Klven Dohcny by tormcr Hrcrc- tHry_j>f_tho, lnli.Tlqr_fMJ._wlH rci unilcrwuy JOTiorrbw inornlnic.'................. Tho sn(( wan »ch«iliilot| to open ' this mornlnff but n-prttslne law and luollod .calendar In Ffdoral JuUfio Paul-J.-UcCormlelc's.court necensl- tutcd the short poatponomeat. The action InTolve* oil properties w onh a t oaat »loo.OM,000. situntixl ?,* In Iho KIk HIU nectlra ol couiral '' Cnllfortiln. . ______________ ,: By Ben Bataford p< lh Ir SI' pi . ■ It a cl - 1! •••— Cl »> ■■ ;'9lyv!\' a w ^ 11 iMi-' - I s i< lit' ' > 5 % ''' I LY Ti iER'20; 1924. HURST NEW JERSt {['i;«.ii||!|iuSui' fnos^d into its bugar at L^ebunt. I aot of bousing the great I.oviatban 0: iolen, Oernianf, to.Antcrica-iit-tt-jcrurni >criences. Tho ZR-3 will be token ov seismograph SI egister Shock j wan -diHiJni'ily foil here al Il:3o u. 111. Efi • AUKIISTA. (5ii.. Oct. I'O-Hllijlil rarlh trrm ars w n r ri-|iorl«'<l (o llio i V. B. wcaihrt—bureau hrrc toHay by • i Ihc rrsldrnlK I11 Un- lllll sr-ctlon. Dr. James K. Ixivpjny,- covrntiinii ofllc- 1 lAl. KitUI thf, ijunKvif r;<tu<«v] hia to shakn anil m nrlchlmrliimil iI oks ^ to barkhu. Th(i dliitiirbaiicc* occur- rcil al 3;ao j. ni. »p:.M)KIlSONVlU.i:, N. (!., Ocl. 20 rtiimonvlllf a l 3:30 a. lu. lodu*-. Huusca wcrt) shaken.- . ' CJIlCSTBIl, S. c,. o n , :o~~Tw„ dls- , Ilncl earth shock> awakened rMldcnts {" ,* horo al-a:30 this mornlnK- The dls- lurbancea camo close loKothcr ami la»U<t-aiitiui.SO-Boo«bda.------------- - ...... -Irp b.- Democratic - Candidate la Well-liked^by Reil- 1 -- dents'^fEngl&nd: -- v ,^ i' LO.SDON. Ocl. 20-AltDnuiih. till* [|i,| AuddonnesH and lilUarnesa oh ihu do- RMfitIc I'lecliou has larKvly diilroch-d Urillsb luicrcnl In the Unite,d Stali'ti n,u campalEn, nevertheless (h m Is suf- ficlenily sltnllarlly In Ihe Iisugr tn ^ 1 Intensify the Interest ns noon aa Ihe V I domustlc political tato Is known Oct. V 20. ' • » .. Business Inlcrcstii arc walthlas llic . poRSlblllly ot inrlff reilucllon. al- ihnush llnTo Is no reaoon lo hope serloiiuiy deniocrmic or Indrpciidoni IkII vlclory winilil leail ici i-arly rcrlslon. wn Orowtli of tbr Ind'Trnrteni move- tni'ni in Ihe Unltrd Siaich ha* sur- oiii prised rinse fnllnwtirs of world pol- ru' Itlcs. while rasiial rrsdt-m flxpresK I as(onlBhincn( nt (ho "swcop of mfll- ii‘> callsm. lu America." . <•» Tlie'Manclicstci* Gi(«r(lli\n'ioday do- J " ciBrca labor hucccascs In J9S3 and In 1921 have deopjy Impressed Ami-rlca. especially tho contlniioiia evjdcnco lliat. UHllsh labor and bolshevism are "ail tar apart as the two poles." Moro- ■oy«T-^BboHi«~r<>o.>e<Mn-a((U«-tuuL auteted widoBprcad (earn concornlnK their rtoctrlne, thereby *tlmula«n»f American ihlrd party movcmcnls and wcakcnlnB the Coolldce caui#, • . The avcroao ‘ BrllUbor ciBMltlea Cbolldgp with Jlaldwlnt Davu .with fo, Asqnlth; La Pollctto wltb 5laeDotuId, ,gi wblle 1.1oyd OcorgOylB comparoa with p, Uio lalo ItooaerelL ------ W M ajtaerc.il juaUonfjigrianaL cK J. JlkJiur hr. Davla here, o.wln»_lo his pepmtrlty-during hta (era aa Amor- r; . icu-'arabaa^or at SU Jameil* Cool- tdge la accorded more rcapecU;-flral • •a~fa>>iig'<Mt.~ai?(!cn«~>s"K~m>B wno • - • loot offleo owing to Kardlni‘1 death •=wfirch'pi>5aoctra-B7nrp«tiiortc-(ocl» — lAff that * 0- dcsarvoa knoUnr^chanco i iBJoimuliurhla-owiuaHcle*. Ch ••U rollefttfii pollclea arc ippr«*lat- pi pd »W baa/Jy. but at luBt t^iaro Is tn •rauob curloalty as to-hla taie. aapec- ao b a 5 to T « S c a lS u n "tbe,most prom- iBttig cbuniry,*’ hence obBerrara aae gt IIUI4 hopo of radicallBtft In trOBpor- („ . ota..O alt« Staiea." Jt la.jren pra- cs ^ lllolea- tSalTW«>oaatr*-.«jBtB4r'wlU Borlouly affcct U Fe»BttB> ehsacM. _lo»tB -I £ :;OOmSYVILUL-Kiaa«-‘ _Ofcfc--to^ cr ' ]U*'itDrw*'ven ctoaad aoA-lnsBUMM ts . afc' stBBdatUMAdar -vbtU. Cofftrvlile gt c’ hWMMtt--her mi»t‘’dlstfdritt«-.«lt- .- IMES SEYAIBDBdMElN n O S H M K M M O iM l It int. N. J., wna tAkon by M. J. "> n of .the air was the Jasfact ill umo/ that broke all njcorde for n„t I over by tho U.' 8. navy as, a '’m iriviiiE N T i EffoVts at Medialibn^ Fail i-n and Federal Intervention IIOI Will Uhasublidly be the J Next, Step Taken. ______ ^ im Ni:\V YOUK. Ocl. 2D-AII rfforln al ' innllnilon In Uki lonu wii» Jn lln- mm hnvr fulled und lln- nrxl nlcjt inunI lie f*'(lcrol driHir^hlinn (if Uiosr rmimiih- Ible for conilnnsHon of thr murdrr- ^ HUB ipiiii, iiiSi.rctiiFTilifPd SV. liPnireiT r*" of thn Chlnrsp biirenu of (lie Uiiiiil- Ktsilon nr-rvlcr. drelaa^l loday. I .Wllh word of murdrr of a Ohinrsr in Detroll, the lalesl vicilni ot rlvulry. bclKoen-thp-On-Leonirana'TIlp Hlns '> tonss. ibe.re wan fresh activity by l>oUcfl Bna^dclccOjcaJicrc.lQ pna'.rnl ?“ an outbri-ak of veuBeance. »; LcaOuaJtf. ,UiA.Otj. uwntjt^ rntuaad (0 meet thoso of Ibe Htpa.ltv a pMtou t'j' parley thbi week-end. Aa a result In- spector Brnunh announred ho wlll cx- f* ert all hls loniieitcr lo hrlnK depor- (ndon- lnio-plsy lo rml llie ------- - • Any Chltiosi' found ciirrylnK wr'fti>- "" one llleKBlly. wlll be inndr lIMiI.i t.. n driKirlniloii o« ft •'dniiccroiis rsdlcnl" hr suld. and 11 iniiy br poKslblo cvrn lo rrsorl ,to wliolrnnlr drportnliouti of (cinK Iriidnrn, ' , It'dovrlo|ii')f toilay (bal tin' loifR wnr lum n,(;i»n(\.dlaii_nn8 lr Bnd,iin;ln- •?" vc-silKadon has been boKUU nt Otia- wn. Kcportfl are fliat It waJi a "saiieal" In connet'tlon wiili fbr nmuRUlinK ot Cblurso across (he Canadian border Into thc Unlled Blate.« thai.lbd to thc (Imt killing In Ihc present iiliano of *' Ibu feud. t^henandoah Battles ' l\ Way Down the Coaiit Against-Windstorm HAN KiU.SCl«CO; OcL 20—The dir- < iKllilir Shenandoah wan flKbllng. hrr [|< wny iioiithwnrd from Cnmp Lewis. '■ Wash,, lo Son DIvuo. Calif,. llirOurb- >” out (hill tiiornioR lii (hd (eclh nf n ru'H and wlndr.ionn.. J Head winds wero encountoriHl by , JJ;» dirJfftbla noar CMpo MrnilocUio. . (^allf,, which Increased as ibo prc>- crcssrtl soiilliwartl culling her speed froni fiO mllia an hour to Irss (han 3U miles an hour. Thon ador-roiindlDK I’olnl Arrna. v Calir. she struck a r.alu whlrh wan l< blown 3C miles per huur ajtalnsl her h and finally encoilnirreil drivlni: riin “ ulWi; m rn'llm Wtnd-1H 'IWM'»-H«>lflt a Arrna and J’lilnl Jleyrs, north of Saa , Prantlnco, II As a rrsuli Coiumandrc. Zachary l< l.anNilowna t>t tho Shenandoah radio- ed naval'hrodqoaners here Jusl be- V > fore 11 a. m, thal It would bn impoa- ■ ' • aiblQ to reach.Sao Francisco before n ‘ early aftorabon. . ' All messsKes ludlcatrd the ship w{is P I riaiOAJiiaarjWaPllC-ttUljlorrn. » 1 Governor Bryim on , t __ New Pil^irniilyft fn I ___ Southern lllmois j 0 6T, LdlllS. Mo„ ott. so,— Oovemor Charles W. Prrani—<lpmocratic vlco - pl*><^ld<>Mla^ CMit!i*a», ^liifUU “ s troni here loda/. on a pllsrlmago to - Boulherh Illinois, dtn/ln* chargoB , 0 M . **radicaitBm^"any' outliqiPS'-Til* ^ J. a Macklln.; former ravor ot J e Salem. HU., wbo worked- oa Brya&'s ! '' (arm 3C ytars ago, actom ^lw l the '} Oh’snV dtota^ihu-'tio-tt i >■ . radlcal jMDBlBUd e( «he atattmaata t - that, ha mmt oliw^tM »n»»rnfir br a j crata:nmnlnK (or aUte..otUe» «t^:tttp < • tmer^^t-ve're bea^.br-.a mariin . « U SUtos.BMrem^'obttft^toS? roled ■■ 1 'I .[DAHO WEATHEE. ^ I-'nlr uml wnn'Rpr In- B - ' iiluIil; Tumday pirrdy V rioudy. OLD VUL. X lll. NO. B5 ' NOMINE ROSS mm tAIE s o w Wonan Candidate for Goy- eriior of Wyoming-Secks to Evade Spotlight of Publicity; Has Never Con- • sidercd a Political Ciifccr for Herself, i -hi ; vi:n. vi:, \v. v.i., o.-i, m -tii-' •|..i.. iii-.i u(Miu.ii Itl Ilir rnii-'ii sin i.s 'MU'111 .III »1il r.i|iliii>iii'<l roloiilnl m sn- Siic- jr. NrMi’. ’J'.ol,).. 11,1,1,1. widdw (>r I.u:. Uiiiii ih t.o nnd chndldnlc , fnt llu- roM iiioikUIi> i>f llii' stulo uf Wj.Hiilni:. , • . Alinin h- i- « :u> Mil' liiinl!.- nnd Imsllo (if u «hlrl«lnd .ciiijiijnlcn. llil she wnn_ nut (.t JI, H.-r Krlrl for h.-r drad b u s - ................ Imml, lln- lull- Covrrnnr William ». llinr., iialiMC,.|iiI.'d Ib h l' A MI.IIIIIU •,( jl'. crafdiis In ihu X-x- iriiiii., Ilf Iiu- olil miullj. dsrk Jialrrd_ uiiil dirJt-.Li'iil. Ucf flno facc .“wna.., ,'f lined \>|ili iIk' irmililc and turmoil ol Ihc hMl itiv.T unkn. i^lii 'n u t 111, Illl- illiii. hlch rrllinr.rd llbrnry <>r IIli- niT iiilvr inuniilon. Uiu ronm nlior'i her hunbnnd luvrd (u Tbc tbIiiK ii)i<- uliibid 10 avoid (hn inw>t-Yrti(iMh'^fti«rtnf-Hi|><«iiftii-ot.*u—_ tr-nlloii of ihx rntlir rouniry whicli hun tin'll tbinwii u|inn hor slncn her iioiiilnull'iii. In a (lUlriij- tnodulsK^I voice nho -------- nnl.l;' - “Ti> (Iilnk I nhould find niysctt In Ili1n piisltlnn. II seems tinrrai. "1 iirvr;- ui nny llnir considered a lioUllrul rnrciT for tuyitolf. "Uf cfiursr. I wan vKally InteroBled In nil my husband did." ' Al mriKlou of her busband'a name. Volrr chohKl. Then she ’r#8«Kl-.h«r hrnd bravi'ly Snd continued!' - - "i’erhaps no une can ever uader- Stan<l I <ln Hot waflt this honor lor . iiiysclf. but It only I may U ptrmit- ____ ted to carry oh In hbi place through- oul ihcf remainder Ot hli tenn. Tbal IR-Fll -1-tloBlrr.--------------------- ----------- — r— i,ia s’r ^ w aeiStf^ -- ■ above all things the welfare ot all tba people, of Wyomlns aad I Bhait al- lempl to ca^^>' oul his pUaa. -••(( I.so.f,7i w|(h.bl* work I h a r a _ -------- no furihor ambition, I oo not want - a polltlrai carerr, "I know what he wanlod lo'do'BO ' well. . 1 talked wllb him constantly nliiinl Ihc blK Dilnun and ho was (grac- ious riiotiKh 10 ray I hnd helped him.' Another-plrlur.. of Mrs. Upas waa puluird by Jor V. O’Mahoncy. slate , dwiiocrntic vicc ehaliBtaB-atid on»-o( — ----- • Ibn mon clm.rtii.io 0>e woman. ' •■novernor floss was one of the pjoat , : brllllani. lioncsi aod alooera men I , ever mcl in pollticB. lulbo.frequenlly r wan loo ijulck w take a tangent. Mrs. UosB slcadlwl'hlm al all tfme^. ^^^)llD he was eovomor U waa her ouallty , of oulct common seoBo lhal helped . bim so fre«iucntty.'' Mrn. Ilosn was being aided by her son Ambrose, 20, who lefl tho Unl- , vrrsliy. of Wyomlnit to bo wllh her ‘ (brouKh this IrylnK Uiao: ' .~ . Grorscl twin brother of Ambroae, . hoa returned l6 b!a itudles, and Wil- liam Uradford Koes. Jr.. 12, contlouea J In tbc Cheyennn high achool. ^ Stork’s Visit Paves I Way for Departure of I Convict ^om Pruon. " MI-:.‘?QlIlTi:.' Tex,i Ocl. -.SO—Inter- , ventlon df the alork. whMlfic^l WP* „ Iris ut lbr hume flf Mn(. Ilobert Hall r ,h<;ro Saturday nlKht. brought icinpor- II ary rrleasn tn her huabatid (rom ibo t a t ^ ^ d a ^n^todg}^ oJ..j„ L-l lbr olbor two wltl live. The (amlly V Is destltuto, ' Hall, a world war veieraii sllgbtlr . past 21. waa Bcntcncwl to a long tana . In (hn penitentiary laal May la coo- c necdon with (ho killlnR o( Wlnneld Knox, mcm-ber of a '-"Uck-tacklsiT . party. Ho went to tbe peolUntlary wllhoul Buarit and waa-on hl» .war._______ Kcloaao ofitfie prlfO«or,-tor-« yM t- • - wllh bla- (amlly. was .m ated by Aet- loK OorBTBor T. W S D « t1 4 ^ - - . S Supreme Cbdrt r Down Thri^;lS5qS5§’, n —for~R«mw-vbf''C«ti^ ° W AaraNOT^iod. .io^Ihe " tloa a(.3iw .>& W ibi .M&-. - ...... - '* lX»nbu*V.'flin^TWnfl«o''fefI^e» r o{ iheir coBvloU6tl M-Vl6UlUUr.'Uk ^ r prohibltian-BCC'ra'dtaM.tmUr'br • ib« fuprema.^ in t- '.^ .:---■ . In ?-

FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

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Page 1: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

.wmrf.... ' ' - .................................... .* - j V O L U M E 7, N U S fflE U 151. -

Borah Promise Inquury Injto Charges; For

iffiiDEBTBiniER. P r o g r e s s iv e S lu th F u n d . A I - ^

l e g e d Tiy N a t io n a l G . « — ------------- P r C h a i r t ia a n . ' ' S

■I ' uCinCAQO. n).. Oct :0._CaunUr e>

clw ritet o t A ‘'i lu i l i fund” by ihb Lo- FpU«L<e*WIiaolor t i c k e t ' woro mn<I« g" tvda r In a Btalcmenl linued from n, rcp'ubilchn cnrap»lgn lioadiiuartora hor« DT«r tne nu n e p t W illiam M. ail Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller »

' h«a :a*X etdona to r UoniU.“ of i i o »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj-

mlttce, to lathmon wlinMHOs trom St W licoaala to te ll of tho propoaal to to ralto . 1600.000 th tUat a tato alone lo

____ ( o r tue IndepotKienC ticket. . - orI t tha tamo ra tio waa followoil In <n

olher atolca, Ib'o UiFolIoUo-Wlioolor 0 fund woulil bo hlRher <Han th e ro- »« putillcan ’ campaign fun<t, UuUor

. • M^ -------o t..hln -f^mmluaa . A ra ljlnB la Waah- ^

tPICtow—tofliy. 'T h e "Bluah fiinU" It c b a n e a mad* by Sanator LaFoIIoUo

■ HSalnM the republicans w lll bc In- . YMilnalftil tliaro Btartlng tomorrow

- ................. ^

History Proves ■ Ir ta ccu racy of

— ^ ^ 4 K e - S t i i w - ¥ o t e *

. W AfSSnn^N, Dot. 20.-^• __ V T h i J L l U i ^ ZHgwt ,i» - try*

^ — l i t f ' t t ' i i S i c s W 't i u s 'e l e c t i o n 'o f . f Prwlda}it.i3wUileo.” tb# dem- »

------------»cratIO."’ 'JBWioinfll~ .coidmHtee" „. 'o h u ^ i a > sta^.«nent chsi-

W haa;tB t'dem ooratfo org&o- 111-------- . 'J isU d ft a b a T 'n o f 'f c t t iO i r - t l i e - i

gpod-f»Wirt)f tli® :N«w-York \ ■ publlwitlbiv.it rtates: that too

''straw-poll”-is obviously m»* f, ' "because ballots a ro b»> '

ing sent to voters in tho ratio [----- ----------of-nearljr-th roe-repub llcans-to - -

. ono demMTSt.'',- ■ ' ordwp t« have its

'straw',Tdte’ eliMtions accept- '* ed M:WtUlb%-U'-to first aeo- " eisatjr ter.i^.Xiiteraiy Digest o to blot from xhiBmory » 'straw ■

.voteVitooj^lictodia.me. . " “ if the cenntry had voted .

____________]th a t year a s th e 'D ig es t's straw pgU- iid ica ted . U r . H ughes'

. p l u ^ ^ . would havo .been 4,m i m instead o f th e plur- a llty of BM.885 w hich Presi­d e n t Wilson feoeivod.” .

. ‘Solid: So^lh ' ^lear# p a v itj ' LaiFollette,

S tate_________ T onn- Oet. 2 0 -Jo h n

'.W. D sV u-delivered bero to3a? BTIT'' m e ite se of 'cotifM enco.io “tho 8011(1

c su ia o} democracy 1* saining oVerrwhm .'*.be aald. "TbD votoni oow u id M itw a 'tk e . Isaaas and- »rt>. doUi^ m in d to o rder a chaoRo In the;Con> d u c rb t t n . to v o ram en i'a t. .Waabing-

____________ . The dtiw kiyU c prM lilcdtlal canrt’l-

*' o t. 'b ti lo u r on tbo b e t la - o t .N p o r ta , tb a t' TeBxiwato-whlcK w ent, r«puhl(- |

' e aa 1& i» » ~ > w u ' > a v e i1n f . aKsla. T h ls ;w u t>ratopJly.(tMiod. by a ll h la j

' X QihorltjBs.'tier^who" a^Burod ■■ Wm-f-, ■, — ih»tjiiibiw tim r«nH B rkM C .T *jw ie<t«

w U U ;poU :»;bl» voto lbo acmoerSla

t l i M m < a t : t t t s D e r 4 d ^ ^ I t will give . ^ a a 'i M UJUrft'tTSlUjr te ^->>*U ena]i

. w eeks lroin_tp-

" I T O i ^ ’ S S ® a a ~ « r d - e a h J M t l -. . ttarlM d m u»ut

;■ O c y ~ ^ S £ i i a ^ o

FA;es Thorough Slusli Fmid ’

irgets PoliticsScene of Investigation

ShifU lo W ashington; — Idaho Senator C ivets Up - _Re-.election.Cam paign..!____

W a s h in g t o n , d. c.. oci. 20. -Wlth the arrivnt of ijunatom Bornh, Drue* nnd Cartway, o t iho Boaalo camtulKit tu;iil8 InvesilgailDC com- nillUo loday. (ho luono o t tbe j>robo abirwd f»”om cniea«fa tt)-tho"cnplta1 ' and will coDllnue liero un til the electloQ and looser It nbceanary. Tlto Inquiry win bo rosijmed tomor- ro.w. C lo m 'u Shaver and Janiea W. O erard, treaaurer ot ll\) damocra- U c'nailD nal commtueo, will tc«ilty..

On Weilncfday witncDBM .‘Bummon- aa trom PhllndolphlR to (ontlty con­cerning Senator L aFollaite'a "slush tuna" chargCB will apncar. ,r. . . ^ ■ T ~ v : 'O ’Connor " o f tho -" Uniteil tl S tv ea HblppInK board, may bo aakwl Ij lo tosUty In connection wltli* Lal-'ol- „ lotte’* cbargo thal llio republican _ orgaofta»on p«W etptmnea nf Jabor- Ing men wbo ateemled rruxlrtant n Coolldge-B reception a t tho White iruune LAbor day. J

Borah A id ho wna propnrod to carry cn th i iBTCptlpHlon tmtlJ elec-

uy^^hlii campaign to r rt-olectlon In _

■ ' -----~ I


Holiday Crowd a t Texas J " ” A l ^ m e n T T w k 'T O “ •

nesses Tragedy. ■ "HOUSTON. Te».. Ogl,_20 -O no_Dro- j

foaalonsl A rachu ie Jumpor and two ( pleaauro aeckora wi-ro klllrd wllhln | ibe.apace e t a lew. hQ unm Lan ajiiiiBft- . m*tit park haro latn Sunday. . ,

Mlaa Momie iV m y . p ro tcgglonal ,

I t O aujTw iu ' lM M t lM U lS d ”w bw JUlO accond parachute o f -ft th rw par- \ Bcbmei leap, (ailed lo opeo and she

- ptnncK l to bc rdeo th from a lic U h ro f ? 2.000.(ccL ..ThouaandB ,of plcaaure- . Bookon wIlDCCBod tho inaKcdy. |

•Charlcd C. Johnaon. Zfi, •anil Mlai. * • Mary Wllnon. lit. w erc-lnntanlly-klll-

«1 wben Iwth wen* r h rw n from tbo * front neat ot a tm ln of earn on a roi- ‘ Icr coaster.

----------- ------—.............. — -------------- 1WSAWI KxreiTWJ.

DB.S'VEll. Colo.. O c t.' 20.-^n«aUi waj- f o i ^ a t Ibnlgbl fo t H enry Aug- u tuu-B ucfa ta l.- 77. (o rn o r g o tem or « of-Colorado, and chahcollor oraarllus I o t Danvar unlvorBlty. n r -phyBieianB I at:hlB badilde today. Dr. Qochtel ta 1 au tferln r from b rain betaorrUaga and < nrlBht’B dIaeaBe. - ■ ~ II

_ M E L L O N iS J W E W N S .^

■■ 4) ] ^ '- i i'

i<« 7 :;.i •

J - , . ifflijiSlkI*

“ (' .....

p p i i n f

■vy____ : _________ _ _______ _



p —

Tbis. ezceptionally fine photogra Ackerman, lOEA Servioe and The /

.1 efie'tbMa^advwtiw^v^hlflh-bnjni f lighter-Uiiko.air .oraft, and wblcb was *■ war repsratlcins paymojit by the Ga > ......: 1: .. t. ~7~~. ' .' '•!

•raO R S H A K E S C i-SOUTHXAROLINA^—• •' .' ■-■ • - “ T*"*............ I'Ul

Pictures Drop From Waii lwM any-€iHes;-Spartaii- m<

burg Is Radius of Gigan* oii jj tic. Earthquake.

s rA iiT A N s m m o .'a . c . o n , : n - • ■ Pldrm ount rtlntrlrt «niii|i t'an.llna

, , wna acverply hbukuu loduy l.y ai\“ tM lllQuako. . --------- ---------. ...T he ..trem ors'.w orp felt In 'inKtin .

and cItiM In flpartanBburR and (irrcn- ,, vlllfl countlcfl.

T bouunda w rm arouanl hy Ihc dlx- „ii turbancen; which o txurrcd nhorlly a l- mi

'O ter 3:30 a. -m. anti conllnncd noveral In mlnuioa.^ ~~Wlpa» *"var.prTattled~ttnd~plctureB ea

' dropped from the wnlln, —

« sM b whero tho'dlaturbaoca W mimoni

^ violent and airanKo ruinhllnK (loiindnS ---------------------■.••■■------------^ ' -Deatdi'ntn a t rickonn thmiRhl a )<<V-

rlflc cxplooiou ha<I oocitrrod anit'find(rom tbelr HmmPH tr r rlf ln r_________ £d

ll. ■fowna which rcporicd <lln(iirl>«n‘‘‘'« f l I,p lii,clu<lfd AofliTson. a riv r , Kaaloy, Un- y ,]. Ion, and l.Ibw ty. , }®

• Thfl Vjuakn wan 'ROHeral wllhln a ••- m tfluifof-KK''nllpti of-SparlnnhtirB,-

U, WAIJE IXfUEASK ARKKP. ' th g- - CIUCAOO. Ocl. 20..-D«niaml to r m or waget blgh enough 10 onable tbenl pi us to bay Ihreo p sira o f illk. iiocklngfl tu nB for their' wives coch year Is mnde lu ts a request' to r Increased pay on (Ile «■

nd with the Unllod States railrosa labor In ' I board lioro today. . Ci

" I ' l ' t v • • • •



0 . H i m . s f a i i f .^ b c to g h p ]a e r . ' T h e ac a a g h t ' t b e : ' ^ ^ i'fron t 'M e d e ric h s lu tfe vas m a rk e d b ^ .f i i a h y Ib rU ilh g a p c r i Q en n a n g o v e iw e n t . ; -

G e o r g e t o w n S( D o e is N o t R e ;

l l w u ^ o a cartlinuiLkuJiiy ill- TM sinimvnut did no i nhuv a Uiln); at lha l lime." nald Falbcr Tan«lro{f. soJa- • / moKraphlsl of QcofKotocft- university rar o t-the rcporled <^iiak.viti South Car- If. ollna loday. the'" I l iiiay have bren ft Isnrtslfdc^" he Jai

s a id ., ' ■ _ , ■ '«'■, nx iR K ^C B , Italy, Oct. SH,--A nhorl to desultory carlhqtthki' uliiiok «sn foll rcil III lln* . district hcivifcn (..fuilflnuovo and liarfajjuana 'I'xlny; . _ I

■ AHilKVILI.li. K. C.; Ocl. 2n-S«vcro d»i I'nrili I'hocks wcri' toll lion- a l 3:30 wc n. III. today. Tho tr.'inorK iwied ’a . m/eiiitc. caasM iH g of a errlvg of sharp J ------------------------- -------- ' - ...........Jin

CI.AUKSVH.Ub] Ga., OcU 20 -A n lut earth-trcmof-laaUftw-HlxiiH-aOsooond s Ub

Suit A^ai^iA 'boliehy ’ n P an -A m eric^ Co. Is

-----S et for T o m o rro wIX)S. A N O E U ij.-O ct.'!(l.-S us|iuna- .

ed tor 5« hours. opcnUii o f tho gor- cr;imcnrM suit uealnnt i'l Lj. DhIicii.v's l*an-Amorlcsn Oil compnny, nerklQK « lo Vrcflk Ihd Klk lll l l nii vnl rcsprvo Icaso Klven Dohcny by tormcr Hrcrc- tHry_j>f_tho, lnli.Tlqr_fMJ._wlH rciunilcrwuy JOTiorrbw inornlnic.'.................

Tho sn(( wan »ch«iliilot| to open ' th is mornlnff bu t n -p rt ts ln e law and luollod .calendar In Ffdoral JuUfio P a u l-J .-U c C o rm le lc 's .c o u rt necensl- tutcd the short poatponomeat.

The action InTolve* o il properties w o n h a t oaat »loo.OM,000. situntixl ?,* In Iho KIk HIU nectlra ol couiral '' Cnllfortiln. . ______________

, : By Ben B a t a f o r dp< lh

Ir SI'

pi. ■ It

a cl

- 1! •••— Cl

■ • »>


; '9 ly v ! \ ' a• w

^■ 11

iMi-' - I s i< l i t ' ' >


% ' ' ' I

LY T iiER'20; 1924.



f n o s ^ d in to i t s b u g a r a t L ^ e b u n t . I a o t o f b o u s in g th e g r e a t I .o v ia tb an 0: io len , O e rn ia n f, to .A n tc rica -iit- tt- jc ru rn i >criences. T h o ZR-3 w ill be to k e n ov

s e i s m o g r a p h SI e g i s t e r S h o c k jwan -diHiJni'ily foil here al Il:3o u. 111.

Efi• AUKIISTA. (5ii.. Oct. I'O-Hllijlil rarlh trrm ars w n r ri-|iorl«'<l (o llio i V. B. wcaihrt—bureau h rrc toHay by • i Ihc rrsldrnlK I11 Un- lll ll sr-ctlon. Dr. James K. Ixivpjny,- c o v rn tiin ii ofllc- 1lAl. KitUI thf, ijunKvif r;<tu<«v] hiato shakn anil m nrlchlmrliimil iIoks ^ to ba rkhu . Th(i dliitiirbaiicc* occur- rcil a l 3;ao j . ni.

»p:.M)KIlSONVlU.i:, N. (!., Ocl. 20

rtiimonvlllf a l 3:30 a. lu. lodu*-. Huusca wcrt) shaken.- . '

CJIlCSTBIl, S. c,. o n , :o~~Tw„ dls- , Ilncl earth shock> awakened rMldcnts {" ,* horo a l-a :30 this mornlnK- The dls- lurbancea camo close loKothcr ami la»U<t-aiitiui.SO-Boo«bda.------------- -

...... -Irpb.-Democratic - Candidate la Well-liked by Reil- 1 - - dents' fEngl&nd:-- v,i'

LO.SDON. Ocl. 20-AltDnuiih. till* [|i,| AuddonnesH and lilUarnesa oh ihu do- RMfitIc I'lecliou has larKvly diilroch-d Urillsb luicrcnl In th e Unite,d Stali'ti n,u campalEn, nevertheless ( h m Is suf- ficlenily sltnllarlly In Ihe Iisugr tn ^ 1 Intensify the Interest ns noon aa Ihe V I domustlc political tato Is known Oct. V 20. ' • • » .. Business Inlcrcstii a rc w alth las llic . poRSlblllly o t inrlff reilucllon. al- ihnush llnTo Is no reaoon lo hope serloiiuiy deniocrmic or Indrpciidoni IkII vlclory winilil leail ici i-arly rcrlslon. wn

Orowtli of tb r Ind'Trnrteni move- tni'ni in Ihe Unltrd Siaich ha* sur- oiii prised rinse fnllnwtirs of world pol- ru' Itlcs. while rasiial rrsdt-m flxpresK I as(onlBhincn( nt (ho "swcop of mfll- ii‘> callsm. lu America." . <•»

Tlie'Manclicstci* Gi(«r(lli\n'ioday do- J " ciBrca labor hucccascs In J9S3 and In 1921 have deopjy Impressed Ami-rlca. especially tho contlniioiia evjdcnco lliat. UHllsh labor and bolshevism are "ail ta r ap art as the two poles." Moro- ■oy«T-^BboHi«~r<>o.>e<Mn-a((U«-tuuL auteted widoBprcad (earn concornlnK their rtoctrlne, thereby *tlmula«n»f American ih lrd party movcmcnls and wcakcnlnB the Coolldce caui#, •. The avcroao ‘ BrllU bor ciBMltlea Cbolldgp w ith Jlaldw lnt Davu .with fo, A sqnlth; L a Pollctto wltb 5laeDotuId, ,gi wblle 1.1oyd OcorgOylB comparoa w ith p , Uio lalo ItooaerelL

------W M a jt a e rc . i l ju a U o n f j ig r ia n a L cKJ. JlkJiur h r . Davla here, o.wln»_lo his

pepm trlty -du ring hta ( e r a aa Amor- r ; . i c u - 'a r a b a a ^ o r a t SU Jameil* Cool-• tdge la accorded more rcapecU ;-flral• •a~fa>>iig'<Mt.~ai?(!cn«~>s"K~m>B wno • -• l o o t offleo owing to K ardlni‘1 death■ •=wfirch'pi>5aoctra-B7nrp«tiiortc-(ocl» —

lAff tha t * 0- dcsarvoa knoUnr^chanco i iB Jo im u liu rh la -ow iuaH cle* . Ch • • U rollefttfii pollclea a rc ippr«*lat- pi pd » W baa/Jy. b u t a t lu B t t^iaro Is tn •rauob curloalty a s to -hla taie. aapec- ao

■ b a 5 t o T « S c a l S u n "tbe,m ost prom- iBttig cbuniry,*’ hence obBerrara aae g t IIUI4 hopo of radicallBtft In trO Bpor- („

. o ta . .O a lt« Staiea." J t la .jre n p ra - cs ^ lllolea- tS alTW «>oaatr*-.«jBtB4r'wlU

B orlouly affcc t U Fe»BttB> ehsacM .

_ lo » tB - I £• :;O O m S Y V IL U L -K iaa«-‘_O fcfc--to^ cr

' ]U * 'itD rw * 'ven ctoaad aoA-lnsBUMM t s . afc' stBBdatUMAdar -vbtU . Cofftrvlile g t c’ hWMMtt--her m i» t‘’d ls t f d r i t t « - .« l t - .-


■ n O S H M K M M O i M l Itint. N . J . , wna tA kon b y M . J . "> n of .the a i r w as the Jasfact ill umo/ that broke all njcorde for n„t I over b y tho U.' 8. n a v y as, a '’m

i r i v i i i E N T i

EffoVts a t Medialibn^ Fail i-n and Federal Intervention IIOIW ill U hasublid ly b e the JNext, Step Taken.

______ imNi:\V YOUK. Ocl. 2D-AII rfforln al '

innllnilon In Uki lonu wii» Jn lln- mm hnvr fulled und lln- nrxl nlcjt inunI lie f*'(lcrol driHir^hlinn (if Uiosr rmimiih- Ible for conilnnsHon of th r murd rr- ^ HUB ipiiii, iiiSi.rctiiFTilifPd SV. liPnireiT r*" of thn Chlnrsp biirenu of (lie Uiiiiil- Ktsilon nr-rvlcr. d relaa^l loday.

I .Wllh word of m urdrr o f a O hinrsr in Detroll, the lalesl vicilni o t rlvulry. bclK oen-thp-O n-L eonirana'TIlp Hlns ■'> tonss. ibe.re wan fresh activity by l>oUcfl Bna^dclccOjcaJicrc.lQ pna '.rn l ?“ an outbri-ak of veuBeance.»; L caO uaJtf. ,UiA.Otj. uw n tjt^ rntuaad (0 m eet thoso of Ibe Htpa.ltv a pMtou t'j' parley thbi week-end. Aa a resu lt In- spector Brnunh announred ho wlll cx- f* e rt all h ls loniieitcr lo hrlnK depor- (ndon- ln io-plsy lo rm l llie ------- -• Any Chltiosi' found ciirrylnK wr'fti>- "" one llleKBlly. wlll be inndr lIMiI.i t.. n driKirlniloii o« ft •'dniiccroiis rsdlcnl"hr suld. and 11 iniiy br poKslblo cvrn lo rrso rl ,to wliolrnnlr drportnliouti of (cinK Iriidnrn, ', It'dovrlo |ii ')f toilay (bal tin ' loifR wnr lum n,(;i»n(\.dlaii_nn8 lr Bnd,iin;ln- •?" vc-silKadon has been boKUU n t Otia- wn. Kcportfl are fliat It waJi a "saiieal"In connet'tlon wiili fb r nmuRUlinK ot Cblurso across (he Canadian border Into thc Unlled Blate.« tha i.lbd to thc (Imt killing In Ihc p resent iiliano of *' Ibu feud.

t^henandoah B attles ' l\ W ay Down the Coaiit

Against-W indstormHAN KiU.SCl«CO; OcL 20—The dir- <

iKllilir Shenandoah wan flKbllng. h r r [|< wny iioiithwnrd from Cnmp Lewis. '■ Wash,, lo Son DIvuo. Calif,. llirOurb- >” out (hill tiiornioR lii (hd (eclh nf n ru'H and wlndr.ionn.. J

Head winds wero encountoriHl by , JJ;» dirJfftbla noa r CMpo MrnilocUio. . (^allf,, which Increased as ibo prc>- crcssrtl soiilliwartl culling her speed froni fiO mllia an hour to Irss (han 3U miles a n hour.

Thon ador-roiindlDK I’o lnl A rrna. v C alir. she struck a r.alu whlrh wan l< blown 3C miles per huur ajtalnsl her h and finally encoilnirreil drivlni: r iin “ ulWi; m r n 'l lm Wtnd-1H'IWM'»-H«>lflt a A rrna and J’lilnl Jleyrs, north of Saa , Prantlnco, II

As a rrsu li Coiumandrc. Zachary l< l.anNilowna t>t tho Shenandoah radio­ed n a v a l'h rodqoaners here Ju sl be- V

> fore 11 a. m, tha l It would bn impoa- ■'• aiblQ to reach .S ao Francisco before n ‘ early aftorabon. . '

All messsKes ludlcatrd the ship w{is P I riaiOAJiiaarjWaPllC-ttUljlorrn. »

1 Governor Bryim on ,t __ N e w P il^ irn i ily ft fnI ___ Southern lllm ois j0 6T, L dlllS . Mo„ ott. so,—Oovemor

Charles W. P rran i—<lpmocratic vlco- pl*>< ld<>Mla CMit!i*a», ^ l i i f U U “ s troni here loda/. on a pllsrlm ago to- Boulherh Illinois, d tn /ln * chargoB , 0 M . **radicaitBm^"any' outliqiPS'-Til* ^

• J . a M acklln.; form er r a v o r o t J e Salem. HU., wbo worked- o a Brya&'s ! ' ' (arm 3C y ta rs ago, a c to m ^ lw l the

'} Oh’snV d to ta ^ ih u - 't io - t t i>■. radlcal jMDBlBUd e( «he a tattm aa ta t- that, ha mmt oliw^tM »n»»rnfir b r a j

crata:nm nlnK (or aUte..otUe» «t^:tttp <• tm e r ^ ^ t - v e 'r e b e a ^ .b r - . a m a ri in .

« U SUtos.BMrem 'obttft toS? roled

■■ 1 ' I .[DAHO WEATHEE.^ I-'nlr uml wnn'Rpr In-B - ' iiluIil; Tumday pirrdyV rioudy.

O L D V U L . X l l l . N O . B5 '


W onan Candidate for Goy- eriior of Wyoming-Secks to Evade Spotlight of Publicity; Has Never Con- • sidercd a Political Ciifccr

• for Herself,i-h i;v i:n .v i:, \v.v.i., o.-i, m -t ii-'

•|..i.. iii-.i u(Miu.ii Itl Ilir rnii-'ii s in i .s 'MU'111 .III »1il r.i|iliii>iii'<l roloiilnl msn-

Siic- jr. NrMi’. ’J'.ol,).. 11,1,1,1. widdw (>r I.u:. Uiiiii ih t.o nnd chndldnlc

, fnt llu- roM iiioikUIi> i>f llii' stulo uf Wj.Hiilni:. , • .

Alinin h- i- « :u> Mil' liiinl!.- nnd Imsllo (if u « h lrl« lnd .ciiijiijnlcn. llil she wnn_nut (.t JI, H.-r Krlrl for h.-r drad b u s - ................Imml, lln- lull- Covrrnnr William ». llinr., iialiMC,.|iiI.'d Ib h l'

A MI.IIIIIU •,( jl'. c ra fd i is In ihu X-x- iriiiii., Ilf Iiu- olil miullj. dsrk J ia lr rd _ uiiil dirJt-.Li'iil. Ucf flno facc .“ w na.., ,'f lined \>|ili iIk' irmililc and turmoil ol Ihc hMl itiv.T u n k n .

i lii 'n u t 111, Illl- illiii. hlch rrllinr.rd llbrnry <>r IIli- n iT iiilv r inuniilon. Uiu ronm n lior'i her hunbnnd luvrd (u

Tbc tbIiiK ii)i<- uliibid 10 avoid (hn inw>t-Yrti(iMh' fti«rtnf-Hi|><«iiftii-ot.*u—_ ■ tr-nlloii of ihx rn t l i r rouniry whicli hun tin'll tbinw ii u|inn hor slncn her iioiiilnull'iii.

In a (lUlriij- tnodulsK^I voice nho --------nnl.l;' -

“Ti> (Iilnk I nhould find niysctt In Ili1n piisltlnn. II seems tinrrai.

"1 iirvr;- ui nny llnir considered a lioUllrul rnrciT for tuyitolf.

"Uf cfiursr. I wan vKally InteroBled In nil my husband did."' Al mriKlou of her busband'a name.

Volrr chohKl. Then she ’r#8«Kl-.h«r hrnd bravi'ly Snd continued!' - -

" i’erhaps no une can ever uader- Stan<l I <ln Hot waflt this honor lo r .iiiysclf. but It only I may U p trm it- ____ted to carry oh In hbi place through- ou l ihcf remainder Ot h li tenn . T bal IR-Fll -1-tloBlrr.-------------------------------- — r—i,ia s’r ^ w a e i S t f ^ - - ■ •above a ll things the welfare o t a ll tba people, o f W yomlns aad I Bhait al- lempl to ca^^>' ou l his pUaa.■ -••(( I .s o .f ,7 i w |(h.bl* work I h a r a _ --------no furihor ambition, I oo not w ant - a polltlrai carerr,

"I know what he wanlod lo'do'BO ' well. . 1 talked wllb him constantly nliiinl Ihc blK Dilnun and ho was (grac­ious riiotiKh 10 ray I hnd helped him.'

A nother-p lrlu r.. of Mrs. Upas waa puluird by Jo r V. O’Mahoncy. slate

, dwiiocrntic vicc ehaliBtaB-atid on»-o( — -----• Ibn mon clm .rtii.io 0>e woman.' •■novernor floss was one of the pjoat ,: b rllllani. lioncsi aod alooera men I , ever m cl in pollticB. lu lbo .frequenlly r wan loo ijulck w take a tangent. Mrs.

UosB slcadlwl'h lm a l a ll tfme^. ^^ )llD he w as eovomor U waa her ouallty

, of oulct common seoBo lh a l helped . bim so fre«iucntty.''

Mrn. Ilosn was being aided by her son Ambrose, 20, who lefl tho Unl-

, vrrsliy . of Wyomlnit to bo wllh her ‘ (brouKh this IrylnK Uiao: ' .~. G ro rsc l twin brother of Ambroae,. hoa returned l6 b!a itudles, and Wil­

liam Uradford Koes. Jr .. 12, contlouea J In tbc Cheyennn high achool.

S tork’s Visit Paves I W ay fo r D eparture ofI Convict ^ o m P r u o n ." MI-:.‘?QlIlTi:.' Tex,i Ocl. -.SO—Inter- , ventlon df the alork. whMlfic^l WP*„ Iris ut lb r hume flf Mn(. Ilobert Hall r ,h<;ro Saturday nlKht. brought icinpor-II ary rrleasn tn her huabatid (rom ibo t a t ^ ^ d a ^n^todg}^ o J . . j „ L-l

lb r olbor two wltl live. The (amllyV Is destltuto, '

Hall, a world w ar veieraii sllgb tlr . past 21. waa Bcntcncwl to a long ta n a . In (hn penitentiary laal May la coo- c necdon with (ho killlnR o( W lnneld

Knox, mcm-ber of a '-"Uck-tacklsiT . party. Ho went to tbe peolUntlary

w llhoul Buarit and w aa-on hl» .war._______

Kcloaao ofitfie prlfO«or,-tor-« y M t - • - wllh bla- (amlly. was .m a te d by Aet- loK OorBTBor T . W S D « t1 4 ^ - - .

S Suprem e Cbdrt r Down T h ri^ ;lS 5qS 5§’ , n — for~R«mw-vbf''C«ti^° W A a r a N O T ^ io d . . io ^ I h e" tloa a ( .3 iw .> & W i b i .M&-. - ...... -'* lX » n b u * V .'f l in ^ T W n f l« o ''f e f I^ e » r o{ ihe ir coBvloU6tl M -V l6UlUUr.'U k r prohibltian-BCC'ra'dtaM.tmUr'br• ib« fuprem a .^ i n t - ' . ^ .:---■.

In ?-

Page 2: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

r A f ! n T v \ o

Call Mra. H. E. Dciss,

' Jin.-Iinc [’n rlj - Vll i;Jl Slinii.DiiN, I iif . I foil of Mr. mill .Mi'n. ii. K, Sliiuii.mn, mi. r .Li

..............c tlcljratcd .lilj I'li 1iirilay aflvriinoii trom i" r . in | "iiH i(/clock at Ilu: lidiiK' ot |iiiMtiin,i 7:1:11.

• ir,!l Him nlri'it. Oiui.. w r .- i.I:i>..I . nnd In III.- npi.lv ci.nir I n . / Illn.l: ’ Tli.

uon th.' iirlxf uiul Iinli.li To'.Ihi'i. " " in W'-lii Ihc cal RIIIIIC, Tlic iH.iiiic- Wllh (h ri.r-1 .Mi liK n lnl Wlin llnl1ouc'.-n ciiihl.-inB :uul' Th. wcro nUo u«C(1 UII U/c luiicli-'in liiMiv j ■n- - 1A tK'ftuiirul lilrilulny niK.' wiiii. iln' 'Vcilii ncvcii cnucllM wan In lli- c. ni. r ut Hi. I.c inlal.h. aiut an carl, m n.llc « n« 1.1n>Mi I lir .iv .IUI wI»li.M w .rc I'lDrcan.d foi llu-;

'• • yniiac" linBt.' Tlios.' p im .i il «i-n-: Arl .Maxliii' Allr.'il. Iluli.li ;n«l • ll.lcu : i.u->'(l Toolmii. l-'ai,. ujiil llnrhnrn IimiT. I..-:-.-! 7 '» . 11 llc-I.ln ro ln rK rn ii.-iir nuil' M:irt;iri-l: lininc Dftvln, S.-.h a Ullrlilim, Z.-lcn.' : l'li:li(und Inez IllAck. I'nul U iiiiu nml l.-»- noon.

• ti-r aliiiuiun... Mi-rf, SImnil.DH «i.,s i-alin r.ime<l Iir Mlfiii Unnln illnck. I Thin

H‘. C. T . V. Mi^cl-Tlu- \V. (V. T. V. IniT ll hchl n Very fine hic.IUik Frlilay nti- Icy il rrnrmn in th" imrlom of Oic M. th..-1 fr. «fii

..IW church. A ni.li-liilld tnlk wnn .;b- I'll by Mr. 0. I>. Jlarrlii on ••Tin. Slii:;lc| Ilrf a u n iia r il” nml Dr. j ; W. Vlnlu-r i-i.ulic, will 1 on tho »UbJccl from n licnllli lUand- clnir.- polut.. IJHlii .Minx Itonk,.|.l«ycil iiii h-uior

. liJllruiiK'nlAl n.l.rlUni. . In l<-ii

• Tll^ (^(ininiiinliy l.m1li,K‘ Al>l w ill-nrc c

Southern Mary] Battle That M

WhoM J i•nAI.TIMOKr, -M(t„ o n . :i>-I)own Uihi |1

. In ulM'iiy M uiheni Mniylaml wlu-rc I.-kIbI crM ky oxcarta m ti r t itr— flnnll-llkit ilmor throuKh tho tnliacco fl.-ldii, Juki m ly. Iniljcy did t« o crnturlcn n to nn.l ......... .Bliinm Of thc VnlvcriH mill rolKU. laml'ii th tro Ix In proRrrn* Kxiny 11 flKli.i fur tlcnui. ■ coiv tm ilonnl »oU- tliul nmy .I.h:IiU' lint thP prnildi-ncy. ilarkl

\V«KlnK lhat.lifttilc n r r two iicl.mn .iirnvli .of the (icotloii. They 'linvo nw’ukciK'l naiur

lhal hBR l.'l »o much «.t tnfxlcm rivtl-i-.M nnu n io n »llp by unnntlccil. Jly l«.lui- In coiInK oul Ift new Imiioriuncu In nntlrm- Iimn .nl a ffair* .'Ihcy . hnv.! «J-i tlir, < ro»ii nlln nnwKtn nioren nf tlu ' pkturcm incly Inillni

"Tiamcrt ■ countlrir^of Anno ATtmrtct: tr lr f -- i ' r l n c Grorficfl nnd St. Mnryn I.u u Iuh n.Of i

-----------wMh-pollUrti.--------------------- :-------- --------- OnlOm- ot tlic conlcKinittn in "Mnrni'“ dnuK.

Thomoii UrvckuU Herd Mudrt. nuo .i( nhrcHlho.lale S r i c y linmmuucl .MiiO-l.>-, man,n 'p u b l lr a f r fu k r ot noutlicrn '.Miry- UKiifnland - for throp drca.I.’ii, <-nn ti

Thu (all, sftunl youth rriuriied frnm Jlie d----- -- a liphl for Ucallli in Arlrtum to l.ni- hln fl

Uc for' ihtf ncal in onsr.-.m held hy v,or.llilrt'hrothpr, v(iio»n-ilcaiU n r"'ccK ni;u Sydni plunscd 111* place lii lo .th r im-slilcii- If :tial rnuatluii. , •>;:i1l(

T h r (rcmocrallr coutonunii In Sam- ihrccU.0 Warwick nniuhrlll. wlu.nc fiuiilly mid (wove much .Varylnurt lilnioiy. Al r,l. w.-ni


I’roKtonH of thc boy Kcoiit mox-mr-ni' i i,„ r iU tnlil 111 « trm c rrport mu.ln t r s in5'rcnldrnl Tlioniaii M. Uobcrl»(.n by J.>| y. DouKlnn Hawley. Buoiit .-x.-rullv.-.T w n ty n.ii.xl n.-hlrvcni.'niH n rr n.-t f„j, forili w hllr nlnn more i.l.Jrctlv.-n amnam.-d. (.

Thcro has lumi an lurrcnne of r.n ic>„ m.iin1.cr«hlp. A. c.iiui.lrlc finundnl ,,,,,^ . 1. 10. 1™. 1. m.il,'. 0.1 o n ..... . I. . 1,1

th rr r wiui a bnlnncr of |:!u:j In Ihc |„.Twin Kalln council nn.l IH'iI.r..'. In ll.c, „],

, _ Hnnki. lllvcr coimcll tr<ni:my.

A s h e r ; B W i l s o n H a s j ' j

B i g C r o w d s i n S o u t h s

E a s t e r n I d a h o T o w n s

Atihrr D. Wilnnn. candl.lalc t.ir cnn- p . , Rrriin on Iho dcmocrnllc tlcKcl wnn U C l linmr nvrr Sun.Iny nu.I cnj.iy.-.l a il\y'» rent wllll bln family nnd n xhorl o n - frrrncc wllh n.'iuc ..f bln i.ollllcal

_______trlrndn l.rfo rr Imvini; Ihbi m ornlni;

tnnlnhl. - A InlJlr r.’i'ortH tbat .it .M<iiiM»‘llcr a v.-ry h. r n

la rsc (TowiI aiK-n.I.-.l ilirMn.-ctlni; .-id- Him______ drcjucd-by.-Ulimiult-aail--iV.-J___i'l i :- . .Mrn.

h atrr. cnndklntr for uovcni.ir. Th.' m-c ; tbcatrc w aji.fill.d a ca .U ii: aix liuu-jhi;uic r ircl Riial* w-inil.l nnt hold all wh<>|tli.' 1 ■nushl ndiiiUnlon. T h r nex t .-v. nine I Tcncj a t .Malftd n i y moVr ilin ii~nrp-h im -rihr'-l ' «lrc*l heard Mr. 'Wllium tllnciinn Ilir In- Uori.RUn uf Ihln cainpalAO. , > I.-rlai

-------- T u rJo T T v a , {‘ri';!

y IB H O N O R E D * .

W o be lieve th a t o u r B a p tis t jmiow conitituontTT in I d ih o w ill foci L

■ prond o f tb p f a c t t h a t Mr. Iv U,,!,________ g T w ln^ llio l i

T alli Timw, has been flolcctcd i " i ;" '■ u .^ d A iD D ^ U c c a n a rd a U * fo r 1

li« ttt« iau iU goven io r. M r . M as- ! , {------ ---t« n i i - » ineraber of th o .P in r t j ; ' ’

' c hur c h o f Tw rio Pa lla . j t ’n...............H r l i M - i e r v o d - t f o ohB rch a*

S im d sj^ .'fo h o o l au p erln te Q d e n t. lum i,• • ‘ - t « ® « 'e r b f th o B a ra c a clasB, a tid T ide • • • in . s e rB rs I Q thor c a p a d U u . H o

■ ~ "~ "jr8 b o '1 jo w D b o rto f “th o 'b c w d ■= o l n u S iS B % o r ~ w r , c o r i ^ n ^ r

tlon .^B q> tfir^M diien?pr. Tin

m e :

iss, r h o n c 023. |

ii'i i - -> ";-.l ■ -

T ll- M. s . :iii.l S. f ln t. will 111.h-i iui ea..In..-..lay. (i,'Ii,l..-r I’:'. >Mih .Mr.., !i‘i-iilcb. w:Th.. \V(inicn‘n l'r.i:Tr<-'i.|vc cluh will n».-•1 ni Die lu.iii.’ Of .Mr:.. Ida ll.illiiiiil (>,.-lln. liilay. Oi'i.rlicr i:;. Koll m il 1.1 „i

iii...«.-r.-.l >>llb nil <)lil-.i.lui;liii: i.r .iv. ili. I'I.-nti.- brUiK j.u ir thlinl.lc,

.\r l Ii.imrliHcHt !.-. M.-Pf Tlu’-rivBt • i-.-lliu uf lbo A rt d. li'urtmi-iil uf lb.'V.ml,-111 (r.-niiiry d u b win he m ib.- ___ ^iin'o 'ij7 '^ rfiir> i. “ j r 'f lw c ‘ci.-}'rTTi If.>;lilli :ivi'unc iiiirlli. lonmn.iw nfl.T- l.ui, T b .' iinhj.'cl will be '•W.-nlci'n iliilcri.," null n rn rr trea t li. In lU.irc. or lln di-liarimrlK'of Ih r cluh will <-11- ' ..i, y lln.' \ci-y Kr--nl'iirlvllcKc of b n v „ IT 111.' IcniI.'rnhIp ..f Mrn. M. J. «wi-.- . " y 111.' entire, cluh lu-uiion. ^ 'o ro- “ ' .:.biu.-lilH nerved.

• • • wllrrrp lli.n fnr Mrs.. llr ..n ii -T h .'r . ':ll lie a rei'cpllou lii ib r Meduiilint ar iir.-b iiarlorn Tiieiidny irfUTnouu in .n.ir of M n. Marnbnll lln .w nr, wbo ' Al l.-nvliii: >u»)ii to maid. b.T b.ime lu

itdlniin, \Vl:i. All Indlen .if th e rh u r.'h y, e .'..rillntly ' Ai

Inland See J l ay Decide 1 }e President, ;____ : . All:i piilliihcd hnnkcr. Inw-yk-r nml tried ‘1'i;lKbiIor, who .lucn biiiiln.'T<ii lu llnl- Alnoro (Uid-!lvuii In old ll.iwiiril coun- nt . In mnklin: thc fb:ht' of hln lit.: lu ' In.-.leein" till, flflh dliitrlct for Mnry- tn Mil'll nnd iicrliapn for tUo nnliuiuil 'n|;nuicrney. i], Ilut yi.niij: ".Marne" Tom. -nn the.rkl.n Ilf Ibc dlntrlcl cnll him; In ' nvlB,; a worthy oiipoii.'Ut. Fnr Ibe ■ " uur o t Mudd In one li> conjure wlib .

Ihe fifth dlrlrlct.___ Uls_fftUli;i:. ^__r:’Inmc" ^ydtjry. .lurlnq bln 1C ycnm coiiKr'i'i. Ki.iiui'.ircd ib.' new hulld-

KH ni Ihc nnvni ncndcniy nt Annnp- alIn and th r m nnl iiroviiiK Kriumiln nt nr.llnn ll.'nil, M d.-»,l.i»in io ihc din- hrir f - a n i f ntherwiii.i i-udcarcd him- thIf lo tho |>.iii>b'. ' (h O n ly n n rn -waii-thr H H rr Mtt.lrl-Hn- - .UK..r .If defeat. T hul wiui when " rcw.l (iDiuucruUc Irnilera plai-.ed a ' - an alno, named, SliiiM. lu U>u tlcld . :itfn« hmt." To •m nlTf,ilu."rcpubll- ci n n rem rn of Ihc dinlrlcl undcrrian.l <1<e dltfcr.'ticc; Mud UKcd ......... ..... in ton flrM nnmr nn u nyinliol. And the . H :ir.l went t.irlh I.i voir for ‘'.MnrHo" di•dnry w im "ox yoke" in bis nnme,' j j tf Mudd iH .'U'ct.'.l, .Mnrylnnil'n del* of allon In the lumne witnbi ninnd U.t.l ^| rce i'.'pnl>llciin» io Ihr.-o .leiu.K-i'ubi id conl.I u.il v.)t(. It thu elecllonI-- _________________ L,



TUES. NIGHT !___ll.

■trninr n l l l liNni«s Umien nf (hrSlnlr nl the I.nterlnic Tninnrr.in * K rrn lnet Kormrr tii»Trmnr-o»-.\p-hm-.liu >)III Tnlk .m N'ntl.iiml'Af> ~fnlri. ' I

( in trn i.ir ('. .M.nirr n lll np- injii-nr nt the l.nii-rInK ton iom in nt .'len ln s tr> iiD'^enl the repiibllrnn Kllle nf th r nlntr cnlU|inlKll. whlrhhr c.iiili-nd.i In the ouly nidr nn /*ililrh th.i«e fawirlnc n c.unprleiit / . ndmlnUlrnilim rnu nrf.inl I.i n ip - . .iLirt. II.- n lll Kll Into .lelniU ll \U nunimu.ed lu .lei.-uri hln nd- iuilnM rnlli.n. 1

‘ "'•■tier I r

il.r Ih.' rl-i.uhllcnn iinll.uinl pnrty uml tickeU

)efl.nc8 Position on Religion in

_______Public Schools iim rrvt-w c.l ..Jnliirdnv In r rrn n i in . J

tin of pujilhi In Ihc iiulillr hchmiln. M rn. J . iL -l!lucc .-tl«uu)traU c-aom l- .•c .md ni.w l. a c h .'r ‘ill It.TKrr. licr iUiL- (lU lrIcl..iu i.l-lltal i.M> <>■> ‘ IC rcciinimcnilnllnn <if tb r 1‘ftrrnl- r-ncherii’ nB«oelntl..n, proii.nindcd hy :r--l(lahO Tiirrtin t ou rellKloufl c.liira- IIU. rccenlly rnilurnc.l by the rm ib y . rlan lUnle i-ynci.l nn.l .•nilnri.al hy -arllcnlly all rrnlc.nlnnt an well a i ___ ?

imely. Ilic n llw liiR of ail hour a ■>' crk tni“ -f>tich Inslrucltuu 'm i.Icr dl- •ctlon <if Ibc varloun churrbi'n. uiiil I'l lowinc of ercllin.I t r irf - rr fc r rn rr In Jb c onhj.-cl In In •r rcccnl nddrcn* hcforr, ilic Worn- . ». I'll n.'fliorriille cluh wheru a h r did

iiinert luimo dlncuBslon uf th .' nuh-

. E x c u r s i o n t o P o r t l a n d ’ ". ■ - OiJ. :S -N or.JItJ. ________t ’ninn l-nrlfin .......... .. rac lflc In- *rnullunal -Mv.. Kinok i:k|M>«lifAu. iliiln In .Moninua; Maho and O rriion; mil Novcmhrr :oib, 1>. 0. Loy.l, S' leli.-l .\R.-nt. Twin FftllJi. IiJ.i. 1*

MAJIf-KI,. A.M).-.(;Ulll, la4t lo tJcc ' . -fl m_a.U aW cii.U lluL ShUaipoo,-------- ---- n.

Tlm.-n Want A.ln IJet ItriiH n.


b y lU r A r t . SAD

. CHAPTER J t | (eontlny.jdJ ,,, .Th'etlT<> Snkr-ul-llabr rn tcrn l nnw H1»-

knin.. wllh Ibu rrix.fl nf tlm prim " '‘' “''J' eai.turr.I, Ilcyimd Ib.i prlnon-Tn, however, nnd Ihd nrlual' vcM.il'. wlilcli hail Riifforeil oolhlnc In the. nshi. llie r .irro wah of nn ncrouni. 'Oulwnrd bound an'»ho wuii It wn* out 10 ba oxpeclril Ihnl nny trean- iircn would bu dlncovl-rcd In .her bold. T bry found Krcal aloro of arcianinnta iinrt powdt.p and n Illlle - — niuney; but nnuRhl nUu Ihnl waa worthy of.lho comalm’ altentlon. *

------SflTir-olTlnhr- brigtly ’ limocTTilf “"’'P'®'•iirprliilnK onlcra.

"Tbou'll aoi tbo cfliitlrrn nbonrd orn of tho Rallryn. Illaknlnc. nnd •Ibynclt conrny thrm to AlRliri., S'" Ihnro tn he aolil. All nlBa.thnn'lt l.in»i. aboard hero, and two hun- ‘V"”''’ dred idrkctl i;iJrnnlrn to so a voy.iKC ■I"*' " with mo ovnrnoan. tncn thnt will f'” ' ‘I acl o l oncu a# iflarluen nnd’ flslil-

“Art Ihoit. thon. nni rrlumlnB to Alnloni, 0 Sakr-flMlabrT" .

"Not ycu I nm for n loncor “ "J* ’ ▼oyiKo.’ Convoy my norvlco to

' A»ad.rd.nin. whom Alluh Kunrd 'f '* '"'’ nnd chorli-h. and tell him in look for mn in iinmn >1z wctkn- tlmr.” '

'^llln luid.lflo rc«ol»o of OlHrn^ Ol'nel« crratnd no lllllr rxcltomrnl "/nhnard thn nalloyn.- Tho cnrnnlrn '"<>

.■~liliir«r"liol|[lri'« o r uaVli'nHfth'-'ilt’on' "“TO'fIhn open (.ra*, none ot llirm hml ■■hip «ev.ir .b.:en beyond .lho M..dllnr- hnd cirnncan. frw o f Ihem Indeed, bad opponlever Toynijed nn fnr wrni nn Tniir •'’Ir 01B|<artrl. and It In dnuhlful It Ihey at Sir

. would liavo followed nny other an.l— 1_ lra ilr.r .ln tu tlif.’ prrllft nt.tlifi.puia ."’iUl'll

Atlantic. - Unt aRkr-rMlabr,' th-- f.lon«lchild of Korluno, Ibe protected fif Ihn opAllah', hnd n c rn r 'y r l led ihrm to Sir Jonusht hut'vtcMTT; *n(l' lift hn.l bn'i Vattla;In rail them tn hrj-1 and ihcj’ would Inwndtroop n tlcr )ilm whilhrrnorver h.i nn Sir'nhould Uflnk woll to r6. So now churlalthem wnn lltOn trouble In flndluK "e.'d 'llie twn htindrod Ho desln.d for hln Arwrn

.•nchilni? crow. U athrr wn* thn dif l.lonclncully In.krnp iho numhnr ot thoio root o

' r.iKnr for thn adTnnturu wllbln thc nprnnr“T io u n .irh irh a J lnntc“aloiir~---- T ~ -Slr-Jn

Yon nrn n n t;to imppnno ,thal In Whrall Ihla Sir O llror wan aptlnK bpon er’n k.nny prrcim crrtod plan. WhlMt hn for Inhad Inln on Uio holRhli walchlnR alihouthat flno nhlp bbatlnB'Qp acnluit wan -iIhn wind U bud cotno (o him tha t Trurowlih auch i\ Vnaiol uiidcr'him ll Ihore-warn a fond adireni,uro to «all to conaet

-Kncland. to den»end tipoa Ihnt a pnrt - Comltli iUicuptl^ Bt-ii (tuQV. l in l tn

dorbolt. and prflaVnt tbn r«ckonlnR -hU o< to hla eravrn da itard of n brother.- hn mu

. Its Imd loynd with th r fnncy. nuppVtidreamily altnonU'aii mnn build th rlr Oodol]ca'gllci la ^paln. .T k en .Ia 'lb lb c a t PIllQ.tot contllcl It had.en llrc ly rnrnprd Thla 'hln mlud. to rriu rn in the ahnpe nt in M«a ru«olYfl- w hrn hn cnmi. In nnd olbnrhlmiolt, taeo to faco wltb Jnspur tl rLclcb. • ' ................................... DoaeiJ.

Thn ak lpp rr 'f ind the nhlp con- thonctJnlnlly prorldriJ hbii wllh nil tho cnny

■ m«»n« lo roallio Ih l l dream ho bad Godoli drnnmed. ‘T h rro wan none to op. fnvor. pn«o hla will, no rranon not to In- mlsht rtulgo' hla cnm l fnncy. Parhapa, jiortuii me. bft m lxht nre Ilonamund nimln, aboRh' mlsbt eompcl hor to bear the truth trcw 'i froiti him. And fhern waa Sir John the la KlIllRrrw. lln hifil ncvrr hccn abln n h o w

■ lo.d'tlflruilno whnlhrr Sir John hail, wholirru hln tflrfld or hln for In the bnnia.pant; hut alncn It wnn Sir John nuthoiwhn had .born Inxtnimnntal In net-' Into fllBK up IJouul In Sir Oliver'* placa of h rr—■by InducluR Um conrln to pro- ^M ai•uma Cir 011vrr-« drnlh nn Iho her n'ncnro that h r ln s a rrneM dn ho John’ninunt he accounted drnd at law— hn nh(nod alnco ll wan Sir Juhn who waa wall' 1

'Sakr-cl-O ahr. ths child of tortuna, nevor yel lad Vhem to 'huob l LUl-VlttSry.”

rontrlvlnR thla woddlnE between to see

Jolm. lo.i; nbnuld be p:i!d a v lill '.wborrnml nhould bo Informed of tho proap.prrclM. U4iuro of * 0 ihInF; ho did. croaa<

Wllh tho forcra a l hln dinpotal yolraIn ibijoc' duy» o t b it nbi-olula lord- li l i»!ilp ot Iltu and dwiih nlonc liio wblchAtric.-in llttnrul. lo conceits waa v lou r '*llli UllTor-ii"in no moro tban liio sa a «

_(<roIu'Jo _lo oXDOutlon, JTbe habll soDtliof I'wltl yenllzBtlqh of b 'U 'orery pltic

■ wUh bad (:rown with him. and tba l Yot al habll culdad now hlf courao. forRvI . tin mado h li preparation* quiet- bretbi Iv. and on the morrow tbu Spaolnh aho b ra ra c k -la tc ly labollrd Nunntra ib o 'tr 8«norn do Inn l.la;ia*. bul with tha t broth, labrl carrfully offacnd from her two t

• iiunriri^ irlm m ed b o r aalla and loro o .iflQO'l oul tftT the opou Atlanilc. Oodol

_,iutl£atii(lbxTfcaa)lal.n.;[Mpcr.I-fllfib.__ .___

............................ TWENTY-EIOHT


'7 cif lim 'a a d Mhrcfltin*


s thrco cnI!i:y!LjiBdi;r..tbii, com-,.................nd ot lllnU:ilne-ol.|ii>rak crept wly it.intw.ird nnd h.imi.ward Io :lcTH.,hui;Rlnir tbu coanl. aa waaI eornalr hnlilL ' . , • rho wind favured-Olivrr no wrllII whhln I.m dayn >.t roimdlni;lie su Vlncrnl li.i b:.d big llraC ,mpae of tho I-lwrd.' , - - - - . i


n Iho onwnry.ot Ihc River Fal I ! plcnrtld ahlp.-tm-the b u lld ln ir o f~Icb Iho mont cunnlni; vURlnocrn t1 been employed and no money 1irfld. roilo proudly Bi-nnt-hor’lnnt jSmllhlck under ibn, vnry nhadow . |tho hnljjhiB rrowncd by lho Uno . - J mo-of Arwonnrk. Kho wnn 111-K oul far a distant vriynRo. t»nil i

dava tho work .if ' brlnclnR |<rn nnd munltlonn aboard had {in In proKrnnii. no that thero wnn iunwonted buntio nhout ihn littlo ' ^KO niid the buddio of coitnRon iit w rnl In mako tfp Ibn flnhloR , 'laKn. nn It In cnrnoat nf lho Rrrnt imn thm In tuiore dnyn wun lu :■ren nboijt thal apou Fnr SIr • :•

in Kllllsrcw ucemed aV Innt t'l ’ jan Ihn t i o of pr.'vnillnt; and ‘ ' 1

InylnR ibrrn lbo tuundullong of - . ' I One pon of hli.dt.Mma.'ro-ftilH-Btafi'onhtnR«-hf« frinn.i-...........p with Manler T,lom-l TronnlMa;! ; |I contnbulrd not n llttln. Thn ilonltlon nmdo to bin projrcl by , ‘

Ollvor—And nuppi.rlnl. la rrrlySir Oliver’s nuKRunllon, by T ruro , - jI-H u ln lo n -h n d 'henu en ltrrly -

mel lMW'netunlly;r''n<' no tnr-In P■ opponllc direction nn lo nupport '

Jobn In hla rrprr.reniatlonn to ; <tllanjent-aflrt tIta "Q uw n~ li t.d- ■[ ' ?nd naiifroiy onouiih that Junt ■Sir Ollver’N oppoplllon of that i ,

irlahcd projoel bnd been tbo ;■d ' of Uio boiillllly hL'lw,eun • .wrnnck nnd. .pcunrrow, no . inrl’n 'a n p p o rt’of It hocnmn the - .It of tho Blanch friendnhip'ibnt'«nR up botwooo lilmnclf' and i-------------------------------------------------- -VhRt I.Inorl laekrd o f 'h li Jirolh- < keen Ihti-lllconcr hn mndo up

In cunnlnn. He' realized lhat houRh a t aomo fui'uro ttmo It s-ponnlblo tlm t Hclnton nndnro nnd tho TroMlllan prnpariy • ---------ire-tnlRlil coirie'tn suffer an a ' V w isequcnco nf thn dvvelogmrni nt ’. mrt so much more i.dvnataRonun- ., H j I>ltnntcil.:xet- thnt ^ u l d ^ hn in £ . ow n-lltetlmn; nod meanwhlln HBmunt enm In mturft Sir John’*

iport for hia null ot nnnamund dolphln'nnd thua find tho Qodnl- la .calntei morxed with bla own.Is eurinln Imme.llato Rnln wnn Sliepui Mnninr Lionel well worlb tbo

inr futurn posnlbi.i losa.:i must nou howovor. bo •n ^ seiJ..lh8t,,Wont!l'ii.courta1ilp,,ha(l . " , ° ineefnrwnrd rnn n amooih and . . ‘/iTr. iy course. Tho ,ml»troni ot dolphin Court ahowod him no |2AG0 •or. and It wan malnix tba t abe wi). Tht nhntm crhum rlt trom Ihe Im- Cnry ] ■tnalilcn of bis null iba t lbo bad 9-16. irh t nnd Oblnlnrd 9 lr John Kllil- v m !w's pormlnnloa to aeeompaay 1 - Kll 1 l.illBr's alater to Franco wbon > wont thrro wlih her b u n b a n d , ' ' , . " ’1’ o wnn nppolnlrd RoRllah nm. w li'isador to ihe Ixiurro, a ir-John 's thorlly a* her cnnrdlan bad como ‘‘ 'w n o force acnlri .wlib tbe docoano {jjj pj h rr lirollirKMnstnr Llouel moped awbllo In r nbsm cs: but clioorod by Sir in ’n. annuranre thnt In tho ond should prevnll. b» q tiU t^ Com- . M

.11' tn h ll lum and v e s t fortb ^

J \\

rect i Ins. '

V « « |(bN powoiywa

s, tho protecUd of -Allih, ImiS _ ry.” ' mlnui

th e raeo tho world. Ho ■poat aomo

lorr, tiowdvor. he '« '^ toa"lo^bS i'^ Mporod •nttI« ,...M d .tb o n bo» io d to Franco to pay bla do-Ira 10 tho lady of h li lo o s la n . tha tlill cooaimacn tb o ^am U U r .v llh Youileh bo mado his fU ttr-lb* ob- - and :iui~lBtpnaly o t -bi.i.:<lffroUon bp- ■a a t laat to -w o if.- iw v thatBtlowoman’s opjip»!Uoaa.at drip-__IK wator w o rn a w ar a Btooa. t sbo eonld not b rlac boraolf to ^Bot tb« f«bs w as-S ir O llro fa j,stbor—tlis brotber Of tbo m an- ' tJiorll 0 bad lovod, and tbs b rothor o t _ I t w l ) tnan wbo had klllod bar own' ' ' tjiL'aa Dtbor. Hotwoen ibom *Wood. Ja* a e tbloxii—tbe jiTioit'of tb a t old - • ro o t b o n aod tbo blood o t Fo tsr j L'dolphin. ; _____________ .^lTo_Bo ..CflaUanM),____ _______

E S - -

i m m m. ir<nBpiif.i iir I.TI1..1 iT '.i.) ^tu r s d A v ; , o c roD K K 21 ‘Vi-.

Tucnday’s Deal Kcniurca |}.}i ; ... . WLAIl - nyi.-JuniEfc...,'_ ..

(E astern Standard Time) ‘VTMr. >'RW TOM—tBX * *

1:S0 e, M.-Idl* Hour Hfthr.lrm. . «: 0 I-I 1*. M.—1-n.r. tlAnrajnU >lol«7. '. ^• ;jo 1-, Injai T»I.>.- ' : u »

; j; V i' 10:11 1-. M.— «nd

lrl« 1-. M.—<l>narml KIn-lrIc pmsrtm. j |. >

wjT. nr.w vo««—wa. i6:iiT:» r . U.~4ltli>ndo'> On-hf>lr>.

j S 13' '^ui»V’'«I.'it. 15

; . » r . J 5 W 5 r a f f i r t a i « . j a iSi.J !•- M-—1-» Wtort >Wirrt»lt..rik ■ ]•. I

’ iiiE E: S i s I S S r .S " - - '*•” . M.iicTunM'J;U I '. 'm.—inn Kl<lnli«'> ipvrt |'»H. j ' j rWtp a»iT i»ttl ■t:i» r.-u^>nix Biui»iinn»:>ierni»«'r«;—

■ 11^. M— of U.» Alr. ■

10.0 • ■. 10:3> I-. M.—Hartiurx'r'f Urch*<lrii. • „ -■ ’ >'«• I - ' ^ ’ »ui}ji?

‘ i-io i“ T l ' " r ""’.'’.'rr...o'' ■ -WDA*. rmi.AI)KntllA—ao.V » I'. 1 . J.lJ '. iL_o.udi4,:4l»ii.t rtelUU „I r .l !•. «.—Artrtr™. 01 lin«,-o»n. rh.flr.

I II. IMnri, nri.uhtlr«n VI<«-lT«il.1'ii|. l• nenilnM, dlim fr«n Af«.l»mr'nr >Iu>ir i, U-OO, IIIIUOKIJ-IIIA—OOa.I >il( J., M< ln>TNt <>nr«n •M irumwti: tj.t.. I;1J y. M—A. 1.. TfcyUpr, or anut*. *:ii '' I'l^ u M- ii.irVri.ftn pt-j.'irl*.. Ti:ii I• I-.15 r/ ' M.—' * j « ' l ' ' “ * J[' ' 111 r. M.-t'nu.'iwrKn"t’’U'.''iirlTrri.m'” ' ‘' «:j"'


T.jn V. « *-i'i

Har. 1.1c,—ld.i W llln.to Mnrctirriin e|iurd«iV I),-V rra F. Kelly to O. M. K.-lly Inl. iu Wi,4 SW SW 23-10-lS.

iVI>,-l-:. C. Kelly to Hntno |1 KH SW 23-10-lH. • •

:)rrd -H lirrlfr in llypnibrcklmnlr. - - - :8!t.a5 NW s i : :m-iu-h;.IVD .-J. 0 , Ilnidicy to W,,I*, llnn.-> ^

W I).-J,"'A .''K ll|m lrlck lo Urr.U- A. ' ' M ry 11 W lut In I.oln 7-8. Sccilou IX- ■

Nlhlry-Chnnnrl l,hr. Oo. to I’.- - ^ lUlcboy 13000 SC .NL i P t Ni: St:

10.16.W D .-T . K. N. 8, Invenlniriit Ti., to . Ahbfltl 130 1. -lU U r . Hollinicr. ■

WU.—H. Hnrk lo II. Uork I'I. ■ V SW 3 t.l« .|(i.Wl).—F llrr BUIO Hank lo inl Snll. ^I Filer « Ni: C P U . .

^ to regain \stS t w i ^ t h

-brings joy to you arid vouririends- ' __

i'VERT man. woman nnti, child 'J w anti lo bavo stronRlb nnd cor-' c t w sliibt I t a o u i i tho loy of llv* f . To bo m inus a lrcucth und under- D isb t'-o ttoa-proT os lo w -f!J|htlB|^- - iwor In the body, t t oflon moani lO MomlnurTioTTo-pOTor.-miniiiiod - llll In ro u r blood, rninua boalUl.Inut T iU lltr. I l Is aorlouB to bo ~1nu«, bn t lho momonl you Increase « number o f jrour rcd'blood-celta,IU bOBln to bocom oplus. T b a f iirh y

« d i o f'undom rtB h t m c ra n ’d-w oi^I A plus tn tho lr atroaifth. Your

S-nils-to-the potnt of power.''Wijr beeonios tinner, tbo oko llnoa

a t como trom IhlnDcss disappear, ou look jrtroijBor, firmer, hopplar,

id you f*ol it , too, oil OTcr yonr.•dr.•aiBw - r tOTHgBg^tinn s-s .-g; t ia i -a iu re In bolldine them by lho mil* m l- T h m atimiyTsnprovcTitlicorlos ' w ot th e aeicntme roaulta ofleli e filU purely vcncUble medici.- >i InEredients a n adm lttrti to an- o ritiea.' Bejtfn taklnE 6.B.S.'£>dar>' will j iv s yon moro energy, r ita fl. w a a d v l^ 'r and a nwro up aoS co> T ^ a

g appcaraoee. ' . ' B .

J L - a

' , J IO N P A Y ,

i*!!' '''''''' l-miv,.»CHKXU.TAlX—-Jsll,____

T*nnvTo»s—••:53. - i i-. m.- .io I-, M—UI..U..1 HI-I-.- "' . - - 1'- a

.*_____ U-KKI. IIIIBVIIN—:C3. . ___

' _ WHAl. rijiONNATI^W . |-, )

•t^ '" '\n 'A icrr.r:m a.vn-j^A —

I ']• M t 'u ' i.W«4.' IIKTIIOIT—n il. i (I’-if*

• I’. M *'*1i!ur’'‘’ .! !l'''''’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' l ' r ”

;s;:a_A.'.»t^ siutniwi rrr.nr.,CM'A. TtlltONTIt—*0n. - I I j.,

(Central Standard Time.) ' '

I 1

-'i* « II |«L -a/ *

■ tif . tK i: itK f»nn i;i> - • - . i . i« . '____ 1 .xruiib

:!:Si> niTHlTNS. .f a.. OcU -.;u-Au-.'nrib- lnt.:rr.

- L e t'y o u r children ea t has m ore nu trim ent th

i£-madewiiCAimT im WOBLD'S G

BAKINGPiContains only rach inured! officially approved by U . S.

i S A L E S > V . T I M E S T O Q S E O F

The time to prepare ity o r th a t “ rainy day’

A fixed amount, bowover, sn lorly in a savlngB account, a. gUcablo proportions.

Small fluma placod safely , av ablo bonk a t 4 per coiit int<

■ _ m bscd. B ut la te r on tho largo - innch' inay depend will iJo 'iniJi'

th a t savings account today.

P rosperity doosn’i ju a t happt


Ono of our n u m e^n s plans . m ay .Tjo ju s t w hat .you wai

nnit nn Ts~^« n.

Mon 'and7moQoyjshow to ' bi : . . .b u iy ,. you rin o n o y work


:\Y , p rX O H K U ^f), 102-i.

HKtiii, rm r\u i> ^ io .'III.'-

'»'l"IiKl.* ■ij’ill''.'ir» 'in.i'.Till;\ Ill.M.n. Iinrll.iii'. • - r--------------------


'w u n,* .«iNMlli-<il.tJ^iH.1- .M niU.tirn'« {'"“'•

wii,v\ uiuisviM .r—ino.

^ror.' oAVKNr'iH'r—jjMi -

f.-H —M"i-* * iiU.k::*i' ‘»{'“'>‘- , ^ ^ ............. - ............—

*vii»v. KASI-A!. t i n —in . -

, I-. ,M.-|'.«*|- ri'lrr.AlnnKnl. ^

i. IIM.rial l:l..lf|.-

Cluh. -

(.Mounlnin Slandnrd Time.). ______ .

’.-irific Coai.1 .Standard Timr.)

MlCsii's l-B.lM'tKT^— T___ .

Kl l.' 't.oM .\N<irl.r.>^nD,

y Kiij, yi* Al'ur.l.r*—aoU


'I'umdaj'-i Sil.ht Slnlinnn

ll c.'•■Wll1-l -| ^■d7-.I-.i.^ItIr^i^:^irl^II:------- -----------apb ut th r Unlv.'r:.Uy of ('» or;:la nl m jli n. Ul, today. Ili>' flm l i.buek r.-i;- .:rrd h._r.' nincr 1'..Hu.

a tm o re -cak c ; i t ...............than a sandwich with:-' -------------------

m r

G B B A TSST9owDmedicnts as have been .&FoodAuthoridcs .>F O T H E R B R A N D

ire for o p p o rtu n -'iy” i8NOW .

sm all, d ep o site d r o j ^ ., soon g row s to v e ry

a w a y In t l ^ d e p e n ^ ; ' in to rc s t w ill n e v e r b er ^ m m 'U p o irw h ic lr -a o ' - ;--------dgii>d—tin lw yott~6p*B~ ~ ~ ' --------

.ppon— i t is ' g a in ed a n d ................Dy w a y o r a s a v tn g t ___ i

m s f o r cyatem Btie t a r .w a n t . . r

. 'b e s t a d v tm ia g e W W ' - ’ o r ld n ^ —sa v in g . - '

Z/iLLSyi~f e : - - -

Page 3: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

M O N D.A V , O C T O nU R 20, 102-1,

^ N e w i s o f


W ashington Strong Among W eatern" Elevens Thia Y ear; Grange's ^ Great W ork for the lUini Fea­ture o f ‘Big Ten.’

SAN I-'ltANClSCO. b o i." 20—Willl llm .rinil niTloim i>lfty nf ilic niimi fcni- fvrcneu fooiliull wmum iiiit of llu- wuy noililiiK v.iry tlcflnlu- Ui t!ii- wny 'if ImllcBllonn tor tlii- fulurt) m'lnu'rt ,i« lltlVIt (IfVulopi'cl.

OruiiKii iilinwoil Tiinrc nin-nffUi >li“ '< cx|>i'«;{<:il n m t' nmr'-. ciMji tliitn i1i<'

----- m:or»i n iU huin iiio itu lii-liuCmtiair,.!i»ll' . tiriluy Qualiiui Sluiironl. ivlilcli tiinu-

(uni won :'K I.l i;!.\S’miljlii!-.i(»ii. IIK wnii cx|ucli.il. wiilU-

■'<1 nwii'y wllll {'vi-ryililiiu (n i>l>;lii iii — —— — - c .-a t tio Dy (tornniiuH-Jluntaua 5- <•

Uiilv.Tiilly o t SoiillK‘111 Ciillfoinia fiiiiinl Imt-ilor In llirAi;k>i-'m Oiuii Uk' cxiu iIh ji;ul flKiiii'l, )>m wnn 17 10

I'n llfonilii i:ui»il tlo iiolliln;? Im'Ui'i- tiuiii iiuiii- out llw Olyiiiiilc! (tliili of

‘ SairTriinVIIico'!! t'o':i:~Vinniiin[.' In -tlir

_ —lUiiU'ftVn. - - “ ■• Kroiii tlu'jio vnili.T iiii;ia5li-ftiri(u;y

nml umliTliilvi, icmiltB «f Kuiurilay’'' jjJay iJjii •'rxiurl.V w*ii; Imvliii: n iliy iotliiy flmifliii: wlmi uoillit Imn-

, Ill’ll nu ll. .

ClllCAOO. Ocl. :o - A f t e r nn liu|.rr..- iilvu nml mom cmivlnclny vlciury uv.ir Mlrtil«nu. tlio m)ni>l(> iinlvcr»liy mc|Uii.I nuw rniiUii ajt Itio fnvorln- in win ttu

lll lT ii^ ‘Olilo SIiili' niul ChlmKO tiuvn tint 1iurn-iT*'rrnTT'irftlHniTf’~T1''it for 111.' III ttm m e f.ir thn •'Hli:

.’IVu” dmmi.I.mKlilii, liu t ClilrnKO niin

^ Politiciam Speaking .D ate i fo r T h it W eek

J f l‘'o llow ltjr In Illl' Itlncrnry of n mini- Iii>r of, llio imtltlclnnii 'wlio iiji.'iiU In

_. 'nouiliorii Irliili.i Uilfi w ri'k:(iOVKllNOU r . MtKHli;.

Monilny, Ut-l.ili.T 2<>, Ji'i.iiiii',' i i n i f n o i i : " ■■ - - -------------- -

Tm'h'lny, Orloli.'r 21. Twin Kniln.■ w .’.imiuiiiy, OiiioiiiT 1!:;. iiiirl.'y .

• Thiimilny. OcloltOr 2:!, Iliip.'it... . . l''rlJ(iy. .Octcb.T. 31. .Moniiiplli'r.

Sittiirtlay, OclnliiT 2S, iiadn KnrliiKii,• KUANK .M.UITIX

TJi«r«<Irty. On»>lj4T I’a. j ’oe.'jIfJIw-............. f'rliltt}'.-OctDl(c'r--21,:,--flt;^-Annmny

nnit AHliiun.Sau in luy . Oclotirr Sfi, lilnlin Kalln

auil lllKliy.,,',AHIIKIt 11, UH,.SON’.

'M onilay. Odiiln-i- 20, AiiifrlcnnI'allii ami Kocklun.l.

T iim la y , OctohiT 2U Uiirk-y, AUiUiit and Onkt.'y.

W.'OncHiluy. Octoticr 22. Iliipcrt nnil I'm il.

Ttiurrtilny, Orlnb.ir 23, Jrrinnp, K.l.'n nml llaziilion.

FH iky . Oclobcr 2<, Siioalibiic ■'nml IHrljfUtil.

fiattinJay, O rfohnr 35, Ooo*HnK .Jf<Ut- c nnan nnil WYn.Inlt.

iWIHSDN T. SMITH.,Monday. OclotuT 20. lllctiflolil. Tuw dny. Oeiotwr 21. Kilcn. WcilnMiilay. Oolob«p :2. I'aul. Thuriiday. Octotior 2a, Dcclo.

----------------------C'riilsr. Oclolior 21. Onklcy.SaturiJtty, Oclolicr 25. Iliilil.II. C. liatdrldiio iravullnK wltli

Smllli.■WII.UAX Siiri.D R K IU u

* , MondO}.; Dclob«r 20, Uiirli-)’. ^HCgJgy. Oclobcr 21; Jcronio. ' .

iTDilui’silny .uud'T imrnniiy, October 22 oad 23, Tw in P a lls count)'.

Friday. Ootober 24 .'0k-nn« Ferry . MounUIn JJomo.

Vaiuril&y, Oclobcr 28.''Bt-unoau and Grandview. *

L If. 3U.STKIUS.MoDdaf. October 20,-aoodlnR. Tuc*dBy..Octobcr'21. H aictlon . . WcdncHday. O clobcr i!!,'TVcndelt. Tliiirailay. Oetoltcr 23, Nampa.

''' . .'Anrora.BorealU 'SdontU U bavo oot rmelied a dcfl-

&!(« conclnslbn a s to tho catuo of ilio --------- —«arei«~bMMi l la<— tn-lie.

— no d w b ^ tb a t- lt-W tlw>.muluo£.uU&.♦rt,..! U ia -ttrpc freg io u , of tn* atmoiphcrui m r knoW ijto be oMOcIatod In. cnmo wny wlOtHoft n u n e tlo m oC (ho vnrtli. aod

------------------- th—o a a i ^ n f , a t iiiTiipnti hnn tiPfTlconnecUon y l ^

A lt Uto nowa a ll tbu timo In T b f Tlmoo.- ......

r ■ ' — ------ 1—Tiffiot ..W ao t'-*4 ia< < l« t-neaa1 ti.

- r tw e a t '


12-1. ■ • •

f t h e S p o r iOhio Sint.: have.no .'•llcif'-Grniii:^.

Ili-ynnil tl.uiUl; CniUKi' Ih Hi.' i;i ial- ciU fiKiilinll j.lny.T iliiii luin .'uin.' u|>

— Ill- lli.- liUil -t.in>vuuru au liu j;u .lllu .i:x - lil lill lo ii’.if runiiliiir. Um- l>u(-l;liiu uml |>nr<ntlli: Kiilillilav In ilu- .MU'lil;;iin n u w H-n.'l <««• » f Ihr llll.-.nl

' r.ii'»iliiiut .If h'klll rvi'i' i..-in ou any l;i|illi<iii.

Ci’.irni* '<;il>|i, lllu NiiUu iJailirIlinr, uiiM Illl- lah- w l/an i l.i tlm>li

— nirronn llu- i;rl<hioii. (;ii>l< i:iiulil LIlK l llllll- Iliaii'C iniii..- Illll h.- couM iln luilliInK *lii n-i-. I'lili k lla i loy. Will, mint.- Ofilu Ktmi- M.-tiury -.-i.-ml y.-ni-K UKU, wail uu.; of llii' ur. a liiu .if

^ iitt ju iiii.'ia ; tnii he i-ouiMn‘i -in-i nroiiml ilii^u .iml nliiilc' ih. ni nff llli.-

— <}rorir:i—.li>™--uM'l— Hml.-y -«'tiiilUii't- ihriiw n tiall 111;.' Cinii:;.-. I

'.8 Wllh n iiluy. r who . an .,lu ih - iliHi-.-.ii 19 lha l (lruiii:i' illil ii::aiii>.l Ml< lil:-.un. Il-i

tlnulH Imn.not,only n |iici;*!>. <-ll'.- r.iii-l fi-r.nci- otiauiiilnii. |>ui ii ii-iini iluiil

1- inltlil,. (IcCtal (ilii:i!iliij;,ln llu._'.;iiU,■I'hi- w -hl. ti.-jnnil ilnnlil, luiii inniv

n-nl fonlHall I'Plvll an-1 .uiIhi^Uimii ,1, lhan lli.-ji' I" In ttu- vunt.

' A" fur an footliall l-i ro n e mi--1. lh.- .. hniiii) III y.niil-.' »}iowjj by .Mlrl)l;;;iJi iiil'l f llUnulii WIUI mni'h faut.-r mul nun .' in-

tvr.'iitinK lhan any loolliall ki . ii Iu llu- innl In lliu hiMl Ri.x yc nm.

an « .


-I, SAN t'-lIANClKI-O. C;il.. Oi'l, :!(i,- Tlu- t'DllKl ll-:ii;il-' lm.'0-h;lll. ;il'a....ll

I'l- .:ini.. Ill n .'Iomi- y.-iirriUiy wiili.S.Mi- of il.< wIiinInK Illl' ix'iiiiani, l.<ii .\n-h r nnlrii—in—tirrimcl —itlnre----nnd— t^nii.UL li'iaiicliicii. j:m l__yL:ii:^...Llliauululil].

■ nitr(C— m trtnm lr-,hntr—Httn-7—Vrmoifr I'lirlhillit. nnil Hai-ninii'nlu" flnlMli<!i1

V’" lii . tlio orilur iiiiiiii'il.

ST- PAVL. Mlim,. Ocl, U n .-T ly Sl. I’alll cluillllildllii Ilf 111.' Ani.-rli:ali ,\n- iioolatlun. li^avc 'lomurniw ninin f-ir

■ Scalth- for ii liliii- K:iUi.‘ :ii-rli'i:i wllli '" i tlio l’,irlfli; r.>:i».L wlnni-r^-, ' Hiiiireiii- >, . '“"•y "f Iho clami' AA Iciii’.ui'ii will l>n _ .lMHit.'d,_ _

,,.,1 -JU ie t>cut~ttaji-ta niinil ’yuiuLOtt'UJiua: II,; Inciia lu to tell . o ilitn i nbout. l l— m l ihroiiKli tholr ncwiiiiaiiiT.

• 1 -TH^-OLE-GROUCH;ki ^

) '<VTO7BEReT’Or<\VIS-------ni- w y io & s hM NMiO

GOTVK ^ O P \ ..........t j s s w a \o ^ o .u c .\T V « w 5

rn . ■ y jw /sr \TS TW efte. p e f t \'■ ^ - - c fy tK v s A 'o . '^ ■ ■

itii '

LATE MARKETSm r r --------------------- —------------------------------

l>(Hm..AXD I.IVESTOCK. POaTLAND. Ore.. Ocl. :o.~CnlU<

•^itucalpia. 1I12S;, louo of market >• oady; niocm. insdluni. 1607.69 CDinnton, tiO O i IioKvm. mMlluni an- coinnion. |3 .C0ar..l»: buot cown,. mo «ml cuU en, $l.C0O3; bulln. caniian

i. ditim and cummon. 1303.5u:'canuor ___ and fioIOKna, t2.7CQ3,S0; t'ntv<w.i mo

H.CO;' isikseo- poiindli. }G 08; ' 26 poom la-up-M -M »8.60. - - -

HoRa — TlccelBtd. 3aC8; marka hlR bor; mB(tlum,.i:ood. choice 180.20

ITRECKLES AND HI!md ’ , • ••

;*y . V ww•• ... -AWMPlWAWPtt,

' r txNN

— \


l i!f_- ----- --r’ W U m -V*

i g l S—----------=— —

_____________ T W I N j

rt W orld I , GRIDIRON GOSSIP ;UI. Ni;\V IIAVKN'. Vnll- l iu ap.-.l w h-il” ‘i;x- jililniiiil .fuim .Ju.r. uuui',:. .with .t>;'i';llul 111.1'ilh iiii<l I'liai'li .l.iiM'I liull-'jH<:<! lu-:iin uoiilil |iiil ili,> vaililly llir<iiii;li a ht;:uy 1UD- jixjii IJi'-i' Iixla... • '

I'lllNi'i.TOV. N. J. Wull. lliux •'llir SUiuL Hllil I jf .\ll.\Ullim lia 'lv 'l" *,

IlK will jilail « or h;u.i ilillllii:'. fur,'^llu III.- N.ilii- lUiuu- ;;aiiii' .-^aiiii c1a>.' Tli-- '

l"'y, Minail i-;uiu- tliinii- li III'- Nai> ;;iiui'' m l (tl ;;iiuit :iluiii''. '

i:--l - i-AMllltl1ii:i-; -Mnr»niil vittl ......u.l '■ III- llu- v » .k 111 •ii.-ir.iHiii; lh.- ,l,-f.nT-< ,lll 'l (» i-Iliu t i i i o l l l l i . Ulll! ,

fonm iil im^r.ii. >\lili'h Miiiu I M [icn-- , .-ll a>i III.- ni.iHi ilaini. i.iii:! ul llu- ,

"ml ANNAl’ill.tS 'f li'- \ll-!.|Uii !iutf-ir-'I I hi iivy I'li'iimliii-I lu >lic- I'liin-i'iou i-iii-iii i iv I ''- '’ '>"■ >” ’' i ’'" ' '

III.' _t'liil.VN'A Allliiui;li .-liljc-ii liav.'

lu.u ll. ally ru iiriili il 'lu ' 1 'i:i .......IIUI- I hai>}ll|i>lil h1|i lo lllu|iil:>, lj>:u'li /.link--, in liiiu ii.i .li:in'---', waini:il lil;i irstii .................. ..iu rm .n ii ' in till-

• li,inl' ;;:un, ii io l.ill.ivv, ‘

^ ('llir .v i;0 'I'lu- Maii>uii,i u ith ihrli

-.vlll, t.in«i,.| .h in tm . f.>r Itl.' iilli.i .- lal.- riiiiu' IMM i'aiiiiMay, S iv ria l

‘I.- ' Mllllt'lllllU win lie- I II. II ;i (lialll-l-. U.c,|ll - -.•:il-l ilVANSTON ■ NuiHi«Miliin,‘ti ltl:i- . \n - 1 I<ii|'<>lllllli:: ih 'lia l ul llu' limi'lr- ii{ tifiii; l'iti-<lii—l-fl -I li*i -l.-uui-iu-jiuujUilii-Jiiil Uliy l I iiiull-tuii aiul_1h" Ulllillll- uf riiU.-li

nu n hi ll.-w ilu -y lW .i i i "TnTiri-|.7r

l^Ol'TIt .IIKSU. 1ml. T hai' Iiiulhall . , iiii'-rrri I-. II-'* liti ‘iii<« al .\i>ivi. IKiiiu:

wnn ill Iiiiuinlial. l1 « h .li Hm- -'IIi;IiI-. in:: trliili'' i . 'I iiiiiih | finiii tli ilr vKl my

wllh ^atiii.hiy. Dll.- <;l llii-. hli-',;i:il ili'Uiiiliiilnitl.'ll:' III III.- liliitoiv l'” l)ii ’"'llii.il wAii iUii?;ii|.

MAIU.-^ON. Will. ;ilu- ll-; -;i i>i.- wllli \llnn--!iota Saliiiil-iy, iililioiuji ll wa.i

11“ i-.iiu’iiu 1 ll Coach Ityiui llial In-Iia:i II rii:liil)ii: a;:i:n i:alliiii,

J!i,r,.iiiiiu,7:.: s:-li in.uaiH up tii«i- H l-V.Ti I'ai'liliii: luuiintli, K.r.il'iiS; i>.i.-lc__ Ini; rinii;h. T.r.'i; n(niii',l-/.T

1 l’lr.H...l?f'i*')|l” ; f<'i:'l.'i" un.t nl.H-k.'i>t $7iii7.r,ll.

Shi-tD -♦ lli'i'cl|il». • 717: ni;irhnl• • hlwi.lyr—l.-»nih»i' li'': '»yw(rfj:ht^,-~^.'-

fc .Muni nn.l i-li.il- i-. JsWli,.’;u-. rulin tiii-1.•.imhuiliii, a ll w .-kh ii jr.-rMi; Wi'tll- rrii, fiifrS ; I'lVi-.-i, ornliiDD li> iliuJi'i-.

^ $4/(ifi.rio. ■ '

l ’(Ha'I.,\N l> MICKAT.2 > \ PnilTt*,\XL, 0 rp ,." 0 (-l. 1!»,—Ilnnl ' ^ y 'v h iu \:tr r .rr ,u ir r\iiiV 'r - - 'jT .r ,r.: w.i«-

i:rn wlilli- I t.l! '.; han i wliili-r. il.inV jI j)i>rlhiTJi jijirJijjr, Jt.r.il; WMlorn ri'cl,

S - f'.-iil, ................. - ..............................

X - uK N .sox i h i :mSAN A.VrONIO. T..-*,, 0 --I. 2« -

Hncry J, lli'iiMiin. iirlni:l[iat own.T nml ^ ’ iir.'HliI.nl of Itu: t<un Anuuiln.tiuni'bull

rliili nf thn Trxnii loniiiu', illt-.l Kxtuy rolhiwlnff tin nii.irntlon for lni.-iill«ml

• rroiihlc,

a < ^ 6 5 j | • itilgeslleB. IA(E g J •» ia a k e m y o a r

: f o o d {toycMBM>rc O M tf . N o ie .b e W

I I r c U 2 9 e s ’iU i« i ■ to lfx tc U ^ a g , « t t e r a w M ^ ? e a t I e e . V ...

t «■ ■JSkSMmSmSk »r«>lkaaa

and ▲- mo-

I me*

3SD aVarkot0-200binder

a s F R IE W S

w uQ v e r - IP.VOUU. wiasw ' '4 4 "rw B 'isTTO c& R^A K nH Ea*. • • • :

HAve ■ rsm w K£t^)iA(Nw ' 3 9 '-kTiWCM )V” 'W ' ,b o A j e B . - - Y f R . '


^ F A L L S D A IL Y T I M E S


t itriii.vA',' Oil, , i-iii.i lllll.I'll ililuhl wa;i ob.H.T\MiI Tliiiiliiliiy i-»i:- lllni; ot ll-.'-i wi'.l. al -lhi' ,\1.-;lui.l|;,i, • •-iiiinli ut[?i f.oni'’ ! Vi [i<-ti[i|.' tif''"- .111. Tll.' ;it{iilr, ivlilcli !■, Ihl' llr;.t :i('i.'lahl<‘ I'liu-i- llu- miuui.l ilrnui.il

„ <-iinf.;rinu‘i ut Uu- . im n h , uii-in-.l . with a i ii'. rri'il ill ill lum h.-nil at >i■ n'rlfii'lt •nrtvr-w h‘--|i :i worl.l :.it %|i—V iiroKr.ini wa:i i.-mli'i n l. I’l.-i.til. ul■ (•: W. Ti u iiy Ilf ' Ciiuilllii: . lllll';;-'

uavi. ill.' lii'il aililii-,-i III tl...... ..a l i - r whl.-li .Mm, A 11. ll.-mii.iii rrn-

,, ili-r.-il u ,|tt:inn -:<i1n.- It-n-, H. -I.,,, Wlilli', lllll! rli-l I.III'. i-liil.iiulrlil ot

Tlii'''riini-|:iillllK aHili. vi of tin- i",-i- titlij; v%n» rivi'll Ir% K.'V. Tom Himl- Ki'il lit tlaii'.vi].

I 'l ' Th.-ohJi-.-l .if U .l--1*.irlll -uiVlLc "< n i.i'lln i: wan lu liu .ri-ii n il .Mi-llio- id iH.,(H-lii-uiakUiii-Uw;_iirui;ritin.'.l;'.:f;i'ii '■ .li|rlui: 111" woil'l war nnil h-fui.'

Illl' t'liiii'-l >!iat‘-.i riii.i.-iL lm*' II-' w ar. a , liiiilllii! wmli, (i.r all! ,'1' lli— ill;.l!i a ll 'I '.-r 111.- riill .i 'l Hiai.!'. tiiirlni: tji.it llinl' nuiii.'y wan i-nl-.-il III in.niuili- 111.- Illlllli- ami tiii-.li;n

'* iiilii:iionaiy 'w urli .if till.' .I llll '.11 -in nil lamlii am i'll I'l lli.-lr i;iliu lu mu- Iliiii" lo rali.i' fiiiiil, tn lii-li> r.'lialill-

;n Itai..; 111.' il"Vn;itali'il l uiiiilrl.". ,llirii;i.l am} lirlitj: «J mi a Mi.iwli'ili;.' ot Ihl I'hrUllaii wofl;.

V., i{ i;,v i'» 'im ; i n a im :T- T iii i;sT i:. Di-i, ;;ii Vii-i--.iii,.-ai- nv- I'li rlvnl-i he II' fi-ini r.-. i lio-.^liAal.la lu. ll:, lall.-it Ifi-ii’in. Ill 111.. 1'^" I'CiiuMi I 111 III- t'.';;i. CTiin|inr«'l wHI. lii,r,ait ill llif l l t f

.vf{uiii riirr(-<ii<m<l(fii: ,

l:i- • *•


Tlri'.l. . ^

..........-Omid ■;tmll ....................... -tuy.Innl_ - T h p

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^ ■ifif-" -? nrmm-

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I l e i i i i i - ii:n • .lU- ;;ni4v ll,:.: ;,i.lIl-> f.lii'. TM . lililiui' ,11- . M-, J,|K.-II jit,; iiri.-i' 1i.- 1,1.1 l,ill.-ili‘

\(iiiiii.i iiriiiiiM. Ill' I 'l ' I'iiv- l» i:r« i;i i,i:n s ' l \ s n i ; i i r \ i i

oi ulll Ilim-!; iiHiriiiiii. il. r , ' |iii>'i:ii-i,n . j.:'.ti:niay lui'x'!.” ' " ! „ , l otr_ n

riin i 'I! i-))v- .

h e L o g i »S t h e C a i

Th • ecc

hp Touring Car an>

' 2 & S . , i:unabout • - - 426S ■

2rsss!w«~ Cooupo. ■ - . , » 5 2 5 , •\idor StJan • ' . S90 , . . S»|0 tordor Stdan - 6 5 5

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die Mnln Su. .......... S.M;.- -nd..

-IT ymir r..-oi-. rn.mi,. j

i c a i C h < i r e € u l B u :T he Ford car delivers more us economical service per dollar any otHer car. Its sturdy^ rigU is striking evidence of- endu Every minute.operation issciei and accurately checked. Ck^ntrcl of na tu ra l resources manufacture in large volum e 1 sible value that is the.one stan e v e ^ m otor car must necessa The Ford car is the logical cho ice of th e b u y er w h o the u tm o st from every m o

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"• i D r S !, W V i p c R u b

: F o r A t / C o l d T r o u b l e s

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l o i c el y e r: useful, ca te -fr^ ' ‘ __ :__lar invested than

fid construction urine materials,

ientifically tested -

:es and complete ;e have made m s * iandard .by which ,wearily be judged^al and necessary o w an ts to ge t no to ring dollar.

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Page 4: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

POTFyPotm;' S 5 ^ ^ = : = = = = = =


................... -T h e -T im e i B u mor« renders in“■ .publicotii

Pnhllalit4 r rn iT E reo lng Exc«p( Bui________ ___________ _______ ram p a n r, -Twtn y

■ I. H. fcUflTBIia ' ’ ___

----------- t e u r * 4 M Ih* Twin P aIIk PoatofticaQ allr Publication. /

SUUSCRII'TlOtDflUy, ono y e n r ............. ............... .

•Daily, six moiitliR __________1___Daily, one nionlli ^ — -------—

TEAM W ORK fO RIn rvorj- c ily , low ii innI liiit-Ji't

tion in iKinini-xK, <lifrcr<‘ii<n's in .|>iiliiii

nnd ppntoniil iiiitii«<)iiistntT— ;im l Hn s

----------l ^ a Brcntur o c . l t S c x tc i iL .. . .

Iiul tlicr(? i« mif i-tnnnmn Knmml io-Tncrlr'Jn>’in(rJisjilc“p(?rsojiuIi'rJrVj wherp •thfi .cdmnuni w('jfnn! <if Twin

In uthi'r wnnlN; no m attrr )i>nv in omnnR o»ir>«'lvcn, we Hiimil.I sliinil ui> iinniin Tins H(irt or’lcnnnviirk in w]

' iiiH res ilH }ir«i;rrts iiiiil n RiiiTiT-ninii Jty l oiinng .Wllll nn '~ i'i'm y

■ ~ " li^tlwineiit-nf-ttn-Vniiutmtiily. %vp nfli- Bort of fellow, nfliT nil. . . .

ncvelopm rnt of n Hlrnnc enimtiii iminily ndvnni'eiin.'nt ntnl mi [xTsoiifi to.Htniul In llR Wliy. Lnyolty unc't I

----------- fount. ' -

w h y f r e e h a f e r 1■ SHOULD

( h y J A J IH S I).

nefiilnliqii. by fiirim.T rio v i rn o r-------------^CliIeI.JiUitii:c-\Villiam..M. MorKnii <>£

conduct on the jmrt of H. !•'. Siinnii of Slioiiliono foimfyi Klmnld nud |*i ntrnw to hn-nlc l]i<> liacHc oT lln> l< fiirnislu'H no reiiHon iiTiitcr ]irc'Mctit «• l>e olfcted uoviTiHir. A fiir Jililcr i prinriplM), IH niniiiiik' fo r thnt eontPHt in now <-iiij>li(ilii-iiUy h.-hvi-i'n the tide fninnintr Ixiward I'Vi'rhnfcr. lions r«|ii!f('(V b y n Kovorntir.

Thc rcpublicfui nmi-hiiii- hiiH hiio Ilftwlfy would {Innotinrp llu* insiniin ho BO Htated to tlioHi- wlio kuiiiiiIciI hii Rnvo HumUflH, whom hi- wiis not si to thi'-oni' now imlili.stu'il, li> l>f uki' iI

' be mnde. I f thoy hnd Ihi- prDnf <if i' they should have Mn<-<rit. Two y«-u lilierntoly lioo.sli-d tht- Sjinim-I-i ciiinpi thin mc'thoil did di-rciit liini, iiy lie ^nmii(‘lH, whom thi'y now iiitiiiiiiti- i>

That Saiuu(-ln wim not tjiintrd nttorni-y, dot-H not for a inniiK'tit im cutor. An tt m atter of fjn’t his Ii-kii

________ timiL-d.amon|r 1iiwvit.-<. nnd lii; huM htice n t U-ftHt n-K 'iliirly . Tw ti y o u rs n p ropo« ilion an fan tiislii- iih tin - la x A n d ju n t n s - t i ie ta^ los.-* oxoi'iitivi-

. jilun w ould Imvi- wroiih'iil d\ nirc to help, l ie wouiil liavi- dot la

I'loBure o f .niorlKiitJi'H, in bliivsriil i|

lonu and nniinimoitK line of court ntiemptA of tlie Hort. ii<' Htill Hvni] he no longer faltcH of tin* nioratorii

= T -= u r .- J je rR o o i:3 to ir r= l£ : :m ic a n s t itn tin iia l;i .heforf- h« R tiirtcd. n n d tlie f a c t lha l llin p rese n t d a y pona i'cas. Mayho t linvc abnndo iicd liirm . al.io.

___________ A. L. FrrphnTer>.ff---id>i--.r tliim c.no iu io r trtiK l owm-d n o r ra'dic-nl no to 111' I’Ipi'lod beeausi- th(- n -pn l'lii-n t 'I 'h ey UiliT m ore in ram oux Hm alio iit th o cnm paiK » tw o yen ra -n K o nnd h-na tliemsolvi-H by so iloing._________

T h o liitit a n d inoHt dinl>i'lic-al of a t te m p t, in m nny p lnoes hii<m c«hX«I,

' th n t 'd o v t- rn o r < ^ lrxnndi'r a n c l 'A d jiilf ro m th e Rtnte. T ln* y -rin i-» c u t ol

^ i m f - i t - p n m p to be d ra w n . - T h r y I this s e n d in g o f -th n hoya to th e bo t iidv icc n f th e repub lican 'n llo rn i-y * K i (be ii(«to (be K u n ^ n a n u 'd ,‘ iinU l nu ^ t r i o t i c n e t Wnn p a in te d n« n tin-f nietliodfi w i-re J lo o re n n d Snm upN

- • " "^oro l^Ilicivbf-tht^lnttw i-nndrU ie- i I ro l fo r t>vo yenra . - I n fnlrnpiw on

_________ inf fltiiiSM ^ te - tim w ra < » - jJ tm d d IImkcd. ^



in th is c i ty - t l ia a ®ny .othop n tio n . In

Buntlar b r TifflM Publlihing ' I llU li.-ld ftho . 1___ _____

--------— _ TV3ltt>r.PabH«h»r .„n

^ _________ §rico ea Hecood Claai M n tu r u ». April 11, HIB.------------------------------------ -------= : — .IialiO N IlA TI-:3 l">i------ .:---------:--------♦C.oo ,1„!------------------------------- ---------- 3 .00 ' t-■ .................................. ........... - GO.

for— .11.1 I — .1— 1.11 .11 1

ml•R TWIN FALLS— . _ Ml Ji't «■<' Miiiy f ind , slriiiii.’ i-niii[ii'ti' 'i>i

ilio.-i iiTid' r.’liifiiiiij MM'ial '• iv;drir> ' m*

hiM- w ill |in ilial)ly n lw iiys ex isi im

........................ ' - ■ ■ • ___--01nd <.i| w hi.'h ill] she,uld hi' w iliin i:

Irvjoirf'.'i' /nJd-' jm 'ju d k 'f.'T - rluif J .s . J;|“

i,i l^ all. is i....,.eniVil. ^

iiiili-)i w e muy liisani'i'i- nm l fiv'hl

iil> fo r o n r Ir.wn ai-Kinst a ll oppo-

malii'S a 'iT .w u w orlhw iril”

ndiTHrntuiiiii; am 'iiii: iin people. nr

r i « i n n Kormr movemi'iil. I'or llu'

f li’n f in d him tn lie .i ] in ‘tiy.'Koo{i

iImiriiinilv Npiril Is I'H^riillid to eom-

____Jl''mill fi-i-liiiK« itlioidd bl- p i 'n i i i t t rd .1

ct leiiniw oi'lt nrp lln- IhiiiK.H ih iit 'm

,___ I


.................... ................................. ......1 J).

). W1IKI,AN.)Hf

— •, ■ IU u r Jn in i'S 11, Ilnw ley a n d fo rm ero f-t lx - .iiikiii||iiiii)ii o f-ti 'o ahouab lu —

iiiii-ls, w liih* n n is i 'c-uiiiitf a ttiin u -y ■ p ro h a lily w ill fiirn isli Ihe f ina l

^ lo iin - tn ih l iniiehine tii-kL-1. bu t I (‘om iil'itiiii, w hy Siiimn'tH shoulil It- r tn .in . w ith soui'uli-r pnifircsM Ve i-e on lb o di'im iernlio lielsot. T ll* 8o eon T’n -o h n fe r (uul SnmuelK, w itb r. Siiiiiuels liiolts m nny <iunlifion-

now n fu r s i t y e a rs tlia t (Tovernni- u n tio n if ^ iven e iirren ey . liPoatise Ilim oul a l lim l. timo, nm l iieh ia lly

suppi>rtin|.% ll K t^ ilem eiit's im ila r <i'd iu vase Ilial th e ohariro shou ld if I 'lim plii'ily w ith am ireh istri Ihen . •oars aK o.lh i'V im liroetly , b u t ile- upiii).’u to lii-nt A h‘\iin<ler. a n d by lii'lpiiiK Hliiiujiodo llin voli-rs to

— is v ir lu a l ly an aiiat'e liisl.

.1 -wiih synd ioa lism n-c |>n.si'euliiit: im p ly th a l ho w as nu iibl.' prose •Kill iu eaim eiiy Ik fn-iiiU 'iilly nu 'u-. s lu»L» o-asL'd li» iillem n t to l>rae^ rs n iio lie m ndo h is eam|iliii.’ii on laxli-ss Nlalo jilan 'of l>. W, l5avi».0 ra is e d la x e i :L’li p e r venlT tbo1 disiiH lor fo r Ilinso ho e la im ed th'- I'laiTil II m ciratoriiim mi tho fore- I it;n o n ilie e of iiiliib ilio iis o f llie

,r t deeisioiiK re(;iir<liun ponoo-limi n ipaih izc’s fo r ilio m o r tp i i rn l , Iml >rium. I f Cood th e n , it ou t.'h t to 1— hi»-«;hnuld~iin v r*'f Ounri --thnt -out~ h a l Iio d id iipl, oiisIk d ise red il. on0 th e fo u rth tim e bo ru n s ho will

1 ciUi-.T, -^iiiuurh iir .^f-»-roT- » o isn o r o rru t ie . Sam ue ls oiiiiuot i»-h

ontl I n is t m ai'hine lied ab o u t h im . n u t -Ale.-dimli'r iti lh o la s l d a y s of I h e lp ed Hamiiel.s nlmnsl, a s m nob

o f a ll Ih e ir fa ls if i ra tiu n s w ns tli<> u l, to innkp bolic'vt- b y inx inualio ii I ji i l a n t Clem-rnl C row e, s to le

o f th e r e ti ir i ifd oheeic a n d ahhetl y k n e w th n t in o rd e r—tO'W t*'"’!'*** b o rd e r ill U llli ,-A le x an d e r, on tlie •K ononil, .l{i(- I’e tj’rsou , h a d lo an ed m o n e y lieudiiio «viiiInM<-. T I iiir ii lioft. 15y wioh repnhlieiin n in fh ln e ipN hooHted, though no t tiirouK li ^ dcmtiur.flta rtw lin lb -d -ou t o f con- o iv th i s s e n re ”i m d 'o i n i l ( ‘ R rnnnd

1 lie p lcclod a n d th e inaL-liinc re-

i T T n Y C T f f i l t i m i r

. ' Tw:u iii)i:u n .M N i; u .w n iu ’ f —

im ; i-K i'n io N i o n 't o u r i i .u i i :01' l li ;\l/ l 'V AMI ItHIM'IKIM: * At.i, riaiNO.v.^ i M i ; t i i ; s r i ; »SjMP i is i ATi: TJ) -SHOW TA i'si:.

Ill llie 1-rul.i.le C.inrl ..| T nlii I'nlU I'liaiil}, .Slati' <if r<Ii>li>i.

In III.- MaK. r c f <lu- i;:.|;il.- ut W, Jl.C:aM-ii.

A. K I'v iivW i, Uh - n . l i „ m ir . t i i i t . , i» o l .-JJliIinvc- |||[» rlj.y fMc'l lli<-lr p-'IUlcai f.n- aiiiliiiiliy l« iitaki' auiI it m -iu .- iln-lr

I'n.Ifli- -lollil Slipili l.;ill.l llluiKof Svili Uilie Cliy, I'lali. Ill llu: uiini III lut'j'j. a-n lu .-lalil iiLlllluu ;»cl furlli.

eonvi')- r i iliilii ri-;iln of imlil i-Mlale Si.ualll HuIlUoiu-aiitl__iitrtlualti:!--—uiotc -'t''',,liarilniliirly dem-iiii.-ii: " ***

It l«,Onlirr.-(l, Iliut Tiii-:'iln.v. llie lllti- [' '' liny of Nm'i iulii r. A, IJ, !'.*::i. at lln' liiiiir nf :: >i'i-lfirk M. In-, anil III" ' •laiiie liir<-|iy In animliitMl a> Iln- llmu for Ull' li>'i«rliiK ijf Ralli iielUlon; an.!,

It In fiinlii-r O n ln rd iluii nil in-r- iiinin *ati ri-sti'il la' iln- abovr entnh-'l rtitule hy anil tli*->- lu ri-hy ari' n-nnlr’- •' .-.I l i |a ii |i ta r li. fut.. IhlH i-rmn,al Twla ' KallH. Coiimv of Tvs la l-'allM, Stale ot lllllllO. uml In O'" ■•'■mt >"'-m ot »alil •-.nut la till. Coail lliaiM- of Twla

I'oimiy. o! Uliilw. on ih-latil m il lluj or ()riii(i.r, A. 1). i(i:;i.<I llll- iK.ar ot : ft-cloi li 1-. ,\t., lli. nl mil tli.To tl) (iliiiw niiiMi-. If uny lln y ' j ' ' ' ' hiivi., uliy llio lealK '-ln iHilil ii<-lltliii>i t>'l»■iOliKlit lo, l-i. nioriKak-rr an ......... ..........Ul followrt. lo -ttlt:. !""•

Tll" i^milliueKt a n a r t i r o f i ' ' ' ' ' ’ilie.SoaUuituL.uimtu-t:. .{ S N ;u _ . ii' v! ..p ,rfoadivreiil -<]t]Rr(or- — ..f-.ili.i-LKJ,.S'lillluant »niiin,irr (.S‘i;Vi) atnl lliv •<iiiiiliiani iin a itr r ,( .s i;’; ) of ’ iii. V<)rlliw.-»i 'iniirler of.SiiHoii "SInr i;i). TowiiMhli) Tw ilvi' ( i : t , •ionlli of./IioiKr Sl»1i , ii ( 1.1) i:a»il 1.1 '

J i ^ lloliii- M'l-lillan In Twin__ KallA-"''; ”I'noiTIj. 7 ‘laiio. I ' " ’y.ir .auute unit. ihiTLOt ,i'U'mi'l..iiol..L'ui •nf>rtrni:e(l fo r (In- niiiniiiil ;tail • |n tr -p -^

;i)-lv|l, j:i,f,llll, l.r uucli IrriMT aiilolllll !

lierl, mill all iirrno’nV i'nti-rr,.t. .1 'lai '111. aal'l --.ilal.' a t., l in ,l .y r . f . r i . i l to, llie I.al.l i><-tlll"n lui'ltiiiliiive la.ntliiii-,•ll. aa.I oa fll.- lier.'In. for fm lli ir |iai-! l 'r

jlruliiri.; ami, '.I t ll. fnr>li.r OriNn'il llial tliln Ui-! li T 111 iiliow l aiiH.' 11.' |.al.llalir<l tor \ . _ finii''niir<-i'i<:>lvi' u .i'k ii In lli t Tv.la: l-'alln lially Tliiii'ii, a nrwi'i>aiirr -of- cjS ; ; i- a irn l iM iT u tnnm i'T iu iilir.tm f tn ' T w m I ■ f f / l-”allK ttiHiiily. Hl.-iti- l.f ' I'lalio, iin.I]« l.ld l U I"-r.l') ' 'l.-:ilj;aal.il n» ...... Wiu'wni.aii.,'r 1I10I.I llKi-lj- ui iilve nollv..] y i .li..i'ii>f to a ll i.i-rM.nii lut'-rentni In r till- aliovi' i-ntitl"! i-sial.-. . I

Iialiil tlilH m il ilay 'o f OrlolnT, A.(). I 'jil, _ — ___ _

-(•iRAn— • - 'o rp rT d iv A i.T :: I ' i il>iiil.al>.-JiiilKi'. j

nmliwi'll a Clinimian. Ij,lUniaitii: nc Tirln r jilln . hlulw. s,Vtt(.NH.-y» for I’.-ililmiirn. __ 11

----- W J n g e d - /(o d o f M e r c u r y { “V. T lir i;iir|i.n»-»l..i]ii-'1 u i.iij llu.t tlir \ Jfltl JliTCiiry In nlwnyn i.li-niml ih en'- i A oUiK I* eall.-(l a caJn'.'iii*. ll H n n-lnji'il ri"l Wllll x.Ti«-ni^ iu l..i.-.| 11I1..111 It. Thr wnai] lu nnu:!i'iil. 1 . r.llnj; le sncU'lit invtlii.li.ily: wlili It M.Ti'urj could-uU* uny . liuiiiuii IhjIiii;.So Mlll'>n refen to It aa Mervarjr't

I "opinio rud.“ L

.Earl Hudson’s SiA F i r s t N a tlo n n i E ig h t- ,

Reel S pec ia l •W ith a S te r l in g C nst


j to O L P H E ,M E N J O U . ,>M A R Y C A R E ..W

- A N D O T H E R S j

I Hll | m| ■ •'”■


r '

" ---------Al-O Sllowllllf «'0|:ll).1 'Walte^r Hier* in<. -------- TiTO Itppls nf Knnin la ilf '.t. Nph s—Thrllllutc .Sffuta ul_i(1 Iliirp-'T hp .MithI t'nn iU nl nl Y<nlrp.„ ^pppinl ituolcut Spare h r 1

, -------O O M IM O 'W E I

, . J h o - A f l r ia l ■ H im iu ia i i f l ; - Ih e - Qii ^ - ^ w | L e c n o rd K a n o ; L ^vcre a M

" , h ig h olas* ta le n t— F iv o b ig acU manc« E a n o l i ," .B ta r r ln g Jo lm .G ;

IVIN F A L L S D A IL Y T IM 'I . . . . . . .1' , ' ,• ,1 .1 t Imd

• . . . a t : t h b . . . . ' TH E A T R E S I::

X X JIA\1.U1.US .U U .......... ....................Ti(;i.OI(IA SWA.V.SIIX AT . iioiiM


Tll.- I > l. l.N.t.'.l l.nii-Hau-an.mn ,0 t rom, .'i.-lor an.l K'llnoli I..mm-, 'wlio hav.- thv ';rrnnn7OTiTmTnrn^~nmrn7,r-A'ii” 'ni—-l.-l, Tl...... KKJ a n 1.1 m ako.ili.-ir to l>nlilal a|i|ii'aiaiiut: Iti T w la Fulla to- nn-ii ili:lii III 111.- Iilalio llii-alie. Tli.' I.iia lb.- 1 UIO r.iiiio v. vy lilsUly ricnniiiieiul.-.l i.;i itid f. a lari' ll;i- I'aclln liarii aa ^v.•ll an ii: t..-l riillaiT, .ilieU.il-,,, l.anjo nk.-n and ,v..tl iiaiuloirii ; toiiii )iar|>' MjiuaKiT J 0.--TC iii>ii: Tllli. It. .‘HM a for.'iiinii.T ofh.- Mi.-.-lnl hiI'I.hI f.,.l'ir.-s, lh a l liii ....... in ' iir^-.i.'-iiri.vius-i^;r>Mii:.- iui«-uia-. i r a>. ll.' Uiforniu lli. T lin.i. llial 1n' , in» Jimr >.li;ii.'il a i-oi,tracl for a h .t- „ .11 of hli:h rlai.K niu>t.-al anil i.lm;lni'II-II. 10 ll. ’ Ilr. .■nucl dll'. Wini'-r. Tit.' ! " ii-tn ari' nlayiiig Jh.. t..nt ihualm . In , ‘ . II.. \v.,.i nn'I win rotn.. h rre tlireriroin th.^ l-aramoani i:.u|ii.-Mti llualri- . ‘m n ."Jait l-il«.- t:ny. Tin- iili iii r t uart if III.' prounun lixlay roni.li.lH of . . . :i.itl;i Svviin..oii In -H er l.ovr Story" ‘ roin tl..- til.try. "H-t MnJ.'..iy. iln- ,^11.'.-11," l.y Mavy l;.ii.i-ii>i lU nihari. Tl

•dj-. ••.'^hotit.l l;andl'iitl. i.in-." Int.-r- 11- latlonal N.wti W r.l.iy of C.iri.'iii o|.i-> :viiil-. and 111.' lllal.(. oti-lii-i.'ra. Tli.- <ili'l..im,UiU*aliiil4v ," ) l | I-- li-rv .for. IWO------iliclilii only. IoiiIkIiI aa.I toiiitiirow l.alIII- Kaiiie jijrinro iiri)i:raia W l t r 't 'e .inilna.-.l. ilnoiiah' Wi-.lii. > iliiy.

Th.' iiilniitril fani. of llilii vli-lnlly ay th--y an- i*lruKi-rt u> Iran i lhal nn.'

im iiil.-ailoai on llie i.ja.I Iti'lo vli.U

I’l.Kiillily r n ta ln l>. ..|.ti. Iiav<- for::ol- Ctritinf^nrj-TixirTTiln-rTrl^fam i-l'e’

■ o r p h t u t h Hi i i ic noA)> siKhV)

Priori Hir, 7.'ir, si.iHi, l*liis Ta^SrulH Non Selllnif


r\ I

nnnccj ) 11

Today - Tomorrow^Intlnep ' .... |Hr nnrl tfOpKii'Ulaur -U a ll. .. ....^Uc uail

Stirring Story

i f W ' ■

/ A w v\

i c K c d r ^ l i e i l i l e ro t t i l i f l im a io l i in :

' own mother offered her for r wealth nnd Kociol positton.


4'aiuMf Kpjitorp:— — ' ____

“Short Change”■nnnnS'Tjitijtltfjr^ -- -------- —t "i(_llifl Uorlil'a Fakteat ..\pro]>Une ilpp. (alU orub-A iK l Ollipr Speura.1 the (Iriiheuui O rebealra .

XDNESDAY----------Quwn-JEut ..Tritj .B crgar.-and -

a r P o t t c * ^ h d ^ o n t t t i p y of ' eta nnd feature plciurc, ‘‘Eo- •GUbert. .

MES ~ •md nn o|i|i.iitiinlty 10 n.-o a ii-ally ‘ lri.t .:liiKH la tnN lri-l-lioH'1'v.-r. llie fr- I .•I- or mlni.lu l mlcnili.- u lll i;r( tlirin '.Ill'll 111.' rli'lily dr.'iiKi’il jiara'lii ot th.- atiioii ' neorKia .Mliii.livlii iiaiia ov.'r lai- j-lii'.'Iii al iiiHin llie day llivy a]i- , .i-ar lirr... d-H-hire votark'ii of h iifat

. ’Tiu-.aiiiilii'inciil ..iluuitiniL liiui by. oUmbi imii- iL.Ji'l.' alwayn invulveil th .' Mr. '.liii'i.ilonal.It" amutirni.-ni uucutlnn, ,.1,,,, >at III.' Ih.'m.. iu iH'V.-r aronn. il Iiy th r r,,r 1.' -onilui; of a h k li elam. niln.slrel like hi' "il.oiiMa.-." lla.-ii-l.all. a (;o-nl i-ir- j! Ti7n‘ m7iI-ninip:to^nnTtO ninBtrrninrin o l>.' at l.'iiM tliri-i' torinti of aim;..- iii-iil wlilili aru n .iu .r . dutatloacil -'Hti b.- >.<riiinil.nii. ■ mr-

l.aiii;liti r, tlie nealln i; of latlalilc-r s llll' oai' i.in-yoto' of th r iiiintitrel, 111 vi'tl an llll- ii-|uli r ln t of iiinefal anil ilu-uiltit: iioiiiis . - ImrinUL.unuk iiniiKa. , j j

Tlio tnln.ili.-l man liaa l.i-i-n known ’ruin. aliau:iU ..thu_.tju£liuilai:.ul.lliia .nnnll vorl.l’a lih'iory ami wan w.-ll knuw.i ’ ly till- wrltera of hlbllrat atfalri.. It n cif thl.-i vi-iy rliararlerlt.il.- of lb>? ” ""1iilnM|i.'1 wlil.-li-iniik.-H II'ra iia l.Ii' of .I.l>i-alln;: to all e!ii>i»i-a and w ji.ii tli.' ranioau iioorala .Mlnutrda...ajiiii:ar-atb.' .................... 0.:l. I’.l. Ihi'ii'l.sill hi- t..-.n hmiilri'dii nf i.i-oiil.- In 'I" "" 111' llii'iitri' who are mil halillual Ilii,-- , ,V,' .tr .' so.'rn - Mt.Ul

■_________ , an.l ■

Th.' Horn.. Si-vvlce x.orli of tbe » i .1 Tlnir !i.i:i!t will 111' dtiir.iiitlmi. .1 aft. r .Nov. niit v :i. irnill llial dali- llu- orrj.-e will I...' A t|ii-n tiiiin L'-'i 011 Tui-i-duy. TIiiiiMliiy I .'111 1 .1"! S i^rih iy . ^ • 1 at ll

___ ‘ o^K^Saya:_________ - ________

” 7\ I '.ii.^i o f eofot” iT rim yih iT nTw orld la . 'Ill'll i-iiliir Imyv dojiie.s ■liis: div.idoiid.s.

^ i g -Double U nit~Slfow j |

- T o n if;h t-nnd Tomorrow Jj _____ N ig h tlS n ly ' g


L U A HOf Victor and



THE RADIO \--B a n jo Ukes, Mingle ai



( i lo r ia 's ynroilr-eroxvn-

iii|^ I rin ilijib . A now -type

he n rt. f e a s ts th o a n d .S & J

e n lo rln in s mii*1tlU y. . 1 ^ 0

\lW........... - - - -M U 8 I0 — :- •


^ l O R - C H E i R r A t_____________ c— _______________

m u r ’t a u g ' h I■ ' and

.Mr. atlll .Mrn I). I>. lliiiit nf l.onK ,i»lolearb. Califoialii. .MrK. J. .M,‘ Itoyd . . n.l (Innahli'i-. A.IalaMc mniored; to•ocaiello and nnrm tin- la tir r imi't .T tho wei'k wiib .Mr. and MrH,.l-:,C. ,1,M'MaV.-.. ni.il Wm.- H,- U - Kvml-I.— ..... „r. ,

Mr. and .Mt-s. l-'r.-il ll.-rli.-rt an.l H>;- inn Uoi'i.-<'>'anti -h-fl Tiiendiiy <;Vi'nlnK 1 ,, l.r l--alrfli'ld. i:tah. . j ‘

Misii Znra P irlu it of J.-rnmo anent vol.' iuiidav with bcn..liari:Il(a, .Mr. .all'I inxa ilrn.' II. I'l.-Ui-it. u-e I.Tlu;. hlxh .udioul, tavi-, a , party nl .ti'lei Hr- penonC tiounr SadirifBr evenlnK fo m.'ci hiny-rivi' who .'iijiiyiil lli.- i:vn»JuK ,\|| II vailoni Kiiiii.'K and iminlr. I ti- fnmi ri'*lmirniti wer>-nrr^’n l anrt all report fa il ,inrine an rnjnj-nl-lr!-rvrnltijt, ----------- —

IlaiTlnk'tnn lllfka of ArinUnn waa , ‘ ilii'raii'il on .\lunilay tor removal ofonitls.------------------ i.oiii

Mm. Ju lia n y r a . w'lio Urk b.'i-n via- ru-,. lliiK wllll ll.-r 'lnJlKliIer...Mn'. W aller ,n-lin I'aylor-for ibe paat tw n.ninnlba. Jefl pHre fiir-.-.day for Knll l.al(i' anil C'allftirnla nhu: vli'i-ri- J.he will Kiii'iiil Ihl-, winter. iomh ,T, ,V .lllTifTwIn P alla wiui n liunhu-aa „ ,.n ImIIoi' In Mnriamih Tii.-Kilay.. |„.iiMm. It. V. Ki-nih-1 of IW I i 'l lo In

,11.11111:; wlib h.T non. It. n . Kendrl mil «Vlf.',Ii.iiinid Itobi'rU n-tnra.'il hnme on

riiiirnday ti'oni l.na Am;i'If-N, i;allfor- ^ lia wh.-r.' he ha:, apelil tbi. pai.I y.-nr. rant

A v.-ry noiiil atli-nilaneo wun prea- ninl. -nt at III.' I'.ii-i'nt T -arli.r .. m.-.'tlti'^fi-ll' 11 Ih.- |ih:h |.(-lio<d aililll.irliiiii Moii- ■ - ■ " V

nu' ynu do wiil ,i|iereiisi. its j-l'fooiivi' |i|o .ss iii|' il w oul.l bo, T ilh .' il fi'oiii

-------N O W P L A 7 I N 0 -------

t h e .’c e l Eb r a t e d

ttA W A lid Edison Fatiie-


H A P P s t e e ^n n i x r m a n d o l i n ,and Frolic in the Sunkiss • Far*Away Hawaii

s o S P E C IA L P IC T U R E FR O O R A A

I ^ f

— CO M E D Y — “ 8 H 0 U L D . L A ] ^ L 0 B D 8 >

- L I V E ” F E A T U B IN Q _g,A t ^ ~ ^ T H U S = S T D N B ^ : 4 '

lOND.VY, O f’T O n K n SO,-lf>S(

. ’ ■ ~ •■■■j lay vvi-nliiK' ,A abort. prOKram^xvaa :lw n by Hi" «ml aecond g ra ileii |.nd fifth and aixtb : nlao~a ' pliino olo Iiy Kailirrbu- l-'nlu-y, Sprakera .f 111'- evenliiK woro N. D. Merrill and )avld Mcyrr. T lir reporl of llip paat (-bool boanl mi'i'tlnK won r.'ad by Ih-i rei-elaiy, l-\ W. W’achollr a fle r aif li 'r biiKln’.W ni.'.-tine'tncluninK- ir- -iionlhiy nvbmil jioper lo lie vOlte) by hi. llillll tirli'Kil am) ai'vm lb Unil Ibv 'iKhib Kraih- pniiHa for, tin- year wim ■ oiisl apon anil carried. Theae meet- nxa-wlll.‘lic-.Jielil-oui;i;-a.-.niDnlk.aua_. . . . . . ! ve l|0]i.' to are a ll the paren li InliT- ':ut<.'tl.-;n')HKb 111 alteiill.ibe .Nnyentb.T m'cf(n;r a ltit (Ik- trnchrrit. ,

,Mr. and ,Mr», H arry Aui’b'biiiiiii anil amlly ai»'ni Weilneaila)' In Twin •'alia.“ Alihs' Adaliildo'lJoyil. .who.'V'IlI ae. •'omptiay In-r annl. anil iiuele, Mr. aniliI_m,_K._l>' Hnnt_li)M brl£ bunu^ In _____.otrr: IJ«-aeli70all<.. for lbo wlillwr waa ilk-en a aitriirlar party l>)' lho blKb ichnol. nl-iiili'nta nt Ibo liomo nf, ber la re iiu Wi-dn.liilay evenlnc. Thp ove- iliiK wan npent wlib ihltalo aud var- ^OUH J-.aini-it. Dollcioua ri'fretihnu'tiia ivero ni-rvcd to tbe Kuraia wbn mnn* l>.-ii-d (oii|;Iuen,

77eIen(I«t« F a t eA wrilillaK Wll. delayed n-rrm ty hi>- :

raiiKi' 111.- l.rldetrroiiin falnii',1. Wo- nn.!.-n.fiin.l.’ I«.<e<-eer. tl-Hl Dio J>'">r !fi-llovf wnn nierellei.»ly rcvlvv.l—KrwB .Uio HuRiorlat. 1-omlon.______________

ivi'iiesH U-'« pe r e eu f. If th e OIII in.- It toiii-h o f e o lo r ]uiyH

I "ii'iii i n m i ^ a M

------- ----------- TRirEH --------------------------- :-------------•.Hallni-e _!..... ........ JO imil 2«c •

. trioinruu Only) . . __Kip. ............. i....i;^ nnd ■•Op

i X i m ^ U


C E r F E A T U E IN a ~ -------------- ---------

ITARS, UKELELES N, VIOLIN, H A RP issed ^ tm o ^p h e re - of

;A M - -

^ ■

■ \g ^ d m U j

pft»(Nno avADOLPH 2UKaHAHB‘


| \ ::: ,



k -B y -M o i-y --R o b e r t k E l n ^ j u *Sercpn p luy b y iV n n k T u « Ic

N E W - S ^ v - I a t« n i » t i i * » l N e w j i ' ’ ’

-S h O M t-lU t.------ ________________________ ____

Page 5: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

>ru?iaTX Y 7 T X ''i 'i in h i ; I i i i . j n ;

f i a i i n e s t D i r e c t o r y

_____ _ AttorneysrOR THR — WITHAM, t* w jw » . Ore• Clo« Boolc Stofo. _______

.................. n fi. h a m ;—fiTur Cloii Dook a to r

'Jwnca IL DotbwoU ~ Orr Cljapmt__________ BOTHWUUi 4 CHATMAN

' Woftili: D tJe7 'R w nia g.-C. 7 ..8 . g. 3

aWBKLEY t BWEKLEV—A ttom ej FlrBt'N tttloi^al Bank Doll Jinn.

A S m » ' Q. W JL^O N ~om c«: F i r • ■ N*Uopnt- I taak Pliig. - !•

Shoe Repairing ^• SU M ’S SHOE KKl’AUUNO. Up-t

dato ibop . roniiorljr Pctvrfl Uro Dont w ork, mftturlaln. Bend blio' by pn('ccln post, wft pmr pootac

• ls:<'Slio»hono Soutii._________ ___• UOYAL '8U 0B . R in 'A U t' 8 I10I>S-

W erenr, Prop. 130 Sccooa 8 L• .................•nd-317-MalQ eaBt^Xvrla-Tallo, Id

ho. Wo tttiio carrr.uovr nhoca.

, • Transfer-----------C K O Z iE K ^JU N SF E IlT E O M P A N I

Pbooo 84S. StorRRO and cr&tJoB.' llcNICHOLS. »rKAN8 FiJll * STOI

▲OB C O .^ f t r b u # bauled dAllPhoao 200..________

------- ----------- -y A P i> p p /i_ 'r»*v^P K B > flTn iM rCO.—S lo rtfo aod special carloi

-------------- Rtftck.gjntthingD LAC K SM rrn — MACHINB SHOP

BlackanUtbtos. DoUonnokloB; \Xel log, M acbinifls. Sprinir Work, Ma n tM lilrera. < Suppliaa o f a]l U d<: Kresktl Maeblne CV). AKcnts f AuHman-Taj-lw M a c b i n o r y C

• Phoflo laoa. 310-230 SnJ south.

'______ ChiropractoraOK. 8. C. WTATT ‘

.Chiropractor.151 Srd A re. Mo. Ohlce Fbone 4

DIL DDLA C. SA.WYt:it • Oateopatbto P bra lctas

StUU 1 W d a, Q on Sutldlnic. — P h w r . — --------"lB <O ir----- R w IMfl

_ ■ * 'Aactioncera' ' MUNYON * lIO t'k lN S

. . . • PHer. ■ TwJn ■ HdIiJ- - -------Phono'OJ:— !»b»no-982.- .-Phono •

N K W W irrHQD ROOra. Old sbltu roots mado like new. . .Let u» kI ro u an cfltlninlc. Clark Sm ith, 9

. . flepgnd Avo. I i , Twin Tultn, Iilnl

., P A iK T E B S -s tjp rL re s • F o r B a lo^Paln ts, OIU, Mureai

K aisomine la bulk; Ooo Supplli •B errr boxes. Auto .WlDdnbloIds, I 'li mnd W indow 01m > end W all Pap< Moon'a Shop.________

, MiscellaneousCOL. MUNYON

I-niPf Twin Fulln■ ‘ Plioh« C 3 '“ - r i io n n ‘JHS -

TWIN PALLS JUNK Il0D9E^-Mi aU , K uhber. Hide*. Pelta and Fui

D iS V PLACE, t New and eecond band elothli

booche and sold. 806 South Shoabo; ■ •^ro*L ___________ • .

• BLKHOON CRCAM STATION. S. U ala South. Twia m iM . Ptlooe 3C<

. See ua beforo sonitur e ro a n , . pol

. - i r r o r esBB. Tee. wo como out t ic r ro u r poaltrr. Chaa. Underwoc

I For Salg^MlacgUaaeOTron Bi

lA kP tfl P a« tlo -lim it C)ioai i mllo eftKt,^3-4 niilo n ^ tb 'W a to i Com er, ' ' ' ‘jii*.',' ./■ , .

FOR pentitUi. Pri flee d D ltto S ^ ld n cy C r t lk : ^ FaIw

-----------------------PlUnr V«1U Far

FOR S A 'p i-O n o tlm t cJiUii rctu" ' t!cke*r K ciflc,. T jJiJitcllo '

Cblcaso, 8^ until. Oct. a i. Addro _______a n - S n ^ H ^ a i ^ J d i U i o .

h " -__ _ _

" ' ■

U - ' l m ■— f= : \ f \ : N 0 J » : 5 -


F o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e b u

r • r o u S,\l,K ~ Ui)cll cr.'ok firnvH, i O. Marklv'ii lll.icluiiilili iilioii. , l i : li■u.OHlr^rrun—1-tinnp -JilHW.-----------

___L I'OU Sw.i.it- S paubli' .mloiiO ror f«<> lilo'Ki' rOflt Of KliiilnTly bnnk. .

n . StMlw<>ll,

itor«!I- " . • Hniiii' Ilviiilly Uniii pulnloi>man, ii<iunnli. eulil>nKO. t>iiunirn'>i. clilc-r. d

lilrlcli-ti. (•:. IC. Crahiri-c. >'» mlU- oa P, 10 IVntrro’ rnrniT. }‘hm if

■ney< KOU s a i .k —A rnllroad il<:k<‘l nnR. S. 1.. mill U. 1’. ri'oiii Miiililokii— ” Kftiiiinn l;|t>'. via Ui'livrr. (iooil unFlf» l ()i:i. HI, J, C. Kcvatl, I'lid iivon• ■ IU»rllH city.- . ■ . . ,____

• r o l l aA i.i: o u t i i a i> i : - - a \ av— l\nit(iT, liiiKn dui'alom . cniip-to- i-lc. 1 Illnn lu'll lirw boin.- luadi’ mi Uron. forliTii, fn ll o r wiUo 7:n :;ml nv.'n .hoes u-o;il.itaro. "I'OII. HAl.T:-lIti.lc'rw(M)iJ lyiunvrll------- lIUi- ro»l JlOO. will nrll vvS—F. cru'iiti on i>i)yi>« Mlii of tn i x t innn :L B. ArJdrw!) T. J . Wyilaiiin, 10u» .15lli i. IdM ijllwn.iH.irc, .\V1». ______

i l l r r r r ^ O U SAl.l'>-U»cd U u il iiacHvavi'm' wari'liuuiii-. ----------

'~ m iL -S,M .i:- J n ! i l r r r . lvVil ra rln n J -- o rc tr tc r ftpin.- - 1‘i.o— n 13, Twin Kullii Vlll. A Cldor <'.i.r o i t - .— -;----------------------------------------------dallr. I'OU S A l- lW r 'i ‘-llc“ 'V tn^w. v:

umn cloaniT, A ImrKnlii If lnk< n ■ r r onco. A im nmnll Kland, rnn 1>o nn

•rot-tTPewf**T<lntf(i—riw>»l»u4toouv- ) 119 JnninmcTO Inn.______

FOU BA L&^Paldt ana k a ^ m l for paloUnE aad kA2«om/a<iitr. Pho

iop3 t>T~l»tuQaVSbop. ' ■—

F o r R e n t ■tlndfl. — :------------------------- ---------------------

for rc m U K N T -l-ir;!!’ frnm ronm I r Co. iiKiii Iioniu-lcoi'iilni:. f n Scroml i

north. I'hiiiir SW ,

- . r o u u n S T -T w o 't 'i i i l ly furulKl;

•3rfl flfPniw ifMl. • ----- - -

» 4«7 r o u UlCST—Aiiiullni'nl fnr lli-------- li<.uiii'l!opi.Um. Al!.o-KnraK<i. Cl'J 1

»»rlli t>r l ‘lit)nn S.'-.v.l. ____ _ ___

t. r o u UKNT—XO nrr.'a on lilKliw IMO-J Hr C’.-QetH.Tl^ U Mftlii n u f tL -l‘hx■:------ 223. •. , ——^

______ m u^ N rsiin i) i )u (i s !:,.4bo(1«>ui. 4 lG cllirC J l l Main N. I'linnn SZ3.

«o i l . ■■ rooni#. :Gill ftvenU'M'nKf.

KlKhl room lioiiKO for ren t—c.

I Klvo FOR- KENT — 3 room rum U t h, 310 apartm ent. reanonahlo. Dungal filniio. Apta. Sth atreot o n d 'S u co sd area

FOR ItliNT—Kniir ronni lioiin., V w alur^nd I’lionc ICC N. o r t

' K ; n l l m . . . A . r ______________ ___'a per; h e n T —I louBcK'TrlnS . rooi_____ aUovn ModoI Shoo Storo. Inijulro (

pheum Theatre....

----- r - FOR .IlBNT-HouBkBuplni apamnola, c o ap le le lr fum lnbed (or 111

l» bouiakQeplog, (me, two aod Ihi ts — rooma-cloao in. and - lo w -r a t e a . .------- ‘ weak o r m onth. Tbe Oxford, <-Met* Manln N.r u n . ' —------- ------------------------------------------------- TOU Iti;.ST—Oaracc. 311 3rd a

_________________l l ____(bone ro H -RE.VT—\ c n r FJlrr, SO jicr

One hundritl caah and six hunili ■ crop moriitaKu. IMwlii Damman, Tv

>S< KalU.'I’lioQo 70DJ.3C«i ------- ----------------------------- -- F o r S a l e - R e a l E s t a t

wood. yQ u 370 aero rancli, 260= 1 . f..ittivnllnn. fror wntor. 40 Dtfal o u a rlvor front, 2^4 mllr* .from » . Jt, *_____ tloo. W ill nrll r lah t. Inqulro J.

g ^ jj Stoveniion,'Caldwell. Malio.:)ioap. , FOR SAI.13—IB acreao t-cbo leo la a tc re c lty 'l lm lta unencum bered .'--T

bouw a on placo. Loa« th a n ,10 m------- u tw waJJt from po*tofflce;‘ .w 6iPrice trado for clly o r ranch properly if r ;.lvrln heavily .cncHml)rre.l. Will bo

Pcrrinc botcl on O c t " ^ r 21 and 28,

®‘“t " f l " • ’ Otto A lbert of liolnbecjf.' Ia0 to — . ,• ,,- . ., ------- , .. ■dross F O R aA L B -H O a ere .d a l^ fa rm a :

' 40 acre orchard laad . • 'P booe 617BS.

i i —

f -^ ‘ . . ." 5 0 w a t ' l B ’.C i ^ -

, • ^ -1' tJO lT .L O O rt, w u

r o r 'o e i i . f i . ^ ■ > . .inONWSW J .....T T •

^ .tw w t H - . i c H P i i e . ' ■■

7 ^ — T T O

l o u s F o r S a l e R e a l E s t a t e

•<■1, C. KOU SA l.i:-N U v well iiiiinov.'cl -li 12 'Illl jioi'cM, nlc<! Imiiio [iioco. ciiv s ra w

ro.lil lH-i!illrr;--fniM i- Iiinll ncliool 'nlouil.----------J"" '”'-, nil ^ 'flr nk. a ! lilfillfn, -I.” "- tirln '. i;rny lcrm,i

Scu iinj' real wtnly ur,‘-n\ o r J . ,r -------- ' Hniic.T, nwiKT, ;:::7 yiii avcunn «»rii«<■«(»'. Twli,talotii. —

r o u S A l.i:-H y <»vnor. C K»im liifKlc OMl ,,rn gl,,,,,,,,,____ _ 'l>'"'<'Ti. fnvnat-i' Iiial.‘ i;.iril)!o. PitPoi

nn 0. rlKlit. 0 , !•'. IVlcnion, If. So, llulil 1(11 In Idalio.1 Iintll — — •------------------------------------------ -ivi'nuo - r o u S'Al.K-Tvvdvi' llnnittniKl acriO

fnriy nillci nniIliK<-^it of llllllni:i — Montana, ilcar Ilrnnilvli-'w,. rniin in

mill oil iiroHiu'ciinK In vlfl'nlij'. Kt rnnw <'nrl< ll. Jnllct, 111,

— W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e o u i

Vrry Tin'OKINC l.rri;tolin clvrii In Simii month, lull, filiy A«h St.;ili St., ....... ....... .... ...................... ...................

\V,\.VT1.I> .V nnlliy I'lnw (ntn ' Hlyli'), Wrltii Ilnx l.'AJnslvrilniii,

......... ' i-WANT TO IiUV--Gii'"I ni'roiid liiui------- , Hxin nii: or piiUiUiT ll<ix 3()iwirlnud «-ar<i Tlinrn. •-}‘l,oua \vA N T i;o- tyii'nVrltcr, l.nVliy <Ti-i

____ i:<Ty. cm) Main niivtli. I'lionn :;ifi.,• W 'AXTKD-.rf.'W nmr.' tnlilo lioarck .n nt i,r„. c in ,,, i,,. TcOciiliono filUV,(• niii'd ........ . ...............-Lii|ii t ; M’A.V'Mvi;—H hrnil at Ktinii linrni

10 “iin!ilurv. "I'a(iTcK~\Vynli; Tliull- . •— 1H17113__________ _______________:___

^W A N TK D -W lil pay hli:l'i.~i ciii' 1 “ nrln- for Imrl.'V and wlunl. Ulioi - — 6'ifiRi. •" ' • , ; ■

. ” Tv.\.STliD--lIoi:ii and caUlc. I’Inji--------- lou;i.MJ. __________iin fnr W AN TK D-l’oillIry of nil kind

Top prkMi. II. C. llnn l.T .'* I'lioi___ 00.1W.'

'“ '”' ‘7 ! WA.NTi:i)-(:nr.toni'Krlndini:. Hr. p. T«Hmtr-Mronc-543i—Cider C o ,......... .................. - ■

ft’ANTllD—Uncd lu ro ltu rT nnT ru i: W ill pay-cM li. Phone 405. A. 3

i -------- VInccnt Co.K liwny,---------- --------------- ----------------------i'huna WANTiiU—At t.nco fo r’cniih, un,— F s a «>fic~piiQtift-i47w. j.-D .-w ni ____ 1_ Co. 533 Mala l ii . 4 i _ c . ------------ :--------- --— 7—;—

___ L i v e s t o c K a n Q . y o u l t r

" T - r o l l ■S.U4i—lloljiUiliisow. ri;iuiu______ ullln. riv .- yriirii Ilf a>;< und nlvi'ii fl-C . K. HiitloiiK milk.

• FO R 3 A U :-llla ck . Iiornr, t yoai -ntahM! " 'clI lirolic. wi'Ijiht ir>(to. i',ray liorf

w<-lKlit USii. .W ill.trade for cows, mllo cn-Hi, on Addlnnn. Vi' "Outa „ i r U-n OI11111.H._____________

V - S A I . I : —It'-Kinlcrr' il nnm o J r o r cnll I’'*'"' '* °>'l'

D im u. '

robma, F O n SALE^IleKlBlered Duroc aoi !ro Or- o r to pu t ont on eharcn. Phono S32\

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t rr light ' — ■■ ' -------------------- ---

throe AJf l.f;AVJNO TOIVN’-IV U I ki ea.-.by .fltU’Ju 'av y team nmlcit for a trlli 1, IS t ovi'r iiM luro I'lIl.' Ti'rinK lo H'Upon

Illlo i>ariy. 1. It. Darrow, Uarro llron. .‘'■<■<•<1 Slore.

•d avu- --------------- - ■ - - -----------

— - ■ ■ H c l | ) ' i 'W a n t o d .____ ^

unilriMi SAJ.ES.MAN WANTKD—D Ic.inont 1. Twin yeftr arouQO In. nclllnK nur eoinjHo

rllnt^-of.Htikk'Supplli'R, Includlns Cbpi — — Covem;' Poiia Uookn. BavlnKti Pit

Booli*;.pirclui. clc. KOO different a' verU"lok;fiovnltle»; 2U0 exclunlve ca

■ . jtn(Jani»exclu«lvo contract. Wook commbjajonii. Ide money on rrpcat;o Apt*. >riiri«n»'-firih unfco.inflri ICa Salca- Mk>,'. Hanker# Ad». & 'BOBrr

’ Co., Io » g CUy, lowo.___________ ^

- f f i0 mln- M ade'^Sblrta tor U rge manufacluri w bulo <)lrMt to wcaror. No capital o r ei

’ If not perience required. Many com IM bo a t wooUy ahd bonui.- MADISON MILL!

122. or S<ia.Droa(lyay.J»cvrYorl^. .

Ia. SALESM AN-Bicepoonal opportun — • Ry. Bnatitre* earalnga bl*. W ril Rl and U cO eerT .Calendar Fae to rr . W u t TM., ly to a , ; ! * : ■ .

T " — “ S i m

,iN tflPlT WPiS tO W Pi' ) -VOO TPiKL \


I j ’■ g w r f o l . 't i J g j t^ eN

"■ ” r m

" ' s 'in-iii, 'v i i ' t v / '^

) U S . i c ^ c f r ^ "o rjt; n,7. r \ MUr.T C ,£ T OUT i

•. { A B rSC iU li P A R A D E ) ........ OR O T C ‘< NNiUU _ / .

------ ---- • r • ■ 'Injni-

CANt>lT>ACrB -V oftr-SH E C 7i;;i7 e a c v c e p & < T v \e p•lionr H & cn^O V ^N VJOR.5^it

CJP C /'.H O lJ^A T E O T E------- - V a HO TK C R. tSlG, T O ftr. lu-r ^ - ------------------------------ V - i ---------------------------------------------

'“h! Wanted:------ CvaNt 'ITi ) I .iilj to ciiok on ii. ikUfljd nn .-iiil.livn. r . A- TriKU'In.. Kl.\Tino- -R'lhl:---- -

W A N T K lr-en t to tKr tti-nrrnl lion rfnVlf.-' l-B .«in'U '^:'r.r"i:iR ,

t r y -------------- -- ------------- ' •W^ te d

" WANTKD-Woiimh wamii wnrli /____ rrtlii:li.- Cnll ffivM ,'(•; IJ. a t llaK'•'arn, R'Himo.

I " " , '/ \VANTi:n - OovorfrmciK jni. of mool,,:. Imr o r honFU'kiTplnc-, .Mm,- -iiiTm

' ./Ct 'oofl. T * ttt ynltii. o r cx)l f.li. :nu. ■"WANTF:rp=MUiirwir<‘-ana-t)orw a

•liiine •I"'’ '>■' utock ranult. -Olivor Vrnti* n icK , - ' • .

liipcrltnei-d iKmoKmplior dciili a i t v ' l»>^dtlon.. Can aI»« rcforujiwn. A - I —l tircim- Uox flQ7. Tw in Fallii. .

I.ADY nOOKKBiaiKR <lr«lrrn t*oii linn m clly, fxii.crlenci'd. Cull J

~ Oxford Apt.i.AOll ................. I. . ——- , .

Irllild ■ponii- Foi’ Sale—Aoitomobilcirrow____ • Fort SAr.i:—Auto wftHfuIiIetds. >I»-

RlaAMui, {ioa<lll(;lu KlaKn dnd windu clann. Moon'n P ain t Shop.

iom ^ TOR HUNT—A,fum li'hcd ro<im wll tHote lioiird a t 120 Clh avenuo nurUi. Pliot :bcck 641W.

I a'li- f'X>B.SAr.E—At.r.-fll nscrlfln ', 0J< I caU I'lRht tnurliii: cnr. pnrcliaBcd ili Bokly year. Phone 1«60, Would eonnlili it;o r- l-'ord In traili'. •

Z T m -flA l,F ,-> W inMrlng car. : ■ mo<lcl. F ille r P 1 4 ^ . r iio n o H n s rc r

R E E Fonl kUo baJlurlefl, 114.65 a t If ittor* Pn'Rl.O'LUe B attery Station, 32S,Sti< lu rcr shone Soulh. ^ to n o CO.

. f j f l * T ^ " » i ' r 8 »ep,« 0** O it t7 tLLS, a ten o e north.

J Loat ana FoundLOST—Idaho •D apartment of Akt

'U b* c 'tlttire rooelpt bookj. ' Finder picaj notify L .,0 . Hawley. Perrlne H ote l

jn ,Shows uuez Up ; ^

. f efifA H W E . - T

- ....... ^

I b ) m IK ic n e


j- ';? ,'. 7|


j P A R A D S , U ^ i ^ ^

i,EfttFf=- B D --^ O E fiL E R...P O U T lC A l_ R.IM<& OP

RlEt> T H E L O C A U PO IX O V JE feS >TEY W A J .K E « B f PO U U IN G , O PT •Q feC H U g,H -r P A R A P E _____________ <

Lost and .FoundIIIIK'I , nalinnol ,-ii;>In.nrr li: un atu.ct-

nni nn ndycrtl.Miiu niiOliiiii,

lioii^'r l.O.ST. IJinyluL.i nmI.-I « ii" fi. inld dici of AiikiiM. .Vam' and ilnli- n

- • T j:i;ivrd on liiuK, lli« 'iui|. I’lion

i _ ........................... ................

'■ ^ 0 Trade ,-------- l-d irT IlA D i; Cood fivr acr.:. willcuok- liiillillni;, Vi mlU-i.ntilli o r ^ |llllll l‘:ir Ilrndy jitnrf, Wlll i-iadu Coi- "u. J. IL Cm:!V.i. rlKOii. K; {•'. }>. SiK I. .

-wanr • F o n SALT: OR TIIADn rnr-acre ’rntal, aBO, my resldenre. 222 6tli uam,

--------TOUUINO OAR TO TIIAIH: for cll'•iiliOB lol. r iidn i’ 12'.i7. , _____

TQ TUAni;--IIraldi;ncc in U n An I solcn for Tw in Falln prop'irly. .Ad

1 o f drcna Owner, s n i t.oit-fJlllon Ati: ■ ■ _lx>« A nuo lc . Cullf.

l ie s ------Miscellaneous -■IiKir «?^PBncnrN TM O W .-» rb l{ FAHIk

ndow LOANS—Can get yuu thn monoy It ten daya from dato ol appllcaiton. C

------- A. R o b l n s o a _________________

MONKY TO li)A .N -rn rm n . cU: properly. C. 12. rfiller,. U<nl rn ta lt

- r iloue 374. . <■' .1 /

I llilR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKIIN-I mlllur *>'111 <iol lie rMiponKllilv fiir any dnlUi

contmctwl l>y my w |ft,.JIni. JvniliiTlni-------or M n . O. W. T « rr,O r,‘frnm ililn 2011•. 20 dny of Oclnbor.'.W:;!. V Bh.- lum .Irf r r — : - n ■ W ./ra rr. Jr.

N a 168 - Depart 7:00 a. m r ; ; ^ No. M*— . Depart G:<0 p. m “J * " IfWUWBWl

No, M —________ Depart 1:00 p. mNo. ICS ■ , , , .Depart <:20 p. a


AktI* B o g tn o n Rraacb XiW nileaao . . - . j SoDtbbunndn l , No. W ----------- ^ D e piart U lO p. m

^ i r _ w c I "r B p p y ^

□ A P A R T ^ N T S T * ^ F A R .K

r p w N ~

T t n S P n l ^ m B fticv^T I»A R E A R iN ' H

g f t - K a i : r :

7 «o-no-w e ^\ CANT .l-CT ) .


EXt>UCTtlO?l Cct->T>CiAN \■ • J V i i - - . V n c c i-c t-nrD '.

g p -

d f V " - 'C y

1 M A R K E T S

tiH i.iJN o rnltiFK*__ jrW INJFALLS

I’lionc ...... ................ r- . j

.. N..w .i;aljUKO, lU. _____________Z ICarrnli'. ik 'W ...........;....•......................

• Hcetn. new .1-............wllll ’turnip".' ncw ----------------------------- 1

UmJlirtien. 3 butiehoi ___________ 1m..-™, i„ ,...............................Rrend _________ :____ • - _ 1

____ Tiirkcyii. drnwn .................... \ .............:acre- ........ " 'I'-*-'-----------------

I-ork n!innni;c- ....... ...... ................. .:------- T-lmne ntonk ........................... ...........:r clly. sirlnlii uii-ak .......................................;____ I’ork clin]in ..................... ------------IJifi:" ~ t« n b c l i o p s ___I ,, 2tjQS^ ■ jiriitf .. . :

Iloiind Iilrak ......................... .... ........ :A''*'- nacmi

____ HacoD, e lk ed -------------- - ^ 4

• " .........B0YiNQ*'piri1icE'r'• • Wliwit. N o ;i: p e r hustiol ____- ..- . j i

' HOKn ....................... ................ — —C i■AHM S l e e r s _________________ — <€5? « Cow# _______ _______________ 3f|-3'

^ CalTce • —....... ........ .. . -., ,, ,i!fO____ llcna ■■ 1

,,v Mutton -----------------:-------------:------nt« N. -------------------------------------^Sprln r cblckenn _____ __________ 1____ FBODCCk

Uutlcrfni, n t factory ----- -- -------- 3Ilutter, ranch ------------ -----------------3

,rinv Kw'" ........... .............................— *. ;n ih IvKKd. <!anli ---------------------- --- ------ 31, Irn Ilod Clovcr No. 1 --------------------Jr. Alfalfa No. 1 . .:........... ................... »H.-------' Alnlke clovor AU, 1 ------- =r-t

Brans ........ --------------------------


0)1 o t Indiana Is no l cnxaBtd In -a p. m. comldnnilon o r connplracy In r p. m. niroint of trwle n o r In ll altemptli

10 nionnpollzo the Raaollne “crac

fill'd hnrn today to ihe Bo^^'mme nnU BRilnnt Ihn Standard and So ol

p.'m . e r companies.-

. y ' .

___________ :___________ /_ W n K F T 7B .

" B S( .K .u v s . i r '

O f llll.M lll o r TI[,U»K T i;u .iv

j I'llli'.M IO ,-O rl. Crnln't nol<lnff ;.Ii:irt>ly lu tracllni: nn ttu- liairil

;r r tr.id'- UmImv. llMivy "'•Iliui'. w.“kitu<- III HiMhiii'ii lu ’ tVliiuiii.>: nml.ll'i:i|i|iii|nHui: ii.ui'ir In Ca-

’ . i>lui>rllM,iit » nil Aiiii'i :<’i>n v.'lu' il,■ ill I'l.niim: I.t im i" . i-.nntlnu."i, •

) fi.Vi. vsiMj.nu-d 1..-. lUi'o ^.f tln.i l«>Miliir .itid i-roi' iii'w;i ioKi;llicr wllli,dlllliiil.ll.-il- ........ . ilrui-^nd .liur to '

; ■ ic'iti;,ii.:ii.Ui VMiiilii'r atul ^■n.u-llvnt

; ! All Ik* rc:.... In tin- vlnlMo fllliply■:n ............. ll i.ud; liva\y hlocv.ii wi.-aU-

JV'JV): )i'»T rlroiii:tiji^'ii. lilr.li. Jiow. CloMs

\v im ;a t -.n.'.'. . , ii 'i» ; iv .in i4 r.u nr.M

iM.'v .... M'tH:.iniy . i::i n t rM'\^ u i%\ .<-(jltS-- • ---------------■■ — ------- -------.Dl.-, '. , ' iii'i Kn. yir,H •liifi%

,• i ' ,. . Ml 1"SH lOKTii' iji .lv : • i r i ' ■ T u’^ 10ST4 io a >4

____ \ l ) \T S -

' '! ?.s" r.'i ■ r.rt'.3 f-fiSJul v. ... r.r. 54 M

' l..\iti>ii;:,ti !.;;i:i icon 10V5

J iiu ,- ;- • ^

I n i i i Ai.o r , \ s a im u i n .( i 0<I. 2n.--'Vi'1icat-.Nn, 2 •

rnl. ?1.M ; .Su. :: liard. J l . t .S ^ lJ l .C :1 H.it.’i - No. :i'u’liliiT^T',T5nT’.?crT<[>.---------

4 ullli.-, is r r ijrso ’vi” ntamuird*, 48^4-------

~ u r i r - - .S o . ' '2~y>'ll>rw,’ jrO D ill.l lH :."so :i yrdl.iw. Jl.fiRHIH.lOVi:. No. 4 M'llinv, $l,ns-ii 1.0'J ^ ; Ni>, 6 yellow.

.N'«. C yellow, Jl.flf>4fl . l.o:> i;...N o.._3_ialir<l. »l,flKOl.09t^:

Nn. nij»-'.l »l.07ftl,l)7H : .So. fi mlx- I'll. t l .0 7 '- ,: Ni>. C mixed, .

-------N-„ '.1 ulilU' $l,0Sftl.O8U: No; 6vvl.ii.' JI.IIH: So. S wlJte, »1.07. -

illirliry -snfiUfic;TIlfiMfiJ--J»,7f'i/<J,7r.,Uvc-:-So. 2, »l.:iu, f l u v r , J1S5J.2U,- j r i j ' ""xKH- y»KK riiOJjjM'K,’ ■ 'xi.;w Yd HK. Ocl. 20.—Flour—Un-

.....::-'i H.-iii.;<i and dull,I 'ork—Unil: mc.-«fl I30®31.

mliliJl'j w wi. *poi,___ Sl Jl7,::ii<ii 17.40, .

r,( Hnviir—ri'flneil. Mrm: Rranulatoa, t7.iri'i<'7,3o,

__jO , J{(iy—F(riii; So. I, | l ' “5r .Vo.- ! ,__ IB. n.iiK ifi.iii......10c lln t ie r—Rec-lpln. C744: creamery

1ft.- axiraa. 3Sii; .BBcclnl_murki't S 8 O 3 0 c ._ __•3-( KkK'<—Qi‘M : recelfiM, 727S; near- “

SiiSOi '’>• white fancy 1S « 82c: nearby atato •in., .viiitoii .r,ff(78c: wenlern w h iti.; 3 7 0 '

' i n r Poclfloenani XlVif/78c; n««rl)j' broiras, C7

V « 3 D e ^ « - - ' ______rm CA fJO MVKSTOCK.

critrcAOo. ©ct. -so.—Hor* — n» - cBlpm. fi!i,000: m arket, uooten, 2SO •

J"*’ :oc off; lop, »10,D0; bulk of sales,— y.OO(f(>l».DO; beavywelglil IIOJO© .- ..3W- inno; niMllum wnlitlit IJO.lOOWJO;

llRlV. welRhl. ’ *8,75010.70: light-.Jl,3!- Hgiiijt J7.7r.JT0,76;' . packlnK— hwc*..........

nmooth, »7.05«9,7C; packln* hogs.-<®S< rongh. <3.:0O».6fi; slaughter plgl, fi'3V4< »7.7r.«R.7C,-» 0 « ' Cattlo—fiicern (1100 pounds tip l,•— rhoi ro and prime |IOOIO,SB: good.— «< J11.10®11,35: meiijutn, ■— stecnt , ai'oIc<r"niid prWio l l t J S O — ICc i:.r,o; good, tlO Qll,4C; medium l<46

©lO.CO; common. IB 07 : h e ife r s . ,— 36c ko(m| nnd choice,' »7.C0O a : cofflooa — .35c oiwllum. M,2BO7.B0: cows, .good n n d — 40c cliolce. «.75®7.2E; common-and mo- — 35c .|iuni; I3.2B04.76: c a n n m a n d .o u l- — (22 I«ri. t2,S0G3.26: ^alTea. c o lt cbdoe.414,50 lyo down. I50 IO ; modlota eboleel |4

down), no q uouuon ; l a l l oocmoii. jjdnrd " ll . weUlVJ. « » • • . CO ^O BD-ony 10 choico, 14 0 7 ; feedlBf lam U .1 re. Hum choice t l ie i3 .« 0 . . : , ,

OHAIIA lIV B qirO C i; reply OMAJU, N eb. OcL 10

O olh- yoarllngs. »#O U ; aieera, t tO O U J S i ' - . cows and heifer*, tSOlO-U ; ' a to d f

— era and feeders ,' tl& 0O«.M: eahrta. . " “" j MOtO;^ b u ll^ M d ^ e jW /^ T O

OM o - oft: fcolk -ot .

JCc u p : y e tT H B tt..|tO lO ;-.w rtw rfc

____ I4.2SQ6JC. ' ___

Page 6: FA tiATTLY TiIMESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...Butler, nallanal cbalrmnn. Duller » ' h«a :a*Xetdonator UoniU. “ of iio »eoato csnpnlini fuhil conj- mlttce,

:---------i r A a i r s i x r T ^ " —— -

i l l l FALLS D l“m m-----------;-----------------------------------------------------__CD

T w o B i d d e r s S e e k t o G e t C o n t r a c t f o r C o n s t r u c t i o n T h i l A f t e r n o o i i } T e r m s C o m p l i c a t e d a n d S e v e r a l ]

_________ H o u r s W i l l E l a p s e B e f o r eF i n a l D e c i s io n I s M a d e ; <"■ N o N e t F i g u r e s A v a i l a b l e J

...............a t i* rc5 8 T i m e . ........... : m--' n

- — AMKIttCAN rAI.!-S, Orl. t o : - rnn llilllllll wcru ciu'ia-O llifii iitl.'riiii.m horc fi)r ihc cim»ini< ium ..h lliu' 'I 'Ami^rlciin ^iIIk iIkiii. whlrli will ' 1“ ' ’i1)0 75 If«l lilKli mill «vjll b;iili ‘ '" ‘'I'<jver 7r..00U .acn '. nt Jainl.' walt-r- ' ' ‘'I ’

, loR ocvurnl Imini'iifu irucln aiiil I"tl"i, fiirnl«liliiK f«lr« wuler lo o l.lv ri' tiiinir

■ Bliuri on llry y««ri*. TIi.t . w.ti- J ‘" i:• two lil.Ulcr,.. Imt It wllj tiildr k. v- .......

oral liour» lo w.ifk ou l llm .IK,- ' ’" r ,— lorcut__provJalolu-ami .iiuiuiiari: 'In u

. . llwiii wllll ciiii- iiiioilicr mill I ' .......* will) ItiQ nllpiilnlloim uf ciiftliii-CYii. <>-

- -Tho-rtnm' la (if-lliP liil.-riii»l t-oiilrtil 11'*• lypts iiimI »lmllur in ilii' A rrow m ck.; >-*''i

- ' gpnronai-grTTiiy ■i>iui" i)f-n an i r TtH>rt- iN roKurtit'il Iiy cliKliin-rH nn till' brnl

• tn llnin coimiritciltiti. uml wiiii u t- >m<vu ceiitotl by tl'# iKutr.l nn Aiij;ii»l It*un • rocomiHomliitldii i>f (lie nilK 'il «nuiilBimcH Chlrf r.tliim!iii.*ii cuK<n<'T I"- " i

____frftw Hnll p r .nwlm n_>tllii _u,-uu ..Jirili-.CIU lit llio mn-lllIK Ilf lIlL- IMlVlxOI), | 7 | 1

--------- ••l.lcU ....4uprl«i» la incuibcM lilli-all r l Hillris'torR'Of ni"trlcm m n-roivn-w atrr • ■“

U ^ittn conllnufil by llm liiti- J l- T lor tiotrartmrnt-. - .................... II

W ille Ihe Initial m a t of tlii; mt;- , Uoilnl sm vlly typo -H r In-oxccaa nt oilier »lc»lRnii ftt (■iiiiKiriiiilim, ll»- innlnlonunco com li nald ii> b<i ui a

In vl*w of Ihc tromniiloiis vdliimc o t w M cr lo 1)9. liiiiioiimlcil 111 till! rcKervolr, im tlie wutor will lm luicV- ,,,., .,1

lypD' wn» clioncii. ____ ' ‘iIhmk

DAWES GETS f -=-SeORlN(HN— £-3

. POBUCMEETl............................... .................................................. tra l I

-------- iHtrnll--------- P n m M i to •“ I-nw rlait f '" !" '

Clnlmii Thnt Vln- J‘n-«lilrt.tlu1 Cnn-ilM«fr Vnn Impn'jMTlj l>lrntifl'-il *; Wllh lo rim iT llniili J'nlliiri-j f ilm8u|>r<‘ni<- I'uiirl llirlnluii^ Ii' iut

. .lu hlalidtlraui bduii; a Iwi ti; c iuw a III Iho UvcTlMK S«liiv.l;.y Al-b e rt A. Joliunon |iri-nriilii1 tin- iit.i- urowilvi- Hhlr on lln- iilli K.-.l tiii|irnii( r conilltct ot Vln- ITiKlilnillnl Cnii.II- H » dalP Uftwda rreardlnii )iU ri-H|>ulinllilI- (ui|irrlly .Jn ccitim'ciliia wiili tin- (iilliirr <>t -------••imiy" I*rlm«-r'ii U Sail.- Trm .t frmi- imiiy of Chlracii In I'.li:. fiillowliii; »n

• BllrKfd BlU-miil on tlu' iiarl of (bo lal- tw conrPm tn tW tlvr ib r Hlnti- Anil- Jlor a l tb f lltitr of lln orilanl/.i.Mi.u.Tlic IlllnoU mnirniu' cn.n i on Uu- .bo

- «h« Mr. l)ttw.-« wn» n..niiimi.-.l lii.iKl-(tl down a ^l. i-lxlon boldini: Uu- tVn

- tra l T r u « coiniii.uy. of w hirli b r wa;.' iirm ldrn l In l!iU‘. llabl.- for ilir |iuy-

incni of ronnldirnbb- Hnm of inniirs . lb Illl' nt<K'kb.>ldi:in uf llir U l Siillr

Trunt com|iBliy. •Th.' B|H-nkrr dprlarril llml lln I'lii-

lr» l Triu.1 conii.»iiy. u llb D aw.n »n lilt prrnldcnt. "liml i-rrn ily iiun«r.'i. r.-d In lyirlnirr, iiii Oiliili. r :!1, lUl:;. wllliQiil t lir ktiuwloliU' <11 <i>ni.rut nt lln liu»rd of dlrci-inrn, lh-- «mii. «r Jl,- ::60.00l». wlilcll Ix.ibiirr faln.-ly mwui.- waji uald In n ii'llal .it ih r bank ,l..- woji llirn orsunlzbii; In <ir<,l. r lo nn ' i Ib f miulroRiriiln ot ib r ba'nkinc. I«»;'

«lr|io»llnrn nn.l nl.a-kbolil.-.n ..f ttini.- Ihnn U’.ociO.O.H)."

Tbo d..tlM..ri tit il..- IlHm'l'. mi- :l>r.-mc conrl lo whirb thi- nla trm .iil lr.-rcin ODUtalnr.l ih r foIln« llii:, i

•TllO Crnlrnl TniKl r..|iiiiun>- baw iInR ro|>rrnriil.i| tliut tb r Jl.:r.n,ono ,t'xblUIIrd I.J Ihl' aildllnr'n anc-iit wan i thn iirni>i'riy ol lln- lot Sullr Ti nt>l ami

ly tttkrii nnil iol»bi-il lin:-;<rw.l<m ot li to tbu rxclualun of th .' hatik. In uu ; nctlon for nn Brroiinilni; t.ir ih.- inn- > cflt o t tho rr<-illior:i of tb r iiun i aud :

______ J-BV)nK^J,mnU..li.ritiKl,liia>;r_«»;.il lm, . ,

th r tnnnoy n» wroni:tiIii>nak.'n li) it. ;Th.i,niK-nlirr lamU-.l Srnuloin I-T ,

Fo lkH o Wld Whi-rb r nnd n id .ils ' d lu iIho Itnual crltlclnni «f tb«i old I'aMb-n.

Stmle Comiiiltu-cinan I 'ln irr Aman presided. , ;

' c m cli'lvii In KHlny’H Timrit. j

n i .s s < r u x ^ l i j : u n s T . \ ( :. n n u i.i.v . Ott. :o - r r. '-ib i . 'ii i K brn . today l»»oo.Pimn>cliimai1<ni ditmolr- - ins tb i' (Jcrmnn rvlchniaK- j

rm A T IK E MOKK VI)lVf:lt. ^ 5 WASIllNr.TO.V, D. C , O n . 2 0 .- »

IUdl6CJuUn«-*l»tIonu- will bi> ‘I'cr- nlUMl by ll»» depnrtniprit o t tom - t miirc* 10--1U0 monr pnw rr In an cf- J

______foft.jto..oicrcoui6-»tiHJi: uud ccncr-nuy bI»0 h«Ufr nervlci- to llntencrK, . undff-nw -iT * tila ilo .i» lnni.^1 i.-loy.

l o m u n u i T o m i A T i o x 5- Oct, :o —PrnMor ■

■71nirT,t’«bot'I/K)Ke u n d rn rm t-a ml- |nor oporttllDii hcrfi lo.lay w hirb wuf> i "enllrcly'm iceossfiit." l/)dKO Is rc*i- _ ,

^ . . . .lnr-.c tnn fo rtalily ._^._____ _____ .1

INIS CLUB I.H S m l iJIIILKS!!ay Scoiit-s a iitl H a llo w e 'e n P lan a .

J jD n a iilc ad J__ L lc iite m in t Qov.

c rn o r la G u est u n d M ukca A n i.m

A tlilrciia. '

lii|',ili:u, alilliiiil/.illi.il lit a M.IU-It'.u !u. m -uucnilL . wltli..it.,.rijliiitl . L

Ui<' riilrrlalm uriil fur tlir IUI- ■u 'cii nnd M.'irral i.lln-r . rri.c.rlii<l liilkn rillid -. j-.nii.l iinm rjili tnr I-n.:> KiM -nnW iiiib 'tndny.------------------ IrfrI'lintiiiin M. KnlirrlKi.li i>|Kiki- rr^r'llniT th*-'Iiot*-.rn’i? iiiOTriurnl nirl * Stii Krii r<)-(>i>i'ratl(iii, Ilo wu i liif-iriii-•.\ilil'l-

Ibat Ihr rlllli win. iilnii.vn brhlinl ::avn

im.II. l-rnlKilr .lii.liir H. I’, 1>U- VlnII lin n rr r Iilat Ihl- , [irr^hlrtit al>- w ra!Illl :i .Mlilllilllr.. of l l . i r r nil tini a roiHlrr, It rarrll'il, ' iliiy iJiiUlr< llall m inrll'il oil Ihr Illovr.•nl ..f III.. woiinnVi iliil'ii lo |.iil i'oirr, a t>li; •'iiirrlaliiiiiriii tnr c'hll- uiirdI U nud Miiird Unit tlnj. rl'ih wlll day.

iii.kr.l to [.111 on a Illlllli, vl ilt'I. I'. Alliiii rri»>rli'd nU a idiili »hoit

laki' .lilb lrrii lo tnnlbiiir llunii--.. I.U'utruaiit (joyrrnnr 11. llald- llix

nlir.. IU- t'falmil tb r lin)’ nroul lo (In •viini'Ut. Mln o|i|ioiirIit,' 1. II. wriit I'.trin, afl. r Ihl. Iniirluun (<in- (im p Iliiliiird bllll nil IiIh lalk hut mild vacat Ki.iild hrni bim.

iN E iln ls ^ S :llDERlfAYir^

U. B. REVIVAL rp---------- - (lakli

Mr, :■onil atiriiiliiii.'ii hi ri'i .iirl.d nl tin* prVin it 'l i r i nf Illl' r iillril I trrlb rrn n |^ <

Iok rninludril hy Kvani:r||ni M. 'I'rlIrr lliirhnin, in.-'lnlnl hy .Mljn I’ft- th r '•nu. Smi.l:inixl a tta r n rrv lrrn t wltb in.llir i:'»nili•klnc Ihr l.iird: Jiinlnr un-nliiK 'l"lyi' ll-. Illnnlrntiil' U-mmn. wa-i jtIvmu- ■“ Mi».ji” l"t?trntnrr“ ^rlin will "inrrt* -il.' .luulorn Tii.nday un.l Thili>"Iny ^ ,'nIUK III * n’.-r..i-k a t tbo cbn id i. f""

. '_____ r........ .. iillrKiA h in if s s K s c iifu v ii aK"'"

:NII). Oklu , II. I. J(l MiilMns n i:rii- I’auyII allack on lb r r.'nublli-;i]i admin- courl rnlhm iiml rharKlnK-rorrtiplinii nnd Wnit. Uld In llir ih 'j'i.iliii.'nl of Jii"tlr.. jiliilm d.T foriurr Ail.>iiir> Cl.-nnal lln rry w-rll.

I)au;;hrriy. Sm iU .ir Iliiiinn K.Iii-i-b-r. Iiidi-|.i-ml.'Ol .-i.inllilal.' , t.ir T,.ii-r i.p-nl.h-ili, nimkr lo n li»li;i- lilul- i:an.lln-r h .ln Inday. Iiilhlli

Cora*, Hunlonn,- n ioiii'ii Arriwf ■•It'd. SIO Unln «u. rhono W3. _ vl..lai

r iu ' only u. vitn rnlumu dally lu-w.-*- A lbrr |ir r In iiuillbrrn Idaho. rn o i.


(KaKlrru Slsiol^r.l Time.) ‘

( r I'';,";;:.':


wnu. rniLAUKi.vniA—.to*. » r.t:1S V. M —U<^ul l>rx>n as<l liiim^.k. . J'.I;;:

lurr, Im m ----> >i 1' II.—Kma IIUH-a'a cWhMlrik 10 I'. M—OrWM tKll«l. H«fT Vr«.,

H^vinc>«( moci-a orrti«itrv, r,aip

» .r .

. . 'TWT

i. i i r , \ i . n r .n . i i \ »v “ 'IIIMMII AMI I'IMtnV llrowi

..'iM i'iii:r,i, n i.M iirio N iI Cnll

Tb. I'nlli-d, Slat.:i ii.-nalninhlp Irnillil;ami Ih' iiniiln-in rniiKi'-.-'nlnUul po- Ijinii)'nlll.mil a i'- linl Ihr niily .iii.-M In ! Tiii-rii'Idabn vvb.i.-iii Ibri.- w.-ln .liipll- ^Twlii.-nir- iioiuliialImm tor lln- iniin.' l.rr- | v.-iiiIknon aud Ihr luim.' ntll.-r, Tb.- pr.)- l,v,in iKl I- .'Iv i n iiriTokiial. d J. I ). I^'diloiaii w-i-IT" nii Ilu lr llrki-l. and whll-' In- wiin ' not a .-aoTli.bilr h rfurr tin- .Irmn- '*

u \'lIl!/hU na».'i'l'i.''"."‘'-Vn^lioiiilimtlnii ub'O. ,lli' drdih-d lo a r- ■rijf.,..-l-J,I tb r pr.i!:r.'Mi|vr lininliiallou. ,an.l bln ,m im -a,.p ..,i:i .1.1 Ihui l.:,l. ; ,X '-lol, bill b rto i.' b-' hn.l d..ilr lin, ,111.- lind i.iiMl.-.-Ul.iu of tin- .d tlrlal . ^rail fnr I 'l.n ln ii bud b i .n mail.-. *

pmj-,rrnr<l\(j I lilu l . '

—— — and »'Iln.'H 1.1 l'iihn- (;iy.lr Wnndb.-ad road!-ft- lodnv -.fni—t'liha,- vlri- K ^r- Wrnr, '-U' •' -

- .............. ............. ' lln- 11Snillh l.nnklnir Wril - (•oni;rfi'’ni!Tn

,ilil'l-...it T. Snitlll In Inokll.K Ilur ami in r ' a jn lib' ralnpiilmi Ir. proi'pcriUK.

I’lnn r.i.ild'd Kii.id S a l . '-T b r Pi-m- f*'" ”craib- Wntniin'n ib ib .liiii i jihinni'.l “ ''d 1

roou.'.l ti.oil. I.;ilr tn r n c j t Sutur- hr.illuuy 111 III.. Wall cm i.'ry . nnnn.

...... ........................ • . .MltinniConiP (r.ini Slirrhliin - -Mark May- daiiKbar.l (il .Sb.-rbhiii, Wyo., aVrlv.-.l t.i- Mb‘''niny. .aLcnmpanlud by bla wife, lo ni-mlp.ll hin brnlhrr. 'Nrlnnii Mnywitnl. nuiinc lioiii ho bail, mil iirrn f.ir Kl yrarn.

i;i..’v In VMI--.Minn Tlv.'lmn llaiikn

1 tin- .-lly m prrlni'imU'oi o t iK-bonln.’III III Ibulwlii lo.liiy III vlnll Mrn. - T • ur TbninrLx, brtor.i IravliiK for a I :ii:atinii In fi.llt.iriila, ’ *

-.V.ilttl—lLlH ilauU — tujiilU K -;Aallcc_____. Wlllmn, ramlldalo for <-nui:rri>s.* c im HI Mi.-ak in tbln rlly tlirtnbrr' :il ; m rdtnI ■ Ittilil, -N.n-nnhrr 1.' nn<l nl ' I-'llcr r iia i bII , Hli;,,i-H' o f. irliaUiaa------Uu—jviU-rM'rTftI. .iri nut|.aiilrd by .-nniily i ,imll- Ui i i-

------ - — Ihr.iiii;Vi«!l Hrr»‘ -.Vr. nnd .Mm, .Mmrr Klrli|ii

Ilut.iu, tonin-ily ot llnb-bklnn. (Nibl.. ]ub |„ ir<- t-lnlliiii; .Mra. .Mlntnii'jt nn rlr , Wil- p),|,r,.|lam lirabnni, ami tamlly .-iir.uit'- lo ,i ,j , ,laklnnd.*i'al., by way <>r I’.irllnn.l- |,,j Ir, Mtnli’in In nu a ttn rm y ami i.t-ii-Vln In iiiartli-.' law In Hn- (‘iillfor- f.,!,,,,,]

'I'rill 1,1 'nvi'--Ja.li T ilil. o « m r .•!Iir Twin fa lls bowlliiK nll.'Vi., lift ''.inrat■mi.bij f.n- Alm.ku u b n r b r will m-ll «'ilipi'lvwiihi for a Illn;.' in m n n tili ' .■■nah- "‘ J''*"'Inluiifiil. l l r ftlll rctiiiii aboul Dl-- I'H"riilhri- l ._ j; il i i r r Alill|> will m um itr Miriirll..--.i».'yW -.l.iHt.r-THH^"-«l»rn.'.', - canlpi:

Still nn V rnnllj yiilt for J llf. for riirolh llru rd ' ptna lly by Thouian 'O w rn riijnyr i:nln«t -thn Twin i-'allu Cnnal com- i.iiy wan lil) loday In llv.' .Ilnlrlrt im ri., .0 , \V,llklu;...nf..lh',' tlrni of I'n ltr. t t Wllkllin. rr|irritriit.'.l Ibii biln lltt. and Jmli-.c Jiiuien It. llolli- ryrlbi r ll. Ih r drfrmltllli: ' l„ » rn

I,.iuirii«r 111 C llj- C. J. l>nmrii.Hi‘,in.lldalr fnr ruiinlablo nn Ihu ri'- j.'ji;iilillniii ib-ktt w>a In Ihi' rliy yen- bi-ri-''n iny and lakrii lulo rilnlody fnr jxjliiJi.:.'il parklnn, Itibtrn r rr rn lly np Inr dlnai-i:lolalbiiiH nf Iho .-lly'n iiul.i luwn roniiH-rrr: I', J . Wallman, Ilay IliiKi'r. iln- rrIbrri Wllnon. M. i-;idrrd, Ju r I’ct- .IIhk.iI moil, -W llllun U n io n .- 1- A. U ra ij

J-i; 1-. M .- |n 'n lM « i-r i,W n i. II-.I-. I:li.!,||,|nl

_ "AHIIJN.II.IN_ino,

y'***'- HIO- *-i 1'. jjl» rn n , ,ii.TiM>s.\—3i:i. i .i t' J

I 'i.j i ' n''.\i''"T™ni

■ I' I * "‘'"m*-

J,l ' <>r.ii.-«Tri (Hiuirh> 1- >1- J a " ''m r j o 'i * ^ " 'i I 19 r m -_ I

MB«. T.tllKIT.IHN—':;s. H'll.i

i 1- >i”- li ^

_____-u-;u-i- li'r‘t;ii.i'i'X*o»«:.*4U«—------ -- I- u

r I. |i i"' J

«MII. «-iM-iNN-.»Tl.ljen,> u.—-i>..ih ifiUnirr ii»i>'..? 1'. U -T ll. «-mi i:.«v-.(t .ifTlL.ific , , 'It I' S4'^''l '«iJn‘'’T’‘i*'*’l r i * " l

CISn.S’N.lTl— (r*cllll« Jl' r “"'Y''" J I ^i^AW. ri.nti;i.AN»-.3M. S o i'.' i

, nrTMOiT—317.I r tl.H.I Tull»r '>nlif«ir^. 1'. ki.-c-.«nrt i»«frBm. _.— .. , . j , ,* 'J■ :30 P. lirlKill S»w» Otn»»Irv T'i- m '_.

(C«nlra1 Standard T i« » 0 ' ' “w

t n I’, i l , i o r t i « , , Rf. r M '**•“

» r M —.— ' K'u.-fvi

T O r F A L E S ~ P m i 7 r - T l M I

. .lark l-lialy. K. inttm idarfur. J; T T ^ S. il.-rimiri-. Dun I.liivllli', llvnry I 1

owu. l-aiil Wallcrn, | .J;-i.iiu1} I'lindidulr Mm-N _ Tlio , • liily .-amll.laloii of .llir .Irniocritllo iiy will .peak 111 •I'juiili.'ford ou U-:>il;iy r»pnlnK. O rlnbrr u u al >lii Hilhi, Oclobcr :ill ll:ihl. No- - tiiliir 1. Tiln Ci'iilk-tiird lurrlbi); in nrli;lually net fnr toitlKbl. bul ,;irTtRrtliiim-.l until i.miorruw rvi-

M.iUifr (I.I.IT I’liBniiil T h r draliia -p,•ir I1UI.II0I-.- .Irp;uinirnf- of tho r 01 'iru tlr lh frn lilO ’ ilu li^w lll bnvr tari'.r .d a .Mnthrr Cnono |ini;riiiil ^lirr th r ilh-r,-llo:i .it Mrn. Don «■nry, h b r riniu.-li. l l .i l .-blhlrra ^ ..Irliiir I.l taiiP i.;,n, fHiiorlully . _

11 1::41W, . T J

rnntm pin Arr l,rt fo n ira r in fnr F .- ilunnrn biidcc upaiia. Ih r bbbi.ol lU-)i » . | . - .imi.innrrd <ii -li.' Tbiir:' ,, inribiv. W.'I.. Irl I.l Wlllluiii l la i- <un, tb i. b iw r.l hl.blrr. Th.' (l.-m ,I„|,,.. alu.J-miibtLLUiuniUly tu l lU .;_iiia. i-lal rniilr.lrl. lln in . T h r j:ruilbii;.1 Kr;i\rlhv; .it Ih.' iw.i i|iUrn of ,ad n ru r.Ib in n n rw a .. In lo I'bii--<<' -A. Kol'liiwin, - l<r~blrhiM iiloiiR lliriiiI- Mil.' <.mlillinl<;d ir..ll>, ' ' ' '

llirs ul Jtiirliiuirh--liaiilrl nrnwnn ■n:no^liiruiiicli .Ib-il lam iiIkIiI al lbo ,,r ,i

.' ..t I'.U yoiim, . II.. Iravrn ft'w lfu; "II M.>mi. Ih rr r ilnn.ibtrrH. a niiilbcr lirK.'i ll tw.i brollvrn. Illn iii 'uhrr iiml /• .ilu-n. live In MlnMiurl; of .llm in. th r r . '’ Ilv.t In Maho,, ono In crow . :ii<nirrl. un.l nar 111 (^.ilKury. nun 1-1 .. ilKbtrr llvrn In l.laho: Oil.' llT ' " ' ' “ V uMiiiri. ami oiii'- In Ca'lfornln. Ku- H"Vci 1-aI iirraiiK.-mrnls will bo an- ,, iilicrd liiloK ' ' • - - U

-------------------- -J/ill ts



____________ ____________________ Jirlalj;:illH)l.\‘i:. I.bihn, l).'l. 2I1.-A . '- wril i dim; li> lllll mimrl . .if-) 'r.« Ii|o iit .Manl.. Iilb-.| -W.'-d.-y Ti'iinry.- n<M«ini(f iPeHIr ‘.rr.r -ll.lll hii. r -1 i rp iv m -7r-Kilb?lan^I rhi-rk frnm Ibo Womi<li-n"Coni. nliv -rpm irll nf llnnnon.- Id.ib.i,.iiiKl-. 111. irr.-i«urrr. .Mrn, Myrtle •lllialrlrl., nnd Ucv: Tom lll.idKPtt.Bi..r ..t lh.; Unm.rii foniuiiinliy in-h. huM -nlrontly m,-ui In word I t!ni..Ib.K i-.dlCFO ban liri- i |i|ai-. ill lb.-lr liH.lccl Inr JUiU an lu |.

irc nf 111., jio.onn tb a t wl'l b.i , I I.rd hy th r .•btircli; '. ..f Ib r lulnr- |„ f,„.

lou tlml Iho MolbixllHt hnard of ]firatlnii inaWrn nuch .vi-ar for tbo |.jifnk.ipnrt of ihH srouiii: and i;niwlni: bnd biiMiI, fb r njrtil-i nuiQcy will h r unrd for c m . ib r pr'ilcllnii, iircd.'d fiirliltnrn . and a iiI.nilpiiieBiVand_Ior_cnr rent of'rifimrnl.'d wllh Ib.i i r i l and hirw'nl lotn,'-Ollmpul «.i0.llnn C'llci:.? ban .^ p r ikt cInyr.l. '■ I'':**'

__________________________ nilntirii i i i :a k s itiii'D iii)

I'.UUS.. OcL....2i). ,'011! J 'rtn e liiin in , In 'iUlnrr linikr Ibr worl.I'n r.-.-.fr.l tor r.null-Ibm brbind u ni'ilorryrl.- win-n hr prnnri..-n-d HIM kll.iinr'pm lli 'o n r hour, vln ov

- ......... , Alr>niSTIIKSJ'MANN T,VI.K.S. rli< lr

l-TlAMil--t)UT. (1.1- 2a- In a Rn<'crb l>a»y ' ri- KiirrlKn .Mliilid.T Slirhriunnn >>lllKd .nil Ihlit l in many In Ih.i only maont larm.-.l n lair ly lifi;'li.dw rru aniirtl iiiilrl.-n nn.l rxpr.-i'it.'.l linp.-n thnt• ratlin.-I wnilld not ho iIIjih.iIvo.I un n„. iK.iliillun inlKhi di-i.inny f .itc k n cm - -. vr n

~ ■ — llml ,

, , , , , , _ , cni'ain1MnltUU-0.»»l»« .-..ll,.-* Ofi-h«lr»;

i" '"ill” it' hUr’f . i i r " " " ^ inlall.]• SI Tli^;'u.MI.^.,■.■«.’iu.^''• "f*»iiAHr'i^vriivt?.i!r-2i‘i£!?' Ib-.-i *

KHII, tn. Ult IH—AIO. .i< xjui'Trl'f l^"” ' " ■ ■ *

«vito, i>»> >tnis»^—n;ii.I'. «. -I.-. i|rt.I.>..1, A-I'l*

wiw. >i\Tr.NroBTl-<at! _

SI I« - i ; i t l ‘*t".''n" IniL’i.Vr nlni."'* ' mil. irrrKH-wiN n r y —u n4.

wii.vr. K,\^n.m riTv—« u . ■'_______ ____ ;


^^UM iu^u^uii'nii^w«_ _____ ____HMI.^XTI.ANTA—k-Jo'.'" '*■

I-. M - Im rlw ^ d JK n»B«. ' ' '

iMoiinlaln Standard Time) rrAc. i-.dxlAiiv—ISO.

M.—H..Ul«n-i Ar4.l>riT (>rcftr«lr». ^ , . i

clllc T o a il fllandaH T l»# .) / =^ Ull. ^

Mr—IMiV^iVihrl«J'»-'orrtI»Jir».KI'O, HAM rilANnMIl—lt».

R n. too A.\OKLr,H. ,»m. lI'. M-—C.>K«r1 tun 1M—CW^«« <>n»* 4

- j - . Monday's Silent '.SlaliAni '

^'e s ~ ---------------- -------

[ ) e n i o c r a t s H o l d B ig

I n P a r i i'ormer Attorney General-Fr

Attitude and Criticizes H consistency; A. L. Freeha

-ters .Talk' on State Iss T D e n o u ]iR ~ l^ ^ '^ rn i5 t^

Rates'riiiil fo r lliiri.v .vriiri* in I.lnlio , Wil

ii 'lr .l liiiiiM'lf a s 1 1 i-oiiviiii'i' ('v rryo iii' '■A^TisnvlflrrliPtn :“ iliiiT-pvi'r.r-i'tp i'tinn-i rii'lN fi'll Ihn l lii'rni-i' liic ]ii>M.s w oiilil .. n n ; Ihiil nrt('>- fliv n rf.-nn irn tinn -iif-n liilc llu: ilnii.iiinitM lli.iii)'iil Uii'v Wiiiili V m ^ " itii-y wiiiilil I'.'t liim , jiii.I 'lim t.

Illl- iin-si:iil si-iiiilnr w tis i'liuili.'iooii-li;( K.'il ill nil .'l.n iii.'iil a n il ]'ii>w.'i'fiil III •n.T/il Ki'a iik M iiiliii in ti].i'iiiiiif.-liiK (IW.I III llli' I’liriMli hnll Salnr.lii.v uvi'ii iliite f o r K iivcniiir, iiiiil I. IU .Manlcrrs ivci-iinr, ^|ln^-.' ri-oib I lii\^ iu iiu ]ilatriiriii . (Jit U liiiiniiau uf- llu : .kW craou tli l l ', Iks ill iii lrn .liic iti) ; lliv hp.'uU.Ts. 'I'll.- ;.m an .l M r s . - I . ' l l , .Mi sIci-n mi.l nimpii

.\, U I’r .rh a f. r tovrp-d Ih r .Innn'-*----------Illlr philfonii and lli. iirnnilnrn nnd llcl.-a, nliOwIni; tho n.-c-niilty fur ’ . tn-uchnipnl an.l for lb r r.iiblni; .if

i;i';'"rdirbi;.‘""»:mh;ri'i,r‘:,:;:J:-.ll“ FT^-.ri?f^-l.y-1lm 'm in iF iin rT ,- in ■“.‘7,- -* iHl.ifn Miok.; o t Uie nocoanlU’. Jor:Hlarton for - ibr- i»-»iplr nn.l cavrm r-n rn iim n T rn n -- in ir -r r ifa i't— ttr 7r rxn.-U.imi .if Ihr iiow.'C irnnl. ih r ' ' ' ' ' 'ilrna.I m int and o thrr tuonnp.dlm “C 'd .Mr. Martin nald tha t liu iiaiuiL-d 'M t,.roncli Ihr pr>-.i.-nl lliiilln ut Twin llorab'illn In 1J17R nn n h.iy.ul jn yrhm nml vnri.inid Uvril 111 tlu- I'lu ir .'Vrr nlnrr, hr-hndirklni: bh. wny Ihronub coll.-i;r. l l r a ll tlir I'd Ihw br was wlllInK In nnnw.'r Ih r thnt mII of hhi iiarly 1.1 balllr fnr ih r lr Iho .lir InclpU-M nml b r would not hrslini^ In nn fat-r lbr .-lo.iii.-nt i«.|inior,nn.l <-un- iiri!Uil>

condllioiin 111 Idalin nr^ bnd. tho l-'otlrlirak rr nnid. Ibny n rr nl. b rrtim r of. wlilb- 1d Irclnliitl.io nnd had l.'KlnlatInn In the Inf nnturnl rrnu lt nf IndHf.-rrnnt of nn’n nI- p.Miid.-. Kliicc- IKim Ih rrr hnn h.'cn affulrnI.l. ady .Icci-ujuir-In Ihr ii.TOpnlaitc It wan'rlfclhlo votrrn who had _.-ant bal- _\Vblln,' .T h ln '‘prrrri-iilaK.'"f«lt r i.lin 'S d 'sovrmr c .-n rill l<> .4D p rr c n i l In ,ib| op

Tbln .wa« lhi- woint form of ,K nrr |.nurliy .n ilr. - , ih» mn

Tnn liicrrnn.'. bill an In ’ ihb. male. Ihhi lii.lltfrn-n.-r'hn.lI'ullrd lu .1 iiiidd' n incrfa-:!' nr r t - «h .'- ta nnrii and laxo.n un.lcr O ovrrnor Da- Lou . ovrr hU iiri-<Ir*ri.nor. Crtvcmnr "* o>nndrr, in tli.' .'xartlnn.i ot tho "lIlii< lrical Inml. Ib r (daho r .iw rr I'O/n- IrKlNlany ami In Un. oiwrolion ot ill.: o ln i- lllo r<id hiBbwny .Irparlincnin nn p.illilpal ab volloblnrn, cr.'i.iiU

- lUillpnlf* Smilh I'inimn-■•III orih-r I.l rvad r ibrnc InHili-n ainl " '’''1.“ ! ir nAtI.iiial I.Hmu-n.” iiald Mr. Marlin,•r nball mi.'n boar tminy.MliooVy n i- n rtlr lr in<: Wn hlinll b.-ar It Innlniial.'.lIII nbnubl th r r.pnhllpan onnKr.'nn-lit. AihllB.m T. Smllb, fnll to win In l“„ ®1 Ih .ilnlrlrl. Ih.- Snakr rlv rr 'Wlll {,'‘" ' 5* SNO to fl.iw, Iho iii.iimlnlnn wlll ani' lo in irrccp t Ibu nn.fwn. Ihe , ' , .-at i^hoahnn.. l-'nlln will b rc.m p a ik h.di. aud Ihc Ixird will frown oni; u«m lc.' U t . j i o l . .iihirmrd. th e s e ._____lamulb'n will nol hcfall nn l.bould - "—■ nrnd lu concn-nii Aiilicr H. Wllnon, ,, man who nndi-miandi. ih r cconunilc ,.-dn of Ihr iii-oplr," KuarIII o n lr r lo i-ri Ib.- rlBhl iliirt ot Ii'k- all.m wr ninni haro tbo riKhi norl men In l.-clnlatlvc balln. ih r nii.'ak- .iirc-d. Ho (l.'clnrod Il.at w r nbuuld '

■rl A, U [''r fc butcT. i:.iv.-nior. I. H. ' ' - -

h SO C T



Pan Toasted 1

' ■ ,-i A B ity o 'u R G]


■the week O ct 20th8 a . in; to 8 p,

. . Kvcryonp in invitc.l durlnK this • * 'C f n t r a r ' n t w

------------------1 -.—

s H e r e - 1irhia.

g R a l l y I i s h H a l l i

BKrlci----- counl

-Frank Martin Defines '■ His Opponent for In-

2liafer and I. H. Mas- Issues; All Speakei-s i"

it and H1sh~Frei^Ht. foriB

latlon----- lalH>riWiliiuiit I-:. lh.nili-!iail..sn.eoiJ-. atatc Oill' with wlioiii he lalli.'.l tlm ln ir r in r i ii[ :“ t l i a i ' ' l i m t ^ h r - r l r m n '-----1;,'III .i|icn III' w ould c.inii' ou t fo rif - n :lh ii: il- ji i i r l .v ill - lliiii-n la!.'. o rl Vl-lllllll k'i-i h ini, ill.', protrrM '^ivcs 'H 'lu'f nit- tlic w liiiIi',M 'niit.'irial .c n ro p r i |. |i; ic ill .•luirnrli'i', w ci-f poinlH I iiil.lrt'ss l.y fo riiii'r A llontP .v i,"," * -liiK riiiii]iiiif:ii lii 'fiirc il liiftfi! ‘ .v riiin c . A, \i. K r.:d i;ifcr , run - " lirrs, o iin iliiln t.' fo r licu lcn iin t- urm <m s ta le indues. P r. 's i.lr iil -Ull'. lirci^i.l.-<l anil mii.l.- c lcvc r 'I'li.Ti- w ere HoiiL'K Ii.v .Mrs. Oh. m paiffii (lillic.s l.y -llic ( ia lilii irl

i j ' r i , - ( i ]i-rliufrr idi.iuld bo dir; and rb 'c t V ' rnlli-c .Irtniiprallc l.-itlnlallvc tick*

I'hr np. akrr. thrn wrni 'n i.i d riail I S ;urdldU-Uiu ODCtUtlon. or ittr tariff .I.’I.I pboin' Ihnl ll jitii.ff itti*r I.l Ih r fariiirm ow nny .■vof.cji- -

M t, Jw A un tUca touk .tip Scnafor ------,rah'» c iirctr .wllh rcfort-iic.i: lo Ihr rl.inn parll.'i., ai-nrrguK that whllr ^ -hnd rrmnln.-d wllh Uir r.'pnhllcann , tlioiichi Ihey bad him. H.« iial.l nt n Iirr all hft. rltxiurul piran fnr .' .lir.-ci primary Iwo y.-»ru iin.i. only nil lnt.?rvlrw ihin yPar, would br

KUllvi'ly nt.Hi'. "I _am hllil for , tbu D

illrtte al Irafll vnlcd nn h*' lalk.-il. - CS 111.- liorah dill not. Illn allliii.Io on e inrlff. <>n niatn ilKliln. on worn- 'n nurfrai;r and on Jnlrrnullonal ruirn bad hcpn Itkr a chock.'r kbiup. wan Jni.i ono Jump ufit-r anfjllitr.Wbllu Uorah .Ud liol opfmnr-Rr.'al v p rn m rn U rsiiin oDpmivnnttonB-iip - t J I opp.iao Uu. KianllnR o t ibn Jill- lire pr.»vld..d In lbo Hiimiini bill and t— I. amall Runia pnivlded In ihc honuii1 nnd h r ha.-trd hla niippnrl of Cool- -----;r lircaui.r thc prcnldrnl hnd nbuwn i> '-‘(louraKo" 10 .Veto Iht^c Just.hllln. UoiilliiuinK. hu nald in HUhalAncc fQ lld li» p a n : ...................................."Ulll p a n y lakra rr.'dll f.il' tariff [IjlJ ilnlntlon an.l polnin with prblo lo W S I' r.inlm'y-.Mrt^uiubrr bill, yrl Ihii-

volcl aRaliiRt thin. Nor can pro- .'i.iilvi'i> rlaiui friiowHlilp V llh lilm . . th la inatii-r |.ltirc ho fallo.I to co-

c ra tr with Ihrui lo nrrnro lower ton wbllo Ibc law wna pending In ii&r.'»n. and tailed to Iry .to r.-i inorA L— —tlclcii n.'odrd by lamicrn and work- -------« on tho frcu linu Ilc has oohoacd p " • rilcipalion In th r world couM nnd n u'lcaRUc o t iiiitlonn and aharr.-i wllh N p i iialor I^Mliic Ihr diihlliim honor of HiMinHlhlllty for iho fact thal wu vr not dnno uur i^baro in npuilni: u ivffaln. of Knriip.-, Thnio two n.-n- lirn an- larKoly r^'nponalbi.. for Ihn

<lnr opilnil fTpcrlcnrr li a •• {uamntpc 'In jo ii r nntUtnctinn.

P R I E B E Irtt-oiniilole I)|illca1 i’arlur


. __ _Ti

0 ;i D

• I'l-u

r s — E

O U # B o '

d Flavor

GROCER’ ^" I’.

COMPANY Illl ENiHOTJSEJ.ud-Buhl-Exohanges^ 1

;h to Oct..2Bth. . .......

i7is1 Tmq j o come Itni],* h('C_ _ 11 —- vt w o rlt. ” ■ * ' ‘ ^


cl Shat KiiroiH’an rondlilon* aro ich Ihul wu have no inarkot Ihrru r our niiri>Ui« producta. which In n f rjic a fac tor la otir aprlculiurnl dln- *in. - • .

'1|lnrn..ni'i< Vn'lBlit Hnlra "H^r yuani. ihc prapln bf Idaho, and A ' iprclally thc farnn 'm , hnvo lutf^'i'rd , • om hlnh trclKlit raica.. Yul Snm lur iirah t m n ivc r rtklai.-d hla voice lo 'll.'vo Ibln ron.llilon, l l r hna not uiHhl to in'cui-.. IIiK panaaco of IcrIh- lion n;ilfcd li-om conBrcns 'by iho iricnliurftl ori:anlr.atl«n of tho iiinlry. The jirofi'aKwl frlrml ot un- u labor, hi. votwl ^Kabiat-till’ Adam- -in law. V li l r in i ii.|vocnli'a;'Th..'pro.----------nn.'d tri.'ltd- of llu ' |i«iplu he haa n .-r n.iUKhl lo relieve thrm frnm Iho lacrionn .if thp Idaho I’ow rr com- iny. h r ha.l npokni an a proKri'Xtilvn .. Idaho and volo.l nnd aclp<l Ilk.i rracilonlnl In Ihe Uhlicd .SlAtcn ticn-

“ If clrrlr<t 1 nhftU-tinc-iny bmt of- <riH lo Ki' .-nr.viihe panKn'iin nt IrKin- tlon In Ihr Inl.T.-nt o t.tho fnrmurii.Iiorrrn nn.l nil pi-o.lticvni u t ,lhoa te trout Jho cxaclloiui_oI.juQHUB.-______ ___y."

- i;,\- i 'W T .-n rrrK - »;ok**-k a s t . ----------- --------KN UOIITK WITH. HKNATpa liA

(L,i;l-mT:, Ot:(. .20,—«cnal.ir Ilnh.■JI. U iFo lIu iicr ln;lepi:ndDnt cnti-

ilutf for pr.'Hhlunt. toilay moved nlward for j l i r . lant .lour -of hin.MiiiKilRn. MPV>llc\tc dn line In' nalia lulQ i.Hhiy, Ub^iltctto Is, In 10 sidrllH, ,r io roalL'rt Hnluntny nntl If ot Hiinduy a t Sloiix V'nlla. K I), .II. I.<inillrltr tra in inillcil ihil. b'un- y iinon. Kro'in Onmhn, UKolbitio <o<i lo llork Inland. IVorlit. Ill,;'ami ItapldH. Ml.ih.; Syracuie, N.; llnltbnoro iiiia Urooklyn.-

Vole'riEht! Hut volo nnd hav.i Mtir- y do Toiir-pliiinhlnr iiud iKi-happy,

nm 'ci W ont Ads Oct Uoialtai.'


c if . c r isp n e ss '^ a d d s a n e w a c l i g h t ! — —

5 « g a c _ c m » r , ( ^ ' | i l . c m T .91), ^

f f l ” P ^ ^ n 1 t u r e ; a t

Lower Prices

IhiKs iitoT«H, L u ttm e \In lt Our tSxclinnm .Ueti(«

- - A . H . - V m O E N T - C O ^-^------- — ------"o;.!*!)!) HhQshoBB South -

S e c o n d W e e k S c I i e d D l eMOMUAY

Alro TH. CrtmniDnn TUKMDAY

Coldrn llulc tk. trmbaoKb ■ n-KDNKSIUV,

llutler-8ulK tk . T ro f Laundrr .TIIIflWDAY. -

Idahs T liralro th, Kl«btr l>niR rw in F alls .Bowling AUeyi

. JA(!K T n iT T

Early Spring Flower­ing Bulbs • ,

_Tiijliin. /jiyacliMl-rt. Narclaaiiii. ____haftixli'a wt.l Crocuii.*S'aifieil''viH- l-Um. Thla 1» UlO tlncal.atocV ol hulbn in Idaho. -

n e t (be (iood Onea. ^

Darroi Bros. S i t i & SippI? Gi.rhono A -.T h 1d F alli, Idaho.

-tdabo'a frf«dlt>tr S eed , Uoaie^

■ ; . F o r , : V : ; V . '

= P o l a t < r B a g 8 = “ “Do Ploaaad on Ba? and Prlc*.

Oot Tbeso Dags trom '

V. 0 . Box 7M. , PiOM MOW,

S t o r a-g e. f o r ■

.10,000 Sacks Potatoes ,-----------0!T'TIIK-T»iCk'--