SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE COLUMNS REINFORCED BY STEEL- FRP (FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER) COMPOSITE BAR Z.Y. Sun 1 , G. Wu 1* , Z.S. Wu 2 and M. Zhang 3 1 International Institute for Urban Systems Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Urban & Civil Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan. 3 Beijing Texida Technology R & D Co., Ltd., Beijing, China ABSTRACT Horizontal lo w c yclic loading test is conducted on co ncrete columns reinforced by Steel-FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) composite bar (SFCB) and ordinary reinforced concrete (RC) columns, with axial compression ratios of 0.12, and fiber types and steel/fiber ratios of SFCB as the main variable parameters. Seismic behaviours such as f ailure mode, h ysteretic curve, s tiffness d egradation, an d r esidual d isplacement (deformation r estoring capacity) are thoroughly investigated in the test. The results show that 1) concrete columns reinforced by SFCB have an obvious and stable post-yield stiffness, small residual displacement, as well as better recoverability; 2) post-yield s tiffness s hould b e measured b y magnitude a nd effective l ength; and 3) the s eismic p erformance o f columns r einforced by steel-BFRP ( basalt f iber reinforcement p olymer) composite b ar (SBFCB) is b etter th an that reinforced by steel-CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer) composite bar (SCFCB). KEYWORDS Steel-FRP composite bar (SFCB); concrete column; post-yield stiffness; residual displacement. INTRODUCTION Serious rust and corrosion tend t o h appen t o common reinforced co ncrete applied in harsh o r exposed environments like irrigation works, harbors and chemical industries (Figure 1). Billions of dollars are spent each year worldwide i n r epairing and s trengthening these concrete s tructures. According t o Nanni (1993), about 1/ 6 of t he bridges are seriously damaged by rust and corrosion of steel bar in the United Stares; economic loss by deterioration of steel bar each year in the U.S. is as much as 70 billion d ollars. I n China, eco nomic loss i n t his as pect i s a lso i ncreasing each y ear (Chen 2003) . Reinforced concrete undergoing c orrosion n ot only gives the appearance of poor performance, but can, in extreme cases, lose its structural integrity. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are gaining attention due to their light weight, high strength, and especially, their resistance t o co rrosion. S tudies (Rostasy 1996 , A CI 2003 ) have showed that it is an effective way to use FRP tendons instead of steel bar to resist rust and corrosion problems. However, due to the fact that FRP is a brittle material and has low elastic modulus, concrete structures reinforced by FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) composites usually have weak stiffness, great deflection and brittle failure in using stage (ACI 2003). Steel-FRP composite bar (SFCB), a new material proposed by Z.S. Wu and G. Wu et al (Wu 2006, 2009, and Luo 2009), consists of steel bar as its inner core and longitudinal continuous fiber as its out layer, c ombining t he strengths o f c ommon steel b ar (high elastic modulus and good ductility) a nd FRP (good anti-corrosion ability and large ultimate strength). (1) at initial stage, effects of the steel bar can ensure SFCB has high elastic modulus; (2) FRP is linear elastic while steel bar is elastoplastic, hence after steel bar yielding, FRP will continue to functionate, which generates an obvious post-yield stiffness in stress-strain relationship of SFCB at th is stage (Figure 2a); (3) after rupture of F RP, steel bar continues t o t ake e ffect, ensuring good ductility. Furthermore, the stable post-yield s tiffness o f SFCB makes t he r einforced structures damage-controllable and favorable to achieve performance-based seismic design. Ideal configuration of SFCB can be seen in Figure 2b. Figure 1. Pier corrosion of a RC bridge (Hangzhou, China) 481

F2A4 Seismic Performance of Concrete Columns Reinforced by Steel-FRP(Fiber Reinforced … · SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE COLUMNS REINFORCED BY STEEL-FRP (FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER)

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    Z.Y. Sun 1, G. Wu 1*, Z.S. Wu 2 and M. Zhang 3 1 International Institute for Urban Systems Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

    E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Urban & Civil Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan.

    3 Beijing Texida Technology R & D Co., Ltd., Beijing, China ABSTRACT Horizontal low cyclic loading test is conducted on concrete columns reinforced by Steel-FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) composite bar (SFCB) and ordinary reinforced concrete (RC) columns, with axial compression ratios of 0.12, and fiber types and steel/fiber ratios of SFCB as the main variable parameters. Seismic behaviours such as f ailure mode, h ysteretic curve, s tiffness d egradation, an d r esidual d isplacement (deformation r estoring capacity) are thoroughly investigated in the test. The results show that 1) concrete columns reinforced by SFCB have an obvious and stable post-yield stiffness, small residual displacement, as well as better recoverability; 2) post-yield s tiffness should be measured by magnitude and effective length; and 3) the seismic performance o f columns reinforced by steel-BFRP (basalt f iber reinforcement polymer) composite bar (SBFCB) is better than that reinforced by steel-CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer) composite bar (SCFCB). KEYWORDS Steel-FRP composite bar (SFCB); concrete column; post-yield stiffness; residual displacement. INTRODUCTION Serious rust and corrosion tend t o h appen t o common reinforced co ncrete applied in harsh o r exposed environments like irrigation works, harbors and chemical industries (Figure 1). Billions of dollars are spent each year worldwide i n r epairing and s trengthening these concrete s tructures. According t o Nanni (1993), about 1/ 6 of t he bridges are seriously damaged by rust and corrosion of steel bar in the United Stares; economic loss by deterioration of steel bar each year in the U.S. is as much as 70 billion d ollars. I n China, eco nomic loss i n t his as pect i s a lso i ncreasing each y ear (Chen 2003) . Reinforced concrete undergoing c orrosion n ot only gives the appearance of poor performance, but can, in extreme cases, lose its structural integrity. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are gaining attention due to their light weight, high strength, and especially, their resistance t o co rrosion. S tudies (Rostasy 1996 , A CI 2003 ) have showed that it is an effective way to use FRP tendons instead of steel bar to resist rust and corrosion problems. However, due to the fact that FRP is a brittle material and has low elastic modulus, concrete structures reinforced by FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) composites usually have weak stiffness, great deflection and brittle failure in using stage (ACI 2003). Steel-FRP composite bar (SFCB), a new material proposed by Z.S. Wu and G. Wu et al (Wu 2006, 2009, and Luo 2009), consists of steel bar as its inner core and longitudinal continuous fiber as its out layer, c ombining t he strengths o f common steel bar (high elastic modulus and good ductility) and FRP (good anti-corrosion ability and large ultimate strength). (1) at initial stage, effects of the steel bar can ensure SFCB has high elastic modulus; (2) FRP is linear elastic while steel bar is elastoplastic, hence after steel bar yielding, FRP will continue to functionate, which generates an obvious post-yield stiffness in stress-strain relationship of SFCB at th is stage (Figure 2a); (3) after rupture of F RP, steel bar continues t o t ake e ffect, ensuring good ductility. Furthermore, the stable post-yield s tiffness o f SFCB makes t he r einforced structures damage-controllable and favorable to achieve performance-based seismic design. Ideal configuration of SFCB can be seen in Figure 2b.

    Figure 1. Pier corrosion of a RC

    bridge (Hangzhou, China)


  • Transverse winding fiber

    Wrapped Longitudinal fiberInner core steel rebar

    Low-cyclic reversed horizontal loading test is conducted on one RC contrast column and two SFCB columns with section o f 300×300 mm in t his p aper. S eismic p erformances o f SFCB reinforced co ncrete co lumns ar e researched through this preliminary experimental study.




    εy εf εs,max

    σfYielding platform of normal steel bar

    FRPSteel rebar


    Stable post-yield stiffness of SFCB after inner steel rebar yielded

    (a) Stress-strain relationship of SFCB (b) Longitudinal components of SFCB

    Figure 2. Stress-strain relationship and configuration of SFCB

    TEST PROGRAM Specimen design The longitudinal reinforcement of RC column is steel bar with 14 mm diameter and 340 MPa yield strength, while these t wo SFCB columns w ere B30S10 and C40S10 respectively. Specimen d esign parameters and properties of column reinforcement can be seen in Table 1 (Wu et al. 2009) and Figure 3. In Table 1, the initial elastic modulus of SFCB E and post-yield stiffness of SFCB E2 refer to the elastic modulus of SFCB before and after the yielding of SFCB inner core steel bar respectively; the equivalent strength of the SFCB when the inner core steel bar of SFCB yielded is regarded as the yield strength; and the strength when the wrapped fiber o f SFCB ruptured is t reated as the ultimate strength. The type of B30S10 means the SFCB are made o f steel bar with 10 m m diameter and 400 M Pa yield s trength longitudinally wrapped by 30 bu ndles of 2400 te x b asalt f iber, where tex is a measurement unit in te xtile i ndustry, r epresenting th e weight o f single bundle fiber per kilometer; C40S10 means the SFCB are made of steel bar with 10 mm diameter and 400 MPa yield s trength longitudinally wrapped by 40 bundles of 12 k c arbon f iber, where 12 k means e ach b undle o f carbon fiber has 12,000 fibers. Commercial concrete was used the specimens, whose tested cubic compressive strength (150×150×150 mm) is 47.27 MPa.

    Table 1. Properties of column reinforcement (Wu et al. 2009)

    Column number

    Reinforcement type

    Diameter (mm)

    Elastic modulus E (GPa)

    Yield strength fy (MPa)

    Post-yield stiffness E2 (GPa)

    Ultimate strength fu (MPa)

    E2/E Elongation

    rate (%)

    C-S14 HRB400 14.00 200.00 400.00 / 400.00 / 15.0 C-B30S10 B30S10 13.19 142 312.4 16.6 691.3 0.117 2.5 C-C40S10 C40S10 12.95 155.5 342.2 30.6 641.8 0.197 1.6

    (a) Specimen reinforcement (b) Cast specimens

    Figure 3. Column specimen design

    SFCB columns

    RC column



    A A

    Steel rebar/SFCB






  • Test method The a xial c ompression r atio in t his test was 0. 12. Load was applied by center hole jack on the top of the c olumn. Axial c ompression was kept c onstant during t he t est b y a djusting the o il p ressure. Load was a pplied t hrough c ontrolling b oth by load an d displacement (Figure 4): before yielding, the test was controlled by load with level difference of 10 kN and the load was cycled once; after yielding, the test was controlled by horizontal displacement at column end, integral multiples o f yield d isplacements (5 mm i n this te st), and the l oad was cycled t hree t imes till failure. The whole p rocedure o f t he t est was controlled by MTS (Material Test System). Measurement The main measuring contents included: (1) load-displacement curves at column cap, data collected automatically by M TS with d isplacement sensor i n t he ce ntre of its lateral s urface (Figure 4a); ( 2) strain o f lo ngitudinal reinforcement and stirrups; (3) crack appearance and development; (4) failure modes, and so on.


    Failure modes All specimens went through flexural failures. Concrete near column base cracked first and then the longitudinal reinforcement or the inner core steel bar of SFCB yielded, followed by partial or to tal rupture of the wrapped fiber of SFCB. Load was applied continuously till the concrete cover at column b ase was cr ushed and began spalling, and the longitudinal reinforcement was bended (Figure 5). Compared with co mmon R C co lumn, t he cr acks o f SFCB columns h ad larger width a nd s pacing, du e t o t he poorer bond be haviour be tween SFCB and co ncrete t han t hat b etween co mmon steel b ar and co ncrete. T his result accorded with the bond test between SFCB and concrete (Zhang 2009). At the stage of large displacement, columns reinforced by SFCB had better crack cl osing ab ility t han co mmon RC columns because of the high strength of FRP. Both RC column and SFCB columns have good ductility, while the latter have obvious post-yield stiffness and smaller residual displacement.

    (a) Failure mode (b) Wrapped fiber rupture of SFCB

    Figure 5. Specimen failure Hysteretic cure Figure 6 shows the P-Δ hysteretic curves of the columns. The hysteretic curve of common RC column is shaped like a p lump spindle, e xhibiting good ductility a nd energy d issipation capability. Before yielding, the residual displacement in each cycle was small. After yielding, residual displacement increased as the increase of cyclic times and lateral displacement. The post-yield stiffness of column C-S14 was nearly “0” while SFCB columns C-B30S10 and C -C40S10 h ad stable post-yield s tiffness due to th e h igh s trength o f BFRP a nd C FRP. The


    P (kN) Lateral displacement Δ




    Force control Displacement control

    3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times




    Figure 4. Loading program

    Rupture of SFCBs longitudinal wrapped fiber

    concrete cover crushing and spalling



  • hysteretic curve o f SFCB reinforced columns exhibited obvious pinch e ffect a t positive unloading and reverse loading. Under the same loading displacement, the residual displacement of SFCB was much smaller (Figure 6).

    -40 -20 0 20 40







    150 Yielding platform



    Lateral displacement (mm)

    C-S14 Caculated C-S14 Exp.

    -40 -20 0 20 40








    Load (k


    Lateral displacement (mm)

    C-B30S10 Caculated C-B30S10 Exp.

    Fracture of wrapped basalt fiber of B30S10

    Post-yield stiffness ofBFWR column (longer effective length)

    -40 -20 0 20 40










    Lateral displacement (mm)

    C-C40S10 Caculated C-C40S10 Exp.

    Post-yield stiffness of SCFCB column

    Fracture of wrapped carbon fiber of C40S10

    (a) Column C-S14 (b) Column C-B30S10 (c) Column C-C40S10

    Figure 6. Hysteretic cures of columns The main characteristics of the test can be seen in Table 2, where Pcr,Py,Pp,Pu are the crack load, yield load, maximum load, and ultimate load respectively; and Δcr,Δy,Δp,Δu are the corresponding displacement.

    Table 2. Test results of the main feature points Column number Pcr (kN) Δcr (mm) Py (kN) Δy (mm) Pp (kN) Δp (mm) Pu (kN) Δu (mm)


    C-S14 48.05 1.21 120.10 5.43 121.65 34.45 99.89 39.99 7.36 C-B30S10 43.64 1.24 84.17 5.26 115.20 29.60 85.60 39.54 7.52 C-C40S10 43.39 1.20 84.05 5.06 112.32 17.15 75.04 39.95 7.90

    The crack load and the corresponding displacement of the three columns are close, which means the reinforcement ratio of column has little influence on its crack load. There was not any big difference between the ductility coefficient of RC column and that of SFCB columns, for the little difference in their yield displacement and u ltimate d isplacement. I f t he f iber pr oportion i n t he SFCB is e nlarged, the b earing cap acity o f SFCB columns will be much reduced for the rupture of fiber and thus its ductility should be reconsidered. Skeleton curve and post-yield stiffness Skeleton curve and post-yield stiffness of the columns can be seen in Table 3 and Figure 7, where K1=Py/Δy is the column stiffness at elastic stage; K2=(Pp-Py)/(Δp-Δy)= β1K1 refers to the post-yield stiffness of the columns, which is n early “0” for RC c olumn; K3=(Pu-Pp)/(Δu-Δp)= β2K1 refers to the bearing cap acity degradation of concrete columns during and after the crushing and spalling of column base concrete cover, which is an essential parameter of structures under strong earthquakes; and γ=(Δp—Δy )/Δy refers to the effective length coefficient of post-yield stiffness.

    Table 3. Post-yield stiffness of columns

    Column number

    Axial stiffness ratio of


    K1 (Test)

    K2 (Calculated)

    K2 (Test)

    Utilization ratio of K2


    K3 (Test)

    β1 (Test)

    β2 (Test)

    γ (Test)

    C-S14 1.00 22.12 0.071 -0.02 / 3.57 0.00 0.16 5.34 C-B30S10 0.63 16.01 1.804 1.27 51.66 2.98 0.08 0.19 4.63 C-C40S10 0.67 16.63 1.571 2.34 36.21 1.64 0.14 0.10 2.39

    Common RC column had ideal yielding platform, while SFCB columns had good post-yield stiffness after the inner co re s teel b ar of SFCB yielded. T he bearing cap acity o f C-C40S10 be gan t o decrease af ter l ateral displacement reached 17.15 mm while C-B30S10 did not decrease until the lateral displacement reached 27.03 mm. Column C-B30S10 had larger bearing capacity and better ductility than C-C40S10, which represents better seismic performances.


  • -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50-150







    Rupture of wrapped basalt fiber of B30S10

    Rupture of wrapped carbon fiber of C40S10




    C-S14 C-B30S10 C-C40S10 C-S10

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45






    on (λ


    Ruputer of carbon fiber

    Lataral displacement (mm)

    C-S14 C-B30S10 C-C40S10

    Basalt fiber still works due to its high enlongation rate

    Figure 7. Skeleton curves of columns Figure 8. Strength degradation of columns

    Strength degradation Under ho rizontal reversed load, strength of t he s pecimen c ontinued t o de grade with t he i ncrease o f l oading displacement. T he s trength d egradation law of each s pecimen can b e r epresented b y t he r atio o f t he b earing capacity in the third cycle to that in the first cycle under each level of load. The strength degradation ratio λj is

    ,3 ,1/j j jP Pλ = (1) where Pj,3and Pj,1 are the lateral load in the third and first cycle respectively under j level displacement of load. The strength degradation of columns can be seen in Figure 8. (1) As the loading displacement increased, the strength degradation of columns became more obvious. When the displacement at column cap was from 5 mm to 30 mm, the strength degradation was comparatively stable. After the displacement at column end exceeded 30 mm, the strength degradation increased rapidly. (2) Due to the premature rupture of carbon fiber, C-C40S10 had the fastest strength degradation. For the carbon fiber began to rupture after displacement reached 20 mm and was almost all ruptured when displacement reached 25 mm, thus there was only the inner core steel bar taking effect after displacement reached 30 mm, when the strength degradation of C-C40S10 was much the same as that of common RC column (Figure 8). (3) After displacement at column cap reached 35 mm, the concrete cover in the column base began to crush, resulting in more rapid strength degradation. When displacement reached 40 mm, for the high ductility of basalt fiber, C-B30S10 exhibited better strength degradation performance, which means BFRP-wrapped r ebar (BFRW) reinforced co lumns may have b etter p erformances t han c ommon R C c olumns under strong earthquakes. Deformation recoverability (Residual displacement ratio) The deformation recoverability of structure is closely related to its use after earthquakes, rehabilitation degree and cost. The deformation recoverability of the specimen columns is shown in Figure 9. According to the figure, (1) the residual displacement of c ommon RC c olumn increased linearly when the d isplacement at co lumn cap exceeded 10 mm and the loading curve almost parallels with the unloading curve; (2) c ompared with R C c olumn, SFCB columns h ad smaller residual displacement and residual displacement ratio under th e same loading displacement, for the high strength of FRP, which shows t hat SFCB can effectively reduce t he r esidual displacement; (3) th e r esidual displacement ratio o f C-B30S10 was l arger t han t hat o f C-C40S10 at in itial s tage d ue to th eir difference on elastic axial stiffness but smaller in late period due to th e high e longation r ate of b asalt fiber, proving th at b asalt fiber h as more ad vantages t han car bon f iber when a pplied i n concrete columns. Supplementary anti-corrosion test of SFCB and steel bar Whether o r no t SFCB has good a nti-corrosion cap acity d ecides whether i t can replace F RP or steel b ar as a reinforcing m aterial to b e applied in harsh o r e xposed e nvironments. Thus, the anti-corrosion performance of SFCB was experimentally studied in this paper. Corrosion accelerating method was adopted. SFCB was put in the electrochemical corrosion environment, the corrosion of SFCB was observed and compared with that of steel bar under the same condition.

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









    Ruputer of carbon fiber of C40S10 composite bar



    ual d



    t rati


    C-S14 C-B30S10 C-C40S10

    Figure 9. Residual displacement ratio


  • Before specimens were immersed in 5%NaCl solution for several days, the mass o f each bar was measured (accurate to 0 .1g), i ts length by a r uler, and its diameter by vernier caliper (accurate to 0.2 m m). After corroding by e lectrifying f or 96h , t he m ass of specimens, their section areas and lengths were measured. After 96h’ accelerating corrosion, t he exterior surface o f t he steel bar was quite bumpy and its section was much thinner, while SFCB specimens, on the other hand, had no obvious change except the glue layer on the surface was a little whitened. Through weighing the mass b efore an d af ter co rrosion t o d etermine t he co rrosion degree, it c ould be f ound t hat t he mass of steel b ar decreased magnificently but there was almost no difference to the mass of SFCB (Figure 10). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 5 0608015), the National B asic R esearch P rogram o f C hina ( 973 P rogram) ( No.2007CB714200), and National Key Technology R&D Program of China in the 11th Five-Year Period (No. 2006BAJ03B07). CONCLUSIONS

    Based on the low cyclic reversed horizontal loading test and electrochemical anti-corrosion test study on SFCB columns and contrast RC column, the following conclusions can be drawn. (1) Compared with common steel bar, SFCB has better anti-corrosion capability. After 96h of electrochemical corrosion accel erating t est, the mass l oss o f SFCB is a lmost e qual to “0”. (2) Under low c yclic reversed horizontal loading, SFCB columns went through flexural failures, consisting of concrete cracking, the yielding of the inner core steel bar of SFCB, partial or total rupture of the wrapped fiber, and the crushing and spalling of the concrete. (3) SFCB columns h ad s table pos t-yield s tiffness a nd it s h ysteretic c urve e xhibited obvious pi nch effect at positive unloading and reverse loading. Since FRP used in SFCB is designable, magnitude and effective length ar e ap plied as two i ndexes to ev aluate t he post-yield s tiffness of SFCB column. (4) The s trength degradation of SFCB columns i s much t he s ame a s t hat o f R C c olumns. While a t la rge d isplacement s tage, BFRP (basalt fiber reinforced polymer) wrapped rebar (BSFCB) columns have the best strength degradation for the h igh d uctility o f b asalt f iber. (5) The unloading residual d isplacement r atio of SFCB columns i s much smaller than that of RC columns under the same loading displacement, which is an important index to evaluate the seismic performance and recoverability of concrete columns. REFERENCES ACI (2003). “Guide for t he design and c onstruction of c oncrete reinforced with FRP bars”, ACI 440. 1R-03,

    American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Chen, Z .Y. ( 2003). “Safety and durability o f s tructural w orks i n c ivil e ngineering”, China architecture &

    building press, Beijing, China, 76-83. (in Chinese) Luo, Y.B., Wu, G., Wu, Z.S., Hu, X.Q., and Tian, Y. (2009). “Study on Fabrication Technique of Steel Fiber

    Composite Bar (SFCB)”, Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, 31 (1), 28-34. (in Chinese) Nanni, A. (1993). “FRP reinforcement for concrete structures”, Elsevier Science Publishers. Rostasy, F.S. (1996). “FRP: T he European perspective”, Fiber Composites in Infrastructure, 1st Int. Conf. in

    Infrastructure, H. Saadatmanesh and M. Ehsani, eds., 12-20. Wu, G., Wu, Z.S., Luo, Y.B., Wei, H. C. (2009). “A new reinforcement material o f s teel f iber composite bar

    (SFCB) a nd its mechanics p roperties”, Proceedings of 9th international symposium on fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement for concrete structures. Sydney, Australia.

    Wu, Z .S., W u, G ., and Lv, Z .T. ( 2006). “Earthquake-resistant co ncrete structures r einforced b y steel-FRP composite bar”, China National Invention Patent, Publication No: CN 1936206A. (in Chinese)

    Zhang, L.L., Wu, G., Sun, Z.Y., Wu, Z.S. (2009). “Experimental study on the bond behavior between steel fiber composite bar (SFCB) and concrete”, Proceedings of the innovation and sustainability of structures in civil engineering, Guangzhou, China.







    steel-CFRP composite bar (SCFCB)


    Mass (g


    Specimen type

    Before corrosion After corrosion

    Steel bar

    Figure 10. Anti-corrosion test of SFCB

    ( Mass loss)


    MainInformationTable of ContentsKEYNOTE PAPERSKW1 A Unified Generic RC Model for FRP Plating : Intermediate Crack TheoryKW2 Behavior of Pultruded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP Beams Subjected to Concentrated Loads in the Plane of the WebKT1 Structural Performance of Members Strengthened by FRP Jacketing with High Fracturing StrainKT2 The Current and Future Applications of FRP DecksKF1 FRP Anchors : Recent Advances in Research and Understanding

    STRENGTHENING OF CONCRETE, METALLIC, TIMBER AND MASONRY STRUCTURESW1A1 Behavior of RC Connections Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced PolymerW1A2 Behavior of Infill Masonry Walls Strengthened With FRP MaterialsW1A3 Hybrid GFRP-Concrete Box Girder Fabricated and Tested in FlexureW1A4 Tests on CFRP Strengthened Open Sections subjected to End Bearing ForcesW1A5 Dynamic Performance and Optimization of GFRP Poles with Partial Concerete FillingW1A6 Textile Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites(TR-ECC) Overlays for the Strengthening of RC BeamsW2A1 Cantilever Tests on Moment Connection of Concrete-Filled FRP TubesW2A2 Strength and Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Beam- Column Joint Strengthening by Hybrid FRP and GFRP SheetsW2A3 Basic Characteristics of FRP Strand Sheets and Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Strand SheetsW2A4 The Effect of FRP Composites on Strengthening and Retrofitting of RC Short ColumnsW2A5 Experimental Investigation of CFRP Strengthened Damaged Steel Plates Subjected to Static LoadingW2A6 Strengthening of RC Slabs with Large Penetrations using Anchored FRP CompositesT1A1 A Structural Mechanics Shear Capacity Model for FRP Plated RC MembersT1A2 Effect of Epoxy Repairing on RC Beam Shear Strengthened with Side Bonded CFRP Sheet StripsT1A3 Evaluation of Behavior and Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with AFRPT2A1 Modeling of Load Bearing Mechanism of RC Column with External Continuous Fiber Rope under Reversed Cyclic LoadT2A2 Strength Evaluation of Steel-Concrete Composite Girders Strengthened with Prestressed FRP LaminatesT2A3 Effect of Internal Shear Steel Reinforcement on the Performance of RC Beams Strengthened in Shear with FRP SheetsT2A4 Repair of Impact-Damaged Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers T2A5 Design of FRP Retrofitted Masonry under Out-of-Plane BendingT3A1 Strengthening of Brick Infilled RC Frames by Diagonal CFRP FabricsT3A2 FRP Composites in Structures : Some Recent ResearchT3A3 Finite Element Modelling of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened with Prestressed CFRP PlateT3A4 Strengthening of Timber Beams using FRP, with Emphasis on Compression Strength : A State of the Art ReviewT3A5 Concrete Shear Strength of Light Weight Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP BarT3A6 An Experimental Study on Compressive Destruction of FRP Modular Box Member

    BOND BEHAVIOR AND DEBONDING FAILUREW1B1 Role of U-shaped Anchorages on Performance of RC Beams Strengthened by CFRP PlatesW1B2 Analysis of FRP-to-Concrete Joint Assemblies with FRP Spike Anchors unsing the Applied Element MethodW1B3 Design Equations for RC Beams Strengthened in Shear with Externally BOned FRPsW1B4 Experimental Study on Double Lap Joints Composed of Hybrid CFRP-GFRP LaminatedW1B5 Effect of Adhesive Thickness on Bond Behaviour of Carbon Fiver Sheet under Static and Fatigue LoadingW1B6 Delaying Delamination by Means of New Anchor in Concrete Beams Strentheded with CFRP Laminate

    CONFINEMENT AND SEISMIC RETROFITW2B1 Experimental Evaluation of Full-scale FRP-confined Reinforced Concrete ColumnsW2B2 Effect of Unconfined Concrete Strength on the Strength and Deformability Predictions of FRP Confined ConcreteW2B3 Plastic Hinge Characteristics of RC Piers with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer(FRP)W2B4 Strains of Eccentrically Compressed RC Columns Strengthed with CFRP MaterialsW2B5 Structural Evaluation of GFRP Confined Reinforced Concrete Hollow ColumnsW2B6 An Experimental Study on Anchoring Performance of Compression-type-Anchorages for CFRP Cables

    DURABILITY AND LONG-TERM PERFORMANCET1B1 Creep and Stress Relaxation of Concrete Slab with Prestressed GFRPT1B2 Durability of Pultruded GFRP Exposed under Static LoadT1B3 Mechanical, Physical and Durability Characterization of Prestressed GFRP Reinforcing Bars

    REINFORCING OR PRESTRESSING OF CONCRETE, TIMBER OR MASONRY STRUCTURES WITH FRPT2B1 Aggregate-coated FRP Plank as Formwork and Crack Controlling Device for Reinforcement-free Bridge DecksT2B2 Strengthening RC Structures with Externally Prestressed Basalt FRP-Steel Wire Hybrid SheetsT2B3 GFRP-Reinforced Continuous BeamsT2B4 GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column JointsT2B5 Evaluation of Existing Model for Predicting of Flexural Behaviour of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Members

    FIELD APPLICATIONS AND CASE STUDYT3B1 Static and Dynamic Behavior of a Pultruded FRP Truss FootbridgeT3B2 Net Type External Prestressing Method for The Strengthening of Slab BridgesT3B3 Performance of Code Equations compared to Experimental data for shear Capacity of FRP-RC BeamsT3B4 Case Studies of Strengthened R.C Members with CFRP-Bar NSM SystemT3B5 Investigation of Dynamic Characteristics of FRP Cables in Thousand-Meter Scael Cable-Stayed BridgeT3B6 Field-Applicability of FRP-Concrete Composite Deck

    PULTRUDED FRP STRUCTURET4A1 Experimental and Analytical Investigations on the Bolted Joints in Pultruded FRP Structural MembersT4A2 Effects of Fiber Orientation for the Buckling of Lamiinated Fiber Reinforced Polymer Cylindrical ShellsT4A3 Flexural Behaviour of Laminated Fibre Composite Sandwich BeamsT4A4 Behaviour of Innovative Fibre Composite Sandwich Planels under Point LoadingT4A5 Investigation of Pultruded Fibre Reinforced Mineral Polymer Based Composite Structural Elements and Confined by 3D Weaving Technology for Structural ApplicationsT4A6 Experimental and Analytical Investigations on Structural Behavior of GFRP Composite Water Supply PipesF1A1 Innovative Development of GFRP Girder Filled with ConcreteF1A2 History of Composite PilesF1A3 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in civil , Structure & Geotechnical EngineeringF2A1 Vibration of Debonded Laminated Fibre Composite Sandwich BeamsF2A2 Effect of Elevated Temprature on Structural Performance of RC Columns Confined by CFRPF2A3 Dynamic Behaviour of Externally Bonded CFRP : Application to Reinforced Concrete Column Externally Reinforced under Impact LoadingF2A4 Seismic Performance of Concrete Columns Reinforced by Steel-FRP(Fiber Reinforced Polymer) Composite BarF2A5 The Influence of Transverse CFRP Strengthening on Rheological Strains fo Compressed Concrete Elements

    MISCELLANEOUS (MATERIALS, FIRE AND BLAST LOADING, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONTTORING AND INTELLIGENT SENSING, CODES AND STANDARDS)T4B1 Seismic Analysis of Full-scale RC Building Retrofitted with CFRPT4B2 Baked Clay as Replacement of Reinforced ConcreteT4B3 Delamination of the Bond Interface between FRP and Steel Plate and its Structural Health MonitoringT4B4 Experimental Study of Performance of Steel-FRP(FIber Reinforced Polymer) Composite BarT4B5 Relationship between FRP Fracture Strains in Flat Coupon Tests, Splite Disk Tests and FRP Wrapped ColumnsT4B6 The Evaluation of Structural Performance for R/C Beams Strenthened by NSM Using CFRP PlateF1B1 Experimental Study on Blast Loading Response of FRP-Retrofitted RC Slab StructuresF1B2 Structural Performance Capacity Evaluation of Recycled Pet Fiber Added ConcreteF1B3 Design-Oriented Approaches for FRP Retrofitted RC Columns and Case Study of TEC2007 Example

    HYBRID STRUCTURESF2B1 Flexural RC Members Strengthened with Mechanically Fastened FRP Laminates: Test Results and Numerical ModelingF2B2 Bowstring Arch Bridge Made of CFRP, GFRP and GlulamF2B3 Use of Uni-Axial Pseudo-Ductile Hybrid FRP Sheet to Strenghten Exising RC Flexural MembersF2B4 Effectiveness of Strengthened RC Beams with a Hybrid Multi Layer under Cyclic LoadingF2B5 A Study on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Rebars under Fatigue

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