f',, , f1A I J .. ''"7

f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

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Page 1: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

f',,, f1A I J .. ~t


Page 2: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

} " . Jul7 S, 1N7

., .... !Cr. Pr eotont

I Na4 7"1U' plq through. I u not a •Ulo and r oA117 ha<ro no 14oo bow -. would bo on \he o\ap. 'lho opeooboo ooem to ., prott7 lon~ l n

~··· I ba•o been Y<:r7 ~a~ob oppooe4 to haYlng ., lauoband a Gted 'D7 an7 011e. '1'1\o only aJag I ha,. aeon w1 tb aJQ' ploa11ure lo a 4oon h or,. tUl oa wbloh II)' -

..... 14 •1 ' b •- J'IIWI8 -· It 1o a ooUeoUon of -roolo taken whoa

., huo'band •• allye, !ba' I oan ooe hae a polftt an4 GODY070 a ator,.. MUIII! 1Ul1 ooo .. ~o .. Y·•ry d1tt1oult to t o.io beoauao U dooo 110t • ••• to ,.e pooo1ble to ao ' •y .. ono wbG 1o ot111 oo a uab 1n people • oonoolouonooeoo Mil dill oo real to tboa that an aotor woul d f1nd U 41t'floult to oreato tbo 1l lue1Gn of reAlity,

Ver7 olnooroly :rour o,


Page 3: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

_. . . .

Dear lira. Boo••••lt• Tile li..ru.a Club or tb1a cur approeoMd .. - _ .. ap wUil tile raquaat tbet I wr1ta a allort )11&7!ito be Pfti&Dtad OD a P~Aur1o&A nr1at:T alllnr tb&1 an 10 to otter, ~· a II&Dat1t tor aput1c oii114HD alld otller ,_.loa alld -~11 clat101at ob1ldral1 111 tllla area.

It beppeaecl tllet at tb1a ••t1Ac wbera tile requaat •• ll&cla, Capt. Jaol< Youq aa preaeat. lou .., -ber bill aa tllllt aotor IIIIo plar..s rDJI 111 •taaf.oa to lloao""" alld "!......,• llooclla llladr. •

Pou1blr because ot b1a preanoe, alld beoaaM alao I bad Jut beaD reaclilll two or tbraa llooU about oar lata Praal._t, .., lei" occurred to •• before I lett tba -t1111. Tile eoloaecl -or1pt, FIVE IULLIOI SOlS 11 tile MIRIU~. I lad lt to 7011 ..,t tor &IQ' oucb tb1n& aa ea lott1c1&1 appi'O't'al", bat aa a oovtaar clue 7011 aoc1 7our t .. 11r.

I aa a ata&l alld ..,tlOD picture wr1ta~1=t, cloubtlUI qtb 10U1 rearet tba 1Didequao7 ot .oat ot tile a ciODe aroUDcl I'Dil. Jlo wr1 tar could nar capture 111111• UQ'.ora - on. 0011lcl llottll up a b1&h trequeD07 ••• out ot Ule pulaatilll atbar. It -to •• tile nureat approach to 1111 peraoo.l1 1:7 110uld be 1A .., alg>J'III10D ot creat lon alld IIDilerataDdtDio llollwthil1a l1ll:a tbat, 1D a .ooaat •11 bola ben attaaptad ben. !be oauae b a &re&t ODO 1 alld I ti"Uit JOII will Mft DO obJaot10D to 0111' •plo:rlD& tb1a little "lo•a ltoi'J" batfteA l'DII aJid 1111 .SU1ona ot ..,,.., to balp tba k1cll. Should 7011 ba able to a, llll1th1D& at all 111 ta't'Or ot 1t, tbat ot courae 110ulcl ba a &raat aarwlca to ua .

I'a aanclilll 7011 alao oopr ot A118811B1.Y CAJJ.I a plaJ I vota allout ., oDlr aoa a r ... oeelu attar be "tooll: ott tro• up 1A a ..._.r craab clurilll tile wr. rua pla7 (1A .,. 8tb pta.J •- 1111:a1{ to be tirat dODO 1A ClerMD1, 1A tbe Qam• l&D&la&a, IJIIIler ... , ftl ot a oolODel attb 01111111. llalldredl ot people au war tba 110rlcl

· ben '011:.1ttaD to M allout 1t but I alRJI fHl tbat "!ia• •­oeara:~1t1D& 1t tb&A I did ••• It'• IIODdartul tbat .. 11000 &at to r..u•• tlle7 are IIUOb luold.ar tb&A our .. l'roa, trea, 1Dexpron1bl1 bepp7, alld .ula to do tba1r Joll 111 tllout allllh ooutaat ollltruatloa ancl truatratloo aa oa _, taea bare.

,,, .... Jltte .,.

Page 4: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

.. !


l· ~· . I . ~

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. ,- ..

•1 4ea~ Mr, Preaton•

loth ot :rour 1aUare were to.-1'11a4 to .. hare wbera I &II apen41ns a _Ul,

. l wUl aand JOIU' .laUar aliA a oopJ ot tba play to llr, Oe~rp 111 wbo la •1 1Uer•l'1 agen,, Ae 1117 be able • . t1n4 101!110118 wllo 1a .1ntareata4, Ro..ilf. anr, I oan no~ 4o 10 untU IF' b41f . to ll;rda Parit on Ausua• lllth, ·

It lfl', JS;re 11 auaoaaatu1 I 1holl1d appr~ol•'• an7 oon,r1butlop 7011 oare4 to aaka1 an•l would 1111:• U aant ~ $he Wl110WJOk Bohool, 'fll11 11 a 1 .. ll ' oha~1t)' 1n whloh I .. 4aap1J

lntera1tad, Bo71 batwean the Alii ot aann and tw<.~lYe wJlq ~~'' lnto tba aourta ot Maw Yol'k 01~1, .ra aant

, 'hatra lndaad ot t;a Ntoz. aoboole, t'ba oUy pa11 tor tha1r bo.r4 an4 lo4a1nsl but they all naa4 pa1Qb1ab>lo oa.ra ana M41oal oare, thloh ukaa .

. .

Page 5: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

0 • ~ ~ > ~

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.. ' . .

\f/ .· u noo .. ••l'7 ~ raho· a tahlr lol!'ll , ~...Sr.:• ~ O'fWJ roar , lloo&ll .. ot ·.""' ooonoal o oon4l , l ona, ao•• ot Sb•••· boJ • ara ooloro4, .al \llouill\ \b0Po aN a t ea wbUo bo:r• • .

1 wlll olther wrl ' o rou wba' I bi&P troll r r , llyft , or he wlll arUo ~ Jill& dl reot. ,

Vol')' oor41all r J'llUI'II,

. '


Page 6: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found


·l J ~.-. .. . : ! } .

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. . ... ~ ~Au C:t •*'ll?·#""''", tltstio~

a • .J ~ l.-. · ( • i't;'#l ~ <u, a"' 'a11 ..;, ; ,~ ~ .._ .,., ... • -t, ;._.., ... ~ ~

•-'. r ..;.c .L~ . ·

Page 7: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

• ~~ .-(,~~¥

~r ,r t 'fu lqa, CaUt • .Jal:r 10~9~~·. ~~}(l

Eleanor RooleYelt, \.~ ~ p· li:rde Park, v~ V' :~.:·lira. Rooaevelt1 b~ ~ ~ ~ JY~~J Althouah I'• 1n tbe habit ot •catchina• :rour coli.. ~a~ ha~e '/".' 1n tact often been on the po1Dt ot littlnl down to d .. ll ott 1omethin& r unblin& a tu-letter about it, tbe 111ae ot 1 8th al.aost u caped H, a1 a aeaber of ., 18ediate tuil;r n• crit1call:r 111 that de;r. so .. Yer, the t ollowin& da:r aanr t r 1enda who had aeen what :rou aaid about •.t.11nbly cau• phoned to tell ua we .. re traYelinc 1D d11tlneu11bed coa~ and 1hould lalow wbat n1 1010& on.

Loll (a:r wife) 1nd I Ju•t don't know how t o thank :you, aot onl :r tor that clorioWI tribute, but t or tile ezpre11ton ot 1110h under1tand1D& 11 1t 1bow1 of our chief del1re and obJect1veJ / to atve the :youth ot th11 d1tt1oalt ceaeratton a 11ttle ot tbe J help tha:r 10 badl;r need. O'ntortiiD&tel:r w~ haYe towld tbat a great aan;y parents who lo•t their 10n1 (and deulbhra) 1D the ~ ji nr, have becOM aabittere<l to a po1Dt wblll'e an:r 1ntare•t 1D ~ children aound• al.ao•t tuta1t1c to"~. leYertbele~ we keep on tr:r1D& to reach tbetl and IOMt!Ms haYe the 1ats: ' 1 N 11 taction ot 1cor1Q& a bit. ' -.\.,\1 1J~1) 1\ ASSEMBLY CALL n1 pqbli1bed on the Welt Coast by a publi,l;~~ (with no •••tern diatribution at all) wbo •looked upon it IOi~-l:y II I bWI1Dell propo11t10Q, Be crabbed it qu1ckl)'1 and, with the ou~t:r l1lt1 pil.J.na up, " .. re 10 anxioWI t or tba pla:r to reaob other uittan parent• a &aft bia the 1o-•ianal with-out tr:rin& tor eutern pgbUoaUoa. .. han often whiled that tbe ...... e wtaiota- •loa& H aeturall7 and po .. rtall:r could reacb a wider pgbUo 1114 1D a • .... pnru• ... ,. ( .. have al'ft:ra re1Dftlted aU ropltiea 1D 11Mb eild pven tbea •RJ to ou• wbo nee<led tta• ••t). hollalllJ' it 1an1 t too late :re t. Per-hapl :rou mow or an aaaomtM lritta - c reat oharit)' that could beaet1t troa tbl 1"07&lt1ea tlaat al&llt aoorae troa t1aa book1 • re-pu'lll1oattaa 1D the eaat, a boule or 10oieb' wbiob could 11Ye 1t wide dlltrlbuttoa' In 1uob u -t lt 110ald .alta lira, Pre1ton anll .,,elt happ:r l.adee<l to lip oYer all the ro:ralttu to 1uob a oharlt)' - OMp perhapa, that ooncerna itaelt with :ro~.~n& people. 'file oop:rrlpt bal,ona• to Loia, and the contract with the orl&1Dal pgbl1aller ('IIIIo 10ld 7 edu.) hartn& expired, .. are trH to do with tbe pla:r a• " wilb.

- lleanor loo••••lt, 1 -

Page 8: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

It reprinted, I think perbapa it should be put out with a different Foreword. l know a cbal'lli.Dg and e:enerous-twarted lady who oould write a huadincer. • • thinca b&p~eaed exactl7 as related and set dom in that •aero hour• when you jtUit MD to believe in •airaclea•; but I've found the •conteaaion• tbeie a bit atartlinc to moat people; seta ttwa to wonderinc "1t he's a Spiritualiatl• eto. As a aatter or tact we have DO church affiliations whatever - probably should have. It &D7 •diVine message" (to quote Mary Pickford) in this world was ever coa­pletely aon-denoa1Datio.aal, T1111 a Play is. There certainly 1a some' acietltitic' explanation tar it, but after long consideration I've come to the conclusion it doesn't really matter auch Just what that explanation is. Let eYeeybody deV1ae his om - we all seem to be 'on our own' in this universe anyway. At least ei&ht church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found that it's the YOWlC people who get the e:reatest impact ?rOi it - and ~ sot that too, instinctively. So the sue:gestion in this letter lllAY possibly be Just the next step in the play's extraordinary history thus t~r.

As a very slight token of our e:•atitu4e I'm sendin& you some more copies, inscribed, and would be imaensely flattered it you would add your own Jane Henry 1D passing thelll along to friends. When we get back to our "ranchito" Tuesday, I'll send half a dozen or so more. Enclosed is a brochure gotten together some tllle ago by the publisher, who didn't even take the trouble to set it up in type. (crs authors, always griping about publishers, aren't we?)

Again thanks, and our love e:oes alone: with it, not only to your­self but to the whole D(eaocratic) taaily.

PS. It you had tille to answer that recent letter ot mine en­closine: the one-act FDR play, the lette~ ~ be at Van B2l!J and I'll of course write again if it is~ ---

w~P~ Jt~ "El Ranchito Cailoa•,

S4SS Hazeltine ve. Van Muys, Calif •

Page 9: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

hrrar t Gtt, Iy, 'P)tl l '"••

"'" rep!• JK ay

•Atllllil kAii• (A fig .u lla ...... )

8!Iti! &WtBD g,[D.- •I -.oQT ~1' .... ....---It 11 lp.1ratioa, a IJ'aat th1q. a1111ou •••• •

• • • •

reacl 1 t a 1ooolld tiM ... I aa oaor­a WOIIIlerful p1ooo of worll, a tnle 1-..

I aa sure 1 t 11 aoia& to be 1oaa '117

.1101. ~MD ~.- •I road JO'Ill' plaT, "Pt oYer 1t, ,. .... Troa"""li& l'ri'iid""'il'ii ud lo1t hia aoa •••• felt that it coud •t 1'a1l to oa.fert h1a. iow little I ~ thil YOEJ' ~ort Will• ;be..-.. 10 baO.F u • • fn ..,. J.a._l •• t .. ,,..,. balpM ...., peo~. aoa "~•• ,.. tftJit aut 'M prolllll

~ ";sEN!·- •I aa upp1or *- I caa ••T that tbe pabllc wni aow .... tbe op,.rtaaur • lbaro 1D tbe ....... wll1oll I roal11 belloft -~ 41'1'18117 11 ..... to J01l• I lalow 1t will PlaT to nat •-1-•• Ol&I'Jllber•J 1t wUl ••...,. tba p1ef of MIIF beart-brolrea paHDtl, wi'NI aa4 aaotbaaru. I aa..,. aratet\al tbet U Ul lteoa ..v11•"Nfed to ,..•

Ltrml .fife:!·- •I roacl it w1Ul lateuo 1ateralt. It 11 YOrT Maiititiil to1Uihlal1 aad tbe tear1 1 t c•.,.la are .a.ebow •d• ....._. aad o1 .... 1a1 '117 tbe ro•tl'T ot tbe •••••• •••• Sop1Jte tor tb11 ,...rt.l PlaT all the 1110ca11 1 t da .. r .... • .... •

~ l!• .wm_.- (llot1oa P1ot'lll'o be01lt1YO). IIJe)rCNid dout it 11 ~p1r~T whicb lbo~ create a prot~ t..,ro111oa oa ... 1aoo1 a._, ........

ipWJI D'IMIQM• (roner C!U.of ot Boaearob, ae&) .- •. • . A tbl'1~ upor1noaJ bald • •..U•IIIIA fro~~ be~•1na to ...... llat'oraot~l. 1..... • • It -.14 Ito ...... t uren ... to ... 1 t p~ oa tbe •tac• or 1ereea. •

»J!. IM" 11m -ftt• fb-hoot. ot r.u. • »r ... , c.~s.a • IOrtauteftlril'NJ'I ea .- WfM "''' ••t 1uplrM, ao1t .,_ 11ttt.aa ot all tbe Uteratve oa tbe n~eet. It 11 aooept011 at oaoo '117 all nriet1a1 ot people aa4 ballet. It ... t be wldal7 ba&NI•


Page 10: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

JQ:tfllll l. 1111• (lloti• P1otllre hM1aoer • DUeetor) .- •I keep U lie a • rii pillow aa4 r ead 80M or it enWT U.bt bet on piJII to llHp.,,,a

QCJI ~ ~~ (hllou aotor) .- •A 804era U.uie. lot oal7 aa !iiptilii iiii!ieraal ......... lNt a rrtaotly writtea ..... ... etl"Uoted 4raaa, ao word or wb1ob au enr be obaqH. •

("-atrioal Producer) . - •A ~•rT t1De docJEaat •• .• a .... a .... . . •

·eLUM B. Dl!t·· (0 .•. AnT Cbapla1D) .- •It . .... to .. 1t i• a n a.l M)'O all rell1iou.•

suu ~~ (ltal• • Fila Proacar) .- •!be tbeatn rtt&llT DOHa pliya Ilii""""•uaeably Call.' 1rbea they are ucla awUalllla to u aad ba~• reaoU. ata1• lll4 eoreaa •• rill diaco~er that tbq ban broUiht aore people 1Dto tbe theatre - a biller ... 80re oa,.r aMieaca ••• ht th1a ia DOt ollly a play nth power ... lltt - it 11 ODO a110 to 'I'P'• t..eualTo •

MBB. IIJbBD o. ~~ 8 !bll t1ret tiH I read it I cried aTtelt to" alaop. 'fM "iiiiiil""i1.u I dia' t cry. !be third tiM I watd to laliP, tor I real11H it bad .... •• wollder1'lll17 bapPJ' aad -­atra14.•

l2!! !• UI~f' (lanpaper Pabllaber) .- •!buk )'OU 1 0 IIWih. I caa u.ara J'O'I •• helptul. to both ot ua at tbie tr'1'1a1 tiH. •

Sill GIIA!JM"a (lotH &bo=·n) .- •I ban •••• catbe4rale, ahr1Ma &ad cbarUi trut-t' «• .. talllliiW by MD or nalth 1D ._r,. ot a loat lon4-oao. ht I ban MYer lalo1aa eo t1De a aan ant to be eroote4 lrJ' a father to b1a 111eloYH ._, •• J'au Preatea baa lnailt 1D t ba writiae or 'Aaaeably Callf; a tl"UlT 1roat play.•

f!iiODOBI 11! ~~ (141tor) .- u.a.aulllly Call' attoated • aore *-a &liT jhy, orTlhJ.U &aT 'book, I enr read.•

~ !• (AatherJ wor•n a.aber ot the ·~11'1DI !11ora•) r •It ?Ilia .. 10 I oaa aot tiad wl'U. It tell• • that all tho .. llloya or the ' ' are at111 aroaad, all4 Yar,., nry oloao.•

~ i· itfH• (l•tio • Panton,. llaa) .- •I Jut Mnr rod a ~ • lletoro. Ot ou t~ I •a 111r01 1 t w1l1 •nr t.an ... ~~(I.- PPllabor).- IIOv o• n,.r •• n« to MM Mok lOU a with u, attar w roM 'Aa..ul7 Gall' ••• I bopo it will '• ov pr rtle10 ... u.. to aoo tbia aroat, roaaavlac play on tho ata1e or •U.oa.-plot1ue aor ... •



Page 11: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

•'fllll.llk JOil tor tb1a caar.ial plaT. U1 pve taU!l biCniih enl'f liM. It -..t be a poeat o.tort to ,.., Uld

~.Da 1 alao, God )leaa bill. ..7 1tl 11110 .. 1 be laatiql1

~ (Ylctorlaa It&t• ltar) .- •It baa be• a poeat prin-JiPto tbla 'll'lllldartlll laook. It1 • •••••• rill 'be a poeat ooatort aDd help to the ,.~11o1 a aeaaaae of loTe aad faith - wbat .ore col&ld &JITO&• waat or aeecl'1' 8

J'B. &DIA.IW ~~ (L1beral-c&tholio D1T1u) .- •.&.a 1Dapirat1oa 0? loTe, a ;artt1iil ezperieaoe ••• a areat alt.,•• ot tbe life­ad~o'n'••····•

I.OIW DOwpliOe (lorMr hM4 of tbe BU) .- •I aa lliH tbat{ with aueh a plq, tbe ataa• il one or ta uau ~ wbia lmDw "•• aa7 be apread aDd conaolat1oa broucbt to the bereand.•

ROY 1JU"'9' DI1iW.1 (Ir11h Fila II l.ea1taate Proaoer).- 10.. of the ~reet,lt p 71 ~ ban enr read. It oollta1Da a WDMertlll ••••••• - OM that will aM.oubte4!7 brlal o~ort aDd bapp1M11 to IMA7• Properl7 proncH ud cut 1t oaa aot help bat w1A 1Dataat llUIOeaa.•

EDi ts &LLJie (Plarwr1aht, Wlbite Collar •• e tc .) .- •Ma7 it 1ooa blise 11p0D the I tale ud 1 ta rad1aaoe llOW leUOD after 1eaaoa, brlJIIlJII coatort ... bope to torMated bnMD1 trt• !!!! DGIIe (Stale • lcreea Aetrela).- •Ia the 40 7ear1 that I ban liHi ill tba theatre aal. 1a tUaa, I baTe read M117 tiM P'--7•· I haTe DeTer read a ~reater one thaD 1Aaaaa'l:ll7 Cal.l. 1 It 11 one that 4tH"' pre1eatatioa. •

ROIIRf MIL!Oie (Iateraatioaal Staa• Director).- 1 So ••aaiti••t ao beautltal7 ceaoeind ud ooutnoted, DO director mut ner •7 a bud oa 1t - except to 1aterpret it, if he oaa.•

DO.BXS .DIIOih (Couert liqer • Aotr .. a) .- •I han 3ut bad a thrlil.Lii experieacel I ban rea4 t Aaaea'l:ll7 CaU' tor a ••!fM t1Ml I .. IOAYiMH 1t will be OM of tba ~reateat 1h1'tl tbe theatre aad picture• ban eTer ~mo ... • J1lA& ICOI£e (hnliat • ·Colw.t.at) .- •I ban M doabt at aU tbat t:bi pli7 will be a tbree-WT 1110oe11 ud I tbeelr tbe .. ~ Uaber tor tbe pr1Til.ep or baYiJII r ... 1l 1a prlat 'before it bec&M ••••~ ftS.oh •nl'ftlod7 •• taJJrt., a-.t. '.UaHt.l7 CaU 1 11 a .&01.1 PlaT • • ·

g(. ~Tp ft!! 8 I aa 4HP17 aond. • • llc-el7 'fli1~1 f bal t OM of the 1101t Malltitlll Mla&Jel ot bope Uld ooatort to ..,Uabad !wart• ot a bereand world. •


Page 12: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

~ 'ft:f2l' (Waabiaitoa Col tat).- •!bia play ia the aort ot llilJic rlqa u oloaer to 4oaerrtDc wbat our 7'0IIDI MD did for ~~a.•

~ JLAJ»IIGI (Poet • ,.b11oiat).-••Aaa .. b17 Call' ia a aplowdtd liii'ltlii •• .. ••• oapoolaUJ tor all wboao heart • are laYOatod 1a thoae w1Dfod JOUtha ot our a •• •• •

UY. llW!l !rffP ~~ (lhakoa,lreaa .Aa~r)• • •••• 1.7J'ical 1a our pri!i'i 0 • """"'Ii1i !.Mood & th1ai Ot boall:J • •• . &ad JOilr I 'f1a I • Oo4 bleat hia, ia tho roaurrootioa aw4 ~ 11tol

CO.RPOlW. ~ ! (rro. ~ I tallaa J'roat) • - •I paa... the bOOk, 'la~ , aro\1114 to tbe bop aw4 IYOI'JOM tbat road it na oYeit:i with a aow r..u .. uoa. It ~ Jmow tba aatbor would JOU toll h1a t or ua tbat it ia a wa4ortlal roYOl-at1on. MJ t • &114 117 bladdioa' tballlra to hia ••••• •

l'.IIIU QlUJ'J'IUih (Clubwo••) .- • ••• I 'oalJ wiah I co¥4 tilld word• toteil JOil. 1 tolt prolld ot the audioaeo tb&t 1t :!lnol&Md tho r oedille 1 0 .acb. !oppo4 &D7' eYental the Club oYer •• . • •

oo.aorBI ~ syxr.rois (UniYoraitJ ot Califorllia) .- 'lory at1rr1DI llD4 tlaol7-;t'

IUE ~~ (Book llonowor • Cl•b• hocutiYO).- •Utor roadlal it r?o'ii'I"iiln.w, ••bM .... ,..ui .. ot all pouible plot o••• the ThorOJlOII of tboae wbo b&YO IODO. •. • •

MIRA CABfiRLlll SM1!B1 ( .. otllror)o- •I &D IID&ble to t ell JOII bow auch 1 ollJo;ed ''w.! P~'. Utor I tilliabed r eacUq 1t I felt I bad alnJ• ltDown Ia' 1 •&ath1oea1 &ad 1 !'1a1 ••• • ao WDDdortlal tbat you could liYo it to tDe worl4 •••• •

BOBd n!:tL' (lladio look Bonner) .- •'fbo qlliet oertaiatJ ot the pliJ'• po ot YiftJ tho portootlJ ao:rul., utaral 1atorprotat1-ot 1o- callod 1 doath' &ad ot tbe lito to c~, oaa aoaroelY tail to r ob death of ita borror tor oolllltlo•• ot &ri• Ylal poople~i

BERIICI CORftLyl (.Aatbor • lor- Writer) .- •I &D wry aratotlal tor tiM pl&J. broq!at qlliok toara tro. tba boli•Dhl• It bad tbe qaall tJ of n'OirlRI aorrcnr w1 thout bittorMaa - the ca tb&raia tbe Oroelu reoolllisod •• euatial to aroataeu ill art •• • • •

Pl.ODIC& 'RICI il&l (PlaJ'ftipt) ·- •A g:at I t&Jt-rt• lata 'Deeth' •••• at&ri fJlea 1linfiod with a puaioa t ia tornat Ul& aiiiDoro ••.• baa tho DOat priooloU raaoaaioa Of 8IQ' plaJ - 1:~ 'uao•ll17 Call 1 baa tha q8li t7 1a Ofti'J ao.... roo r wbo 1•t• the play 1a prlrtle ... aw4 abollld a taM 1a aw ot h1a Jo• •••• •

_..,. ~UBLI~aeh 1 S NUXE.- The above excerpts taken from a f ew of t he hundr eds of letters wri t t en to ua about '4asembly Cell.'

Page 13: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found


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... . Ouopob~llo Iol&M

' New Brunewlo~, Oanada ,.l.uguat l~, 111..,

' Dear Ur. Prcatont

I h~ve J11at r ead your pla:r and th1nlt 1t V0 '7 IIOV lng. 1\owovor, I a Ull whh • that lt ooul d be Just a volOI and ~ot an appar1t1on QDd that lt p~ealble 1"

· the apeeohea, that the voloe ~klng theoe oould be the r eal apeoohee · whloh have been ~~ade at dltterant tl~·· 10 you would be " "lng reoo~ -1nge whloh ,nre ude when 117 hueband was alln. ·

I II&:J be ;.1Dtokon ·1n m.y reellnge' ,ancl' wha t ever you reel, you are ot oouroe entlrely entltled ~do.

llr.- 1\'ennod.y wholl two or .. ., eon• ·~ ' to holp, 11 0lannln0 to tell the •tdrf 'ot Freeaom rrom rwar and he reel• \hare

' m uat be draiDllthatlon at 111 buaband.

, lie tello me there l a gNat oppool Uon 1n t he 1110vh industry to an'fthlnf wbloh 1o favorable to .•:r buaband • ldaala and ~hat be lo DOotl~ wl\b a grea; doal ot oppoo.l tlon, I woadar lt lfOI.I will not that thla exlete, unleaa ooDO ono th1nkl \hat lt .-n bo aade advers e -to the oauea tor whloh :rou would reall;r be an•IIPt­lng to pro<luoe 'fOU~ pl.I:J,


Page 14: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

-· ...

You .lr.no• , o.o wall o.a i do tnat wb&i- · ey~r you want to dot legah,. lf:OU oan . do 1t, Y011 ~n4orn.an4 tho.' X oo)Al4 • not endorae any plaJ' . I haYe. OnlJ' _ . agreed 10ltb l:r, XeMedy' to hel-p


get the raoto by gOttlng aooe .. to poop1e who lolow my huabend. 'l'ha~ 1• pot, hO\tevcr, noocaeary 1'or you. Llr, Kennedy 1o not 118.1r.1ng a 11fl ot 11y huoband but ualng hlm lnoldental to the. t heme, Preedoa trom P~ar.

I have no't oin t your ploJ to lir, BJe ae ;ret, bU~ &hall do ao when I• got home on the 13th, You Q'8 _ · very generoua ln your otter- ·to bel p Wll t •tok and I am d~eplJ' appreol ..

· tive.

: I f ,: , .•. , ..



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Page 15: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found
Page 16: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

taint .. t laace ot tha t lo"riJI& .aile aDd reeoteat aoUDd ot tbat untoraettable <rolce, we .. , ba<re dou ao.etlliJI& to rea1Dd tba m1111ona (a bo, in a n7, Hll•ber, bot atUl loae U. clarlt7 ot the laa&e) ot the neceaait7 ot keeptnc ~ aln7a .. one ua.

Beine a Protaatant I , like all Protaa t&Dta, aee .ueb i•pertectlon in tha Cat bo11c Church. But ao.eone back there aOMwhera in that areat o•c&Dtaatlon 41aco•ered that the •••race ~~AD o r woman baa to hna a Md1 .. batW&&Jl ~ael.t &Dd b1a ideal. So tba7 C1U tbas 01edala, beads, etc. and tbe7 do tha work - a t rip to Latin .a .. rica eaphas1zas bow tboroucblJ.

I tbou&bt if I could, behind a ~. willl all the art aDd care or a !1tst-claaa production, Juar-5rin& a rerfect1op or t ha ~ FDR berore the public 1n tbia criti cal yeari t •icht be dotnc so• e tlain& be wanta done. Such an 1uae cou d onl7 caae throucb lo•e - the magic conductor.

~ell can I realize bow 7ou ! eel about uperaonat1old or that great •an. Tbla would reall:r not be an °:11apeuonation• at a ll -the laat halt or t he 2nd Act tal<ea care ot that . 'lila •John Graham" appears an audi ence kn2Il 0 Tomm.y'a" tonoer co..ander-1n­chie! 1a only an 1uce in h1~1il. The actor (wbo, aa I wrote preYioualy 1• tantaat1aa111 like FOR 1n appearance , alae , <ro1oe, etc. ) would be kept ver7 abadOWJ, 7et YiYid u. that unreal1t7 -!latertalhing, when be d.oea ( in .t.ct 2) IIIU; aa P'DR but aa •John Grabaa•. Jet the 11DreaaioR or aca~Ytnc beard • t1rea1de chat !rom t heir beloYed ~dar would be 1rr .. U t1b17 atronc in an audience, and in thia ao•ent •1&bt indeed help the people ' a cause. A lao, I the preaenta tioa or bla 1n this manner would make it

or l eaw • coacept1oa• courae I a. pay 1nc

no to the work dooe , wlllch U probabl7 u 7et ••2'1 tmpartect, but to tha ~CtP.ll&!.D, IIIlich U one atraacel:r unta.t11er to the t heatre and screeo-o? today - t be Cbr1at1an. It e<rer there na a true Cbriat1an, in ever7th1na be ••er did , it wao PDR. It that ia brou&h t bo• to the world, 1D • wor ldl7 place like the theatre , I tb1Dk t he r eaul t lli&bt ver1 well be d7namic.

Tbla 1a a terrible thiN to do to JOU on w cetloa, &Ad 1 bel 10ur tors1Yeaeaa, but I bee 7ou a lao to r Md tba pla7 aDd write to .. about it. .t.QytlliJI& 7011 ••1 will be held 1D the atr icteat cCD1'1deRCe, naturally. I think JOU will lmow when 7ou1n r•d 1t that I have had onl7 oae 110the in wr1t1ne 1t1 to tJ'l' to help brine tbat UR1t7 which we •uat bave in Aaar1ca quicklJ, 1f •• are t o ooat1n1MI aa a happJ ead cre•t aatloa. •tbe7" IIIUt ban aaed.e4 ~ pret\7 bedl7 to take ~ a..,. fro• ua at Ulia cr1t1oel tiM( Butl. ...,_,., we 1t:now be '• bepPJI, ead tbat belpa a lot. 117 alRCere etreotioa co .. alone with tbia letter aDd pla7, aDd bleutnca oo 10ur ta.tll'Y-. or wholl we are prood aDd will be proDder in tbe ,..era ahead.

5455 Baaeltiae A•• · Van IIIJ'a, Cell! . "11 Ranchito Cerlo1.•

Page 17: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

Yu ...,_, CalU, .l ...... t 10, '47,

Dear liZ' a. IIOOHftl tJ

.lttu atr-nt., latter Ulll aarlpt to 71111 at; Cqpo'llello I llepa to woadar 1t 1 t .ullt DOt pa .. 71111 on JODI' ..,. baCik, It U 414, plane wire col,laot aad I will Had a MO"ad U to In 'IOI'Ir. Ju.t 1D oaaa - an• • a oar'lloa or tile letter. .

0u tbllla I alebt ban atl'al .. ll a Uttle, bat MlleOWd to, wa Capta1D f011111. Ina tlloQIIa W atqed b1a 1D a ._leMJ;f Wlo11&1'7 -ar (bablad a aorla) Jill 1101114 at1U wuat to fHl tbat be oollld pro~eot a raaaoaa~le l'kii••• e..a aa&aalaWd ~ &tal& art - tbat ba aboW.4 be tbat '1004· • I caD ODl7 HJ 1Jl tllla -t1oa tbat tba aotion p1otDZ'& preaaatat1oaa ot b1a ban nall7 baeD a ll1at:otrt1oa -till o-ra ala .. • u. lila - -t• aad tallra to b1a 1Jl N&l Ute the lllr-•• 1a taa"Watlo. Paoe!!~fti7Wbera atop b1a oa tile aueat, 1Jl car .. , ate. I 1a au• tbat, witll IJ'Mt1 reatl'a1Dt, be -'-4 br1ac tile 1llualoD throlllll w1 til craat alDOarl t7 aad tlttao't, allloat n.a nt1at'71Jll tba - paraon 1Jl tile world w ooal4 nanr liD,. to aati afJ an4 woal4 neftr tr,rt.r .

Page 18: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found




Page 19: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

lrt£ 111•!=1nu;1 ~fli!ll~lf•t(•i:=-1~' ~~~~ .. ~l"'"l ~ = -~~·i'Sl~~ ~ • ~~2 :• r .• ~ ·•~ 2 ~~ ~~-·~~ J(( ·J;;rfalf~l: !~ ~~!: ~iii~~iJ~.ij~ rilrt .·,. ·~~~ t;~~~·ul:i ~~·~ ~~-l.lwff!~~~ ~;: •IJ•I li ~~~ ~~K

' 1Ef:t .. 1 .~·~ lir~ .. r;a'~ 1 E1~ .r • I• Wfl!. t" - ~ - - . -. .s:~ .... -- . -I;!!~;.~if;: . !;!Jlj':~c~ f!~~!fi:~ '(~; ~ !fl ~~ l•i:· =-Jflrr r1lllt ill. ,illt~; a!!a t;'li i-'~!-~:1 .. ilc; .. ~~ i-!~i;lr-i;l (l~ ~~= - --l!'l~fi fdl~lf]tff!~~-!~.f p·· ~ I"' "!11 ll·,~~c;~i~tr ~~~E~~i=ru:'~ i;J,·• .a~ ;J 11 ~a~~

fJ•nt r·a=:r: f "'iif ...a ~ t: f • 111 •t:r ' · J!!~;r1 1.1".1!. ·!-:1~,~~~ 1• = ,r= 1: 1 I =• i ... = :z 1 ~~·.. • o ~- r • z ~~~ ''''"'" !112 r-=~~~:lj:,.~.. r l ''l:zi Jrl~ ~ lill f i r, .. ~1 "' • tE " ti ftf f.; ~ · tifi11 =jr- ~~~fi'fili li ~~~ ':· 'ill i'rli! •t'!

E ~tf! f1l !, i ! ! · If ~ if !i i - I •


Page 20: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found

. ,,


....,_, 1!6, lN'P

MJ doer llr. Pre.&oat

I ... , a ODpJ ot • ._,,rtl7 Call• to Mr. Cleorp ltJ• ot 630 ruua •-· blat; I baYe bad liD WOI'C tl'or h lll and I 4o not; ~ wbetaer be teela an~ o.a be .so... wtua u Cll' not.

Perta.pe U -.14 be w1M t.. ,_ to \ alit to r:r. J. B1olla.r4 1mn1 a,,

1 1101 ltlftN14n Drln llurtank, OalUOI'Pla

who h .teo go tag t;o PI' 1 ' " a plnJ on tbe \beae of hoce4oa t.- r.,. ln llblob be toolr be _, baYe -­lHK!J l "'Pereonat;e rq buaDancl. I linn bad l ong t;alka w1 \b b1n and be \hor­ougbJ.y unde r e\andr that; 1 do not; llko h11 liSen M4 I 4o aot; Uko the l dea ao deecr1be4 1ft 70UP oorlng plq.

I t;old Jboo. 11:elllfte4.7, ae I \old :pou, Dll\ prot1Lbl7 I ban bRan a Unlo nora doflnt\8 "d.\b h1n, u to -I lin•• obJeotloa. nn4 What; 1 4t•ttlo u4 ba - 'all :pou and pe..._ taU JOU eo• ot tbe 41tr1ou1Uoa llblall 1 t; m1 be wtan tor :pou so ~.

I realhe pertoo\17 tbnt; 1 - Mt; p re'fAnt; R1 bunbaDd llelq ..... • \be asap but; I t;blak 1 t; 1a OPl7 ta 1 r Sha \ 1 0 11 lbould ll:aow \lin & 1 bue datlAlt;e otJooU- 884 wtU pr otabl 7 JMYer go t;o '" RR1 pJ__, i n whlob -oae p1aJa - pllft ot •1 buaband.


~ \

' '\

Page 21: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found


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. .

Yu 1117a, eaut. Aucut 17, 1947.

Dear Mra. Boooe•eltr ~ How doea oae thank &aJbod7 tor 1 letter l1lla :rour• tro. loatelleUot

Probabl7 lleot b7 obowtAa • little cretitude ill tire productioa •t tire pla7 1taeltl

Firat ot all, I &a 10 bappJ ( IQ' &18DCI.atel -) tbat JOil lllllllted ulilll actual ueerpta tro. ll1l - apMebal. !bia aatura1 de'll.ce occurred to .. wileD tba pla7 tint becao to - lbape, blat I •• lfr&14 1t a1cht ... to JDU lllt1 &JI IDCJ'O&~t. low to baYI JDU coae torwarcl wi tb it - nil, oee41118 to 117 1 t will be do"!' 1 aD4 clone u ta1tbtllll7 aD4 attact1YelJ u 11 dr-t1ca11J poolizue.

llbat you 117 about BollJWOOcl'• attitocle (and the •retire4• part or CalUorn1a, probablJ) 1a not oawa to •• and 11 one chief reuon w~ I wanted to write "!be Bri4ce• ill the tirat place. It 11••• • creat llt1atact1on to atteapt to llrilll to tbe public on the ltell (and later the acreen) at th1o critical tt.el • aillcere and trutbtul reflection ot a man th17 love and alWIJI w11 lo••• but who baa been and will continue to be tborouchlr unwelCOM to coan1Y1DI poll Uciua, un-Aaorican preooura-croupo, and ell aaturaUr-oeltioh illdiYi4uala. I(•d) want •FDB• to know tbat l'•e done it out ot the creat atteetion and respect I hue ill ., heart tor bia, to 4o 111 part in balpin& alone with the pro1ect ba becan, end 11, l 'a certain, atill actiYe in~ trc•"Wbere bi sita•l •


lt 1an't ot 8Ueh uaa aeralJ to tr7 to p~J>~trate people'• crani••• JOU bave to cet 4eeper inai4e tbaa tblt. ft1a 11 the riiiOn - I wrote tbe pla7 in a opir1t or trien4oh1p ..,. cet-tofether, rather than a a a bar4-b1 ttiDC 4r- tba t would be lilte a b ow on tba bead. '!'hUe 11 wbJ I upt it, alao, •-wbat ill tbe reala or tantur, tire 4ouill ot tba a1raculoua, or the dreaa, tor .. Shal<eapaare ae14 1t 11 dreaaa tblt •taablon• ua in our "little l1Yea• .

Iou ba•e Ci•an ae one ceneroua 0 l oopbole" (:rour aecond paracrapb) wblch the neceaa1t1ea ot tba theatre c011pel ae to aeaaper tbrouch -auppcae we aey l11te u uncratetul rat. Aaericaa audiancu are becominc aore and 110re rutle18 - the IIOYiU ban Juat about ruined tbo11 tor atrUcht, aer1oua draaa . lou baft to lin tl.- •-thine a bit spiced up, atlrtliDC (111 111 laat letter to II). PI'OII thl tirot 11011ent, in .lot I, tbat tba7 hear ot ~ 0 tall<1Dc" to b1a co-nder-in-cb1at, tbe7 will be on the 1411 of tbeir 11ata, waitilll to witne11 tbi• pbaiiOMnon - and tbe law ot tba theatre aa1a :rou cannot disappoint th•. But I anura rou, 10u will not ODlJ not obJect to tba war •• do it, but will ac tuallJ appron ot i-an 7011 tee bow it coaea ott. ID tba laat balt ot the pla7 •PUI•"\1.11 be, aa rou ban ao aaturall7 nailed, onlr a YOiCeJ bat lA A•t I aD4 a acane in Act II, we are -..ned to lift tire apeotatora a abaf1•1 J.ace - aa ret we don't kDOtr Jaat bow lGIII a ... taiDed - -t.W.C 'lioual, to bold that c••ral a111Ueace ill ita -tl. It we ,.,. t- oDlJ 00rabaa• ~110uld tHl obee\MJ .... t tbe7 -t la IOMtbiDI at leaat '11_11,.., ot the "lllidl,~aopher ud friend, • biaaalt - eo t tbeJt MT J.a&ille Ida 111 tire u. .. w. nll<iDI beaidl thee, wblaperiaa 1D their aua, ud 11 tar. a\111 • Utili ot tba raaanrADOe tllat,.... to flow troa \bet aalla aD4 Cllat obucllle, into enq ._. ill tire o-v,.

Page 22: f',,, ''7...church ore:anizations have •baptized• the pla7 as their very owa. Kore ~ower to th811 and God bless thea: as tar as I 1a concerned it1 s all theirs". But we ~ found


- lira . looae .. u - two -..

You u7 be aure " are aot tak1Ac for ~Mated U17 ..,ab tapoaaibllUiF ao 7our •eDdore-nt• or tba plaJ. It U _,.p tor 1111 to llaow that your heart il wi t h ua 1D atteaptiDI to do llllat " are. AI I laid 1D a pre•iou1 latter, " will 1tr1D1ant17 1uparY11a tile publio1t;F, ao well ao tbe production ~taalt, aDd keep it on the bicblat pouiblw lenl.

AI alny1 l)llppaoa witll a pla7t_perUcularl7 after the producer aDd

director oo .. on tbe aoene, ODIDIII ben to be ucla . In addition to

•••Yin& in •FDR'•" actual pbra1eolo17 - and partiall7 beoauaa of tb11 - t he 1tructure or AcVII upeciall7 bu cban&ad c..,idarab17J but 70u1 ll 11ie it better. Bare will c- t11a •troace•t aDd ••t po1Dted or tbo .. nrbetta u t terancu, aDd here alao tllere will be an upturn o r IIOOCI, 1D place or tile ratllar • aad• aDdiDI I bacl before.

rile bo71 po1Dtad out that, t or • 1947-1 Aawr11an audlancitt tlla otllwr eDdlDg 11 too a~tla - people a ren't auttio1ent17 aware or tha oonexiatenca or •deatb• to reall7 accept it. fbe7 woulcl 10 out of the tbeetre a bit let down and aobb7. I heYe cotten &J'OUDd that b7 bandl1Dg ,....,.,. bahT d1fterODt17, t or one thiDI - 1he 1a aow aorul

and doean• t die. Allo 1D other n:r•· Act III now brlD&• 1D a new Cllirac tef').wbo 11 a kind or 1:yabol (witb Yen li t tle actuall7 to do, but we baYe to ••• bta) - a •Jucl&• WilliU1°, wbo •••u 111<117, u the pla7 end• on • briCbt, bopetul note, to pick up tbe sceptre where it wu ao 1uclclenl7 le1d dow, aDd carr7 on With tba cr .. t adYenture FDR began,

rneae aue mer c1leu lada 1D1i1tld the t I keep all ' I peach""" down t o • 111D1allll, and , through cberactarl lil<l •Js.-,• c•t .. re m.or where•er poulble. Otberwi•• the pla7 will ~ clo1el7 with tbe first sc r ipt, COPT of which 70u ban. lf 7ou w&Dt to take the trouble tc read the 1 rertaa• )'Oil aball certa1D17 baYe that too. The •reel• and intent of the pla7 wi l l be i n no will altered.

We will not i•po•e on 70u with per iodical •reportl• on our progr ea1,

unleaa 70u raquut it. I'• aura 70U will not be d1aappo1Dted 1D the tioal reaultJ aDd it ia' or eouraa, our printe little dlliUiion (our ow •hallucination ) that 70U Will perbapa accept ... t• t or 70uraelt &Del pert7 of t riencla the Dicbt n open 1D I. I . attar a few weeka 1 ••r•up on the road.

I preau.e I will be b .. riDI fro. 70U aga1D lOOn re ASSIIIII!.ll: c.u.I., &114 will than write •••• but DOt a tS...-ooulain& apiabla lil<a tllla.

I bope "fl•' • P117" will work out ( aDd 1 !be Bride•• too, ~ •• a real benefit to the WiltWTclt 1 c1t1&anitol'.

Again oxpreaa1Dg our aratitucla , and, if I .. 7, our a4airat1on t or your woll4artul, • altlau a ttl t u4o tonrcl the proJoot, I r-iD

81DOo • , ~

P.S.I'Ya beard 70U Ut file LetiM, u tb do {""• .. u aandiJI& OOPJ

of • m.oroua b1ocrep wrote ~rouad •s-r P -r•, BollJwoocl'• nrr f~rat u l e c1tban1(1D 1942 . Aa I lleM the &lltalor atr1ot17 out or t (one rouoa t or 'Uie 1llt1t 1DI -..ae-pl- Den llllenio pt.~M on ••) ancl can tiJe 1D1a1 tabla aubJoct oarta blanca, 1t _, -• :roa on • r&1D7 Diaht (a-tlldnc" clon't baYa bare 1D IOutbern Cditoi'Biall!!l )