1 (Issue 1 – first sent out March 2001) Issue 56 – July - August 2011 John & Donna’s Newsletter Time for Truth! PO BOX 1146 Kidderminster Worcs DY10 1WG ENGLAND. UK Mobile - 07958 489994 [email protected] www.timefortruth.co.uk Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2v15 Distribution of TfT Literature! We have had a lot of orders in over the last 4 weeks for tracts – it has been very encouraging. We have also noticed that we are getting more orders via the website. Some weeks, nearly 2000 pages are viewed on the website which I think is quite incredible. Please keep passing on our details, thanks. I am very thankful to Lordson Roch for the YouTube video he did of Time for Truth! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQdVcoi73U&feature=channel_video_title) My project manager Toy (LaToya) is responsible for all the I.T. work of the website etc. She uploads everything & maintains our website – she is a fantastic help to Time for Truth! Donna & I are very grateful to the Lord for allowing Toy & Dee to work with us, they are a tremendous help & always thoroughly enthusiastic about the Lord’s work. They hardly ever need pushing & are very motivated to get involved. They work full-time & still go out in their lunch hour to tract the homes around where they work. ‘The Ministry Years’ still being ordered! Another two have recently been ordered which has really encouraged us. In fact, they both went to the same guy who is passing one on to a friend. At £20, this 640 page reference book is excellent value! Biblical Hermeneutics (Laws of Biblical Interpretation) By P.S. Ruckman The law of first mention The law of literal interpretation The law of application (fix the doctrinal meaning before any other meaning) The law of progressive revelation The law of COMPLETE MENTION (The Bible, without any reference to tradition or ‘the Church’, is God’s complete revelation on anything important to your spiritual life!) The law of context The law of negative discrimination The law of agreement (never use one verse to contradict another) The law of repetition (God repeats material for emphasis) The law of triple reference (historical, doctrinal, devotional) The law of types The law of double application The law of ‘the gap’ (YES to those who are wondering!!!) The Bible ‘skips’ periods of time without comment! The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15) Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!

Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe ... - Time for Truth! · The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15) Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish

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Page 1: Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe ... - Time for Truth! · The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15) Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish


(Issue 1 – first sent out March 2001)

Issue 56 – July - August 2011 John & Donna’s Newsletter

Time for Truth! PO BOX 1146

Kidderminster Worcs


Mobile - 07958 489994 [email protected]


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly

dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2v15

Distribution of TfT Literature! We have had a lot of orders in over the last 4 weeks for tracts – it has been very encouraging. We have also noticed that we are getting more orders via the website. Some weeks, nearly 2000 pages are viewed on the website which I think is quite incredible. Please keep passing on our details, thanks. I am very thankful to Lordson Roch for the YouTube video he did of Time for Truth! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQdVcoi73U&feature=channel_video_title) My project manager Toy (LaToya) is responsible for all the I.T. work of the website etc. She uploads everything & maintains our website – she is a fantastic help to Time for Truth! Donna & I are very grateful to the Lord for allowing Toy & Dee to work with us, they are a tremendous help & always thoroughly enthusiastic about the Lord’s work. They hardly ever need pushing & are very motivated to get involved. They work full-time & still go out in their lunch hour to tract the homes around where they work.

‘The Ministry Years’ still being ordered! Another two have recently been ordered which has really encouraged us. In fact, they both went to the same guy who is passing one on to a friend. At £20, this 640 page reference book is excellent value!

Biblical Hermeneutics (Laws of Biblical Interpretation) By P.S. Ruckman The law of first mention The law of literal interpretation The law of application (fix the doctrinal meaning before any other meaning) The law of progressive revelation The law of COMPLETE MENTION (The Bible, without any reference to tradition or ‘the Church’, is God’s complete revelation on anything important to your spiritual life!) The law of context The law of negative discrimination The law of agreement (never use one verse to contradict another) The law of repetition (God repeats material for emphasis) The law of triple reference (historical, doctrinal, devotional) The law of types The law of double application The law of ‘the gap’ (YES to those who are wondering!!!) The Bible ‘skips’ periods of time without comment! The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15)

Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!

Page 2: Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe ... - Time for Truth! · The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15) Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish


The Causes of WRONG Interpretations! The hermeneutic laws given above can be violated by four simple operations which all educated Bible scholars, saved or lost, use…

1) To prove a theory or proposition, you ADD words to a verse that are not found there! 2) To prove YOU are the Final Authority in interpretation, you SUBTRACT words from a verse to prove your

point! 3) You REMOVE a verse from its context to make it mean anything you want it to mean! 4) You run to the ‘original autographs’ (which do NOT exist!!!) to prove that ‘THE’ Greek (There is no such thing

on earth!!!) says whatever you want a verse to say! As long as you get rid of the AV TEXT!!!

NON-Biblical Books mentioned IN Scripture! The book of the wars of the LORD (Num 21v14) The book of Jasher (Josh 10v13, 2 Sam 1v18) The visions of Iddo the seer (2 Chron 9v29) The book of Shemaiah the prophet (2 Chron 12v15) The book of Jehu the son of Hanani (2 Chron 20v34) The prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite (2 Chron 9v29) The book of Nathan the prophet (1 Chron 29v29, 2 Chron 9v29) The book of Enoch (see note on Jude 14) The book of Gad the seer (1 Chron 29v29) The book of the records (Ezra 4v15) The ‘book’ of Joshua 18v9 The book of the acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11v41) The book of the chronicles of the kings of Media & Persia (Esth 2v23, 10v2, probably written by Mordecai; see Esth 9v29-32) The book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel (1 Kings 14v19, 15v31 etc.) The book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah (1 Kings 14v29, 15v7&23 etc.) The epistle from Laodicea (Col 4v16) Separation by a comma or semicolon! Gen 3v15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The man has the ‘seed!’ This is a prophecy regarding the virgin birth, where a man’s seed is NOT involved! All Bible ‘correctors & perverters’ make Christ ‘bruise’ the serpent’s head on Calvary, but this is ERROR! It doesn’t take place until the Second Advent (Ps 68v21, Jer 23v19, Hab 3v13). Here in Gen 3v15 we have BOTH advents prophesied: everything down to ‘her seed’ is the FIRST Advent! Everything after that is the SECOND Advent! Gen 49v11 Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: - This is the second time that the First & Second Advent of Jesus Christ in the OT are separated by a comma or semicolon, including a two-thousand year interval. Gen 49v24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) The two Advents are separated by a comma. FIRST Advent – ‘the shepherd’, Second Advent – ‘the smiting, crushing stone of Dan 2.’ Here are some more places in the Scriptures where the two Advents are divided by a verse or by punctuation – Hosea 2v13+14, 3v4+5, Ps 118v22-25, Lam 4v20-22, Isa 53v10, Amos 9v10+11, Zech 9v9+10, Luke 21v24, 1 Pet 1v11, Hab 2v13+14, Mic 5v2+3, Zeph 3v7+8

Bible Studies on CD (Ecclesiastes & Philippians) You can listen to our Bible studies on the website (http://www.timefortruth.co.uk/media/) or sign up to go on our CD mailing list as some of you have already done. Please pass on the CDs once you have listened to them so that others can hear the word of God. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged us regarding this CD ministry! Some of you are actually listening to them with other people as a Bible study; what a great idea. I know of one church who is playing the CD every Wednesday night to the congregation; we thank God for this.

Exo 20v5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

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Time for Truth! 2012 Calendar We have worked with a great guy on this project who has been a huge encouragement to us in producing a ‘Time for Truth!’ calendar. We have thought about producing one for years. We have chosen 12 good photos & some GREAT Scriptures, all of which are Gospel orientated. To think that when a calendar is put up in someone’s home it stays there for 12 months… the word of God, the Scripture of truth, preaching 24/7. What better way of getting people to read the Scriptures than through a calendar. If you already use calendars & would like some of ours, please place your order as soon as possible as we only have a limited number. They are ONLY 16p each (approx. TBC. + p&p)

More Tracts to Trinidad & Tobago! Well if there is one lady that knows how to tract it’s Vera in Trinidad! She is constantly ordering thousands of our tracts for distribution. Apart from England, more of our tracts have been distributed in Trinidad & Tobago than any other country. Please continue to uphold Vera in your prayers.

Why I think EVERY Christian should have ‘at least’ a part-time job! Too many Christians are ‘living off’ too many Christians! There are many Christians who don’t & WON’T work to earn money to finance the Lord’s work. They rely upon & EXPECT other Christians to finance THEM! Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 18v3 And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers.) as well as receiving gifts from others to help do the Lord’s work. I have found that MANY Christians in ‘Christian work’ refuse to take secular employment because they EXPECT other Christians in SECULAR employment to KEEP ‘them!!!’ Christians forget, that where you work (secular) is also your MISSION FIELD! From the moment we started tracting Donna & I were working to earn money to finance the paper, printer, ink etc. We NEVER relied on other Christians to finance us, & if & when they DID, it was like a ‘bonus!’ I think every Christian should at least have a part-time job for the following reasons… 1) It is another mission field – you are mixing with sinners & should have a good testimony among them. – 2 Cor 5v20 2) It helps you to manage your money better & spend wisely 3) By earning money the ‘hard-way’, you appreciate it more! 4) By working for a living you should learn how to GIVE to others who are in need! I am sure there are many other reasons, but these few just came to mind. Every week we receive either ‘begging-letters’ or ‘begging-emails’ of how someone needs £3000 to publish their book, buy a car, launch the next ‘revival’ etc. Listen, these lazy Christians ought to get off their backsides & get a job… THEN & ONLY THEN would other Christians start listening to them. Prov 15v19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain. Prov 18v9 He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Prov 21v25 The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. Rom 12v11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Heb 6v12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Tracting in Kidderminster AGAIN! Dee & I decided to do just half-an-hour of tracting in Kidderminster one evening. We put the website stickers on first & then we drove into ‘Kiddy’. We parked up near the hospital & delivered about 150 tracts. Pray that souls shall be saved & folks will look at the website; even come to church!

Shuttle Advert! We are now advertising Oaks Community Church every week in the Kidderminster Shuttle free newspaper. Please pray that folks will be directed to this advert & be challenged to come to church.

Daily Reading Today the Scriptures have been replaced by the ‘daily’ newspaper in a lot of people’s lives. People who read a daily newspaper are being brainwashed by the media (though they can’t see it, they are being conditioned how to think): people don’t think for themselves anymore, they actually trust the printed paper they are reading. Folks who read a daily paper will even argue & stand up for what they have read! The world is more devoted to their daily reading than most Christians are to theirs (i.e. the Scriptures). In fact, I would hazard a guess that most Christians who get a daily newspaper (& I think you are MAD if you do!) spend more time reading it than they do their Bibles! If you stopped receiving a daily newspaper what harm would it do? It wouldn’t! It would do you good! The same goes of course for the TV. Out of all the people who are on our mailing list & who look on our website, I would guess again that 99% of you watch TV & 98% of you watch things you know you shouldn’t! Am I right? Would you watch all the programmes you DO watch sitting next to the Lord Jesus Christ? Says it all doesn’t it! The world is being conditioned, desensitized, brainwashed & educated out of believing in God. With the internet including all these social networking sites etc. the Christian is becoming more worldly & materialistic as time goes on. The days of the Christian home focused around the Scriptures, is something we only read about in books; it must break the Lord’s heart to see what a state His church has gotten itself into! I would suggest every single one of you take 5 minutes to read the new tract by Chick called ‘STILL NO REVIVAL’ – We have bought 100 from the USA at £20 – you may buy one from us if you are at all interested. Just for interest, I’ll let you know how many were ordered in our next ‘TfT News!’

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Cromwell Day by Toy! On 2nd July, John, Donna, Dee and I ventured into Cambridgeshire in search of the Cromwell Museum, and soon arrived in Huntingdon town centre to what was the old school of Oliver Cromwell in 1610. The Museum itself was full of historical facts, stories and civil war artefacts such as medals, swords, powder guns and the Soldiers Pocket Bible Cromwell’s men carried during war. After leaving the Museum we distributed tracts in the town, both face-to-face and through homes and businesses – we also gave two to the cashier in the Museum. Shortly after, we travelled onto St. Ives to see the bronze Statue of Cromwell which stands prominently on Market Hill. Again we distributed tracts everywhere we went. Later on in the day, the four of us arrived in Ely to the home of Oliver Cromwell where he and his family lived from 1636 to 1646. We started our tour of the house in the family parlour with an introductory film detailing the life of Cromwell, and then stepped into his kitchen,

guestroom, study and bedroom. We listened to facts and events about his life and death, the civil war and the execution of the King. It was mad to think that we all were walking on the floors that Oliver Cromwell would have walked at one time, looked out of the same windows and sat in the very rooms he studied and talked to the Lord in! Right next door to his house in Ely was a church, which unfortunately was not open at the time; however we did drop some of our tracts through the door. Walking further on through the town we approached the Ely Cathedral, which was temporarily closed to the public due to the fact that they were conducting a service for the ordination of deacons and priests! We were given an ‘order of

service’ book by one of the attendants at the door and after a quick flick through, it confirmed to us yet again how far the church has gone from where it should be! If Cromwell were here today he certainly would be standing up against the corruption and apostasy of the church! On the journey home and to complete our day, we stopped off at the Naseby battlefield trail, firstly looking at Fairfax’s view of the battle, secondly onto the Obelisk commemorating the Battle of Naseby and last but certainly not least, Oliver Cromwell’s monument indicating the place where he led the cavalry charge. As we were following the Naseby Trail, we kept bumping into another family who seemed to be following the trail too, as we left to return home, we put two tracts and one of our Philippians sermons on each of their cars. It really was a great day out and proved to us all the more what a great man of God Cromwell really was! ‘The Battle of Naseby’ Numbers 20v10… And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? He spoke to the people instead of the rock, so God forbade Moses to go into the Promised Land (v12). He lost the goal of his entire calling for simply destroying a ‘type’. The ‘type’ is defined in 1 Cor 10v1-4 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. Moses performed a ‘Catholic Mass!’ He allowed Jesus Christ to be ‘smitten’ more than once – Exo 17v5+6 And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go. Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. Heb 10v11+12 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; Jesus is NOT to be smitten again – you are to speak to Him (1 John 1v9) The Lord Jesus will NEVER be sacrificed again!

Recommended Reading The Protector (Oliver Cromwell) by J.H. Merle D’Aubigne

This book I have been told is the BEST book on Oliver Cromwell – I thought it was great!

Page 5: Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe ... - Time for Truth! · The law of RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH (2 Tim 2v15) Ezek 13v3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish


‘Basil’s Fawlty’ view of Christ by a man in Sheffield (I won’t name him because he is so sensitive!!!) A man, we’ll call him ‘Mr Softy’ from now on, recently complained about the way I speak in regard to insulting others & my bad language etc. He complained about my attack on John Cleese in Issue 55 of ‘Time for Truth News!’ He wrote me a three page A4 ‘rebuke’ which is probably the nicest rebuke I have ever received. Now ‘Mr Softy’ is a nice guy, but he uses a Satanic Bible (NKJV), in fact, he fell into the old chestnut of saying that the AV included the Apocrypha (Yet HIS Roman Catholic Bible tells HIM to confess his trespasses to human beings… how CATHOLIC can you get; but of course ‘Mr Softy’ doesn’t want to talk about that!) I have given Mr Softy the opportunity of writing an article on the John Cleese situation (which follows), writing it as he thinks a ‘Christian’ SHOULD write! I’ve done this because I have much more grace than Mr Softy has; all he does is belly-ache about my language however, a word he used in writing to me, we wouldn’t even print in ‘TfT News!’ (Can’t see the wood for the trees son!) Personally, I much prefer mine & I still think John Cleese is a moron & an idiot, but then again, my English is not to be desired. Over to you Mr Softy, let rip son, show us what you can do with a blasphemous sinner like John Cleese… According to John Cleese in a recent radio interview for BBC Radio Merseyside, Christians who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman are practicing “A kind of Christianity that I don’t think would be recognised by Christ.” The 71 year old actor, best known for his role as Hotelier Basil Fawlty, went on to say, “I don’t think Christ said a lot about abortion or even about single sex marriage. I don’t know where all these Christian doctrines came from but that had nothing to do with what Christ ever said in the Bible.” Now the first thing to bear in mind is that John Cleese is an unregenerate man, and as an unregenerate man he’s speaking of things he obviously knows little about. It would have been far better for him to have followed in the footsteps of his old Spanish waiter and just throw his arms in the air and say, “Me know nothing!” But alas Mr Cleese did not do that. Instead he made some very strong claims about Christ on a widely listened to radio show. As Mr Cleese is an unregenerate man, it is not my place to judge him. 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 tells us we are to judge fellow regenerate brothers and sisters, but not the unregenerate; that is God’s job. However, what we as Christians should do is to be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (1 Peter 3:15). The with meekness and fear bit (i.e. humility) is not always easy when we hear the unregenerate pour scorn on our Saviour, but with meekness and fear our response should be nevertheless. Now Mr Cleese clearly does not know as much as he claims about Jesus Christ and what he said; his research for The Life of Brian was perhaps less extensive than he thought it was. Mr Cleese claimed that Jesus didn’t say a lot about (single sex) marriage. He is right, Jesus didn’t say a lot, but what He did say was very, very clear. As with everything Christ said, it is nothing to do with quantity and everything to do with quality and clarity: 4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (Matthew 19:4-6). This statement makes Jesus’ view on marriage, and single sex marriage, very clear. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman. Simple. When Jesus said, “Have ye not read” He was of course referring his listeners to what God had said in the Old Testament about marriage (Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 5:2). By doing this Jesus was basically saying He and His Father were in total agreement on the issue. Bearing in mind the way in which John Cleese has conducted his own life and personal relationships, perhaps his claim over what Christ did and didn’t say about marriage are more telling of him being under conviction. Who knows, but I pray that God will convict him and draw him unto Himself and ultimately repentance and salvation. Mr Cleese needs to know and experience the reality of something else important that Jesus said: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6). So that was it! Mr Softy’s attempt to sort out John Cleese! Since our last exchange of emails Mr Softy has decided NOT to correspond with me anymore. He says it’s due to my language, & my confrontational style: he wants our common denominator to be ‘love & respect’ I WANT IT TO BE THE WORD OF GOD! Dealing with Softy & other girl-guides like him, is it any wonder why MEN are NOT attracted to church anymore! Softy came to me as a Bible corrector – he thought he knew where the errors were in the AV (of course God didn’t tell him, He NEVER does; I wonder WHO or WHAT did… scary!!!) Softy has now left with tons of information & sermon material; no doubt he will keep feeding from our website & gain some very succulent meals from it. He has our materials, O BIBLIOS, plus a boat load of answers to his questions & some good sound advice; but sadly PRIDE & ARROGANCE have got the better of Softy & he will not take heed to someone who calls someone else an idiot! (I wonder if Softy has a TV & what sort of ‘programmes’ & films he watches? Any with swearing in???) Yet because THIS Bible BELIEVER has chewed-up this girl-guide up a little, Softy has run & hid in the woods

somewhere, never to be seen again. If you go down in the woods today You’re in for a big surprise

If you go down in the woods today You won’t believe your eyes! There he is Mr Softy himself

With a fine-tooth-comb to search errors out Today's the day Softy wastes more time in the Scriptures!

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Old Dalby Day! Old Dalby is a small village that has around 12,000 visitors on its special Bank Holiday Monday! We asked if we could put out a FREE Christian literature table & this is the comment we received back… Thank you for your interest in having a stall on Old Dalby Day. However the committee feel that it would not be appropriate as our stalls are craft/produce/market etc. Thanks again for your interest. In other words, EVERYTHING & ANYTHING but the Gospel or the word of God OR JESUS CHRIST! The world has turned its back upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Every single person in Old Dalby, including every single committee member, will stand before Jesus Christ one day & give an account of their lives to HIM! Those that have rejected Him shall spend ETERNITY in HELL FIRE! The committee have stopped 12,000 people from having the chance to read the Gospel message; I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes on Judgment Day!

Primitive Methodist Hymns An AV man based in the Isle of Man has compiled a Primitive Methodist hymn book. The words of these hymns are sound & worth reading & singing. If you would like one please let us know. They are £3.00 each including postage!

Do you listen to our AUDIO SERMONS on the website? http://www.timefortruth.co.uk/media/ We are putting at least one, usually two, new sermons on our website each week – are you listening to them? We would appreciate your thoughts, comments & criticisms!

What are YOU ‘watching?’ (ON TV) Gen 3v6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. DEATH on this earth originated by LOOKING at something! A picture paints a thousand words (Read 2 Sam11v2-4) What do YOU watch? Num 33v52 Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, (‘Pictures’ is an old fashion term for cinema, but it can also be used for the TV i.e. TV ‘pictures’) and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places: Eze 8v9-12 And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, (Everything bad, sinful & perverse can be found on the TV! Should a Christian own a TV???) and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall (More today than ever before do you see huge WALL MOUNTED TV’s in people’s homes – it is the NEW altar & has REPLACED the altar where the word of God once was exalted! It has happened to Christians as most Christians possess a TV!) round about. And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth us not; (What do you do in the dark?) the LORD hath forsaken the earth. Ps 101v3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: (But you do don’t you!) I hate the work of them that turn aside; (But you don’t do you?) it shall not cleave to me. Mat 6v23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (The EYES are the window of the soul! What do you look at, watch?) Deut 7v26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, (But you have haven’t you! You won’t part with that ABOMINATION will you? You will do everything in your power to JUSTIFY as to why you have one won’t you!) lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (The TV IS a cursed thing! Bible corrector’s write to me all the time complaining about the way I speak because I use words like moron & idiot, YET I bet all of them have a TV in their home) Lam 3v51 Mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the daughters of my city. Rom 1v29-32 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Do you get pleasure by WATCHING others do the above on the TV? Yes you do!) Instead of watching, feeding & saturating yourself in the FILTH & SIN of the TV meditate upon this verse…Phil 4v8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS.

Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number. Jer 2v32

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NO COMPROMISE! (Donna, Dee & Toy’s music CD for the Lord) We have now distributed over 300 of our ‘Time for Truth!’ music CDs & we have had some great encouragement from it. Pray that the words of these hymns & songs will soften hearts so that the seed of the word of God can grow. As a tribute to Keith Green, the girls have called their ‘trio’ NO COMPROMISE!

More Tracting in Kidderminster! The four of us delivered another two hundred tracts on Sunday 24th July. Please pray that someone will really respond to the Gospel & that they may even turn up at Oaks.

Who is reaching the youngsters? Most children do NOT go to Sunday School anymore: that means that MOST youngsters grow up knowing nothing about God & His word! It is very true that you are ‘shaped’ by the first ten years or so; you think, act & do what you have seen around you. As a youngster you are very easily influenced by your family of course & those who have contact with you. So if the youngsters are NOT having contact with Christians (most of them today) & they are NOT learning the word of God, what ARE they growing up on? The answer is TV, the Internet, entertainment, music, sport, in fact, everything & anything BUT the word of God. THIS IS WHY THE YOUNGSTERS ARE A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES, NOT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS! This is why they REBEL against authority & have no time, for being told what they can & can’t do! It’s NOT their fault, it’s the adults, it’s the parents, the school teacher, the Government etc. We ALL have a part to play but NO ONE is doing what they should be doing! There is a great verse in Ecc 8v11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Rather than deal with wickedness, evil, bad laws introduced, etc. nearly everyone has kept their mouths shut & now we are REAPING what we have sown! Because we have all played ‘deaf & dumb’ we have the WORST behaved children in any generation yet! What punishment have you ‘dished out’ to those who have stepped out of line? What letters have you written to those who are suppressing your freedom of speech & attempting to introduce UNGODLY laws etc. Have you just sat back & moaned to one another about HOW BAD THINGS ARE? Why DON’T you start today & FIGHT against the wickedness & be the man that stands in THE GAP? Eze 22v30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Or will you just read this & say within yourself “He’s right…BUT! Well that’s his interpretation! It really isn’t THAT bad!” The Time for Truth! WEBSITE! Since going live on our website (16th March) we have had thousands of pages opened! On one day we had just under two thousand (2000) pages opened!!! On average over 2000 pages are opened each week! Every week we are uploading NEW material i.e. audio sermons, more information on the AV Bible, photos etc. Please keep checking it for new information & please keep spreading the word around. We have had hits from China, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Germany, South Africa, India etc. It has been a great tool to use when dealing with Bible ‘correctors’ as we just copy & paste the link that SINKS THEM every time! It has also saved me so much time to do this. I can just direct them to one of the articles already on there, e.g. Dr Alan O’Reilly’s studies etc. Recently we had a Bible corrector wanting to talk about the ‘LXX’ so we sent him a link that sunk his ship! Another Bible ‘corrector’ has been reading a lot of the articles we have on the website & his final comment was “I don’t like the way you speak!” In other words, we answered all his questions & he couldn’t say anything else! Ps 63v11 But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. Titus 1v11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. All the Bible correctors mouths shall be stopped; they’re just heaping it up for themselves on the Day of Judgment! They think they’re sooooo clever – ignorant fools! Conditioned, Desensitised to Reality, Sterile, Non-committal, Milk-Sop, Modern-Day, Puerile ‘Christians!’ This is the average kind of Christian the modern day church is producing – agreed? If not explain yourself! If it is the case, WHY? Look around you, look at the folks in your own churches, who is evangelising? Who is studying their AV Bibles & standing up for the Lord? What kind of a team has the pastor, elder or leader got around him? Who has a desire & burden to reach the lost? Who is interested in standing for truth? Who is interested in trying to stop people going to HELL? Anyone? What about YOU reader? What ‘good’ is the church you attend REALLY doing? How many souls have been saved this year? How many NEW people have started coming & for what reasons? How many sinners have you had through the doors recently? The family altar of the Bible has been replaced by the TV today & Christians DON’T CARE (most of them that is!) Do YOU care? Not bothered? Couldn’t care less??? If that is true, YOU are really in for a shock at the Judgment Seat of Christ! We keep putting out the warnings!

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ROAD TRIP (John, Donna, Dee & Toy’s Adventures!) – 981 miles – over 3000 tracts distributed!

Well we started off on Sunday 31st July after our morning church service & drove down to Exeter to surprise our friend Betsy (The AV lady from Devon!) whom we have known for over 15 years yet have never met! It worked, she was surprised!!! We stayed for their evening service before moving onto Plymouth where our hotel was booked for the night. We had some good chats with folk at the church, Dee was witnessing to a guy who has now started emailing on a fairly regular basis. She keeps pointing him to the Lord! We also had a guy that wanted to be added to the mailing list. Pastor Stuart Harvey is doing a great work at RIVERSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH & I would encourage & recommend you supporting him & visiting the church if you get the chance. (If you do visit, look out for the signs to Quay and Cathedral car park, as it can be difficult to find!) The following morning we headed to Lands End, where we would start from & work our way back up the coast visiting different places & tracting everywhere we went! The places we visited are as follows… Exeter, Plymouth, Lands End, St. Ives, through Hayle, Camborne, Bodmin, to Pensilva near Liskeard, to Tavistock, Okehampton, Bideford, Woolacombe, Ilfracombe, Minehead, Corner Link, Williton, crossed the bridge to Cardiff, Dinys Powys, Barry Island, passed through Black Mountains Carmarthenshire, Llandovery, Rhayader, Elan Valley, Llanidloes, drove through Knighton, Walford, Ludlow, Kidderminster, HOME. Each night Toy (our Project Manager) was handed the job of finding a place to stay, & boy did she do well even though she DID leave it to the last minute EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! We stayed in some very diverse places i.e. a hunting lodge in the middle of a woods, a very trendy hotel in Cardiff, & a hotel that you could only describe as being out of a ‘horror’ movie; the drive up to it was the bumpiest road you ever saw with ‘goats’ being seen on occasions walking in front of the car through the dense fog, drifting across the moors!!! In the morning we thought we were having breakfast with a local ‘zombie’ but after five minutes of talking with ‘IT’ we realised it was none-other than our own DEE DEE (it must have been a bad hair day, the poor kid!!!)

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All the places we stopped at, we distributed tracts! While ‘on the road’ we had two responses from the tracts we delivered. One was from a guy regarding sexual gender who wanted to discuss ‘he-she’s’ – I wanted to discuss the Lord! After two emails he STOPPED! The other guy (a 20 year old) wanted to find out how to become a Christian! This road trip was filled with fun & excitement; we loved it! From day to day we didn’t know where we would end up or where we would be staying for the night (Toy just kept saying “Don’t worry about it Donna!!!”) We were bound to meet some Christian along the way & we did! Most met our expectations, dead miserable, unfriendly & didn’t want to talk about the Lord, His word or His work! One ‘highlight’ was when we came across Hebron Hall in Dinas Powis. A sign at the front said ‘The Metropolitan Tabernacle’ – then coming towards us was none other than Peter Masters (if not it was his double), I stopped to let him through… not even a wave, a thank you or even a smile! These ‘reformed’ Christians are as DEAD as you can get (or at least most of them!) It was a huge complex & very impressive. There were many rooms including the reception with letterboxes, so we decided to distribute some of our literature - maybe some of these ‘reformed-Christians’ will get saved (Remember, FROM what & TO what = i.e. FROM their misery-of-the-spirit, TO a HAPPY-Christ-like-countenance!!! I doubt it!) Dee met a guy who was obviously attending the Metropolitan Tabernacle conference, & offered him some free literature, his comment was “What would I do with it!” So there we have it, another MORON to add to the collection! Donna & Dee also took some of our literature to the reception of Hebron Hall & asked whether they could leave it for anyone interested. The ‘guy’ was very miserable (just beautiful) & said “WHAT denomination are you?” Dee said that we were just Christians giving out Christian literature, & Donna said that we were from Oaks Community church in Harvington. The miserable-idiot on reception then said again “But WHAT denomination are you?” This ‘man’ (& I use the term very loosely!) had a ‘Christian’ disease called ‘DENOMINATIONALISM’ – like ‘Brethrenitus’ it is fatal! He was not just a very poor ambassador for the Lord he was pathetic in his approach & I doubt he could eat his cornflakes in the morning without dribbling!!! (I hope that Mr Softy isn’t reading this otherwise he’ll need to change his nappy!) For the next ten minutes in the car we discussed how miserable Christians are & what a poor example they give of the Lord! If the Metropolitan Tabernacle produce these kind of ‘idiots’ I pity those who live around the ‘Elephant & Castle’ in London! How on earth would a MAN of the world seeking salvation & the meaning of LIFE, be excited about visiting a morgue like the Metropolitan Tabernacle??? But they can’t see it! The guy who Dee spoke to, who refused to take our literature, was leaving his house at the time & got into his car. When he was in it, I nipped out of ours & ran & stuck our literature through his letterbox JUST FOR FUN!!! I like being childish, just in case you were wondering! We drove off from Hebron Hall shaking the dust from our feet!!! Throughout our road-trip we often talked about the Scriptures & spiritual & deep things – it was a challenge to all of us! While Toy was tracting in one place with our Rapture leaflet, a man who had just received one, opened the door with it in his hand, walked along the road & then pushed it through the local fish & chip shop! I wonder if he does this with all his free mail, or is it because he doesn’t want anything Christian EVEN in his home! If the Rapture happens today, he will break that window to get it back!!! Aren’t people strange?! We also passed a church in Cornwall that is in the heart of a surfing area, it had a big cross outside on the outside made from two surf-boards – THAT summed up THAT church to me! (Enough said!) We found a Christian bookshop in St Ives with a church adjoining it. We met the pastor there who, for some strange reason, was a great chap to talk with & really seemed to love the Lord? We couldn’t understand it! A Christian pastor who was happy, friendly & very welcoming, what was wrong? I looked at him up & down, into his eyes – yep, he WAS human!!! We stayed & chatted for a while! He was American, perhaps that was it??? One day we visited a donkey sanctuary & as the girls had never seen a donkey with the CROSS on its back (quite amazing don’t you think – I wonder why, any ideas??? See photo above!) We stayed & fed the donkeys, left some tracts & then moved on. We also distributed nearly 100 CDs whilst on our travels! Another thing that was brought home to all of us regarding the state the church is in in the UK, was the amount of churches we saw closed down i.e. LOADS!!! While travelling through Wales we saw fantastic church buildings that were just being left! To think, souls were saved in these places; the Gospel was preached in them & now they were left to ruin; it is so very sad. Our last night was spent in Wales in a place called Rhayadar. We distributed many tracts around the area before settling down in the hotel for the night & then in the morning we took a drive to the Elan Valley reservoir. This is such a beautiful place. There are two churches next to the reservoir & we left literature in both. At the visitor centre we noticed that the Baptist church had a place where they left John & Romans Gospels for all to take – EXCELLENT!!! After this we travelled to Llanidloes & distributed tracts through all the main square letterboxes. We also stopped off at the Christian bookshop & met another miserable Christian woman who was as welcoming as… (I’ll leave it there – just the usual!) We haven’t the space to tell you all the stories that happened on our road-trip but without doubt, it was the BEST holiday that any of us had ever had! We are hoping to do it again sometime. May the Lord bless every single tract, booklet, CD etc. that was given out & may souls be saved through this adventure.

Lordson’s Time for Truth! Videos! Have you had a look at the videos Lordson has produced for us?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQdVcoi73U&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH2JN3Gsz6o&feature=channel_video_title

The video regarding ‘THE BOOK’ has really stirred some folks up! Well done Lordson, a great job done!

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Update on Oaks! Recently we have seen three new people attend Oaks Church. One is a lovely lady who has been coming now for a few weeks. She has been a great encouragement to us & seems to be enjoying the ministry; she is also very willing to learn & has already changed from the NIV to the AV. Another man & woman came last Sunday as they had just moved into the area – we are hoping that they shall attend on a regular basis.

More orders for literature coming in! It was a great encouragement to receive an order from a lady for 1500 ‘Does Anyone Really Care?’ & 500 ‘Who Cares?’ tracts! We also have sent out boxes of tracts free to those who can’t afford to buy them. We just pray that the Lord will bless His word & save souls as this literature is distributed. One man I gave a ‘Why is our country in such a mess?’ tract recently, just sat down & read it all the way through (I watched him!) I was praying as he was reading!

Those that send us gifts! Some of you send me (Time for Truth!) gifts, we just wanted you to know what your money is spent on! We don’t use it for ourselves as the four of us have secular jobs that pay the rent etc. 100% of the gifts we receive go on the following… tracts, printer paper, toners, thousands of blank CDs, a new fast-copier to duplicate the CDs, postage, stationary i.e. packaging materials etc. Our greatest costs are tracts & then postage, these two alone cost us thousands each year. We have never made any money out of the ministry any year, & it is NOT our intention to, we don’t even break-even we always lose money, we have to subsidise Time for Truth! all the time, which we are happy to do. One total idiot Christian said that I implied I was making money out of Time for Truth! because I stated that all cheques needed to be paid to John Davis & NOT Time for Truth! The reason for this is because I don’t want to pay bank charges on a ‘business’ account, as we are NOT a business, & therefore what we save on the charges we put into buying more tracts etc. But why would I expect an idiot Christian to get that? The Lord has blessed all of us with jobs here at Time for Truth! & we work hard for our money. We try not to waste it as we are stewards as to what the Lord gives us. The majority of all our money goes into the ministry of reaching the lost souls of this world with the Gospel. I am telling you this, so those of you who have/do support the work know what your gifts are being used for. Many people on our mailing list do not pay for the materials they ‘order’, therefore we have to subsidise this somehow. We try to meet every need regarding literature that you require. If we can’t afford to send you everything you order, we do our best to send something i.e. the majority! Any questions, comments, criticism should be sent direct to me! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who do support us whether it is by prayer, financial or just telling others about us, we really do appreciate it.

Whatever happens read these two passages TODAY! Deut 8v10-20 Deut 32v1-20

See what’s happened?

Reading through Jeremiah… There are just so many Scriptures in Jeremiah that you can relate to today’s world & church; here are a few I have underlined in my own Bible… Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the LORD; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD. Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jer 3v12-15 We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God. Jer 3v25

Looking to choose the right Bible ‘version’ for you? Our friend Leonard in the USA sent us a book called ‘The Complete Guide to Bible Translations’ by Ron Rhodes. If you are looking for a Bible & don’t know which one to buy, DON’T BOTHER buying this book to help you, it’s TOSH! Ron Rhodes is just another guy who thinks he knows something & wants to sell what he knows to any sucker he can find… DON’T let it be you! Let me save you some money… Get an Authorized Version, as if you didn’t know! How’s that for free advice!!! Pretty coloured covers don’t mean sound words or advice! Ron Rhodes would suck in people like Mr Softy from Sheffield, Baby-Pete, ‘Curley’, Penfold, plus all the Pentecostals, but not us here at TfT! See ya Ronny!!! In fact, I wouldn’t buy any of Ronny’s books because he doesn’t KNOW WHERE the PERFECTLY PRESERVED Scriptures are today, how can a guy like that be of help? He doesn’t have a Final Authority… another one!!!

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Sinners moaning about the state of the world! Over the last few weeks, what with the financial instability of countries in Europe & America, plus the riots all over England, the economy in this country etc. etc. etc. I have had a number of unsaved people say “It’s out of control! What on earth is going on? It’s getting so bad these days!” Well of course it is, they just don’t understand why? The further you DEPART from God’s word the WORSE it gets… Mark 8v18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? 2 Pet 2v10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; 13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; 14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: 15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray… What do you expect??? Can’t you see it? REJECT God’s word & you will reap ANARCHY!!! We saw a small illustration of this regarding the TEENAGE riots; did you get that, ‘teenage!’ The government couldn’t control the teenagers!!!!!!! We’ve taken away the punishment for sin & the children don’t have any ‘accountability’ for their sins anymore, & therefore, we have reaped a generation of hooligans, yobbos, ‘animals’ that have no respect for AUTHORITY whatsoever, whether it be their parents, teachers, police or the government… Like I said, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Until the Authorized Version Bible is put back in the home, schools & hospitals, & the country gets rid of all these FALSE religions & cults, England will NEVER be GREAT again! That is the 100% TRUTH, you can like it or LUMP it, that is IT!!!

This is so true! Sow a thought – reap an action!

Sow an action – reap a habit! Sow a habit – reap a character!

Sow a character – reap a destiny! If you can bring your imaginations into subjection to Jesus Christ, you have taken the first step to victory over sin! Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing

into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Cor 10v5

82 years old & still not found the meaning of life! I sat next to an old man of 82 in Buckingham town centre the other day. He told me he was very ill with cancer of the lungs & then went on to light up a cigarette!!! You could tell he was on his last legs. He swore a lot & spoke much about his past work & places he had lived; he was born in Derbyshire. This was a critical meeting so I had to ask him certain questions… “Have you found out the meaning of life in 82 years?” He said that he hadn’t & was still looking for it! I asked whether he believed in life after death – he replied that he did! I asked him if he believed in God? He replied that he did! I felt frustrated knowing the serious situation this man was in, yet he didn’t really grasp what I was saying & didn’t really seem to care. I put my hand on his very bony-frame, & said that he NEEDED to ask Jesus Christ to forgive him of all his sins otherwise he would NEVER make it to Heaven, he said that he had! I just prayed that God would speak to him directly before it was too late. I asked if he read much, which he replied quite a bit; I then gave him three tracts to read which he said he would do. Back in the car driving off, I said to Donna that it is just so hard to get through to some people, especially old people. We then talked about writing & producing a tract targeting old people! Your thoughts?

Pray for Gail Riplinger! Gail returned from the doctors with bad news about her heart. The test results showed that her heart is not functioning properly on many levels. Only every other beat works and that is pumping out at only 40%. The rhythm is way off, with periods of 8 beats that just weren't there and a lot of other very bad indications. Pray for this lady! She is a great help to Bible Believers worldwide & has stood upon the AV Bible & its PERFECTION for years; please pray that the Lord will raise her up back to full health. Dr Alan O’Reilly is in the midst of refuting the Dean Burgon Society for their attack on Gail Riplingers book ‘Hazardous Materials’ – The Dean Burgon Society are GREEK lovers & cannot stand to be told that the AV is not only totally sufficient (i.e. NO need for the Greek!), but that IT IS PERFECT! Dr Alan is dealing with this arrogant bunch & all is being uploaded onto the website – check it out under the AV ONLY tab!

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Oaks Christian Coffee Morning! Well we are discussing opening Oaks up once a month on a Saturday from 10.00am – 12.30pm for a coffee morning. We shall have tracts on every table & Gospel music playing. The TfT! team will also be looking to engage in some spiritual conversations! Please pray this goes well as we try our first one in October. Why not come along? If you’re interested, drop us a note or email.

Christian orders tracts for a Blue’s Festival! Recently a Christian from the Lancashire area ordered 500 tracts to give out at a Blue’s festival (he did tell me he was a Calvinist which made me smile a little, although he was a nice guy!) May God bless the work they do among the lost souls attending this festival, as they open up their church to these folk! People will travel miles to come & hear their favourite music; may the Lord challenge all those who receive a tract – maybe they will travel home a different person?!

James White – Could he be the most arrogant Christian on planet earth? This guy is just one BIG-mouth on a stick!!! He really rates himself & his only Final Authority is HIMSELF! He is a huge Bible corrector, & people like Will Kinney (a lovely man of God) have destroyed White’s arguments on a number of occasions. White (WASH!!!) tries to bully his opponents all the time by speaking over them OR not allowing them to speak as he did to Will Kinney recently. White does this all the time on his radio & YouTube programmes, whenever he gets stuck he starts raising his voice, panicking & then hits reverse as quickly as he can: when he can’t answer a question he just changes the question or subject, or cuts the caller off!!! Will Kinney asked ‘White-Wash’, (Mat 23v27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Acts 23v3 Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall: for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law?), where is the INSPIRED PERFECT WORD OF GOD? White’s answer? What could he answer? He believes ONLY the originals are PERFECT (even though he has never seen them & NONE of them are in existence today!) So where are the Scriptures PERFECTLY PRESERVED today according to WHITE-WASH… they ‘AIN’T’!!! You know what White-Wash does? He tries to get you to DOUBT the word of God. He thinks he knows where the ‘ERRORS’ are in the AV, yet I’ve never heard him say that the Holy Spirit SHOWED him where there were… as if that would happen!!! I wonder what these ‘kind’ of Christians get out of their so-called ‘ministry?’ They love the limelight, they love to give their opinion, they love to have the pre-eminence, they love the sound of their own voice, they love their little goatee-beards (thinking they look cool), they love to bully ‘weak’ Christians, they love to push themselves to the front, they love knowledge that ‘PUFFS-UP’ – these kind of Christians are as far from being ‘Christ-like’ as the East is from the West! It will be a very humbling experience for old Whitey when he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ & has to give account to Him, of why he kept trying to find fault in the PERFECTLY PRESERVED word of God (AV), instead of spending his time reaching the lost souls of this world with the Gospel. Whitey loves his studio too much! (Perhaps he thinks he’s a ‘star?’) I wonder if he has ever tracted his own street where he lives? (BEFORE 17th August 2011 that is!!!) Now, if you follow the White-CULT you’re in for a tough time when OUR Lord shows up! (White certainly isn’t part of the Philadelphia church is he?... Rev 3v7-10) The nearest thing he gets to ‘Philadelphia’ is the soft ‘cheese’ – he ain’t no ‘MATURE’ Cheddar like Will Kinney or Doc O’Reilly is! If you’re ‘white’ you’re anaemic!!!

777 & ‘The Book of The Lord’ – PERFECTION THREE TIMES! Isa 34v16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read…

‘The Book of the Lord occurs only once in Scripture!’ In Isaiah 34 (3+4=7) verse 16 (1+6=7) & the words ‘Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read’ has 34 letters (3+4=7), which makes the third seven i.e. ‘777’

Now that is found in the ENGLISH ONLY!

Foulmouthed ‘Christian’ Bible ‘corrector’ emails TfT! Well Mr T.B. a so-called ‘Christian’ (I doubt it) sent me an email stating that he was unfortunate enough to receive some of our material (we don’t know where from) regarding the NIV etc. He went on a rant & a rave about me & said that I don’t worship on the true Sabbath & that we have accepted the lie of the Roman Catholics about worshipping on Sunday etc. & that the NIV was a great ‘bible’ & so on & so on! (Totally boring as usual from a Bible ‘corrector’) This guy (a MOUSE not a man!) was a complete idiot & knew nothing about the Scriptures; he was just a loud-mouth-waste-of-time. After exchanging emails with him three or four times he got sooooooo mad that he sent an email that none of you would believe! The language was THE WORST we have ever seen at TfT! & included the WORST swear words you could ever think of! It was so disgusting that I have saved it just in case Mr T.B. would like to take things further!!!!!!! This pathetic attempt of a ‘man’ spewed out his heart & showed what an uncouth yob he really is. I’ll let God deal with these kind of people (‘animals’) & we shall press on reaching the lost! Mat 12v34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. This imbecile has a shock awaiting him at the judgement if he doesn’t get it DOWN HERE!!! These yobbos are a dime a dozen today & good for NOTHING!!!

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‘Influx’ at OAKS! (Well it is to us!!!) Over the last 4 weeks we have seen nine new people come in which has been encouraging. Already a couple of them won’t stay (You can sense it!!!), but we leave it all with the Lord. We just keep preaching the good old fashioned AV Bible & worshipping the Lord, the doors are always open!!!

Jeremiah Continued… In regard to TODAY’S world read the following Scriptures…

Jer 5v1-9+22-31 Jer 6v10 …behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it. Not only does the world have NO DELIGHT in the word of God but many Christians don’t either. Most Christians in church have no delight in the word of God, that is why hardly any of them read it in-between Sundays. This is why the church is so weak today & Christians have no idea what is going on, they just follow the world. We are living in such a terrible time that the world races towards its Judgment & most Christians are just watching, NOT trying to save souls. As I am reading through Jeremiah I just see parallels in regard to TODAY’S world & the state of the church. Jer 6v13-15 For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD. Can you see it? Covetousness is rampant; leaders of churches are deceiving the people; leaders of countries as well as churches are crying PEACE PEACE when there is NO peace! People (including some Christians) commit abominations before the Lord, yet are they ashamed? NO! Do they blush? NO!!! They are so deep in sin that their ungodly lives don’t even bother them. Just occasionally you’ll find a man of God who stands in the GAP (Eze 22v30) who preaches the word of God (Jonah 3v2, 1 Sam 3v18, Deut 4v1+2, 1 Kings 22v14, Acts 20v27, Jer 19v2, John 2v5 etc.) & he says… Jer 6v16+17 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. So what will happen to our land, our country? Jer 6v18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it. We are in for terrible times ahead until God calls us OUT at the Rapture! The church isn’t prepared for this: the world hasn’t a clue! Jer 7v8 Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Jer 7v28 But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

If there ever was a time to read Jeremiah it is NOW!

Are you Lonely? LIFE is full of people, yet most people IN life are lonely, are you? Do you have someone to lean on & turn to i.e. a best friend, wife or husband, close companion etc.? It is very hard to get through the difficulties that we all face, by ourselves, it is good & very helpful to have someone to talk to regarding the problems & stresses that we face. I know of many sound Bible Believing Christians who are walking through this life lonely. They are trying to stand for the Lord in everything they do, but there are hardly any other Christians who are willing to stand with them. Bible Believing Christians are scattered all over the world trying to live for the Lord & witness where they can reaching the lost. These men, women, boys & girls are struggling, they need help, love & support; they need YOU & ME to stand alongside them, pray for them & communicate with them. Are you in contact with a Bible Believing Christian, either in this country or abroad? Do you write or email them? Do you call them & send them support? Have you ever stopped to think ‘What GOOD am I really doing in this life & who am I helping?’ Shouldn’t you be a Paul to Timothy? Why not seek the Lord & ask Him to bring someone into your life that you can help & support & they can do the same with you; build up a relationship, a friendship & walk together TO THE END. Christians shouldn’t be lonely; we should be part of one happy, loving family, but sadly to say, just like most families, there is hurt, pain & division, mainly through PRIDE, & this ends in broken relationships & disunity. Maybe it is time for YOU to write a letter of reconciliation to someone who you have fallen out with & broken ‘fellowship’ with? If so, do it today, don’t leave it any longer, there just isn’t the time left. May the Lord bless you & help you, as it won’t be easy.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

1 Tim 1v15

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So what next? Have you any plans for the end of the year (if we see it that is i.e. the RAPTURE is imminent!); are you praying & seeking God about your future & asking Him to lead you to make the RIGHT decisions in everything? Some Christians just drift through life, others make their own decisions without asking God WHAT HE WANTS! Ps 37v5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Prov 16v3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. We should be constantly talking to God in prayer seeking His will & asking Him… what do YOU want me to do, where do YOU want me to GO? Prov 3v1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: If you REALLY do want to please God you MUST be constantly IN THE BOOK, reading it daily & asking God to speak to you through His word! 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Being IN THE BOOK brings peace & understanding! 3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: FORGIVE others (I know it’s hard but DO IT FOR THE LORD!) Be TRUTHFUL in EVERYTHING & I mean EVERYTHING! 4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. By really living for God you will have a great testimony among men! 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Don’t try to work things out yourself; ask the Lord for help, & pour out your every thought unto Him. TRUST HIM in everything; TRUST Him to guide your thoughts & actions. REST IN HIM! If you are struggling with sin, with hurt, bitterness or jealousy, GIVE IT TO THE LORD & ask Him to take it away! Every time your mind tries to bring you down, take it to the Lord & ask Him to take it away STRAIGHT AWAY!!! He will! (Read 2 Cor 10v5) 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Did you see that? In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him! In EVERYTHING! That means your family & business/work: that means ‘YOU DEALING WITH YOU’ – when you are struggling with YOURSELF for whatever reason, you need to put the Lord first & ask Him to help you DEAL WITH YOUR SITUATION! The Lord wants to be involved in every single part of your life! Don’t you dare make a decision WITHOUT including Him & asking Him what He wants for you! It will always be for your good! 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. We often have ‘worldly’ wisdom (1 Cor 3v19, 1 Cor 2v6) rather than ‘spiritual’ insight, but we NEED that SPIRITUAL INSIGHT & to be led of the Lord. We are also to FEAR the Lord, & if you don’t understand that, you need to listen to the audio sermons on the website or the CDs we produce!!! (http://www.timefortruth.co.uk/media/) – The other thing you need to do is to DEPART from ALL sin!!! Read 1 John 3v1-3, Ps 66v18, 2 Tim 2v20-22, 1 Cor 5v6-8 etc. 8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. The ‘healthiest’ life you can live is by LIVING FOR GOD in everything you do! 9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: What you have been blessed with you ought to honour God & give back to God! Every Christian ought to be a sacrificial ‘giver!’ What have you ‘sacrificed’ to God recently? Have you looked after somebody else with the abundance that you have received? Have you given sacrificially to the work of the Lord & for the cause of the Gospel? Christians like Lordson Roch in India could do so much more if you & I supported them better! When was the last time you sent a gift to him or some other brother/sister in the ministry? Got any money IN THE BANK have you? These folks haven’t & are living ‘hand-to-mouth’ – shouldn’t we be making their life a little easier??? 10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. The more you give the greater blessing you’ll receive, & that has NOTHING to do with the FALSE-prosperity-‘gospel’!!! God will bless you for your giving! 11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: Be prepared to be chastened of the Lord & corrected by Him when you step out of line! Expect to receive it & play the man in your ‘punishment’ – the Lord does it because He loves you, & if you don’t understand that, then you don’t understand parenthood & you don’t understand LOVE!!! (Heb 12v5-8) 12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. 13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Seek BOTH!!! Read a Proverb EACH DAY!!! 14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. Material wealth & the gain of possessions is FUTILE! The work of the Lord is everything!!! 15 She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. 16 Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. 17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. 18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. So, if you are making plans make sure the Lord is making them WITH YOU & even FOR YOU!!! Talk to the Lord about every, I said ‘EVERY’, part of your life! That includes your relationships especially if you are single & seeking a wife/husband! What God blesses you with YOU bless others! Take someone under your wing & look after them! 2 Cor 9v8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may

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abound to every good work: 2 Tim 4v5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Titus 2v7 In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity…

BODY Carnal - 1 Cor 3v1-3

SOUL Natural - 1 Cor 2v14

SPIRIT Spiritual - 1 Cor 2v15, 3v1

Sight Smell

Hearing Taste Touch

Imagination Conscience

Memory Reason


Spiritual insight

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved

blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thes 5v23

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow (i.e. BODY), and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents

of the heart. Heb 4v12

(Tripartite - consisting of three parts)

So which ‘part’ do you FEED most?

Question Time? When was the last time you tried to win a soul for Jesus Christ?

Who have you encouraged lately? When was the last time you wrote a letter from your heart to someone?

What are the top five things that you want to achieve by the end of this year? How are you dealing with the problems in your life at present? How could things improve?

Have you ever given the hurt & guilt that you carry TO THE LORD & then LEFT IT WITH HIM? If not do it NOW! What help are you to the Body of Christ? What are you doing FOR THE LORD?

Do you go to pubs for meals? If you do, make sure you take some of our football & money coasters with you! Leave a couple on your own table & maybe a ‘free’ table before you leave. It is amazing how many people will pick them up, turn them over & READ the Scriptures on the back! I would highly recommend carrying some with you when you next go for a meal.

Good Quote… I consider it a lost day when I have not had a good time over the word of God – George Muller.

‘Ashamed of Jesus!’ of that Friend On whom, for Heaven, my hopes depend!

It must not be! Be this my shame That I no more revere His name

(Author Joseph Grigg. Taken from ‘Look On’ published by Peter Murcott, Isle of Man)

Primitive Methodist Chapel We were not successful in purchasing the church we were looking at, so we’ll keep looking, maybe one day we shall have a building of our own…maybe!!!

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The NONSENSE of Evolution! Regarding Evolution, which is probably the greatest HOAX of all time, WHICH evolved FIRST & how long did it work without the others…?

1) The digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find & eat the food, the digestive juices, or the body’s resistance to its own digestive juice (i.e. stomach, intestines etc.)

2) The ‘drive’ to reproduce or the ability to reproduce? 3) The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, the throat, or the perfect mixture of gases to be breathed into the

lungs? 4) How about this one… The plants or the insects that live on & pollinate the plants? See how ridiculous evolution is! 5) Which evolved first, the bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones??? 6) What about the nervous system, repair system, or hormone system, which evolved first???

How can LOVE, MERCY, GUILT ‘evolve???’ They CAN’T!!! Evolution really is for idiots, morons & very stupid people with no common sense, let’s just face the facts shall we children!

So can ‘everything’ come from NOTHING? Now do you REALLY need an answer to that question, I mean don’t you KNOW the answer?

Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups!

Communist Rules for Revolution Communist Manifesto 1848 Corrupt the young: get them away from religion Abolition of private property

Break down the old moral virtues Heavy progressive income tax

Encourage civil disorders… & a soft government attitude toward crime

Abolition of rights inheritance

Divide the people into hostile groups (race, religion etc.) Confiscation of property rights

Get the people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on sport, sex, entertainment, business etc.

Central bank

Get control of the media Government ownership of communication & transportation

Destroy people’s faith in their leaders Government ownership of factories & agriculture

Cause the registration of all firearms… to eventually confiscate them!

Government control of labour

Corporate farms, regional planning

Government control of education

Somebody wants to control you! Any ideas? In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious

gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Cor 4v4 1 Thes 2v1-10 For yourselves, brethren, know our entrance in unto you, that it was not in vain: But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention. For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness: Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe: Do you understand what is happening? Are you reading the word of God instead of your newspaper? Are you trusting in Jesus Christ rather than the leaders of this country? We are on the brink of the Rapture & the church is asleep! Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1Thes 5v6

Thank YOU!

Donna & I, & the ‘TfT team!’ would like to thank you for praying for us & for all the encouragement you have

shown to us over these last few months. There is still so much work to do & so many souls to reach, let’s keep

going FOR THE LORD, until we see Him face to face! May God bless you in these very dark days! Please keep

in touch & let us know how things are going your end!