EZappt Advisor, Staff Admin Manual Business Process Guide For Academic Support Specialists (Advisors) & Administrative Staff

EZappt Advisor, Staff Admin Manual

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EZappt Advisor, Staff Admin Manual

Business Process Guide


Academic Support Specialists (Advisors) & Administrative Staff

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PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................... 2  ACCESS THE SYSTEM............................................................................................................... 2  INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2  ONLINE ADVISOR SCHEDULING/EZAPPT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION..................... 3  

EZAPPT GROUPS........................................................................................................................ 3  

ADD LOCATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3  

ADDING USERS ........................................................................................................................... 4  

PERMISSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 5  

ADDING GROUPS ........................................................................................................................ 6  

WORKING IN GROUP VIEW ....................................................................................................... 8  REMOVE AVAILABLE TIME.......................................................................................................... 25  

BOOK AN APPOINTMENT – UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES............................................................... 27  

EZAPPT TIPS............................................................................................................................. 38  VIEWING APPOINTMENTS ........................................................................................................... 38  

VIEW CANCELLED APPOINTMENTS ............................................................................................. 40  

SCHEDULING STAFF .................................................................................................................. 41  

ERROR MESSAGES.................................................................................................................... 42  

EMAIL CONFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................. 43  

MANAGING EZAPPT STUDENT APPOINTMENTS IN PEOPLESOFT ................................... 45  PEOPLESOFT ACCESS............................................................................................................ 48  

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Purpose Ezappt enables students to schedule appointments with their advisor by going online in My ASU. Advisors schedule available time in their EZappt calendar so that students can book their own advising appointments online. With the correct permissions, advisors and staff can schedule available time, book appointments, or block time for other advisors as well. Designated people within a department who have been given Admin permissions in the system perform group Administration in EZappt. Admins can only create schedules for other Advisors, they can also add locations, set up a new Group, add new staff to EZappt, and add new staff to groups. Note: To perform this task you must have access roles: SR Advisor Action Build See the ‘Next Steps’ section at the end of this guide for more information.

Find online information about EZappt at URL - http://help.asu.edu/EZappt Access the System Log into My ASU with your ASURITE ID and Password. Access the Ezappt system under the Teach & Student Support Tools:

Introduction To begin working in EZappt you need to set up your department in the system. This guide contains instructions for the following processes: Add a location Add a group Work in group view Schedule staff appointment Block available time Remove available time Book an appointment

Change available time & appointments EZappt tips Manage appointments in PeopleSoft PeopleSoft Access

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Online Advisor Scheduling/EZAppt Department Administration Everyone who will need access to appointments in EZAppt will need to request ASU access to EZAppt (see Request ASU EZAppt Access job aid), be added to the EZAppt system and be added to appropriate groups. Users can request ASU Access themselves, but EZAppt Admins will need to add them in EZAppt. Advisor Groups also need to be added to EZAppt as departments begin using online scheduling. EZAppt admins will add these groups, and associate users to the correct groups. In each department there will need to be at least one person with access to update the Messages and Appointments used in Online Advisor Scheduling. To gain access to these actions, users should request the PS role: SR Advisor Action Build and complete the accompanying training. (See job aid Advising Rules – building actions). EZAppt Groups EZAppt groups must match the Advisor Groups assigned to appointments in the PeopleSoft Rule Engine. If a group is passed from the rule engine that does not exist in EZAppt the appointment will not be booked, the student will get an error message, and a CRM ticket will be created to notify EZAppt support. Everyone who will access appointments in a department will need to be in the department group(s). If there are multiple groups to see different students (based on their advising needs etc.) everyone who needs to access these groups will need to be included in every group. For example, if front office staff will access EZAppt, they will need to be members of all groups used by the department. Add Locations Locations must be added before advisors/staff are scheduled. Admin>Add/Edit Locations

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Select Add New and enter all fields.

Adding Users Admin> Staff>Add/Edit Staff

From Providers, select Add New The EZAppt Username must be exactly the same as the user’s azurite. New user sill Report to ‘Self’. Be sure new user is ‘Accessible’ and ‘Active’. Add all details.

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Once users are added, set-up security

Admin>Security Center>User Security Select User/Advisor (Select Provider) Permissions Advisors who can schedule availability for other advisors should have the following permissions:

Advisors who can view schedules, but not schedule availability for other members of the group should have the following permissions:

Everyone has the role of Manger.

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Maybe added to groups here if desired (may also be added via Group Security).

Adding Groups From Admin, select Group Security Select Group ‘Add New’ Enter the Group Name, Group Code (must match Rule Engine Advisor group) and Group Description

Members will be shown/can be added here:

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Groups should have the following permission:

Note: Group active is not used:

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Working in Group View Navigation

1. From My View, click on the Group View icon.

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2. The Provider Security View appears. Click on the Group you belong to.

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3. The Group View opens. In this example the calendar is displaying a previously created schedule from the week of September 6th for an advisor. Click the Admin link to create a schedule for an advisor.

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4. Click the Schedule Staff link.

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5. Click a checkmark next to the advisor for whom you are creating this schedule. 6. Click the drop-down menu next to the Start Date and End Date to select a date range

for the schedule.

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7. Select the Location from the drop-down menu.

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8. Click a checkmark into each day of the week for which you want to schedule. In this example we’re going to schedule Mon, Wed, and Fri, then Tue and Thu.

9. Click the drop-down menus for Start Time and End Time. In this example we’re going to schedule AM and PM separately.

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10. Verify that the Is Client Accessible box is checked. If this box is not checked your time may show as available in EZAppt, but students will not be able to access it to schedule appointments. NOTE: The Is Client Accessible box will need to be re-checked if the No Schedule box is used to clear previously scheduled time frames.

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11. Click the Add button.

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12. Verify that Is Client Accessible check box is checked. If this box is not checked your time may show as available in EZAppt, but students will not be able to access it to schedule appointments. NOTE: The Is Client Accessible box will need to be re-checked if the No Schedule box is used to clear previously scheduled time frames.

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13. The AM schedule for Mon, Wed, and Fri is now listed and ready to be confirmed. We will schedule the rest of the week before confirming.

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14. In the example shown here steps 5 – 10 were utilized twice to schedule Mon, Wed, and Fri PM, and Tue, Thu from AM to PM. The entire week’s schedule has been added and we are ready to click Confirm. Remember we are going to BLOCK time on Tue and Thu. NOTE: If you change any AM or PM schedule for a given day and then confirm it, you will overwrite the previously scheduled time in the other half of the day. So, when changing any scheduled time, re-enter time for the entire day.

A confirmation message lets us know that the Schedule was added successfully.

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15. Click the Appointments link to view the schedule.

16. Select the Location and Advisor name for which you’ve scheduled available time. Then click the start date in the calendar.

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Use BLOCK to Change Time Availability

17. Since we scheduled a solid 6 hours of available time on Tue and Thu, we are going to BLOCK some time for the advisor to have lunch, so that students won’t book appointments for themselves during that time. To BLOCK time click the BLOCK link under the day and date needed.

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18. In the appointment details screen that opens, click on the drop-down menu to choose Location.

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19. There is only one Service Type of BLOCKED TIME so no need to access that drop-down menu. Enter Start Time, Blocked time in minutes, and Appointment notes.

20. Click Confirm.

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The BLOCKED time now appears in the schedule as gray areas. On mouse-over you can see the BLOCKED time appointment details.

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Remove Available Time

To remove scheduled time, choose the date and the days that you want to remove scheduled time. Click the No Schedule checkbox. NOTE: The Is Client Accessible box will need to be re-checked if the No Schedule box is used to clear previously scheduled time frames.

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When you click Add, the time becomes Not Scheduled.

Your schedule will have no available time on those days.

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Book an Appointment – Unusual Circumstances It’s important to note that booking an appointment for students should be avoided if possible. When a student goes through My ASU to book an appointment the information is incorporated into PeopleSoft, and students can see the appointments in their student service or My ASU view. If someone books an appointment directly into Ezappt using the following method the information won’t communicate with PeopleSoft. Students cannot book an appointment less than 16 hours before a given time. This feature helps to insure that advisors have adequate time to prepare for their appointments. Additionally students can’t schedule appointments more than two weeks in advance, so that advisors can keep their schedules more easily in sync with the students’.

1. If for unusual purposes you need to book and appointment for a student, click the BOOK link under the day and date needed.

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The appointment details screen appears.

2. Use the drop-down menu to choose the Service Type. In this example we’ll choose the 30 minute advising session.

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The Appointment Duration minutes are now displayed in that field.

3. Fill in the Student ASURITE name, Location, Start Time, Notes, and click a checkmark in the Send Email Reminder checkbox so that student will receive notification of the appointment.

4. Click Confirm.

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The appointment will now appear in the schedule, along with a Confirmation number.

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If you click on the appointment you will be able to change the status to No Show, Cancelled, Arrived or Completed. The Arrived status is a part of the EZappt system designed for physicians, but you may choose to use it if an advisor would find it helpful. You can also click to Outlook to send the appointment to your calendar. Your Outlook calendar will block that appointment time for you, but will not display any details. You need to check EZappt for them. If an appointment is cancelled the student and advisor get an email confirming cancellation. The email from EZappt will tell the student to go to My ASU to reschedule their appointment.

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Change Available Time When Appointments and Blocked Time Already Exists This section will show you how to change or add available time when time has already been blocked, or when an appointment has already been made. An important point to remember is that if you change available time for the morning only, or afternoon only, you must also reschedule the available time that didn't change. A change in any part of the day will overwrite the entire day's schedule.

Note that this schedule has Blocked Time on Tue and an appointment booked for Wed. We need to change the schedule on these two days so we’ll have to delete the BLOCKED time, and cancel the appointment.

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1. Click on the BLOCKED TIME area to open it.

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2. Click the Delete button.

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3. The Blocked time is now removed from the schedule. Click on the Booked Appointment area to open it. This example shows how on mouse-over the appointment details pop up.

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4. Click the Cancelled button.

5. Click the Update button.

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6. The schedule returns to view and the appointment no longer appears in the schedule.

7. Click the Admin link to reschedule the Advisor’s schedule for Tue and Wed.

8. Click the Schedule Staff link. Repeat scheduling available time.

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EZappt Tips Viewing appointments To view your own Schedule

In My View select My View note that your active view is green Select a View by Day or View by Week

Select a day or week To view schedules for everyone in your Group, in My View select Group View

Again, note that your active view is green. If you can’t access Group View, check to see if your pop-up blocker is on. That would prevent the window that lists groups from opening. From the Pop-up, select your Group

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Note – if you have trouble selecting Group View, be sure that your browser window is not blocking the group selection pop-up. Once in Group View you can select View by Day or View by Week. Group members who have time scheduled for the selected timeframe will be available in the Schedule for Staff drop down. If staff member do not have time scheduled they will not be included in the drop-down.

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Mouse-over an appointment to see the details, including the status of ‘Arrived’ if used. In group view, when viewing by day, note that only 4 calendars will be displayed at one time, to select another calendar, select the name drop-down to select anther calendar

View Cancelled appointments To view just cancelled appointments, select CANCELED from the Status drop-down.

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Scheduling Staff If you have Admin access and can set-up availability for other users, be sure you are using My View

Then Select Admin>Schedule Staff To View schedules, be sure you are using Group View and that you have selected the appropriate group

Then Select Appointments and the dates you want to view. Remember, staff names will only be selectable if they have been scheduled for the time frame you are viewing.

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Error messages When you are in Group View, you cannot access the Admin function and will get the following message:

Either go to Appointments, or select My View for Admin functions.

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Email Confirmations

Confirmation of BLOCKED time.

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Confirmation of a scheduled appointment.

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Managing EZAppt Student Appointments in PeopleSoft When a student schedules an advising appointment in EZappt the appointment information is immediately sent back to PeopleSoft. The appointment information is available to the student in My ASU, and it is available to advisors working in PeopleSoft. Navigation: ASU Customizations>ASU Student Records>Online Advisor Appointment>Student Advisor Appointments

Advisors can use this search page to find the appointments they have scheduled each day in order to prepare for each student. By entering their own name or ID and a starting date and time (enter time in this format: 07/01/2010 12:00:00AM and use the qualifier of >) an advisor can see all of the student appointments they have from that point forward.

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Any other search criteria may also be used. The search results can be sorted by clicking the column headers.

Then, the user clicks each appointment to see the appointment detail.

To view any notes that the student has added to their appointment, you need to go to EZAppt to view the appointment there.

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If the student cancels the appointment, it is reflected here:

As are all “no-shows” for a student.

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PeopleSoft Access

Apply for access to Peoplesoft; This class makes you eligible for these roles: SR Advisor Action Build

Complete the Access form from My ASU

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Your department EZAppt coordinator/Admin will also need to add you to the EZAppt system, and associate you with the advisor groups for your department.

Link to request access to PeopleSoft: https://www.asu.edu/go/oasis/AddSecurityRequest/ Link to manage your request for access to PeopleSoft: https://www.asu.edu/go/oasis/ManageSecurityRequest/ Step-by-step instructions for requesting access to PeopleSoft: http://help.asu.edu/node/254 Step-by-step instructions for viewing your current roles in PeopleSoft. http://help.asu.edu/node/140

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