Extensive reading

Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

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Page 1: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

Extensive reading

Page 2: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

A sad love story

Page 3: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开





Page 4: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开
Page 5: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

The Chinese people believe that the

star Vega (织女星) , east of the Mil

ky Way, is Zhi Nu. And at the Aquila

(天鹰座) ,

on the western side

of the Milky Way,

Niu Lang waits for

his wife.

Page 6: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

Well-known poem

Eternal love between us two,

Shall withstand the time apart.

两情若是久长时 ,


Page 7: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

1.turn up: appear.

2.keep her word :keep her promise.

3.hold one’s breath: here means to wait without much hope.

4.drown one’s sadness: here means to drink sth. in order to forget the unhappy things.

5.Vega 织女星 Altair 牵牛星

language points

Page 8: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

6. weep: to cry, usually because you are sad.

• 7.set off: begin a journey 动身• 8.remind: 使……想起 ; 提醒 .

• remind sb.of sth. /remind sb.to do sth. /remind sb.that…

Page 9: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

Find out these expressions from this part:

1. 和…在一起

2. 屏气

3. 在人间 ; 到底 ; 在地面上 .

4. 心碎的

5. 在拐角处

6. 朝……挥手

7. 丢掉

hold one’s breath

be with sb.

on earth

on the corner

wave at sb.

throw away

heart broken

Page 10: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

1. The girl Li Fang loved and waited for did

n’t turn up. But he didn’t lose heart.

2. Because her most lovely daughter got ma

rried to a human secretly, the Goddess got

very angry.

3. Hu Jin had been waiting for Li Fang for

a long time with a gift for him.

4. li Fang gave Hu Jin some roses and choco

lates as her Valentine gifts.


True or false




Page 11: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

Answer the questions

1. Why did Li Fang feel like a fool? Because he thought that he was wai

ting without hope/that Hu Jin would not come to meet him.

2. What was Li Fang afraid that Hu Jin was doing?

He was afraid that she was with her friends laughing at him.

Page 12: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

3. How did Li Fang know the manager

wanted to shut the coffee shop?

The manager wiped the tables and the

n sat down and turned on the TV.

4. Why do people want the weather to b

e fine on Qiqiaojie?

People want the weather to be fine so

they can meet the one they love.

Page 13: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

5. What is the reason why Li Fang a

nd Hu Jin did not meet on time?

Because Li Fang waited in the coffee

shop and Hu Jin waited in the tea sh


Page 14: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

6. Why wouldn’t it be a happy Valenti

ne’s Day?

Because Li Fang had thrown away t

he chocolates and roses so he had noth

ing to give Hu Jin and he thought she

would not forgive him.

Page 15: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

Discuss and guess:

1.What would Hu Jin say when she found out later that the flowers and chocolates are gone?

2.What would Li Fang do in the end? Would he be happy or sad?


Write a different ending to this story. You may begin with:

As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way…

Page 16: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

1. But she didn’t turn up.

1) 出现 , 出席 ( 某活动 )

I’m very happy you turned up

so early.

2) 把 ( 收音机等 ) 音量开大一些 ,

其反义短语是 turn down.


Page 17: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

turn down 拒绝turn off 关掉turn on 打开turn out 结果是 ......

turn to sb. for help 向某人求助

相关短语 :

Turn up the radio a little, I can

scarcely hear the program.

Page 18: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

2. Keep one’s word

Break one’s word

A gentleman should always __ his __.

A. keeps; word

B. keep; word

C. keeps; words

D. keep; words


Page 19: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

have a word with sb.

与某人谈话have words with sb.

与某人发生口角in other words


Page 20: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

3. It was obvious that the manager

of the coffee shop was waiting for L

i Fang to leave...

obvious adj.

1) … obvious+ to+ sb.

Her disappointment was obvious

to her friend.

明显的, 清楚的

Page 21: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开

2) It + be + obvious +that-clause

It was obvious that she was in


Page 22: Extensive reading. A sad love story 织女下凡遇见牛郎 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开


1. Go over the text after class.

2. Write a different ending to thi

s story according to your discussio
