EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE BY SAI STUDENTS/MENTORS (In commemoration of Sai Aradhana 2013) To commemorate the Mahasamadhi of Bhagavan Baba (known as Sai Aradhana), the gurus of the respective classes have conducted age- appropriate activities to facilitate each child to reflect on the significance of Bhagavan Baba’s life, teachings and mission on earth. We are pleased to share with you some of the beautiful pieces of work that have been done by our students and mentors below. We invite you to attend the Sai Aradhana programme on 24 th April and view these and other beautiful pieces of work by the children and mentors at the SSE exhibition located at the basement level of the Sai Centre building. We humbly offer the exhibition entitled “Expressions Of Love” at the divine lotus feet of our beloved Bhagavan Baba. Since you have been gone, I thought I had no one. But never a day I felt alone, Coz You Sai, have never let me mourn. On that day I cried and cried, To understand Your departure I tried. Does the reason really matter? I asked. Or was it the simple mission You have tasked? Days go by with reality sinking in, We all have learnt to look deep within. To Love and Serve we have understood it to be, An every day mission as explained by Thee. With Your presence felt even more, Making You easier to just adore. For all You have given so true, With Gratitude I say I Love You. Composed by a mentor

EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE BY SAI …saisociety.org.sg/docs/SSE_Sai_Aradhana_Exhibition_13to...EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE BY SAI STUDENTS/MENTORS (In commemoration of Sai Aradhana 2013) To commemorate

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EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE BY SAI STUDENTS/MENTORS (In commemoration of Sai Aradhana 2013)

To commemorate the Mahasamadhi of Bhagavan Baba (known as Sai Aradhana), the gurus of the respective classes have conducted age-appropriate activities to facilitate each child to reflect on the significance of Bhagavan Baba’s life, teachings and mission on earth. We are pleased to share with you some of the beautiful pieces of work that have been done by our students and mentors below. We invite you to attend the Sai Aradhana programme on 24th April and view these and other beautiful pieces of work by the children and mentors at the SSE exhibition located at the basement level of the Sai Centre building. We humbly offer the exhibition entitled “Expressions Of Love” at the divine lotus feet of our beloved Bhagavan Baba.

Since you have been gone, I thought I had no one.

But never a day I felt alone, Coz You Sai, have never let me mourn.

On that day I cried and cried,

To understand Your departure I tried. Does the reason really matter? I asked.

Or was it the simple mission You have tasked?

Days go by with reality sinking in, We all have learnt to look deep within.

To Love and Serve we have understood it to be, An every day mission as explained by Thee.

With Your presence felt even more,

Making You easier to just adore. For all You have given so true,

With Gratitude I say I Love You.

Composed by a mentor

Level 3 Girls (Ages 13 to 15)

Thank you Swami for Everything

I was only seven years old when I first attended SSE classes. As I was young, I had no idea why I had to attend these classes. Initially even though I had a picture of swami in the Altar, it didn’t mean much to me. I would follow my parents and pray as they did. In 2009, my first trip to see Swami, I did feel any love towards Him. I did not understand the concept of God, let alone the Avatar.

The SSE lessons are inspiring me for my life ahead.

However things have changed. Even as I write this I feel Swami’s Pure Love flowing from Him to me. I have begun to understand the importance of practicing values from Swami’s teachings. In fact I feel very privileged to be a Sai student as I am able to carry on Swami’s legacy of Living in Values Everyday. I am able to inspire my family, friends and myself through tough times because I absolutely believe in Swami and hold onto positive thoughts.

One big bonus from attending SSE classes is the life long friends whom I have made. We are there for each other and a constant reminder to each other to practice Swami’s teachings as we go through the journey of life. I look forward to many more years with these truly wonderful friends.

~ Jasmine, Grp 3, 15years

The Presence of Swami in My Life

In November 2011, my mother and I went to Puttaparthi to see Swami’s samadhi. When we were boarding the flight, we met my mother’s friend who was going to Parthi too. She asked me “Is this your first trip to Parthi? Well consider yourself lucky. When you are in Parthi try to feel Swami’s presence. When that happens, feel the faith, truth & love in yourself and that know that anything is possible” On hearing that, I started to believe that anything and everything is possible. In fact I have transformed after hearing that advice. In life, jus like everyone I make mistakes but I quickly remind myself to have faith, truth and love in myself and overcome difficult situations. Jai Sai Ram ~ V. Pushpaja, Grp 3, 13years

My Journey with Swami

At the age of four, I joined SSE classes. I’m now 13 years old. During these 9 years…I have learnt a lot of things that are very important to me in life. I have learnt to be calmer and because of that I always do well in test & exams Whenever my parents forget to wake me up for SSE classes, I start crying. SSE classes are SO important to me. Baba has really changed my life. I always think that he is with me wherever I’m in a dilemma. The vedas and bhajan have helped me a lot too. Every weekend, I chant vedas and sing bhajans. This helps me forget my sorrows and make me happy. And certainly helps in my studies. In fact I learn something new from each lesson. Even though I have never been to Puttaparthi to see Baba, I believe that He is with me throughout my life. Baba protects my family and keeps us happy and healthy. I ~ Varsha, Grp3, 13yrs

I love you SWAMI

Level 3 Boys (Ages 13 to 15)

Why we respect Sai Baba…

Sai Baba, the poet, musician, composer, and most importantly the Indian Guru. Many projects were his brain child. Some of them are:-

Chennai Water Project

The city of Chennai lies on the eastern coast of India. However, it is in the rain shadow region of the south-west monsoon and has to depend on the capricious north-east monsoon for its water supply. No major rivers flow near the metropolis. Thus, Chennai has had to live with the problem of water shortage from way back in the late nineteenth century. In recent years the problem had become direr with some areas of the city having to go without water supply for three days at a time during the harsh and humid summer months. The city with its swarming population requires about 750 000 000 liters of water per day and was having to make do with a mere 250 000 000 liters, ⅓ of requirements. Long hours of waiting for a few liters of water at irregular and sometimes inopportune hours from the municipal water sump seemed to be the norm everywhere in Chennai.

Sri Sathya Sai Super Specialty Hospital

"Sri Sathya Sai Medical Trust provides free medical care to the sick and ailing with the dedication, commitment, love and the best of skills, so that they will be cured in body, mind and spirit. Our Mission is to provide high quality medical care free of charge to all irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and financial status in an atmosphere of love and care." is the mission of the devoted hospital.

Currently the hospital offers the following facilities: Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology (Endoscopy). The hospital is equipped with 300 beds, 11 surgical theatres, five ICUs, two cardiac catheterization laboratories, medical and surgical wards, and a 24-hour emergency unit.

By: Chandradhar Patali and Rohit Parthasarathy

SSrrii SSaatthhyyaa SSaaii AArraaddhhaannaa MMaahhoottssaavvaamm ~~ OOuurr GGrraattiittuuddee ttoo BBhhaaggaavvaann SSrrii SSaatthhyyaa SSaaii BBaabbaa

Our Beloved Bhagavan left His Physical form on April 24th, 2011. I was truly heartbroken. It was a day when grief took a thousand words to express itself. However, till now, one thing lingers in our minds. Why did Bhagavan choose to leave even before His predicted year of departure?

Our Dearest Swami has always said, “Love My Uncertainty.” This in fact comes true in this case. In the Year 2011, many disastrous activities took place around the world. However, our magnificent Saieshwara took everything into His physical body. Many would have noticed that Bhagavan was looking frail & sickly in the year 2011. March 25th 2011 was the Last Physical Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. At the end, everyone expected Bhagavan to bless us in Abhayahastha as usual. However, He raised His hands in the form of Namaskar, and saluted everyone before He left. This made me ponder why Bhagavan did that. Then, I realised that it was Bhagavan’s final message to us – saluting the divinity in us. Little did I know that this would lead to Bhagavan’s Mahasamadhi Day.

After Swami left us physically, prophecies were made that what Swami had said about His passing was in fact true, as He had followed the Indian Lunar Calendar. But, what is most important? It is the realisation that Sathya Sai is always with us forever. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent & Omniscient.

Swami’s true form was & is LOVE. Attachment to the physical form of Sathya Sai Baba might have more emotion than devotion because true love doesn’t have any form. Thus, all of us should know that the Lord whom we proclaim is now in Mahasamadhi has not gone anywhere. He is within us!

Swami has done practically everything for us. What should we, as His Children, do to show Him our Gratitude? Sai Aradhana is a day for us to show our gratitude to Swami. Let me share with you one experience Bhagavan has granted me with.

The Singapore group was given permission to enact the drama ‘Bank Balance’ in front of our Beloved Bhagavan in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam. It was on the 10th of December 2009. We had been practising for many months and praying to Swami for an opportunity to stage the drama in front of Him. Finally, our prayers were answered. Everyone was enthusiastic when we were given permission to stage our drama.

I was given the role of a blind man. It was a small role, but a really exciting one. All the performers were all very excited to perform for Bhagavan. We got into our costumes quickly and waited at Sai Kulwant Hall for our Mother Sai. While waiting, I was taken by surprise when one of the aunties told me that I was to present a ‘Thank You Card’ to Bhagavan, expressing our Love and Gratitude to Him for the wonderful opportunities that He had given His children through this drama. It was truly a dream come true as I had been waiting for this opportunity all my life.

At 4.20 p.m. (IST), Bhagavan arrived amidst the Vedam. His angelic smile moved everyone. At around 4.30 p.m. (IST), the programme started.

After the performance, I went up to Swami and gave Him our card. His voice mesmerised me. I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to Bhagavan. I also got the opportunity to take Padanamaskaram.

Bhagavan has done everything for us. Swami has said that He does not want a brand new car or a new house. All He wants from us is for us to

follow His Teachings. Swami has proclaimed ‘Your Life is My Message’. If we do not use Swami’s Teachings in our life, then how can we become His Message? If we just do this small act of Love and place it at Bhagavan’s feet, He will be the happiest! My desire is to make Bhagavan happy always.

Let us all pray to Swami to bless us with His Anugraha. Sai Aradhana will be a day not just for us to pay homage to Bhagavan but to also express our Love & Gratitude to Him.

For Swami:

Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram is verily You Walking by Me

Always in contemplation of You Mesmerised by Your Beauty

I Love You

May Swami bless us with His Love & Grace!

By Vishwar Ravichandran, Level 3 (13 years)