Exposing the Common Cause for Frankenstein Food

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  • 8/14/2019 Exposing the Common Cause for Frankenstein Food













    by Dr Edward C. Hamlyn M.B.Ch.B.

    Befriending our Farmers

    Each and every one of us has a vested interest in caring about the farmer because our health depends upon

    the quality of what we eat. That quality depends upon good husbandry which in turn depends upon the bestquality of food providing the highest rewards for the farmer.

    As farming economics are rigged at present the highest reward for farming goes to the man who canproduce the cheapest food, that will sell. As long as it looks good on the shelf at the right price we eat it.

    The health of the shelf is more important than the health of the farmer and more important than the health

    of the consumer.

    Back in 1930 an American dentist Weston Price embarked on a mission to find out why the people of a fewremote communities maintained perfect teeth until death at a ripe old age. Not only did he find out why

    they had perfect teeth but that this accompanied perfect health and no insanity and no crime. He found that

    these people from various areas had one thing in common and that was a 100% natural unpolluted diet. In

    those days the Eskimo lived entirely on what he pulled out of a hole in the ice, garnished with the content

    of the rumen of the caribou. His old people had nothing from which to die.

    Weston Price found other isolated pockets of population who enjoyed perfect health and in every case the

    secret was the quality of their food. Cancer is a manmade illness, it does not exist in the wild. This researchproved conclusively that our health depends upon the quality of our food and food quality should have the

    highest priority in civilised life.

    After all, if we turned things around we should be able to do better than the wild. Instead we seem hell-bent

    on producing vast quantities of cheap food that is probably not fit to be consumed by man nor beast.

    Chemical residues which are allowed to enter the food chain cause cancer.

    If you want proof that the warlords of commerce treat our health with utter disdain notice the manner in

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    which we are being forced to accept GM foods as though safety doesn't matter. All the time we move

    further and further away from the ideal of good husbandry toward the ideal of industrialised eating.

    We know this is wrong, organic food, that is safe and nourishing food, has become a luxury item. We see

    health food shops appear in our high streets as we attempt to make good the increasing shortcomings in ourdiet and we see food programmes on TV, with comic chefs becoming all the rage. But we do not see any

    attempt to save our farmers from ruin and our health is in their hands. And it depends utterly on goodhusbandry becoming financially viable.

    Nobody is going to help the farmer unless we do. No one else cares, but each one of us cares about our own

    health and the health of our loved ones. If we wish to eat well and thereby live well, we must save farming

    from ruin.

    The rot started 300 years ago when King William, fighting the French, ran out of money to pay his soldiers.

    He needed 20 million quick. Financiers came to King William and offered him a deal. That deal, as you

    will discover as you read this booklet, incorporated the most outrageous scam ever dreamed up by the

    criminal mind. You will also discover that our currency henceforth became debt and you will see the

    devastation this has wrought upon the worlds' economies. Debt has worked its way into every facet of our


    Farmers, faced with a time lag between seed time and harvest and an even longer time lag betweeninsemination and maturity, are victimised by this intolerable burden of debt. When interest rates are high

    and exchange rates are askew farmers start to disappear. The best go first and the giants of industry takeover and the giants, concerned with bulk sales and shelf life, care nothing for our health. To entrust them

    with our health is suicidal.

    As a result, cancer and other diet-related diseases reach epidemic proportions and the NHS struggles to

    cope. Insanity and crime likewise begin to mushroom at unprecedented rates. We are, whether we know it

    or not, engaged in an unpublicised struggle for survival. We simply cannot afford to let our best farmers

    disappear and the quality of our food to continue to decline.

    Fortunately there is a way out. A simple do-able way. Read on.


    ...and all that

    by Kieron McFadden

    The current drive on the part of transglobal corporations to enter into our food chain potentially lethal

    genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has nothing to do with providing us with decent wholesome food.

    GM food contains the very real possibility for planetary catastrophe. It is foisted on us without our consentor understanding. Its manufacturers are quite willing to gloss over the risks, play Russian Roulette with the

    food chain and the environment and to disregard the health of future generations.

    When food itself, a fundamental basic to our survival, becomes fraught with perils that arise as a

    consequence, not of natural disasters such as drought or flood, but of man-made blights arising directly

    from the "market forces" of the economic system we have erected to serve us, then clearly our very

    civilisation is in peril.

    Human demand is supposed to drive economies but that is not what is happening. Something is driving us

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    As long ago as 1974, Dr Americo Mosca, author of Atoms in Agriculture and chemistry prize winner of the

    Brussels World Fair had this to say about the effects of "modern" farming upon our survival:

    "I calculate that in the U.S. the use of toxic genetic chemicals, (herbicides, insecticides, hormones, steroids

    etc.) cause damage equal to atomic fallout from 145 H-bombs of 14 megatons each, or in terms of atomic

    bombs - from 72,500 atomic bombs of the Hiroshima type. For this reason in the United States in the lastten years disease of all kinds and births of mentally retarded babies have increased tremendously. The

    damage to plants, crops, soil fertility, and water pollution are practically incalculable. If use of these toxic

    genetic chemicals persist in agriculture and on food this will cause the destruction of the American


    A Senate document (#264 of the 74th Congress, 2nd Session) published by the US Congress as long ago as1936 warned that laboratory tests proved that US farm and range soils were depleted of minerals even then

    and that grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs and even milk were not what they had been a few generations

    earlier. More than sixty years later the mind boggles as to just how much worse has become that already

    dire situation.

    As Hamaker and Weaver so aptly pointed out in Survival of Civilisation: "It makes a clear picture of why

    all the living things on Earth have been slowly starving to death....."[emphasis added.]

    This is no exaggeration. In Secrets of the Soil, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird describe how

    malnutrition begins with overworked and tired soil that is poisoned with synthetic chemicals.

    As if we did not have enough problems, we now have to contend with the arrival on the scene of genetic

    experimentation, which addresses none of the reasons much of our food is already of such dangerously low

    quality and merely adds further terrifying complications to existing shortcomings.


    The food giants compete in a market place where competition is unimaginably fierce. The hope of being

    able to produce a "bigger and better tomato" or a "new improved onion" with higher yields per acre and in-

    built resistance to pests or disease is more than just an attractive one. Were it to be achieved, the advantage

    it would provide over rivals in the market place would be enormous. None of the competitors embroiled in

    that life-or-death rivalry dare risk falling behind in the race for the economic grail.

    Genetic scientists are therefore set to work in the hunt for some innovation that will provide a market lead.

    It is a quest pursued with seeming desperation, where to stop for a moment to consider ethics or safety or

    even the future of life on the planet would be a fatal lapse the food giants cannot afford.

    The giants race as if compelled into by far the most massive gamble with its future the human race has ever


    Why take this perilous direction at all when there was nothing genetically wrong with food to begin with?

    It is perfectly able to meet our needs and perfectly SAFE, provided it is grown properly in the first place.

    But the farmer is seduced by subsidies into malpractice.

    Yet there is little effective market pressure to produce safe, nutritious food, using methods that do not cause

    wholesale destruction of the land on which the food is obliged to grow, even though we already have the

    means and the know-how to do it.

    In the economic maelstrom in which he has been forced to fight to survive, the conscientious husbander of

    the land cannot compete financially with the factory farmer armed with chemical fertilisers, growth

    hormones and genetically altered seeds and other harmful expedients.

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    The prevailing market pressures are in the direction of producing food cheaply and in bulk, cutting costs -

    particularly labour costs - as much as can be possibly achieved through mechanisation, aggressive

    treatments with chemicals and growth hormones and so on, with little regard for the nutritional value of the

    product or the damage done to the land and the environment, not to mention the people who eat the stuff.

    Food should be the one area of economic activity fully under consumer control, the industry supplying not

    only what the consumer wants but what he NEEDS for optimum health. But all the evidence points to theindustry moving in the other direction. The consumer gets attractive packaging, food low in nutritional

    content and heavily contaminated with all manner of chemicals, the very things he doesn't need if he wants

    to live long and healthily.

    What are the market forces that render the food industry increasingly unable to meet real human need?

    How on earth does it come about that contaminated, poor quality food and utterly foolhardyexperimentation with genes are financially viable whilst being completely unviable in any sense that relates

    to human survival?

    There is an inherent contradiction in the fact that the price we pay for living in a highly advanced

    technological civilisation with a diverse and highly evolved economy is being unable to eat properly.


    The market forces at work here, built like a design-fault into the very fabric of our economy, are entirely

    man-made. They ensure that our economic system is unable to function properly in terms of serving our

    needs. The only reason they remain in place at all is that you have been kept in ignorance of them.

    To understand the inherent simplicity of a truth hidden beneath a smokescreen of economic gibberish, one

    needs first to get back to some simple basics.


    Who creates it?

    If you thought that our government issues our currency, think again. It only issues a tiny, almost negligible,3% of it.

    The remaining 97% came into existence through bank lending. Almost all of the money in circulation exists

    as a loan, over which the lender retains the right of ownership and which must be paid back, with interest.

    Take a look at this simple fact: every country has a national debt. Britain's, for example, currently stands at

    a colossal 380 billion. A national debt is essentially what a country's government has borrowed from

    private financial institutions like the Bank of England. Without exception, banks are private corporations,

    owned by private investors for private profit.

    Government borrowing is one major route through which money is created and then circulated in the


    The other major route is private and commercial borrowing, through mortgages and other forms of credit.

    97% of all the money in circulation is borrowed, either by the government or by you and I.

    The sum total of Britain's national debt (government borrowing) and private and commercial debt, now

    stands at over 1 trillion.

    Britain is typical of every nation.

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    But if every national economy on the planet has outstanding debts to the tune of trillions or billions of

    pounds, where do their creditors find the money to lend?

    Where does such a vast sea of money come from?

    The answer is: it does not come from anywhere. It does not exist until the moment it is loaned. It is

    conjured out of thin air!

    Banks are not lending money some depositors left in their vaults. When they lend, no depositor's account is


    For instance, the bank lends Joe 5000; Tom does not then receive a letter from his bank manager saying

    his savings are temporarily unavailable because they have be lent to Joe. It does not work like that,although people have been allowed to believe it does.

    So what does go on when Joe is loaned 5000?

    What actually happens is that the bank simply enters the figure 5000 in Joe's account.....And that's just

    about it!

    No money moves from one account to the other. The transaction is purely and only a ledger entry, thewriting of figures in a column, the changing of numbers on a computer screen. In essence the process is the

    same as a forger printing fivers in his basement and lending them out at interest. Only in this case thegovernment has secretly given the forger carte blanche to do so.

    A stab of computer keys and, hey presto, Joe now has the figure of 5000 in his account, which he can

    spend by writing cheques or changing it for cash at the cashpoint, through direct debits, standing orders or

    using plastic cards. That 5000 has now entered the economy as money although it did not exist until the

    moment it was loaned.

    But the money thus created is only Joe's to use temporarily. Like anything that is loaned, the lender stillclaims ownership of it and in the case of money, a toll is charged for its use - which is what we call interest.

    Joe has to pay that money back, plus interest. He does that by working hard to earn it, selling assets orwhatever and eventually pays the bank more money than he borrowed, say 6000.

    The bank's effort in creating 5000 out of nothing amounted to entering figures in a column. Joe's effort in

    accumulating and handing the bank 5000 involved real work, real production - the creation of wealth - of

    some kind.

    The bank now has 6000 in its vaults where no money existed to begin with. Although the bank gave Joe

    temporary use of the money it created, that temporary use obscures the fact that ultimately the bank was

    creating money for itself.

    Neat, isn't it?

    This is how all but a minuscule proportion of the money circulating in the economy is created. Although itis often hidden by a smokescreen of complexity and jargonated gobbledegook this is what happens when

    you, for instance take out a mortgage. The 70,000 you borrow to buy a house is created at the moment it isentered into the seller's bank account. It did not exist until it was loaned. The 200,000 or whatever that

    you pay in interest over the next 25 years is what the lender charges you for the use of the money he

    created by tapping computer keys. And don't forget: if you fall behind on those interest payments, the

    lender can repossess your home and wind up owning a 70,000 property into the bargain.

    Your mortgage and loan repayments are your share of the burden of supplying money to the economy.

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    Mind you, that's not the only millstone you carry. The government pays back its own loans using money

    taken from the citizenry through taxation. In fact, central banks lend to government on the collateral of

    taxation levied on the people! So when we say the government pays back the non-existent money it

    borrowed, what we really mean is you pay.

    As this lending mechanism is the way our currency is created and if for every billion that enters circulation,

    a debt of one billion plus interest is immediately owed, it follows then that the total debt must be more thanthe total amount issued!

    And we discover that more money is owed to the banks than actually exists in circulation. Far more.

    Britain's combined debt is just over a trillion pounds, but all the money in circulation only totals about 680


    If all the money owed to the banks were paid off, the entire money supply of the country would disappear

    into a black hole and there would still be colossal debts.

    In other words, we cannot get out of debt. Ever! It is a mathematical impossibility.


    Let's dig further into the basics of this thing.

    Money was originally invented by some genius whose identity is lost in antiquity as a convenient

    alternative to barter, an alternative without which a highly developed civilisation like ours could not exist.

    Imagine trying to pay the taxi driver with a bag of coal or the grocery bill with a box of spanners and a set

    of golf clubs. Imagine trying to carry all that around with you when you go shopping.

    So the idea of money was conceived. All money is (or rather should be) is a system of tokens (notes orcoins or even symbols) adopted to represent or stand proxy for goods and services. One can then exchange

    the tokens rather than bags of coal, boxes of spanners or what-have-you and the tokens are easy to carry

    around. One can then exchange the tokens for actual goods when one wishes to.

    That's just about all money is: a system of tokens that have been adopted and agreed upon by people to

    represent goods. People have agreed to use it and they have confidence that they will be able to exchange

    the tokens for goods whenever they wish to.

    Whatever value is assigned to the token (one token is equivalent to one bag of sugar, bushel of wheat, tin of

    sardines or whatever) there have to be enough tokens in circulation for people to be able to exchangeamong themselves goods and services easily and smoothly. If tokens are scarce relative to the amount of

    goods and services available to be exchanged, then that exchange cannot easily occur, the producer cannot

    sell his goods and the consumer does not have enough tokens to express his demand or desire for the goods.

    That is called deflation.

    If there are far too many tokens in circulation for the amount of goods and services available, then the value

    of the tokens declines and prices rise. There are too many tokens chasing too few goods. That is called


    That's all there is to it.


    Each time new money is created and borrowed into circulation, a debt is created. But as the debt has

    interest attached to it, it automatically exceeds the amount of new money created. The debt owed by the rest

    of the economy to the lender increases faster than the supply of money to the economy.

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    When the debt is paid back, that creates a shortfall of money supply that must be made up - by further


    The overall indebtedness of the economy to the lending institutions ratchets ever upwards.

    That debt is spread throughout the economy amongst all the people within it. It is not necessarilydistributed evenly. The portion of that burden borne by some is greater than that borne by others and a

    lucky few perhaps manage not to carry any. But the point is that indebtedness must be carried by someone,

    through overdrafts, loans, credit cards or - the biggest slice by far - mortgages.

    Everyone of course wants to get out of debt but if the economy's money is supplied as a debt, then for

    money to be in circulation someone has to be in debt. For someone to get out of debt someone else has togo into debt!

    When the level of indebtedness has reached such astronomic proportions that the total debt is around twice

    the entire money stock, as it is in Britain today, then the entire economy becomes riddled with debt,

    assailed by a seemingly unstoppable epidemic of borrowing, and it appears impossible for anyone to

    maintain their standard of living without going slowly but inexorably (or quickly but inexorably) deeper

    and deeper into debt.

    If you want reality on this, try living without debt (no credit cards, mortgage, H.P., deferred payments,

    loans or overdrafts of any kind) or try setting up and expanding a business without any borrowing and seewhat happens to your standard of living.

    But consider this: one borrows when one is short of money; that is, spending power. When the entire

    economy is madly borrowing, the entire economy is very very short of spending power. In other words,

    there is a huge shortage of money and a vast surfeit of debt!


    The existing monetary system has been firmly established for 300 years.

    Money's original purpose, as we have shown, was as a system of tokens to represent or stand proxy for

    goods and services. Were it is issued to a nation by that nation's government debt-free, that is precisely

    what it would do; it would remain a flexible and convenient system that enables the basic principles of

    exchange, supply and demand and reward for endeavour to operate smoothly.

    Where money comes into existence as a loan, the obligation behind it to repay at interest pulls it in twofundamentally different directions at once. It becomes dysfunctional as a means of exchange and the whole

    economy, originally evolved to serve human need, begins to operate like a faulty machine spinning

    increasingly out of human control.

    Imagine a calculator, which unbeknownst to the operator has a fault which holds down the number seven

    and multiplies every answer by seven: that calculator will always give the wrong answer. Two times two

    becomes twenty eight, three plus four becomes forty nine and so on. If the operator uses the calculator to

    work out his accounts or do his tax returns he will pretty soon wrap himself around a pole trying to makeanything make sense.

    The current money system has become just such a "held down seven" wrapping governments and honest

    men around said proverbial pole and thwarting their best endeavours to come up with workable solutions to

    economic problems.

    The dysfunctional machine has been with us for a long time. So long, perhaps, that we think that is how the

    machine is supposed to work, that nothing better should be expected from it.

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    As the stock of money in circulation has grown, debt has increased, as it must where money is borrowed

    into existence. As debt, and the burden of paying it back, have increased, spending power has declined. As

    spending power declines, it can only be compensated for by the supply of more money to the economy. But

    that money is supplied by borrowing it into existence, which increases the overall level of indebtedness,

    reducing spending power and necessitating more borrowing.

    The government borrows, local councils borrow, we borrow to buy our houses, our cars, washing machines,refrigerators and deferred payments, HP, credit cards and overdrafts are used to obtain more and more of

    what we purchase.

    Instead of saving in order to buy what we need, we take what we are seduced into believing we want and

    then work to pay for it later.

    There used to be a finite gap between earning and buying: a man earned the money, then went out and

    bought something with it. Nowadays there is an ever-widening gap between earning and buying: we buy

    something now but must then go on earning further and further into the future to pay for it.

    Increasingly what we buy today ties up spending power into the future. What is borrowed today must be

    paid back in greater amount tomorrow. When we pay back from our income what we have already

    borrowed, the amount of that income that remains available for further spending on goods and services is

    reduced. Spending power is reduced. Consequently a shortage of spending power runs through the entireeconomy.

    While the system of debt-money is in place there can never be other than a shortage of money and a vast

    surfeit of debt.

    The volume of money in circulation and available to buy goods and services can never match the volume of

    goods and services that are available to be bought. Industry can produce goods but cannot sell them, more

    and more tax pays for less and less service.

    Among producers competition for the consumer's scarce spending power steadily increases. The battle formarket share and sales intensifies. There is said to be a "drop in demand" but it is not demand that has

    dropped, it is the ability of the consumer to express the demand because he cannot get his hands on enough

    of the tokens he needs to do so!

    People buy cheap and shoddy products not because they demand cheap and shoddy products but because

    they do not have enough money to express their demand for higher quality products. Producers likewise are

    forced to embark on a quest for cheaper and cheaper ways to produce their products, by mass production or

    gradually dropping quality, because the consumer does not have enough spending power for the producer tobe able to demand the prices he needs to cover the cost of producing higher quality products.

    Suppose we need to build a new hospital. The materials to build it exist, the people to build and man it

    exist, the demand for it exists. But it cannot be built. Why? Because there is not enough money. So why not

    create more money so that the materials, skills and demand can come together?

    That does not happen because governments simply refuse to take responsibility for a job that is rightfully

    and logically their duty: the creation and issuance of the nation's money.

    Instead of creating and issuing money into the economy to satisfy the economy's demand for it, what theydo instead is have banks create it, then borrow it from the banks, then issue it into the economy, then take it,

    plus interest, out of the economy again and hand it back to the banks, then ask the bank to create even more

    money to replace what has just been removed, borrow it, issue it, pay it back with interest!

    The only real limiting factors to our standard of living, to what we can create and have and do, are absence

    of resources, skills, people or need. For instance if there were no coal in the ground we would obviously

    not be able to have coal. Or if coal existed but no-one knew how to mine it or no one were willing to go

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    down mines, then we would not be able to have coal. If no-one wanted coal because everyone prefers gas,

    then there would be no market for coal. Fair enough.

    But where coal exists and there are people who can dig it up and who are willing to dig it up and want the

    work and people want it to warm their homes but great mounds of it sit there unsold because the consumercannot produce enough tokens with which to buy it, then that "lack of demand" for coal is an entirely

    artificially created scarcity. It is not the coal that is scarce. It is money - spending power - itself.

    So we have a scarcity of money, an artificially created barrier to quality and need because the only real

    barriers are absence of resources, skills, people or need.

    While we live in a civilisation of unprecedented technical know-how and massive productive potential, the

    legacy of the debt money system is income tax, unemployment, business failure, declining services,decaying cities, bad food, poverty, a deteriorating environment, shoddy goods and a very uncertain future.

    We hope this brief sketch of our problem with money will have provided you with a good basic

    understanding of why our economy runs as smoothly as an old banger with sugar in the petrol.


    What is real wealth? Real wealth is anything that improves the quality of our lives, that makes them morecomfortable, fulfilling and pleasurable. It may be air that is healthy to breathe, safe drinking water,

    wholesome food, a decent car, comfortable home, freedom from taxation, recreation, art, happy personal

    relationships, whatever people value, which enhances their survival.

    Real economic growth then would be a growth in the abundance of those things which enhance our

    survival. That would include clean air, wholesome food, durable high quality products and does not

    necessarily mean more and more shoddy goods mass produced with short life-spans that have to be

    changed every few years.

    Trade is the exchange of goods and services for the mutual benefit of both parties taking part in the

    exchange. It is through trade that the quality of our lives is improved and that is real wealth.

    Trade got into trouble the moment the government surrendered to the banks its job of creating the nation's


    The cost of debt repayment is now built into the cost of virtually everything we buy. Producers are

    squeezed by two pressures: the rising cost of borrowing eating into their viability on one hand, and on the

    other the problem of competing with other producers for the consumer's own shortfall in spending poweroccasioned by the increasing burden of the consumer's own debt servicing.

    This creates an interminable, desperate paper chase for scarce money.

    Industry is forced to cut costs and find every way it can to maintain financial viability, by producing ever

    more cheaply and that pressure has bedevilled us all with cheap and shoddy goods, goods produced with far

    less quality and durability than industry could achieve were it not forced into this state of perpetual


    As these pressures increase, producers are forced into commercial warfare, a life or death struggle for

    money that is always in short supply through bulk sales of cheaper goods, the desperate quest for new and

    ever more distant markets, by never surrendering an inch of market share to rivals because the tiniest slip

    can mean the difference between staying afloat or going under. And there is the bank waiting to foreclose or

    repossess one's property.

    Thus we arrive at debt-driven growth, growth driven not by real human need but by artificial "market

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    forces" implanted in the economies of nations by the method of issuing currency as debt.

    Real economic growth would mean a growth in all those factors conducive to survival, to a decent healthy

    life, and that would include better quality and durability of goods, cleaner air, more nourishing food, more

    drinkable water, well stocked oceans and rivers, an improvementin the whole ecological balance uponwhich we depend for our very lives.

    Debt-driven growth does not deliver that. The existing money system, which is not a true money system,

    means that growth in economic terms and growth in survival terms have become contradictory, even

    mutually exclusive.

    An inherently insolvent nation cannot balance its books, so the nation seeks to export in order to obtain

    enough foreign revenue to make good the short-fall. So does every other nation because every other nationhas exactly the same problem.

    Trading from a position of interminable insolvency, every nation tries to invade every other nation's home

    market. Nation A desperately produces beef to export to nation B, while nation B is just as desperately

    trying to invade nation A's home market with its own beef.

    Export-or-bust becomes the overriding preoccupation. So great is the desperate scramble for foreign

    revenue, one of the biggest components of the export trade is the sale of arms, one of the great evils of themodern world.

    Selling products abroad becomes not so much a matter of trading some surplus for things we do not

    produce ourselves but a matter of dire necessity. Foreign sales bring in foreign revenue. That foreign money

    is raised in its country of origin with a debt behind it but when it buys our exported goods it arrives here as

    debt-free money because the debt remains behind in its country of origin.

    Similarly when the nation buys goods from abroad, the money goes overseas and becomes debt- free

    revenue for some other nation, but the debt behind it remains here.

    In this way pressure is created to export goods and to resist importing goods. And every nation is trying to

    export like mad and avoid importing at all costs. But for one nation to export another nation has to import!

    The world in other words is at war. Companies are in a state of commercial warfare with other companies.

    Countries are in a condition of commercial warfare with one another.

    Commercial warfare has replaced trade. It is a war of attrition in which there are no winners.

    There is no place for ethics in war. No place for honesty, decency, trust or respect for human life. No

    respect for the environment and no possibility of long-term survival for anyone.

    Trade was supposed to be a matter of mutual benefit but the mad, desperate, tooth-and-claw scramble for

    scarce spending power is to the universal detriment.

    And all because our currency is issued as debt.


    It is suggested in some quarters that GM foods may solve the problem of "world hunger".

    It is certainly true that people in many parts of the Third World are being slowly tortured to death by


    But before we buy the PR from food giants, perhaps we had better remember that one of the "virtues" of

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    GM crops is that the farmer is obliged, by contract, to buy new seeds each year from the seed producer, and

    if the likes of Monsanto get their way the "terminator gene" will render seeds produced by the GM crops

    sterile, thereby obliging the farmer to buy seeds each year. This will further harm farmers in the Third

    World for obvious reasons.

    It would be a good idea to take a closer look at exactly why nations which, for example, can keep half the

    planet supplied with coffee, tobacco or bananas cannot prevent the very people who produce the tobacco,coffee or bananas from going hungry or living in squalor.

    Nowhere is the iniquity of the fraudulent debt system of issuing money more ugly than the atrocity visited

    upon the people of the Third World.

    The debt that afflicts Third World countries, though it derives from the same scam of lending money thatwas conjured out of thin air, operates somewhat differently to the national debts of richer nations.

    By differently we mean more viciously.

    At the end of World War Two, the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) were set up

    as institutions to administer international lending. They have played a leading role in creating the insoluble

    indebtedness of the Third World.

    The WB was set up by the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, to "aid" reconstruction - particularly of

    poorer countries - in the aftermath of World War Two by providing countries with loans with which torebuild their economies.

    This is a neat formula by the way: lend nations the money to fight a war and then when the war is over lend

    them more money to rebuild everything they smashed up.

    The IMF meanwhile was created to provide an international pool of money - a kind of vast overdraft

    facility - on which countries with balance of payment difficulties could draw.

    In the half century since their inception, the IMF and WB have largely replaced country-to- country lending

    and have advanced hundreds of billions of dollars in loans to developing nations.

    Where did the money come from for these loans? Exactly the same place as the money loaned to your to

    buy your car or your house: thin air.

    The theory of such lending goes something like this:

    A country borrows money (at interest) in order to build a development project or range of projects.

    This would help its economy - particularly to produce goods for export.

    From the increased revenues earned by these increased exports the borrower should be able to repay the

    loans plus the interest.

    The borrower winds up thereby in better economic shape. This all sounds very plausible. Unfortunately forthe borrower this is not how things have worked out in practise. Not by a very long way.

    The reality is very different.

    Let's take Brazil for example. By 1980, 78% of her export revenues were going on servicing debts to her

    creditors. Despite increasing repayments on her debts more than tenfold and repaying her original debts

    several times over, she wound up far more heavily in debt than when she started!

    By 1996 Brazil had reached a point where her entire export revenues were not enough to cover the interest

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    on her loans!

    Where a country's economy is geared for exports, a vast proportion of the food, goods and products her

    people make leave the country. That material wealth does not benefit the people that create it. Neither do

    the people benefit from the debt-free revenue brought in as a result of the country's exports because it goesto pay off the interest on loans from the IMF and World Bank. No matter how much and how hard its

    people work, nor how much wealth they create, they will not benefit from their production and will becomepoorer.

    The cruelty and injustice of this process is mind-boggling. To labour and receive no or paltry share in the

    fruits of one's labour is surely slavery by definition - with the IMF and WB in the position of the slave


    No matter how much it is dressed up, given a contemporary gloss, justified or excused, that is the basic fact

    of the matter for millions of human beings. Where once the leverage that made one man a slave and another

    his master was force of arms, the leverage now takes a form more clever, more covert, more hard to see and

    because it is hard to see more difficult to fight. That leverage is the money system itself.

    In the prophetic words of Sir Josiah Stamp, once governor of the Bank of England and therefore in a

    position to speak with some authority: "...if you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own

    slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit."

    Brazil's experience is typical of Third World countries. Such nations are virtually working themselves todeath and rendering their own people destitute in an effort to honour debts to the international money

    lenders who lent them money created out of thin air!

    Why does this happen? Well, what happens to the money borrowed by the Third World nation? That nation

    spends the borrowed money abroad in order to buy the oil and other wherewithal it needs to modernise its

    economy. The money goes abroad and becomes part of the economy of the developed nations but the debt

    remains behind in the debtor nation.

    These countries are forced to export all their wealth to pay the interest. The loan itself could never be


    Unfortunately, as you will see, the cards are stacked against it ever being able to do so in sufficient amount

    to pay off the loan.

    The massive and relentless drive for exports in order to obtain the foreign revenue needed to pay off the

    debts has devastated local economies. Third World nations have been obliged to give priority to producinggoods for export rather than for use by their own people. Export crops, for instance, monopolise the best

    land, smallholders are squeezed out and move to the crowded cities or onto poorer land. Self-evidently

    local people cannot eat food that is shipped abroad.

    The advantage of exporting, theoretically, is that it brings in debt-free money from abroad, as discussed

    earlier, but where that debt-free revenue goes to paying off debts to foreign institutions, none of that money

    benefits the local economy.

    The IMF and WB constantly try to dump the blame for this remorselessly tightening poverty and the

    attendant ruination of local infrastructure, social services and education upon the developing countriesthemselves.

    The fault however lies squarely with the IMF and WB and is built into the monetary system they

    administer. It is a system of plunder and conquest by proxy of unprecedented cruelty.

    The debt trap of these IMF and WB loans is that they deliver control over the economies of entire nations to

    international bankers because the loans come with conditions attached to them.

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    One such condition is the removal of government protection for home markets, which lays the less

    developed and therefore more vulnerable economies of such nations bare before the forces of global

    markets, themselves embroiled in global commercial warfare. The debt-driven goal of every nation from

    the biggest to the smallest, who are all trading from a desperate position of insolvency, is to become netexporters. On the global markets the corporations based in the richer nations are king and into this theatre

    of warfare the less developed economies of often small nations are expected to compete. To pay off theirloans is impossible - to even come close, they would have to compete more successfully in terms of trade

    balance than the richest and most powerful nations on Earth!

    The dropping of trade barriers which protect home markets always results in more powerful nations and

    their dominant trans-global corporations taking over many domestic markets and causes a rise in imports.

    For developing nations, desperately trying to become net exporters in order to pay off loans that wereoriginally intended to enable them to become net exporters, a rise in imports is about as needed as a nuclear

    warhead detonated in the skies above the capital city.

    Loans are often granted on the condition that they are used to purchase goods in the creditor nations. This

    means that the debtor country, in searching for whatever fuel, machinery, computer equipment and so on it

    needs to develop its home industries cannot shop around for the best deals. Neither can it spend the loan in

    another debtor country, which prevents developing countries helping one another. It also means that instead

    of remaining as spending power either in the debtor country or in Third World, the money brought intoexistence by the loan ends up debt-free back in the creditor countries! Only it arrives back in the creditor

    country without the debt attached to it! The debtor country meanwhile no longer has the money but it stillhas the debt!

    With so many debtor countries re-orienting their economies for export and so many seeking to export the

    same goods, the resultant glut on various markets intensifies competition and results in a fall in prices and

    hence a fall in export revenues.

    As the level of indebtedness has mushroomed out of control and the Third World's debts have become

    progressively more unrepayable, what begins to happen then is that new loans cease to buy anything at alland simply fund interest payments on old loans.

    The attachment of conditions to the granting of loans, then gradually more stringent conditions toreschedule loans gradually moves control and direction of the debtor nation away from its people or

    government and into the hands of the banking elite that administers the global debt- money supply. Such

    conditions often empower the lender to oversee the development of an entire economy. The measures

    imposed stipulate drastic cuts in social services, welfare, education, housing, domestic food programs and

    in fact anything that would divert money away from the paying off of escalating loans or furthering exportgrowth, ie the removal of wealth from the debtor country.

    All the countries of the Third World are being covertly stripped of the ability to determine their own futures

    and direct their own resources in whatever directions they see fit - particularly in the direction of doing

    something to improve the lot of their own people.

    Inflicted on developing nations IMF and WB conditions have proven to be utterly devastating, with falling

    incomes, unemployment, inflation, increased trade deficits, increasing outflow of capital, mountingexternal debts, de-industrialisation, displacement of people and the destruction of communities. They lead

    inexorably to massive deprivation, particularly among the poor and those social groups less able to defendthemselves against such harsh strictures.

    In terms of helping the debtor nation develop its economy and pay off its debts such conditions are

    tantamount to tossing three tons of lead into a sinking dinghy.

    This is not incompetence or inferiority on the part of Third World nations. They are simply obliged to play

    the game on a playing field about as level as the north face of the Eiger. This is a game that was rigged

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    from the outset, to their disadvantage While such a system exists not only is it impossible for them to pay

    off their loans it is impossible for them to establish thriving economies for the benefit of their own people.

    The international banking elite which controls the money supply to all the nations of the world can do what

    they like to any economy simply by extending or withholding credit or manipulating interest rates. Whatthey have done to the Third World nations, they have done out of choice. The impoverishment and

    enslavement of people, the starving to death of children that has resulted from their deliberate, calculatedpolicies.

    This process of legalised global fraud has delivered into the hands of the financial dictatorship that controls

    the world's money supply, covert but factual sovereignty over millions of people.

    The financial elite, creating money with a sweep of the pen, making massive profits from the risk freeinvestment of numbers in columns, have acquired dominion over the Earth.

    This is the source and cause of world poverty and world hunger. All other "reasons" given are but myths

    trotted out to hide from view the ugly crime at the bottom of it.


    The excesses of multi-national corporations (MNCs) are not what is wrong with the global economy. Theyare an extremely unpleasant symptom of the underlying malaise.

    The debt-driven economic system we have briefly discussed makes the supremacy of MNCs inevitable

    because it creates an economic climate where "ruthless and amoral big business" is the creature best

    equipped to survive.

    All the strictures of the debt-money system: debt-driven growth, fierce commercial warfare, the desperation

    of nations to export, shortage of spending power leading to the need to cut costs in labour, raw materials,production and transport best achieved by bulk production and economies of scale, the inevitable

    insolvency of all productive enterprise, dangerously low profit margins, and all the rest in fact render

    "ruthless and amoral big business" the only direction industry can go.

    Quite frankly if you want quality and human scale production, economic growth that takes into account

    morality, care for the environment and the needs of people, you are currently living on the wrong planet.

    Planet Earth does not have an economy geared for that kind of thing, however much its five billion

    inhabitants wish it did.

    The success of the MNCs lies in the fact that they have evolved so as to command massive resources,which enables them to mass produce like never before, market globally, hold governments to ransom and

    so persuade them to relax labour laws and environmental protection, cut unit profits to the bone, achieve

    economies of scale, take advantage of the huge economic disparities between nations, particularly between

    rich nations and the Third World where banking activity establishes in debtor nations the very economic

    conditions that favour MNCs.

    These are the very qualities you need if you are to survive in the debt economy.

    No-one in such an economic climate can take their foot off the pedal for a second. Concern for human

    sensibilities, the environment or indeed any consideration other than the next sale are simply not

    compatible with survival in a market place where one grapples with equally desperate rivals. Success is

    now scarcely measured in profit margins. Market share is the goal, driving MNCs to acquire assets which

    they can offset against their debts and thus remain solvent at least on paper, hence the predatory,

    acquisitive, expansionist approach that so marks the MNCs.

    None of this excuses the behaviour of MNCs but it at least helps one understand the environment which has

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    spawned and now drives them.

    To say MNCs are innocent victims of an insane environment is being over kind. At the highest levels the

    banks and MNCs are intricately interwoven. The men with shareholdings in the commercial banks are

    frequently the same men with shareholdings in MNCs. The Rockefeller family's control both of StandardOil and various banking interests is but one example and the recent dismantling of Yugoslavia and its

    takeover by western banking and corporate interests - using western armies as their muscle - show how theinternational loan sharks and MNCs act in concert.

    At the very highest echelons of planet Earth we have the hidden financial dictatorship that can make or

    break nations and has the Third World in factual bondage.


    The mechanics of a debt-based money system have forced farming down a road that, unless corrected, can

    only lead to disaster.

    As we have shown the debt-based economy produces a climate of ruthless commercial warfare.

    These forces act upon farming more cruelly than they do upon any other sector of our economy.

    Over the past 40 years farming has become the least profitable and most heavily indebted sector of the

    economy. Income from farming was three times higher in real terms in 1948 than in 1990. Between 1971

    and 1998 alone, farm incomes fell by 66%.

    Why? The prices the farmer receives for his crops have, in real terms, declined while the costs of

    production and the burden of debt have risen dramatically.

    While incomes have fallen by 50% in just 14 years, debt charges have increased by a massive 44%. In 1980for instance an incredible 40% of all farm incomes went to pay interest on bank loans.

    Between 1978 and 1992 total farming debt quadrupled while bankruptcies in the industry rose from 84 in

    1980 to 504 in 1992, a truly astonishing rise.

    Ever wondered why food is so expensive while farmers are going bankrupt in droves? Over 70% of what

    the shopper pays for his food in the supermarket goes on logistics, the cost of distribution. The margin that

    goes to the farmer or grower is minuscule and the margin that actually goes to the store itself is not that

    much greater.

    The bulk of what we pay goes on transporting the stuff all over the planet. Strawberries grow in fields just

    down the road but we buy strawberries at Wimbledon imported from Australia or somewhere, with all the

    storing, packing, crating, shipping, loading and unloading that entails - not to mention all the cost involved

    in making frequently mediocre products look mouth- watering even when they actually taste like the gaudy

    cardboard in which they are frequently packaged.

    Farmers are particularly vulnerable to the costs of borrowing and fluctuations in interest rates because

    unlike many industries they do not have recourse to share-ownership as another means of borrowingmoney. The pressure on them to borrow and the resultant burden of that borrowing is particularly acute

    because, by the very nature of what they produce, there is a huge gap between planting seed and the harvest

    and between insemination and slaughter. And that in turn creates pressure for short-cuts: the use of artificial

    methods to speed growth or increase yield, regardless of quality.

    The National Farmers Union, surveying the carnage visited upon an industry in whose robust health every

    single one of us has a vested interest, wondered why the government just stood by and let it happen. Good


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    In the debt-driven economic warfare that masquerades as free trade the last thing the trans-global food

    conglomerates and pharmaceuticals need is competition, especially competition that produces a better and

    more popular product.

    Thus organic food production and complementary medicine (which often exists to make good the damagedone by poor nutrition) is competition that must be taken over and eliminated by fair means or foul.

    Methods are being deployed to do just that and these methods have nothing to do with consumer demand,

    free choice, democracy or honesty.

    The new Food Standards Agency (FSA) is a case in point.

    It is a very interesting exercise to trace the origins of the FSA. Who set it up and what were the realmotives?

    The recent BSE scare prompted a clamour for action to ensure the safety of food. The very fact that such

    protective measures were generally agreed to be necessary, indicates just how serious have become the

    dangers of our mass produced foods.

    The origin of BSE was a practise initiated by farm feed giants: the inclusion of slaughterhouse waste in

    animal feeds. The farm feed giants got found out and had to be seen to be cleaning up their act, so theypromoted the FSA as a measure to ensure the safety of our foods. As the safety of our foods had been so

    manifestly compromised that people brought up on a diet that included beef (which had sustainedgenerations of their ancestors without problem) could no longer be sure they did not have germinating

    inside them some horrible disease that would engender an agonizing and humiliating death, this seemed a

    good idea.

    Unfortunately the FSA included in the package a levy to pay for it! The Big Guns know full well that any

    levy can be manipulated to eliminate all competition from small businesses already struggling in the debt-

    based system.

    If the FSA were true to the reason it came into existence, ensuring the standards of our food supply, then its

    main concern would be to protect us from GM foods, contamination by pesticides and the decline of food's

    ability to actually feed us due to the poor husbandry occasioned by factory farming methods.

    But the FSA has a hidden agenda: the elimination of the small food outlet by raising a fixed levy the small

    food outlet will struggle to pay.

    The very people who are responsible for contaminating the planet's food supply are running the FSA, not toprotect us but to make it impossible for anyone to protect us. In the FSA, they have found themselves

    another Stealth Bomber in the war to feed our stomachs.

    While this attack on the small farmer is launched, a similar attack is under way against the suppliers of

    herbal remedies, vitamins and food supplements through the shadowy CODEX organisation.

    Officially known as the United Nations World Health Organisation (WHO) Codex Alimentarius (Nutrition

    Code) Commission, it is empowered by governments to set standards of operation for the health industry.

    Unfortunately those "standards" set by Codex-devised global regulations will result in the entire healthfood industry being taken over by the world's drugs industry.

    If allowed to become law, Codex's proposals will mean that no vitamin, mineral, herb or food supplement

    can be sold for preventative or therapeutic use; none sold as food can exceed dosage levels so low as to

    render them ineffective (eg. 50mg for vitamin C) and all new dietary supplements will be banned unless

    they pass Codex approval first. Those products that do manage to pass safely through this minefield and

    reach the consumer will be prohibitively expensive.

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    Almost the entire range of food supplements, vitamins and complementary medicines will disappear from

    the market or become luxury items and the shops that specialise in them and the manufacturers who

    produce them could be wiped out.

    Millions of people find complementary medicines a safer, more workable alternative to often dangerous

    drug-based medicines, whose own standards are monitored in Britain by the Committee For Safety inmedicines (CSM) and in the US by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration). Both these committees have

    had their impartiality called into question due to the presence amongst their ranks of vested interests from

    both food and pharmaceutical companies. But if you thought you could protect yourself by supplementing

    your diet or by turning to safe and effective alternative remedies, then think again: that right to choose how

    you care for your own health is being removed.

    Dietary supplements and complementary medicine constitute a popular growth industry with a record of

    safety far superior to those who now seek to regulate, and through regulation eliminate, it. It is highly

    debatable what right pharmaceutical and food giants, with their abysmal record of dangerous and deficient

    products, have to regulate anyone. As things stand the only one regulating these giants is the giants

    themselves. One might as well trust Slobodan Milosevic to be on his best behaviour.

    This is not an argument against any kind of regulation. The monitoring of product standards and the

    honesty of advertising claims is a perfectly acceptable quality-control function, provided it is done by atruly accountable and independent body. But having members of one industry regulate a competitor in

    whose destruction they have a vested interest is corrupt.

    Recognise that you are looking at dishonesty. Notice that all respect for human health and life are absent.

    See before you commercial warfare in which there is no place for honesty, ethics, or decency. And whether

    you and I live or die does not much matter to the generals plotting the strategies of this war.


    We are sorry to have to tell you that this is the harsh reality of the world in which we live.

    Giants like Monsanto et al are above the law and above Parliament.

    They have unlimited access to credit and are so intertwined with the world banking fraternity which

    conjures that credit out of thin air as to comprise a coalition.

    That coalition tells government what to do. Thus the law relating to GM products can be, and has been,

    overturned in the High Court; government currently helps Monsanto to develop and sell its GM products tothe tune of 50 million a year, whilst it announces that the paltry 8 million a year it spends on helping

    farmers produce organic food is to be withdrawn; governing parties elected to look after the interests of the

    people are manifestly deaf to the electorate's loud objections to GM foods.

    The financial dictatorship call the shots because they control the money supply. They give unlimited access

    to credit to those they favour and withhold credit from those they don't. Globalisation is a product of this

    phenomenon but the financiers similarly hold the whip hand over the media and over government itself.

    Nobody gets into power without financial backing and money now only exists if bankers give permission

    for it to exist. If they called in their loans there would be no money.

    This massive power rests on the foundation of a fraud. Bankers have a secret mandate from government to

    create money and issue it as credit.

    Ironically, government could end that power tomorrow and free itself and the rest of us simply by

    withdrawing that mandate and taking on the job of money creation itself.

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    So why doesn't it when it is not even difficult to do?

    It does not do it because there is no demand from the electorate.

    There is no demand from the electorate because the electorate has been deliberately kept in the dark.

    The electorate still has the real power but has been duped into not using it.

    It's time we changed that.

    The motives for what appear at first to be mind-bogglingly stupid measures become clear when one realises

    that over 90% of the organisations allowed to send delegates to Codex meetings represent multinationalpharmaceutical organisations and food giants like Monsanto (which has at least one, possibly more,

    representative on its board of directors).


    We are fortunate in that we now know how and why the economics of our civilisation have been working to

    the universal detriment and our job is to ensure that understanding passes out broadly to all men.

    Reform of the monetary flaw at the core of our economic system is not only possible but it is easier done

    than said.

    That reform can be summed up as follows: restore to government the sole right to create money, at a rate

    ordained by the people. Done in full public view and thus correctly supervised. Spent into circulation by the

    government via reducing taxation, starting with PAYE at a rate that keeps pace with economic growth so as

    to avoid inflation and deflation.

    We must make our politicians enact this reform. It could start on it tomorrow if it had the will but it won't

    find the will unless we as an electorate generate the demand.

    When one considers the utter ease with which reform could be implemented, the dramatic way it would

    improve all our fortunes and the screaming urgency with which such action is needed, one weeps for the

    decent people being unnecessarily ruined or made sick or killed because governments fail to act in their


    Monetary reform does not merely hold out the prospect of "keeping the patient alive", nor focus only upon

    stopping things getting any worse: it opens the door to making the patient healthier and happier than he hasever been. And in so doing opens the door to the kind of bright future of which Man once used to dream.

    In the midst of bad news we find good: the opportunity to create a civilisation in which Man's creative

    energies can be brought to bear for the universal benefit.

    There is nothing wrong with Man, with his ingenuity, his creative potential or, for the most part, his good

    will. There is nothing wrong either with the genetic blueprint of the living world. There is much wrong

    though with one vital basic: how his money system is working.

    The first step towards rescuing our lost freedoms from the tyranny of trans-global corporate madness is

    exposing the money fraud.

    So let's do it, let's let the cat out of the bag!

    Contact BAMR now and find out what you can do to help.

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    "In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse in earlier


    Ezra Pound