The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected] PRESIDENT: Nico Kritzinger [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT: JC Nel [email protected] SECRETARY: Danie De Villiers [email protected] PEACE THROUGH SERVICE VOLUME 6, NO 28 2013-02-08 DISTRICT 9320 DISTRICT GOVERNOR: Dave Briggs FEBRUARY World Understanding & RI Anniversary Month BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY 6 Johan Gerber 6 Wendy Calder 9 Nadine Kritzinger 11 Jaco Stander 20 Alma Piek 21 Rentia Sounes ANNIVERSARIES FEBRUARY 25 Doug & Gay Des Fontaine 26 Martin & Sonja Joubert E E x x p p l l o o r r e e R R o o t t a a r r y y G G r r a a n n t t s s T T o o S S S e e e r r r v v v e e e Y Y Y o o o u u u r r r P P P r r r o o o j j j e e e c c c t t t s s s N N N o o o w w w The Rotary Foundation offers multiple types of grants to serve the wide variety of projects that Rotarians are doing around the world. Explore the different grant types to find which one is right for your activity. You will soon have the opportunity to learn your way around these with the upcoming Future Vision Training in Colesberg. District grants District grants fund smaller, short-term activities that address needs in both your local community and communities worldwide. Each district gets to choose which projects it will fund with these grants. Global grants Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of the six areas of focus. The Rotary Foundation accepts global grant applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. Packaged grants Packaged grants have been predesigned by Rotary and our strategic partners. The activities they fund are similar to those funded by global grants, but the work of designing the activity’s general framework has already been done. How do these grant types compare? While all Rotary Foundation grants support meaningful activities around the world, they do differ in a number of ways. District Grants Global Grants Packaged Grants What they support Mission of The Rotary Foundation Six areas of focus Six areas of focus Impact length Short-term Long-term Long-term Minimum budget None US$30,000 US$20,000 Scholarship types available All levels of study, both local and international Graduate-level, international Varies by opportunity Who administers them District The Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation Where funding comes from District Designated Fund Annual Fund, donations to specific grants, endow- ment earnings, term gifts World Fund and strategic partners

Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

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Page 1: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]

PRESIDENT: Nico Kritzinger [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT: JC Nel [email protected] SECRETARY: Danie De Villiers [email protected]







Understanding & RI Anniversary




6 Johan Gerber

6 Wendy Calder

9 Nadine Kritzinger

11 Jaco Stander

20 Alma Piek

21 Rentia Sounes



25 Doug & Gay Des Fontaine

26 Martin & Sonja Joubert

EEExxxppplllooorrreee RRRoootttaaarrryyy GGGrrraaannntttsss TTTooo

SSSeeerrrvvveee YYYooouuurrr PPPrrrooojjjeeeccctttsss NNNooowww

The Rotary Foundation offers multiple types of grants to serve the wide variety of projects that Rotarians are doing around the world. Explore the different grant types to find which one is right for your activity. You will soon have the opportunity to learn your way around these with the upcoming Future Vision Training in Colesberg.

DDiissttrriicctt ggrraannttss

District grants fund smaller, short-term activities that address needs in both your local community and communities worldwide. Each district gets to choose which projects it will fund with these grants.

GGlloobbaall ggrraannttss

Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of the six areas of focus. The Rotary Foundation accepts global grant applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.

PPaacckkaaggeedd ggrraannttss

Packaged grants have been predesigned by Rotary and our strategic partners. The activities they fund are similar to those funded by global grants, but the work of designing the activity’s general framework has already been done.

HHooww ddoo tthheessee ggrraanntt ttyyppeess ccoommppaarree??

While all Rotary Foundation grants support meaningful activities around the world, they do differ in a number of ways.

DDiissttrriicctt GGrraannttss GGlloobbaall GGrraannttss PPaacckkaaggeedd GGrraannttss

What they


Mission of The Rotary

Foundation Six areas of focus Six areas of focus

Impact length Short-term Long-term Long-term

Minimum budget None US$30,000 US$20,000


types available

All levels of study, both

local and international


international Varies by opportunity

Who administers

them District The Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation

Where funding

comes from

District Designated


Annual Fund, donations

to specific grants, endow-

ment earnings, term gifts

World Fund and

strategic partners

Page 2: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]

The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think,

say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned

3. Will it build GOODWILL &


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to

all concerned?



Casper Minnaar

You are invited to

attend the last

District 9270


17-19 May 2013

Sibaya, Durban


DDiissttrriicctt SSiimmpplliiffiieedd GGrraannttss

District Simplified Grants help Rotary districts support short-term humanitarian projects that benefit the community. These grants are being phased out, but we will accept applications for them until 31 March 2013.

RRoottaarryy PPeeaaccee FFeelllloowwsshhiippss

Rotary Peace Fellows are chosen from countries and cultures around the globe based on their ability to have a significant, positive impact on world peace and conflict resolution during their careers.

MMaattcchhiinngg GGrraannttss

Matching Grants match contributions for international service projects by Rotary clubs and districts. Grant awards range from US$5,000 to $200,000. These grants are being phased out, but we will accept applications for them until 31 March 2013.

AAppppllyy oonnlliinnee ffoorr 22001133--1144 ggrraannttss Rotary Grants, a new microsite, makes it much easier for Rotarians and others to

learn about Rotary Foundation grants and for Rotarians to apply for and manage

them online. The new grant model is streamlined and designed to effect sustainable


Ready to get started? Use our online grants tool to:

• Plan your grant

• Qualify

• Start a new application

• Manage ongoing grants

• Report on your grants




FRIDAY 15 February


FRIDAY 22 February


THURSDAY 28 February


Koos Kombuis

Horace McBride Tom McGhee Casper Minnaar JC Nel Flag/Grace


4-Way Test

Meeting Report Rein Lourens Horace McBride Tom McGhee Casper Minnaar

Contribution Piet Lombaard Rein Lourens Horace McBride Tom McGhee

Sergeant Cheryl Katz Piet Lombaard Rein Lourens Horace McBride

Front Desk Martin Joubert Cheryl Katz Riet Lombaard Rein Lourens

Thank Speaker Social meeting Business Meeting Cheryl Katz Riet Lombaard

Let’s fill the jar in the bar with loose change. Let’s start ...



Only a cad would ask a lady how old she is. However, to satisfy your morbid

curiosity, I'll give you a hint: I come from a very large family. Five years ago, I

was five times as old as my youngest sister. Today I'm only three times as old as

she is. That's all the information you're going to get from me. And, knowing

your prowess in mathematics, I'm sure my secret will remain closely guarded." Answer on last page


222000111333 RRRIII CCCooonnnvvveeennntttiiiooonnn

222333---222666 JJJuuunnneee LLLiiisssbbbooonnn,,, PPPooorrrtttuuugggaaalll

Page 3: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]






Join the Rotaractors

9 February



At Wilkoppies Centre

And be rewarded at


Night at the Races


23 February -- PPRRIIZZEESS --

For the best dressed

R150 pp

CLUB CALENDAR ... ... And Other Dates To Keep In Mind

2013 February World Understanding Month

Huis Servaas Braai Huis Servaas

Monday 4 February STEP Information Evening Rotapark

Saturday 9 February Pint for a Pint blood donation with Rotaractors Wilkoppies Centre

Sunday 17 February Fellowship Ride / Walk / Drive Faan Meintjies

21-24 February RYLA 2013 by Rotary Club of Flamingo, Welkom Tikwe Lodge, Virginia Saturday 23 February Fundraiser: Ascot – A night at the Races Rotapark

Saturday 23 February Rotary’s 108th anniversary World wide

March Literacy Month & World Rotaract Week

1-3 March POETS Durban

Saturday 2 March Morning – EarlyAct Conference – Star Wars Faan Meintjies

Saturday 2 March Evening – Rotapark Community Annual Dinner Rotapark

8-11 March POETS Colesberg

8-11 March Future Vision Training Colesberg

April Magazine Month

5-7 April Regional Peace Cycle Ride KOSH

April Inter Act Conference Potchefstroom RC


9-11 May Rotary Family Health Day project Jouberton

Tuesday 28 May Headboy/Headgirl Dinner Rotapark


4 March For districts to submit their Public Image Grant applications

15 March For district governors to submit Significant Achievement Award nominations (one per district) to RI

31 March For District Simplified Grant requests

For district governors to receive completed 2012-13 Presidential Citation forms

To register for the 2013 RI Convention at a reduced rate

15 April Forms to governors for RI Recognition of Membership Development Initiatives

For governors to report, in Member Access, clubs (Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact) that qualify for the 2012-13 Presidential Citation

RRRoootttaaarrryyy FFFaaammmiiilllyyy HHHeeeaaalllttthhh DDDaaayyy

BIG PLANS are under way for the expansion of the Rotary Family Health Day which will be held May 9 - 11, 2013. This Rotary-led event is entering its third year and provides many free health care services to the citizens of three countries, at a total of 400 sites, across the nations of Uganda (120 sites), Nigeria/Lagos (100 sites) and South Africa (180 sites). Rotary Districts involved are 9400, 9350, 9320, 9270, 9200 and 9110 (365 Rotary Clubs in all).

Rotarians For Family Health &AIDS Prevention, a Rotarian Action Group, obtains and manages the multiple partners that are involved in this interdependent partnership program model. The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (a Primary Partner) provides mobilization and management costs; the CDC and USAID provide support through the NGOs they fund; at least 100 NGOs will be providing the medical/technical services at the event; Delta Airlines provides complimentary tickets and funding; and each Country Government Ministry of Health is also critical to success. In the case of South Africa, the S.A. Department of Health is supporting all the staffing and medical support at all 180 sites!

It is expected that we will reach approximately 200,000 people during this weekend with HIV Testing/Counseling; Polio immunization and Measles Vaccine; TB and Malaria Screens; Diabetes and Blood Pressure Testing; Cervical Cancer screen; Male circumcision, Dental, and others. Rotarians expect to attract new members to their Clubs by holding this event because it is large scale and high profile.

For more information, contact the D9320 team leader, AG Tom McGhee 082 940 2163

Page 4: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]

Time for Action

TOM’s Shoes have arrived!

Lennie Lion

Lennie is still raising

funds for the



Become a friend of Lennie TheLion

our roaming ambassador and follow him on


Time for Action

The Usborne

Dictionaries have arrived!

The latest Rotary news from here, there and everywhere

Send your contributions to the Bulletin Editor


The stars of the evening were

Clifton Piek (l) and Jaco

Stander (r) who presented a

slideshow depicting their

travels and conveyed all the

excitement to those who

stayed behind.

Left: Doug Des

Fontaine and AG

Wally Jacobs share

a joke

Right: Joe Visser,

Sandy Botha and

Liefie Day were

planning a serious

club event

Forever undercover Anns - Jan Reichhardt, Rentia Sounes,

Marlene Waks and Wendy Calder enjoyed the evening and

the company.

Sandy Viljoen was also on the

trip and proudly showed of

all her African acquisitions. Left: President

Nico chats to


Right: Rotaract

President, Allison

reminded every

one of the Pint-

for-a-Pint drive

Page 5: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]


Now you can

choose where

you wish to


1-3 March

Durban or

8-11 March

Colesberg With Future Vision



HHOOSSTTSS DDeecc//JJaannuuaarryy

John Cooke

Tom Mc Ghee; Danie de

Villiers; Horace McBride

Cheryl Katz

Mike Bower; Mike Stocken

Mike Waks

Wally Jacobs; Jaco Stander;

Clifton Piek

Nico Kritzinger

Louis Sounes; Piet

Lombaard; Joe Visser

Johan Swart

Margie Constantinidis;

John Cooke; Daudie


Lynn Cohen

Andreas Demetriou; JC Nel;

Gerry Calder

PPlleeaassee iinnffoorrmm tthhee

BBuulllleettiinn EEddiittoorr oonnccee yyoouu

hhaavvee hheelldd yyoouurr ddiinnnneerr

Klerksdorp Rotary Club Meeting Report – 31 January 2013

By Piet Lombaard

President Nico opened the business meeting and called on Rein Lourens to unfurl the flag and say Grace. All those who celebrated birthdays and anniversaries during the past week were congratulated.

President Nico verwelkom al die lede sowel as AG Wally en Arlene Jacobs en die gaste van Jaco Stander:- Gerhard en Janette Ackerman, Christopher en Brigette Stander; Margie Constantinidis:- Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:- Ansie Heyneke en Andre van Zijl.

AG Wally oorhanding twee sertifikate aan PP Margie. Die eerste sertifikaat is ‘n Rotary International “Change Maker Award” vir die jaar 2011/2012. Die tweede toekenning is die “District Governor Citation” vir die Klub se bydrae tot die Polio Fonds.

President Nico kondig die maand se aktiwiteite aan soos in die Bulletin Kalender uiteengesit en deel die klub mee dat die 250 Usborne woordeboeke uiteindelik gearriveer het.

Andre Van Zijl, die langslewende HIV positief persoon, vertel van sy fondsinsameling projekte. Hy ry per fiets van dorp na dorp om geld in te samel vir die “Global AIDS Prevention” fonds. Andre is reeds in 1984 as HIV positief gediagnoseer en het geweier om dit as ‘n doodsvonnis te aanvaar. Sedert 16 Desember 2011 het hy meer as R2 miljoen ingesamel en beoog om hierdie jaar die bedrag te verbeter. Hy motiveer die talle fietsryers in ons klub om asseblief veilig te ry. Andre is ook die houer van 39 wêreld rekords. Hy is baie gemotiveerd en het met die woorde “Life live always in full” afgesluit.

Sersant Martin Joubert beboet al die Rotatiërs en vorder so fondse in.

Ons hoofsprekers vir die aand is Jaco en Clifton wat die groep van 22 mense verteenwoordig o.a. Clifton & Alma, Jaco & Lisa, Margie & Lynn, Jan & Sandy, wat pas terug gekeer het vanaf ‘n toer deur Sub-Sahara Afrika. Hulle reis vir 39 dae met nege voeruie deur Botswana, Zambie, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi en Zimbabwe. Jaco deel hulle wedervaringe van die afgelope 5 weke en gee ‘n paar interessante statistieke:

• Totale afstand afgelê 11,069km

• Diesel verbruik deur Jaco se voertuig 1,411 liter.

• Gemiddelde tyd om deur grens poste te beweeg 4 tot 5 ure,

• Hoogste punt bo seevlak 2,450 meter,

• Langste afstand in een dag afgelê 424km,

• Liters bier verbruik onbekend!!!

Jaco en Clifton deel hulle asemrowende fotos met ons waarna President Nico hulle bedank. Die wyntrekking word gewen deur Casper Minnaar. Die vergadering word afgesluit deur Rein Lourens met vierledige toets.

AAAAAAAASSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT -------- NNNNNNNNiiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttt aaaaaaaatttttttt tttttttthhhhhhhheeeeeeee RRRRRRRRaaaaaaaacccccccceeeeeeeessssssss 2233 FFeebbrruuaarryy RR115500 pppp

PPRRIIZZEESS ffoorr tthhee bbeesstt ddrreesssseedd mmaann,, wwoommaann && ccoouuppllee

Page 6: Explore Rotary Grants To SServe Your Projects No 20130208.pdf · Wanda Strauss, Alfredo en Noni Pesce, Raymond Eidelman, Karl en Renee Pederson, Nimrod en Judy Daly; Piet Lombaard:-

The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District

9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved ©[T

BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 [email protected]

[Type text]


Come on ladies,

How come you aren’t

joining the rush to the

RI Convention in


Just look at this prime

specimen that will be

waiting for us ...

CLUB BANKING DETAIL Klerksdorp Rotary Club, Nedbank Cheque account at Klerksdorp Account No: 1741 227 879 Branch No: 174 138



Two enclosed stores and one covered shed all stacked to the ceiling, ten

containers that have not even been opened yet and at least 3 million books at

any one time!!!! That is what awaits any Rotary club wanting to participate in

the educational project of the Rotary clubs that run the Rotary Humanitarian

Aid Center in Johannesburg. The center is open Tuesday through Friday from

9am to 4pm.

Visit www.rotarybooksfortheworld.org/SouthAfrica.html

Rotary International at the World Economic Forum

RI General Secretary John Hewko recently had the privilege of representing Rotary International at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Every year, the economic forum brings together in Davos several thousand of the world’s leading figures from the private sector, government, and academia. The forum also invites a select group of 40 non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Following the concerted efforts of senior Rotary leaders, Rotary has been fortunate to be chosen as one of those NGO invitees.

The four-day event involved a non-stop program of meetings, receptions, and networking opportunities, which represented an incredible opportunity to introduce Rotary to a very select audience. In all, I was able to have a substantive conversation with almost 120 individuals about Rotary and our efforts to eradicate polio. In addition, because of my prior US government experience with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, I was asked to participate in a number of discussion sessions dealing with international development and health issues. This afforded a further opportunity to showcase the work of Rotary and the polio eradication effort.

For more than two decades, Rotary has been taking the lead in the global effort to eradicate polio. We are This Close to finishing the job. To have Rotary be a part of such a collection of distinguished world leaders at the economic forum further underscored that Rotary is a major player on the international stage.

This of course could not have happened without the commitment and dedication of the 1.2 million Rotary members worldwide – men and women who have worked so long to bring us to the threshold of our ultimate goal: a polio-free world.


TO THE BRAIN TEASER I am 30 years old and my sister is 10 years old.