EXPERIMENTAL Deep and Superficial Keloid Fibroblasts Contribute Differentially to Tissue Phenotype in a Novel In Vivo Model of Keloid Scar Dorothy M. Supp, Ph.D. Jennifer M. Hahn, B.S. Kathryn Glaser, B.A. Kevin L. McFarland, M.S., J.D. Steven T. Boyce, Ph.D. Cincinnati, Ohio Background: Keloids are thick fibrous scars that are refractory to treatment and unique to humans. The lack of keloid animal models has hampered develop- ment of effective therapies. The authors’ goal was to develop an animal model of keloids using grafted engineered skin substitutes composed of keloid-derived cells. To demonstrate the model’s utility, differences between deep and super- ficial keloid fibroblasts were investigated. Methods: Engineered skin substitutes were prepared using six combinations of cells: 1, normal keratinocytes and normal fibroblasts; 2, normal keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts; 3, normal keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts; 4, keloid keratin- ocytes and normal fibroblasts; 5, keloid keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts; and 6, keloid keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts. Engineered skin substitutes stably grafted to athymic mice were evaluated for wound area, thickness, and gene expression. Results: Deep keloid fibroblasts displayed elevated expression of type 1 collagen alpha 1(COL1A1), transforming growth factor -1, periostin, plasminogen activator inhibitor 2, and inhibin beta A compared with superficial keloid fibroblasts and normal fibro- blasts. After grafting, engineered skin substitutes in group 5 were significantly thicker than controls and had increased COL1A1 expression. Engineered skin substitutes in group 6 showed significantly increased area. Histologic analysis revealed abnormal collagen organization in engineered skin substitutes containing deep keloid fibroblasts or superficial keloid fibroblasts. Conclusions: Aspects of the phenotypes of engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid cells are analogous to thickening and spreading of human keloid scars. There- fore, use of keloid engineered skin substitutes is a valuable new tool for the study of keloid scarring. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 1259, 2012.) K eloids are raised dermal scars that result from an abnormal fibroproliferative response fol- lowing skin injury. Keloid scars spread beyond the original wound boundary and tend to be refrac- tory to treatment. 1 They are more common in darker pigmented populations, including African Ameri- cans, Asians, and Hispanics, and are believed to in- volve a genetic component. 1–5 Keloids share several features with hypertrophic scars, including excessive extracellular matrix deposition caused by unknown mechanisms 6 ; significant morbidity caused by itch- ing, pain, and decreased range of motion 7 ; pro- foundly impacted psychosocial well-being; and im- paired overall quality of life for affected patients. 7–10 Importantly, there are no real cures for either type From the Research Department, Shriners Hospitals for Chil- dren–Cincinnati, and the Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Received for publication September 20, 2011; accepted De- cember 13, 2011. Presented in part at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Amer- ican Burn Association, in Boston, Massachusetts, March 9 through 12, 2010. Copyright ©2012 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824ecaa9 Disclosure: Dr. Boyce is the inventor named on patents assigned to the University of Cincinnati and Shriners Hospitals for Children according to their intellectual prop- erty policies. Patents and other intellectual property per- taining to engineered skin substitutes are licensed to Cu- tanogen Corporation, which was founded by Dr. Boyce, and in which he has past and present financial interests; however, he has no authority or responsibility for Cutano- gen’s current activities. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to declare . www.PRSJournal.com 1259

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Deep and Superficial Keloid FibroblastsContribute Differentially to Tissue Phenotypein a Novel In Vivo Model of Keloid Scar

Dorothy M. Supp, Ph.D.Jennifer M. Hahn, B.S.

Kathryn Glaser, B.A.Kevin L. McFarland, M.S., J.D.

Steven T. Boyce, Ph.D.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Background: Keloids are thick fibrous scars that are refractory to treatment andunique to humans. The lack of keloid animal models has hampered develop-ment of effective therapies. The authors’ goal was to develop an animal modelof keloids using grafted engineered skin substitutes composed of keloid-derivedcells. To demonstrate the model’s utility, differences between deep and super-ficial keloid fibroblasts were investigated.Methods: Engineered skin substitutes were prepared using six combinations of cells:1,normalkeratinocytesandnormal fibroblasts;2,normalkeratinocytesanddeepkeloidfibroblasts; 3, normal keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts; 4, keloid keratin-ocytes and normal fibroblasts; 5, keloid keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts; and6, keloid keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts. Engineered skin substitutesstably grafted to athymic mice were evaluated for wound area, thickness, and geneexpression.Results: Deep keloid fibroblasts displayed elevated expression of type 1 collagen alpha1 (COL1A1), transforming growth factor �-1, periostin, plasminogen activator inhibitor2, and inhibin beta A compared with superficial keloid fibroblasts and normal fibro-blasts. After grafting, engineered skin substitutes in group 5 were significantly thickerthan controls and had increased COL1A1 expression. Engineered skin substitutes ingroup 6 showed significantly increased area. Histologic analysis revealed abnormalcollagen organization in engineered skin substitutes containing deep keloid fibroblastsor superficial keloid fibroblasts.Conclusions: Aspects of the phenotypes of engineered skin substitutes prepared withkeloid cells are analogous to thickening and spreading of human keloid scars. There-fore, use of keloid engineered skin substitutes is a valuable new tool for the study ofkeloid scarring. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 1259, 2012.)

Keloids are raised dermal scars that result froman abnormal fibroproliferative response fol-lowing skin injury. Keloid scars spread beyond

the original wound boundary and tend to be refrac-tory to treatment.1 They are more common in darkerpigmented populations, including African Ameri-cans, Asians, and Hispanics, and are believed to in-volve a genetic component.1–5 Keloids share severalfeatures with hypertrophic scars, including excessive

extracellular matrix deposition caused by unknownmechanisms6; significant morbidity caused by itch-ing, pain, and decreased range of motion7; pro-foundly impacted psychosocial well-being; and im-paired overall quality of life for affected patients.7–10

Importantly, there are no real cures for either type

From the Research Department, Shriners Hospitals for Chil-dren–Cincinnati, and the Department of Surgery, Universityof Cincinnati College of Medicine.Received for publication September 20, 2011; accepted De-cember 13, 2011.Presented in part at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Amer-ican Burn Association, in Boston, Massachusetts, March 9through 12, 2010.Copyright ©2012 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824ecaa9

Disclosure: Dr. Boyce is the inventor named on patentsassigned to the University of Cincinnati and ShrinersHospitals for Children according to their intellectual prop-erty policies. Patents and other intellectual property per-taining to engineered skin substitutes are licensed to Cu-tanogen Corporation, which was founded by Dr. Boyce,and in which he has past and present financial interests;however, he has no authority or responsibility for Cutano-gen’s current activities. The remaining authors have noconflicts of interest to declare.

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of scar, despite the availability of multiple treatmentoptions.11–13 The fact that there are no universallyaccepted treatments for either keloids or hypertro-phic scars underscores the heterogeneity of thesedebilitating lesions and indicates that the key mech-anisms involved in abnormal scarring remain to beelucidated. Development of improved therapeuticoptions could be facilitated by both an increasedunderstanding of the mechanisms of abnormal scardevelopment and the use of appropriate in vivomodels. However, the paucity of good animal mod-els of abnormal scarring has significantly impededresearch efforts.14 Although there are a limited num-ber of animal models that resemble some featuresof hypertrophic scars,15–18 keloids are unique tohumans19 and there are currently no animal modelsfor keloid scarring. Rodent models have been de-scribed that involve transplantation of human keloidtissue into athymic rats or, more commonly, athymicmice.20,21 However, these models are limited becauseof the heterogeneous nature of the material trans-planted, the limited time for which the transplantsremain viable, and the inability to assess prophylactictherapies.19

In the absence of in vivo models, the role ofgrowth factors in keloid scar formation has beenstudied in tissue culture models using cells derivedfrom keloids. For example, keloid-derived fibro-blasts secrete increased levels of collagen and en-zymes involved in extracellular matrix remodeling,such as matrix metalloproteinases.22 Because kera-tinocytes play an important role in paracrine regu-lation of fibroblast function,23 their role in keloidformation has also been investigated. Several reportshave described the influence of keloid-derived ker-atinocytes on normal or keloid-derived fibroblasts inculture.24–29 Those studies indicate that keloid fibro-blasts and keratinocytes secrete paracrine signals,distinct from signals in normal cells, to modulategene expression and activity. Although these studiesdemonstrated the importance of keratinocytes inregulating fibroblast function, cells grown in mono-layer cannot reproduce the cell-cell and cell-matrixinteractions found in intact tissue. Recognizing theimportance of these interactions, an organotypicmethod for studying keloid-derived fibroblasts waspreviously described30 in which normal or keloidfibroblasts were embedded in bovine collagen gelsoverlaid with normal keratinocytes.30 In that model,keloid fibroblasts caused increased gel contractioncompared with normal fibroblasts. Although thismodel was more complex than previous two dimen-sional co-culture models, it was limited to in vitroanalysis.

We hypothesized that engineered skin substi-tutes prepared using keloid-derived fibroblastsand keratinocytes grafted to mice could serve as anin vivo model of human keloid scarring. Engineeredskin substitutes have been evaluated in clinical trialsas an adjunctive treatment to achieve wound closurein burn patients with large wounds and limited do-nor sites for autografting.31–34 For clinical applica-tion to burn patients, cultured autologous der-mal fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes arecombined with a collagen-based biopolymermatrix.31,34–36 After 1 to 2 weeks of in vitro culture,engineered skin substitutes demonstrate skin-liketissue development, including differentiation of astratified epidermal layer with a cornified surface,deposition of basement membrane, and remod-eling of the dermal extracellular matrix by fibro-blasts. Numerous preclinical studies have beenperformed for analysis of engineered skin substi-tutes using the athymic mouse model as a host,37–42

permitting essentially permanent engraftment be-cause of the absence of T cells in this immunodefi-cient mouse strain. The goal of the current study wasto investigate the use of engineered skin substitutesas an in vivo model for the study of keloid-derivedcells. Other investigators have identified differ-ences in gene expression when comparing deepand superficial fibroblasts cultured from normalskin43 or fibroblasts isolated from different regionsof keloid scars.44 We investigated transplantationof engineered skin substitutes containing normaland/or keloid cells for analysis of deep (reticular)and superficial (papillary) fibroblasts, to assess thevalidity of engineered skin substitutes as an orga-notypic in vivo model of keloid scarring. Whencombined in engineered skin substitutes andtransplanted to athymic mice, keloid keratinocytesand deep keloid fibroblasts resulted in grafts thatwere significantly thicker than controls. However,if superficial fibroblasts were used, the trans-planted grafts significantly increased in area butnot thickness. These results indicate differentialcontributions of deep and superficial fibroblasts tothe phenotype of keloid scars, and suggest that ke-loid engineered skin substitutes represent a valuablein vivo model of keloid abnormality.


Cell Culture and Engineered Skin SubstitutePreparation

Discarded human scar and skin samples wereobtained with University of Cincinnati Institu-tional Review Board approval and in accordancewith the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, as revised in

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1983. Primary cultures of fibroblasts and keratin-ocytes were isolated from a thick keloid scar ex-cised from the face of a 10-year-old male AfricanAmerican burn survivor. The dermal componentof the keloid was dissected into “superficial” der-mis, which was approximately 0.5 cm thick andadjacent to the epidermis, and “deep” dermis, alsoapproximately 0.5 cm thick, before primary cul-ture. Normal fibroblasts and keratinocytes wereisolated from full-thickness normal breast skin ofa 17-year-old African American female patient un-dergoing elective breast reduction surgery; theentire dermal layer was used for fibroblast culturewithout subdivision. Fibroblasts and keratinocyteswere isolated and cultured separately in specificgrowth medium as described in detail elsewhere.45

Briefly, tissue samples were cleansed using 5%Dettol and then rinsed several times in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid–buffered saline. Tissue was cut into 2- to 3-mm-widestrips and incubated overnight at 4°C in 30 ml ofDispase II [2.4 units/ml in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid–buffered saline;Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, Ind.], fol-lowed by manual separation of epidermis from der-mis. Deep dermis tissue was processed immediately,without Dispase II incubation, for fibroblast isola-tion. Dermal strips were minced finely and incu-bated at 37°C for 1 hour in 30 ml of collagenase (625units/ml; Worthington Biochemical Corp., Lake-wood, N.J.) with occasional mixing. Fibroblasts wererinsed with culture medium46 and cells and tissuepieces were pelleted and inoculated into flasks. Toisolate keratinocytes, epidermal strips were incu-bated for 5 minutes at 37°C in 0.025% trypsin (In-vitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) plus 0.01% ethylenedi-aminetetraacetic acid (Invitrogen); the mixture wasneutralized with 10% fetal bovine serum (Invitro-gen) and filtered through a BD-Falcon 70-�m cellstrainer (BD Biosciences, Bedford, Mass.). Keratin-ocytes were pelleted by centrifugation and inocu-lated into flasks. Culture media were refreshed every48 hours, and cells were passaged before reachingconfluence. All cells were harvested for preparationof engineered skin substitutes at passage 2.

For preparation of engineered skin substitutes,fibroblasts were grown to near-confluence, harvested,and inoculated onto rehydrated bovine collagen-gly-cosaminoglycan polymer substrates (approximately40 cm2 starting area) at a density of 5 � 105/cm2.45,47

Two days later, keratinocytes were harvested at sub-confluent densities and inoculated onto the dermalsubstrates at a density of 1 � 106/cm2. Engineeredskin substitutes were incubated at the air-liquid in-terface for 14 days with daily medium changes.42 Six

groups of engineered skin substitutes were prepared(n � 3 per group): group 1, normal keratinocytesand normal fibroblasts; group 2, normal keratino-cytes and deep keloid fibroblasts; group 3, normalkeratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts;group 4, keloid keratinocytes and normal fibro-blasts; group 5, keloid keratinocytes and deep keloidfibroblasts; and group 6, keloid keratinocytes andsuperficial keloid fibroblasts.

Grafting to MiceAll animal studies were performed with Uni-

versity of Cincinnati Institutional Animal Care andUse Committee approval and following U.S. Na-tional Institutes of Health guidelines. Homozy-gous nude athymic female mice, aged 6 to 8 weeks,were obtained from Harlan Laboratories (India-napolis, Ind.). Engineered skin substitutes werecut to 2 � 2-cm squares and transplanted to full-thickness excisional wounds cut on the right flankof each mouse, to the depth of the panniculuscarnosus, as described in detail elsewhere (n � 8per group).45,48 Grafts were sutured to the woundsat the corners and sides and covered with multiplelayers of gauze coated with antimicrobial oint-ment, and opposing sutures were tied over thegauze to stent the wound and limit contraction for2 weeks after surgery.45 The grafted areas werecovered with OpSite occlusive dressing (Smith &Nephew, London, United Kingdom), and the micewere wrapped using Coban bandages (3M HealthCare, St. Paul, Minn.) until the dressing materialswere removed at 2 weeks.

Mice were photographed every 2 weeks, andbeginning at week 4, grafted areas were tracedonto sterile frosted Mylar sheets for calculation ofwound areas using planimetry (ImageJ software;National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.;http://rsbweb.nih.gov/i/). Mice were killed at 12weeks after surgery and biopsy specimens of en-gineered skin substitutes were collected for histo-logic analyses, immunohistochemistry, and RNAisolation.

Histologic Analysis and ImmunohistochemistryBiopsy specimens of engineered skin substi-

tutes for histology were processed and sectionedby the Shriners Hospitals for Children–CincinnatiHistology Core Facility. Samples for histologicanalysis were fixed in 10% buffered neutral for-malin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, andstained using Gomori’s One Step TrichromeMethod for Connective Tissue (Light Green), ac-cording to the manufacturer’s instructions (Poly

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Scientific R&D Corp., Bay Shore, N.Y.). Engraft-ment of human cells was confirmed by immu-nohistochemical localization of human leuko-cyte antigen-ABC in frozen nonfixed engineeredskin substitute sections using a fluorescein-labeledmouse monoclonal anti–human leukocyte anti-gen class I antibody49 (Accurate Chemical & Sci-entific Corp., Westbury, N.Y.). Only animals withgrafts that displayed positive human leukocyte an-tigen-ABC immunostaining, indicating engraft-ment of human cells in engineered skin substi-tutes, were included for further analyses.

Image AnalysisHistologic sections were examined and photo-

graphed using a Nikon Eclipse 90i microscope(Nikon Instruments, Inc., Melville, N.Y.). Thicknessof dermal and epidermal regions was quantified us-ing image analysis (NIS-Elements AR3.1; Nikon). Toavoid biasing the thickness measurements becauseof nonlinear dermal-epidermal junctions, quantifi-cation was performed by separately calculating theareas of the epidermis (beneath the stratum cor-neum to the dermal-epidermal junction) and der-mis (dermal-epidermal junction to the panniculuscarnosus) in microscopic fields photographed at 4�magnification. Two to three low-power fields persection were measured.

Expression AnalysesFibroblasts were harvested and pelleted, and

cells were disrupted using Qiashredders (Qiagen,Inc., Valencia, Calif.); engineered skin substitutetissue biopsy specimens from mice were homog-enized in lysis buffer using a rotor-stator homog-enizer. RNA was isolated using RNeasy Mini Kits(Qiagen). Quantitative real-time polymerase chainreaction analysis was used for analyses of gene ex-pression levels. cDNA was prepared using the Su-perScript VILO cDNA synthesis kit (Invitrogen), andamplification was performed using gene-specificprimers (RT2 qPCR Primer Assays; Qiagen), and theiCycler iQ system (BioRad Inc., Hercules, Calif.).The comparative ��Ct method was used to cal-culate the fold differences between the house-keeping gene glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate de-hydrogenase (GAPDH) and the genes of interest.50

The following genes were selected for analysis be-cause they were previously implicated in keloid scar-ring: alpha 1 chain of type I collagen (COL1A1),transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-�1), perios-tin (POSTN), plasminogen activator inhibitor 2(PAI2), inhibin beta A (INHBA), follistatin (FST),and secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP2).44,46,51

All samples were analyzed in triplicate and the meanexpression levels, normalized to expression in nor-mal fibroblasts or engineered skin substitutes con-taining normal fibroblasts and keratinocytes, arepresented.

Statistical AnalysisStatistical analyses were performed to identify

any significant differences in COL1A1 expression,grafted area, dermal thickness, or epidermal thick-ness among groups. Gene expression data ob-tained from normal, deep dermal, and superficialdermal fibroblasts were not analyzed statisticallybecause technical triplicates, not biological repli-cates, were examined. Statistical analyses were per-formed using SigmaStat software version 3.1 (Sys-tat Software Corp., Chicago, Ill.). For analysis ofCOL1A1 expression in vitro and in vivo, and thick-ness at week 12 after grafting, comparisons be-tween groups were performed by one-way analysisof variance, and subsequent pairwise comparisonswere performed using the Student-Newman-Keulsmethod. For analysis of graft areas at sequentialtimes after grafting, two-way repeated measuresanalysis of variance was used; variable factorswere time (weeks) and group. Subsequent pair-wise comparisons were performed using the t test.Differences were considered statistically signifi-cant at values of p � 0.05.


Engineered Skin Substitutes Containing Normaland Keloid-Derived Cells

To confirm regional differences between deepkeloid fibroblasts and superficial keloid fibroblasts,expression levels of multiple genes previously im-plicated in keloid scarring44,46,51 were analyzed(Fig. 1). These included COL1A1, TGF-�1, POSTN,PAI2, INHBA, FST, and SFRP2. As expected, allwere differentially expressed between normal andkeloid-derived fibroblasts. In addition, COL1A1,TGFB1, POSTN, PAI2, and INHBA were expressedat higher levels in deep keloid fibroblasts com-pared with superficial keloid fibroblasts. FST andSFRP2 were expressed at slightly higher levels insuperficial keloid fibroblasts compared with deepkeloid fibroblasts. The differential expression ofthese genes suggested that there may be function-ally relevant differences that could be evaluatedfurther in engineered skin substitutes grafted tomice. Therefore, preparation of engineered skinsubstitutes containing keloid-derived keratino-cytes and either deep or superficial keloid fibro-

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blasts was performed to test the validity of usingthe engineered skin model for investigation ofkeloid-derived cells.

Engineered skin substitutes were preparedusing different combinations of normal or ke-loid keratinocytes and fibroblasts: group 1, nor-mal keratinocytes and normal fibroblasts; group 2,normal keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts;group 3, normal keratinocytes and superficial keloidfibroblasts; group 4, keloid keratinocytes and nor-mal fibroblasts; group 5, keloid keratinocytes anddeep keloid fibroblasts; and group 6, keloid kera-tinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts. Contrac-tion of the collagen-based dermal substrate was ob-served during in vitro culture, but there were nodifferences in contraction among groups (data notshown). Collagen expression was analyzed in engi-neered skin substitutes at the end of the 2-week invitro incubation. COL1A1 expression was elevated inengineered skin substitutes prepared with deepkeloid fibroblasts and either normal keratino-cytes or keloid keratinocytes (Fig. 2); however,the differences were not statistically significant,probably because of a relatively high degree ofvariability in each group.

Fig. 2. Expression of the gene encoding alpha chain of type 1collagen (COL1A1) in engineered skin substitutes prepared withnormal and/or keloid derived cells. Relative expression levelswere determined using quantitative real-time polymerase chainreaction and were normalized to the mean level for COL1A1 inengineered skin substitutes prepared with all normal cells(group 1). Technical triplicates were performed for each skinsubstitute sample, and the means for engineered skin substi-tutes in each group (n � 3 per group) are plotted � SEM.Differences between groups were not statistically significant. NK,normalkeratinocytes; NF,normal fibroblasts; DKF,deepkeloidfibro-blasts; SKF, superficial keloid fibroblasts; KK, keloid keratinocytes.

Fig. 1. Expression of genes implicated in keloid scarring in fibroblastsfrom normal skin, deep keloid dermis, and superficial keloid dermis.Multiple genes previously shown to be differentially expressed be-tween normal and keloid fibroblasts were examined by quantitativereal-time polymerase chain reaction in normal fibroblasts (black bars),deep keloid fibroblasts (red bars), and superficial keloid fibroblasts(blue bars). For most of these genes, differences in relative expressionwere observed, not only between normal and keloid cells, but be-tween deep keloid fibroblasts and superficial keloid fibroblasts. Plot-ted are the means of technical triplicates � SEM, normalized to themean level for each gene in normal fibroblasts.

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Phenotypic Differences in Engineered SkinSubstitutes after Transplantation to Mice

Engineered skin substitutes were transplantedto full-thickness excisional wounds in athymicmice and evaluated up to 12 weeks after grafting(Fig. 3). Differences in pigmentation were ob-served between groups prepared with normal ker-atinocytes or keloid keratinocytes, but these wereattributable to different amounts of melanocytescontaminating the keratinocyte cultures used forpreparation of engineered skin substitutes. Mela-nocytes have been observed to persist at variablebut low levels in the epidermal keratinocyte cul-tures and remain as nonspecific “passengers” inengineered skin substitutes.52 On healing, passen-ger melanocytes can result in pigmented foci thatreach a finite size and persist long term, a phe-nomenon observed in engineered skin substitutesin both clinical and preclinical studies.48,52

Beginning at week 4, differences in woundarea were noted between groups, and wound areameasurements were therefore collected. Duringthe first 2 weeks after surgery, the wounds werestented by dressing materials and thus differencesin wound contraction were not expected at earlytime points. Historically, normal skin-derived en-gineered skin substitutes grafted to mice contractafter dressing removal, stabilizing at 30 to 40 per-cent of the original wound area by 6 to 8 weeksafter grafting.42,53 In contrast, engineered skin sub-stitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes andsuperficial keloid fibroblasts (group 6) increasedin area, and by week 6 after grafting were signif-icantly larger than engineered skin substitutes inthe other groups (Fig. 4).

At 12 weeks after surgery, mice were killed,and immunohistochemistry with anti–human leu-kocyte antigen-ABC antibody was used to quantifyengraftment (data not shown). Although thenumber of engineered skin substitutes stainingpositive for human leukocyte antigen-ABC variedamong groups (Table 1), the differences were notstatistically significant. Grafts that were negativefor human leukocyte antigen-ABC antigen stain-ing were not included in the histologic, quantita-tive, or gene expression analyses.

Histologic sections of engineered skin substi-tutes from 12 weeks after transplantation showeddifferences in collagen organization between engi-neered skin substitutes prepared with normal kera-tinocytes and normal fibroblasts compared with en-gineered skin substitutes prepared using keloid cells(Fig. 5). At this time point after grafting, the bovine

collagen from the biopolymer substrate used for invitro incubation has been replaced by newly synthe-sized human collagen.54 In normal engineered skinsubstitutes, collagen fibers were well organized andwere roughly parallel to the epidermis. In contrast,thick, disorganized collagen bundles were observedin engineered skin substitutes prepared with eitherdeep keloid fibroblasts or superficial keloid fibro-blasts (Fig. 5). In addition, the dermal compart-ments of engineered skin substitutes prepared withkeloid cells appeared thicker than normal engi-neered skin substitutes.

Image analysis of histologic sections of en-gineered skin substitutes was performed toquantify epidermal and dermal thickness. Nodifferences in epidermal thickness were observedamong groups (Fig. 6). However, engineered skinsubstitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes anddeep keloid fibroblasts (group 5) had significantlythicker dermal compartments compared with engi-neered skin substitutes prepared with all normalcells (group 1). Group 2 engineered skin substitutes,prepared with normal keratinocytes and deepkeloid fibroblasts, also appeared thicker, but the dif-ference was not statistically significant. Differences inCOL1A1 expression in vivo were observed amonggroups, and the trends were similar to the differ-ences in dermal thickness observed in vivo (Fig. 7).COL1A1 expression was significantly higher ingroups 2 and 5, prepared using deep keloid fibro-blasts, compared with controls, but was not in-creased in grafts prepared using superficial keloidfibroblasts.

DISCUSSIONThe results presented here suggest that engi-

neered skin substitutes can serve as a model forinvestigation of keloid scarring in vivo. After trans-plantation to athymic mice, phenotypic differ-ences were observed between engineered skin sub-stitutes prepared using normal and keloid cellsand, in particular, between engineered skin sub-stitutes prepared with deep or superficial keloidfibroblasts. Engineered skin substitutes preparedwith keloid keratinocytes and deep keloid fibro-blasts formed a thicker dermal layer in vivo com-pared with controls, whereas engineered skin sub-stitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes andsuperficial keloid fibroblasts increased in areaover time after grafting. These grafts initially con-tracted after transplantation but by 4 weeks beganto increase in area and were significantly differentfrom normal engineered skin substitutes. The fact

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Fig. 3. Appearance of engineered skin substitutes containing normal and/or keloid-derived cells grafted to athymic mice. Shownare representative mice photographed at 12 weeks after surgery. (Above, left) Group 1, engineered skin substitutes prepared withnormal keratinocytes and normal fibroblasts. (Above, center) Group 2, engineered skin substitutes prepared with normal keratino-cytes and deep keloid fibroblasts. (Above, right) Group 3, engineered skin substitutes prepared with normal keratinocytes andsuperficial keloid fibroblasts. (Below, left) Group 4, engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and normal fi-broblasts. (Below, center) Group 5, engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts. (Below,right) Group 6, engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts. The corners of thegrafted areas are indicated by arrows.

Fig. 4. Area of engineered skin substitutes following transplantation toathymic mice. Plotted are mean areas � SEM. All grafts were 4 cm2 at thetime of transplantation (week 0). Significant differences between group6 and other groups are indicated. NK, normal keratinocytes; NF, normalfibroblasts; DKF, deep keloid fibroblasts; SKF, superficial keloid fibro-blasts; KK, keloid keratinocytes.

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that different phenotypes were observed when dif-ferent keloid fibroblast populations were used forpreparation of engineered skin substitutes, andthat these phenotypes were significantly differentfrom controls, indicates that keloid engineeredskin substitutes grafted to athymic mice can serveas a valuable in vivo model of keloid scarring. Inhumans, keloid scars spread beyond the originalwound margin and often bulge out over adjacentnormal tissue. This bulging was not observed inkeloid engineered skin substitutes grafted to mice.

This may be attributable, in part, to the fact thatmouse skin is thinner and looser than human skin.Rather than bulging over the top of adjacentmouse skin, the grafted engineered skin substi-tutes may displace the mouse skin as it increases inarea. It is possible that insufficient time was al-lowed in this study for bulging scars to develop,because keloids in humans can appear severalmonths after injury. In addition, wounding of thehealed engineered skin might be required to trig-ger a wound healing response after establishmentof the keloid engineered tissue. Therefore, futurestudies should include much later time points,investigation of wounding in vivo, and analysis ofadditional donor-derived cell strains, to fully eval-uate these possibilities.

Alternatively, the different results observed inengineered skin substitutes prepared with the twodistinct populations of fibroblasts may reflect dif-ferent phenotypes of keloid scars that have beendescribed in human populations.5 In familial ke-loids described in African tribes, two different in-herited phenotypes of keloids have been ob-

Table 1. Engraftment of Engineered Skin SubstitutesDetermined by HLA-ABC Immunohistochemistry

Group Cells HLA-Positive ESS

1 NK/NF 6/82 NK/DKF 5/83 NK/SKF 6/84 KK/NF 5/85 KK/DKF 6/86 KK/SKF 4/8HLA, human leukocyte antigen; ESS, engineered skin substitutes; NK,normal keratinocytes; NF, normal fibroblasts; DKF, deep keloid fibro-blasts; SKF, superficial keloid fibroblasts; KK, keloid keratinocytes.

Fig. 5. Histologic sections of engineered skin substitutes in vivo. Shown are Masson trichrome–stained sections of engineered skinsubstitutes from 12 weeks after transplantation. (Above, left) Group 1, engineered skin substitutes prepared with normal keratino-cytes and normal fibroblasts. (Above, center) Group 2, engineered skin substitutes prepared with normal keratinocytes and deepkeloid fibroblasts. (Above, right) Group 3, engineered skin substitutes prepared with normal keratinocytes and superficial keloidfibroblasts. (Below, left) Group 4, engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and normal fibroblasts. (Below,center) Group 5, engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and deep keloid fibroblasts. (Below, right) Group 6,engineered skin substitutes prepared with keloid keratinocytes and superficial keloid fibroblasts. Scale bar (above, left) � 0.2 mm andis the same for all sections.

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served: one involving superficial spreading, andone involving raised scars.5 The authors of thatstudy speculated that the heterogeneity ob-served in phenotypes of keloids may be attrib-utable to different causative genetic lesions.Similarly, regional differences in gene expres-sion may result in distinct phenotypes in engi-neered skin substitutes prepared with keloidcells, as described here.

Based on the phenotypes observed here, wepropose the following model. After wounding,deep keloid fibroblasts cause thickening becauseof overproduction of extracellular matrix compo-nents or an imbalance between extracellularmatrix production and degradation. Spreading,caused by superficial keloid fibroblasts, results inan increase in surface area of the upper dermisand overlying epidermis (Fig. 8). The result is abulging phenotype, which can vary from person toperson based on the relative contributions fromdeep keloid fibroblasts and superficial keloid fi-broblasts in the dermis. Further in vivo analyses ofkeloid-derived cells from multiple different indi-viduals in engineered skin substitutes, and com-binations of deep and superficial fibroblasts, willbe pursued in future studies to validate this model.Analysis of global gene expression patterns will be

Fig. 6. Increased dermal thickness in engineered skin substitutesprepared with keloid keratinocytes and deep dermal keratino-cytes. To calculate thickness while accounting for nonlinear der-mal epidermal junctions, the areas of the epidermal (red bars) anddermal (blue bars) components of a fixed field length were calcu-lated. Statistical analyses showed that dermal components of en-gineered skin substitutes in group 5 were significantly thicker thangrafts in group 1 (asterisk). NK, normal keratinocytes; NF, normalfibroblasts; DKF, deep keloid fibroblasts; SKF, superficial keloid fi-broblasts; KK, keloid keratinocytes.

Fig. 7. Expression of COL1A1 in engineered skin substitutesprepared with normal and/or keloid-derived cells at 12 weeksafter transplantation to athymic mice. Shown are mean rela-tive expression levels, normalized to the mean level forCOL1A1 in engineered skin substitutes prepared with all nor-mal cells. Grafts that were negative for human leukocyte an-tigen-ABC immunostaining were not included in the analysis.NK, normal keratinocytes; NF, normal fibroblasts; DKF, deepkeloid fibroblasts; SKF, superficial keloid fibroblasts; KK, keloidkeratinocytes.

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required to begin to identify genetic pathways re-sponsible for the observed phenotypes.

Fibroblast heterogeneity is well documented,and differences in gene expression in differentregions of keloid scars have been describedpreviously.44 Similarly, differences in fibroblastscultured from papillary and reticular dermishave been reported.55,56 Deep dermal fibroblastshave been proposed to be critically important information of hypertrophic scars because theyproduce higher levels of collagen than superfi-cial fibroblasts.57 The mechanisms that governfibroblast heterogeneity, and preserve it follow-ing dissection and in vitro culture, remainpoorly understood. Inductive signals from epi-dermal keratinocytes are involved in regulation offibroblast gene expression, and this may includeassignment of positional identity to dermal fibro-blasts that varies based on distance from the epi-dermis, resulting in stable differences in gene ex-pression that are maintained following primaryculture.

In contrast to some previously described re-ports of organotypic models containing deep orsuperficial fibroblasts, or keloid versus normalfibroblasts,30,43 significant differences in morphol-ogy were not observed in engineered skin substi-tutes in vitro. This may result from differences inthe methods used and timing of analysis. Themodel described by Butler et al. required 28 daysof in vitro incubation for differences betweengroups to become apparent.30 In our experiments,engineered skin substitutes were maintained invitro for only 14 days, because this incubation hasbeen shown to yield optimal tissue developmentfollowing transplantation in vivo.34 Previous stud-ies demonstrated that engineered skin substitutes

exhibit a hyperproliferative phenotype at day 14,with fibroblasts actively remodeling the dermalcomponent.47,48 Thus, extension of the in vitroincubation beyond 14 days may be required forsignificant differences in matrix deposition andcontraction to be observed. Varkey et al. observeddifferences in contraction between collagen-gly-cosaminoglycan matrices inoculated with deep orsuperficial fibroblasts, but these constructs weresmaller than those used in our study, did not con-tain an epidermal keratinocyte layer, and were notcultured in a lifted format.43 These factors likelyfacilitated contraction of the matrix by fibroblasts.In contrast, the organotypic model described hereconsists of a relatively large substrate (approxi-mately 40 cm2 starting area), with a surface layerof keratinocytes; incubation at the air-liquid in-terface is achieved by culturing the engineeredskin substitutes on a steel lifting platform coveredwith a cotton wick to permit nutrient transfer tocells within the engineered skin substitutes.45 Thisformat was developed in part to facilitate favorableepidermal differentiation and barrier formationfor clinical application but may not be the bestapproach for revealing differences in contractionin vitro. However, this method can result in per-manent engraftment following transplantation.

Differences in engraftment between groupswere not statistically significant and therefore arenot believed to result from the use of either deepor superficial fibroblasts. Although athymic miceare not expected to reject human cells, we havepreviously observed a low, variable rate of graftfailure when engineered skin substitutes are ana-lyzed several weeks to months after transplanta-tion (data not shown). We attribute this to residualT-cell immunity in nude mice, which has been

Fig. 8. Model for development of bulging keloid scars. (Left) Schematic diagram of cross-section of skin following a wound.During wound healing, fibroblasts proliferate, migrate, and deposit extracellular matrix. Based on the observations from thecurrent study, fibroblasts in the deep dermis secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) and cause a thickening of the lower dermis, andfibroblasts in the upper dermis spread, causing an increase in area (center). With increasing time after injury, the combinationof deep dermal thickening and superficial spreading results in a bulging phenotype (right).

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documented by others and also found to increaseas the mice age.58–60 For future applications of thismodel, this minor limitation will necessitate theuse of additional mice to overcome reduced num-bers because of failure to engraft in a small per-centage of mice.

SUMMARYWe describe an organotypic model for the

study of keloid pathology in vivo. Although thickbulging scars were not observed at 12 weeks, therewere significant differences between normal andkeloid grafts, thereby permitting the use of thismodel for evaluation of therapeutic interventionsfor reduction of fibrosis and normalization of thekeloid phenotype. This model contains both fi-broblasts and keratinocytes in addition to biopo-lymers; thus, it can be used to study both cell-celland cell-matrix interactions in a three dimen-sional skin-like tissue. Because engineered skinsubstitutes can be prepared using primary cellsfrom any patient, it can be customized for inves-tigation of patient-specific factors. It is easily scal-able, so that large numbers of mice can be grafted,which represents a vast improvement over previ-ous keloid rodent models that involved grafting ofhuman keloid tissue.21,61 Importantly, this modelof keloid scar can be used for evaluation of ther-apeutic interventions, including novel treatmentsand preventative strategies, and is therefore con-sidered a valuable in vivo model for the study ofkeloid scarring.

Dorothy M. Supp, Ph.D.Shriners Hospitals for Children–Cincinnati

3229 Burnet AvenueCincinnati, Ohio, 45229

[email protected]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was funded by research grants 86200 and

85020 from the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Theauthors thank John Besse for preparation of collagen-glycosaminoglycan substrates, William Kossenjans andJill Pruszka for assistance with media preparation, andDeanna Leslie in the Shriners Hospitals for Children–Cincinnati Histology Core Facility for histologic prepa-rations. They also thank the surgeons and researchnurses at Shriners Hospital and the Department of Sur-gery at the University of Cincinnati for assistance inobtaining human scar and skin samples.

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Volume 129, Number 6 • Novel In Vivo Keloid Scar Model