Experimental Studies on Velocity Field around Wind Turbine Rotor

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  • 7/28/2019 Experimental Studies on Velocity Field around Wind Turbine Rotor



    Abstract--This paper describes the behavior of the flow field

    around rotor blades. A three-bladed upwind rotor was tested in a

    single return type wind tunnel. The rotor had a diameter of 2.4

    m. The flow field around the rotor blades was measured using

    two-dimensional LDV. The three velocity components of flow

    field were measured in the x-y plane. The velocity vectors at

    optimum operation showed a smooth flow around the blade and

    the bound vortex around blade cross-section seemed persistent.

    On the other hand, the velocity vectors in stall condition

    demonstrated significant fluctuations in the near wake and

    separation on the blade suction side was observed. The

    circulation around a blade span-wise section was calculated at a

    certain control volume. From observations of the flow field and

    the calculated results of circulation, it seems that the flow is

    separated at the blade from the middle-span region to the tip

    region in stall condition. No separation was observed at the

    blades root region.

    Index Terms-- Wind energy, Aerodynamics, Velocity

    distribution, LDA measurement.


    r : Span-wise position m

    CP : Power coefficient=T/ (1/2R2U0

    3) -

    R : Radius of rotor=1.2 mT : Rotor torque Nm

    U0 : Undisturbed wind speed m/s

    u, v, w : Velocity components by x,y and axis m/s

    : Circulation m2/s

    : Tip speed ratio=R/U0 -

    : Air density kg/m3

    : Azimuth angle deg

    : Angular velocity 1/s


    IND turbine efficiency has been considerably improved

    due to recent advances in fundamental research andwith the adoption of new technologies. The aerodynamic

    efficiency of a wind turbine largely depends on the efficiency

    of the blade itself. In order to stabilize power output vis--vis

    wind velocity fluctuations, by developing new thicker aerofoil

    [1] or by applying vortex generators [2], improvements in

    blade efficiency are achieved due to boundary layer control on

    Associate Professor Yasunari. Kamada and Professor Takao Maeda are

    with the Division of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Mie

    University, Tsu, Mie, Japan. (e-mail: [email protected];

    [email protected]).

    the surface of the blade. Numerous efforts utilizing wind

    tunnel experiments or field testing have been undertaken to

    investigate flow conditions around a rotating blade or in its

    near wake. Ebert and Wood measured the near wake of an

    experimental wind turbine in a wind tunnel using the hot-wire

    anemometry method [3-5]. Velocity measurements around the

    wind turbine have been reported [6], and visualization of the

    flow on the blade surface performed [7]. Significant

    achievements have been reported with regard to the

    investigation of the helicopter-rotor wake. A detailed review

    of the developments during the past two decades on thehelicopter rotor research is given from Bhagwat and Leishman

    [8]. Measurements of bound and wake circulation on a

    helicopter-rotor have been reported and it is proven that the

    closed-loop contour integration method used for estimating

    blade-bound circulation on rotor blades is sensitive to the

    choice of the integration path. Wood and Boersma studied the

    self-induced velocity of equally spaced multiple vortices in

    case of multi-bladed wind turbines, propellers, rotors in

    ascending, descending, or hovering flight [9]. However, the

    current state of knowledge of the flow around a blade of a

    wind turbine or in its wake remains incomplete.

    In this experimental research work, the authors attempt to

    clarify the flow around the rotating blade of a three-bladed

    upwind turbine by measuring the velocity distribution with a

    Laser Doppler Velocimetry method. Results for 3 different

    experimental conditions, optimum operation, stall and

    overrunning conditions, were compared. In addition, the

    circulation around the blade was calculated from the velocity

    distribution. The properties of the flow around a rotating blade

    were identified and quantified.


    A. Experimental Devices

    The experimental arrangement is depicted in Fig. 1. Thewind tunnel is a single return type, with an open test section,

    outlet diameter of 3.6m, and maximum wind speed of 30m/s.

    The uniformity turbulence levels of wind tunnel are less than

    1.3% and less than 1.1% respectively. The three-bladed

    upwind turbine with diameter of 2.4 m to be tested is installed

    downstream at a distance of 1 diameter from the wind tunnel

    outlet. The nacelle of the wind turbine is equipped with a

    speed-up gearbox, variable-speed generator and torque meter,

    a revolution indicator and an encoder for detection of the

    rotation angle (azimuth angle). The rotor turned

    Experimental Studies on Velocity Field around

    Wind Turbine RotorY. Kamada and T. Maeda


  • 7/28/2019 Experimental Studies on Velocity Field around Wind Turbine Rotor



    counterclockwise (viewed from upwind) at a variable rpm

    depending on the operating conditions. The azimuth angle

    could be measured with a resolution of 0.4 degrees. The

    velocity distribution was measured by a two-dimensional

    Laser Doppler Velocimeter. The probe, with a focal length of

    about 2m, was mounted on a three dimensional traversing

    system on top of the test section. The probe measured 0.15mm

    in diameter and 4.3mm in length. The tracer was seeded from

    the inlet port of the wind tunnel. The undisturbed windvelocity was measured by a Pitot tube mounted at the edge of

    the outlet section of the wind tunnel. The experimental wind

    velocity was set at 7 m/s, blade pitch angle was locked at -2.

    The operating speed of the rotor was variable from 100rpm to

    450rpm ( =1.8- 8.1). At an optimum tip speed ratio, = 5.20,

    the Reynolds number at the blade tip was about 2.1105.

    The measurement mesh consisted of 48 points in a radial

    direction, 40mm equidistance from each-other, fromy=0.24m

    to y=1.32m; and 13 points in an axial direction, 15mm

    equidistance from each other, from x=-0.9m to x=0.9m. All

    the measuring points were in the main diametric horizontal

    plane. First, velocity components, u and v, on the x-y plane

    were measured. Changing the direction of the probe, the

    velocity components u, w, on the same plane, was measured.

    Therefore, a three dimensional velocity field around the

    rotating blade was determined. The zero azimuth angles were

    triggered when the instrumented blade was at a horizontal

    position (3 oclock position). Data were acquired when the

    instrumented blade was passing from azimuth angle =-30

    to azimuth angle =90, with a bin azimuth angle of 1.2

    degrees. Sampling time for one measuring point (for 2000

    samples to be acquired) was between 2 and 20 seconds. The

    averaging was performed for revolutions of the rotor

    corresponding to the above mentioned sampling time, being in

    the interval between 9 and 90 revolutions.

    B. Test Blade

    Blades used throughout this experiment were twisted and

    tapered. Blade taper and twist distributions are shown in Fig.

    2. The blade chord at the tip was 85mm and the blade twist

    was reduced from 18.3 degrees at 0.2R to 0.0deg at the tip.

    Blade cross sections were composed of DU91-W2-250,

    DU93-W-210, NACA63-618 and NACA63-215 airfoil

    sections at locations starting from the blade root. Intermediate

    sections were found by interpolation.


    A. Performance Test Results

    The performance test results of the test wind turbine are

    shown in Fig. 3. The data were acquired for a setting blade

    pitch angle of -2 degrees. Note that the maximum power

    coefficient reaches a value of 0.435 at the optimum tip speed

    ratio =5.20. When the tip speed ratio decreases there is a

    stall state, and there is an increase of the torque ratio with the

    change of rpm. Investigation of the flow around the rotating

    blade in case of stalling conditions were performed for a tip

    speed ratio of =3.72 at which certain stall occurred. The

    power coefficient achieved in this state was CP=0.202. An

    overrunning state of operation was observed at high tip speedratios. To achieve a continuous operation, for flow

    measurements around the blade at an overrunning state, the tip

    speed ratio of =6.50 was chosen as appropriate. The power

    coefficient at this overrunning state was CP=0.373.

    The test blade used in this study was designed based on

    BEM theory. Power coefficient obtained from the blade

    design computer program is compared with the measured data.

    Fig. 3 shows that the power coefficient for the optimum or

    higher tip speed ratio is slightly over predicted.

  • 7/28/2019 Experimental Studies on Velocity Field around Wind Turbine Rotor



    B. Comparison of the Velocity Distributions

    Fig. 4 shows the velocity vector distribution for every

    operational state studied; Fig. 4(a) shows the velocity vectors

    in the x-y plane for a stalling condition ( = 3.72), Fig. 4(b)

    for optimum operation ( = 5.20), and Fig. 4(c) for an

    overrunning operation ( = 6.50). The left side of every figure

    shows data averaged for the azimuth angle = 6, where

    remarkable differences in the flow around the blade were

    apparent; and the right side of every figure shows dataaveraged over one revolution of the rotor. Furthermore, in the

    case of averaging over the azimuth angle = 6, the area near

    the trailing edge at the blade root is included in the

    measurement plane. From Fig. 4(a), with regard to data

    averaged for the azimuth angle = 6 , it is found that as soon

    as the blade passes the measuring plane, a disorder of the flow

    developed in a radial direction 0.3

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    radial direction, and at 0

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    C. Comparison of Bound Circulation

    In previous sections we discussed qualitatively the flow

    behavior around the rotating blade by focusing on velocity

    vector distributions. In this section, to quantitatively compare

    the operational states under study, the circulation around the

    airfoil section is calculated and discussed.

    Considering the circulation area as a summation of the

    elementary areas having nodes at the measuring points, as

    shown in Fig. 6, the integral over the closed peripheralrectangular path will give the circulation strength, , at a

    particular radial section.

    Fig. 7(a) schematically shows the areas for the circulation

    calculations. The integration contour was chosen a rectangular

    one having the width between -0.075x/R0.075.

    Fig. 6. Definition of circulation calculation.

    Fig. 8 shows the circulation change versus azimuth angle for

    the blade section at 0.8R. The calculation territory is fixed in

    space, corresponding to the position of an azimuth angle of

    =0 where the rotating blade passes at its center. In the case of

    optimum and overrunning operations, the circulation reaches

    its maximum for an azimuth angle -18

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    Fig. 9. Circulation distribution along the blade span.


    This paper quantitatively and qualitatively discusses and

    compares flow behavior around the rotating blade of a three-

    bladed upwind experimental turbine, under three operating

    conditions; stall, optimal operation, and an overrunning state.Velocity data were acquired using the LDV method. The main

    findings of this study being:

    1. When stalling, the turbulent flow area in the wake is

    larger than under optimal or overrunning operational

    conditions. A remarkable stall is noted near the blade tip in the

    case of small tip speed ratios. No stall is found near the blade

    root, where lift is thought to be generated. Flow seems to be

    separated from the middle-span region to the tip.

    2. Radial distribution of the circulation strength around the

    blade showed that a larger circulation was found near the

    blade root in the case of stalling conditions.


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    e generation of the tip vortex. The circulation strength in th