Expect A Miracle!

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  • 8/13/2019 Expect A Miracle!


  • 8/13/2019 Expect A Miracle!



    Expect A Miracle!

    A DevotionByDon

    Our previous pastor at St. Bede Catholic Church, Monsignor McCarron, had a saying

    we often heard: Expect a miracle! I didnt know exactly what he meant, but Icertainly agreed it was good to believe in miracles. After he transferred to another

    parish, there were many things I missed about Monsignor, including his beautiful,

    booming baritone voice with which he sang many parts of the Mass, and the

    impactful points he used in his homilies, which were always not only instructive and

    interesting, but were also delivered with a dramatic style that kept us fully attentive

    and engaged. Still, the signature point he took with him was his reminder that we

    should Expect a miracle!

    Remembering his statement, and still wondering what it meant, led me to call him athis new location and ask, What did you mean by that haunting declaration and

    where did it come from? His answer (paraphrased) was simple and profound: After

    36 years in the priesthood, Ive learned God delivers miracles at any moment, just

    when it is needed. They may not come in the form were expecting, like being raised

    from the dead or having cancer instantly removed, but they do come. If we dont

    believe this, we might just need to look back and reflect on those difficult times in our

    lives, when Gods grace was indeed sufficient. I count the ones I have already

    received and witnessed, including that I have an eternal life now thats a miracle!

    Monsignor says this expectancy helps youseethe miracles that are happening,

    especially when life is dark or dismal, when we couldnt handle life on our own. He

    says life still has its difficult times, but this conviction has helped him expect Gods

    grace, .. even anticipate it, by faith. How about you? Have you seen miracles?

    What are some of them?

    With the help of Monsignors reminder, I realize Ive seen miracles in my life, from

    small to big, with the small sometimes coming in the form of finding something I justcouldnt find until I stopped and prayed for Gods help. The bigincludes surviving

    falling out of a 2nd-story window as a child. Some say I must have landed on my

    head, but they havent explained what that means! Like the Monsignor, my

    biggest one is my being given an eternal life. And in-between, Ivebeen spared from

    a serious illness in India, protected from evil forces in a 3rdworld country, received

    Godscall to quit my job and go into ministry work, survived the 4 total loss car

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    crashes I was a part of, and been given 40 years of marriage to Janet, plus two

    wonderful sons.

    The thought of miracles might lead us to the Gospels, where many Jesus miracles are

    found thirty-seven according to one article I read, with most of those being crowd-

    pleasers. I really cantrelate to these miracles witnessed by crowds, since most ofmy miracles have been only of my own awareness. But the many current-day

    miracles I will share are none-the-less inspiring and encouraging.

    If do I get to the point of having a clear and constant expectation, probably the most

    difficult part for me to understand will still be why Gods miraclesare not in the form

    and timing for which I was asking. Sure, we know it is to be in Gods will(Romans

    12:2 NKJV And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the

    renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and

    perfect will of God.)but we also hear several times that if we ask in Jesus Name,God will provide, as though there were a success-formula. Two of these are John

    16:23-24 (Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he

    will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will

    receive, that your joy may be full.) and John 14:13-14 (Whatever you ask in my

    name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me

    anything in my name, I will do it.). Hmmm, interesting that the word willis also

    in both of these!

    One source,www.gotquestions.org ,said, Praying in Jesus name means praying

    with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we

    come in the name of His Son, Jesus. It said, Praying in Jesus' name means the same

    thing as praying according to the will of God,and it cited 1 John 5:14-15, This is

    the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his

    will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears uswhatever we askwe know that

    we have what we asked of him. They concluded with Praying in Jesus name is

    praying for things that will honor and glorify Jesus.

    We can conclude the basis for receiving miracles starts with faith. Matthew 21:22

    tells us, And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. So one

    aspect of having a miracle-expectancy, and of seeing miracles when they happen,

    might be how we maintain that faith in the face of not getting what we really wanted

    God to give us and whenwe really wanted it to happen.

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    Heres where the Monsignor paints a picture that helps me understand. He speaks of

    a deep belief in a God of miraclesWho loves usand pours out His miraculous grace

    all the time, especially through His forgiveness. We see changed hearts as people

    come to faith-in-Christ, or as they soften a hard shell around their hearts. These

    transformations only happen as a miracle and thats a point we are to take-in.

    Why are you where you are today, except for a miracle? How have you survived in

    the face of all that is wrong with the world, except for a miracle? Are we receiving

    miracles but just not seeing them match those on our punch list?

    David Cowger tells a story of expecting a miracle and seeing it come to pass. In

    February of 2003, David was at an outdoor church banquet with his family. One of

    the Elders asked David to light the grill, which did not have a button for igniting the

    flame. So David struck a match, asked a friend to turn on the gas and bent down to

    start the flame. When doing so, David immediately heard a loud whooshand saw aball of flame coming toward him. Thissoundwas the result of another friends

    having turned the gas on earlier and then having forgotten to turn it off. As he

    quickly raised his head, Davids right hand was engulfed by a ball of flame, produced

    as a result of the chemicals in the mix of fire and gas.

    After batting the fire off of his hand, David saw the 3rddegree burns and the drawing-

    up of his hand into a crippled condition. As his daughter cried out, Daddy, look at

    your hand!, David prayed, Jesus, please straighten out my hand, so as not to

    frighten my daughter. Instantly, his hand straightened and the pain ceased. He was

    rushed to a hospital, where the doctors wrapped his hand in bandages and told him

    they would need to leave it in that state for 2 days, so they could determine the next

    action needed. The doctors explained to David the high level of pain he would

    experience over the next 2 weeks. However, during the 2 week period, David had no

    pain and when the bandages were removed, the hand was greatly healed.

    David asked for one miracle, but received several: the straightening of his hand to

    calm his daughter, the lack of pain throughout the process and the healing that leaveshis hand in relatively good shape today. I asked David how he came to his peace

    while going through what should have been a traumatic experience. He said, I know

    God can heal and work miracles because I believe Gods Word.

    David also shared of his bout with cancer when he had days of uncertainty, leading

    him to wonder if he would ever see his children grown. At that time, he prayed,

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    God, I need Your presence! and God said in response, Trust me. David drew on

    the experience of his hand being burned and now says, On this day, God gave me

    His presence, and His presence gave me the peace and realization of His trust. THAT

    made the difference.

    The takeaway from Davids experienceis that he expected a miracle. And whetherhis faith led God to heal him, as He did for the woman with hemorrhages for 12

    years, who said in Mark 5:34 and Matthew 9:21-23, If only I can touch his cloak, I

    shall be cured!(She expected a miracle!) or whether his healing was strictly

    Gods unforeseen gift, David trusted God, knowing He was in charge.

    Steve Scheffler is a dear and talented friend, whosebody prematurely evolved,

    affected by earlier abuse and unfortunate illnesses, into an what appeared to be an

    aged and decrepit frame. Steve was wrought with horrible pain in his back, neck and

    leg, having survived multiple operations yet never having found the freedom from theexcruciating discomfort and movement restriction. One day while in his studio, Steve

    cried out to God, asking Why, Lord! and When will this end?! As Steve reached

    up to a shelf, with his fists clinched from his suffering, he heard God say, Do you

    love me? Yes, answered Steve, You know I love You! How much do you

    love Me, God asked, in a voice that was unmistakably clear. Steve said next, You

    know better than me, Lord; I dont know how to answer. I know I love You but I

    dont know if I love You enough! Open your hands, God told him, and raise

    them to Me. At that moment, as he raised and opened his hands, Steve felt acleansing of his body and immediate freedom from all that had plagued him. Steve

    fell to the floor and cried. When I saw him a few days later, he could do squats,

    could jump and had total control of his body. Steve may not have expected this

    specific miracle, but his faith did expect a miracle.

    A former ICM board member has hisExpecting A Miraclestory and keeps us

    regularly informed as he reports on his journey. In and out of dire diagnoses, Roger

    maintains a positive attitude and heart for whatever God expects of him. So in a

    sense, he wants his expectations to be Gods expectations. Roger and his wonderful

    wife, Karen, have come to see blessings beyond their expectations, realizing that God

    has sent angels to be with and comfort them. Their stories abound of how former

    associates, neighbors, friends and family have blessed them through visits, letters, a

    large red bow on their porch, and so many other ways. Karen cites a visit by their

    pastor, who looked Roger in the eye before praying and said, You have done

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    enough, my friend. Each of them instantly knew his meaning was not to sayit was

    over, but rather, was said to calm Rogers feelings that he might not have done

    enough. Said Karen: I felt so much peace when those words were spoken and I

    knew God was in that room with all of us. God is right with us always and He will

    never forsake us!

    I shared this devotion with Roger, asking if I could include his story. He said, Every

    time I have a pain I think is unbearable, or fear tugs at me, God sends an email, a

    letter or a call from a friend that makes my heart overflow. My life is full of

    unexpected blessings. With this belief, how can he notexpect a miracle!

    Dick Woodward weighed in on how he expects miracles, in the face of having been a

    quadriplegic since 1995. Dick says, over time, many well-intended friends have

    insisted he should be praying, each in their own certain way, for a miracle of healing

    that would give him the use of his limbs. At one point, a visiting Australian pastordelivered a message that said the inward man was a greater value than the outward

    man and, thus, inner healing was a greater value than outer healing. Once Dick

    accepted his condition, he realized that his acceptance wasthat inner healing and

    that was a miracle. So Dick expects miracles, but he believes God does everything

    forHisgood, and not our good. Says Dick: We dont give up our view of expecting

    because we know God can do it. But we dont live on whether it does or does not


    Someone I know reported learning that a friend had been diagnosed with a fatal

    disease, causing her to be unable to talk and to lose the functioning of her hands and

    feet. She and her husband agreed we are told to pray for miracles and pondered

    together how they were to prepare themselves for the not-happeningof a miracle they

    wantedto happen. Her husband said the closest thing he could think of was a child at

    Christmas, wanting a pony. He said, The child knows he wont receive that pony

    but he prays for it anyway. My wife is that pony, and I want that pony with all my

    heart. All I know to do is to keep praying for the pony. Ultimately, God is God and

    He will be with us on our journey.

    In spite of their trial, the husband and wife maintain positive spirits, and she often

    starts the day with a smile. I dont know about you, but that sounds like a miracle to

    me! He still wants that pony but finds he is moving to a different point of view. He

    says, I am overwhelmed that God has given us this amazing ability to give thanks

    for all things. Somehow in the midst of the brutality of this disease even as we are

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    brought to tears we can catch each others eye and find a smile. It almost seems

    unnatural that we could have grateful hearts. Indeed, a miracle beyondexpectations!

    Mark shares a story of expecting a miracle in verses 46-52 of his 10thChapter:

    They came to Jericho. And as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a

    sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind man, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadsidebegging. On hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say,

    Jesus, son of David, have pity on me. And many rebuked him, telling him to be

    silent. But he kept calling out all the more, Son of David, have pity on me. Jesus

    stopped and said, Call him. So they called the blind man, saying to him, Take

    courage; get up, he is calling you. He threw aside his cloak, sprang up, and came

    to Jesus. Jesus said to him in reply, What do you want me to do for you? The blind

    man replied to him, Master, I want to see. Jesus told him, Go your way; your faith

    has saved you. Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.Bartimaeus expected, with great conviction, a miracle. Perhaps a key revealed

    here is that Bartimaeus asked Jesus for a miracle once he knewHe was near. So

    might another application for us be that we must first know that Jesus is near, casting

    aside all distractions, and thenexpecting as we ask?!

    There are so many inspiring miracle expectation storiesthat it is difficult to decide

    which ones to not share. Ponder this one as we hear from another friend, Brian

    Fleming, who writes wonderful devotional thoughts and recently gave one on our

    expectations. Brian told us that the oil stopped flowing in the II Kings 4:1-6 passagebecause the wife stopped believing. [Read passage] He says that if she had continued

    to bring empty jars, the oil would have continued to flow. And he concludes by

    telling us we should never STOP in your EXPECTATION. Dont stop believing

    God! God thinks of the Unthinkable so the Impossible can become POSSIBLE.

    Brian concludes by asking, What are you expecting God to do today?

    One final story is from a recent experience of mine. Waiting in line at a Subway as

    everyone watched a large order holding up the process, I turned to the person behind

    me and said, Hello, how are you? His response was, Blessed and affirmed,

    every day! In our ensuing conversation, heboldly said, I try to tell someone about

    Him (pointing upward) every day. I often meet young or new believers, who wonder

    how they can know He has control of their lives. I tell them to think about a friend in

    need and to begin praying for them and their need. And then to watch how God

    answers that prayer. This man expects a miracle!

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    Earlier I mentioned that Janet and I have been married over 40 years. Thats a

    miracle, as is Dois and Shirleys being married for over 70 years! And just as it takes

    Two to Tango, perhaps it takes two aspects for those miracles-we-want-to-happen:

    our part and Gods part. If this is so, our part certainly includes faith, and might also

    include certain actions that position us to receive and see the miracle God delivers.

    What, then is a miracle? If were to expect one, what is it we are expecting?

    One definition of a miracle is A demonstration of Gods power, contrary to nature;

    other definitions I found were similar. Another way of describing our expectation

    would be our going fromNo-way!toHis-way!with our knowing the miracle can

    happen, through our faith, even when it hasnt happenedfor a period of time. And a

    definition of expecting a miraclemight be,Knowing God has the power to perform

    miracles for His people, and trusting He will perform them in your life, even though

    He has not. In an article titled The Importance of Waking Up, Ruth Haley Bartondescribes waiting for the morning light, having a soul that is calm and clear like the

    stillness of a quiet pond. She says, There is never any doubt that the light will

    come;just quiet anticipation. Perhaps thats how we are to wait on expected


    A good close for this devotion is to share another quote from Monsignor: I do

    believe that God is a God of miracles, but He is a God of Lovefirst, and that means

    that miracles, the really important miracles, will be frequent, constant, and potent.

    BUT by this very fact, they will come to appear ordinary, and not miraculous at all.

    The raising of Lazarus was spectacular, but Lazarus would die again. The love

    offered between two married people seems ordinary and commonplace, but our faith

    says it is the very stuff of, and door to, heaven. Expect a miracle, because they

    are everywhere!

    As you walk outside today, observe the miracles of creation and consider a blind

    persons expecting to see; hear the beautiful sounds of nature and consider a deaf

    persons expecting to hear; go to your next destination and consider a paraplegicsexpecting to walk. Expect a miracle, andprove what is that good and acceptable

    and perfect will of God.


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    Post Script: As this devotion was completed, David Cowger had learned he had

    potential cancerous tumors and that the path he was on was uncertain. In sharing this,

    David said that despite the uncertainty, he remains confident in Who God is and

    what He can do, and he is excited to know this is an opportunity for God to show

    He is great. Whether in the form of a healed hand or in some other form, David

    expects a miracle. Perhaps we canbest be a part of othersmiracle expectations by

    helping with our faith and prayer.

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    Scripture Used inExpect A Miracle!

    Romans 12:2 NKJV And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the

    renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will

    of God.

    John 16:23-24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he willgive it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that

    your joy may be full.

    John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified

    in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

    1 John 5:14-15, This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything

    according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears uswhatever we askwe

    know that we have what we asked of him.

    Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

    Mark 5:34 & Matthew 9:21-23 If only I can touch his cloak, I shall be cured!

    Mark 10:46-52 They came to Jericho. And as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a

    sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind man, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging. On

    hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, son of David, have

    pity on me. And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he kept calling out all the

    more, Son of David, have pity on me. Jesus stopped and said, Call him. So they called the

    blind man, saying to him, Take courage; get up, he is calling you. He threw aside his cloak,sprang up, and came to Jesus. Jesus said to him in reply, What do you want me to do for

    you? The blind man replied to him, Master, I want to see. Jesus told him, Go your way;

    your faith has saved you. Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.

    II Kings 4:1-6 The wife of a man from the prophets cried out to Elisha, my husband is dead,

    and you know he revered the Lord. His creditor is coming to take my two boys as his

    slaves.Elisha replied, how can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house? Your

    servant has nothing except a small jar of oil. Elisha said, Go around and ask all your

    neighbors for empty jars. Dont ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behindyou. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side. They brought the jars to

    her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, bring me another

    one. But he replied, there is not a jar left. Then the oil stopped flowing.