Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

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  • 8/13/2019 Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success 1

    Exhibit Dynamic Personalityfor Super Success

    How to Bring About a Positive Change in Yourself toEnsure Success

  • 8/13/2019 Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


    The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this

    report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that thecontents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the nternet!

    "hile all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisherassumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the sub#ect matterherein! $ny perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organi%ations are unintentional!

    n practical advice boo&s, li&e anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results made!'eaders are cautioned to reply on their own #udgment about their individual circumstances to actaccordingly!

    This boo& is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice! $ll readers are advised to see& services of competent professionals in legal, business,accounting, and finance field!

    (ou are encouraged to print this boo& for easy reading!

    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success )

  • 8/13/2019 Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


  • 8/13/2019 Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success ;

    Exhibit Dynamic Personalityor Super Success

    How to Bring about a Positive Change in Yourself toEnsure Success

  • 8/13/2019 Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success


    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    How to Get to Know Yourself

    Better Than Now

    "e meet new people everyday, for wor& or otherwiset want to do! *nowing yourself would also help you accept other people as they are! twill help you develop an open mind!

    ne way or the other, the ultimate thing is to do things that are important for you and that ma&eyou happy! f you are an introvert, you should regularly spend ?uality time by yourself! (ou canalso &eep your diary, if you are uncomfortable sharing your deeper thoughts with other people!Don>t hesitate to stand by what you believe in!

    This is important for you to be happy! t will be good for you to develop a constructive hobby! fyou are introvert don>t succumb to peer pressure and compulsively spend time with people! 9earnhow to say no! Draw lines around you and your space as and when you need to!

    Extroverts on the other hand should get involved in group activities li&e theatre for example!9earn new things whenever possible! Don>t hesitate to experiment! Stay in regular touch with yourfriends and family!

    f you have any introvert friends learn to accept them as they are!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    n your growing up years, a lot of things that are going on around you, go into shaping yourpersonality! Some experts also believe that a lot of genetic factors go into ma&ing you who youare! /ut the important thing is to accept yourself the way you are!

    f there are certain things about you that you don>t li&e however, you can try to ma&e minoralterations!

    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success @

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    How to !s"o#er Your


    ne of the most significant aspects of the modern world is the way you loo& and carry yourself!People are much inclined to appear li&e the movie stars or models of any fashionable person thatthey admire!

    These famous personalities are considered to be paragons of fashion and beauty! /ut we alwaysneed to &eep in mind that beauty is not #ust about wearing the right dress and loo&ing hip!

    The most important factor that fashions beauty is your personality! "e hardly loo& into this factoranymore! nce your personality is refined, you will have mastered eternal beauty!

    'esearch reveals that men, often, prefer people who might not be very good loo&ing but aresweet, interactive and trustworthy! Thus this shows that women who are not considered to beconventionally beautiful but have great personalities do attract a lot of attention!

    t is not a conflict between personality and good loo&s! $llow both these aspects in to maturesimultaneously and you will notice that your personally will accentuate your good loo&s and viceversa!

    Know Yourself The primary thing that you need to do is understand yourself! t is essential for you tocomprehend your personality in order to refine it and thus improve your physical beauty! 9et theprocess be slow and gradual!

    (ou can also consult the various boo&s and other content that is available 5 they will help youlocate your character! pt for the examinations as well as the help teams that are found on thetest to &now yourself better!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Ea"h $erson !s !st!n"t an+ 0(e"!alne person can always consider another person>s character and attitude in a negative light!ften people consider hyperactive or unusually ?uiet people to be cra%y or odd! This notion is

    rather relative7 each one appears little strange to another person! (ou can always utili%e yourattitude to improve yourself!

    0u(er#!s!n2 Your 7!rtues an+ 7!"es !.e. Youreatures

    Sort out your virtues and vices! /e a good person and get rid of all your negative points!!.ocus on your virtues! f you wish to ma&e your personality an instrument in order to be more

    appealing, then surely concentrate on your virtues and let your virtues be the attention centre!Each person is special and distinct in his or her own way! So let the good in you shine in front ofothersA

    Personality is an essential component of the self of a person! /y perfecting your personality youwill be able to reveal the beauty that lies within you!

    Personality is not distinct from your external beauty! t is #ust an external manifestation of yourinternal splendor! t is important for you to let people understand that beauty is not #ust aboutgood loo&s! $n impressive personality is e?ually significantA

    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    How Law of Attra"t!on Hel(s !n$ersonal e#elo()ent

    9aws of attraction can be very crucial when you are trying to understand your personality and itsdevelopment! .ailures and successes are a part of life and should be ta&en in the same spirit!

    The ideal thing is to ta&e all your failures as lessons for your life! Ta&e these incidents tounderstand your limitations and things that you did wrong and try not to repeat them in the future!This is how you can pave the way for your success!

    Deal with your failures as and when they occur! To &eep them loc&ed inside you and drag themalong wherever you go will only complicate your present and future!

    "hat you thin& is what you are, is one of the most important laws of attraction! f you are alwayssurrounded by negative, pessimistic thoughts it will hamper your growth and personalitydevelopment!

    8iven below are some things you need to consider and sought out if you are wor&ing towards apositive personalityB

    9earn you accept yourself the way you are! (ou might have shortcomings and limitations but sodoes everybody else! f you can>t love yourself, how will you love and accept other people!3o matter how many things are going wrong around you, learn to ta&e control! The moment startpitying yourself, you have lost half the battle already!

    Even if you are surrounded by people who have a lot of negativity don>t let it get to you! Try andma&e them see the brighter side of life if possible! /ut learn to step away as and when they startgetting to you!

    3o matter how messed up things are, tomorrow would be a new day and a new beginning! Stopmulling over your failures and try to fix things the best you can!

    t>s important to set goals for yourself! /ut ma&e sure that the goals are realistic! $lso rewardyourself as and when you achieve desired results!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    9earn to be confident about yourself! f you are sure about what you want go ahead and get it!Don>t let anything put you down! Developing your personality means discovering your wea&nesses and wor&ing on them! 9earning

    from your failures and ma&ing sure that you don>t commit the same mista&es again and again incrucial!

    9earn to be good to yourself and do things that ma&e you happy! f you are good to people thenyou would attract the same kind of behavior and people ! 9earn to be positive and happy andeverything will start to loo& up!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    o You Ha#e A $os!t!#eAtt!tu+e& Ta,e the -u!

    This chapter presents the latest information on positive attitude! t is designed to either reconfirmyour &nowledge or enhance your &nowledge on the sub#ect by routing your thoughts on positiveattitude through 2 ?uestions!

    /. A) I ha((% be!n2 where I a) to+a%&

    This is a tric& ?uestion without any standard answer, but &nowing how to deal with it is crucialB forbelieving that you are happy can actually increase your happiness and contentment, and give youthe confidence and positive attitude for anything that you wish to achieve! So do not simply wishto be happy but come out and believe that you really areB en#oy and be than&ful for the little thingsin life and see what a difference it ma&es!

    4. A) I a((eal!n2 to the o((os!te se8&

    Even if you do not have an answer to this, it shouldn>t stop you from doing anything you wish! Sobe it shaping up, changing your dressing style or hairdo, your attitude towards people or life, do itas if you were appealing, and it shall conduce to your benefit! 'emember that what matters themost is how well you can carry it off rather than exactly what you are trying to carry off!

    3. How )u"h "oul+ I ha#e&

    perative here is not a standard that could define having too much or having too little, but ratherhow the ?uestion of how badly you really need or desire it! This boils down to as&ing yourselfwhat, and how much, you are willing to wor& and sacrifice for something you thin& you want! fyou really are willing to sweat for it, then no matter what, wor& on towards what you have set yourheart on and the s&y is the limit!

    9. hat )ot!#ates )e&

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    0uman desires are endless, and there are infinite variations to the things that ma&e peoplehappy! f you do not &now what drives you or sets your pulse racing, approach life li&e a buffetservice! Try everything piece by piece until you locate your favorite dish!

    5. hat 6eall% 1a,es You T!",&

    nderstanding what really ma&es you tic& is to not only be able to define your goal but also thepath that you see& to chart towards that goal! So identify what you really want and what you arewilling to do for it! t>s all about &nowing yourselfF you own limits and doing your own cost benefitanalysis, rather than any very profoundly philosophic ?uest!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    The 0u""ess of %our Bus!nesse(en+s on %our $os!t!#e


    (our business will prosper greatly if you build and conse?uently sustain a positive attitude! Even

    when things in your business are not going according to plan, you have to remember that you arenot alone! $ll business ventures have their ups and downs!

    Those impediments can be easily overcome and you can always get bac& on trac& if you &eep apositive outloo& to everything! (ou will also have increased confidence in yourself and yourbusiness capabilities!

    $ positive attitude will ma&e finding prospective customers simpler! thers will react well to youroptimism! They will want to hire you and suggest you to others!

    This will also assist you in other departments of life! (ou will be in good health! Positive people

    have less fear of heart inflictions!

    0ere are some useful tips for you to expand on your positive attitude!

    Be N!"e to Others: /eing polite and friendly with other individuals will ma&e you feel niceabout yourself! (ou will have a brilliant and happy day! 0owever, you shouldn>t be gullibleand allow people to manipulate you because of your friendliness!

    1!8 w!th Other $os!t!#e $eo(le an+ A#o!+ Those who Ha#e Ne2at!#e Att!tu+es: $ttitudes rub on to others very ?uic&ly! f you spend more of your time with positivepeople you will automatically find yourself developing a more optimistic attitude!

    0owever, negative attitudes can also be very infectious! There is a popular saying whichgoes, G6isery loves companyH! "hen you are always in the company of people whoperpetually complain, you will automatically find yourself beginning to do the same!nsignificant factors that would normally not bother you will suddenly seem to spoil yourentire day! (ou will feel li&e you have lost all your energy!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    The moment you lose enthusiasm and incentive, it can prove very difficult to get bac& ontrac&! These factors can ta&e a negative toll on your business! (ou will not get anythingconstructive done this way!

    Be Or2an! e+ an+ $ra"t!"e T!)e 1ana2e)ent: "hen you are systematic you will wor&faster and be able to complete more tas&s! (ou will &now exactly what you need to doachieve your target each day! (ou will do constructive wor& if you stay within a systeminstead wasting time searching for phone numbers or email addresses that you havemisplaced!

    Be $roa"t!#e: The moment you are aware of an oncoming obstacle in your wor&, solve itinstead of leaving it till the last instant! /e practical and have a solution ready before theproblem can get out of hand! /y being ahead of possible impediments, you willpermanently be able to avoid setbac&s!

    Cons!+er H!r!n2 a Coa"h: 6any individuals hire tutors nowadays to attain success inbusiness! These tutors of guides will assist you in deciding exactly what you re?uire yourbusiness to yield! They will set attainable targets and will also demand #ustifications foractions!

    Therefore, the right and positive attitude is the most important ingredient for a successfulbusiness! Practice it as well as follow it daily! (ou>ll soon see you have become much moresuccessful than you ever conceived of!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    e#elo( the I+eal $ersonal!t%for 0u""ess !n Bus!ness

    $ few days bac& when my associate informed me about this fresh advertising organi%ation andalso ac?uainted me with their webpage, immediately loo&ed into it! "ell, it was absolutelydetestableA

    t definitely had pretty pictures and a flashy loo& but the write up could hardly be read orunderstood! The webpage was designed craftily but was not a user friendly webpage!

    The webpage was pathetic as it lac&ed a uni?ue personality! t had no distinctive feature or that%ing to hold my attention! The write up was ?uite uninteresting and so were the apparently lovelypictures! The write7up consisted of too many "e>sA The website lac&ed vitality and enthusiasm! twas a bit too perfect in its endeavor to impress all and thus could impress noneA

    People generally wish to conduct trade with people they have faith in and are fond of! (ou needto understand that people will be fond of you only when your personality impresses them! Thereis no use at all concealing your true personality behind the veil of that silly, dull and drearywebsiteA People will never get to be ac?uainted with you this way and they will also not wait foryou for too long!

    $ccording to Dan *ennedy, if you are dull and tedious in your advertising plans then it will leadyou absolutely nowhere! 3o one will bother to pay you any attention if you are uninteresting! 6ostpeople will not even turn to loo& twice7 there is so much more to do in life and so many otherinteresting things to loo& intoA

    "ell these ?uestions are now forming clouds in your mindB how will wor& things out in case amnot appreciated or in case put off potential buyers= "ell this might be the case with you and itprobably should too! shall explain why incorporate the word GS0 9DH!

    The moment you are writing a note that is so sugar coated, you should immediately reali%e that itwill be extremely dull and will attract none! n your endeavor to ma&e it appealing, you will actuallyput off people! (our note will not incite any enthusiasm and hence you will not receive any clients!They would prefer someone who is ade?uately interesting!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Peter 6ontoya says that a nice label can excite people and also similarly fend them off! 0ence ifyour organi%ation is not resisting a certain crowd, then it is also not attracting your potentialcustomers in a way it should!

    Deter those people who would not be attracted to your personality or your commodities generallyand yet wish to conduct business with you! .end them off right from the start because they willnever be fond of someone of your personality or be satisfied with your merchandise! t will neverbe a good dealA

    /usiness is not #ust about formalities and official statements! This is the conventional view aboutbusiness! (ou might be little apprehensive in the beginning but &now that the more thrilling andstimulating your web content as well as write up is, the more popular will be the response to it!

    So you understand that your personality needs to blend in your label! 0ere you as& yourself Ghowdo go about this=H! "ell you will have to wait awhile7 loo& into your inboxA shall be giving you

    certain hints and suggestions in the upcoming copy!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    1a!nta!n!n2 $os!t!#e Att!tu+e

    Successful people are identifiable by their masterful positive attitude, which ma&es it appear as ifthere>s nothing that they couldn>t achieve if they wanted and nothing they couldn>t possessA t is apositive attitude which separates the successful from the losersB a self reali%ed energy thatpropels towards success as opposed to a self defeating one that creates problems and provo&essuffering in life!

    Positive attitude is a state and condition of your mind that allows you to handle stress withoptimism and patience, promoting hope and nullifying despair! This empowers you to beundeterred by problems, maintain your focus and continue to persevere without frustration, andthus eventually overcome all problems!

    So if you have been a pessimist and have been filled with negative thoughts, here>s how to get ridof your problem, embrace your cherished goals and develop a positive attitude!

    1! hen %ou sense an% s!2ns of ne2at!#!t% or (ess!)!s) "ree(!n2 !nto %our )!n+!))e+!atel% "he", %our thou2hts an+ sto(: nstead try to imagine and visuali%e yourfavorite memories, expectations or ideals!

    )! E8(erts re"o))en+ another wa% to ban!sh ne2at!#e thou2hts fro) %our )!n+ a)e"han!s) wh!"h !n#ol#es two bas!" sta2es: The first which drives away negativethoughts and emotions, and the second which allows negativity to be infiltrated andovercome with positive thoughts and feelings!

    4! Tal,!n2 to %ourself an+ re(eat!n2 (os!t!#e aff!r)at!ons are (ro#en te"hn!;ues to+e#elo( a (os!t!#e )!n+set ! So devise your personal prep tal& and motivationstatement and ma&e it a point to tal& to yourself regularly!

    ;! $nother helpful way is to )a,e (osters or st!",% notes "arr%!n2 (os!t!#e an+aff!r)at!#e state)ents su"h as: I "an +o !t 0u""ess !s )!ne 1% 2oal !s w!th!nrea"h et" , and to put them up around your home or wor&place where you are apt seethe message regularly, day and night!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    2! Tr% to )a,e the h!2hl% su""essful (eo(le be %our fr!en+s an+ a";ua!ntan"es an+tr% an+ s(en+ t!)e w!th the) an+ ,now the!r a((roa"h ! n the right company, its easyfor the secret to a positive attitude to rub off onto you!

    @! Be2!n to rea+ (os!t!#e self hel( boo,s an+ )a2a !ne or better st!ll the b!o2ra(h!es

    or autob!o2ra(h!es of %our heroes. (ou could also attend relevant seminars andwor&shops!

    'emember that a positive attitude can only be cultivated and maintained by youF it is whollyinternal to you which no body can ta&e away! t re?uires much time, effort and dedication, but isan invaluable asset!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    1a!nta!n a $os!t!#e Att!tu+eur!n2 Har+ T!)es

    ften there are times when everything seems to go wrong despite one>s hardest efforts! Duringthese times, a positive attitude will assist a person to regain his stamina and come out of therough patch easily!

    (ou should never blame yourself for things that naturally seem to go wrong in life! Theseincidents cannot be avoided! (ou should always remember that tomorrow brings the hope of anew day!

    6ost days turn out to be positive for people, but there will always be occasional pitfalls whennothing seems to go right! Iust ta&e the failed day in your stride and move on ahead with theassurance that a better day will soon come!

    $lways let go of the distress of today and &eep faith in the anticipation that tomorrow brings! 6ostof the days in an individual>s life bring about positive results! f you can maintain a positiveattitude regardless of what might happen, the bad days will be &ept to a bare minimum!

    $lways remember that a positive attitude will help you recover ?uic&er in times of distress! Somebad days will motivate you to have an even more positive attitude so that you can learn from themista&es of today for a better tomorrow!

    The situation may be extremely difficult! /ut a positive attitude will help you overcome irrespectiveof how bad the situation is and you will definitely regain your confidence and self respect!

    0ard times will always appear in life! /ut they seem less hard when life is viewed optimistically!3o matter how a hard life may seem at some stage, a positive attitude will help you &eep yourhead clear and allow you to thin& steadily so that you can find the right solution!

    Even at wor&, a positive attitude will help you &eep your calm and you will be able to do all thetas&s that need to be done to improve the situation! (ou will be able to end your day on anoptimistic note!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Even when you are sic& or in despair, a positive attitude will help you recover ?uic&er! The illnessor the disappointment will pass sooner! (ou should not brea& down simply because you don>t feelfit and fine! 'eal strength and stamina come from learning to be optimistic and believing that timewill soon change for the better!

    3o one is flawless! 6a&ing mista&es is a natural part of life! (ou have to learn from yourwrongdoings and be prepared for the future! (ou should not always blame yourself and lose yourcomposure when something goes wrong!

    6a&e this a positive learning opportunity for the future! t is easy to maintain a positive attitudeduring smooth times! t is only when you can do the same during rougher times that you canachieve happiness and success much faster!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    hat You Nee+ to Be on the To(

    0ave you noticed a certain &ind of radiance and aura surrounding people who are successful anddoing well in their lives=

    Some people have one particular s&ill that they tap on for their success while some people have awhole range of plus points that wor& in their favor in their professional life and otherwise! tsimportant to identify things that you are good at and concentrate on them and to &now how towor& them in your favor!

    Especially with regards to your professional life, it>s important that you should be doing somethingthat you truly love! f you are not sure about what it is that you really want don>t be afraid toexperiment! 9oo& around! Spend time doing things that you haven>t done before! This will alsoenable you to discover your strengths, wea&nesses and interests!

    /efore everything else, you need to identify what success means to you! 9argely spea&ing thereare two spheres in which people see& to be successfuls important how you react to and act upon emotions! ts important to maintain your cool in all&inds of stress7ridden situations! People who maintain their calm are most li&ely to ma&e logicaldecisions be in control!

    .ailures are a part of life! 9earn to ta&e them in your stride! t is ideal to learn from your mista&es!The &ey to success is that you should stop being afraid of failures! f you have a goal in your mindyou have to persistent! Don>t give up!

    (ou have to be innovative and thin& out of the box! "hen faced with a problem retain your cooland thin& of all possible ways to tac&le it!

    Don>t be afraid of fear! (ou might be afraid of doing new things and ta&ing new challenges or ofpushing yourself to new limits! This would also limit your success! se your fear constructively!The curiosity might have &illed the cat but it is good for you!

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    $s& ?uestions, when you are not sure about what is happening! t>s important for you to get aclear picture of the happenings before you can even identify the problem and then eventuallytac&le it!

    f you want to be successful, you need to inculcate level headedness patience! (ou need to be

    willing to learn from people around you and &eep an open mind! Don>t be afraid to do new thingsand thin& beyond conventional framewor&!

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Tra!ts of a %na)!" $ersonal!t%

    The right attitude not only defines who you are but also your stance and success in life! That iswhy all top of the line business owners are those who have in their lives been not #ust aboutphysical, mental and social prowess, but about the right attitude, with regards to the nature ofsuccess and achievement and the need to achieve something in life!

    Some of the primary ?ualities of a successful man are listed below for your perusal!

    1! $owerful nee+ to a"h!e#e < This ?uality is not the entrepreneur>s ?uantitative successscore card about how much has been done! 3either is this #ust about gaining popularitythrough success! t is the basic need to do something in life to ma&e it worthwhile tooneself and gain self respect in the eyes of others!

    )! $erse#eran"e < 8etting an inspiration, no matter how vague, and standing by it to seethe resultant end through, is a primary characteristic of a success story! This never7admit7defeat and always7be7determined aspect is the most defined stamp of a dynamicpersonality!

    4! $os!t!#e )ental att!tu+e

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    @! ell=+e#elo(e+ (ersonal relat!ons s,!lls < (ou are nothing without your clients andpartners in any business venture! That is why being a people person, without overtinvolvement, is absolutely crucial for any successful business man!

    +! 0tron2 "o))un!"at!on s,!lls < (ou have ideas and you need to convey it to others to

    ma&e it a reality! /ut conveying does not mean that it will be accepted, so convincing hasto be added to it! This is why the ability to communicate confidently, both on pen andpaper and by word of mouth, is extremely important!

    ! 6esour"efulness < nstinctive ability to foresee problems and solve them, even thoughit is a never7heard7of7before7&ind, is also a ?uality of the successful man! t hints at theability of being aware and draw inspiration from immediate surroundings to deal with thematter at hand!

    C! Te"hn!"al ,nowle+2e < The &now7how of your field, be it the technical aspect or theeconomic is extremely important for a businessman, this will enable him to be ahead of

    all situations and deal with possible problems in a well rounded manner!

    1 ! A res(e"tful att!tu+e towar+s )one% > The ability to not e?uate money with successbut with the means to do something worthwhile is very important! This ensures that thesuccessful man remains more than a mercenary at the end of the day and stillappreciates the value of hard wor& and diligence!

    So here in a nutshell are the ?ualities that ma&e a man a living success storyLdo you have it inyou to be one=

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    Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

    Learn to a"e Cr!t!"!s)s

    Everyone has faced some &ind of criticism at some point in their lives for sure! 3o one in theirsane head would call criticisms as fun! 'ather they can turnout to be ?uite discouraging! (oumust &eep a very positive attitude when it comes to criticisms! .or doing this you must be awareof the two vital areas from where every form of criticism usually generates!

    Those ho Trul% Bel!e#es !n You an+ antto Hel( You Out This is the type of criticism that usually hurts the most! 3o body li&es the fact that you are beingcritici%ed by the people whom you love and respect the most!

    0owever one must &eep their intentions in mind! f someone is really close to you and want thebest to happen to you, they would not sweet tal& you for your mista&es!

    "hen your closest ones critici%e it is usually a constructive criticism and you must pay heed tothat and if you feel that it is for your best interest then follow their suggestions and imply thead#ustments they might offer!

    Those ho o Not Ha#e Your Best Interestat Heart This form of criticism can come as a surprise or might blindside you! This type of criticismsusually comes from people whom you never thought important or never &new that they were&eeping a tab on your life!

    Though some of the times these criticisms do pay off but most of the times it is best not to payany &ind of attention on what they have to say! Even if you are right and doing something positiveand great there will be people who will come and critici%e your wor&!

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    n both the above mentioned examples &eep in mind that your attitude should not under anycircumstances be affected by the criticisms! 6aintaining a constant positive attitude is a lot li&ewhen it rains outside! Iust because it is raining outside does not necessarily imply that you wouldhave to sit inside the room!

    'ather you put on a raincoat or ta&e an umbrella and go outside in spite of the rain! Similarly ifcriticisms starts showering upon you do not let that stop you from achieving any goal that youhave set for yourself in your life!

    (ou must &eep a positive outloo&! 6aintaining this positive attitude would help you in &eeping thecriticisms out of your life!

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    They shed new light on long7standing problems and are engaged in developing their ideas andsolutions! Similarly, leaders are seen as possessing the ability to relate to people in intuitive andempathetic ways, and to fill them with enthusiasm for their ideas!

    Thus, a leader tends to be a new arrival to an organi%ation, someone who has been imported for

    their vision, daring and innovation, but who may not necessarily have the experience or worldlyprudence to implement the motion of change!

    So whereas a leader is one who can instinctively command a following amongst employees andunite them for a common goal, a manager has to steadily wor& up the ladder and see& authorityon the basis of their rooted and proven position in the company! $ manager has to gain hisstanding through long and dependable service and effective organi%ational s&ills based on a clearunderstanding of how each level of the organi%ation wor&s!

    Thus, managers and leaders adopt different approaches towards their goals! "hile the leaderuses passion to generate emotion, the manager utili%es a more formal, rational method! /ut

    irrespective of these differences, successful managers and leaders both must see& to motivateand involve their employees!

    f they can ma&e the employee believe that he is appreciated and respected, and is a significantpart of the organi%ation, it is that much easier to inspire him and tap his potential!

    Therefore it is vital for managers and leaders to involve employees in the process of ma&ingdecisions and to inform them of any changes relevant to their position! $dditionally, it is importantfor managers and leaders to remain approachable and available to employees and to showgenuine interest in their needs!

    $ll this generates a sense of security and belongingness in employees, ma&ing them want towor& harder and contribute to the overall success of the organi%ation!

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    o You Ha#e The $ersonal!t%To Inno#ate&

    The difference between an idea generator and a successful innovator lies in the latter>s ability tounderta&e what is called G&aleidoscopic thin&ingH! The first step towards creating a culture withinthe organi%ation which is conducive to the fomenting of innovation is to identify employees whohave the gift of &aleidoscopic thin&ing! "e present nine traits which could help you identify theinnovator amongst your peopleB

    Cur!os!t% !s the bas!" "o)(onent !n !nno#at!on which ma&es the person ?uestion thestatus ?uo, see& new approaches and explanations and devise new solutions and pursuenew possibilities! 3ot limiting themselves to the superficial aspect of things, they probedelve, imagining novel alternatives and paradigms!

    6!s,=ta,!n2 an+ "r!t!"al th!n,!n2 ! /ut simply a curious and imaginative mentality doesnot an innovator ma&e! t is necessary to be able to embrace ris& and to be able torecogni%e the real possibilities of failure! ur experience with a number of our clients whoare evaluating their leadership succession strength has revealed that many experiencedmanagers, who have had to wor& their way up the ladder, become averse to ris& withincreasing sta&es!

    6es!l!en"e an+ 0elf=Control. t is necessary that an innovation driven culture clearlyac&nowledge and build its function around the fact that many attempted innovations shallmeet with failure! 6any managers simply can>t digest that, trying to negate any attendantris& and see&ing a C2M guarantee that the proposed idea is actually going to hit off ! this&ills off rather than promotes innovation!

    Inter(ersonal 0,!lls ! 8reat innovative pro#ects often fri%%le out due to the failure tocoordinate and communicate around the idea! This happens when the organi%ationalcharge is in the hands of the best techies rather than the best leaders! These technicallyoriented managers suppose that the innovative idea will automatically generate interestand motivation, and when they do try and communicate they do not try to attune theirlanguage to the sensibilities of their audiences, leaving them mystified!

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    Collaborat!on. nnovate re?uires collaboration and teamwor&! This is not a pro#ectspecific endeavor but a spontaneous and continuous aspect of the wor& ethic! /estinnovation proceeds from collective brain storming and a coordinated approach!

    eal!n2 w!th $roble)s an+ E#ol#!n2 Cont!nuall%. $ final &ey element is the ability to

    handle complexity and adapt accordingly without wasting undue time! t is imperative tobe able to meet up to the constant shifts and dynamism of the mar&ets and the challengeof competition! nnovation is incomplete if it doesn>t match up to and outpace thecompetition, and if contingencies throw pro#ects off trac&!

    $ssessing the actual preparedness for change and the conduciveness to innovation in yourorgani%ation are necessary before declaring your company to be innovation driven! .or if you donot have the proper people and the right environment to implement your business plan, yourinnovative vision will remain a dream!

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    Kee( a Che", on Your Att!tu+e

    t is ?uite a decent idea to &eep a chec& on your attitude regularly! :ertain attitudes must bechec&edF noticed and rectified otherwise they become our philosophy, which is dangerous!9et>s chec& some common attitude problems!

    An2er $nger is an inflated view of one>s self and attitude!

    $rrogance ma&es one deaf about other people>s feelings, ideas or feedbac&s! $rrogance is reallya showcase of what we lac&7 genuine confidence! 8enuine confidence gets you closer to otherpeople arrogance ta&es you away!

    0olut!on: 8od has given you three wonderful gifts7 appreciation, confidence and humility!Practice them and you will go a long way!

    EOE ? Instant E8(ert On E#er%th!n2 This is a person who has the answers to everything and is ready to spea& about it at length Jor a&now7it7allK!

    E Es can be difficult to train or teach! $ny relationship with this person, whether a friend, cowor&er or spouse is ?uite difficult! gnorance is what you get if you are such a person!

    0olut!on: Try developing a sense of curiosity for the world and its operations! 9earn to say Gdon>t &nowH and then find answers!

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    6efusal of Ta,!n2 6es(ons!b!l!t% for YourOwn A"t!ons

    f you do not ta&e responsibility of your actions then it is a moral or emotional problem! f we donot ta&e responsibility the power of changing things is also lost! /laming others give them thepower to change things and eradicate your problem7solving abilities!

    0olut!on: when you are in trouble as& these three ?uestions7 "hat can do= "hat can read or&now about= "hom shall consult for expertise=

    AA10= the All about 1e 0%n+ro)e

    This is simply selfishness personified! There>s a big difference between self care which is caringabout one>s self and being selfish which is me first and to hec& with the rest!

    sually children have this behavior because it is natural during development! 8rowing up, meansreali%ing that we are not the center of the universe!

    0olut!on: 6aintain a balance between ta&ing care of you and noticing other people>s lives andemotions!

    1!n!)! !n2 the 0er!ousness of Your Effe"t onOthers t is very easy to not notice what influence we are drawing up on others! f you are in any form ofrelationship what you do directly affects the other people around you! 3ot only your wor& but alsoyour belief affects them!

    0olut!on: 8o bac& and see how others decisions have affected you! Then reflect on your actionsand how they would have affected others!

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    G!#e Those $ersonal!t% e#elo()entClasses a Tr%

    Thin&ing that you will never have it in you to be confident and bold= "ell try some of thosepersonality development classes to give you the boost you need! They will not only help you tomingle with others but also teach you how to conduct yourself and portray the right attitude inpublic gatherings! n the end you will be richer for your investment in these classes!

    Kee( on Tr%!n23othing in life is minute made and similarly getting over your shyness will not happen magically ina day! So don>t give up! There are many ways to overcoming your shyness and not all of them

    may wor& for you!

    So &eep giving all of them a try to see which one suits you the best! 'emember no amount ofguide and self help boo&s can help you if you are not convinced that you can do it! So , go aheadwith the never say die attitude and &eep trying to get rid of your shyness no mater how disastrousyour first attempt is!

    So go ahead, ma&e good use of these pointers and lead a more socially active life and you will seit will ma&e you feel a lot more confident about yourself!

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