Executive/Personal Assistants Network Event Project Skills & Techniques

Executive/Personal Assistants Network Event Project Skills & Techniques

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Executive/Personal Assistants Network Event

Project Skills & Techniques


• Introductions • Housekeeping• Agenda for the Session


Workshop Agenda

Time Activity

9:30am Welcome and Introductions9:55am The Role of the Project Manager 10:15am Communication & SMART Objectives10:55am The Project Management Lifecycle 11:00am Break11:15am Project Initiation & Brainstorming12:05am Project Planning tools & Techniques12:30pm Evaluation & Next Steps

About the NHS North West Leadership Academy

• Established in 2007, 78 member organisations including: • 38 Provider organisations• 32 Clinical Commissioning Groups • 3 Commissioning Support Units • 3 Local Area Teams • Health Education North West

• Our aim is to provide current, effective, leadership programmes, products and support to help our NHS NW leaders face and overcome the challenges that come their way.

• We have delivered over 100,000 hours of development support for both clinical and non clinical leaders which amounts to over 6,000 people so far.

About the EA Network

Personal development & networking events & workshops

Dedicated online portal: http://www.nwacademy.nhs.uk/user

MEMO – Newsletter

Access to mentoring (www.nwmentoring.nhs.uk)

Ice Breaker

Introduce yourself to as many people as you can, for each person find out:

• Their name • The name of their first pet.

Workshop Objectives

• Understand what defines a project and appreciate the benefits of project management

• Understand the process of project management Explore tools and techniques for project planning and delivery

• Understand how to communicate effectively with stakeholders

• Network with colleagues working within and across the new NHS landscape

• Fun!

Project Definition

What is a project?

Project Characteristics

A project:• Has a defined beginning and end• Is a unique scope of work done to achieve an

agreed outcome.• Is constrained by cost, quality objectives

and time• Involves numerous stakeholders

Project Definition

Project Definitions:

‘An undertaking with a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals within cost, time and quality objectives’ MaST Learning & Development

‘A one-off scope of work, of a predetermined cost, designed to bring about a change of defined quality in a given time’ MaST Learning & Development

‘A temporary endeavour designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value.’ Carl Chatfield, A Short Course in Project Management

Table Discussion

Can you think of some examples of projects that you have worked on?

• What was the project?• Did it meet the desired outcomes?• Did it begin and end on time?• Did it cost more/less than you expected? • Did you have to compromise quality?

The Role of a Project Manager

A project is an undertaking with a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals within cost, time and quality objectives

A project manager is the person accountable for accomplishing the established project goals/ objectives within the agreed the cost, time, and quality constraints.

The Role of the Project Manager

An effective project structure

Sponsor or Project Board Stakeholders - Executive Management Team,

Customers, Board etc

Project Manager(The Nominated project ‘driver)

The project manager is responsible for ensuring good communication with the project team and stakeholders.

Project Team Member

Project Team Member

Project Team Member

The Importance of Setting Objectives

As the old saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Winston Churchill

• aligns the whole organization towards a common strategy and goal

• helps focus an individual, team or service on the things that matter

• creates targets and milestones for individuals, teams or services to achieve

• measure progress towards stated goals or desired outcome

The Importance of Setting Objectives

Setting SMART Objectives






Project Management Tools and Techniques

• Brainstorming• Fish bone diagrams• Product-based planning – work breakdown structure• Network diagram/Critical path analysis (flowchart)• Gannt chart• Project Initiation Document• Project Plan• Risk register

Project Management Lifecycle



Henri Fayol – The Management Cycle


Brainstorming group task

• We’ve won the lottery!!• We want you to plan the next Executive Assistants’

event• Be as wild and creative as you like, but remember to

keep it simple• You have six weeks to execute the project and a

budget of £3,000

The next Executive Assistants’ event

Project Implementation Document (PID)

• What are the objectives and deliverables? (SMART)

• How will you evaluate the project?• How will you know the objectives have been

met?• Are there any risks?

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

• Identifies the components of a project• Establishes what is needed to achieve

the final outcome


presentationsDelegatesLunchCommsAgendaSpeakers Venue





Network Diagrams

• Identify each step of the project• Determine the dependencies• Identify risk• Time estimates

Critical path – the longest sequence of activities; the minimum amount of time for completing the project

Start Research venues

Confirm numbers to


Book venue

Get quotes

Presentations & Handouts


2 wks 3 wks 4 wks1 wk

Sign in sheet

Send to contacts

Record responses

Design invite

Confirm places

Confirm speakers

Finalise agenda

Invite speakers

Draft agenda


Delegate packs

Gannt Chart

Source venues

Invite design


Source speakers

Delegate packs

1 2 34 5 (weeks)

Next Steps

• What two golden nuggets of learning are you going to take away and share with at least one colleague?

• Identify two key actions that you will take away today and implement within the next four weeks.

Useful Links

• Mind Tools - www.mindtools.com • Business Balls - www.businessballs.com • Association for Project Management www.apm.org.uk • Project Accelerator www.projectaccelerator.co.uk