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Page 1: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication

Semester 1, 2016

Assessment 3: Client Campaign Report

Client:  Philippe HoareauStudent: Mitchell Branson N9449361

Tutor: Wayne Chalmers

Page 2: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

Executive SummaryAfter extensive analysis of Philippe Hoareau’s branding issues regarding Enguard and Golden

Canes it is clear that solutions to branding problems must be created. A primary and

secondary objective have been created and put through SMART criteria to ensure the goals

are specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time bound. These goals are:

Increase traffic to his programs in the north side of Brisbane and therefore spread

the concept of self-protection by improvisation, and

Bringing Philippe’s ideas together into one, easily recognizable brand to avoid

confusion and stray away from misrepresentation.

These objectives were brought to light through a pitch by the client. To achieve these

objectives, positioning, messaging and IMC strategy were analysed and a campaign was


Philippe’s brand will undertake a brand image remodel. Changing from Enguard and Golden

Canes to a singular brand named “FearLess” taken from Philippe’s “Fear Less Life Program”.

After this, three programs will be released with each program having a specific target

audience. Green Light will target school aged children, Enguard will target adults and Golden

Canes will target senior citizens.

Each program will be marketed through channels relevant to each specific target market.

This will ensure maximum efficiency through marketing. By doing this, Philippe will

accomplish his objectives within the campaign run-time of 12 months.

Page 3: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

Table of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................................2

1.0 CLIENT OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................4

2.0 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING MARKETING.........................................................................................42.1 SWOT ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................5

3.0 TARGET AUDIENCE....................................................................................................................5

4.0 POSITIONING STRATEGY...........................................................................................................6

5.0 MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY...............................................................................65.1 SMART CRITERIA............................................................................................................................65.2 MESSAGE STRATEGY.........................................................................................................................75.4 CAMPAIGN IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................85.5 CAMPAIGN EVALUATION...................................................................................................................8

6.0 MARKETING MATERIALS AND COLLATERAL...............................................................................8

8.0 APPENDIXES.............................................................................................................................98.1 APPENDIX 1....................................................................................................................................98.2 APPENDIX 2....................................................................................................................................98.3 APPENDIX 3....................................................................................................................................98.4 APPENDIX 4..................................................................................................................................108.5 APPENDIX 5..................................................................................................................................10

9.0 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................11

Page 4: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

1.0 Client ObjectivesPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main

objective is to increase traffic to his programs in the north side of Brisbane and therefore

spread the concept of self-protection by improvisation. This objective will be completed by

the first wave of the marketing cycle and will be covered in this report. Another objective

that will be looked at in this report is Philippe’s objective of bringing his ideas together into

one, easily recognizable brand to avoid confusion and stray away from misrepresentation.

Philippe also demonstrated his passion for the wider community and wanting to teach self-

protection, risk mitigation and respect to not just his classes, but society as a whole. This

objective is much more long-term and requires the first objective to be completed before

starting, this objective will be completed after the first wave of the marketing and beyond.

2.0 Analysis of Existing MarketingPhilippe’s existing marketing communication is convoluted and makes it difficult for

potential participants to attain relevant information. Philippe has two separate brands and

two separate websites, this makes finding essential information difficult for consumers. The

brands are Enguard and Golden Canes, what makes them separate is the target audience.

Golden Canes has a distinct target audience of senior citizens, however Enguard’s target

audience is unrecognizable. Philippe hosts a morning radio show, which is sometimes used

to advertise Enguard and Golden Canes, titled “Fear Less Life Program” on 99.7FM.

Philippe’s current logo design for Enguard gathered attention upon first inspection of the

Enguard website, immediately portraying the idea of martial arts and fencing rather than

self protection. Therefore, investigation regarding how this logo was deciphered by

consumers was explored through the primary data survey.

Page 5: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

2.1 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Societal driven program

Great program

Good responses from current


Weaknesses Poorly marketed

Misrepresented by current


Unheard of by community

Opportunities Ability to increase class participation

Re-create brand image

Chance to impact society

Threats Relies on attendance at events

Can be easily misrepresented if

branded incorrectly

3.0 Target AudienceTarget audiences for this campaign come from three separate programs that will be run

under one umbrella brand. Fear Less will be the name of the brand and programs will be

called “Green Light”, “Enguard” and “Golden Canes”, reusing the names Enguard and

Golden Canes. Green Light will be a program for school aged children, whilst Enguard will

cater for men and women between the ages of 18 and 40, whilst Golden Canes is for senior

citizens, aged 65+. All target audience members are located on the North Side of Brisbane,

which will be the location of operations for the first 12 months of the marketing plan. The

psychographic for all target audiences is people who are targeted, or scared of being

targeted, by violent acts. By defining separate primary target audiences Fear Less can

ensure the proper marketing plan be implemented to reach these target audiences.

Page 6: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

4.0 Positioning StrategyBrand positioning is the primary idea that captures a brands meaning and distinctiveness

(Chitty et al., 2012). One of Philippe’s concerns was that his brand positioning

misrepresented what he stood for. Primary research regarding the logo for Enguard (see

appendix 1) showed that respondents associated the logo with sword fighting and violence

(see appendix 2). Therefore, to ensure good brand image, Philippe should move away from

current logo designs. Primary research showed that 66% of respondents preferred the

simple, professional logo of FearLess (see appendix 3) over the current Enguard logo (see

appendix 4). The FearLess logo comes from Philippe’s “Fear Less Life Program” radio show

and promotes self-protection through violence prevention, as per how Philippe wanted to

portray his programs. Secondary research shows that design characteristics influence

cognitive and affective reactions to logos before any promotional activities are implemented

(Henderson and Cote, 1998).

This branding strategy is based around re-positioning the current Enguard branding away

from misconceptions of violence, fencing and martial arts. Instead, portraying the brand in a

more professional, safe and secure manner with new a new logo (see appendix 3) and a new

brand image.

5.0 Marketing Communication StrategyBy exploring marketing communication strategies such as SMART objectives, messaging

strategy, integrated marketing communication tactical strategy, campaign implementation

and campaign evaluation, this section will identify and justify marketing strategy that will

help achieve objectives.

5.1 SMART CriteriaSMART criteria for achieving objectives has been implemented into Philippe’s key objective

in order to give specific measures of how to complete this objective. The objective is to

increase traffic to his programs within the north side of Brisbane and therefore spread the

concept of self-protection by improvisation. This objective is specific as it covers what, why,

who and where. What the goal accomplishes is increasing traffic, why is to spread the

concept of self-protection by improvisation, who is the people who are involved and that is

Page 7: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

anybody who participates in the programs and where is on the North Side of Brisbane. The

objective is measureable as Philippe can easily track how many people attend classes. The

objective is achievable with careful marketing and promotion tactics. It’s a relevant goals to

strive towards and lastly, the time constraint will last the length of this campaign, 12


5.2 Message StrategyThe message strategy that rings true for Philippe’s campaign is brand image. “The power of

a brand lies in the minds of consumers or customers” (Keller, 2000), this shows the

importance of proper brand imaging. For Philippe, this means marketing FearLess as a way

of life. By teaching techniques of violence prevention, Philippe has the opportunity to create

an extremely positive brand image amongst the wider community.

The integrated marketing communication (IMC) tactical strategy will comprise of the use of

a distinct mix of channels to reach each target audience specifically.

For the Green Light program, marketing channels include: features on the Queensland

Teachers Union website, features in school newspapers/magazine and Facebook

advertising. As this program is mainly promoted through schools it is necessary to ensure

that teachers are aware of the program. Secondarily, Facebook advertising should be

utilized to ensure a broad reach of marketing channels. All advertising will occur on the

North Side of Brisbane for the length of this campaign, however after this initial campaign

the target demographic can be expanded.

The Enguard program targets adults between the ages of 18 and 40 and therefore will have

a strong social media presence. Secondary research shows that 82% of online adults ages 18

to 29 use Facebook (Duggan, 2015), therefore it would be a waste to not utilize such a

populated channel.

Lastly, the Golden Canes program must be promoted in a specific way to reach its target

audience effectively. With an older target audience, media channels such as Facebook will

be ineffective. Therefore channels such as senior newspapers, print media such as flyers

Page 8: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

placed within retirement villages and local RSL’s and also presentations given at retirement

homes will be explored to strongly influence the selected target audience.

5.4 Campaign ImplementationWith the objectives in place, an implementation plan is developed for the campaign. Firstly,

within the first three months of the campaign the secondary objective of creating an

overarching brand and avoiding misrepresentation will be implemented. This is done

through message strategy and brand positioning/image. Secondly, the primary objective will

look to be achieved through the 3rd and 10th month of the campaign, making up the majority

of the campaign. This will be achieved by implementing the integrated marketing

communication tactical strategies discussed. Lastly, Philippe’s goal of driving social change

regarding violence prevention will be evaluated and implemented during the final two

months of the campaign and into the future.

5.5 Campaign EvaluationThe campaign can be evaluated per each objective. The primary objective of increasing

participation to classes can be evaluated and measured by simply recording attendance to

classes and sign ups to programs. The secondary objective of creating a singular umbrella

brand can be measured by conducting a survey after changes have been made to see what

the general public thinks of the new brand image.

6.0 Marketing Materials and CollateralMarketing material and collateral for this campaign include flyers, paid Facebook

advertisements, website optimization to increase web traffic, senior newspaper

advertisements and advertisements in the teacher’s union newspaper. Expenditure for this

collateral can be found in appendix 5.

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8.0 Appendixes8.1 Appendix 1

Enguard Logo

8.2 Appendix 2

Survey Responses to Enguard Logo

8.3 Appendix 3

Proposed FearLess Logo

Page 10: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

8.4 Appendix 4

Survey data regarding FearLess and Enguard logos

8.5 Appendix 5

Campaign Expenditure

Page 11: Executive Summary - mitchbransonblog.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewPhilippe’s client pitch allowed for several objectives to come to light. Philippe’s main objective is to

9.0 ReferencesChitty, W., Luck, E., Barker, N., Valos, M., & Shimp, T. (2012), Integrated marketing

communications. 4th Asia Pacific edition. Cengage Learning.

Duggan, M. (2015). The Demographics of Social Media Users. Pew Research Center:

Internet, Science & Tech. Retrieved 3 June 2016, from


Henderson, P.W., Giese, J.L. and Cote, J.A. (2004), Impression management using typeface design, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68 No. 4, pp. 60 – 72.