Executive Summary Faculty Needs Assessment Administered April – May 2017 1. Total number of faculty responding –320 Full Time – 166 Adjunct – 154 2. Campus Designation New York City – 54% Westchester – 37% Online – 9% 3. Number of years at Pace University 0 – 5 years - 44% 6 – 15 years – 28% 16+ years – 28% 4. School/College Designation Dyson – 59% Health Professions – 14% Lubin – 11% Seidenberg – 9% Education – 6% Law – 1% 5. Are you familiar with the services provided by the Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching and Professional Development? Yes – 52% No – 14% Somewhat – 34% 6. Have you visited the Faculty Center's Website? Yes – 55% No – 45% 7. Have you attended any Faculty Center events? Yes – 60% No – 40%

Executive Summary Faculty Needs Assessment ......December 12th 2017, 12:55 pm EST Q1 - Faculty Designation # Answer % Count 1 Full-time 51.88% 166 2 Adjunct 48.13% 154 Total 100% 320

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Page 1: Executive Summary Faculty Needs Assessment ......December 12th 2017, 12:55 pm EST Q1 - Faculty Designation # Answer % Count 1 Full-time 51.88% 166 2 Adjunct 48.13% 154 Total 100% 320



1. Totalnumberoffacultyresponding–320

• FullTime–166• Adjunct–154

2. CampusDesignation

• NewYorkCity–54%• Westchester–37%• Online–9%

3. NumberofyearsatPaceUniversity

• 0–5years-44%• 6–15years–28%• 16+years–28%

4. School/CollegeDesignation

• Dyson–59%• HealthProfessions–14%• Lubin–11%• Seidenberg–9%• Education–6%• Law–1%

5. AreyoufamiliarwiththeservicesprovidedbytheFacultyCenterfor

InnovativeTeachingandProfessionalDevelopment?• Yes–52%• No–14%• Somewhat–34%

6. HaveyouvisitedtheFacultyCenter'sWebsite?

• Yes–55%• No–45%

7. HaveyouattendedanyFacultyCenterevents?

• Yes–60%• No–40%

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8. ReasonswhyyoudidnotattendFacultyCenterevents• NoTime–38%• Date/TimeInconvenient–35%• Nointerestorneed–19%• Locationinconvenient–8%

9. FutureTopicsthatmostinterestyou?(topthree)• EffectiveOnline/BlendedLearning/TeachingMethod• IdentifyingandMaximizingyourTeachingStyle• AdvancedPracticesintheSoTL

10. PreferredFormats(Top3)• FacetoFace• OnlineSelf-Paced• Combinationofpresentationandgroupinteraction

11. PreferredLength(top3)• Upto60minutes• Upto30minutes• Upto90minutes

12. ConvenienttimesoftheAcademicYeartoofferworkshops(top3)• DuringtheSemester• PriortotheFallandSpringSemesters• SummerandIntersessionweretied


13. Preferredwaytoreceiveinformation• Email• WebSite

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Survey ResultsFaculty Needs AssessmentDecember 12th 2017, 12:55 pm EST

Q1 - Faculty Designation

# Answer % Count

1 Full-time 51.88% 166

2 Adjunct 48.13% 154

Total 100% 320

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Q1a - Faculty Status

# Answer % Count

2 Tenured 47.13% 74

3 Tenure-Track 35.67% 56

4 Clinical 17.20% 27

Total 100% 157

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Q2 - Campus (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 New York City 54.20% 187

2 Westchester 36.81% 127

3 Online 8.99% 31

Total 100% 345

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Q3 - Number of Years at Pace?

# Answer % Count

2 0 - 5 43.71% 132

3 6 - 15 28.15% 85

4 16+ 28.15% 85

Total 100% 302

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Q4 - School/College

# Answer % Count

1 Dyson College of Arts andSciences

58.67% 176

2 School of Education 6.00% 18

3 College of HealthProfessions 14.00% 42

4 Lubin School of Business 11.33% 34

5 Seidenberg School of CSIS 8.67% 26

6 Elisabeth Haub School ofLaw

1.33% 4

Total 100% 300

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Q5 - Are you familiar with the services provided by the Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching and Professional Development?

# Answer % Count

1 Yes 52.32% 158

2 No 13.58% 41

3 Somewhat 34.11% 103

Total 100% 302

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Q6 - Have you visited the Faculty Center's Website?

# Answer % Count

1 Yes 54.64% 165

2 No 45.36% 137

Total 100% 302

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Q7 - Have you attended any of the Faculty Center's events?

# Answer % Count

1 Yes 60.26% 182

2 No 39.74% 120

Total 100% 302

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Q7a - Which events have you taken advantage of from the Faculty Center? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 Adjunct Faculty ResourcesWebinar 4.03% 34

2 Academic Advising andthe Core Curriculum

4.86% 41

3 Academic PortfolioWorkshop 8.06% 68

4 Best Practices 8.41% 71

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5 Chair DevelopmentWorkshop 3.20% 27

6 Faculty Digital Studio 1.90% 16

7 Faculty Exchange Lunch 9.12% 77

8 Faculty Hour 1.30% 11

9 Faculty Institute 9.95% 84

10 Faculty ResearchWorkshop

4.38% 37

11 Faculty Writing Forum 2.25% 19

12 Information Session onTenure and Promotion 3.55% 30

13 Instructional DevelopmentDay

9.24% 78

14 New Faculty Orientation 8.06% 68

15 New York Times FacultyExchange 6.28% 53

16 Round-table Discussion onCampus Diversity

1.66% 14

18 Teaching Circles 6.40% 54

20 Teaching Effectively Online 6.75% 57

17 Other: 0.59% 5

Total 100% 844


Other: - Text

the counseling event

New Faculty Orientation, OER, and one more I can't recall the name!

Blackboard training

the counseling center presentation


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Q8 - What were the reasons for those programs/services you did not attend? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 I did not have time toattend the workshops

37.78% 150

2 The location wasinconvenient 7.81% 31

3 The date/time wereinconvenient

35.01% 139

4There were no

programs/services thatmet my interest or needs

19.40% 77

Total 100% 397


Other - Text

didn't know about them

The topics to be discussed were not relevant to me.

Some did not meet my interest or needs

i have only just become an adjunct

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It was never marketed to spark my interest

IT was not applicable to me at the time

They were not relevant to my needs.

New to the school

New adjunct faculty

clashes with schedule

Not interested

For the ones I signed up for, last minute things came up that were of higher priority such as a departmental meeting.

additional yet uncompensated time

Programs were not that helpful in my opinion

Not applicable at the time

lack of time

Not sufficiently focused on graduate training.

Schedule conflicts, mostly

a combination...sometimes it is because I've already participated in that topic or mostly because I have a conflict.

Not enough options for time place

Did not know they were taking place.

already knew the info

unclear which programs are from the faculty center

Didn't know about them

was not aware

It varied with all of the above for different meetings

Sometimes it gets to be too many events as faculty are overwhelmed with research and service activities and presentations organized by the many different offices at Pace

Other issues demanding my time

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Q9 - For future programs which of the following topics most interest you? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

2Advanced Practices in the

Scholarship of Teachingand Learning

11.40% 101

1 Syllabus and CurriculumDesign 9.37% 83

12 How to Incorporate OpenEducational Resources

8.92% 79

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3 Informal Peer Evaluationof Teaching 7.34% 65

4Identifying and

Maximizing your TeachingStyle

13.43% 119

5 Issues of Diversity andInclusion

6.32% 56

6 Maximizing MentoringRelationships 6.09% 54

7 Work/Life Balance 6.77% 60

8 Preparing for Tenure andPromotion

8.01% 71

10Effective Online/Blended

Learning TeachingMethods

14.79% 131

13 Qualtrics 4.97% 44

9 Other 2.60% 23

Total 100% 886


Other - Text

All education babble. I have no time for this trash.

Flipped Classrooms

sharing with colleagues

Python class

Developing an online presence as an academic

A lot has been offered on mentoring and collaborative practices; I would like to see equal and balanced emphasis on fostering originality and independence in research endeavors and a clear definition of collaboration in research (as opposed to the more casual translation to and commonly observed practice of a coming together of several people with seemingly or superficially similar research interests mainly to make sure that some kind of research work is produced in a specific time window)

Teaching across degrees; interdisciplinary teaching and enveloping interdisciplinary courses.

Faculty community building

The Transgender Student

research collaboration

Tech tools and support

How to be the best "guide by the side"

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dealing with range of intellectual diversity in class

Exchanging teaching materials with other teachers

Use of technology to enhance teaching/research

how to make Pace successful

Dealing with Anti-Intellectual Attitudes

SPSS and SAS training

Forming relationships with industry and/or high schools to promote our students/programs

Pedagogy and curriculum development

Planning retirement

Maximizing Research Productivity

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Q10 - Preferred formats (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 Online self-paced modules 18.69% 111

2 Online facilitated modules(webinars)

12.12% 72

3 Face-to-Face 30.47% 181


Combination ofpresentation,

group/interactive work,and discussion

19.36% 115

5Informal round table

discussions on designatedtopics

14.98% 89

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6 No preference 3.03% 18

7 Other 1.35% 8

Total 100% 594


Other - Text

Short Face to face intro meeting with self-paced module follow-up


Combination of face-to-face and online options

Human presence always works best in building community and rapport.

Trainings held on semester breaks, or evenings/weekends. It would be really helpful if these trainings were organized into 2-day seminars. During the school week I have too much teaching to be able to attend.

I think you need to get grants and give stipends for larger scale teaching development

face to face after 6pm

I think preference depends on the subject. There should be a focus, when possible, on smaller groups.

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Q11 - Preferred length? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 Up to 30 min 12.89% 50

2 Up to 60 min 43.56% 169

3 Up to 90 min 11.08% 43

4 Up to 2 hours 9.54% 37

5 1/2 day 9.79% 38

6 Whole day 4.38% 17

7 No preference 8.76% 34

Total 100% 388

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Q12 - What times during the academic year are most convenient for you to attend sessions? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count


Just prior to the start ofthe Spring and Fallsemesters (August,


23.00% 118

2 During the Spring and Fallsemesters 31.19% 160

3 Intersession (January) 15.79% 81

4 Spring break 8.38% 43

5 Summer (June, July) 16.37% 84

6 Weekends 5.26% 27

Total 100% 513

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Q13 - Preferred way to receive information about upcoming programs, events and program materials? (please check all that apply)

# Answer % Count

1 Website 12.22% 44

2 Email 76.11% 274

3 List-serv 8.06% 29

4 Posters 3.61% 13

Total 100% 360

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Q14 - Please offer any suggestions for possible future programs

Please offer any suggestions for possible future programs

I would like teaching groups within a school (Lubin) that meet and our open ended. I want to see teaching support group that talks about a variety of issues.I think some combination of face-to-face or webinar intro (short ~20-30 in max) followed by self-paced modules could work. It can be very difficult to prioritize otherwise especially during semesters.

Keep up the good work!

Focus one on graduate teaching strategies.

User of screen sharing to support math instruction or math tutoring.

Dyson faculty are being pressed to include short introductory videos in their online classes. I'd like to see those needs targeted, with hands-on assistance from your office and Ed Media.The Center is "Education Babble Central" and provides nothing useful. The place just wastes money on every new educational gimmick to come down the road. It should be closed and the wasted money spent on something useful.More on TAP process. Mentors at APW are great, but a lot of conflicting information shared by mentors about what to include in portfolio.

Online webinar sessions are usually offered in the middle of the day. This time is impossible for me given my schedule. Monday or Wednesday evenings (4:30pm or later) if planned in advance, would work much better.

Thank you for your consideration.The Faculty Center has made a big impact on my teaching quality, and I look forward to and go to all events that I can schedule. I think, to encourage more professors to take advantage of the programs and training, we should always receive a certificate of participation and these certificates should be recorded in our employment records at Human Resources. If something is counted, then people pay attention to it. I am at many Faculty Center eventswhere there are open seats available, and I am astonished that my peers do not take advantage of the quality training offered. I am in a process of continuous improvement because of the Faculty Center. I feel everyone eligible to attend should be encouraged by whatever incentives are possible, like emailing my supervisor that I took advantage of a session, and following up on that by encouraging the supervisors to praise professors that takethe time to improve themselves in this amazing and fulfilling profession. Also, supervisors should be encouraged to be present for sessions, to show by example that they are also in a state of continuous improvement. We need to get more participation, until there are no empty seats available in any of the sessions. These are a great, underutilized resource.I teach Latin American History, Caribbean and USA Latino Populations. There is a gold mine of knowledge to be spread among students who are interested in learning about the history of US and Latin America.You guys do a great job, and I'm grateful for the opportunities you've put together for the faculty. I don't think I'veattended one that I thought wasn't worth the effort to attend. (not a suggestion for future programs, but I wanted to say thanks!)The Faculty Center does an excellent job of offering a varied program. So, at this time, I can't think of a possible future program. If I do, I'll send a note along to the Center.Please do more about how we can develop an effective online presence to promote our scholarship. Also, how wecan use our scholarship in advocating for issues - in print, online, and other media outlets. This is increasingly important in an academic's career (especially for those at full professor rank) and important for the reputation of Pace. The school should do more also to help faculty use google suite of tools. No one uses Blackboard outside of

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Pace. All our students come to us having used google classroom and other similar tools in high schools. The digitalmedium we are using is outdated and our students are working around BB to work collaboratively online. We should not be behind them in this but alongside and, ideally, ahead of the curve on this.

I would like to know more about online teaching.

Can it be given on Thursday as well. Most of the webinar fell on Wednesdays. Thanks!

What new teaching methods are acceptable to use in the classroom? I say this because it seems most professors are still stuck in the old lecture method.The survey covered important topics. International students and teaching issues of teaching what to expect and not to expect grading issues.

Please keep doing what you're doing!

Increased access to academic portfolio and promotion/tenure workshops.

Keep up the good work!

I believe faculty need training in dealing with the LGBTQ community, and more specifically with transgender issues. Also, faculty needs to understand the importance of diversity for the learning experience in college. How tomaximize classroom diversity as a learning experience.I would also like to see a workshop on immigration, particularly immigration from predominately Muslum countries and a workshop on Islam.Being sensive to issues of diversity should be central here given our population.Courses in sexual harrassment as well as race prejudice should not be taught primarily from a legalistic point of view,Faculty often believe they know more than they do about issues of race and religion in the classroom and make too many assumptions. Also, they are often unawate of their own biases.Put people in the room and talk about teaching for 2 hours. Problems with teaching, burn-out issues, etc. Come upwith 2 or 3 key topics. Then have 2 or 3 seminars (which is just groups of professors coming to together) to talk about those specific issues that were identified in the first session. Need more group therapy almost for teachers. It's pretty clear that the "Best Practices Conference" is not worth the effort and money put into it. This year's was especially unhelpful, with an agenda consisting mainly of panel discussions on unidentified topics. Please direct your efforts toward other projects.

faculty exchange on teaching about sensitive issues during the current political administration

Writing a research grant workshop - similar to the Faculty Research Workshop - where faculty go through the process of developing a grant proposal throughout a semester or several months.I think that many of the workshops offered provide access to resources that faculty need at different points in the teaching/research careers.

We need more advanced-level support for faculty teaching online including the use of new tools.

Thanks for asking.I think incorporating more digital tools into the classroom and to develop the flipped classroom model for higher ed.We are swamped. Lots of events is not the answer for positive change in teaching and learning. I'd like to see your office lead the way in finding and getting grants that allow the university to give faculty stipends for doing work that makes significant changes in the way we teach and learn and connect with students. Assessment related issues re: accreditation standards, etc. would be really helpful. Tools for evaluating faculty. Also, it would be nice to add a next step to the research forum- a standing research day weekly where faculty/staff could go to work as if it were an appointment and there would be work areas but no students or phone calls allowed.

Like regular and repeated instruction for blackboard

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It would be nice to know about programs 5+ weeks prior to their happening. I need to request off from my full time position in order to attend, and need to do this prior to the schedule being posted. This is the reason I have been unable to attend any programs offered. Let's get some more perspective from presenters who are outside of this University.

more online programs

it'd be nice to have something for new faculty that guides them through how they should be organizing materials and what they should be documenting for tenure/promotion. there are workshops that exist to help people build portfolios for tenure/promotion but they seem to be geared toward folks who are approaching that point and ready to get materials together. i think it'd be helpful to have something for first and second year faculty giving them an idea of how to organize materials, what they'll need, etc. early on so they keep that in mind.The Center could use better promotion, especially in this day and age of omnichannels and 360º experiences. May I suggest it treats the Faculty as "the Client", probing needs and expectations, sensations and emotions, and their opinions and suggestions, to properly align its service mix, again, considering us "the Client"? Then, this question you ask would have a valid and reliable response.Additional evening or late afternoon sessions may help. An event held at 9:00am (for example, the Faculty Writingforum), while no doubt convenient for some faculty members, is extraordinarily difficult to attend for someone who has an evening class - that would require being on campus for 12 hours in a single day.

Sessions targeted to clinical faculty only... at least an orientation, as I never received one!

Dealing with behavior problems in class, including kids with psychiatric disabilities tht cause them to disrupt class

Teaching skills in the context of the disciplinesPrograms mainly target undergraduate education. I would like to see something that targets graduate eduction as these students have different needs and learning styles then typical undergraduate students. I don't think you've missed a thing. I've been at Pace 35 years, full and now part time. I've used the Center many times and have found it terrific

Dealing with difficult professional relationships in academia.

Grading -- What are best practices for developing grades (and how to grade). I would like to hear what other faculty have to say about this. Rubrics MIGHT be part of this discussion.


In general, I feel everyone would benefit if the various events faculty attend are consolidated or coordinated. For example, the Provost's office organizes a research Day, and so does the Society of Fellows, and so do some departments, perhaps some CTLT activities, or seminars can be on the same day, or embedded in these events. Or,the peer evaluations can be linked with the 'identifying and maximizing your teaching style'. The Provost's office organizes the Research Day at Pace, and so does Dyson, and so do some individual departments - these could be combined with the Faculty Research Workshop... I am sure if more thought is put into this combining and linking of events, smarter ideas will emerge, but this is what I feel is needed for faculty to benefit the most, and to attend.

Have faculty leaders (leading faculty) involved