Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016 1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166 500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929 Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first) Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061 C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 1 Total time: 2:00 Minutes taken by: Cassy McCartney Facilitated by: Lilia Teninty/Trina Lee/Acacia McGuire Discussion: No changes to last month’s meeting notes Maximizing Hours – Acacia/Brean There is a settlement requirement that requires this policy and encouraging people to maximize their hours, but this is a choice for each individual. This will involve all agencies, job developers and coaches. There will be one high level transmittal but there will also be a policy Agenda Document Time Owner Discussion/Decision X Review Agenda 2 Lilia/Trina Discussion X Review last month’s meeting minutes Copy of last month’s notes 2 Trina/Acacia Discussion X Maximizing Hours Policy review and discussion on implementation, training and next steps Guidance document 30 Acacia Discussion X Data Report January 2016 Copy of Report and EOS 30 Andre Discussion Break 10 X QA/QI Plan Proposed changes Power Point 30 Brean Discussion X Data New provider capacity graphs and settlement agreement information Excel spreadsheet “Settlement Reduction“ 15 Acacia Discussion X Next meeting agenda items/wrap up 5 All Discussion

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Page 1: Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder ......C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 1 Total time: 2:00 Minutes taken by: Cassy McCartney

Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Total time: 2:00

Minutes taken by: Cassy McCartney Facilitated by: Lilia Teninty/Trina Lee/Acacia McGuire


No changes to last month’s meeting notes

Maximizing Hours – Acacia/Brean There is a settlement requirement that requires this policy and encouraging people to maximize

their hours, but this is a choice for each individual. This will involve all agencies, job

developers and coaches. There will be one high level transmittal but there will also be a policy

Agenda Document Time Owner Discussion/Decision

X Review Agenda 2 Lilia/Trina Discussion

X Review last month’s meeting minutes

Copy of last month’s notes

2 Trina/Acacia Discussion

X Maximizing Hours

Policy review and

discussion on

implementation, training

and next steps

Guidance document

30 Acacia


X Data Report January 2016

Copy of Report and EOS

30 Andre Discussion

Break 10

X QA/QI Plan Proposed changes

Power Point 30 Brean


X Data New provider capacity graphs and settlement agreement information

Excel spreadsheet “Settlement Reduction“

15 Acacia


X Next meeting agenda items/wrap up

5 All


Page 2: Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder ......C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 1 Total time: 2:00 Minutes taken by: Cassy McCartney

Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 2

so the field can really understand what we are asking of them. This is the first component of

this, it is the first time it has been shared publicly. There will be an online worker manual.

Brean added that she used the language from the ODDS rule already in place. You can also see

that it requires a goal or discussion. So the idea is to layout when the goal and discussion are

supposed to happen. Bill asked about the documentation in the progress notes, but it already

happens in the CDP. Acacia is glad to hear him say that, because that’s not what she is hearing

from the field. So there is talk about adjusting the language in the CDP and individual section.

Bill agrees with this. Ross is wondering what happens if you’ve already had your ISP but

afterwards you decide you want to work more hours. Acacia encouraged Ross to talk to his

PA/SC at any time, this should be a live document, and we may need to add language around

this. This conversation can happen at any time.

Sydney asked if the documentation of the conversation for the benefits counseling section

should be added or not. Acacia would like to think about this more, Allison has been talking to

folks about this so she may have more information. Sydney believes this is important and would

like to have it documented. Ann added that the Action Request VR is planning includes this and

the options for choice. Danielle asked that if the two documents are linked, they need to stay

together. Acacia would really like to do this. Trina added with the new regulations that all the

staff go through training, and document those trainings are occurring. So at the next meeting

VR should have more information on this. Sarah Jane asked on GoTo if we are billing for

encounters other than when it happens in the ISP, if it needs to be documented. Acacia clarified

yes, it needs to be documented and language needs to be added somehow.

Cynthia asked about the joint transmittals, will everyone be able to see both of them. Yes, that

is the plan. Angela has also been doing a lot of work around communication so there will be a

lot of information that will go out about this. VR and ODDS will be doing training around this

also, between April and June and implementation will be late June. It will be released earlier

than that, so people understand it, but live at the end of the June.

Ross would like to know why this needs to be documented, if you talk to your boss or

coworker, why does it need to be documented? Acacia clarified that it needs to be documented

for the PA and SC’s, not necessarily the individual.

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Trina would like the group to review this a little more and bring back any ideas or suggestions

to next month’s meeting. Nothing needs to be decided today, just need to start the conversation.

Data Report – Andre This is the final version of this report, a draft version was shared last month, and this is also

posted on the Employment First website as well. Andre will focus on the things that have been

added so there isn’t a lot of duplication from last month.

Page 9 – eXPRS billing, chart 5, DSA community and facility has been added. Chart 6 has also

been added, these are all the hours that have been billed for day services. The only problem here

was attendant care, because it can be billed at home, it is not included in this graph. Discovery

is also excluded because it is an outcome based payment and no way to track how many hours

in the field were needed to complete. But may be able to include in the future. Sydney asked if

there was a way to see the change, Andre didn’t add it to this report, but there was a 5%

increase from the previous year in time spent in an integrated setting.

Page 10 – Complaints and Grievances numbers have been updated.

Page 12 - Appendix A was updated on how it was broken out, by transition student and

sheltered worker.

Tim Rocak asked how long we have been billing in these categories. Andre - September 2015.

Page 13 – Chart 5 has been updated with newer numbers.

Page 15 – Appendix C, added the vendor outcomes for VR, this is also a settlement number


Seth asked about chart 5 with the month to month comparison, it looks like the small group

supported employment numbers are shrinking, do we know why? This was discussed last

month, ODDS created a minimum wage requirement for small group employment beginning

July 2015, therefore it shows a drop because those providers had to either raise the wage to

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 4

minimum or bill under employment path community. Andre remembers there being about a

50/50 split of the providers who were already paying minimum wage.

Andre also had a table in the appendix with clients receiving supports for integrated

employment by county. There are some issues with the data, especially Sherman and Hood

River were under counted in those numbers, and so once he gets a decent enough methodology,

he will publish those numbers, but didn’t feel like it was ready yet.

Tim Rocak did a quick add of people in service, and there seems to be a drop in numbers in

total people in services. Andre talked about the unique count, so if people are accessing multiple

services, all of those numbers would need to be unduplicated, so the only reason would be that

people are receiving less duplicated services. Andre could clarify in the next report the

difference between distinct and unique. Seth would like to know if it’s possible to see the final

count of all individuals. Acacia would like to bring this back to the next meeting.

Ross asked about the areas where the workshops have closed and what is happening with that

population. Andre included those individuals in this report. Acacia talked about the report that

was talked about at the last meeting, but with this report, it just didn’t get done, it is something

that will get done.

Sydney asked if in that data collecting, is it able to tell us who is in process with VR for the

table in appendix B. Andre added this to a previous report, so it is possible. Sydney would like

to see the count of people moving, so if there are 5 people moving, how many of those are

moving to VR. Cynthia would like to create an ongoing report, so we can start to track it. Liz

asked if Andre has access to people to see who has applied vs who is in plan, yes he does and

will probably add anyone who has applied for VR. Trina talked about page 10, chart 7 that

shows similar information.

Acacia would like this type of feedback, but if we want to make changes to this report

specifically we should make sure they are ongoing items that we will want to track. Heather

agrees that if we add too many graphs, we won’t be able to track them very well. We also need

to make the graphs bigger. Acacia would like to bring some of this data back to the next

meeting, if we decided it is important enough to track regularly then we can decide to add it to

the report.

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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EOS – Andre Andre shared this website on GoTo Meeting and projected in the meeting. This will be a new

website, what is being shown is a developer website, it is not finalyet. The purpose of this data

is to allow the end user to choose which provider they would like to use. Andre went through

how to select the different counties or provider.

Seth would like to know how 126% is possible. Andre clarified that this is still in developer

mode, so this will not be the live set of numbers.

Acacia added that she wanted to show this to see the new formatting and search functions, if

there is any feedback from this group, to let them know.

Andre also went over the Providers page and how to look at providers specifically. Mitch

suggested adding the alphabet at the bottom instead of page numbers.

Acacia talked about the information included from the last EOS, so this is more comprehensive.

Laurie thinks it looks really great, doesn’t even mind the color scheme. Andre wants to add

more color. Laurie is willing to help figure out the schemes.

QA/QI Plan – Brean

This group doesn’t need to approve anything, but to focus on feedback. Brean went over a

power point that was displayed on GoTo and projected in the room.

Trina would like to add that this includes something more data driven in the Quality of

Providers Strategies, rather than subjective outcomes.

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Brean got feedback that it wouldn’t be fair to hold the providers to the same benchmarks, and

that the data wouldn’t be accurate . So this plan will change to report on provider outcomes, but

not hold them to the same benchmarks..

The employment specialist mentoring strategy is in the T&TA plan, so it will live there and not

in this plan.

Acacia talked about the tracking local complaints strategy. If a compliant gets a resolution and

the individual is unhappy with that resolution, then they can file a complaint with ODDS. These

state level complaints are what we track in the Employment First report.. Tracking local

complaints is larger than just an employment issue, and is a need across all services. It may not

live in this report in the end, but it does need to be tracked somewhere. In the meantime, there

are the ODDS QA field staff who check to make sure the logs are present.,. Sydney asked who

is developing the measures, like with the HCBS settings for example. Brean would take this to

the workstream where brainstorming would take place, the measurements are developed there

and then the data specialist would pull that data. Sydney asked if providers could be included in

that workstream. Acacia talked about all the information has come to this group, and wanted to

clarify if the ask is to have any changes to this group. Sydney would like to make sure there is

enough input on the measurements. The HCBS measurements are not complete yet and could

come back to this group, but that information also goes to a HCBS stakeholder group.

Sydney was in a meeting for the behavioral rule, maybe there is a way to bring those things

together with the quality of training strategies.

The 2015 QA report can also be viewed on the Employment First website, if there are any

suggestions or more feedback, you can email [email protected]

Data – Acacia

What this is trying to show is what each provider needs to do to meet the settlement

requirements. The regional employment specialists are going to each county and starting this

process with everyone. Cynthia asked about the counties that have 0 when they should have

some people, Acacia isn’t sure why, they will look at Columbia, but there are a lot of counties

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 7

that don’t have any sheltered workshops. There are also counties, like Harney County, that

didn’t have a sheltered workshop in that month, or they may not have billed for services during

that month. Trina added this would also be good data to compare to individuals that have gone

to VR. Danielle asked if the idea was to bring this back monthly to this group. Acacia is willing

to do this, there are also a lot of other stakeholder groups that have seen this data. There won’t

be different data every month, but can bring it back once there is new data.

Tim likes what this data is doing and agrees this is the right thing to do, this is a good way to

take a large problem and make it manageable. But looking at Benton County, if 35 people left

the sheltered workshops, and don’t continue services, does that meet the settlement

requirement. Acacia talked about the two levels of settlement requirements. One are the overall

reduction and to reduce the number of hours. The other requirement are to have a certain

number of individuals who are leaving a sheltered workshop and going into competitive

integrated employment. Tim likes this format if it included showing where people were coming

out and what 5 data points of where those people are going. He isn’t asking to change the data

report, but to simplify it into a format like this. Acacia also agrees that the data report are things

that we absolutely need to continue to report on, but we are at the individual level now, and

need to see where people are going. Seth agrees with this, it will be hard to track this kind of

diversity, but really wanting to get to that point. Andre has thought about how to track this, and

it will be very hard to know where people are going. The only way to really see it is to see

where billing went up, but went down in other areas. Seth agrees with this, but would still like

to see the total number of individuals, not necessarily in the data report, just in general.

Michelle agrees that this how we can track the meaningful life and that it’s still happening,

understanding that it’s complicated but important to track.

Acacia would like to continue working on this. There are interviews scheduled next week for

the ODDS data specialist, that person will be designated to work on specific things like this.

VR Council Annual Report – Trina

Trina shared with the group and passed these out to everyone in the room. This report has the

mission and goals for the next biennium. This also includes data towards the end of the report.

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Next meeting agenda items/wrap up – Acacia

Acacia asked for feedback from the group, did this meeting go as they would have liked, the

policy was shared here if that how it should

Cynthia really likes to know this stuff and likes to see it here

Roberta agrees this is a great opportunity for different stakeholders to look at this and all be on

the same page.

Bill agrees this is the best place to look at this stuff.

Ann would like to talk about the ODDS/VR MOU next month. Ross would also like to have an

update on transportation. Acacia has gathered more information on transportation and can bring

an update next month.

Next month topics:

VR Maximizing hour’s policy/communication plan

Data Update: unique count/other data update

SW update

Transportation update


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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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G Seth Johnson

Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon –

Service Provider

G Sarah Jane Owens

Association of Oregon Community

Mental Health Programs - Counties

X Cynthia Owens

Oregon Council on Developmental

Disabilities – Advocacy

Paul Partridge

Yamhill County Developmental

Disability Program - Counties

Chris Burnett

Oregon Rehabilitation Association (ORA) –


X Bill Uhlman

Eastern Oregon Support Services

Brokerage – Support Services

G Heather Hopkins - Slechta

Full Access Brokerage High Desert –

Support Services Brokerages

Michelle Markle

Portland Public Schools - Education

Senator Sara Gelser

Oregon Senate – Legislature

X Trina Lee

DHS – Vocational Rehabilitation

G Morgan Rincon

Oregon Commission for the Blind –

Vocational Rehabilitation

X Liz Fox

Oregon State Rehabilitation Council –

Vocational Rehabilitation

X Ross Ryan

Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition – Self


G Laurie Kash

Rainer School District – Education

X Jaime Daignault

Oregon Council on Developmental

Disabilities – Advocacy

Jessica Leitner

Edwards Center – Providers

Marcia Ingledue

The ARC Oregon – Advocacy Organization

– Self Advocacy

X Sydney Shook

Families Connected – Families

Sarah Drinkwater

Department of Education – Education

G Roberta Dunn

Family and Community Together –

Family Members

X Lilia Teninty

DHS – Office of Developmental Disabilities


Senator Lee Beyer

Oregon Senate – Legislature

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

C:\Users\OR0212610\Desktop\Meeting Notes 3-2-16 EO Policy Group.docx 10

Future Agenda Items Owner Discussion/Decision

Communication Plan – Phase 2 Angela Yeager


Transformation Grants Next steps regarding communication

All Discussion

HCBS QA Info Acacia Discussion ODDS/VR MOU VR Discussion Update on maximizing hours Acacia Discussion Update on SW Forum Acacia Discussion Update on ODDS rule Acacia Discussion Capacity

Sheltered Workshops All Discussion (April)

Jordan Ohlde

Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition – Self


X Justin Connolly

Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition – Self


Jordana Barclay

Oregon Workforce Partnership – Workforce

Invited Guests

Robert Costello - VR Julie Sobel – ORA

X Angela Yeager – Employment First X Ann Balzell - VR

X Andre Harboe – Employment First X Danielle Vander Linden - ORA

Tim Acker – Employment First Julie Huber - ODDS

X Corissa Neufeldt – Employment First X Mitch Kruska - ODE

Allison Enriquez - ODDS X Brean Arnold – Employment First

X Ryley Newport - OCDD X Tim Rocack – Garten

X Acacia McGuire Anderson - ODDS Howard Fulk – ODDS Employment


X Heather Lindsey - ODE G Gordon Magella – DRO

G Stephanie Roncal - ODDS Corey Jeppersen - ORA

Erica Drake – ODDS Employment Specialist P Bob Joondeph - DRO

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Future Agenda Items Owner Discussion/Decision

Communication Plan – Phase 2 Angela Yeager


Transformation Grants Next steps regarding communication

All Discussion


Specifically the 8 million dollar

innovation fund

Lilia/Acacia/ Trina


VR Data

To show the several different

disabilities that are being tracked

compared to individuals with I/DD and

what those trends are, specifically to

areas of the state where there isn’t any

access to employment services. (Bill


Trina/VR Discussion

POS Data

Specifically around transition students

who no longer have access to sheltered

workshops and did not choose ongoing

ODDS supports

Education Discussion (July)


From sheltered workshops that have

closed and what people are doing now

Andre Discussion (March)

Program/Workstream Updates Executive/ Workstream leads


Employment Department Reporting

Pros and Cons list to recommend to the

department (Added 8/5/15)


Enhance the experience to promote

(added 8/5/15 and again 2/3/16)

All Discussion

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Executive Order Employment First Statewide Stakeholder Policy Meeting Wednesday March 2, 2016

1:00-3:00pm HSB Rm #166

500 Summer St, Salem OR 97301 1-888-808-6929

Access Code: 2349190 Host code: 1531(enter access code first)

Go To Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/525980061

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Future Agenda Items Owner Discussion/Decision

Communication Plan – Phase 2 Angela Yeager


Transformation Grants Next steps regarding communication

All Discussion

How do we reach employers


All/Angela Discussion

Family to Family Networks All Discussion Definition of what an integrated

setting is – ongoing

All Discussion

Outstanding Action Items

Complete Items for follow-up action Due Assigned

Completed Action Items – To be removed when no longer relevant and added to tracker.


Decisions To be removed when no longer relevant and added to tracker