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Example Website Terms and Conditions Ugc

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This page sets out the terms on which you may access and make use of our website [DOMAIN ADDRE! "the #ite#$% whether as a guest or a registered user& '(ease read these terms of usecarefu((y before you start to use the site& )y using the ite% you indicate that you accept theseterms of use and that you agree to abide by them& If you do not agree to these terms of use%p(ease refrain from using the ite&


[DOMAIN ADDRE! is a site operated by [NAME O* +OM'AN,! "#-e#$& -e are [registeredin Eng(and and -a(es under company number [+OM'AN, N.M)ER! and ha/e our registeredoffice at [+OM'AN, ADDRE!& Our main trading address is [TRADIN0 ADDRE!& Our 1ATnumber is [1AT N.M)ER!&!

[-e are regu(ated by [NAME O* RE2E1ANT RE0.2ATOR!&!

[-e are a (imited company&!


[DOMAIN ADDRE! is a site operated by [NAME O* O2E TRADER! whose main tradingaddress is [TRADIN0 ADDRE!&


3&4 Access to the ite is permitted on a temporary basis% and we reser/e the right towithdraw or amend the ser/ice we pro/ide on the ite without notice "see be(ow$&-e wi(( not be (iab(e if for any reason the ite is una/ai(ab(e at any time or for anyperiod&

3&5 *rom time to time% we may restrict access to some parts of the ite% or our entiresite% to users who ha/e registered with us&

3&3 [If you choose% or you are pro/ided with% a user identification code% password or anyother piece of information as part of our security procedures% you must treat suchinformation as confidentia(% and you must not disc(ose it to any third party& -e ha/ethe right to disab(e any user identification code or password% whether chosen by youor a((ocated by us% at any time% if in our opinion you ha/e fai(ed to comp(y with any of the pro/isions of these terms of use&

3&6 ,ou must keep your user name and password confidentia( at a(( times& Any breachof these terms of use by anyone to whom you disc(ose your password wi(( be treatedas if the breach had been committed by you% and wi(( not re(ie/e you of your ob(igations under these terms of use&

3&7 ,ou must take appropriate security measures to pre/ent unauthorised disc(osure of your user name and password and you must notify us immediate(y if your passwordbecomes known to any unauthorised user&! [Drafting note !e"ete t#e$e %"a&$e$ if no &$er 'a$$(or! or $e%&rit) 'ro%e!&re i$ 'ro*i!e! +) t#e (e+$ite!

3&8 ,ou are responsib(e for making a(( arrangements necessary for you to ha/e accessto the ite& ,ou are a(so responsib(e for ensuring that a(( persons who access theite through your internet connection are aware of these terms% and that they

comp(y with them&

9888:;3&5 5;<:7<5::;

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6&4 -e are the owner or the (icensee of a(( inte((ectua( property rights in the ite% and inthe materia( pub(ished on it& Those works are protected by copyright (aws andtreaties around the wor(d& A(( such rights are reser/ed&

6&5 ,ou may print off one copy% and may down(oad e=tracts% of any page"s$ from the ite

for your persona( reference and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to materia( posted on the ite&

6&3 ,ou must not modify the paper or digita( copies of any materia(s you ha/e printed off or down(oaded in any way% and you must not use any i((ustrations% photographs%/ideo or audio se>uences or any graphics separate(y from any accompanying te=t&

6&6 Our status "and that of any identified contributors$ as the authors of materia( on theite must a(ways be acknow(edged&

6&7 ,ou must not use any part of the materia(s on the ite for commercia( purposeswithout obtaining a (icence to do so from us or our (icensors&

6&8 If you print off% copy or down(oad any part of the ite in breach of these terms of use% your right to use the ite wi(( cease immediate(y and you must% at our option%return or destroy any copies of the materia(s you ha/e made&


+ommentary and other materia(s posted on the ite are not intended to amount to ad/ice onwhich re(iance shou(d be p(aced& -e therefore disc(aim a(( (iabi(ity and responsibi(ity arisingfrom any re(iance p(aced on such materia(s by any /isitor to the ite% or by anyone who may beinformed of any of its contents&


-e aim to update the ite regu(ar(y% and may change the content at any time& If the need arises%we may suspend access to the ite% or c(ose it indefinite(y& Any of the materia( on the ite maybe out of date at any gi/en time% and we are under no ob(igation to update such materia(&


9&4 The materia( disp(ayed on the ite is pro/ided without any guarantees% conditions or warranties as to its accuracy& To the e=tent permitted by (aw% we% other members of our group of companies and third parties connected to us hereby e=press(y e=c(ude?

9&4&4 a(( conditions% warranties and other terms which might otherwise be imp(ied bystatute% common (aw or the (aw of e>uity@

9&4&5 any (iabi(ity for any direct% indirect or conse>uentia( (oss or damage incurred by anyuser in connection with the ite or in connection with the use% inabi(ity to use% or resu(ts of the use of the ite% any websites (inked to it and any materia(s posted onit% inc(uding% without (imitation any (iabi(ity for?

9&4&5&4 (oss of income or re/enue@

9&4&5&5 (oss of business@

9&4&5&3 (oss of profits or contracts@

9&4&5&6 (oss of anticipated sa/ings@


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9&4&5&7 (oss of data@

9&4&5&8 (oss of goodwi((@

9&4&5&9 wasted management or office time@ and

9&4&5& for any other (oss or damage of any kind% howe/er arising and whether caused by

tort "inc(uding neg(igence$% breach of contract or otherwise% e/en if foreseeab(e&

9&5 This does not affect our (iabi(ity for death or persona( inBury arising from our neg(igence% nor our (iabi(ity for fraudu(ent misrepresentation or misrepresentation asto a fundamenta( matter% nor any other (iabi(ity which cannot be e=c(uded or (imitedunder app(icab(e (aw&


&4 ,ou may use the ite on(y for (awfu( purposes& ,ou may not use the ite?

&4&4 in any way that breaches any app(icab(e (oca(% nationa( or internationa( (aw or 


&4&5 Ii any way that is un(awfu( or fraudu(ent% or has any un(awfu( or fraudu(ent purpose or effect@

&4&3 for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way@

&4&6 to send% knowing(y recei/e% up(oad% down(oad% use or reCuse any materia( whichdoes not comp(y with our content standards [INERT A 2IN TO +ONTENTTANDARD )E2O-!@

&4&7 to transmit% or procure the sending of% any unso(icited or unauthorised ad/ertising or 

promotiona( materia( or any other form of simi(ar so(icitation "spam$@ or 

&4&8 to knowing(y transmit any data% send or up(oad any materia( that contains /iruses%TroBan horses% worms% timeCbombs% keystroke (oggers% spyware% adware or anyother harmfu( programs or simi(ar computer code designed to ad/erse(y affect theoperation of any computer software or hardware&

&5 ,ou a(so agree?

&5&4 not to reproduce% dup(icate% copy or reCse(( any part of the ite in contra/ention of the pro/isions of our terms of website use@

&5&5 not to access without authority% interfere with% damage or disrupt?

&5&3 any part of the ite@

&5&6 any e>uipment or network on which the ite is stored@

&5&7 any software used in the pro/ision of the ite@ or

&5&8 any e>uipment or network or software owned or used by any third party&


;&4 -e may from time to time pro/ide interacti/e ser/ices on the ite% inc(uding% without(imitation?


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;&4&4 chat rooms@

;&4&5 bu((etin boards@


"the #Interacti/e er/ices#$&

;&5 -here we do pro/ide any Interacti/e er/ices% we wi(( pro/ide c(ear information toyou about the kind of ser/ice offered% if it is moderated and what form of moderationis used "inc(uding whether it is human or technica($&

;&3 -e wi(( do our best to assess any possib(e risks for users "and in particu(ar% for chi(dren$ from third parties when they use any Interacti/e er/ices pro/ided on theite% and we wi(( decide in each case whether it is appropriate to use moderation of the re(e/ant ser/ice "inc(uding what kind of moderation to use$ in the (ight of thoserisks& owe/er% we are under no ob(igation to o/ersee% monitor or moderate anyInteracti/e er/ices we pro/ide on the ite% and we e=press(y e=c(ude our (iabi(ity for any (oss or damage arising from the use of any Interacti/e er/ices by a user in

contra/ention of our content standards% whether the ser/ice is moderated or not&

;&6 The use of any of our Interacti/e er/ices by a minor is subBect to the consent of their parent or guardian& -e ad/ise parents who permit their chi(dren to use theInteracti/e er/ices that it is important that they communicate with their chi(drenabout their safety on(ine% as moderation is not foo(proof& Minors who are using anyInteracti/e er/ices shou(d be made aware of the potentia( risks to them&

;&7 -here we do moderate any Interacti/e er/ices% we wi(( norma((y pro/ide you with ameans of contacting the moderator% shou(d a concern or difficu(ty arise&


4:&4 These content standards app(y to any and a(( materia( which you contribute to theite "#+ontributions#$% and to any Interacti/e er/ices associated with it&

4:&5 ,ou must comp(y with the spirit of the fo((owing standards as we(( as the (etter& Thestandards app(y to each part of any +ontribution as we(( as to its who(e&

4:&3 +ontributions must?

4:&3&4 be accurate "where they state facts$@

4:&3&5 be genuine(y he(d "where they state opinions$@ and

4:&3&3 comp(y with app(icab(e (aws in the . and in any country from which the+ontributions are posted&

4:&6 +ontributions must not?

4:&6&4 contain any materia( which is defamatory@

4:&6&5 contain any materia( which is obscene% offensi/e% hatefu( or inf(ammatory@

4:&6&3 promote se=ua((y e=p(icit materia(@

4:&6&6 promote /io(ence@


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4:&6&7 promote discrimination based on race% se=% re(igion% nationa(ity% disabi(ity% se=ua(orientation or age@

4:&6&8 infringe any copyright% database right or trade mark of any other person@

4:&6&9 be (ike(y to decei/e any person@

4:&6& be made in breach of any (ega( duty owed to a third party% such as a contractua( dutyor a duty of confidence@

4:&6&; promote any i((ega( acti/ity@

4:&6&4: be threatening% abuse or in/ade anotherFs pri/acy% or cause annoyance%incon/enience or need(ess an=iety@

4:&6&44 be (ike(y to harass% upset% embarrass% a(arm or annoy any other person@

4:&6&45 be used to impersonate any person% or to misrepresent your identity or affi(iationwith any person@

4:&6&43 gi/e the impression that they emanate from us% if this is not the case@ or 

4:&6&46 ad/ocate% promote or assist any un(awfu( act such as "by way of e=amp(e on(y$copyright infringement or computer misuse&


44&4 -e wi(( determine% in our discretion% whether there has been a breach of theseterms of use through your use of the ite& -hen a breach of these terms of use hasoccurred% we may take such action as we deem appropriate&

44&5 *ai(ure to comp(y with these terms of use constitutes a materia( breach of theseterms of use and may resu(t in our taking a(( or any of the fo((owing actions?

44&5&4 immediate% temporary or permanent withdrawa( of your right to use the ite@

44&5&5 immediate% temporary or permanent remo/a( of any posting or materia( up(oaded byyou to the ite@

44&5&3 issue of a warning to you@

44&5&6 (ega( proceedings against you for reimbursement of a(( costs on an indemnity basis"inc(uding% but not (imited to% reasonab(e administrati/e and (ega( costs$ resu(ting

from the breach@

44&5&7 further (ega( action against you@ or 

44&5&8 disc(osure of such information to (aw enforcement authorities as we reasonab(y fee(is necessary&

44&3 -e e=c(ude (iabi(ity for actions taken in response to breaches of these terms of use&The responses described in these Terms of use are not (imited% and we may takeany other action we reasonab(y deem appropriate&


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-e process information about you in accordance with our pri/acy po(icy [INERT A 2IN TOITEF 'RI1A+, 'O2I+,!& )y using the ite% you consent to such processing and you warrantthat a(( data pro/ided by you is accurate&


43&4 ,ou must not misuse the ite by knowing(y introducing /iruses% troBans% worms% (ogicbombs or other materia( which is ma(icious or techno(ogica((y harmfu(& ,ou must notattempt to gain unauthorised access to the ite% the ser/er on which the ite isstored or any ser/er% computer or database connected to the ite& ,ou must notattack the ite /ia a denia(CofCser/ice attack or a distributed denia(Cof ser/ice attack&

43&5 )y breaching this pro/ision% you wou(d commit a crimina( offence under the+omputer Misuse Act 4;;:& -e wi(( report any such breach to the re(e/ant (awenforcement authorities and we wi(( coCoperate with those authorities by disc(osingyour identity to them& In the e/ent of such a breach% your right to use the ite wi((cease immediate(y&

43&3 -e wi(( not be (iab(e for any (oss or damage caused by a distributed denia(CofCser/ice attack% /iruses or other techno(ogica((y harmfu( materia( that may infect your computer e>uipment% computer programs% data or other proprietary materia( due toyour use of the ite or to your down(oading of any materia( posted on it% or on anywebsite (inked to it&


46&4&4 ,ou may (ink to our home page% pro/ided you do so in a way that is fair and (ega(and does not damage our reputation or take ad/antage of it% but you must notestab(ish a (ink in such a way as to suggest any form of association% appro/a( or endorsement on our part where none e=ists&

46&4&5 ,ou must not estab(ish a (ink from any website that is not owned by you&

46&4&3 The ite must not be framed on any other site% nor may you create a (ink to any partof the ite other than the home page& -e reser/e the right to withdraw (inkingpermission without notice& If you wish to make any use of materia( on the ite other than that set out abo/e% p(ease address your re>uest to [ECMAI2 ADDRE!&


-here the ite contains (inks to other sites and resources pro/ided by third parties% these (inksare pro/ided for your information on(y& -e ha/e no contro( o/er the contents of those sites or resources% and accept no responsibi(ity for them or for any (oss or damage that may arise fromyour use of them&


48&4 The Eng(ish courts wi(( ha/e [non!Ce=c(usi/e Burisdiction o/er any c(aim arising from%or re(ated to% a /isit to the ite [a(though we retain the right to bring proceedingsagainst you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other re(e/ant country!&

48&5 These terms of use and any dispute or c(aim arising out of or in connection withthem or their subBect matter or formation "inc(uding nonCcontractua( disputes or c(aims$ sha(( be go/erned by and construed in accordance with the (aw of Eng(andand -a(es&


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[#TRADE MAR 4#! and [#TRADE MAR 5#! are [. registered! trade marks of [+OM'AN,NAME!&


-e may re/ise these terms of use at any time by amending this page& ,ou are e=pected tocheck this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we made% as they are bindingon you& ome of the pro/isions contained in these terms of use may a(so be superseded bypro/isions or notices pub(ished e(sewhere on the ite&


If you ha/e any concerns about materia( which appears on the ite% p(ease contact [EMAI2 ADDRE!&

Thank you for /isiting the ite&
