· EX-BLOOD BOWL PLAYER - Chinese Shao-Lin Center of ... · PDF fileWarhammer Quest game with the Ex-Blood Bowl Player. ... from the Warhammer Quest game are based on there being four

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 2

· EX-BLOOD BOWL PLAYER · cross the Known World a game is played pitting teams from all races against each other. This game is BLOOD BOWL. It was designed to solve disputes between

armies or nations without always going to war. Only the toughest individuals make it at playing Blood Bowl. In fact the only difference between open warfare and Blood Bowl is that in Blood Bowl the palyers are supposed to try to score points with a ball. Everyone in the Old World likes a bit of Blood Bowl, even if it is only to support their races’ greatest team in the Super Bowl.

Many people find it strange to find a Blood Bowl player in the middle of a dungeon beating seven shades of @*%$ out of orcs, but palyers do occasionally retire having survived playing the greatest game ever, and usually have nothing better to do, or if between leagues what better way to earn money and keep up on the practice.

Being used to the open astrogranite field, Blood Bowl players do occasionally have to get used to the confines of the maze of the dungeon, and they never seem to be able to handle a sword or any other conventional weapon. However, even with these disadvantages, they can find uses for all of the skills that they possess. Minotaurs never expect a Human to charge into him with only his shoulder, and there has been many a confused monster after they have been hit with a Blood Bowl ball!

There are many reasons that an Ex-Blood Bowl Player may decide to begin the life of an adventurer. Perhaps there is a score to settle; he hasn’t forgotten that game against the Orcland Raiders where their star player ended his Blood Bowl career with that illegal clipping move... That Skaven fan from the Pittsburrow Stealers didn’t just accidentally hit him with that dagger taking him out of the big game… Of course, it may just be that the coins have run out living a ludicrously lavish lifestyle. He needs income and there are few other avenues available where he can get rich quickly…

You can choose your own reason for becoming a dungeon-basher but if you can’t think of an appropriate purpose, roll 1D6 on the following table.

Whatever your reason, one thing is for sure: you’re ready for some teamwork and to crack some skulls. So grab your gear and put on your game face. It’s show time!

YOUR BLOOD BOWL HISTORY (ROLL 1D6) 1 The Big Loser! It was the dream of a lifetime and your

team was in position to win it all against the Darkside Cowboys, a huge underdog. You dropped the ball in a crucial moment and it was picked up by the other team. They carried it across the entire length of the field completing the biggest upset in the history of Blood Bowl! You haven’t been able to rid yourself of the humility and shame you brought upon the entire race of humans. You have vowed to make amends by smiting the foes of humans – joining an adventuring party will ensure that happens. You will atone for your mistake or you will die trying!

2 The Underachiever! You were an up-and-coming rookie who needed only to be groomed and cultivated. You were thrust into the limelight much too early and was expected to perform miracles for a team that had no talent, no ability and poor management. From the moment you stepped onto the field, all the pressure fell squarely on your shoulders. Unfortunately, all the blame did too and you were repeatedly booed and hissed by your own fans during the games until you were finally let go. You believe that the only thing you’re lacking is experience and someone (or something) to unleash your natural talent. Years have gone by but your second coming has not yet arrived. You are hoping that adventuring will unlock your potential and you will one day return to the astrogranite field as a true superstar!

3 The Overlooked Player! You spent years as second string on an all-star team. You always felt that you had more talent than the starters, but team management found a winning formula – without you. You finished your career never getting the chance to show your true skills and you are still looking for the recognition that eluded you. You have decided to seek fame and glory by applying your Blood Bowl abilities toward adventuring.

4 The Jilted Star! A bad call by a referee ended what was to be the biggest comeback in Blood Bowl history – and you should have been the hero. No one blamed you for losing the game but you never seemed to recover from the bitterness of what should have been your greatest triumph. You sank into a deep depression and the team went down with you, game after game. Pegged as a liability, you were cut from the team a season later. After years of wallowing in your sorrow you have turned to the life of adventuring as a means to redeem yourself. Your days as a Blood Bowl Player are over, but you’re confident that one day people will associate your name with greatness!

5 The Big Winner! Your entire career was spent playing with skilled teammates and talent-loaded teams. Your final game was in the Super Bowl and your team performed impeccably. You began and ended your career on top and you’ve been enjoying that sweet taste of success ever since. Your overconfidence has led you to believe that you can do anything and adventuring sounded like a good way to keep your huge ego inflated and an appropriate place to channel all of that excessive testosterone.

6 The All-Star! You spent years performing miracles for a team destined for failure. Your victories were many and you retired years ago with records that may never be broken. You miss the adoring fans, the camaraderie, and most importantly the sound of your opponents’ crunching bones as you smashed into them. You long for the glory days and you think the benefits of being an adventurer will fill the voids in your now lethargic and listless life.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 3


This pack contains everything you need to introduce a new Warrior – the Ex-Blood Bowl Player – to your games of Warhammer. This rulebook is split into three sections: a basic Warhammer Quest section, an Advanced section and a Roleplay section. The Warhammer Quest rules contain all the rules for using this Warrior in your games. The Advanced rulebook covers all the rules for the progression of the Ex-Blood Bowl Player through the Battle-Levels, including any special skills, equipment, or rules, and the final section gives rules guides for using the new Warrior with the Roleplay rules.

RULES FOR WARHAMMER QUEST If you wish, you may replace one of the Warriors from the Warhammer Quest game with the Ex-Blood Bowl Player. Simply swap the Ex-Blood Bowl Player for one of the existing Warriors. The rules which follow explain how to use the Ex-Blood Bowl Player in your games. Remember to put the Warrior counter for the original Warrior back in the box, replacing it with that of the Ex-Blood Bowl Player! Remember too, that if there is not a Barbarian in

the party, then one of the other Warriors will have to carry the lantern and be the leader.

BIGGER GROUPS OF WARRIORS If you want to, you can take more than four Warriors into an adventure, but you will have to make sure that there are enough Monsters to go round! The cards and tables from the Warhammer Quest game are based on there being four Warriors, so if you have fifteen different Warriors in the party then the game as it stands will present no challenge at all! As a general rule, stick to parties of four Warriors, but if you have a party of five or six, then increase the number of Monsters by an equal proportion. For example, if you have six Warriors in the party that is 50% more Warriors than the Event cards are set up to deal with. In this case, you should make sure that each time Monsters appear, there are 50% more of them. If the card says "1D6 Orcs", roll the dice as usual and then multiply the result upwards to match the party size so a dice roll of four Orcs becomes six Orcs, and so on.


Any player may start the game as an Ex-Blood Bowl Player rather than one of the warriors in the Warhammer Quest box. All the rules for creating a new character apply unless otherwise stated in this article.

Wounds 1D6+8 Strength 4 Move 4 Toughness 3 (4) Weapon Skill 3 Initiative 3 Ballistic Skill 5+ Attacks 1 Pinning Roll 6+

EQUIPMENT The Ex-BB Player starts the game with a Gat-Ork-Ade Bottle with enough Gat-Ork-Ade for one big gulp. Once swallowed the Warrior may then choose one of the following effects:

Restores the Ex-Blood Bowl Player to full Wounds.

Gives the Ex-Blood Bowl Player +2 Strength for one combat.

Doubles the Ex- Player 's Movement for one turn.

Once empty, the Bottle is useless and must be discarded. The Gat-Ork-Ade is specially formulated for a Blood Bowl athlete and another Warrior who drinks it receives no benefit whatsoever. The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may only ever carry one Gat-Ork-Ade Bottle at a given time. WEAPONS The Ex-Blood Bowl Player starts the game with Spiked Shoulder Pads which allows him to lower his shoulder and ram into any adjacent opponent. The Spiked Shoulder Pads cause 1D6+Strength Wounds although it cannot cause a Deathblow. In addition, the Spiked Shoulder Pads cannot be used in a multi-level room to attack from a higher to lower level (or vice-versa) unless the attack is from a level-connecting square (e.g. a stairway or ramp).

ARMOUR The Ex-Blood Bowl Player begins the game with Blood Bowl Armour; a fine, specially crafted chest guard that adds +1 to his Toughness.

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player will never use any other armour except Blood Bowl Armour, a Blood Bowl Helmet, and a Thunder Cup.

EX-PLAYERS AND TREASURE Because he has fought with his hands all his life, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player doesn't know the first thing about using conventional weapons (besides, it's just not his style). Therefore the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may never use any other weapons other than things he buys from the Foote Locker. The Spiked Shoulder Pads are considered an edged weapon and runes can be placed on them.

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may use any item that the Barbarian can use. If the Barbarian can use a particular piece of treasure or equipment, so can the Ex-Blood Bowl Player. Remember his Weapons and Armour restrictions.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 4

SPECIAL RULES Running Blitz While the Ex-Blood Player has his Spiked Shoulder Pads, once per turn he may trade in his normal Attacks and execute a special Running Blitz attack, crashing into Monsters who lurk in or around his path. It allows him to Move and Attack, then Move and Attack again. He may continue to do this as long as he doesn't run out of Movement or opponents. An Ex- Player executing a Running Blitz attack cannot be pinned.

The Ex-Player must start a Running Blitz by moving first since the technique needs momentum. He cannot begin the Blitz by just standing still and attacking. He cannot attack the same opponent twice and he must move in a straight line and is not allowed to change his blitzing direction. Finally, the targets in a Running Blitz attack must always be in one of the spaces in front of the Blood Bowl Player once he has moved.

In the example below the Ex-Player first moves diagonally and then attacks an Orc (his choice of the one in front to the left, or in front to the right). He moves diagonally again but since there is no other Orc in front of him his Running Blitz attack effectively ends there.

Claustrophobia An Ex-Blood Bowl Player has pretty much spent his whole life on the open astrogranite field with an endless line of sight and no ceiling above him. Trekking through a dungeon is completely foreign to him and although he handles it well for the most part, there are times where the dank, musty quarters will wreak havoc with his mind.

Each time the Power Phase is a natural ‘1’ the Ex-Blood Bowl Player must roll 1D6 on the following table:

1 The Ex-Blood Bowl Player cannot shake off the uncomfortable feelings of being in such restricted spaces as a dungeon. This turn, he cannot make any Attacks and Monsters attacking him are +1 To Hit him as he agonizes over his confinement. He must roll on this table again at the start of the next turn.

2-6 The Ex-Blood Bowl Player is able to shrug off the uneasy feelings of being in the dungeon… for now.


In the Advanced game, you can keep your Ex-Blood Bowl Player from game to game, building up the character as he or she progresses from adventure to adventure. This section of the rulebook gives you all the rules for taking your Ex-Blood Bowl Player right up to Battle-Level 10, including rules for visiting Settlements and Training. You will find his Battle-Level Table on the last page of this booklet. All the rules for Warhammer Quest still apply in the Advanced game, unless otherwise stated! SPECIAL RULES Running Blitz The Ex-Player must declare when he is using the Running Blitz and it may only be used only once per turn. Claustrophobia At the end of each Adventure, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player should roll 2D6 and add his Battle-Level. If the score is a ‘12’ he has rid himself of his claustrophobia. He is cured and no longer rolls for claustrophobia ever again!

UNEVENTFUL DAYS Stardom has its drawbacks and the Ex-Blood Bowl Player can rarely go places where an adoring fan doesn’t recognise him. Whenever you have an Uneventful Day in a Settlement, roll 1D6 and look up the result on the table on the next page.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 5

UNEVENTFUL DAYS (Roll 1D6) 1 Someone shouts your name from across the street. You’ve been recognized and a small crowd begins to form.

Roll 1D6 to determine their reaction:

1 The crowd boos and hisses! They seem to have a long memory and they remember when you humiliated their local team years ago. They form an angry mob and soon you’re running at top speed directly out of the Settlement! You find refuge in a small grove just outside the Settlement and it is there that you wait for your companions.

2-4 The crowd is excited to see a Blood Bowl Player and they usher you into the nearest alehouse where you end up spending 1D6x25 gold per Battle-Level on drinks and fare.

5-6 The crowd goes wild! They are some of your biggest fans and they shower you with 1D6x50 gold!

2 Your old team is in town for a match against the Greenskin Packers. They convince you to join them ‘for old time’s sake’. Roll 1D6 to determine the outcome of the game.

1 You just can’t move like you used to and you are badly injured. You lose one Wound permanently and must spend the next 1D6 days in the local infirmary. You do not have to roll for daily events for these bed-ridden days although you do have to pay living expenses as usual.

2-5 Your team loses and you go out to the local tavern with your Blood Bowl teammates to drink away the loss. You spend the next 1D3 days and1D6x20 gold each day drinking away the horrible defeat. In addition, roll for Alehouse Events during your stay.

6 Your team wins with you back to lead them, and as you bid your old teammates farewell once more, they give you a cut of the winnings. You earn 1D6x100 gold!

3 A familiar voice calls out your name. It’s an old teammate! He hurries over and you both exchange your special

team greeting. You find out that the poor fellow has been down on his luck since leaving the game. The sob story of his failed career doesn’t move you much, but the detailed yarn that his mother has been fatally ill and needs immediate medical attention prompts you to open your coin purse. You donate 1D6x100 gold in charity, selling any treasure or equipment if necessary. If you roll this result again in this Settlement, treat it as #1 above.

4 You spot a group of young locals playing a street game of Blood Bowl. You can’t help but shuffle on over to give a few pointers. It soon becomes a huge spectacle and everyone turns out for what becomes the event of a lifetime! You become a local celebrity and no longer have to pay living expenses while in this Settlement. In addition, any shop you enter will sell you one item at half price. Furthermore, you may add +1 to all stock rolls for all items. If you roll this result again in this Settlement, treat it as #2 above.

5 As you pass by an inn, a man struts out the door with the unmistakable gear of a Blood Bowl Player! You exchange hearty greetings and two of you are soon at the Alehouse talking about the greatest game in the Known World. You find that he too has turned to adventuring and he’s willing to give you some advice about the dangers below. You may spend the next day with him if you choose and he will instruct you how to execute a ‘Spin Move’ allowing you to deflect any one blow once per Adventure. If you ever roll this result again (regardless of which Settlement), treat it as a truly uneventful day.

6 You discover a fan club here in the Settlement that is actually devoted entirely to your career! They are thrilled that you are visiting and they hold a celebration. You spend the rest of the day telling old tales of your glory days as well as your new adventuring endeavours. When it’s all over, your devoted followers bring in the local Dwarf smith to carve a rune on your Spiked Shoulder Pads. (The Dwarf will not inscribe a rune on your pads if it already has one.) From now on your Shoulder Pads are treated as magical and cause an extra 1D3 Wounds when rolling for Damage!

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 6


The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may visit the Alchemist, Alehouse, Animal Trader, Gambling House (most likely to bet on Blood Bowl!), General Store, and Temple.

There is also a new Special Location that only the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may visit: the Blood Bowl Stadium.


If you’re using the new expanded Alehouse Rules from the Citadel Journal, Issue 28, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may visit any Tavern Type. He has bashed with the lowliest of scum but has also rubbed elbows with the most sophisticated dignitaries.

If he ever must roll on the Original Alehouse Events Table he adds +1 to his roll (2D6+1). If the result is a 13, a burly local has taken offense at his boasting and arrogance and challenges him outside to a good old-fashioned fist fight. The Ex-Blood Bowl Player must roll another 1D6 with the following result:

1-2 The brawler wins and takes one treasure item at random as his reward, leaving the humiliated Warrior sprawled on the ground.

3-6 The Ex-Blood Bowl player thrashes his challenger. The tavern customers cheer his victory and bring him back inside for a round of drinks.

The next day the shop keepers call upon where the Warrior is staying and present him with 2D6x100 gold. The man was actually a local hooligan who would shake down the shopkeepers for protection money. The Blood Bowl Player has run the ruffian out of town much to the appreciation of everyone.

THE BLOOD BOWL STADIUM Most large Towns and Cities have a place where Blood Bowl can be played, either professionally or amateurishly. A Blood Bowl stadium can range from a full-sized up-scale arena which seats thousands, complete with shops and stores to a simple field of astrogranite with basic wooden benches for spectators and make-shift booths where locals sell food, drink, and souvenirs during the game. A Blood Bowl Stadium can be found by rolling 7+ like any other Special Location. If an Ex-Blood Bowl Player finds a Stadium, he will donate 1D6+1x100 gold to the stadium and immediately check in at the Player’s Lounge by rolling 2D6 on the table below:

PLAYER’S LOUNGE (Roll 2D6) 2-3 The Player’s Lounge is empty and the Arena

is closed for repairs. You may not visit the Blood Bowl Stadium during this visit to the Settlement.

4-5 The Ex-Blood Bowl Player finds the Player’s Lounge empty and everyone must be on the practice field or getting ready for a big game.

6 There are a few old-timers in the lounge; minor players who never made it to the big time. They welcome the Ex-Blood Bowl Player in and when they hear that he’s turned toward adventuring they give him a dose of their special, homemade salve which accelerates the healing process. It may be used to heal 1D6+1 Wounds and there is enough for one application. The salve dissolves after the Adventure if unused.

7 Inside the lounge are coaches and players and the nostalgia sets in. The Ex-Blood Bowl Player spends this first day attending practices and reliving old memories. He observes a couple of great players running drills and becomes greatly inspired, picking up a new trick or two. In the next adventure one of your Attacks (your choice) automatically hits.

8-9 An old coach is sitting in the lounge. He beckons the Ex-Blood Bowl Player over and takes out a knife. He puts a fine edge on the Warrior’s Shoulder Spike imparting the knowledge, “We call this the ‘Stinger’, boy.” During the next adventure the Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s Spiked Shoulder Pads cause an extra Wound for Damage.

10-12 A bunch of players are carousing in the lounge after practice as they talk excitedly about next week’s game. Your past stories about the big games motivate and electrify them. Soon everyone, including the Ex-Blood Bowl Player, is participating in high-fives, shoulder-butts, and head butts (without the pads!). For the next adventure, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player is +1 Toughness.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 7

THE FOOTE LOCKER Once per Settlement the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may visit the Foote Locker in the Blood Bowl Stadium to purchase special Blood Bowl equipment. There is only ever one of each item in stock at any time and an Ex-Blood Bowl Player will never sell any Blood Bowl equipment.



Cost (buy)


Gat-Ork-Ade Bottle

4 50g Enough Gat-Ork-Ade for one big gulp. Once swallowed you may then choose one of the following effects:

Restores to full Wounds Adds +2 Strength for one entire combat Doubles Movement for one turn

1D6 Athletic Bandages

5 100g each Each restores 1D6 Wounds to any Warrior. Athletic Bandages never go bad like the normal bandages do.

Spiked Cleats (pair)

6 350g These special shoes give the Ex-Blood Bowl Player an additional Kick Attack every turn at -1 To Hit and cause 1D6 + Strength Damage. The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may only have one pair of Spiked Cleats at any time and he may only make one Kick Attack per turn.

Spiked Blood Bowl Ball

8 500g An Ex-Blood Bowl Player may toss a Spiked Football at any opponent that he can see up to 6 squares away. To hit, you must roll equal to or greater than the number of squares the target is away (counting the target's square, but not your own) on 1D6. The ball does 1D6+5 Damage to whatever it strikes. The ball may be retrieved once there are no Monsters on the board. You may only have one Spiked Blood Bowl Ball at any time.

Exploding Blood Bowl Ball

10 500g A novelty that caught on quickly with deranged fans, an Exploding Blood Bowl Ball can be extremely dangerous for both the holder and his opponent.

The Exploding Ball may be thrown into any 2x2 area on the same Board Section as the Ex-Blood Bowl Player. It causes 3D6 Wounds to all models in those squares with normal deductions.

An Exploding Ball is a tricky piece of equipment and there is a chance that the Ball may explode before it leaves the throwers hand. Each time a Player throws an Exploding Ball, roll 1D6. On a 1, the Ball detonates in the Player’s hand and he suffers 2D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything. In addition, all friendly models adjacent to him suffer 1D6 Wound with no modifiers for anything. You may only have one Exploding Blood Bowl Ball at any one time.

Thunder Cup 6 200g This small piece of armour fits over the lower waist area protecting vital and sensitive spots. If the Monster’s To Hit roll is a natural ‘6’ the Thunder Cup adds +1 to the Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s Toughness.

Spiked Shoulder Pads 7 450g This is the Ex-Player’s starting equipment. See Equipment Card.

Blood Bowl Helmet 8 300g Adds +1 Toughness.

Blood Bowl Armour 8 500g Adds +1 Toughness. This is the Ex-Player’s starting equipment.

Blood Bowl Trophy

11 20,000g The Blood Bowl Trophy is a symbol of the ultimate achievement and the Ex-Blood Bowl Player remembers his final match where victory was stripped from him by a poor (or dishonest) referee. He feels that this trophy was rightfully his and the Ex-Player has no qualms about purchasing the item and claiming it as his own. Any Ex-Blood Bowl Player who carries a Blood Bowl Trophy gains +1 Willpower, +1 Strength, and +1 Toughness. When rolling for Fear or Terror he may roll two dice and choose the higher one as his score. An Ex-Player may never carry more than one trophy.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 8

· TRAINING · The Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s Battle-Level training is very different from that of the other Warriors. As mentioned before he is not versed in the fine arts of combat. His methods of fighting are atypical and bizarre to say the least. The Ex-Blood Bowl Player cannot find any ordinary teacher to improve his skills as he needs someone who has a sharp eye and insightful mind for the Blood Bowl game. The only one who can instill the winning drive into his mind and body is a Personal Trainer. PERSONAL TRAINER

A Personal Trainer may be found in a Blood Bowl Stadium by rolling 1D6 on the following table:

1 A Personal Trainer cannot be found.

2-6 The Ex-Blood Bowl Player finds a Personal Trainer for hire and he may train to the next level.

The Personal Trainer is a retired Blood Bowl All-Star Player, an Assistant Coach, or a Head Coach who agrees to take the Warrior under his wing for the small time they are together.

Just like other Warriors, it takes one week to train and the Ex-Blood Bowl Player must pay the gold listed on his Battle-Level Table.

The trainer teaches the Ex-Blood Bowl Player the latest maneuvers, reveals revolutionary new techniques, and give him the latest strategies of Blood Bowl, all of which the Warrior must quickly adapt for use in the dungeon. Personal Trainers can only be found at a Blood Bowl Stadium which is described in the Settlement Section.

The week long training is filled with all day stamina sessions, specific athletic exercises, exhausting drills, and constant repetition. The Personal Trainer’s job is to take the Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s game to the next level, propelling him to new heights. He will push the Ex-Blood Bowl Player intensely never allowing him quit or fail.

· EX-BLOOD BOWL PLAYER SKILLS · When the Ex-Blood Bowl Player goes up a level, check his Battle-Level Table to see if he gains a new skill or ability. If he

does, roll 2D6 on the following chart, rerolling any skill he already has:

Roll Skill

2 DIRTY PLAYER In the game of Blood Bowl, there are no such things as ‘ethics & morals’.

The Dirty Player may now make one unscrupulous assault each turn, such as a devious punch to the groin, a cold-blooded kick to the knee, or an underhanded gouge to the eyes. This means that the Damage of one of the Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s Attacks is unmodified by Toughness or Armor. He must declare which Attack is the Dirty one before rolling To Hit.

3 DODGE & WEAVE After playing Blood Bowl for many years, the Player has learned to see blows coming and has an almost sixth sense, picking up on the slightest shift in weight or posture.

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may ignore the result of any one blow that strikes him (but not a blow that automatically hits) and the Monster must roll To Hit again.

This skill may be used once per turn.

4 BULLET THROW The Ex-Blood Bowl Player has fine-tuned his throwing ability and can fire a Blood Bowl Ball with far more power and accuracy!

The Player can now throw a Spiked Ball up to 8 squares, is +2 To Hit and it causes 1D6+7 Damage. In addition, he can now throw an Exploding Ball into any Board Section.

5 GUARD The Ex-Blood Bowl Player was a fantastic blocker in his day and knows how to sacrifice his body to guard his teammates, preventing anyone from getting close to them.

During the Monsters’ Phase, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may exchange places with any adjacent Warrior as he wedges himself between his comrade and the attackers. Guarding is designed to leave the Ex-Blood Bowl Player vulnerable while the teammate he is protecting remains safe from opponents. Therefore, Monsters who attack a Guarding Ex-Blood Bowl Player are +1 To Hit him this turn, although the Warrior he is guarding is -1 to be hit.

6 HURDLE To escape serious injuries and to score in the Blood Bowl Arena, many players learn to jump over an opponent in an attempt to avoid being tackled.

Each turn the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may attempt to hurdle any square in any direction, landing in the square beyond, by rolling 1D6. This costs 2 squares of movement, but he may hurdle intervening models or obstacles that are human-sized or smaller. If the score is a 3, 4, 5 or 6 the hurdle was successful. If a score is a 1 or 2 he fails and, if the space was unoccupied, he lands into the square he was trying to hurdle. If the space was occupied, than he remains where he began his movement. In either case he may make no further movement this turn.

Alternatively, the Ex-Blood Bowl may attempt to hurdle from one level of floor to another, such as in a multi-level room. This is treated the same way except that if he fails he remains where he is, and if successful he lands on the platform above. This still costs 2 squares of Movement even though he only moves 1 square.

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 9

7 MASSIVE BLOW The Ex-Blood Bowl Player now understands how to put his entire body into his strikes, making him a killing machine!

From now on, if the Ex-BB Player rolls a natural 6 To Hit, he causes an extra 1D3 Wounds for Damage.

8 EXTRA YARD A Blood Bowl Game is measured in inches and a Blood Bowl Player knows how to drive himself forward even with opponents hanging onto him.

The Ex-BB Player may push for that extra yard after he completes his full move, allowing him to move up to two additional spaces. For each additional square moved, he must roll 1D6. If the result is a 1, he has fallen and injured himself. He takes 1D3 wounds with no modifiers for anything and this turn Monsters are +1 To Hit him. His movement ends and he may not make any Attacks this turn.

9 STIFF ARM As his opponent barrels toward him at full speed, the Player drives his hand straight into his opponent’s face, knocking him to the astrogranite with a loud thud!

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player may disrupt his opponent by thrusting his outstretched arm into their face. Before each of his opponents roll To Hit that turn, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player should roll 1D6 with the following result:

Roll Result 1 The Monster is unaffected and attacks as normal.

2-5 The Monster is disrupted thus losing its first Attack this turn. 6 The Monster is knocked off-balance and loses all of its Attacks this turn!

This skill may be used once per Combat.

10 THICK SKULL Just as his rivals come crashing into him the Ex-Blood Bowl Player lowers his head and prepares for impact. His opponents go bouncing off and the Player doesn’t even break a stride as he powers into the end zone.

If an enemy lands a strike that would otherwise kill the Player, roll 1D6. On a roll of 6, the Blood Bowl Player’s thick skull absorbs the blow and it causes no Damage!

11 ARM TACKLE With an outstretched arm the Blood Bowl Player can hook the neck of his opponent and drag him to the ground.

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player can use this special Arm Tackle technique in addition to his regular Attacks. It causes 1D6 Wounds per Battle-Level with normal deductions, but may not be used against Large Monsters.

The Arm Tackle may be used once per Combat.

12 THE CUNNING PLAN The Ex-Blood Bowl Player is an expert strategist when it comes to game plans. He knows every play in the book (as well as many that aren't).

The Ex-Blood Bowl Player can recognize his enemy's tactics and he has practiced with the adventuring group where he calls out coded instructions to his fellow Warriors.

Once per Adventure, at the start of any one combat, he may choose to execute his game plan. Roll 1D6 to determine what the code will be and another 1D6 to see what effect his game plan has:

d6 Code 1 He will wave his hands in a complex pattern.

2 He will smack his head repeatedly with his hands.

3 He will tilt his shoulders back and forth.

4 He will begin a jeering chant.

5 He will crouch with one hand on the ground.

6 He will begin a victory dance.

d6 Game Plan Outcome 1 His game plan fails miserably and no one gains an advantage on his opponents.

2 He follows the game plan to the letter, but his fellow Warriors look like nothing more than confused idiots when he gives them the call sign. They gain nothing, but he gains an extra Attack this combat.

3 His game plan is fairly successful and all Warriors are +1 To Hit their opponents for the entire combat.

4 His game plan is all about defense – after all, that’s what wins ball games. The Warriors keep their opponents off-balance with unusual rhythm & timing and fakes & feints. All Monsters are -1 To Hit the Warriors for the entire combat.

5 His game plan is simple: Hit ‘em where it hurts and do it often! Each Warrior gains +1 Attacks for the entire combat.

6 His game plan is nothing short of a lesson in play-making brilliance, exploiting every weakness his opponents have! The Warriors may take an extra Warriors’ Phase once during this combat!

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 10

· ROLEPLAY GUIDELINES · Ex-Blood Bowl Players are intense and driven individuals who solve most of their problems physically. They relish the brutish contact and thoroughly enjoy the bruising and injury that occurs because of it. They can be confident, loud, and somewhat erratic in their behaviour, especially if they have a bad temper. All Ex-Blood Bowl Players are strong, energetic, and have fantastic stamina (from years of running with armour, no doubt!). They aren’t known for their brainpower, but they have been known to spark a brilliant idea or two. They can be physically creative and are good at following directions, especially if it involves some type of bodily force. It isn’t too difficult to convince an Ex-Blood Bowl Player to demonstrate his muscle and hardiness, as they never hesitate to show off their prowess and might and enjoy the limelight.

Ex-Blood Bowl Players have a tendency to aggressively engage things head on and rarely back down from a chance to make some contact. They view those who don’t like banging bodies as ‘weak’ and ‘puny’. Likewise they appreciate one who doesn’t mind getting down and dirty and the best way to earn their respect is to knock them off their feet (which is easier said than done)! Ex-Blood Bowl Players can be extremely competitive with other members of the adventuring group, not wanting to be upstaged. They possibly carry a chip on their shoulder if they didn’t finish their career the way they wanted.

Finding an Ex-Blood Bowl Player adventuring is rare to say the least as most Blood Bowl Players cannot make the transition from ball player to dungeoneer. It is an extremely difficult changeover from spending decades brawling on open astrogranite fields for a few hours to clashing with monsters in narrow corridors for weeks on end. Too often the Ex-Blood Bowl Player can feel like the walls are closing in on him and the ceiling collapsing (which is entirely possible!) or he might feel lost with no hope of finding an exit, his chest constricting due to lack of oxygen. Most likely it is only his unsteady nerves which are getting the best of him but to him the threats are real. Those athletes who cannot cope with the constrictive conditions have quickly given up the adventuring life by either resigning of their own accord, in which case they live to tell of their brief exploits, or they are terminated by the residents of the underground or some vicious device. Until an Ex-Blood Player can purge his fear of confined spaces, he is somewhat vulnerable.

Aside from his phobia the Ex-Blood Bowl Player is always full of vigor, always ready to press on, and doesn’t give up easily. An adventuring party will find him a rare addition to their group and they will appreciate his tenacity, lively spirit, and ability to dole out the pain to enemy monsters. The Ex-Blood Bowl warrior is a team player who can fill many positions in the group. He can be inspiring leader, powerful guardian, wrecking machine, or even supportive healer. An Ex-Blood Bowl Player’s diversity makes him such a valuable ally that it would be wise for any party to draft him immediately and sign him to a ridiculous and expensive contract should they get the chance.

Frequently Asked Questions RUNNING BLITZ Q: If an Ex-Player moves forward with a Running Blitz, engages a Monster directly in his path and then kills that Monster, can the Ex-Player move into the Monster’s space and attack again if possible?

A: Yes. But he must be able to move at least one space forward before attacking.

Q: From the above question - if there isn't another Monster to attack, can he continue to move and attack another Monster further away? A: Yes, but only if he moves in a straight line and only up to his allowed Movement. The next Monster doesn’t have to be adjacent to the last.

Q: If the Ex-Blood Bowl Player moves and attacks with this skill, can he continue moving even if he can't attack another Monster? A: Yes, the Ex-Blood Bowl Player may Move and Attack, then Move. After the first attack, he does not need to finish his Running Blitz by attacking something. He may simply finish by moving. But rememer he may only move in a straight line and up to the amount allotted for his turn. Q: I have 2 attacks. With my first attack I kill a goblin in front of me which opens up a space to move into. Can I use my 2nd attack as a Running Blitz attack, moving into that space and attacking the next goblin in front of me? And if I kill him, can I move into his space and attack the next goblin in front of me, repeating the process continuously? A: No, to do a Running Blitz Attack you must trade in ALL of your normal attacks. Attacking with a normal attack (and missing) effectively negates the ability to use the Running Blitz Attack.

Q: Can I extend the Blitz Attack by combining it with the Extra Yard skill, effectively putting me into contact with two more Monsters and giving me two more attacks? A: Yes, but you must first roll on the Extra Yard skill after each of the two moves to see if you trip. Q: Can I throw the spiked ball at an opponent in the middle of a Running Blitz attack?

A: No, the Blitz must be completed before any other action is performed.

Q: This skill seems like a Deathblow. In fact it's better than a Deathblow because he can attack 4 monsters even if they don't die. A: This isn't a question, but yes it is his alternative to a Deathblow since he can't have one. And with his weapon restrictions he needs something to make him more exciting and fun to play. The board fills up with Monsters quickly so he will not be able to use this skill every turn. But there should be some scenarios that will allow him to ‘make a mad dash to the end zone’ as he bashes monsters left and right just like in the glory days!


Barge Aside +2 Str Bluffing Enemies -2 I Climb on Shoulders +1 I Climb Wall +1 I Construction -3 I/Str Crawl +1 - Disarm Enemy 0 WS/Str Disarm Trap -2 I Distract Enemy 0 I, BS to hit Duck 0 I Hide* -1 I Hold Door Open/Closed +2 Str Identify* 0 I Interrogate +1 I, Str, Wp Jump +1 I, T Kick Over +1 Str Leap +1 I Lift Trapdoor +1 Str Listen at Door* 0 I Loosen/Tie Bonds 0 I/Str Make Bandages -1 I Make Difficult Shot 0 BS Make Rope -1 I/Str Moving Heavy Objects 0 Str Pick Lock -1 I Play Dead 0 I Read -3 I, Wp Search Object* -2 I Searching Rooms* 0 I Starting Fires -1 I Stunning Enemies +1 WS, to hit Swing on Rope +1 I Understand Speech 0 I Wait/Interrupt 0 I Wedge Door Shut/Open +1 Str

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Ex-Blood Bowl Player (Littlemonk) 11


Skill Ballistic

Skill Strength Damage Dice Toughness Wounds Initiative Attacks Luck Willpower Skills Escape


1 0 Rookie 3 5+ 4 1 3 1D6+8 3 1 0 3 Running Blitz 6+

2 2,000 Lineman 3 5+ 4 1 3 +1D6 3 1 1 3 1 6+

3 4,000 Lineman 3 5+ 4 1 3 +1D6 4 2 1 3 2 6+

4 8,000 Lineman 4 5+ 4 2 4 +1D6 4 2 2 3 3 5+

5 12,000 Blitzer 4 4+ 4 2 4 +1D6 5 2 2 4 4 5+

6 18,000 Blitzer 4 4+ 5 2 4 +1D6 5 3 3 4 4 5+

7 24,000 Blitzer 5 4+ 5 2 4 +1D6 5 3 3 4 5 5+

8 32,000 Blitzer 5 4+ 5 3 5 +1D6 6 4 3 4 6 4+

9 45,000 Star Player 5 3+ 5 3 5 +1D6 6 4 4 4 6 4+

10 50,000 Star Player 5 3+ 5 3 5 +1D6 6 4 4 4 7 4+

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