EWRT 2 * Class 12

Ewrt 2 class 12 government and got

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*Class 12


*Vocabulary Exam #4: 15 minutes

*Discussion Lao Tzu/Machiavelli: Examples and preparation

*Group Preparation for discussion of Philosophy and A Game of Thrones.

*Class Discussion

*Essay #2 writing tips

*Group Preparation for Cicero


*You win or you die

*Vocabulary Test

A strategy of using textual evidence

*Applying one text to another

*“He must, therefore, never raise his thought from this exercise of war, and in peacetime he must train himself more than in time of war; this can be done in two ways: one by action, the other by the mind,” says Machiavelli.

*“Do you recall your history Bran”

*“And that’s Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt. He was the last King in the North and the first Lord of Winterfell, after he yielded to Aegon the Conqueror. Oh, there, he’s Cregan Stark. He fought with Prince Aemon once, and the Dragonknight said he’d never faced a finer swordsman.

In teams, discuss your ideas about applying Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli to A Game of Thrones.

You have about 10 minutes!

Make sure you have textual support for your assertions!

Eddard StarkCatelyn StarkRobert BaratheonCersei LannisterJoffrey BaratheonTyrion LannisterThe Night’s WatchKhal DrogoDaenerys TargaryenViserys TargaryenPetyr BaelishLord StannisSyrio Forel

*The Starks

*“[Arya’s] father used to say that a lord needed to eat with his men, if he hoped to keep them. “Know the men who follow you,” she heard him tell Robb once, ” and let them know you. Don’t ask your men to die for a stranger.”

*“The Master is above the people, and no one feels oppressed” (30).

Eddard Stark

It is clear to the reader that there IS in fact a proper justification and a manifest cause for an execution to take place. Although we may not necessarily agree with the cause, there is a code of honor among knights and guards. Unfortunately there seems to be more honor in dying at the hands of the enemy, rather than at the hands of your kingdom.

“And if he must take someone’s life, he should do so when there is proper justification and manifest cause…”( Machiavelli 15)

Upon slaying Will in the beginning of the novel, [Eddard] explains to his son, “No man is more dangerous [than] the deserter [who] knows his life is forfeit if he is taken, so he will not flinch from any crime, no matter how vile.”(Martin 16)

*“A great nation is like a great man: When he makes a mistake, he realizes it. Having realized it, he admits it” (Lao-Tzu 31).

*“The Prince” is divided into different categorizes labeled the characteristics and ruling of men. There was only a small bit of information on the women of the government in which he describes the things that are important in a men’s life. He relatively compares women to that of property as he advocates, “and this will always be so when he keeps his hands off the property and the women on his citizens and his subjects”

Arya proclaims, ‘”I hate needlework! It’s not fair!”’ (75) As Arya would be better off as a knight than as a proper lady learning to sew, the government in Lao-Tzu, Machiavelli, and A Game of Thrones would never allow a female to perform the acts of a male. These philosophies show that a female was only effective as she cares and does everything she can to assist her husband or any elderly men. These sayings almost treat women and females as though they were objects and of a lower human being than that of a male.

*“it would be good to be considered generous” (Machiavelli 43).

*“You are far too generous, Lady Stark. The honor of carrying a great lady like yourself is all the reward they need” (Captain of the ship Catelyn took south; Martin 165).

“But as for the exercise of the mind, the prince must read histories and in them study the deeds of great men, he must see how they conducted themselves in wars; he must examine the reasons for their victories and for their defeats in order to avoid the latter and to imitate the former, and above all else he must do as some distinguished man before him has done, who elected to imitate someone who had been praised and honored before him, and always keep in mind his deeds and actions; just as it is reported that Alexander the Great imitated Achilles; Caesar, Alexander; Scipio, Cyrus” (39 Machiavelli).

Robb Stark

Robb is getting ready for war to avenge his father’s imprisonment, he reflects on what he knows about past wars, (Roberts rebellion) and lays out a plan for them, he knows the land he is traveling in and what would best suits his troops. Robb also looks up to his father and tries to imitate him so the rest can respect and admire him (412-415 Martin PDF version).

*Jon Snow

*“If you want to govern the people,You must place yourself below them.If you want to lead the people,You must learn how to follow them. (Lao Tzu 30)

*“Jon smiled at [Grenn]: ‘I’m sorry about your wrist. Robb used the same move on me once, only with a wooden blade. It hurts like seven hells, but yours must be worse. Look if you want, I can show you how to defend that” (Martin 188.)

*“‘Look at him, Halder,’ Jon urged, ignoring Thorne as best he could.’ There’s no honor in beating a fallen foe. He yielded.’ He knelt beside the fat boy” ( Martin 261.)

*“‘My words lied. My eyes and my arm shouted out the truth, but you were not seeing [...] Watching is not seeing, dead girl. The water dancer sees” (Syrio Forel; Martin 363).

*“everyone sees what you seem to be, few perceive what you are, and those few do not dare to contradict the opinion of the many who have the majesty of the state to defend them [...] for ordinary people are always deceived by appearances and by the outcome of a thing; and in the world there is nothing but ordinary people; and there is no room for the few, while the many have a place to lean on” (Machiavelli 47).

Syrio Forel

*“For governing a country well there is nothing better than moderation.” (Lao Tzu 28)

*“Ned was aghast. ‘Aerys Targaryen left a treasury flowing with gold. How could you let this happen?’”Littlefinger gave a shrug. ‘The master of coin finds the money. The king and the Hand spend it.’” (Martin 133-134) *Robert


“For a prince must have two fears: one, internal, concerning his subjects; the other, external, concerning foreign powers” (Machiavelli 50).

“This child will soon enough spread her legs and start breeding more dragonspawn to plague me” (Martin 112).

“They all want something, money or land or justice. The lies they tell…and my lords and ladies are no better. I am surrounded by flatterers and fools. It can drive a man to madness, Ned. Half of them don’t dare tell me the truth, and the other half can’t find it” (Martin 47).

*“ And, moreover, he need not worry about incurring the bad reputation of those vices without which it would be difficult to hold his state; since, carefully taking everything into account, one will discover that something which appears to be a virtue, if pursued, will end in his destruction; while some other thing which seems to be a vice, if pursued, will result in his safety and his well-being” (Qualities of the prince 41).

*This Philosophy of Machiavelli can easily be seen in King Roberts demeanor, when he talks about murdering a young girl named Daenerys Targaryen: ‘”I will kill every Targaryen I can get my hands on, until they are as dead as their dead dragons, and then I will piss on their graves’” (Martin 113).

*“Alexander VI did nothing else, he thought about nothing else, except to deceive men, and he always found the occasion to do this. And there never was a man who had more forcefulness in his oaths, who affirmed a thing with more promises, and who honored his word less; nevertheless, his tricks always succeeded perfectly since he was well acquainted with this aspect of the world”(Qualities of a Prince 48-49).

*“As his men died around him, Littlefinger slid Ned’s dagger from its sheath and shoved it up under his chin. His smile was apologetic. ‘I did warn you not to trust me, you know’” (Martin 49).

Petyr Baelish

“A wise ruler, therefore, cannot and should not keep his word when such observance of faith would be to his disadvantage and when the reasons which made him promise are removed” (Machiavelli 46).

*Machiavelli says, “fear is held together by a dread of punishment which will never abandon you” (11).

When Ned Stark confronts Cersei, she responds saying “[you] love your children, do you not?” (486). Now it is clear to Ned about who assaulted his son. The lack of fear Cersei has is obvious when she admits to the King’s Hand in person.

*“ [Sansa] shouldn’t be afraid, I have nothing to be afraid of, it will all come out well, Joff loves me and the Queen does too, she said so” ( Martin 619.)

*“ [Joffrey ] wants you to smile and smell sweet and be his lady love,” the Hound rasped. He wants to hear recite all our pretty little words the way the septa taught you. He wants you to love him… and fear him” (Martin 744.)

*“It is much safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking” (Machiavelli 44).

*“And men are less hesitant about harming someone who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared because love is held together by a chain of obligation which their own self-interest is concerned; but fear is held together by a dread of punishment which will never abandon you” (Verse 14, page 46).

*“He did not hate her, Sansa realized; neither did he love her. He felt nothing for her at all. She was only a… a thing to him. “No,” she said, rising. She wanted to rage, to hurt him as he’d hurt her, to warn him that when she was queen she would have him exiled if he ever dared strike her again… but she remembered what the Hound had told her, so all she said was, “I shall dowhatever His Grace commands”‘ (PDF 510)

*“A thief was brought before [Joffrey] and he had Ser Ilyn chop his hand off, right there in court. Two Knights came to him with a dispute about some land, and he decreed that they should duel for it on the morrow. ‘To the DEATH,’ he added. A woman fell to her knees to plead for the head of a man executed as a traitor. She had loved him, she said, and she wanted to see him decently buried. ‘If you loved a traitor, you must be a traitor too,’ Joffrey said. Two gold cloaks dragged her off to the dungeons.” (p. 624)

*“…a prince must not worry about the reproach of cruelty when it is a matter of keeping his subjects united and loyal; for with every few examples of cruelty he will be more compassionate than those who, out of excessive mercy, permit disorders to continue, from which arise murders and plundering; for these usually harm the community at large, while the executions that come from the prince harm one individual in particular.” (p. 43)

* Tyrion Lanniste


*Lao-Tzu says, “Whoever can see through all fear / will always be safe,” (Jacobus 26).

*“The inspiration came to Tyrion Lannister suddenly. ‘…tell her that I wish to confess my crimes” (Martin 417)

Lao-Tzu and Tyrion Lannister

One of Lao-Tzu’s points of view tells us that, “The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them” (24 Lao-tzu).

The Night’s Watch

“the Night’s Watch would take no part in the battles of the realms it guarded” (Maester Aemon; 553).

meddle in the affairs of others, it will be a light to all nations of the world” (Lao-Tzu 29).

If a nation is centered in the Tao, and it nourishes its own people and doesn’t

*Khal Drogo Machiavelli writes that “a prince,

therefore, must not have any other object nor any other thought, nor must he take anything as his profession but war, its institutions, and its discipline; . . . A prince who does not understand military matters . . . cannot be esteemed by his own soldiers, nor can he trust them” (38).

The Dothraki agree in that they “follow only the strong” (Martin 519). [. . .] “Khal Drogo was a head taller than the tallest man in the room, yet somehow light on his feet, as graceful as the panther in Illyrio’s menagerie.” [. . .] “Drogo had never lost a fight” (Martin 27).

“A prince either spends his own money and that of his subjects or that of others; in the first case he must be economical; in the second he must not restrain any part of his generosity. And for that prince who goes out with his soldiers and lives by looting, sacking, and ransoms, who controls the property of others, such generosity is necessary; otherwise he would not be followed by his troops” (Machiavelli 44).

*Ser Jorah

*“Cesare Borgia was considered cruel; nonetheless his cruelty has brought order to Romagna, united it, restored it to peace and obedience. [...] Therefore, a prince must not worry about the reproach of cruelty when it is a matter of keeping his subjects united and loyal; for with a very few examples of cruelty he will be more compassionate than those who, out of excessive mercy, permit disorders to continue.. ” (Qualities of the prince 43).

*When the khaleesi wanted to order her dothraki soldiers to stop raping women and reap their rewards It is said by Ser Jorah himself about Daenerys that: “‘You have a gentle heart, but you do not understand. This is how it has always been. Those men have shed blood for the khal. Now they claim their reward.’” (Game of thrones 456).

*“I’d let his whole khalasar fuck you if need be, sweet sister, all forty thousand men, and their horses too if that was what it took to get my army. (Viserys to Daenerys about wedding Khal Drogo)

*“a prince, therefore, must not have any other object nor any other thought, nor must he take anything as his profession but war, its institutions, and its discipline [. . .] not only does it maintain those who were born to that position, but many times it enables men of private station to rise to that position” (Machiavelli 40).

Viserys Targaryen

*Machiavelli argues that “a prince who does not understand military matters… cannot be esteemed by his own soldiers, nor can he trust them”(Machiavelli 40).

*“My brother will never take back the Seven Kingdoms… He could not lead an army even if my lord husband gave him one” (Daenerys; Martin 233).

*For Thought

*Do you agree with Machiavelli’s thesis that stability and power are the only qualities that matter in the evaluation of governments? If not, what else matters?

*Can we have Lao-Tzu’s peace, even though there is ambition, materialism, war, and famine on earth? How is it possible?

*Tips for Writing Essay #2

So ends the unit on Government with Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli.

*Write about literature in the present tense.

*Write in third person (avoid “I” and “you”)

*Be specific: Avoid “thing” and words with “thing” in them: something, anything, everything.


Remember, you need a comma and a coordinating conjunction to connect two complete sentences:

Machiavelli holds that the skill of war making is what a prince must *necessarily* make his career on, for war making is the primary means by which he can advance his state.

Use a comma after an introductory clause:

As the Lord of Winterfell, he carries out the execution of the deserter himself rather than assigning the dreadful task to one of his subordinates.


Coordinating Conjunctions

So Begins the Unit on Justice

with Cicero and Thoreau

Form new teams for this unit. Remember, 50% of your team must be new to you!


Questions for Critical Reading (page 129)

We will come back together to go over the homework before we leave!


Read A World of Ideas: Marcus Tullius Cicero "The Defense of Injustice" (119-129)

Post #23 Questions for Critical Reading: (page 129)

Post #24 QHQ Cicero Essay #2 is due by noon on Friday via
