EWCO Application Form - Part A 1 | EWCO Application Form | Forestry Commission | v1.4: Published 25/01/2022 EWCO Application Form - Part A Information and guidance about the England Woodland Creation Offer’s (EWCO) rules, requirements, payments, and how to make an application (including for a partnership) can be found in the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) Grant Manual. How to use this form You must complete this form in English, or it will be rejected. If you do not make the required declarations, or if you provide an answer that shows your application is not eligible for EWCO funding, we will reject your application. We are required to collect several personal details of the applicant, land agent, or landlord to be able to process your application. Further information on how we will use your information and your rights under the UK’s data protection legislation can be found in Section 5 of this form. This form can be filled in online in your internet browser or downloaded and completed. Section 1 - Basic Requirements Name of property, site or application name: Please tick one of the boxes below to confirm that you have either: Full management control over the land. Signed consent from those with management control over the land as confirmed in Section 6 – Declarations 1 . In relation to this proposal to plant trees, please tick the box below to confirm that you are not currently subject to 2 : A requirement to mitigate the impacts of development under a planning consent by creating this woodland. 1 You must have management control over all of the land being included in this Application. If you are a tenant, we will require agreement from your landlord before we can accept your application. If you are one of several owners of land in the application and are acting as a lead applicant on their behalf, you must provide their written consent to proceed. 2 We cannot offer EWCO for woodland creation that is the requirement of planning consent.

EWCO Application Form - Part A

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Page 1: EWCO Application Form - Part A

EWCO Application Form - Part A

1 | EWCO Application Form | Forestry Commission | v1.4: Published 25/01/2022

EWCO Application Form - Part A Information and guidance about the England Woodland Creation Offer’s (EWCO) rules, requirements, payments, and how to make an application (including for a partnership) can be found in the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) Grant Manual.

How to use this form You must complete this form in English, or it will be rejected. If you do not make the required declarations, or if you provide an answer that shows your application is not eligible for EWCO funding, we will reject your application.

We are required to collect several personal details of the applicant, land agent, or landlord to be able to process your application. Further information on how we will use your information and your rights under the UK’s data protection legislation can be found in Section 5 of this form.

This form can be filled in online in your internet browser or downloaded and completed.

Section 1 - Basic Requirements

Name of property, site or application name:

Please tick one of the boxes below to confirm that you have either: Full management control over the land.

Signed consent from those with management control over the land as confirmed in Section 6 – Declarations1.

In relation to this proposal to plant trees, please tick the box below to confirm that you are not currently subject to2:

A requirement to mitigate the impacts of development under a planning consent by creating this woodland.

1 You must have management control over all of the land being included in this Application. If you are a tenant, we will require agreement from your landlord before we can accept your application. If you are one of several owners of land in the application and are acting as a lead applicant on their behalf, you must provide their written consent to proceed. 2 We cannot offer EWCO for woodland creation that is the requirement of planning consent.

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In relation to land ownership and tenancies, please:

Confirm the basis of your occupation of the land:

Private landowner Private landowners in partnership

Tenant Trust

Local authority Other Public body

Public body in partnership with a private body

Local authority in partnership with a private body

Other (please enter details)

Tick the boxes below to confirm the following: Are there currently any outstanding or recent (within the last 12 months) disputes, claims, actions, notices to quit, demands or complaints that relate to the land and/or property or tenancy agreement on the land?

Yes No

Was any of the land in your application in a tenancy agreement in the last 12 months?

Yes No

Was any of the land in this application resumed from a tenant to make this application? Yes No

Tick this box if your application resulted from engagement with a Woodlands for Water representative Tick this box if your application resulted from engagement with a Woodland Creation Partnership or Community Forest

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EWCO Application Form - Part A

Section 2 – Applicant Details Provision of the below information is mandatory. If you do not have a company or charity number you must state this in the box provided. Failure to do so will result in the application form being considered incomplete and it will be returned to you.

Section 2.1 – Lead applicant Title:

Forename(s): Surname:

Organisation3: Position:

Single Business Identifier (SBI)4:

Customer Registration Number (CRN):

Firm Reference Number (FRN):

Company Registration Number:

Charity number:

VAT or UTR number:

Confirm your business type:

Sole Trader Self-employed

Private Limited Company Public Limited Company

Partnership Charitable Company

Private Individual Trust

Public Body Landline telephone number:

Mobile telephone number:

Email: Postal address linked to CRN on Rural Payments:

Postcode: Country:

Preferred method of communication: Email Post Phone

3 EWCO is open to Applications from private landowners, local authorities and public bodies. Please ensure the company name provided aligns with Companies House. 4 To enable payments under the EWCO you must be registered on the Rural Payment service. This will provide you with an SBI – see: www.gov.uk/guidance/rural-payments-service-registering-and-updating-your-details.

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If your preferred method of communication is ‘Post’, we will send all correspondence to the above address.

Section 2.2 – Tenants Are you a tenant? If no, go to Section 2.3 If yes, complete all questions in this section. Yes No

Do you have any obligations in your tenancy to carry out environmental management on the land in question? Yes No

If yes, please tick to confirm that you are not seeking funding for these activities in your application.

Please tick to confirm you have your landlord’s consent for the woodland creation. If your tenancy agreement contains a restrictive covenant, restrictive clauses or terms preventing tree planting, silviculture, etc., please confirm you have obtained your landlord's consent for woodland creation.

Yes N/A

Section 2.3 – Agent You must complete this section if an agent is authorised to act on behalf of the lead applicant in relation to this Application.

Is an agent completing and submitting this application on your behalf?

Yes No

If yes, tick to confirm that an Agent Authority Form (this must be v3.0 onwards) is in place giving you the authority to complete and sign this application form. Please attach a copy of your Agent Authority Form with your application for our records. If this form is not already in place please complete a Forestry Commission agent authority form and submit it with your application.

Title: Forename(s): Surname:

Organisation: Position:

Landline telephone number:

Mobile telephone number:


Postal address:

Postcode: Country:

Preferred method of communication: Email Post Phone

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Section 3 – Site details and nursery notification Name of property:

If planting and the proposed gross area is less than 30 hectares, please confirm that you have contacted a UK nursery to confirm adequate stock will be available.

If planting and the proposed gross area is 30 hectares or more, please provide the details of the nursery you have contacted.

Will any of the new woodland be created through natural colonisation?

Yes No

A Natural Colonisation Site Assessment Form has been completed (for each discrete area and is attached to the application)

Is any of the land in your application on Common Land? Yes No

If yes, please tick to confirm the EWCO Common Land and Shared Grazing Supplementary Form has been submitted alongside your application.

If you have one in relation to the woodland creation proposal in this application, please provide the reference number for your Woodland Creation Planning Grant case below and then proceed to Section 4:

Woodland Creation Planning Grant Reference:

If you do not have a relevant Woodland Creation Planning Grant case, please provide the following details:

Tick the box to the right to confirm that a map showing the location and the boundary of the proposed planting is enclosed.

National Grid Reference (of the centre of the application area): e.g., AB123456.

Nearest town or locality name:

Local Authority:

Is the land under the management control of a public authority (including the state, the Crown, county council, district council, and local authorities)?

Yes No

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Section 4 – Eligible Costs and Additional Contributions Section 4.1 – Standard costs You must set out the Standard Cost Items that you wish to apply for in the EWCO Application Form Part B. Tick below to indicate your intended planting season(s) and claim year(s).

Important: When selecting your planting season and claim year(s) below please note that that capital work must be completed within two years of the Agreement Commencement date and all claims must be within two years and three months of the Agreement Commencement date.

Planting Season(s)5

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25

Claim Year(s)6

2021-22 2022-23 2024-25

Section 4.2 – Annual Maintenance Payments

Tick this box if you wish to include annual Maintenance Payments in your EWCO Grant.

Tick this box if you do not wish to include annual Maintenance Payments in your EWCO Grant. If you do not wish to include Annual Maintenance Payments in your EWCO Grant, you must tick this box to confirm you understand that you will still be obliged to manage and maintain the trees and other capital items to ensure woodland establishment over the Obligation Period and in line with the EWCO Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions and that this work may be inspected during the Obligation Period.

5 The planting season runs from October to March. 6 We expect capital works to be completed within two years of the Agreement start date, subject to regulatory consent, and may withdraw the offer of Grant if this period is exceeded.

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Section 4.3 – Actual Costs for Infrastructure You must set out the Actual Cost Items that you wish to apply for in the EWCO Application Form Part B. If your application includes Actual Cost Items, complete the declarations and relevant sections below.

I confirm that I have the required financing to undertake the Actual Cost Items included in my application.

VAT declaration Payments for infrastructure are based on actual costs and VAT will be payable by Grant Recipients. Where the Grant Recipient is VAT registered and can claim VAT back from HMRC, the Forestry Commission will exclude the VAT element when calculating the Grant offer amount.

Applicants are advised to seek advice from their accountant or a VAT specialist before submitting their EWCO Application. The Forestry Commission is not responsible for any aspect of VAT; this is the Applicant’s sole responsibility.

If you are applying for support for infrastructure, please tick the box below that applies to your application for funding:

I am NOT registered for VAT and VAT will be included and claimed for under my EWCO Agreement. I attach confirmation of my VAT status (for example, an Accountant’s Certificate).

I am registered for VAT and VAT will be excluded from my EWCO Agreement.

Infrastructure for woodland management

Do you want to apply for infrastructure for woodland management? Yes No

I have attached a map that shows the proposed location of roads and tracks but have not yet obtained three quotes for the work.

If so, indicative total length of roads/tracks: metres

I have attached a map that shows the proposed location of roads and tracks along with three quotes for this work, which include the net amount for the work, excluding VAT, and show the specification for the work involved.

I have attached a copy of the Local Planning Authority’s decision on whether permitted development applies to the proposed infrastructure.

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Infrastructure for recreational access

Do you want to apply for infrastructure for recreational access? Yes No

I have attached a map that shows the proposed location of the proposed work but have not yet obtained three quotes for the work.

I have attached a map that shows the proposed location of all the infrastructure along with three quotes for this work, which include the net amount for the work, excluding VAT, and show the specification for the work involved.

I have attached a copy of any necessary Local Planning Authority decision on whether permitted development applies to the proposed infrastructure.

Section 4.4 - Additional Contributions You must set out any Additional Contributions you wish to apply for in the EWCO Application Form Part B. If your application includes Additional Contributions, you must complete the declaration below.

I confirm I am not receiving private finance for any of the same benefits covered by the Additional Contributions in my application.

Section 5 - Data protection and release of information Please read the below statements and ensure you understand how the Forestry Commission will handle any information submitted as part of your EWCO application. As lead applicant, you are responsible for informing any third parties of how the Forestry Commission will handle information relevant to them.

Data Protection Act 2018 The Forestry Commission (FC) will use any information you provide to support the administration of the scheme. Without your personal information, we will not be able to process your application. The FC or its appointed agents may also use it, in keeping with the safeguards of the Data Protection Act 2018, in the following ways:

• For publication on the FC’s Public Register (the entry on the Register will includethe name of the property, value and timing of grants applied for).

• For communication with other organisations including Defra, other governmentdepartments (and their agencies) and local authorities in the administration of theapplication and any subsequent EWCO Agreement.

• For producing operational information and statistics that do not identifyindividuals.

• To contact applicants or their agents in connection with occasional research aimedat improving the services that the FC provides.

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Your personal information will be stored securely in the UK or EU and will be kept for at least seven years after the final payment of Grant, or after the last financial transaction. If post payment obligations apply, your personal information will be stored until your obligations under your EWCO Agreement expire. Your personal information will be shared with Defra, and members of the Defra group and other Government Departments for the purpose of administering and processing your application to the Fund.

You have a number of rights under the Data Protection Act 2018, which are listed in full on the Information Commissioner’s website. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the Information Commissioners’ Office, on their website: https://ico.org.uk/.

The Forestry Commission is a data controller under the Data Protection Act 2018. You can read our Personal information charter online.

Release of information The Forestry Commission is required to release information, which may include personal data and commercial information, to comply with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This may include details such as name and address of the applicant, property, grant recipient, type of grant and grant value. However, the Forestry Commission will not permit any unwarranted breach of confidentiality nor will it act in contravention of its obligations under the Data Protection Act. The Forestry Commission may also publish additional information on its own website.

Section 6 – Declarations

By checking this declaration box, you are confirming that you have read, understood, and agree to each declaration below (1 to 15). If you do not accept these declarations your EWCO application will be rejected. Failure to comply with any obligations below could lead to payments being stopped and reclaimed.

1. The lead applicant has read the EWCO Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions.

2. The lead applicant confirms they will comply with the Code of Conduct for Government Grants.

3. The lead applicant will ensure the necessary consents and land access agreements for planting are in place prior to undertaking works.

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4. The lead applicant will ensure all planting or natural colonisation and other activities undertaken to establish woodland will follow best practice and meet the requirements and guidelines of the UK Forestry Standard.

5. The lead applicant will maintain the planted trees and replace failed trees.

6. The lead applicant confirms that, to the best of their knowledge, all the EWCO eligibility criteria are met.

7. The lead applicant will allow inspection by Forestry Commission staff for the purpose of inspecting EWCO funded activities.

8. The lead applicant agrees that trees will be sourced following best biosecurity guidance. The lead applicant will aim to source their planting stock from nurseries with robust biosecurity measures, including by way of example, those with Plant Healthy certification (or similar), where possible.

9. The lead applicant understands that any costs and liabilities of submitting this Application are to be borne by themselves, regardless of the outcome of the Application assessment process.

10. The lead applicant confirms that all estimations detailed in this Application are true and correct.

11. The lead applicant confirms that, to the best of their knowledge, any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control in the land or this Application has not been convicted anywhere in the world of any of the offences listed here7.

12. The lead applicant confirms that none of the involved organisations’ Directors or Executive Officers have been in receipt of enforcement or remedial orders in relation to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or equivalent body in the last three years8

13. The lead applicant is not in receipt of, has not received or applied for, nor do they intend to apply for, any other government funding that would duplicate or conflict with this Application.

7 If the lead applicant cannot confirm this, we may ask for information about a conviction before deciding whether the Application will be accepted. 8 If the lead applicant cannot confirm this, we may ask for more information about the orders before deciding whether the Application will be accepted.

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14.The lead applicant agrees to read, sign, and fully comply with the obligationsdetailed in the Agreement.

15.The lead applicant confirms that no works in the application have already beencompleted.

16.The lead applicant understands that they are liable for any false declaration.

Section 7 – Authorisation

This declaration can only be signed by the lead applicant in Section 2.1 or the agent listed in Section 2.3 who is authorised to act on their behalf.

I confirm that I have read and understood the EWCO Grant Manual, Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions and rules relating to the England Woodland Creation Offer, and that the information provided in this Application Form (Part A, Part B and any supplementary forms) is accurate and complete.

Signature (to insert a digital signature please open this Form in Adobe Reader)

Name in BLOCK letters Date

We may require that you provide evidence to authenticate your identity and signature.

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Counter signature This section must be completed where the lead applicant is a tenant or does not have management control over all or part of the land in this application for the entire length of the Agreement Period, Obligation Period and, where applicable, Access Period as defined in the Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions. If more than one person needs to countersign this application please use a Part A Continuation Sheet.

Title: Forename(s): Surname:

Organisation: Position:

Landline telephone number:

Mobile telephone number:


Postal address:

Postcode: Country:

I am the freehold owner of the land declared in Section 3.

By counter signing this EWCO Application Form I confirm that:

• I understand the land in this application is being put forward for a grant aid to create a new woodland.

• If the lead applicant named in Section 2.1 ceases to have management control over the land declared in Section 3 at any time before the full completion of any Agreement resulting from this application, I will ensure that all of the Obligations under the Agreement will be properly fulfilled for the full term of such Agreement.

• Where I have failed to fulfil the Obligations identified in the previous paragraph the Agreement may be terminated by the Forestry Commission and I agree to repay on demand with penalties and interest any payments received by me or the lead applicant under the Agreement.

Signature (to insert a digital signature please open this Form in Adobe Reader)

Name in BLOCK letters Date

We may require that you provide evidence to authenticate your identity and signature.

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Section 8 - Submission checklist

Before returning your EWCO application ensure that you have:

• Completed all relevant parts of this EWCO Application Form – Part A, including the signed declaration (including, where appropriate, counter signature) in Section 7.

• Completed all relevant parts of the EWCO Application Form – Part B.• Included a map showing the location and boundary of the proposed woodland and

the works being applied for.• Where applicable:

o Included an Access Map.o Included quotes and specification for infrastructure works.o Included any relevant consents for infrastructure works.o Attached a copy of your tenancy agreement.o Completed and attached a Forestry Commission Agent Authority Formo Completed and attached a EWCO Common Land and Shared Grazing

Supplementary Formo Completed and attached a Natural Colonisation Initial Site Assessment Formo Included evidence of data searches undertaken in the Woodland Creation

Plan 5 - Environmental checks tab of Application Form Part B

Completed applications should be sent to: [email protected]. Hard copies of applications and additional supporting information can also be sent to:

England Woodland Creation Offer - EWCO Forestry Commission National Office 620 Bristol Business Park, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1EJ