DECEMBER 2015 www.EHC.org ‘Tis the Season for Giving

EveryHome - December 2015

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Taking the Gospel to Every Home

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‘Tis the Season for Giving

Page 2: EveryHome - December 2015

Dick Eastman“I bring you good tidings of great joy!” (Luke 2:10, NKJV)

Merry Christmas from Every Home for Christ

Warm Christmas greetings from the Every Home for Christ global staff! I would be remiss if I didn’t include the thousands of pioneer missionaries who represent you each time they deliver the Gospel to the homes in their nations. You see, the ministry of Every Home for Christ doesn’t just belong to those of us directly involved—it belongs to you, too.

Every time you pray for our staff or global workers, you become a part of this ministry. Each time you give to help meet our financial needs, you’re joining the army of believers who are intent on reaching every home on Earth with the Gospel. Thank you! Though you aren’t physically with our workers in the field, I know you are there in spirit, and that means more to them—and to us—than you’ll ever know.

On the following pages, you’ll experience some of the amazing work our global teams are doing in the field. The stories and testimonies they’ve shared will warm your hearts and may even make you cry. The accompanying photos will make their ministry come alive, and you’ll get a glimpse of the joy they receive as they introduce lost souls to their Savior for the very first time.

You’ll also read about the tools that help them to be so effective. At the center of this issue, you’ll be presented with opportunities to join them in global ministry by equipping them with the resources and materials they desperately need.

Before you turn the page, will you ask God to impress upon your heart a specific need or two that you can help meet? Whatever you can do will help expand the ministry of Every Home for Christ.

To live stream the School of Prayer on December 12, 2015 or for

archived videos of any of Dick’s teachings, visit www.ehc.org/sop.

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Dick Eastman

International President | Dick Eastman

Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook

Editor | Erick Todd

Assistant Editor | Michelle Matia

Copy Editor | James Holt

Designer | Drew Emmert

Production Supervisor | Danielle Schmidt




p. 8


Gospel Literature

p. 10

NO MORE! Christmas Outreaches

p. 6


FOR CHRISTDick Eastman

p. 2


p. 4


p. 12

Every Home for ChristP. O. Box 64000Colorado Springs, CO 80962 [email protected]

Search for us online: everyhomeintlEveryHome Magazine is a publication of Every Home for Christ.

VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

Cover photo: Stock

Working the fields in Rwanda, a mother pauses to hear the Gospel.

EMAIL UPDATESWould you like to receive the latest prayer requests and updates from the field?

Visit www.ehc.org/subscribe.

Page 4: EveryHome - December 2015


very Home for Christ workers met him in the tiny hamlet of Elhovo, Bulgaria. It was Klaus’s job to watch over the community garden and

chase thieves away. Mere decades ago, communism’s hold on Bulgaria was loosened. Since then, the young democracy has struggled to find its footing. Poverty is widespread, especially in rural areas populated by gypsies and peasant farmers. There, the hungry will beg, borrow and steal to feed their families.

When the outreach team arrived in Elhovo, they headed straight for the garden, knowing that’s where the villagers would be. They were prepared to be met with some resistance; orthodox beliefs and severe economic struggles had produced a culture of mistrust

and hardened hearts. Klaus’ scrutinizing gaze prompted one of the

outreach workers to walk up to him and explain why the team was there. The worker handed the old farmer a gospel booklet and told him it was a message about God. In the course of their conversation, the Every Home for Christ worker asked the watchman if he knew anything about God. Klaus replied that he did but admitted his knowledge was limited—there weren’t many people of faith in his community. As they visited, the outreach worker took the opportunity to suggest that, if the villagers would turn to God, there wouldn’t be a need for a watchman like Klaus to protect their garden. The weathered old man was quick to agree.


The Wait

by Kathy Gowler



A gospel booklet brings a smile in Bulgaria.

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“I’ve waited for 65 years to have a Bible,” he said,

“so waiting another week or two is not a problem.”



Nearly half of the world’s population (more than 3 billion people) lives on less than $2.50 a day. For impoverished believers, the dream of having a Bible of their own fades with each passing day. Though you may not be able to change their circumstances, you can change their lives with the gift of Bibles. Please give today. See page 8 to find out how.

When the outreach worker asked Klaus if he had a Bible or even just a New Testament, the old man replied that he had neither. The outreach worker promised Klaus he’d receive one in a week or two. What Klaus said next will stick with that pioneer missionary for many years to come: “I’ve waited for 65 years to have a Bible,” he said, “so waiting another week or two is not a problem.”

His tragic reply prompted the outreach team to ask other villagers if they owned Bibles. They were taken aback when one elderly man replied, “What’s a Bible?” After that eye-opening experience, the pioneer missionaries made a point of asking believers everywhere they went whether or not they had Bibles of their own.

Their hearts were especially moved by one peasant woman’s response. When asked if she had a Bible, the woman replied that she’d dreamt of having one her entire life. She started putting money away, a little at a time, anticipating the day she’d finally have enough. When that day finally came, the woman and her husband went to the bookstore to make her purchase. She wept as she recounted how her husband spent all the money she’d saved on a secular book for himself. Her heart was broken.

There are more than 500 million Christians around the world who would give anything to have Bibles

of their own. Among them are discouraged pastors who struggle to hold on to dwindling congregations, students on a desperate search for truth, the bedridden and terminally ill, repentant prisoners and displaced refugees who have lost all hope.

Last year, nearly 17 million lost souls committed their lives to Jesus through Every Home for Christ’s home-to-home provision of gospel literature. We want to give every one of those new believers a Bible of their own and teach them how to use it, but the demand has become greater than we are able to meet. Believers throughout the world are begging us for Bibles. Can you help us meet this critical need? Together, we can make sure that both new and long-time believers receive the one thing they desire most—a Bible of their own. Give the gift of Bibles. Lives will be changed.

The Bible would remain a mystery to many rural residents if not for the efforts of Every Home for Christ workers.

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t began with a handful of pastors who had the courage to say, “No more!” Kidnappings and brutal slayings by criminal gangs had made

Juárez, Mexico, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. While the citizens of Juárez remained locked inside their houses, orphaned youths searched for weapons, vowing to avenge the murders of their loved ones.

Determined to take their community back, a small group of pastors began praying for their terrorized city. Word of their meetings spread, and before long, a growing alliance of pastors and church leaders were calling on God for their city. As they prayed, one thing became clear—for there to be change in Juárez, the church must lead the way.

Seventy-eight pastors accepted the challenge and began urging their congregations to become involved by evangelizing the homes of Juárez. It was no easy task. Many church members were afraid to knock on doors, unsure what kind of reception they’d get. No one could be trusted. Many of the city’s policemen and government soldiers worked for the drug lords. Juárez had become a center of moral depravity.

But the pastors kept praying, asking God for a spiritual awakening in their gang-infested city. When they approached our Mexico office with their vision, Every Home for Christ was quick to come on board. We agreed to provide gospel literature and help with the training needed for effective home-to-home evangelism. The burden for Juárez became so heavy that Every Home for Christ senior leaders encouraged our team in Mexico to make it the focus of the 2013 Christmas Outreach. Bolstered by the growing momentum, Every Home for Christ Mexico leaders, the allied pastors and hundreds of pioneer missionaries set out to evangelize one of the world’s most dangerous cities.

More than 1,100 trained volunteers delivered the Gospel to the city of Juárez in a variety of ways. Many went home to home and, though nervous, were well received. Occupants, who were wary at first, discovered


No More!by Kathy Gowler




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Christmas Outreaches

In our tumultuous world, millions of lost souls are in desperate search of hope. They won’t find it in their false religions, in disillusioned leaders or on the evening news. We have what they’re looking for. We must bring them the Good News.

Thousands of searching souls will meet Him through this year’s Christmas Outreaches. To help us reach even more, go to the next page.

the people at their doors had come to share God’s love. Even in the most dangerous areas, drug addicts and criminals listened carefully to the message of salvation. Some expressed their desire for a new life but feared for the safety of their families if they left the drug lords.

Special programs for children provided opportunities to share the Gospel in fun and creative ways. One of those events touched more than 1,500 families. Several Christian doctors volunteered to minister to patients at the Children’s Psychiatric Center. As they worked with the children, they shared comforting words from Psalm 27:10, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take care of me” (NKJV paraphrase). Through these visits, 183 emotionally traumatized children accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

More than 50,000 gospel booklets were distributed during the Juárez Christmas Outreach, and it wasn’t long before people noticed a change in the city known for its brutal criminal activity. Radio and television hosts began talking about it; they knew something had happened, though they didn’t know what. In the year following that Christmas Outreach, criminal activity in Juárez noticeably decreased. We know that was the direct result of prayer.

Though Juárez is not completely rid of organized crime, the Body of Christ is making itself known. The light of the Gospel is dispelling the darkness, and the lost are coming to Christ daily. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Juárez. The city’s residents have experienced unimaginable horror and need healing for their souls. We praise God that, through the Every Home for Christ Christmas Outreach, healing has begun.

1 Motivated by faith in Jesus and love for their city, over one thousand volunteers in Juárez join in Every Home for Christ’s Christmas Outreaches. 2 God touches the hearts of a crowd of youngsters as they worship and pray in Juárez. 3 Every Home for Christ Mexico rejoices over those baptized as a result of its Christmas Outreaches.

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Every Home for Christ Christmas Outreaches share the message of salvation with entire communities in unique and creative ways. Will you help us provide our global workers with the special tools they need? Your generous gift will change lives!

Give the Gift of Bibles“I’ve waited for 65 years to have a Bible.” There is no greater gift we can give to new believers than the gift of God’s Word. Last year, Every Home for Christ was able to distribute more than 1,981,174 Bibles to people who desperately needed them. Tragically, that was just a drop in the bucket. The requests we get for Bibles from around the world are staggering. Your gift will help us provide new believers with their own Bibles.


Gifts that Touch the HeartReaching the Least of These


See the accompanying donation form or go online to give at www.EHC.org/christmas.

Give to Support Christmas OutreachesYour generous gift to fund Every Home for Christ Christmas Outreaches will help us deliver the Gospel to searching souls in innovative ways. It will be the most meaningful gift you give—and one you don’t have to wrap.

$50See the accompanying donation form or go online to give at www.EHC.org/christmas.

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Gifts that Touch the Heart

Give the Gift of Gospel LiteratureOver the next few weeks, churches throughout the world will deliver the hope of salvation to entire communities through gospel literature. In most cases, these gospel messages can reach a whole family for just pennies, so your generous gift will make it possible for entire communities, villages or towns to receive the Good News.

$35See the accompanying donation form or go online to give at www.EHC.org/christmas.

Give the Gift of a MotorcycleOur dedicated global workers do whatever it takes to deliver the Gospel to the most remote areas of their nations. The majority of them travel long distances, carrying heavy packs of gospel literature on bicycle, by horseback or on foot. Those motorcycles that are available are often in desperate need of repair. For our tireless national workers, the gift of a new motorcycle could change everything.

$3,500See the accompanying donation form or go online to give at www.EHC.org/christmas.

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1 Faithful workers prepare for a long trek to remote villages. 2 A youngster smiles as she reads about the love of God. 3 A gospel worker is mobbed by youth wanting gospel literature—a precious commodity in Rwanda.

1 2 3

o prepare for their Christmas Outreach, our national leaders spend many weeks training and preparing thousands of pioneer missionaries to deliver the Gospel

to unreached areas of their nations. Many of those workers travel great distances over difficult terrain, carrying boxes of gospel literature. Often, they go on foot. We received this heartbreaking letter from one of our outreach leaders in Rwanda earlier this year. Here’s what he wanted us to know:

January 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I am writing on behalf of 195 volunteers who had the privilege of delivering the Gospel in our beloved Rwanda during the recent Christmas Outreach. Though we endure many struggles, we are driven to spread the Good News of salvation to every home in our struggling nation.

The focus of our outreach was on unreached areas in the Ngororero District. We went by faith, asking the Lord to help us cover 13 villages. With only 16 days to accomplish the task, we divided into groups and went our separate ways. We hadn’t gone far when heavy rains came, making it impossible to reach all the areas we’d hoped. We were devastated. But, determined that the rain would not stop us, we headed in another direction, still asking the Lord for a bountiful harvest of souls.

As it happened, the rains turned out to be a blessing. An unusual number of villagers invited us into their homes so we could dry ourselves by their fires. God works in mysterious ways. The bad weather gave us greater opportunities to tell of His love and share His gift of salvation!

Because we spent more time in each home, responses to the Gospel were far greater than we had imagined. Early in our outreach, we ran low on gospel literature. We had to tell entire families and many children that we didn’t have enough booklets and they would have to share. It was very difficult to do.


They WantYou to Know


by Kathy Gowler






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Gospel Literature

Last year, more than 99.5 million homes received the Good News of salvation when gospel literature was delivered to their doors. As a result, 16.8 million lost souls met their Savior.

Our volunteers can reach three families for about $1. Your gift of $35 or more could reach an entire village! We need your help to keep our global workers well supplied.

Please be as generous as you can. To give a gift of gospel literature, go to page 9.

We started out with 20,000 booklets, but only partway through our mission, we were forced to return to our office to try to find some more. We rejoiced when we found a forgotten box left over from the year before and were able to continue our ministry until they were gone too.

With God’s help and 195 wonderful volunteers, gospel literature was delivered to 21,524 homes. In spite of the rains, we surpassed our goal of reaching 13 villages and covered 28! More than 6,500 souls found salvation, backslidden Christians repented, and struggling church leaders were encouraged in their faith. Glory to God!

I am writing to you for two reasons: to send our gratitude for the wonderful gospel materials you provided for our outreach, and to implore you to send us more as often as you can. We were disheartened when we had to suspend our ministry because we ran out—we could have reached many more lost souls.

With sincerest thanks,

Your brother in Christ, Amos

Sadly, Brother Amos’ letter isn’t the only one we’ve received pleading for more gospel literature. In more than 130 nations, pioneer missionaries are standing by, but we cannot send them out with empty hands. The world is full of famished souls who need to know they have a Savior.

A young mother enjoys reading about God’s love.

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t was finally a cool morning, and Sylvester woke up early—long before the others. He was one of 32 pioneer missionaries sent to

deliver the Gospel to the coastal area of Tufi, Papua New Guinea. For weeks, the team had endured intense tropical heat as they walked from village to village. This morning, Sylvester decided to go off on his own.

Sylvester walked for hours before finding the jungle village he set out for. It was much smaller than he expected. His heart sank when he saw there were only five houses—one for every hour he’d just walked. Sylvester reminded himself that he was on this trip to deliver the Gospel to unreached villages, and this was definitely one. So with sweat dripping down his face, he began knocking on the doors of the humble dwellings. He explained that he had come to tell them they had a Savior. It was news they’d never heard before.

Sylvester was deeply moved when he learned he

was the very first visitor the village had ever received. He was humbled that God had sent him to deliver His love to souls who had remained hidden from the rest of the world. That afternoon, Sylvester led the entire village to Christ.

This summer, another Every Home for Christ outreach focused on unreached villages in Papua New Guinea’s mountainous region. This team faced difficult challenges too, although different from Sylvester’s. The villages they were headed for remain isolated by rugged mountains and raging rivers. The pioneer missionaries walked the difficult terrain for days, motivated by what awaited them—people Jesus loved who had never heard His name.

They soon found out that their adrenaline wouldn’t be enough to sustain them. The pioneer missionaries were chased away from the first few villages by tribal leaders who refused to hear the Gospel. Disappointed


Beautiful Feetby Kathy Gowler


Continued on page 15

Reaching homes in the highland provinces of Papua New Guinea is a challenge even under the best conditions.

Young pioneer missionaries participate in an evangelistic walkathon.

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One of the ministry vehicles in this country was involved in an accident and suffered damages. Please pray for the repairs to be completed both quickly and affordably so that this vehicle can be utilized for gospel outreaches again.(John 1:1-18)

On a recent outreach in Belgium, only two out of 50 doors opened to our workers’ knocks. Despite this, they were able to lead one woman to Christ, and witnessed God heal another. Please pray for doors—and hearts—to be opened in this European nation. (Genesis 1-4)

In a single month’s outreaches, over 700 people responded positively to the Gospel. Praise God! Please pray for these new believers to be encouraged in the Lord and to grow in their faith through Christ Group discipleship. (Psalms 1-3)

Our team in Nigeria recently received this text: “Can I give my life to Christ again? I was born again before, but sin still dominates my life. What can I do?” Please pray for our workers as they follow up to guide this person back to the Savior. (Genesis 17-19)

Our workers in Slovakia set up a booth at a Christian music festival called Campfest. Even though it was a Christian event, they met many people who didn’t know Jesus but wanted to know more about Him. Please pray for the seeds that were planted through conversations at the booth. (Genesis 20-22)

After a recent evangelism training, 127 pioneer missionaries took the Gospel to 1,295 people. Please pray that the messages delivered by these workers will find hearts open to receive God’s saving love. (Job 1-4)

Ancestor worship and traditional beliefs have deep roots in Lesotho, and our team there struggles to find enough workers to share the Gospel. Please pray for God to send pioneer missionaries to the people of Lesotho so they can hear the Good News for the very first time.(Genesis 5-8)

“Pastor Ruiz baptized me because I am convinced that I am saved, that my sins are forgiven, and I give my public testimony that I am a follower of Jesus,” said a new believer in Mexico. “I want to serve the Lord.” Please pray for all the newly baptized believers to grow in their faith. (Genesis 9-12)

A woman contacted our team in this country to request a Christian book for her eight-year-old son. Though she doesn’t know a lot about Jesus, she is interested. Please pray that her eyes will be opened to the truth as she and her son read the New Testament we sent to them. (Genesis 13-16)

A man in Venezuela refused to hear the Gospel because he was busy cutting his lawn. In response, our gospel workers offered to cut it for him if he would listen. Their attitude so surprised this man, he changed his mind and accepted Jesus as his Savior! Please pray for him to grow in his newfound faith. (Psalms 4-7)

The Association of Christian Bakers has made plans to distribute gospel literature during a meeting of the bakery industry. Please pray that this unique evangelism opportunity will reach hearts ready to receive salvation through Jesus. (Job 5-8)

It can be intimidating for volunteers to go door to door in neighborhoods controlled by traditional belief systems. But our team leaders in the Republic of Moldova are courageous. Please pray for God to strengthen them and to prepare hearts in these communities to receive the Gospel. (Job 9-12)

Pastor Ossébi felt called to Lilengue, a village of unbelievers where no Christian had gone for years. Now, his church has adopted the village, and many have come to Christ. Please pray for the people of Lilengue to have hearts open to the Gospel. (Job 13-16)

Heavy flooding in the fall presented a challenge to evangelistic outreaches. But our tenacious pioneer missionaries simply visited the affected villages by boat. Please pray for the Good News they shared to produce a great harvest and for new believers to grow through Christ Group discipleship. (Job 17-20)

Systematic evangelism is planned for several districts in this closed country. Please pray that God will remove all physical and spiritual obstacles to these outreaches and that hearts will be open to receive the Gospel from our workers. (Job 21-24)













Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project), and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2015 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

DAILY PRAYER WATCH Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | www.EHC.org | [email protected]


Pop. 10,400,0001.3%

WPM # 87

POP. 177,200,00019.8%

WPM # 35

Pop. 81,000,0002.1%

WPM # 83

Pop. 55,700,0005.1%

WPM # 136















Pop. 10,400,00027.3%

WPM # 18

Pop. 3,600,0003.5%

WPM # 103

Pop. 6,600,00022.3%

WPM # 147

Pop. 28,900,0007.8%

WPM # 217

Pop. 5,400,0001.3%

WPM # 81

Pop. 1,900,00011.6%

WPM # 2

Pop. 120,300,0008.4%

WPM # 181

Pop. 77,400,00019.3%

WPM # 19

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HONDURASPioneer missionaries picked up a hitchhiker named Elvin. They shared the Gospel with Elvin, and the Holy Spirit moved in his heart. He asked them to stop the car so he could pray with them to accept Christ. Please pray for Elvin to grow in his newfound faith.(Psalms 8-11)

Every Home for Christ Poland is in the process of making a prayer map of its nation. Please pray that the development process will go quickly and that the finished product will be a powerful tool to help Polish believers pray strategically for their country. (Job 29-32)

Every Home for Christ Brazil is completing its new website. It is designed to be a tool for engaging new churches in evangelism and connecting new believers to discipleship in the faith. Please pray for its smooth implementation. (Job 33-36)

A Christian lady shared with her Christ Group that she and her husband seemed unable to have children. So her Christ Group prayed for her, and she is now expecting her firstborn! Please pray for this woman and her child to experience a healthy pregnancy and birth.(Genesis 27-30)

There are few opportunities for entertainment in the village of Verkhnyevilyuisk, so a church there bought a trampoline. Now, children from the community come to play, and their families hear the Gospel. Please pray that this unique ministry will lead to a great harvest. (Psalms 12-14)

Many Christians have been forced to flee this country over the last several years due to unrest and insecurity. Please pray for God to provide grace and protection and for our gospel workers to press on with the work there. (Genesis 31-34)

“Our students experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives,” writes a discipleship trainer in Tanzania. “Now they are the best workers in their churches.” Please pray for these new Christians as they continue to grow in their faith and reach out to their neighbors. (Job 37-39)

Every Home for Christ’s work in New Caledonia is just getting started, and we are searching for the right person to coordinate the work. Please pray that God will direct us to the National Director He wants for this island nation in the South Pacific. (Job 40-42)

Our team in Belize is conducting an outreach for Roaring Creek village. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen our workers and go ahead of them to prepare the hearts of the people to receive the Good News. (Genesis 23-26)

A woman named Magret had been sick for five years. At a special showing of a film about Jesus, she asked a pastor to pray for her. Magret accepted Jesus as her Savior and was healed. “All my pain is gone,” she says. “I feel peace.” Please pray for Magret as she grows in her faith. (Genesis 35-38)

Recently, 25 young people overcame their fear of participating in home-to-home outreaches. Afterward, they said the hardest part was resisting the temptation to give up, but now they never want to stop! Please pray that God will nurture their new passion for evangelism. (Genesis 39-42)

Our team in Burkina Faso asks for prayers for their Christ Groups. “The greatest challenge is the growth of new converts in discipleship,” they write. “Pray for God to show us leaders who can lead these groups and make other disciples.” (Genesis 43-46)

We rejoice that two new churches have been started in this closed country. Please pray for them to become well established and to grow in maturity. Pray that God will use these churches to spread His kingdom in this country.(Genesis 47-50)











Pop. 300,00018.8%

WPM # 183

Pop. 38,300,0000.3%

WPM # 84

Pop. 142,500,0001.2%

WPM # 107

Pop. 19,100,00022.7%

WPM # 13

Pop. 49,600,0009.8%

WPM # 16

Pop. 48,400,00019.5%

WPM # 1

Pop. 14,600,00021.0%

WPM # 14

Pop. 202,700,00024.8%

WPM # 221

Pop. 18,400,0009.1%

WPM # 40

SATURDAY SUNDAYPop. 24,700,0009.0%

WPM # 8Despite the stronghold of traditional belief systems and the distraction of political events, our workers in Mozambique have shared the Good News, resulting in 198 responses to the Gospel and 57 baptisms. Please pray for these new believers to grow in faith. (Exodus 1-3)

“The Every Home for Christ ministry in Angola has given us wings to fly,” writes a believer there. “We praise the Lord for allowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be taken from town to town, village to village and home to home.” Please pray for hearts to be open to receive the Gospel. (Psalms 15-19)
















Attacks on travelers have resulted in many roads being closed within South Sudan, making it hard for our pioneer missionaries to receive the supplies they need for outreaches. Please pray for the roads to be made safe and reopened. (Job 25-28)


WPM # 3216



Pop. 3,300,0005.9%

WPM # 227

Pop. 8,500,00022.1%

WPM # 185

Pop. 300,0005.4%

WPM # 150

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but not discouraged, the dedicated workers pressed on. They had come too far to turn back without leading a single soul to Christ.

Their efforts were rewarded when they reached the village of a young man named Wallace. Wallace was involved in drugs when outreach workers began talking to him about God’s love and the condition of his life. No one had ever talked to Wallace about his soul before. In fact, he didn’t even know it mattered. Through their conversation, Wallace learned that there was only one way to fill the void in his life, and that was to accept Jesus as his Savior.

That day, when Wallace surrendered his life to Christ, he was so excited that he couldn’t wait to tell the entire village what had happened. He went home to home with the pioneer missionaries, telling his neighbors they needed Jesus too. Wallace stopped using drugs and has since completed Every Home for Christ’s discipleship training. Now he helps coordinate discipleship classes in his region.

There are thousands of isolated communities throughout the world that have never heard the Gospel. Our dedicated workers are wearing out their shoes (and their bodies) to reach them. The gift of a motorcycle would enable them to go farther than they ever have, to reach even more lost souls for Christ. Help us provide them with the transportation they so desperately need. The gift of a motorcycle would be an answer to their prayers.


All over the world, Every Home for Christ workers are delivering the Gospel to remote areas of their nations on foot. Why? Because they won’t stop until they’ve reached every home with the Good News. The gift of a motorcycle would dramatically transform their work. Please help us provide our faithful pioneer missionaries with the transportation they need. Give the gift of a motorcycle. See page 9 for details.

Every Home for Christ workers walk to a bus stop, carrying their supplies on their backs.

Wallace, once addicted to drugs, is now alive in Christ! 


These prayer maps contain helpful tools to guide and fuel your prayers for the United States and the world.




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