Everyday Health Risks – Good Health, January 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Everyday Health Risks Good Health, January 2013


  • 7/29/2019 Everyday Health Risks Good Health, January 2013



    You do you best to ead a heathy iestye, but you coud be jeopadisigyou heath without eve kowig it, discoves Boie Vaugha

    Wokig at a desk job

    Oice wokes take ote

    sittig o pooged

    peiods ca shote you

    ie spa. A ew Austaia

    study detemied that

    peope who sit o 11 o

    moe hous a day have

    a 40 pe cet highe isk

    o death om ay cause

    compaed to peope who

    sit o ess tha ou hous

    a day. Those who sit

    betwee eight ad 11

    hous have a 15 pe cet

    geate isk. Ad egua

    execise doest hep.

    Accodig to D Hidde

    Va De Poeg, study

    co-autho, ou sedetay

    iestye is to bame. I you

    have a sittig job ad you

    dive to ad om wok,

    watch TV a eveig o

    use the compute thats

    a ot o sittig, he says.

    The pobem is whe

    we sit dow, we dot

    cotact ou musces

    a actio equied to

    cea ou boodsteam

    o gucose ad ats. The

    og-tem cosequeces

    icude obesity,

    cicuatoy pobems, a

    sow metaboism ad a

    iceased isk o cace.

    Heathie ateative:

    Beak up you sittig time

    as much as possibe. Wak

    to the pite; stad up

    ad stetch evey hou;

    wak at uchtime; tak

    ace-to-ace to wokmates

    athe tha sed emais.

    Eve stadig o the bus

    wi make a dieece.

    Diets designed to rid your body of toxins

    often require fasting, eliminating entire

    food groups or consuming only juices.

    According to Dr Katherine Hanna from the

    School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

    at Queensland University of Technology,

    these diets are fraught with potential health

    issues. They not only omit key sources of vital

    nutrients, they can also disrupt your metabolic

    rate and ush out good bacteriawith bad. These diets usually

    focus on the short-term

    rather than taking a sensible

    approach to long-term weight

    maintenance, says Hanna.


    Stick to a balanced diet

    as recommended byThe

    Australian Guide to Healthy

    Eating and avoid foods with too

    much added fat, sugar and salt.Also, drink plenty of water.

    Cea upyou

    (heath) act!

    Goig o a detox diet

  • 7/29/2019 Everyday Health Risks Good Health, January 2013


    Gettig a ge

    maicueThis popular procedure might give you a

    polished look that lasts for weeks, but you

    could end up with something a lot more

    permanent such as skin cancer. The lamps

    used to cure the gel polish are exposing your

    hands to UV radiation. According to a 2009

    US case study, two women who developed

    non-melanoma skin cancer on their hands

    had both been frequently exposed to UVnail lights, even though neither had a

    personal or family history of the disease.

    HEAlTHIEr AlTErnATIVE:Apply a broad

    spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen to your hands

    before placing them under the UV light.

    Better yet, seek out a salon that uses LED

    lights instead.

    Spucig upyou home with

    ai eshee

    A ecet US epot detemied

    that sceted spays, cades,

    ois ad ges may be a wose

    o you tha ay asty sme.

    These poducts eease

    chemicas kow as voatie

    ogaic compouds (VOCs),

    which ca tigge aegy

    symptoms ad asthma

    attacks. Eve poducts maked

    a atua o ogaic may

    cotai VOCs which, eeased

    i high doses, ca cause

    headaches ad dizziess.

    A dieet US study oud

    that may commoy used

    ai eshees cotaied

    phthaates, chemicas iked

    to homoa disuptio.

    Heathie ateative: Make

    up bouquets o coves ad

    ciamo to eave out i sma

    bows, add a ew dops o a

    essetia oi to puiied wate

    i a spay botte to use as a

    mist, o ty the most atua

    optio o a ope a widow.

    Super-snug clothes like skinny

    jeans, compression underwear

    or tight belts all carry the risk

    of a potentially painful sideeffect known as meralgia

    paresthetica, caused by

    continuous compression of

    a nerve running from the

    pelvis into the outer thigh.

    The symptoms are numbness,tingling, burning pain and

    shooting sensations, says

    Emeritus Professor John

    Willoughby from Flinders

    University. The result may be

    permanent nerve damage.


    Wear loose-tting garments

    for several weeks to ease the

    pressure. Avoid wearinganything too tight.

    Micowavigi pastic

    Chemicas used i mauactuig

    pastic cotaies o pastic wap

    ca each ito the ood theye

    ecasig whe heated i the

    micowave. O chie coce ae

    Bispheo A (BPA) ad phthaates,

    which have bee iked to beast

    cace ad homoe dysuctio.

    Athough D Ia Musgave,

    phamacoogy ectue at the

    Uivesity o Adeaide, says the

    amout o BPA is way beow the

    isk theshod, we shoud be

    cautious o usig od cotaies.

    I the pastic stats to degade

    o beak dow, the ikeihood

    o mateia eachig out is

    much highe, he says.

    Heathie ateative:

    Oy use cotaies abeed

    micowave sae. I sti i doubt,

    heat you ood ad beveages

    i ceamic o gass.

    Squeezigito skiyjeas




  • 7/29/2019 Everyday Health Risks Good Health, January 2013


    Usig spot-o fea adtick pet teatmets

    Although convenient, these

    formulations contain pesticide,

    which is harmful to animals and

    humans alike. Spot-on treatments

    are neurotoxins, states Patty

    Walcott, founder of Healthy Pets

    Naturally. They destroy the nerve

    of the insect thats how they kill

    them. And while they say on the

    pack that the product only gets

    into the top tissue layer of the

    animals skin, thats not true.

    In studies, traces of the products

    have been found in the animals

    organs, intestinal tracts, stools and

    urine. Side effects include seizures,

    hypersensitivity, hormone disruption

    and possibly cancer, and other

    household animals exposed to thesechemicals are also at risk. Equally

    worrying is the US Environmental

    Protection Agency's nding that

    pronil, the main ea-killing

    ingredient, is a possible human

    carcinogen. Their concern has led to

    a reassessment of labelling language

    and dosage recommendations.


    While most tick collars or oral

    ea medications are safer options,

    Walcott prefers such natural

    methods as bathing, combing,

    electronic tick repellents and using

    cedar oil sprays and shampoos

    formulated especially for pets.

    Remember, you have to treat the

    environment, she adds, so spray

    furniture and pet bedding with

    cedar oil, add it to the wash, put it inoor cleaner, and vacuum a lot.

    Usig amobie phoe

    The atest sciece hods

    that thees a possibe ik

    betwee mobie phoe use

    ad bai cace, with studies

    suggestig that itesive

    use (moe tha ha a hou

    evey day o at east 10

    yeas) iceases tumou

    isk. Athough o deiitive

    eects have yet bee pove,

    studies ae ogoig.

    Poesso Adew Wood,

    eseach diecto at the

    Austaia Cete o

    radioequecy Bioeects

    reseach, poits out that a

    the eseach to date has bee

    o ist-geeatio systems

    ad wee up to 4G ow.

    Techoogy is movig o,

    he says. Its ow usig

    ew equecies, dieet

    positios o ateas, a

    kids o thigs. So wed be

    wise to keep ou guad up.

    Whee thees sight doubt

    o saety o somethig

    that is so pevaet i the

    commuity, you woud wat

    to assume some sot o

    pecautio, he advises.

    Heathie ateative:

    The uthe you hod the

    phoe away om you body,

    the moe you educe you

    adiatio exposue. Use a

    hads-ee headset, a eto

    hadset, the speakephoe,

    o be exta sae ad text, but

    ot whie divig, o couse.