&K 4 ' t J. 4 , i.. rvr HE "DAILY BULLETIN" 18 rUllMSHKl) Enry AUoruoon Except Sundays At tin. Olileu, Queen street, Honolulu, 11. t. DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager koutiik Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited.) HUltHOltll'TlO.VH: Daily Bui.lktin, 1 your i?0 00 " " 0 mouths 3 00 " " pel" lUUUlh (de- livered') C SVekkly 15ULLKT1N SUMMAKV, 1 your $1 00 foreign. 6 00 ,tm llolli TlciHoin'B No. S450.-- S jSSPAddteNS all business communica- tions "Manaokii Daily Bulletin." C5JAd(lu'SS all matter for publica- tion "Kuitou Daily uulluyin." u: o. nKi. HdllOlUlll. II. 1. JM. Attorney MONSARRAT, at Law and Notary jL'ubllc. Mei chant street, Honolulu. T ALFRED MAQOON, if . Attorney at Law and Notary Public, No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-1-0- 1 lulu. SCHMIDT & SONS, HW. Impoiteis & Commission Mer- chants. Fort street, Honolulu. & OO , HHACKFELD Comtnlssion Agents. Corner Foit and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, H. I. 01 ."I "W MACFARLANE & Co , UT luiporteis and Commission Jtlei chants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. 1. 01 & CO., GONSALVES Gioccrs aud Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, ,H. I. 01 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General. Merchandise. Queen stieet, Honolulu, tH.I. 1-- V7 1L.DER & Co., VV Deuleis in Lumber, Paints, ..Oils, Nails, Salt'aud Building Materials of eveiy kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. EWERS & COOKE, L Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Foit street, Honolulu. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, I I H. I. Bteain Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; lion, Brass aud Lead Castings ; Machinery of every description made to order. Paitioular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing. Job Woik ex- ecuted at short notice. Atlas Assurance Gouaiy OF LO.N'UON. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 01 G. B. RIPLEY, AKOIIITHOT. Officii: Koom 5, Spicckuls' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. New Designs ! Modern Buildings ! Complete plans anil specifications for every description of building. Conducts drawn aud caicful superintendence of constiuction given when lcquhcd. Call and examine plans. apr 20 ly Preliminary Aioicemeit IMPORTANT SALE i account of Captain Monsscau's ON depaiture by iho next outgoing steamer, aud to close paituershlp ac- counts Dr. Tiousseau offeis for gale the Hawaiian Ostrich Egg Farm, Jvuplolunl PnrJc, Comprising tho Fieehold of tho Pio-pert- y. Fuiulluie, Agricultural linple-- . ments, Windmills, Pumps, Steam Fu-glu- e, etc., etc. 2 Fair of Breeding Ostriches, 35 more or less Young Ostriches, From a day to 8 mouths old ; 1 Iloise nnd Brake, 1 Expiess Wagon, 1 Cait, a large number of puicbred Brown j.KUuiii runia imu uiiiuib. toy The 1'iopeity will ho sold as a whole or everything bepaintoly to suit purchase) s, There aie on thu Farm over 200 Navel Orange, Adriatiu Fig, aud Olive Trees, and over lOOOlmpoited Pineapple Plants of the best sorts, Thu whole of the laud Is laid out for complete in igatiou, the water being sup- plied fiom mi Inexhaustible buiface well of ery sweet water. Dr. Tiousseau all liabilities of tho Ostrich Faun and would like all accounts, if any, to bu sent to him by October 31st. Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sca- n will give oery possible Informa- tion. Iieir For price aud other particulars, apply to mit DR. TROUSSEAU. Australian Mail Service ! & VHi HAN VftANUIHCO, Tliu New aud Flno Al Sleol Steamship k it ALAMEDA, 01 the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due nt Honolulu irom Syduey and Auckland on or about Jan. 14. 1892, Aud will leave for tho above port with malls and passengers on or aboutr that date. S6T" For freight or passage, having su pcrlor accommodations, apply to Wm Q. IRWIN & CO., I'd, Agents. For Sydney and Auckland ! Tho New and Flno Al Steel Steamship "iworaowAi," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will he duo nt Honolulu from Sati Francisco on or about Jan. 14, 1892, And will have prompt dispatch with malls and passengers for the above ports. G2T For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Wm Q. IEWIN & CO.. L'd, 01 Agents. Wilier':! stiiiilii Go.'s .a TI31K TA1ILK: STMR. 'KINAU.' CLARKE, CommamJjr, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M., touching at Lahaina, Maaluea Buy and Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a, Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. LEAVESONOLUMJ, Tuesday Jan 12 Friday Jan 22 Returning leaves Hilo touching at Laupahoehoo same day; Kawaihae, A. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makena, G r. m. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. M. ; Laha-in- a, 10 p. m. the following day ; arriv- ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. AIMUVE8 AT HONOLULU. Saturday Jan 9 Wednesday Jan 20 Saturday Jan 30 gjF No Freight will bo received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STMR.'CLAUDINE.' DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i, Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hul- u. Roturning will arrivo at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. gjB No Freight will bo received after 4 p. M. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at tho landings to receive their freight, as wo will not hold oursolves responsible after such freight has been landed. While the Company will uso duo diligence in handling live stock, we decline to as- sume any responsibility in case of the loss of 6amc,and will not bo responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. W. 0. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port SHpt. 1 Pacific fall SteaisUn Go AND TIIK Occidental & Oriental S, S. Co, For Yokohama & Hongkong. Steamers of tho above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports oil or about the following dates : Stmr. "Gaelic" Feb. 11, 1892 Slmr. "nio de Janeiro" April 12, 1892 Stmr. "Oceanic" June 9, 1892 For San FranciBCo. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hongkong and Yokohama to the above poit on or about the following dates: Slmr. "Rio de Janeiro" Jan. 9, 1892 Stmr "Oceanic" March 5, 1892 Stmr. "City ol Peking" May S, 1892 Stmr. "Gaelic" Aug. 17, 1892 tST Round Trip Tickets to Yokohama and return, $350. WSr For freight and passage, apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 2G7 U Agents PAPER HANGING! h Mkvku the Painter a cull GIVKJ. have your Paper Hunglug done promptly aud neatly. 130 Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUAKY 0, 185)2. uceamc SteamsiiiD Cos TIME TAI,K: I.OOAI. link. An he Honolulu Leave Honolulu fiom S. F. for S. F. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Jan2G Feb 2 Feb 23 March 1 March 22 March 29 April 10 April 2G May 17 May 2-- 1 Juno 14 June 21 July 12 July 19 Aug 9 AuglG Sept 0 Sept 13 Oct 4 Oct 11 Nov 1 Nov 8 TlIKOliall LIME. Arrive from San Sail for Sau Fran- cisco. Francisco. Monowai Jan 14 Alameda Alameda Feb 11 Mariposa Mariposa...., Mar 10 Monowai Monowai. .. .April 7 Alameda Alameda May 5 Mariposa Mariposa Juno 2 Monowai Monowai June 30 Alameda Alameda July 28 Mariposa Mariposa Aug 25 ... .Monowai Monowai Sept 22 Alameda Alameda Oct 20 Mariposa Mariposa Nov 17 Monowai THE URLINGT ON Formerly the Grand Hotof. Corner Second & Market Streets, San Francisco. MRS. BULLING, Proprietress. This Fine Hotel, centrally located for business purposes, having been thor- oughly rei ovated and newly furnished throughout, offers special ponvenleuces to intending visitors from the Hawaiian Islands. rsfF A complete system of electric bells. Direct communication with Hoffman Cafe. Rooms from $1 per Day Upwards. 287 3m AN INYOrCE OF FINE AVANA Cigars. From Havana Direct. G. 0. BERGER. 287 tf VING-FAT&OO.- , Contractors Builders Corner Bethel & King Streets. Will furnish estimates for all kinds of Fiame Buildings, Manufactuicrs and dealers u Furniture. Tho latest pat-tur- ns imported from the Coast Mill work done and all kinds of Mouldings made at the shortest notice, tSf Furniture Storo at No. 00 Nuu-iii- ni street, opuo. Ah lice's. 302 3m FOIi SALE 1 I HAVE Flue Residence Sites, situated on 1 llkol street, for sale. The Lots haveafiontagu of 04 feet on Phkol street and uro 200 feet deep, are nicely laid out in fruit aud shade trees aud are all covered with grass; water laid on throughout. The situation of these- Lotw and tho limited number make it necessary that lutenillmr purchasers should muke early application to the undersigned, from whom all particulars can bo had. JAS. F. MORGAN. 203 tf E. B. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Estimates given on all kinds of Ilrick, Iron, Stone aud Wooden Uulldings. All kinds of Jobbing In tho Building Trade attended to Keeps for sale Urlck.Llmo, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old aud Now Conugated lion, Mintou Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes aud colors; California and Monterey Sand, urauue uuruiug ami isiocks, juc. SOT Olllce and Yard : Cor. King aud Smith streets. Otilco Hours: 8 toJ2 A. m., and 1 to 4 i. m. Uir Telephoned : Hell, 351: Mutual, 117. Residence: Mutual, 410. P.O. Uox, 117. 120 ly THUS. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING Jeweler $ Wutoliinaher. KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY, King Street, Honolulu, H. I, fir Puitlcular attention nald to all PREHISTORIC itlDIAH CANALS. The greatest sotiycnir left by the aboriginal races o'f' North"" America, says a writer iu the "Irrigation Age," is the immense network of.ptuhi&torio irrigating canals that intersect tho Halt River and Glla valleys of Ari- zona. The age of 'thosu canals is entirely a matter of conjecture. But one tradition exists among the pres- ent Indian tribes' regarding them, and that is only of their destruction. When in 1542 Coronada, the Intrepid conquistador of old Spain, seeking in the north tho seven mile's of Cibola, fiom which he might wregt glory and gold, as Cortez and Pizarrb Mini done in the south, Oral saw these immense ruins, he was astonished at their ex- tent and size, hut failed to learn aught of their age or builders. To him, as to many a later traveler, the old Indian tradition was piobahly to d of how the immense valleys hud been once peopled by a dense and prosperous population, who greatly excelled all other people in the man- ufacture of stone implements, the building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best of modern engineers been able to im- prove on the lines of these ruined canals, while in thu selection of loca- tions nt which to take the water from the rivers tlicie are exhibited the greatest skill aud intelligence, It was these luins that in the early '70'b first gave the American settlers the idea of reclaiming the valley where now stands Phoenix, the capital of the Territory, surrounded by a population of nearly 20,000 souls, the first canal constructed simply following the line of a prehistoric one. In the selection of the loutes "of the subsequent ones, it was merely the question of picking out of the labyrinth of ruins the lines of the main canals and following them. This at limes was difficult work, for some of the laterals were of con- siderable size and capacity. How extensive the entire system of iirigation in the Salt River valley alone wa9 may be inferred from the fact that the amount of land piac-tical- ly covered by the canals was over a quarter of, a million acres, nearly treble the rca of the lands at ncaaent actually" juKivaU-- l within the County of Los Angeles, Cal. The population supported must have been very great, for it is almost im- possible to find an acie within the line of ancient acquias on which frag- ments of pottery, shell ornaments or stone implements cannot be found, while thu ruins of ancient adobe habitations can be seen in every direction where they have not been obliterated by the settler. These are always of the style still to be found among the Zuui, Moqui and otherFue-bl- o Indians of the Southwest, thick, strong walls, with a few openings for doors and windows, and small rooms, with the buildings clustering so closely together as to form almost one tenement. Estimating the acre- age of the past as being one acre to two persons, the present rule among the Pueblo tribes, the population supported by the ditches would not fall short of 500,000 an estimate the best authorities consider conser- vative. The canals themselves, with their principal laterals, must have exceed- ed 1000 miles in length, and the ruins of ninny of them give evidences of the vast labor of their construc- tion. It is to be regretted that the gov- ernment, in the interest of science, has made no provision by which tho few remaining ruins of this descrip- tion still intact can be jjiveu a thor- ough and scientific investigation be- fore the last traces of this ancient skill in irrigation engineering have disappeared. A FAVORITE REMEDY. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite during the winter mouths on account of its gieat success in the cure of "colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or as promptly iclieve tho lungs. Then it counteracts any tendency to ward pneumonia. It is pleasant and safe to take, and fully worthy of its populutity. For sale by all dealers. Henson, Smith & Co., agents. Betides Pictures you can find Beautifully Decorated Porcelain Plaques, Bamboo Easels, Screens, Cabinet Photo Frames, Albums, Leather Purses, Pocket Books, etc., Christ- mas Cards, Brackets, etc., at King Bros., Hotel Street. borYokohamu& Hong Kong THE FINK STEAMSHIP "YAMASHIRO MARU" Will he due at this jioit on .lainmiy 7th, and will letuin to Yokohama on or about January 10th, 1892. connecting at thut poit with tho Iloug Kong steamers. For freight or passage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN & CO,. Limited, 80CU Agents. Bit in LflCGiotiTea, The iindci signed having been iippointcu sole agents for tho Hawailau Islands For tho Colobratcd fia From tho works of Durham, Parry, Williams & Co., l'ltllutlHlithln, I'eiin., Arc now prepared to i;lve estimates and receive orders for these engines, of size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at thee Islands, and we will have pleasure iu furnishing plantation agents aud managers with particulars of s.uno. The superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes Is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., Id, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands CASTLE & CQ0KE, Liio, Firo & Marine insurance Agents 1 AQKNTS FOR Hew England Uotnal Life Ins. Co., OF 110S10N, Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, UNION Insurance Company, OF 8AN FKAKCISCO, CALIFOltNIA. PIOIN121SR STEM GANDY FACTORY AND XIA.ICEltY. 01 ) F. HOKtV, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & liukei. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. C. BREWER & CO.. General Mercantile AND Commission Agents. LIST OF OKFIOKUS: J. O. Carter President & Manager G. II. Robertson Ticamcr E. F. ltlshop Secietary V. F. Allen Audltoi DIUKCTOlts: Hun. C. R. lllbhop, S. C. Allen, II. VVatei house. 3s8St The Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at M Hours The Finest Iinuids of Ciprs, .Jll Toijacct on llumt. II. a). NOITH. t'ropriftor. 1.01 'V11J& Metropolitan TM7? Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY GOATllAGTOllS. Scotch Splint Coal ! 1"M1E uudeisigned offer for falo COO of best Scotch Splint Coal, juut arrived per "Sirathblauu" fiom Olas-go- Tills Coal U equal to best Welch Coal, and especially suited for steam, household and lilouuhluir enirine use. FIRE, LIFE a MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insuranco Co., Assets, $6,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire inc. Co. Assets. $4,317,052. Thamos & Morsoy Marino Ins. Co., (Limited;, Assets, $6, 1 24,057. Now York Life Insuranco Co., Assots, $1 15,947,809.97. CO. BERGER, HONOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. 01 ffm. G. Irwin ii Company, (i,ijiiti:i.) offkk for salk JLiime Ac Cesnent, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, HONE MEAL, FIS1I GUANO, ALSO - BUCK & OlIIiANDT'8 High Grade Chemical Cane Manure, GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS Aud CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornet Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. ffl. G- -. Mil & GO. (M3I1TKIM Win. G. Irwin. . .President in Manager Clans Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. G Iff ard Secretary & Treasurer Theo. O. Porter Auditor BUGAlt FAOTOKS -- AND- Commission Agents. AGENTS OF TIIK Oceaulc Stearnsi Com';, Of Han FranriHi'u. :nl. PUBLIC NOTICE. 1 NOW all men by this notlco that. IV. from and after this date, I have this day discharged Mr. 11, C, Ulukou from acting as an agent for me In any whatever, In thu charge aud ad- ministration of all my piopeuy, aud Iu thu collection of all dues aud icuts upon any and all my estatu iu this Kingdom. Any mm who holds or U iu ponhusslon of any piopuity or who has any business oi payments to make, will transact thu Mime with me peiMiuall at my place at Houuikaha, at Honolulu, Oahu. h'AI'IOLANI, Per Jus, Nawahl. Honolulu, Nov. .1, lhOl. 5U :m IVOTIOE ! THE patrons oi thu Oceaulc S. S. Co. hereby uotlllcd that heieattei no round trip or exclusion tickets will nu Issued fur any of thu tluough maP steamers. These tickets will, however, bo Issued as customary for tho local Htc.iinoirt "Autiullu' and l,ZeaIandU." Passenteis who hold round trip tickets and wish to take thu tluough mall steamer will bu chaiged an extia faie ol Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co. Wm. G.IRWIN & CO., M tf General Avents W. T. M0NSARRAT, Veterinary Surgeon, taromio at Hotel Stables, Hotel I Stieet. lioth Telephones III'. Kesldcucu: dOUBOHIPTION n nt NTH nrij ufll'Th BY AUTHORITY. UII Sale of Government Lots at Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Onku. On WEDNESDAY, January 13, 181)2, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Aliiolani Hale will be sold al public auction Four (4) Lota at Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu, ary-in- g in size from 8 0 acres to 11 10-10- 0 acres. Upset price Varying from $200 to !?400 each lot, according to size and location. The terms nnd conditions of salu will lie cash or at tho option of tho purchaser one fourth cash, and the remainder in equal installments pay- able in one, two or three years with interest payable semi-annuall- y at the rate of 7 percent per annum. Tho purchaser must within ono year from the dato of purchase en- close the land bought by him with a good and substantial fence. Royal Patents will be issued for the land upon the final payment of tho purchase price. A map of the lots can tie seen and full particulars learned at the Laud Olllce. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Otlice, Dec. 12, 1801. 295 3t Sale of Government Land on tho West Corner of Richards and Merchant Stree s, Honolulu. Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, January 13, 185)2, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Halo will bo sold at public auction a strip of Govern- ment land on the west corner of Richards and Merchant streets, ad- joining the property of A. S. Bolster, iu Honolulu, Oahu, aud containing an area of 1112 square feet more or less. Upset pi ice .1250. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior, 'interior Oilice, Dec. 11, 1801. 2!)2 3t Sale of a Tract of Govornmont Land at Lahaina. On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Aliiolani Hale will bu sold at Public Auction a tract of Govern- ment laud at Lahaina, Maui, known as "Mourft Uctreat," and containing an area of 104 acres a little more or less. Upset price!; 150. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of tho Interior. Interior Oliice, Dec. 28, 1801. 300 31 Salo ol a Remnant ol Government Land in Walakoa, Kula, Maui. On WEDNESDAY, January 13, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Aliiolani Hale will bo hold at public auction a Remnant of Gov- ernment Land in Waiakoa, Kula, Maui, containing an area of 3.07 acres more or less. Upset price 5 per acre. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Oilico, Dec. 11, 1801. 205 3t Water Notice. Iu accordance with Sec. 1 of Chap- ter XXVII. of tho Laws of 1880. All persons holding watur privileges or thgso paying water rates, are here- by notified that the water rates for the term ending Juno 30, 1802, will he duo and payable at tho oilico of thu Honolulu Water Works on tho lirst day of January, 1802. All such iates remaining unpaid for fifteen diiyn after thuy are duo will bo subject to an additional 10 pur cent. Rates aro payable at tho oilico of tho Water Works in the Kapuaiwa building. JOHN C. WHITE, Supt. IIoiio. Water Works. Honolulu, Dec. 28, 1801. 305 tf Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, II. I., Dec. 2, 1801. Holders of water priwlegcs.or those paying water rates, are hereby noti- fied that thu hours (or using water for irrigation purposes are from 0 to 8 o'clock a, m., aud 1 to G o'clock i; n. until fuithor notice. JOHN O, WHITE, Supt. Honolulu ator Works, Approved : O. N. St'KNOKIt, Minister of the Interior. .rf. .? buz. ICO tf I kinds of repairs. 211 U U. W. MAOFARLANE& CO, Mutual Tel. 010. dee 10-8- 1 oi u . .11-- 1 ' jTvT2L Jkeii! '"" i - ..- V- - a- - , J1 - i t JsdE - ,, "HH rf - A ' a. l4lH V 3&4MB !a fTlMffl WBWBr1WlMiW'MmiatfrTW9Tsr wtfrjl&mudmmmKluKMamtr

EVENING, JANUAKY Cos Bit · building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best

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Page 1: EVENING, JANUAKY Cos Bit · building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best


4 't J.

4 ,



18 rUllMSHKl)

Enry AUoruoon Except Sundays

At tin. Olileu, Queen street, Honolulu,11. t.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager

koutiikDaily Bulletin Publishing Company,


HUltHOltll'TlO.VH:Daily Bui.lktin, 1 your i?0 00

" " 0 mouths 3 00" " pel" lUUUlh (de-

livered') C


your $1 00

foreign. 6 00

,tm llolli TlciHoin'B No. S450.-- S

jSSPAddteNS all business communica-tions "Manaokii Daily Bulletin."

C5JAd(lu'SS all matter for publica-tion "Kuitou Daily uulluyin."u: o. nKi. HdllOlUlll. II. 1.


at Law and NotaryjL'ubllc. Mei chant street, Honolulu.

T ALFRED MAQOON,if . Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic, No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-1-0- 1


SCHMIDT & SONS,HW. Impoiteis & Commission Mer-chants. Fort street, Honolulu.

& OO ,HHACKFELD Comtnlssion Agents.Corner Foit and Queen streets, Hono-lulu, H. I. 01

."I "W MACFARLANE & Co ,UT luiporteis and Commission

Jtlei chants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. 1. 01

& CO.,GONSALVES Gioccrs aud WineMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,

,H. I. 01

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General.

Merchandise. Queen stieet, Honolulu,tH.I. 1--

V7 1L.DER & Co.,VV Deuleis in Lumber, Paints,

..Oils, Nails, Salt'aud Building Materialsof eveiy kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

EWERS & COOKE,L Importers and Dealers in Lum-ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Foit street, Honolulu.


Bteain Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; lion, Brass aud Lead Castings ;Machinery of every description made toorder. Paitioular attention paid toShip's Blacksmithing. Job Woik ex-

ecuted at short notice.

Atlas Assurance GouaiyOF LO.N'UON.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.01


Officii: Koom 5, Spicckuls' Block.Mutual Telephone 208.

New Designs ! Modern Buildings !

Complete plans anil specifications forevery description of building. Conductsdrawn aud caicful superintendence ofconstiuction given when lcquhcd. Calland examine plans. apr 20 ly

Preliminary Aioicemeit


account of Captain Monsscau'sON depaiture by iho next outgoingsteamer, aud to close paituershlp ac-

counts Dr. Tiousseau offeis for gale the

Hawaiian Ostrich Egg Farm,Jvuplolunl PnrJc,

Comprising tho Fieehold of tho Pio-pert- y.

Fuiulluie, Agricultural linple-- .ments, Windmills, Pumps, Steam Fu-glu- e,

etc., etc.

2 Fair of Breeding Ostriches,35 more or less Young Ostriches,

From a day to 8 mouths old ;

1 Iloise nnd Brake, 1 Expiess Wagon, 1

Cait, a large number of puicbred Brownj.KUuiii runia imu uiiiuib.

toy The 1'iopeity will ho sold as awhole or everything bepaintoly to suitpurchase) s,

There aie on thu Farm over 200 NavelOrange, Adriatiu Fig, aud Olive Trees,and over lOOOlmpoited Pineapple Plantsof the best sorts,

Thu whole of the laud Is laid out forcomplete in igatiou, the water being sup-plied fiom mi Inexhaustible buiface wellof ery sweet water.

Dr. Tiousseau all liabilitiesof tho Ostrich Faun and would like allaccounts, if any, to bu sent to him byOctober 31st.

Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sca- n

will give oery possible Informa-tion.

Iieir For price aud other particulars,apply to


Australian Mail Service !


VHi HAN VftANUIHCO,Tliu New aud Flno Al Sleol Steamship

k itALAMEDA,01 the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due nt Honolulu irom Sydueyand Auckland on or about

Jan. 14. 1892,Aud will leave for tho above port with

malls and passengers on oraboutr that date.

S6T" For freight or passage, havingsu pcrlor accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IRWIN & CO., I'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland !

Tho New and Flno Al Steel Steamship

"iworaowAi,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

he duo nt Honolulu from SatiFrancisco on or about

Jan. 14, 1892,And will have prompt dispatch with

malls and passengers forthe above ports.

G2T For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IEWIN & CO.. L'd,01 Agents.

Wilier':! stiiiilii Go.'s.a



Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M.,touching at Lahaina, Maaluea Buyand Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.

LEAVESONOLUMJ,Tuesday Jan 12Friday Jan 22

Returning leaves Hilo touching atLaupahoehoo same day; Kawaihae,A. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makena,G r. m. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. M. ; Laha-in- a,

10 p. m. the following day ; arriv-ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Saturday Jan 9Wednesday Jan 20Saturday Jan 30

gjF No Freight will bo receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hul- u.

Roturning will arrivo at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

gjB No Freight will bo receivedafter 4 p. M. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at tho landingsto receive their freight, as wo will nothold oursolves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will uso duo diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of 6amc,and will not bo responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. 0. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port SHpt.1

Pacific fall SteaisUn Go


Occidental & Oriental S, S. Co,

For Yokohama & Hongkong.Steamers of tho above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to theabove ports oil or about the followingdates :

Stmr. "Gaelic" Feb. 11, 1892Slmr. "nio de Janeiro" April 12, 1892Stmr. "Oceanic" June 9, 1892

For San FranciBCo.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to the abovepoit on or about the following dates:Slmr. "Rio de Janeiro" Jan. 9, 1892Stmr "Oceanic" March 5, 1892Stmr. "City ol Peking" May S, 1892Stmr. "Gaelic" Aug. 17, 1892

tST Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaand return, $350.

WSr For freight and passage, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,2G7 U Agents

PAPER HANGING!h Mkvku the Painter a cullGIVKJ. have your Paper Hunglug done

promptly aud neatly. 130 Fort street.P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone


uceamc SteamsiiiD Cos


I.OOAI. link.An he Honolulu Leave Honolulu

fiom S. F. for S. F.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Jan2G Feb 2Feb 23 March 1March 22 March 29April 10 April 2GMay 17 May 2-- 1

Juno 14 June 21July 12 July 19Aug 9 AuglGSept 0 Sept 13Oct 4 Oct 11Nov 1 Nov 8

TlIKOliall LIME.

Arrive from San Sail for Sau Fran-cisco.Francisco.

Monowai Jan 14 AlamedaAlameda Feb 11 MariposaMariposa...., Mar 10 MonowaiMonowai. . . .April 7 AlamedaAlameda May 5 MariposaMariposa Juno 2 MonowaiMonowai June 30 AlamedaAlameda July 28 MariposaMariposa Aug 25 ... .MonowaiMonowai Sept 22 AlamedaAlameda Oct 20 MariposaMariposa Nov 17 Monowai


URLINGT ONFormerly the Grand Hotof.

Corner Second & Market Streets, SanFrancisco.

MRS. BULLING, Proprietress.

This Fine Hotel, centrally located forbusiness purposes, having been thor-oughly rei ovated and newly furnishedthroughout, offers special ponvenleucesto intending visitors from the HawaiianIslands.

rsfF A complete system of electric bells.Direct communication with HoffmanCafe.

Rooms from $1 per Day Upwards.287 3m


AVANA Cigars.

From Havana Direct.


287 tf


Contractors BuildersCorner Bethel & King Streets.

Will furnish estimates for all kinds ofFiame Buildings, Manufactuicrs anddealers u Furniture. Tho latest pat-tur- ns

imported from the Coast Millwork done and all kinds of Mouldingsmade at the shortest notice,

tSf Furniture Storo at No. 00 Nuu-iii- ni

street, opuo. Ah lice's. 302 3m


I HAVE Flue Residence Sites,situated on 1 llkol street, for sale.

The Lots haveafiontagu of 04 feet onPhkol street and uro 200 feet deep, arenicely laid out in fruit aud shade treesaud are all covered with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthese- Lotw and tho limited number makeit necessary that lutenillmr purchasersshould muke early application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan bo had. JAS. F. MORGAN.

203 tf


Estimates given on all kinds of Ilrick,Iron, Stone aud Wooden Uulldings. Allkinds of Jobbing In tho Building Tradeattended to Keeps for sale Urlck.Llmo,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings,Old aud Now Conugated lion, MintouTiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes audcolors; California and Monterey Sand,urauue uuruiug ami isiocks, juc.

SOT Olllce and Yard : Cor. King audSmith streets. Otilco Hours: 8 toJ2A. m., and 1 to 4 i. m.

Uir Telephoned : Hell, 351: Mutual,117. Residence: Mutual, 410. P.O.Uox, 117. 120 ly



Jeweler $ Wutoliinaher.KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY,

King Street, Honolulu, H. I,fir Puitlcular attention nald to all


The greatest sotiycnir left by theaboriginal races o'f' North"" America,says a writer iu the "Irrigation Age,"is the immense network of.ptuhi&torioirrigating canals that intersect thoHalt River and Glla valleys of Ari-

zona. The age of 'thosu canals isentirely a matter of conjecture. Butone tradition exists among the pres-ent Indian tribes' regarding them,and that is only of their destruction.When in 1542 Coronada, the Intrepidconquistador of old Spain, seeking inthe north tho seven mile's of Cibola,fiom which he might wregt glory andgold, as Cortez and Pizarrb Mini donein the south, Oral saw these immenseruins, he was astonished at their ex-

tent and size, hut failed to learnaught of their age or builders. Tohim, as to many a later traveler, theold Indian tradition was piobahlyto d of how the immense valleys hudbeen once peopled by a dense andprosperous population, who greatlyexcelled all other people in the man-ufacture of stone implements, thebuilding of great houses, aud inchanging the desert into a mightygarden by putting on it the waters ofthe great riveis.

Nuver has tho levol of the best ofmodern engineers been able to im-

prove on the lines of these ruinedcanals, while in thu selection of loca-tions nt which to take the water fromthe rivers tlicie are exhibited thegreatest skill aud intelligence, Itwas these luins that in the early'70'b first gave the American settlersthe idea of reclaiming the valleywhere now stands Phoenix, the capitalof the Territory, surrounded by apopulation of nearly 20,000 souls,the first canal constructed simplyfollowing the line of a prehistoricone. In the selection of the loutes"of the subsequent ones, it was merelythe question of picking out of thelabyrinth of ruins the lines of themain canals and following them.This at limes was difficult work, forsome of the laterals were of con-

siderable size and capacity.How extensive the entire system

of iirigation in the Salt River valleyalone wa9 may be inferred from thefact that the amount of land piac-tical- ly

covered by the canals wasover a quarter of, a million acres,nearly treble the rca of the lands atncaaent actually" juKivaU-- l withinthe County of Los Angeles, Cal.The population supported must havebeen very great, for it is almost im-

possible to find an acie within theline of ancient acquias on which frag-ments of pottery, shell ornaments orstone implements cannot be found,while thu ruins of ancient adobehabitations can be seen in everydirection where they have not beenobliterated by the settler. These arealways of the style still to be foundamong the Zuui, Moqui and otherFue-bl- o

Indians of the Southwest, thick,strong walls, with a few openingsfor doors and windows, and smallrooms, with the buildings clusteringso closely together as to form almostone tenement. Estimating the acre-age of the past as being one acre totwo persons, the present rule amongthe Pueblo tribes, the populationsupported by the ditches would notfall short of 500,000 an estimatethe best authorities consider conser-vative.

The canals themselves, with theirprincipal laterals, must have exceed-ed 1000 miles in length, and theruins of ninny of them give evidencesof the vast labor of their construc-tion.

It is to be regretted that the gov-ernment, in the interest of science,has made no provision by which thofew remaining ruins of this descrip-tion still intact can be jjiveu a thor-ough and scientific investigation be-

fore the last traces of this ancientskill in irrigation engineering havedisappeared.


Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is afavorite during the winter mouths onaccount of its gieat success in thecure of "colds. There is nothing thatwill loosen a severe cold so quickly,or as promptly iclieve tho lungs.Then it counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It is pleasant andsafe to take, and fully worthy of itspopulutity. For sale by all dealers.Henson, Smith & Co., agents.

Betides Pictures you can find Beautifully

Decorated Porcelain Plaques, Bamboo Easels,Screens, Cabinet Photo Frames, Albums,Leather Purses, Pocket Books, etc., Christ-

mas Cards, Brackets, etc., at King Bros.,Hotel Street.

borYokohamu& Hong Kong


"YAMASHIRO MARU"Will he due at this jioit on .lainmiy 7th,

and will letuin to Yokohamaon or about

January 10th, 1892.connecting at thut poit with tho Iloug

Kong steamers.

For freight or passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO,. Limited,

80CU Agents.

Bitin LflCGiotiTea,

The iindci signed having been iippointcusole agents for tho Hawailau


For tho Colobratcd

fiaFrom tho works of

Durham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

l'ltllutlHlithln, I'eiin.,Arc now prepared to i;lve estimates andreceive orders for these engines, ofsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at thee Islands, and we willhave pleasure iu furnishing plantationagents aud managers with particularsof s.uno.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes Is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., Id,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands

CASTLE & CQ0KE,Liio, Firo & Marine

insurance Agents 1


Hew England Uotnal Life Ins. Co.,

OF 110S10N,

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company,OF 8AN FKAKCISCO, CALIFOltNIA.




01 )

F. HOKtV,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &


71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.


General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.LIST OF OKFIOKUS:

J. O. Carter President & ManagerG. II. Robertson TicamcrE. F. ltlshop Secietary

V. F. Allen AudltoiDIUKCTOlts:

Hun. C. R. lllbhop, S. C. Allen,II. VVatei house.

3s8StThe Boat Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at M HoursThe Finest Iinuids of

Ciprs, .Jll Toijacct

on llumt.II. a). NOITH. t'ropriftor.



Metropolitan TM7?

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers



Scotch Splint Coal !

1"M1E uudeisigned offer for falo COO

of best Scotch Splint Coal, juutarrived per "Sirathblauu" fiom Olas-go-

Tills Coal U equal to best WelchCoal, and especially suited for steam,household and lilouuhluir enirine use.





Hartford Firo Insuranco Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire inc. Co.

Assets. $4,317,052.

Thamos & Morsoy Marino Ins. Co.,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 1 24,057.

Now York Life Insuranco Co.,

Assots, $1 15,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.01

ffm. G. Irwin ii Company,

(i,ijiiti:i.)offkk for salk




Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.





High Grade Chemical Cane Manure,




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornet

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


ffl. G--. Mil & GO.


Win. G. Irwin. . .President in ManagerClans Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. G Iff ardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. O. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF TIIK

Oceaulc Stearnsi Com';,Of Han FranriHi'u. :nl.

PUBLIC NOTICE.1 NOW all men by this notlco that.IV. from and after this date, I havethis day discharged Mr. 11, C, Ulukoufrom acting as an agent for me In any

whatever, In thu charge aud ad-

ministration of all my piopeuy, aud Iuthu collection of all dues aud icuts uponany and all my estatu iu this Kingdom.

Any mm who holds or U iu ponhusslonof any piopuity or who has any businessoi payments to make, will transact thuMime with me peiMiuall at my place atHouuikaha, at Honolulu, Oahu.

h'AI'IOLANI,Per Jus, Nawahl.

Honolulu, Nov. .1, lhOl. 5U :m


THE patrons oi thu Oceaulc S. S. Co.hereby uotlllcd that heieattei

no round trip or exclusion tickets willnu Issued fur any of thu tluough maPsteamers. These tickets will, however,bo Issued as customary for tho localHtc.iinoirt "Autiullu' and l,ZeaIandU."Passenteis who hold round trip ticketsand wish to take thu tluough mallsteamer will bu chaiged an extia faie ol

Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co.Wm. G.IRWIN & CO.,

M tf General Avents


Veterinary Surgeon,

taromio at Hotel Stables, HotelI Stieet. lioth Telephones III'. Kesldcucu:

dOUBOHIPTIONn nt NTH nrij ufll'Th


UIISale of Government Lots at

Manoa Valley, Honolulu,Onku.

On WEDNESDAY, January 13,181)2, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho frontentrance of Aliiolani Hale will be soldal public auction Four (4) Lota atManoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu, ary-in- g

in size from 8 0 acres to 1110-10- 0 acres.

Upset price Varying from $200 to!?400 each lot, according to size andlocation.

The terms nnd conditions of saluwill lie cash or at tho option of thopurchaser one fourth cash, and theremainder in equal installments pay-

able in one, two or three years withinterest payable semi-annuall- y at therate of 7 percent per annum.

Tho purchaser must within onoyear from the dato of purchase en-

close the land bought by him with agood and substantial fence.

Royal Patents will be issued for theland upon the final payment of thopurchase price.

A map of the lots can tie seen andfull particulars learned at the LaudOlllce.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Otlice, Dec. 12, 1801.295 3t

Sale of Government Land on tho WestCorner of Richards and MerchantStree s, Honolulu. Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, January 13,185)2, at 12 o'clock noon, at the frontentrance of Aliiolani Halo will bo soldat public auction a strip of Govern-ment land on the west corner ofRichards and Merchant streets, ad-

joining the property of A. S. Bolster,iu Honolulu, Oahu, aud containing anarea of 1112 square feet more or less.

Upset pi ice .1250.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior,'interior Oilice, Dec. 11, 1801.

2!)2 3t

Sale of a Tract of GovornmontLand at Lahaina.

On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho frontentrance of Aliiolani Hale will bu soldat Public Auction a tract of Govern-ment laud at Lahaina, Maui, knownas "Mourft Uctreat," and containingan area of 104 acres a little more orless.

Upset price!; 150.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Oliice, Dec. 28, 1801.300 31

Salo ol a Remnant ol Government Land in

Walakoa, Kula, Maui.

On WEDNESDAY, January 13,1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho frontentrance of Aliiolani Hale will bo holdat public auction a Remnant of Gov-

ernment Land in Waiakoa, Kula,Maui, containing an area of 3.07acres more or less.

Upset price 5 per acre.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oilico, Dec. 11, 1801.

205 3t

Water Notice.Iu accordance with Sec. 1 of Chap-

ter XXVII. of tho Laws of 1880.All persons holding watur privileges

or thgso paying water rates, are here-by notified that the water rates forthe term ending Juno 30, 1802, willhe duo and payable at tho oilico of thuHonolulu Water Works on tho lirstday of January, 1802.

All such iates remaining unpaid forfifteen diiyn after thuy are duo will bosubject to an additional 10 pur cent.

Rates aro payable at tho oilico oftho Water Works in the Kapuaiwabuilding. JOHN C. WHITE,

Supt. IIoiio. Water Works.Honolulu, Dec. 28, 1801.

305 tf

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, II. I., Dec. 2, 1801.

Holders of water priwlegcs.or thosepaying water rates, are hereby noti-fied that thu hours (or using water forirrigation purposes are from 0 to 8o'clock a, m., aud 1 to G o'clock i; n.until fuithor notice.

JOHN O, WHITE,Supt. Honolulu ator Works,

Approved :

O. N. St'KNOKIt,

Minister of the Interior..rf. .?buz. ICO tf I kinds of repairs. 211 U U. W. MAOFARLANE& CO, Mutual Tel. 010. dee 10-8- 1 oi u

. .11-- 1 'jTvT2L

Jkeii!'"" i -

..- V- -a--





t JsdE- ,, "HHrf - A 'a. l4lH V 3&4MB

!a fTlMffl WBWBr1WlMiW'MmiatfrTW9Tsrwtfrjl&mudmmmKluKMamtr

Page 2: EVENING, JANUAKY Cos Bit · building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best

'" ' " ' ' '"4. ,


In tho Mutter of tho Widen-ing of tho Waikiki Ro.id.

Notice is hereby given to Propertyowners along tlie line of tho Waikiltiroad that the time for riling claimswith the Police Justice of Honolulufor damages Hint may he caused byHie tnking of land for the puipose ofwidening said rond, has been ex-

tended to Satuiday, January 30,1802, at 12 o'clock noon.

A Man showing the proposed newline of Road and the laud to be takenin accordance with the recommenda-tion of the Road Jury can be seenand blank foims for claims beobtained upon application to theInterior Olllee.

C. X. Sl'ENCKK,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oilice, Jan. C, 1802.

312 It

C. L. Kookoo, En., bus this daybeen appointed l'oundinaster for theGovernment Pound in the District of

Wailuku, 1 bland of Maui, in place ofN. P. Nuuliiwa, deceased.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oilice, J. in. C, 1892.312 31

T II JEtaj

J ailu fJuiltfiaHiPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.


The watering cart on the tiaui-wa- ys

track is likn the politician ofthe period it lias loo good a de-

livery and makes more than a toler-

able modicum of mud.

The regal honois paid to the goodold giay poet Whittier on hisbirthday, described elsewhere in thispaper, are a beautiful illustration ofthe fact that the nobility of geniuscombined with active virtue is icco-nize- d

in the great political republicas emphatically as in the republic ofletters itself.

The wonderful discovery that theeaith wobbles on its axis told in aBoston despatch copied by theAdvertiser is not so very new. Un-

less we are mistaken, it is in connec-

tion with this discovery that Prof.Marcuse has come to these Island-- ,under the auspices of the GermanGovernment, to take observations.

A description is clipped fiom aBoston paper of a double deck elec-

tric palace car for traflic betweenthat city and the Cambridge sub-

urbs. Such a car on the Honolulustreets would save several pairs ofanimals at five o'clock and on holi-

days. It is to be hoped the Hawai-

ian Tramways Company will beforelong act on the privilege of usingelectricity as a motive power gi antedby last Legislature.

A joint platform for the electionsis to be submitted lespcctively to theMechanics' Union and the Ilui Ka-laiai- na

this week. It is to be hopedthat it will be such a one as all well-wishe- rs

of the nation can unhesitat-ingly suppoit as a whole. Then, ifgood men can be induced to standfor the Legislature on a sound plat-

form, there should be little groundof apprehension that the countiy will

be left to the tender mercies of em-piiic- al

and radical adventurers, towhom government is but gain andprogress their own preferment.

It is reported that the rule hometime ago adopted by the Board ofImmigration stipulating that Japa-nese labor immigration should con-

tain 25 percent of women has notbeen observed in recruiting the im-

migrants hourly expected by thesteamer Yamashiro Maru. Tho pre-

ponderance of the male sex wasground of one of the stiongest ob-

jections to Chinese immigration, andthe people of this country will liaullyapprove of a repetition of the evil iuthe case of Japanese. As the Japa-nese women havo been testified to byplanters themselves as profitable helpin both field and mill, there must beother than economic reasons for thealleged infraction of the rule men-


The mongoose, that lively little an-

imal imported to drive rats out of thecane field, is rapidly becoming a for-midable pest. It has strayed intoHonolulu, nobody seems to knowhow probably by a pair escapingfrom a box iu transportation from is-

land to island and in town and en-

virons the jyolitablo. and fo manyiileasaiit industry ofowl raisin' and

! il iii I im i hi i if wwji&, jim&zw$rj??; .,

fnncicring is menaced with destruc-tion liom the operations of the viciouslittle beast. With the terrors of thorabbit plague in Australia and Cali-

fornia bcfoie our eyes, we cannot af-

ford to let tho mongoose nuisancegrow to the dimensions of a plague.Theic is no need to put an anli-iuo-

goose clause in any election platform,but the matter is serious enough toengage the attention of the coiningLegislature.

The attention of the Minister ofInterior and Road Supervisor is call-

ed to the present condition of thePalama rond. There has been littleor no repairing made to it for severalyears. A cantonicr has put in timeon the road for a year or so, andaccomplished nothing, his chief occupation seemingly being that of look-

ing after private roadways leadingfiom the main road. Residents ofthat poition of town who are com-

pelled by citcumstances to foot ithave a hard time of it, there notbeing even a footpath. The Tram-

ways Co.'s track is the best, patt ofthe road, and consequently driversof vehicles of every description driveover that, forcing pedestrians towade and slide through the mud asbest they can. A strong complaint ofthe condition of Union street is alsoheard. It has been dug up by can-touic- rs

and left iu an almost impass-

able state. Prompt and proper at-

tention to all the unfinished bits ofthoroughfare throughout the citywould greatly popularize the streetadministration.


The receipt of this book from theHawaiian News Co. has already beenbi icily acknowledged in litis pnper.Mrs. Helen Mather, who visited theIslands in the summer of 181)0, isthe author. Her publishers are theCasscll Publishing Co. of New York.They have got up an elegant book ofit, with cover of typical design, illus-trations of Hawaiian scenes clear asthe photographs from which some ofthem are taken, heavy paper andwide margins like the verandas ofHawaii. The style of the author isattractive with much of originality.Here is one acute remark:

"In matters of diet, custom covetsa multitude of inconsistencies. Weniiike exclamation points with ournoses at the mention of poi, and yetwe take limbuigcr cheese to ourstomach with delight. We have afeeling akin to disgust when told thatthe natives cut slices from a delicatelittle fish, season and eat them with-

out being cooked ; and yet wo openthe two valves of an oyster andswallow the delicious morsel, bonesand all."

Mrs. Mather's description of thevolcano although brief is very realis-tic, mirroring the impressions of al-

most everybody who has gazed atthe fiery vortex in action. Shereaches this result, loo, without thatstiaining after effect which spoilsmany attempts at word-picturi- thewonder of Hawaii, Tlieie arc somemistakes in snellinir names such as"Likiliki" for "Likelike," andslips in facts such as saying theKing once owned the yacht Hawaii,when it was the Healani that had thaidistinction. A hasty perusal of thework, however, does not discover any"bad breaks" that will hurt thecountry. As the impressions ofa tourist who had a good time here,mingling with zest in Honolulusociety, "One Summer iu Hawaii" islikely to induce other swallows ofleisure to migiate hither, where thevcan get one summer iu lengths oftin ce, six, nine or twelve months tosuit. One word of blame in closing,however. Il is hardly the righttiling for the author to use

Daggett's poem on "Waikiki"without creditor quotation marks.This suiely is an inadvertence.


Boston, Decemberlaughing and talking, while tears ofjoy filled his eyes, the beloved graypoet, John Gieenleaf Whittier, stoodiu his parlor to-da- y receiving theguests that poured in to congratulatehim on his eighty-fourt- h birthday.The old gentleman was in unusuallygood health, or this excitement wouldnot have been permitted by his physi-cians. Tho oppoitunity was welltaken advantage of and the bluestblood in the old commonwealth min-

gled with the poorest mill-han- d totender to the poet earnest congratu-lations. Telegrams and presentsfrom all over the United States werereceived.

The room was jammed full of flow-

ers. Tho Haverhill Board of Tradesent a box of eighty-fou- r roses, thegirls of La Salle Academy eighty-fou- r

pinks in a box, and the students ofWellesloy eighty-fou- r hunches of vi-

olets beautifully arranged. PromSan Krancisco came a gold pin ; fromWinchester, Va., a paper-culle- r madeof the wood fiom old Fort Loudon,built by Washington. An aid in fulluniform brought the congratulationso( his Excellency the Governor. Har-vard and Yale sent their congratula-tions, beautifully expiessed, by aspecial messenger. The Chambersof Commerce of Boston, Portland,New Haven, Lowell and Portsmouthsent handsome presents. A delega-tion of students from Vassar, Woll-cslc- y

and La Salle wailed on the poet.It took two hours to read the tele-grams received. The day was coldbut sunny, and everything seemed toenter into the spirit of the occasionIt was dark before Mr, Whittier re?gained his usual privacy, but hebcuiueu not a narllcle lathrueu. .....

r- -- -- rJi 'WrWiiZtSJrwn


I'M. meet you al Ihe Brunswick.01 f

Miki: Quilligini is prepaid! to leachathletics.

O. J. MoCautiiy has lots on Lilibiisheet for tale. 3-- tf

Him on Holes made to order at No.I (.iaiden Lane. 307 tf

Tun lJiunswiek aio thuonly llillinidI'ailois in town. (i tf

Mil. C. L. ICookoo bus been madepound master for Wailuku.

Tiik filly is for Mile or toUndo with a good hat no wotk horse.

Aitiik sliuviim tibo Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith it Co., Agents.

1-- tf

Cnoicr. bleeding stock of swine isolleied for stile by tbo KapunmuPni m.

SuniiUKN lelieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. llcnsnii, Smith & Co.,Agents. tf

C. .1. MoCautiiy oll'eis that finecapacious bouse, 251 Boretaniastieet,for rent.

G. Pattkhson oll'eis the cottage andstables, coiner of School and Emmastieets, for rent.

CiuiRiU'.i) strnwbenies and Rasp-be- iry Sherbet at Hobron, Newman

& Co.'s new soda fountain. 0

L. J, Li:vi:y will hold a special saleof household furniture on Saturday,at 10 o'clock, at his salesroom.

Dkmciouk collco and chocolate willbo served ovoiv motuing early at thoPalace Ice Cream Pallors, Ludwigson,& Oron, Hotel street. 221 tf

Gi:t your boots and shoes iniidcand repaired hy the old Wailukushoemaker, L. Toennies, on EifilHotel stieet. Fiist-elns- s wink, lowpi ices. tl

Tin: time for filing claims fordamages to piopeity by the wideningof Waikiki load has been extendedby Minister Spencer to Satuiday, .'lOlli

inst., nt noon.

Tin: weekly rally of the Mechanics'Union will be held even-ing. At tbis meeting the diaft ofplatform will be submitted by tboexecutive committee.

IIoM.isrnit it Co., dealeis in pinedings, have a new card in this issue.They leceive new goods by evoiysteamer, and expose as flue a stock ascan be seen anj where.

Tin: residence premises lately occu-pied by tbe owner, John F. Bowler,king street, are to let. They aie voiycoincident cither for walking or Lik-ing the cars, to and fiom town.

Auct.on Sales by. Lewis i. Lsvey.

Household FurnitureAT AUCTION.

On THURSDAY, .Tan. 7tli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

1 will Pell at Public Auction at my Sales- -1001115,

Double and Single Bedsteads,

Spring Mattiasc, Ruicaus. Tables,Clubs, Lounges, Plenties, Etc., Ltc.

also100 Bags Choice Cal. Potatoes

LKVVIH J. LEVEY,:ill 2t Auctioneer.


Househo!dFumilurd !

I miii instiucti'il to sell at Public Auc-tion (on account of depart in e), ami

to my Mileiiooui fur convenienceof sale,

On SATUKDAY, Jtui. Olli,AT 10 OOI.OCIi A. 11..

1 AbIi & 1 Painted

BEDK003!SE'SSpring Miittt'iisfes, Mo-qtil- to Omtaliis,1$. W. Secretaiy, ltd. Table,

Whatnot, Chandeliers,(eo Chest, .Meat Safe, Ulndis, Hugfr,Uhick, U. W. Kxten.slou Table,Put. Kitchen Table, Kle., Kte.

Also, 1 Stove & Utensils.

BOr The above have only been iu usetin re mouths and me almost as good asnew.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,ma 2t Auctioneer.

ttA.lji-T- Y'.

llGS I


Met toils' AMiipfl'sI'OIJTICAIi

Protective Union

W'll.l, in-- : IIKI.l) AT

it Robinson's Hall,"Cor. King and Nuii.inu sis.,

On Thursday Evening, Jan. 7th,

AT 7:!M U'OMMJK I'. .If.

Come One. Come All.,312 21,1.: . t 1'JSlUHtDElt:



urn RlllB tan11


Iiiite A. B Sin i (It's Store.

Having purchased the stock and HxMircsof the above stoic 1 hall continue

the sale of tho justly Celebrated



si full ami complete stock of which willai i le per "Aiilriilla," o please

ItllSMHYK YOIIK OKIH.US.Thu IIH of PATU'.UNS will alo bo

completed by the same steamer.

1 shall also add to the stock poodsMich us go with a policial Kiiscnnr busi-ness.

All orderseiitiiited to my euro willreceive my usual prompt attention.

OltDKKS POH .MUSIC lllleil by io-tu- i'ii

steamer, as I hue special facilitiesat San 1'ianclsco for that put pose.

P.ttious on the other Islands can safelyIntuit orde'-- s to my c.iro for all poodswhether In my line or not, and 1 tespeet-full- y

solicit their p.itronnpe.

W. F. REYNOLDS,:ti)'.) 2w Propiletor.


Tho Sow Drug-- Store is being'so well patronized, is veryeasy to understand.

It is well known that drugsand medicines do not improvewith age, especially in thisclimate.

Hence, everyone who stopsto think a moment on thesubject concludes immediatelythat, if it is necessary to takemedicine, it is an importantpoint to be sure and get thepkksiies.t medicines that canbe obtained,

For instance, if there is aninfant in the family and it isdesirable to feed it on Mellin'sFood or llidge's Food, whynot get the fhksiikst in themarket?

iScott's Emulsion is farmore palalublu when fresh,and if you are taking it forgeneral debility, or anyother trouble, yon will find itbetter to get it as fjiksii aspossible.

Then again, Pills, CoughMedicine, Liniment or anyone of the many Patent Medi-

cines, if they are fkesh, j'oucan expect to get beneficialeffects.

The kxtihe stock at theNew Drug Store can be re-

lied upon, for everything isxkw and of the hkst quality.

.T II "VTmoreover uchsuox, xm;w-ma- x

fc Co. guarantee thattheir Goods are just as theyrepresent them.

As you pass their way dropin and look tit those ToothBrushes which the' claim tobe the best in Honolulu:

Corner fort & King Streets.

litis it ever occurred toyou what a desirable andacceptable present a pic-ture makes? If not lendus your ear for a momentuntil Ave explain. In thefirst place everyone en-

joys looking at a prettypicture ; it not only servesto beautify the home, butappeals to one's betterfeelings and fomns excel-lent food for thought,which nothing else cangive, and if the subjectbe well chosen, serves asa silent lecturer for good.One need not confine him-

self to any particularstyle as the assortment ofboth styles and subjectsis unlimited and almostany fancy can be grati-fied.

A picture has the pecu-liar power of stamping itsimage upon the minds oftill wlfo may see it, and inmany cases leaves a life-long impression.

When making yourrounds of shopping dropin at King Bros., on Ho-tel street, and see whatthey have to offer in thisline, if for no other pur-pp- gu

than to enjoy whatgag tojuc seen, ......v

"w"" mmmtsm ?--

&- 'iwiw'''fi - --r .r --n & ; ,? r -j - , - j $ Tt


rftW HP


Every Desirable FormIt has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND

Its New Distribution Policy Is the most liberal ever offered byIST" For full particulars apply to

Gift Goods

In JewelryA.T-


'X'fllfl- -

Mn uufactu ling J cwolor s.


Large and Fluo Stook In Hand.

Souvenir NpooiiH,

Coin OrtiniiiciiiN,Chiii'iiiM


King Street, between Nuuanu

and Bethel.

203 tf

The Holidays !

- AT




Cmnpilhh)!' nil the Latest Design andNovelties. In sboit, eveiythlugpi tabling to a JewelryKsiablishmcut.


t3T Prices to suit tho times. --iaW1DOTEK & CO.

202 tf


Dry Goods StoreNuuanu Strcitj nbova Pacific Hotel,

Has Received per S. S. China"


to stym Si

A great vaiiely and extremelynice, for

Christmas Presents'2l7 tf

Hawaiian Wanted !

fWILL p.iy eath, for either huge orquantities of used Hawaiian

Postage Stumps, as follows:(These offeis are per hundred and anv

quantities will ho accepted, no mutterhow small, at the hume rates.)1 cent, violet 9 CO

1 cent, bluu (iu1 cent, gi cuii 10

2 euut, veiuilllou 1 HO

2 cent, brown KO

2eeut, lose 20f cent, dail; blue,,, ! 1 HO

fi cent, iillrainarlnu bluo ,.. t.O

0 cent, green 2 50lOeuut, black , 4 0010 cent, veiuilllou 0 0010 cent, brown 2 5012 cent, black 0 0012 cent, mauve li 0015 cent, blown 5 0018 cent, led 10 0025 cent, pm pie... 10 00fiOcpnt, led 15 0081, fill mine 25 001 cent envelope 10

2 rent en velono 754 cent envelope 1 505 cent envelope..... 1 5010 cent envelope II 002 cent, violet, 18111 issue 50

Ifiy Nt) torn stamps wanted at anypiiue. Address:

OICO. K WASMHIMN,025 Oetavia Ht..han Francisco, Cal.


Honolulu Athletic Association.

rrMIKHK will nu a special meeting ofI this Association at the GyiiiuuMiun

on THURSDAY KVHNING, Jan. 7Ft)2, for Hie piupiisu of coiildeiIng the

lunpouitiou of consolidating with theAthletic lirauch of the Y. Al. !. A.

O. J, AlcOAUTJlY,305J0t i Heurcturv.KWRiA , t a

'J J foil Mill MhiWltSfrffiJ




OF NEW YORK.President.

of Policy I


any lnsurauco Company.

bS H3 ti -

General Ajent for the Hnwniian Islands.

Remember Ihe Little Folks !

HOLIDAY GOODSSuitable and useful, for Infants and Children, at

N. S. SACHS',04 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.

Children's Embroid. Cashmere Cloaks,Children's Fine Laec & Embroidery Dresses,

Sash Klbbous & Siirab Sashes In all Colors,Children's 1'arnsols, Children's Fans,

Chlldien's Toilet Sets, Toy Music Boxes,

P'ancy C3p! Ac Sauoers in Boxes,luiiints' Long Embroidered Cashmere Capes,

Infants? Fine Embroldeied Robes & Long Di esses.Infants' California Crib Einbroldoied Blankets,

. Infants' Embroidered Flannel Shawls,Infants' Laeo Uonnets & Embroidered Silk Caps.


01iillient iine TrimmedChlldien's Velvet Caps, Toboggan Caps, Silk Skull Caps, Kto.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.,Fort Street, Honolulu.

The Pacific Hardware Co., Fort street, Honolulu, beg to announce thatthe' have opened their ART ROOMS on the second Uoor of their NewBuilding, where they have on Exhibition, Articles suitable for CHRIST-MAS PRESFNTS, comprising examples of the following Wares: Limoges,Boston, Rose Uubarry, Newport, Ivory, Queen, Bisque, Royal Windsor,Royal Worcester, Royal Devon, Royal Hungarian, Tulip, Orchid, Bohem-ian, Etc., Etc. A choice selection of Silver Plated Ware.

They have Just Received a line line of the Latest Patterns of PIC-TU- RF

MOULDINGS, Mirrors, Engiavings, Etchings, Photogravures,Pastels, Autotypes, Etc., Etc., of the Latest publications; Easels in woodand bamboo; 'rabies, Chandeliers, Hanging, Piano and Banquet Lamps,Statuettes, and many At tides too numerous to mention.

OIL PAINTINGS by local Artists-M- rs. Wells, Messrs. BarnQeld,Hitchcock, Mrs. Paulis, and others.

BQfAs soon as shelving on the first floor is completed they will open aLine of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Agate, Japanned and Tin Ware.Tuey trust their fiiends will appreciate the disappointment they havoexpel ienced in not being able to have their Store Iltted completely at anearlier date and the fact that their entrance is so unattractive as to affordlittle inducement to visit the second. lloor.

A VISIT to their Ait Rooms will, they trust, be repaid.

Soliciting a continuance of the patronage they have so liberally en-joyed in the past, they will spare no pains to fill all orders with care andpiomplness.


1I3-1I- 5 Fort Street, Honolulu, II. r"T


S3-- A riTT!Sosr2- - "-


Small Size,Size,

Small Size,Size,


tt v




New and Fresh Lot Just Received .from the




TNT T- fm0 53S

35 Cents a Bottle,(50 Cents a Bottle,$1.00 per Dozen,

7.00 per Dozen.

iios-t- f






STYLES OF AIlCIIITECTUIfBStKiistlako, Queen Anno, KenalHsanco, Gothic, Italian, Classic, Norman,

IN STONE, BRICK, IRON OR WOOD.Best Modern Designs in Residences! Cheap Artis'ic Cottages a Specialty!

Complete plans and specifications given; also Buperluteudouoo of construction.

4r OFPICE-Cbil- ton Bloci cor, XinK & Fort. 'Entrance on Fort St.

Page 3: EVENING, JANUAKY Cos Bit · building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best

llM1 " 'I '

&Ultl!.IIIU.. JlrWlftU....l...lllifMM.XlWMim.Mll.l.flHWWWa., U.IIJ..?.IJHI ,,..., ,r..,.,,,,..,.ll..l...i;..' L;. ai.im - " -- - n.l - m, r ...n-- - ...,, i.i mt w.i.M..iJu..riw..i -- mw ..- -..

ii Jr



TK.A.IINS8A.M. A.M. P.M. l'.M.

I.oavo Honolulu. . .0:15 8t45 1 J ::itArrive llonuultuli..7 :2C !M!I 2: III 5 :ar,fLeave llonoullnll..7:3Q 10:51 ,1:51 5 :4ftArrivo Honolulu. ..8:35 11:55 4:55 G:fi0t

im:aiu CITY" LOCAL.Lcavo Honolulu ,. 6::wArrivo Pearl City ,. 0:07


Lews Pear1 Clly..(l:03Arrivo Honolulu.. .(1:10 .

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted

TlitCH. Him liiitl Nonn,11V C. J. LYONS.

I bLeI e? I 9 fUAy. 11 g ? i

r r P ?

ii.iii. ii.ui. li.m. li.iii.Mnn. 4 o 40 ii 4ii It io i in o :vi r m in :iTltl-9- . ft 7 40 7 30 (IK) 0 S'l ft K 11 3.1

11.111. 11.111. 11.111. 11.111.

Willi. fl '.IflU 8E0 : 20 120 0 311 ft 31 ....TllllU. 7 11 00 10 SO 4 00 A 00 U 40 ft 31 0 30

H.iu.FH. 8 .... 11 00 4 SO II 20 0 40 ft S." 1 30illt. (I 0 10 1120 ft 20 7 30 (140 ft 30 2 28

Kill). lib' 1 IK) 11 fiO II 00 8 :10 Ii 40 ft 3(1 3 32

First iiiirtcr of tlio moon on t),e litli nt sli.41m. p. in.

Mio tlinu hlKiuil for tlio port Is ulvcn nt 121i,

4iiu. Usee. (nildnlKlitl or Giccnwlcli tlmoorHi. 28in. 3IBCC. ). in. of Honolulu Olisorvutory.time. It Is kIvuii by tlio Htonin whlntlu of tlioHonolulu l'lnwhiK Mill, a few ilouis ubovohu Cuxtoin House. Tlio saiiio wlilstlo Is

corn'ctly at Honolulu mean noon,Ousuivutnry uuiridlan, or loll. 31m. 20sco. of(Uiurnwlcli tlnio


-- .rii --.:atlu iin tg 1 1 it t iii.Tti'



Stnir Mokolii from Molokai


Br lik Pass of Leny, Vint, for Portland,Oregon

Am bktneS N Castle, Hubbard, for SanFrancisco

Stmr Kaala for Kapna


Stmr Mokolii for Molokai and LauaiStmr Waialeale for HamakuaStmr Pele for Mnkawcli at a J) in


Stmr Mokolii 800 bags sugar, 20 calvesand 12 hogs.


For IC'iuai per stmr Iwalanl, Jau 5lion V Knudscu, C M Cooke, Miss Dora.Mossmun, Mr and Mrs T II Gibson and'J children, .1 Kauhanc, J E Miller andwife, Albs Emma lilakc, Miss J D Pope,ilou P P Kanoa, M Berlowitz M JPerrcira, Mr Wolters, Mrs Hagus, J APalmer, Father Emerau, Mm Dunn, WE Howell, 5 Chinese and 50 deck

For Maui per stmr Cliiudino Jan 5G P Wilder and wife, J W Kajtiaj C ItMcVeigh and wife, AIlss Gregory, MrsCliaa Loveland, R 11 ricott, Miss Ma-"nir- e,

Mrs Austin, Miss Ritchie, W TRobinson, A F Franca, Father Gulstan,Hon II P Haldwin, A Boron, D Quill, MKeaiolia, J S Muirhead, C T Yan and 40deck.

From Molokai per stmr Mokolii, 'anAlice Lewis, Miss Emma Kane,

W E Brown ami 17 deck.


The baikentlne Eureka is anchored intho stream.

The barkentlno John Smith was berth-ed at the Fort street wharf yesterday,and commenced discharging ooal to-day.

The barkentine Planter and the brig-anti-

W G Irwin are discharging at theOSS wharf.

The British bark Puss of Lony, E Vintmaster, sailed for Portland, Oregon, to-day in ballast.- The steamer Kaala left to-d- ay withmnohlnoiy for Kapaa Plantation, 'iCauni.


LEWIS-CRA1G- E At St. Andrew's Ca-

thedral, January 5, 1892, by the Rev.Alex. Mackintosh, Mr. Harry F.Lewis to ' J5rs. Margaret McLcodCralge.


Dr. R. L. St. John of Howland,Putnam county, Missouri, takes es-

pecial pleasure in recommendingChamberlain's Cough Remedy,

lie knows it to he reliable. Upjias used it in his practice for severalyears, and says there is none better,jt is especially valuable for colds andas a preventive and cure for croup.This most excellent medicine is forsale by all tlcalcrs. Benson, Smith& Co., agents.


The wilj of tlio luj.e Hon. Jno. p.Itoi'ker of Waimea, Hawaii, was ad-

mitted to probate by Judge Doo lo-jla- y.

W. P. Allen, as oxeputor re-

presenting lion. Band. Parker andhimself, was petitioner. The pro-

perty involved consists of real estatein Waimea, Hawaii, valued at 8100,-000- ;

personal estate consisting ofcuttle and live slock, household andother effects, valued at $d0,0Q0.The will was drawn out when thodeceased gentleman was fifty-thre- e

yeais of ago. The heirs uroj Mrs.II. Parker, the widow, Hon, Sain.Parker, nephew, Mrs. C. K. Stillman ami Mrs. N. K. Eldredge,nieces, and children of Mrs, M.Waipa, sister. lions. W, V. Allenand Sam. Parker are the executors,


If you nre troubled with rheuma-tism or a lame back, bind on overthe seat of pain a piece of ilatineldampened with Chamberlain's PainJiulin. You will be surprised at theprompt relief it affords. f0 centbuttles for sale by all dealers, Ben-son, Smith & Co., agents.


Thk band will givo a moonlightconcert at Thomas Squaro this o veil-ing.

, .

The trial of the seven Oliincsocluuged Willi gambling will eomo oiron Friday.

Rick and sugar bags will bo sold atauction by Taa. F. Morgan, at histalosroom,

Diamond Hcul Station at 3 o'clockthis afternoon reports "very cloudyand wind from tbo eoutli."

Honolulu Engine Company andHook nnd Lmldur Company will boldtbuir monthly meetings thin evening.

Jilt. John F. Bowler wishes it statedthat ho has never aspired to candi-dacy for cither Noblo or Representa-tive.

Part of the machinery was beingput into the dredger this morninp.Tliu craft is now near the I'. M. H. awharf.

To-da- y is Epiphany Day. Serviceiwere held at tho Roman Catholic andSt. Andrew's Cathedrals in commem-oration,


At tho band concert this eveningat Thomas Square the March "Admi-ral Brown," by Prof. H. Berger, willbe phiyed.

L. J. Levky will hold an auctionside l( furniture and choice Cali-fornia potatoes at his salesroom at 10o'clock

The January Friend begins its ju-bilee volume. It contains a largo va-

riety of religious and secular matter,including Congregational church, Mis-sion Board and Y. M. C. A. news.

Thk steamer Mokolii, which arrivedfrom Molokai this morning, reportsnot having seen anything of the whal-er Jojjn P. West. Even people alongthe Molokai coast had not seen her.

The Hawaii Holoiumt terms L. A,Thurston the "Hawaiian Bismarck,"and C. W. Ashford the "HawaiianGladstone," and favors their electionto the next Legislature, saying theyboth ought to bo Micro.

Ah Kwai and Emma Po were ar-rested last night at the instigation oftho hitter's husband and charged withadultery. On trial in the Police Courttliis mornini? they pleaded guilty andwere lined $50 and $25 ruspectively.

The Pacific Wheelmen-hel- theirregular monthly meeting yesterdayevening nn.d elected the followingofficer: President, A. C. Lovekin;Secretary and Treasurer, Ruby A.Dexter; Captain, M. Phillips; Lieu-tenant, Clifton II. Tracy.

The. sale of twenty-thre- e and a halfacres of Government land on Mauitook placo at noon y at tho frontentrance of Aliiolani Hale, Mr. J. A.Hassinger, Clerk of the Interior Of-

fice, wielding the hammer. The up-fa- ct

pi ice was $2 an acre, but tho landwas purchased by a native for $2.25an acre.

The volunteers of Engine Co. No.1 have challenged the Mechanic En-gine Co. volunteers to a maich gameof baseball to bo played on Saturday.The latter havo accepted and themutch will take place on the nowLeague Grounds at 2 :30 o'clock thatday. The usual charges will bo made,twonty-liv- o cents for adults, childrenhalf-pric-e.

At the phonograph exhibition to begiven by Mr. Stoeckle Friday evening,records will bo made and reproducedto the audience. Several now recordsreceived by the last steamer from theCoast will also be heard for the firsttime in Honolulu. The importationof speeches and songs from foreignparts in the actual voices of speakersand singers is a new item in our com-merce.

Mb. Harry F. Lewis, partner in Iliofirm of Lewis & Co., grocers, this city,was married yesterday evening, to Mrs.Margaret McLeod 'Craige, of Mel-bourne, Australia, Tho ceremony whbperformed by the Rev. Alex. Mackin-tosh in the presence of only immediatefriends and relatives. The marriagetook placo at t. Andrew's Cathedral.Congratulations and best wislies fromthe Bulletin.


The Queen vs. Vaahila (w.).lascivious conduct. Appeal fromPolice Court of Honolulu. Triedbefore a Hawaiian jury who aftpr ashort absence returned witli a verdictof guilty. Defendant was sentencedto one month's imprisonment at hardlabor and pay costs.

Tho Queen vs. Chas. Valpoon andAnnie Charlie. Adultery. Nol prosentered.

The Queen vs. Margin Hiinmerlink.Liquor selling; appeal from PoliceCourt of Honolulu, Appeal with-drawn and setitenco of lower Courttherefore conlrmed.

The Queen vs. Kaopua and Lapa-n- a.

Maintain jng lottery J appcalfromPolice Court of Honolulu. Kaulukoufor defendants, Being heard.


'Phe Ifoyal Hawaiian MilitaryHand will give a public concert atThomas Square this evening, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Tho following is the program;

TAUT I.March Admiral Brown II BorgeiHallul Atstoi'L'u , , . , . . AhottGavotte Wejcomo KlussCavatliio Mai tlri DonizettiOlwlNaul, llolo Waliuoa, Llhl Kill o

Ohele,I'AItT ll.

Medley -- Koverlo BeyerWaltz -- Mikado Buculo?ylPolka Trotzkopfehon FaustQuadrille Pinafore Godfrey

Hawaii l'onol.


Um HurHroril'n Ac III l'lioHpliuti'.

Dr. W. E. Cicank, Mitchell, Dak.,says; "It has proven almost a specificfur this disorder; it checks the vomit-ing, restores tlio appetite, and, at thosame time allays the fear of impend-ing dissolution, that is so common toheavy drinkoru.


lttnrtoly KMrt of the SlodlcnlHiinrlii ton item.

Honolulu, Jan. !, 1892.His Excellency C. N. Spknckh,

Minister of the Interior.Sir: 1 have the honor to present to

you my report of the Insane Asylumfor the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1891.As per last report of October 1, 1S01,

the number of patients on thatdale was 70

Patients admitted during Qimitoeliding Dee. 31, 18U1 11

Total 87Patient's discharged during nunner

ending Dee. Ill, 1SU1 n

Patients died during quarter 1

Patients on furlough 1

8Total remaining In Asvl m Dec.

31,18111 79Nationality of patients admitted dur-

ing quarter:Hawaiian male,.... 1; female. ...2 ...3Chinese ... 3; ....0....3

" " ....0....2Japnnesn ....2;Aineileui), " ....2; " ....1....3


Nationality of pntionts discharged dur-ing quarter:Hawaiian, nude 2Chinese, male 1

American, nmle....lj female....! ....2SSlslauders" 1; ....0....1

0Nationality of Patients who died dur-

ing quailer:Chinese, mule 1


Nationality of patients furhiughed:American, mule

Nationality of patients remaining inAsylum, Dec. 31, 1S!H:Hawaiian, mule. ...15; female.. B.... 20Poituguese, " ... 15; " . 3.... 18German, " ... 2; ..1 3American, " .... 5: " ..1.... G

English, " .... 0; .l.... 1

Chinese, " ....14; " ..0.... 14E. Indian, " .... 1; ..0.... 1

" " 1Mnullumiin, 1; .0S."S. Island. ( .... 4j ' ..0.... 4C.Ainerieau" : .. 1: " ..0.... 1

Norwegian, .... 2; ..0.... 2Swede, ' 1; " ..0.... 1

Canadian, " .... 1; " ..0 1

Japanese, " .... G; " ..U ... 5Italian, " .... 1; ..0.... 1

Total G8 11 7!)

The Chinaman who died on October17, 1801, was admitted on July 4, 1811,In an emaciated condition, sufferingfrom heart disease and dropsy.

I have the honor to )e, sir,Your obedient servant,

KlCHAltU OI.IVEK,Med. Sup. Onhn Insane Asylum.


There are 40,000 Irish in Liver-pool.

The Cunard Line of steamshipsemploys over 11,000 hands.

A French warship recently launch-ed at Havre can carry 5,200 tons.

A new Dutch loan of 45,000,000florins is promised lor January.

Sixteen tons of steel pens are ex.ported from Birmingham weekly.

A London omnibus traverses abouteighty miles a day and earns $80 aweek.

The population of Jerusalem hasincreased since 1880 from 25,000 to50,000.

The Anarchists of France boast ofabout 40,000 and the Socialists num-ber about 1,000,000.

Hungary will celebrate heranniversary by a national

exhibition in 18U5.

Lord Mayor Evans of London,who was recently inaugurated, haslaid down COO dozen of wine in theMansion House cellars,


'piIE undersigned Is prepared to giveL Lessons in Athletic Kxcrclses and

the Manly Art at two doors above theRoyal School, Emma street, also to giveliiatrllftMniu nt lintn.a rf .Mi.ttla tf il i

slred. Applications' rpeolved'at No (7Kine street.'

3lS lm Airwp; nniT.T.ifiAv

'MAIUN" FILLYrQK aaje or to tradeIT for a Cjood Har-ness Work Horse. The

-- E Fljly js two years oldfrom u well-bre- d mare.

and has not yet been handled but is gen-tle. For further particulars apply at'iKapahulii Farm," Walkikl, or ring upMutual Tel. No. H52. 312 2w


'OTTAGE and Stables, corner ofJ School and Emma street, lately

occupied by George Patterson.0 Stalls, Washing Stand,

Feed House, etc., suitable for one ortwo haekmeu Rental 912 per mouth.Apply to G. PATTERSON,

Unlteu carriage Co., cor. King &Fort sts. Mil L'w

AKION MEETING.rpilE annual meeting of tho Honolulu

1 Arlou will bo held THURSDAYEVKN1NG, Jan. Till, at Arlon Half.Election of olueerB, Members" are re- -,

miested to attend.O. A. STUHLMAN,

311 3t Secretary,


Boretaniu street; FinertSA254 House contalnlm?H9BMI parlor, dltiluir-roo- two bedrooms, bath, pantry and kitchen, stablomid servant's nimrters; Hue yard nicelyuuu out, Appiy in

O. J. MoUARTHY,Sl-- tf lift Merchant street.

rpiIOSK Very Desirable andI Convenient Premises

situate In Kbit; street, thiscity, lately occupied by tho uiulerMgnedns a private lesldeuce, comprising aDwelling Bouse of 4 rooms, dinlug-roo- m

and kitchen; also stable, carriagehouse mill outhouses, For particularsInquire on the nremlbcs.



Cottage to let onPunchbowl street. En-

quire of L, ADLKH,2U7 tf l'J Nuuuiiu st. shoe store.


Her 31 n.) r hIj ' Cirt to MlluoUnlniilCluu-f'li- .

Her Majesty tho Queen returnedfrom her New Year's trip to Wsdtiluaby yesterday afternoon's train fromManana. The Queen and party gtcat-l- y

enjoyed their short slay at VVaialtia.There was no function given at theplaco except the presentation of aclock to Lilitioktdani church by theQueen, after whom the new churchwas called at dedication.

Major J. W. Robertson, Chamber-lain, made the- - presentation to thetrustees, at a service held on New-Year'- s

day, making a brief speech inso doing. Judge S. H. Knlamnkcc,trustee, responded, ll N a line NewYork clock with a dial two feet in di-

ameter, the hours being marked withthe twelve letters of the Queen'snameinstead of the usual Roman numerals.The clock is a calendar one, showing,besides days of the week and dates ofthe month, the moon's phases, theweeks of the year, and the year it-

self shifting all numbers, words andsigns automatically, even to the fig-

ures of the year. lion. John Rich-ardson gave an address in connec-tion with the presentation ceremony.


London, Dec. 17. The Chronicle'sShanghai correspondent says: LiHung Chang has been in bed severaldays with a severe attack of

The doctors are very anxiousabout him. It is reported that several mission stations on the Yanglse-Kian- g

have been menaced. Moremen-of-w- ar arc imperatively neces-sary in order to protect the river.Tho European residents, havingformed themselves into a DefenseLeague, have armed and drilledthemselves and are ready for actionat any moment. The demeanor ofthe Chinese generally is menacingand arrogant.



The children and adult membersof the Second Congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral arc invited to bepresent at a Christmas tree in theSunday school roorp of St. Andrew'sCathedral, given for the Sundayschool on Thursday evening, Janu-ary 7th. The tree will be lighted athalf-pa-

st C o'clock. 7 3t

"AugustFlower 99

Perhaps you do not believe thesestatements concerning Gieen's Au-gust Flower. Well, yve can't makeyou. We can't force conviction in-

to your head ormed-Doubtin- g

icine into yourthroat. We don't

Thomas. want to. The moneyis yours, and the

misery is yours; and until you arewilling to believe, and spend the onefor the relief of the other, they willstay so. John H. Foster, 1122Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:" My w'fe Is a Ii"!0 Scotch woman,thirty years of age ando'fa naturallydelicate disposition. For five or sixyears past she has been suffering

from Dyspepsia. SheVomit became so bad at laat

that she could not sitEvery Meal, down to a meal but

she had to vomit itos soon as she had eaten it. Twobottles of your August F,lower havecured her, after many doctors failed.She can now eat anything, and enjoyit; and as for Dyspepsia, she does notknow that she ever had it" (ft







NEW STORE (Up Ntaiiis).



15 Flue Graded uiul ThoioughbredSows; have littered once 1(1 to 13

plj;n each. Tliutu Hows were raised ontlie Kapahuhi Farm from Imported stock,anil are lmrdy and thrifty. A Hplcndlilopportunity for those who wish to Im-

prove their pit; stock. Also, ITboiouh-bre- d

Berkshire Boar of registered pedi-gree, two years old and lias begotteniimuy line litters.

PBT Shipments to the other Islandswill be carefully attended to.


1ST Mutual Telephone 35a. 'JP2 2w


JMV TESIUKNOB on LunalllojfiWMm 1 street presently occupiedHEMI by Mr. J. A. Kennedy, con-taining double parlors, four bedrooms,dlnlnn-ioo- bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear or mainbuilding. GiouihIh, 300x105 feet, welllaid out. Vacant on Mth August Lotadjoining UOOxlOS feet may be purchasedon reasonable terms,

It. I. LILLIB,108 tf WlUi Theo. II. Duvles & Co,

Auction Sales by Jamos F. Morgan.


Eice & Snpr Bags!

On THURSDAY, Jan. 7tli,AT III O'CLOCK' A. ...

At my Saleroom, Queen sheet, I willsell at Public Auction, for account ofwhom It may concern:

5000 Best Quality Rice Bags,

6000 " " Sugar "

Tl'.imS OAHII.

J AS. F. MORGAN,311 2t Auctioneer.


To be sold at Public Auction, at J AS. F.MORGAN'S Salesroom, on or about the

ldtli OF JAKJAItY, 181)52,

The following articles of furni-ture seized by distialut for rentfrom Malualuiu:

1 Itou HoiImU'imI,

1 Stove ami Fixtures,1 Mewing; Machine.

1 Itiireim, 1'ictureM,1 Table untl hair,

1 Lump. Croekerywire,Beds and Bcdelothing, 1 ( leek and otherarticles. J. C. UI.UNEY.

.ion-- 1 nt



Course of LecturesJANUARY 6, 1892,

At Mus. SaNFOUI) B. BOLE'S at 10o'clock A. M.

Illmc. CSuyon.Millie, Oo Sluol.

a. Gm. Hunt!.4. Go. lillot'H WorlCM.r.o.

Subscription $3; single Admission $1,

Mns. W. F. ALLEN,310 tf Tieasurer.

Y. M. C. A. HALL

Next Friday Evening





jjQT Full partlculais hi a day or so.311 It

Warning: and Kewsird.

ALL persons are hereby notified thatperson found shooting lvolea

or other biids without a permit on tholauds known us Kukuluuco (betterknown as Mrs. C. P. WardV). nearKakaako, will bo prosecuted for tres-

pass.Ten dollars (110) reward is ollered

to anyone who will give informationthat will lo id to tho conviction of anyperson violating tlio foregoing prohi-bition. OHAS. B. WILSON,

Lcfsou of Shooting Right.28!) .'tin


rpilK regular annual ineetlnt; of tlioX Hawaiian Fruit X Tiuo Co. will bn

held at their olllce in Wtilluku, Maul, onFRIOAY, Feb. l'i, 18U2, at 10 o'clockA. M W. 11. DANIKLH,

31 1 38t Secretary II. F. & T. Co.


A No. Remington Typewriter, costi 100, In perfect order, no riiHt, torsalo $03 cash. Apply "Typewriter,"307 lw Bulletin Olllce.


ITKOM AND AFTKR THIS DATEl1 Mr. O J. McCarthy will collect allmy hills. II G MctJRHW, M D.

Honolulu, Dec. 31. 1HU1 IIOS-li- u

In Holeuting your CIiriHl-nui- H

I'rtiKc.ntH don't lorotthat a l'lcturo Ih anions tliovery bunt and that tlio placoto get Hueh thin.H Ih at KingBros., Hotel Street.

M$on Ii''' ',,'r;'"

Mfiiilb ' JfflmuW ij

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, oppo. Spreckela' Bank, Honolulu.

"HOLIDAY GOODS!"M Unequalled Assortment and

JW. 251


104 Fort btreet, Honolulu.

HANDKERCHIEFS ! HANDKERCHIEFS I A mostComplete Stock, the very latest designs and extremely Low Prices. Comeand seo our assortment of White Embroidered Handkerchiefs that we offerfor 25 cents.

FANS, FANS, I" Great Vaiicty, LatestLisse Fans, in Black, White and Delicate Shades:Black and Fancy Colors. Feather Fans.

HAND liUN BLACK LACE SCAIIFS.Pure Silk, extra long and wide.

Hand Satchels, Chatelaines, Card Cases and Purses. A Fine Assortmentof Embroidered Pongee Drapes and Hand Painted Silk Tidies.

in Dainty and Delicate Shades. WHITE SILK EMBROIDERED WRAPSand PURE SILK. SHAWLS. Fancy Table Covers and Table Scarfs.

C If you are in search of Holiday Goods you will do well by examin-ing our goods and prices, before making your purchases elsewhere.






leave notify publicMarled hurse

Sons' factory,glad fi lends

make llrst-cla- ss

horeinterfering help Initio



Chris! mas a thing thepast to-da- y, and among other

our merchants foundlots IJ.'s their

stockings.Most people o'we something

a result the holidays,l)ii t you owe yourselfparticularly that you buywhere you can get the bestfor the least money. In thematter all kinds of Hard-ware, .Silverware and Goodsjrusually and unusually, sold

hardware stores, thinktour place answers the require-ments everyone.

Variety to Suit Tastes at

Novelties Lace andHand Painted Fans in



Rain Coats!


will kooii ho too latohoiuI romeinb ranees yourfrieiidw- - abroad. So goonce IJroH., Ho-tel struct, and Homotheir pretty and novel "Ha-waiian" Oltribtmuufor tho nurnoBC.

PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS,JPliotog-raplii- o Supplier,

Segars, Pipes & Tobacco.AGENTS FOR TUG LEADING



Ribbons, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Dress Goods,Fans, Etc., Etc.


are showing a choice of Ladies' & Gentlemen's

acintosh(Just thing for a Christinas present.')

Silk Umbrellas Ladies' Gentlmncn'u.BSr FINE GOODS LOW PRICES, -- i

Gall at B. Ehlers & Go.'s, 99 Fort St.FOR A FINE SELECTION


GLOVE & HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, ALBUMS,Etc., Etc., ho fine assortment is broken,


DRY & FANCY GOODS.OaSr Will keep open evenings from Saturday, Dee. to Christinas.

c. j. McCarthy,Ni:w Cummins' Block, Mkhohant Srm:i:T.


Equitable Life Assurance Society.FIRE PLACED. COLLECTIONS ATTENDED TO.

Rents Collected and Houses Rented,

business entrusted to mo will rcceivo prompt attention. fttnovll-'.l- l

NOTICE.KG to the that IIBhave a shoeing shun

id No. 81 King sheet, next to Wilghtitecarriage where I will boto meet and

also, a specialty ofshoeing. warrant to stopand can all hoius,

301 lm BOTH LIS


is of

thingsor J. O. in


as ofit to




a all



It toto

atto King on

got of



INWe line


in &AT







my old newones We







Page 4: EVENING, JANUAKY Cos Bit · building of great houses, aud in changing the desert into a mighty garden by putting on it the waters of the great riveis. Nuver has tho levol of the best



nP I I rHBfeV fciHWBH latin





W iI' Jk








,36 psfr-'T''fs--' "i CT ljillljgpjpnW"i"' ""S

- "HWipil & y fWWKW





Iiclmlcid' Toys !



8. LEVY.


! !

Wecui! Drills !

Satchels! Purses!


laiMlti anil GIovb Boies, Collar & Ci Boxes,

PLUSH SHAVING SETS.--Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs,


S. EHRL1CH & CO.,Corner Fort & Hotel Streets.

i lie Eqyifaliie Life AssuranceSociety of the United States.


New Assurance Written in 1890 S 203,826,107 00Income 35,036,683 24Surplus (from which dividend will

"be made) 23,740.447 34o

An Investment Worth Knowing About !


Before assuiing your life, or investing jour mouey, examine tbe Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of Tbe Equitable Life Assurance Society of the TJ. S.Policies maturing in 1891 realize cash returns to the owners, ol amounts

varying from 120 to 17G per cent, of the money paid in, besides tbe advan-tage of tbe Assurance during the whole period of twenty .years.

Tbe following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:Endowment Policy No. 64,925.

Issued in 1871, at as;e 27. Amount,Premium, S239.90. Total Pieras. Paid, 84,798.

at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender Value, $8,449.45(Equal to S17G.10 for each S100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent toi return of all premiums paid, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum.)

Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life Policy for 319,470(Equal to S105.80 for each 100 paid in premiums.)


A Life Annuity of S633.55.

ALEX. J.CARTWRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of the U. S.

Telephones, No. 115),

Chas. Hustaee,


Lincoln Block,King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh. California Roll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every steamers from San Francisco.

gjEF" All otders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. I blandorders solicited .uid Hacked with care.

Telephones, No. 175-.- -- CBg&-


Cdifornin Wheat, O.it Hay, in largo and compressed bales ; Barley, Rolledit Ground Bin ley, California & Ntw Zealand Oats, Middlings, Bran, Coin,

Ciaeked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Also,

Drifted Snow and Victor Flour !

: IP JUJ 1 'JT X JL. I 5fi 10 it 5 :

Wu keep constantly in btook tho celebrated Fertilueis manufactured by Mi.A. Huafa of San Franoir-co- , u. : Bone Meal, Wool Dust and High GiadeSuper Phosphates, all of which can bo had at bediock prices.

jRlnnd ordflrc solicited and

Telophono 210.- -




t&r- - -- O.N


-- Oor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts

n 9am d


satisfaction guaranteed. JfC9

--P. O. 25)7.

lil Fort Street,


--Telephone 5)2.

the city of charge, Wand orders. i-- vi

-- jB&gjsr-


Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries Provisions,

By each stcainor of the O. b. S. Co. from California freh Oalafornia RollButter, Frozen Oybtera Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete of Crosse & Blaokwell'b fe J. P. Moi ton's Canned& Bottled Goods always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of GormanPates Potted Meats Bottled Pieseived Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand .Sugar Cuied Hams and Bacon, Now Breakfast Cereals, Oieam OatFlukes Cieum Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burbauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc Eio. Satisfaction guaranteed.

P. Box 145.. J&3V0-- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

. (

Now Goods received by every packet from Eastern States Europe,Fresh California Produce by oveiy steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delhoied to any part ofnolioiteu. Baueiaouon tfuarantoeu.

P. 0. Box 372.







and and

and and





fi. F. Wichsuui a,

Fort Street.


ffirqC--fr ?fyv



I herewith appoint Mu. M. GOLD-BEIJ-

Agent for the sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing inthe Hawaiian Islands. Beware ofimitation. f'S1"-1'!- )

PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19lh of September, '90.


:!!- )- tf

I'.llUSlAUi:. J. .MOIIOAD.W.J! HOOO-5- .


All ordeis for cat tape promptly attendedto. Paitlenlar attention

paid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good in tiaiioit to the othei Hands.


In tjiMiitltic to suit at lowest juices.KTOki-ioi:- : Xi'.t dooi to .las. P.

Moigan'h auction loom.Mutual 19 a Telephones sQf- - Bell 414


rMJE Vciy D'li.il)lo Kesi-- 1denue loeated on Kinau

ktl.tltt lli. II tlir. .rtm ,tf IKt.tII .iti HIV 1.1 lll .11 I .'I!piicola stieet. pioently oeeupieil by P.i'. vjiikiisi aiiiuis. jjoiinu eoiiLiniH p.ir-lo- i,

uhiuig-ioon- i, Kitvhen, thieu cliam-bei- s,

batliiuoiii, juntiy. eiauda loomsand ample clo-e- t space. Possesion givenlJeceiuher 1st. liupiiio at

Hawaiian tiAJtmvAHi: co.,tf Foitbtieet. onp, Spleekelc.

Kiiii: Htlt'ol, Honolulu.Excellent aecoinniodaiiou for patients.

DR. A. It. ROWAT, V. S.Olllco IIouis 7:80 to 10 a. m,; 12:30

to 2 p. in.; 4 :K0 to (i p. in,TkliU'iioni.s; ItellUI). Mutual 183.

P. O li(i 32(1. 102tf

paikter:IF you want a FliM-cla- ss Job of dnt- -

hit; of any dcoci Intiou done, call onthe 1'iaetical Paiutei,,). L. Mkyw" onlyFort Btiei't 180, P.O.Box 387. MutualToluplmun C,(U. lf,( (f

Joo Dillon tlio Uarhor

IS now doing business on his own ac-count at 87 King tieet, where hit

will he pleased to sche all his oldfilendb ami as in.niy new oiusasniaycall. dec 10-9- 1

Tliu IxtHt thing to koikI toyour friciuls abroad iHKiii(rJJroH.' JlliiHtratod Soiivouii'of Hawaii, which in gottenup lor the nurnoHo and innot an advortiHoiuont.

wtmiirfwi iii9iiiwhi1iww



Ctii.TiVAitoN. After the plants aroin, little sheds with twigs and branch-es should be made to protect tbcinfor the next six months from the toogreat heal of the noonday sun. Thisprevents withering of tbe leaves orany cheek to the growth of the rooKChic must be taken that tbe plantsare not moved from their 111 st posi-tion.

On dry soils the plants ought tobe watered daily till the rainy seasonsets in, and once every two daysdining the dry seasons of three fol-

lowing yeais.Tho soil around the young plant

would bu well if hept damp by a bedof leaves, sucli us will not nttractants. If tho soil becomes so rich asto attract ants or giubs, ashes mustbe applied, for the tree is easilyruined by such insects. If the soilbe naturally poor or of a hungry na-ture, salt, ashes, paddy husks anddry manures may be applied the firstyear, but in after seasons, fresh ashes,

..decayed fish, carrion or other refuseis pieferablo.

Distinct leiiilcts will begin to showthemselves at the end of tbe (listyear, and be completed at the end ofthe second. Accoiding to the soiland location, the moisture and hu-midity of the climate, the spathes orshoots from which eventually thedowers are to appear will begin toshow in ft oin four to ten years.

In six months fiom blossoming thenuts will have the kcinel begin tosolidify, and in a year the fiuit isfully ripe.

At the end of the first year thosoil should be dug up and ashes ap-plied about once a month. Whenthe tree is two years old and hence-forward annually during the dry sea-son the whole ol the soil a jard ortwo round the stein must be openedout and ashes with dry manure ap-plied and left open to the air. Thisprevents a tendency to form a sort ofbulb and throw roots above the soil,and it promotes the vigor of the tree.

Some Co) Ion planlei s sprinkle ashesand salt about the spike shoots tokeep insects away, and tho applica-tion of salt and ashes to the tree lopsis usual to keep off tbe swaims ofinsects, paiticularly red ants wholive uiioii the juices of the tree andlender them fruitless.

The diied floods, old spathes, fruitand blossom stocks and ragged llbresshould be removed at stated peiiodsof perhaps a month, or as often asthe nuts aie gathered.

Sunlight is most beneficial to thecocoanut tiee ; it increases the num-ber of successive fionds and theciopsof iruit, while if much shadeis caused by tiees of other kinds,there is a tendency in the lower partof the cocoanut stem to thicken, whilethe upper part grows thin and atten-uated, with fronds at considerableintervals and little fruit. Exposureto regular breezes is also beneficialand makes a stronger tree than thosein shekel ed positions. Abundantnioistuic is also an essential condi-tion.

In almost every country wheie thecocoanut is grown, its chief enemy isthe rat, which is very fond of thecocoanut and is veiy destructive.Each tree has to be piotected by asheet of zinc nailed around it.

In the West Indies a "cocoanutdisease" has appeared which hasdestioycd plantations in some paitsof Cuba and has caused seriousalaim, for in some districts thecocoanut industiy is the sole de-pendence of the inhabitants. Themeans used to extciminate the plagueis to trim down the diseased trees,oi cut off the leaves w hen they showthat they are affected by commenc-ing to get yellow and dry, then burnthem under the lice with petioleumand sulphur, so as the fumes will riseup and fumigate the other leavesThedisease is thought to be caused bypiotracted drouth and not likely toaffect trees in moist localities. It isa cr ptogamian parasite: spots be-

gin on the lower leaves which getyellow anil dry, then the next upperleaf is affected and so on till at theend of three or four months theIeaes have all fallen, then a putriddecomposition sets in and the tieedies.

Yn i.i). In the South Seas the an-nual yield is abuoiinally large, manytrees in full bearing piodueing asmany as 000 cocoanuts annunlly;300 may bo stated as a fair average,though in the Gilbeit and MarshallIslands thn trees will produce thatmany tw ice a year.

In other counliies where the treeis systematically cultivated the yieldis not so large, varying from 00 to200 per tree accoiding to soil andlocation. The gicatost yield is on alow and sandy soil near tho sea,wheie there are pre ailing sea bree!csand abundant moisture.

Son. The soils suitable for acocoanut plantation aie variouslydoscribed as below, particularly

that stony grounds, or thoseoverlying rocky foundations, are tobe avoided :

1. Soils mixed with sand, citherdaik-coloie- d or river washed.

2. Wheie sand is mixed with clay,feuuginouB earth, or block mould.

!1. Sand and clay, even wheiemixed with giavel and pebbles.

1. Tho sea shore, banks of back-watei- s,

riveis and paddy fields.5. Mai shy laud even in braskish

soils (but not where salt is formedin ciyhtals by evaporation).

(!. All level lands exposed to thesea bieezo whcio the soil is good.

( 7 Y lie Uotitinuctf.)

When ou wuut a PortraitEnlarged call on King Bros.,g t their nri;o list and weeHiunjriea. Thoy can't bo boatt



"1 feci as though I was going downtho harbor."

This was tho romatk mado by oneof the party which went out on thoPullman double-dec- k electric car,says the Boston Globe, when it wasmoved from the Bartlett-strce- t repairshop to the North-avenu- e stables inCambridge. Since the tiip of a s

ago, when the car met with somany mishaps, many changes havebeen made, and this trip was success-ful in every pailieular.

Despite the heavy rain which fell,ncaily all the party rode on the up-per deck. The sensation was muchliko that of tiding on the deck of asteamer. The run to Cambridge wasmade via Shiwmut avenue, Tremont,Court, Green, Chambers, Main andIlarvaul streets and North avenuesto the stables.

The car is a model of excellence inits finish and reminds one of a stand-ai- d

Pullman car. It will seat 7fpersons, ol downstairs, 1G in eachend and 2 on the platfoim, and 11on the upper deck. The motor manis stationed on the upper deck and isshut in a small house, surrounded byglass, so that his vision is not im-

paired in any direction. It ismounted on two eight-wheel- ti ticksof the Pullman standard pattern, andequipped with two o powerblasting motors. The brake is a"friction brake," and the slightestturn of the handle is enough to stopthe car within a quaiter of its length.

The lower part of the car is light-ed by fltteen incandescent lanips,and the upper deck by ten. It isheated by electricity. It is upholst-ered and carpeted like a standardPullman car. The entrances are inthe center of this car from citherside. Here the conductor standsand signals the motor man by anelectric bell. Push-butto- in theinterior of the car are for passengersto use in signaling to the conductor.

The car will be run.bctwcen Noithavenue and Bowdoin square.and willstart at once unless something un-

foreseen occuis.


EniToit Uuuxtin:In a recent issue of the Advertiser

an amateur dramatic performance attho private lesidonceof one of ourcitizens was made public in thecolumns of that daily as the "his-t- i

ionic effoits of a number of tenta-tive actois."

It certainly seems rather unneces-sary to throw a dictionary at theheads of a few ladies and gentlemenwho for the private amusement oftheir fiiends get up an occasionalfarce or comedy, and it ceitainly isa new departure in the daily papershere to disparage such we'll meantefforts by a reference evidently in-

tended to be saicastic.For thealiical performances Hono-

lulu is almost entiiely dependent onamateur talent, and while the writerbad not the good foitune to be oneof the audience on last Thursdayevening, he has no hesitation in say-ing that from what be has heard inleirard thereto, and has seen Hono-lulu amateurs' put before the publicfor instance "Pinafore," "Patience,"and tbe "Mikado," in the musicalline, "Everybody's Friend," "Scrapof Paper" and like comedies, itwould lie far better to suggest apublic performance from the com-pany playing Williams' popular farcelast week than to try and discouiagethem by doubtful compliments orthinly veiled innuendoes.

Sim or.vrou.


As a preventive and cure forcioup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedyhas no rival. It is, in fact, the onlyremedy that can always be dependedupon and that is pKaLint and safe totake, l'heie is not the least dangciin giving it to childien, as it containsno injurious substance. For sale at.')() cents per bottle by all dealersBenson, Smith & Co., auenls.

Good investment !


PIECE of Land with Four Col- -V tagi'R on Vino aid htieet, i oiled

ror S2S per month, Foi ailieulaioJ. M. VIVAS.

303 tin


rJTliLBeeAbout to ho built at tho cm ner of Iteif-tiin- la

and Keeaiiinoku sliuuta, eiieh con-taining I'ailoi. Dluliig-iooi- n, ILillwur,I Ui'di minis, Kitchen, Pantiy and Hmfi- -10(1111,

to8Tho plans (M,i bo seen at mvolli-u- , and an alterations debited ovatenant will he made,

- U '- - MCCARTHY.

GOKCE LUCAS,Conlraclor .Builder.

Honolulu Steam Plinlug Milk, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Uiaikcts, Window Flames, tillmls,Hushes, Hoots, and all kinds of woodwoik unlsli. Turning, Set oil and HandSiwing. All kinds" of Hawing andPlaniiii,', Mot tlcing and Tenanting.CSS Otdets pioinptl) attended to and

woik guui anteed Ordeis Item theother Islands solicited. J -- 91

'PHIFWEEKLY BULLETIN-- 281 columns of luteiestlug reading

matters. Mailed to foreigu countries,15 j Islands, 4.

JOHNImporter and Dealer in

Steel and Iron Ranges, Stoves ml Fixtures, ;;

Housekeeping Goods & Kitchen Utensils,AGATE WARE IN LARGE YARIETY.


LAPS AND FIXTURES.Crockery, Mber Hose, Lifl and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet iron Work." l nil HlooJi." Nob.


Engineers &Office & Works,

j . e


t nr !" t-"-




Plain or Boilers for land and marine use,Pans up to feet in

Triple orIron or Cast Iron Tanks for all

Rice Mill and& Cast Iron Work for House

A & of Bar Iron on hand !

: :

in itsSole in for

Patent for tiash.Patent Cane most and

made.& Patent waste heat in

latestHole AucniM in Hav. ulinn IhIiuuIh tor tho

Co. SunCo. of

Sheet BoxManhole & Steam Pipe & Boiler

SW These used by the British inwar vc'M-el-

RcDitirs to kinds nf 1nn ,.1 ..,1,1.. ... 1 .1dtort notice.





Iron Founders,Queen Street, Honolulu.



Su2;ar Machiiier?;-- Steam Engines,Automatic Cutoff,Vacuum diameter,

Double, Quadruple Effects,Wrought purposes,

Game Wagons, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,Hoisting Machinery, Machinery

Wrousrht Building

Large Varied Asfeortment alwaysSPECIALTIES

Diffusion Machinery Branches.Manui-actuuer- Hawaiian Islands

William's Furnaces burningWilliam's Slicing Machines, successful econo-

micalVlarsden Rickard's Evaporator, utilizing smoke-

stack improvement.

Pelton Water Wheel Francisco,Bell's Asbestos Packing London, England.

Packing, Stuffing Packing,Handhole Gaskets, Coverings.

Packings exclusively Admiralty

:hipoing & Commission Merchants,


--DEALEtlH IN- -



Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Carpenters', piaokBrn,ithB', Machinists' Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen UtouHila, Puiutts, OUh, Varnishes, Lamp Goods and

IVflfolnciiwe.,Hake's Stodin Pumps, Weston's Ceinrluigals,

Wilcox Gibbs, Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines.MniMramOi

IkM HHl s: p. o. box .180. : MM yBL., ,.. ,,


Ac t"? Ki










& St

Wwr. Cor. JXiiiiiiuii to ICiiif; WLrtiotw.o

0T All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold olteapfor cash at the I X L,

gjST The I X L pays tho HIGHEST GASH PRICE for all kinds otSoeond-han- d Purnituro, Stoves, Sewing Machine?, Etc., Etc.

gjmf IF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Hoitbohold Furnitino in itsentiiely, call at the I X L Auction & Commission Douse, corner Nuitanuand King bticots.

Prompt Keturns Made on Goods Sold on Commission0


t&-- Stor Open Hntnnlsiy

46 Weekly



Hi A : mutual tel. jjo.I.,.., ...,,,


Kvninirs till 0 o'clock

Bulletin "

Issued US-ver- y Tuesday