For knowing how to The oldest and best. Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Evening Bulletin Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin does Vol. V. No: 921. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1898. Pkiois 5 Gents. 'Wfjwii'um LATEST ON ANNEXATION THE MANILA EXPEDITION PRESIDENT DOLE'S OFFER TROOPS WILL LAND HERE WILL HAWAII BE SEIZED? Ager'sHalr Vigor Newland's Resolution Reported Favor- ably Thirty Thousand Soldiers from Yarlons Eton Went So Far As To Propose Sixteen Hundred Boys in Blue Coming Infantry and Artillery to Hold and What does in the Hodse. States for the Philippines. An Alliance. in City of Peking. Defend Honolulu Harbor. it do? It causes tho oil glands in tho skin to become more actlro, making tho hair soft and glossy, precisely Mm as nature Intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus re moves one of the great causes of baldness. It makes a better cir culation In the Bcalp and stops the hair from coming out. It prevents aid H cares baldness. AVer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remaining In the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this In a moment, as will a hair dye; but In a short time the gray color of . age gradually disappears and the darker color of youth takes its place. PRKrAKRD BY Dr. X, C. Ann lu Co., Lowell, Man., TJ. S. A. . 1 l i I H.iJMM UrittTIOX AT MANILA. Attnt'i tl lfv U'uttlntf for Troop Tlir llfbftla UiitrmtiTorthy. LI i) .fe.-ni- ', My 17. Tho eti'iun. r Hsiner.iliu. which has just it'rivi'il from Manila with 400 refng , uhttdly Ghineso, reports that tin United States cruisers Concord and B.iBton nre goiug to Hi)' I ', whiM thoy expect prompt ( ' oi)ituliuiuu and t recuplunj the Aiii"iiuai Suraniic, with a Clil'( of (". id The blockade of Manila t ox trembly riaid ami several foreign ships li'ivo bc-- n refuaM admit tuiico Thu rebols a- - useless ns allies of ' iniir'l pw y. They are thor.ni hly (l, quite half of lit- - it hwt.ig tii ifivi.r- - f Spiin. Tin Cavite annual uai found era tv Colonel Miquol of tho art liery committed suicide bo-ca- ns ho discovered tbat the ammunition was nou oxiateut. Captain General Augnatin is trying to conciliate tho rebels and has authorized tho establishment of native councils. The Archbishop of Manila, in a p.istnral issued ou the 8th inst., said: "Christians, dofond your v faith "gainst heretics who raise an insuperable barrier to immortal sou I, oualnvo the people, nboli-- h crosses from cempteriPB, forbid pastors to prform bap tintn. matrimony or funeral rites, or :o administer cousolntion or ..grant absolution." Pending ttto arrival of troopa from the Uui'o.l Stated tho Ame rieaiH dpfor hi stiliti s ashore. Tie British second ulasa cruiser Pique has ben ordered to the isl- and of Iloilo for the piotpotion of 'liw aiidp'optrty threatened by the insurgents Ninv York, May 18. A dispatch from Hongkong says: . Lienors from Manila tak3 a brighter view of the situation thoe. Tho aation of the Govern- ment in regulating tho price of P food has caused h reaction. Tho Germans in MauiU believe Gor- man support will come to them and that Prince Henry and his 1 ships will soon arrive. The Gov- ernor of Manila allowed the de-- 1 liver of ranils to Dowoy. Flnl, Iatt ami Alwuy. Once a patron always a patron is tho motto of those who. havo' their tonsorial work dono at Jtho Criterion Barber Shop. ' Some shops experience un increased patronage for a time, bat it ovon tually drops off. The reverse is the case at tho Criterion Shop it steadily increases. m m For a nine clean shavo or an artistic hair outdroo in to tho Elite .Barber Shop, King street, noar Alakoa. Committee on Rules the Stumbling Block Now, Four Out of Its Fire Members Opposing Annexation. The following dispatches wore received by various business houses today from thoir Now York and Washington correspondents: A New York tologram dated May 12 says: "House Committee voted nine to four, two Republic- ans absent, to report the" Nor- lands annexation resolution. Will ask for rule for early considera- tion." Another telegram of the same date Bays: "Newlands Annexation Resolution adopted by Foroign Relations Committeo by vote ten to four. Will bo reported today and called up Tuesday." A Washington correspondent writes under date of May 13: " Speaker Reed's opposition to tho annexation scheme has had no effect whatovor upon tho Commit- tee on Foreign Affairs, and Chair- man Hitt is satisfied that when the timo comes the Speaker will bow to the inevitable and placo no ob stacle in tho way of tho Newlands Resolution. Howevor, the situa- tion is not rosy. Four of tho five members of the Committeo on Rules are understood to bo op- posed to annexation, and under existing circumstances a rulo for the consideration of tho matter is about I ho only sure way of reach- ing it. If theroworo two-thir- ds for it, a motion could be made on the 6iat or third Monday, if tho Speakor would givo recognition for'tliat purpose. But there fa not two thirds for it. A regular steady demand for tho 'regular order' would reach it under the call of committee. But in any ovpnt nothing will be dono beforo next week, as the Democrats have until Tuesday in which to file thoir views. " According to Mr. Reed's state- ments it is the fear of a prolouga tion of the session that chiefly moves him to opposo tho rosolu tion." The Veteran Doctor. Dr. John S. McGrow, who lato-lypass- od his seventy fifth birthday, halo and hearty, rocoivod notice by today's steamer that ho would bo subject to call as U. S. army surgeon, beiug among tho veter- ans of the civil war placed on the retired list. The dootor also re ceived from tho War Departmont a chock for SO. 18 duo for services rendered in the civil war. Christian Workers. The regular weekly meeting of tho Christian Workers will bo hold tomorrow aftornoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the Y. M. 0. A. hall. Rev. Dr. Berber will apeak on the "McGaul Mission in Paris." A cordial invitation is extended to all to bo present. A Bike Smashed .TAKE IT TO. The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. A sound Job of Repairs guaranteed. Quick dispatch. Parts and Sundries for ANY VTHKEL In Honolulu In stock or mado to ordor. Bettor is it to liave a good old maclilno repaired than to buy a cheap now ono. Rumored Bombardment of Santiago The Van- ishing Fleet Battleship Oregon R- eportedWar Notes. For other war news boo second and third pages: THE MANILA EXPEDITION. A San Francisco paper of May 19 has the following: A Washington dispatch Bays Secretary of War Alger told Sen- ator Pei kins that California would got no Brigadier General, as tho President had decided to make no further appointments from civil life for somo timo. This leaves tho command of tho California Volunteers under regular army nflinnrn. Ihn RrimuliAra nndftr "Mil jor Generals Wesley Morritt and Jiilwell Utis being tfenorals An derson. Com o ton and ono or two others not yet selected. Major Uoneral Utis will depart witn tno first 11)00 mon. It has boon practically decided by the Govern- ment to send 30,000 soldiers to the PliilinnintH nnd tho second call for volunteers will bo mado soon in order that tho desired number may be secured. New York, May 19 Gonoral Morritt will go to Washington to night, accompanied by his aides, Lieutenants Mott and Halo. To- morrow ho will havo n final con- ference with tho President and with Secretary Alor as to tho plans for tho expedition to the Philippines. THE OLD MONOOAOY. Dr. O. J. Dooker, U. S. N., un- til recently at tho Maro Island Hospital, and who was ordered to the City" of Poking with tho un- derstanding that ho would make tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer Monouacy as a hospital chip, and Dr. Docker has boen ordered to ber. The Mono cacy is an old sidowheel wooden cunboat, which has proved useful in river service on tho China station. SANTIAGO BOMBARDED. Washington, May 19. -- It is ro ported bore that Santiago de Cuba was successfully bombarded yes torday by three American ships. The orders of tho vessels wero to cat the cable at tho port and it is reported that this was successfully accomplished, a hot fire being kept up on tho fortifications in order to protect the men at work. When the cables wore cut tho vessels drow off out of rango, not attempting to reduce the batteries, THE OIIEOON nEPOBTED. Washington, May 19. It is an nouucod this morning that the battleship Oregon has sailed from Barbadoea for Key West. Sho is duo at tho latter placo within a few days. Sho will coal at that placo and what repairs are ne cessory after hor long trip will be mado and tho vessel will then bo ready to join Sampson's squad ron. THE vanishing: fleet. New York, May 19. A cable to tho World from Colon says that Cervera's flyingsquadron has been reported near Port Limon on tho eastern coast of Cuba, and is re- ported to bo working its way, to- -: ward the Gulf oifies. Naval officers discredit this re- port. If tho news is true tbat Spain's floet has gone to that cor- ner of the Caribbean sea it is bo lioved that it was dono either to avoid combat with the Americans, or in tho hopo of ontioing tho Am erican floot away from tho Cuban coast. Continued ou Eighth Page. No Intimation From McKInley As to How the Offer Will Be Received By the United States. In the Senate this morninc the most intorosting subjoct camo up just after the Senate adjourned and beforo tho Senators bad loft their seats. Minister Cooper came oat of tho President's room oxpocting to mnko a communication to tho Senate, but as tho Senate had ad- journed he mado it informally. He desired to inform the Senators tbat previous to the roceipt of tho news of Admiral Dewey's victory at Manila the Hawaiian Govern ment had caused an offer to bo mado to tho President of theUnitod States, through tho Hawaiian Min- ister 'at Washington, tondoring ihe froo use of the islands during tho war to tho United States, and stating tbat the Hawaiian Govorn ment was willing to exiond any and all privileges required. Tho offer even went so far as to offor to negotiate an alliance. By the mail today a letter had been re- ceived from Minister Hatch stat ing tbat the offor had been dalv transmitted to Pie9ident McKin-ley- , bnt that no reply thereto had so far been received at tho Ha waiian Legation. At the opening of the session a communication was read from the nctinu Minister of Intorior stating that the President had signed Act 39, the Audit Act. Senator Rice reported Senntt-Bil- l ,48, placing a duty on chicory, printed and the bill was referred to the Committee ou Commerce, Senate Bill 41, opiam permits, was1 deferred to next Monday ow- ing to the absonco of Sonator Brown. Souato Hill 44, regulating tho oponing of streets, and Senato Bill 4G, rotating to agreements of sale undor Homestead Act, both passed third reading. At 10:20 the Senate adjourned, IN Till! HOUSE. Mlnlater Cooper Make a Statement for President Dole. Minister Cooper, under suspen- sion of tho rules, made the follow ing statement to tho Houso of Representatives this morning: "The President of tho Republic has instructed mo to, inform tho Houso that he had sent a commu- nication to the President of the United States tondoring to him all privileges which ho may desire in the ponding conflict between that Government and Spain ovon to the end of consummating a troaty of alliance between tho two coun- tries. A dispatch has beou re- ceived from Minister Hatch stat- ing that tho tender had boon com municitod to President MoEinlcy and that no answer had as yot been received, but that Continued on Firth Page. Royal makes the food pure, wbolctomo anil dellcleat. 4W POWDER AbiolmclPuro ami tttfa rem eo nfwveeK. The Transport to Be Coaled from United States Pile U. S. S. Charleston Put Back. Consul General Haywood stated this morning thnt he had received a lettor from Mrs. Haywood now in San Francisco, giving inform ation as follows: That upon her arrival thero she had gono to tho Palaco Hotel and while thcro was called uppn by tho army and navy officers, friends of horsolf and husband. Among tho callers was Captain Gibson, formerly of the training ship Adams, who is now iu command of the City of Peking. Ho asked Mrs. Haywood to write and toll her husband that tho Poking would touch at Hono- lulu and that bo had orders to land 1G0O men hero. The lottor further states that all tho transports and warships leav-iu- g Sau Francisco for Manila would touch horo to coal. Consul Haywood has' received orders to coal tho Poking and H. Hackfeld & Co. have received information from Mr. Schwerin, manager of tho Pacific Mail steamship (Join pany, that tho Poking would bo coaled horo witn tue United States coal on hand. Charleston Pate Hack. The San Francisco Daily Re- port, evening, of the 19th inot., nays: Tho cruiser Charleston re- turned to Maro Island this morn ini. It anchored in the bay for the night and went up to tho navy. yara eariy- - tuis morninu. xue ship's condensers are out of ordor, but not to any serious extent and in a couple of days sho will be readv to mako a coou start. "Somo such uiscovoiy as the abovemontioned was oxpoftBd, and the Charleston is foituuato in having no more important repairs to make. It may be remem- bered that at tho time of tho rocont sharp earthquake tho Charleston was in the dry dock, whoro she got tho full beno-f- it of tho shako and the wrench. Somo anxiety was folt about her at the timo, and although an over hauling did not result in any dis- covery of damage, it was feared that unpleasant diecovories might bo mado whon sho put to sea mat timo. The faults iu tho conden- sers appear, however, to bo the sum total of the mischief done." The Transport. Tho San Francisco Bulletin of tho same date is sarcastic in com- ments on the Charleston's plight and her unfortunate record, and has tho followiug to fay about two of tho transports: "Another outrage on the gov- ernment is being perpetrated on tho steamship City of Peking. The attention of our Congressmen should bo called to tho matter im- mediately that tho wrong mny be righted beforo it is too lato. In- stead of putting bunks in tiors bo tween decks and having tho bunks arranged two in a tier, five beds are built in a row, which will render tho quarters not only ex- ceedingly uncomfortable but very unhealthy. "Imagino a vessel going to a tropical zono with men packed betweon docks like Ohiuoso. Tho arrangements aro badly planuod, tho work on the boat has beon soriously delayed and "somebody ought to lose his job. Whpovor tho man is who put the w bunks in the Peking, ho should be made to take them out and put them back again properly at his own oxpenso. "On tho Australia tho accommo- dations are oxoollent. Tho bunks aro arranged in tiers aiid each contains a wire mattress, The quarters aro light and cool." What President McKInley May Do If Congress nun UaI TmIta DAmnf litffAn AH ' vma nvi iiilc uumyi nmvu vu Annexation. Mrs. Haywood's letter to her husband would, in the light of the following dispatch, mean that tho troops to bo landed here aro for tho occupation of Honolulu in- stead of its temporary guests for a fow hours: Washington, May 1G. Should Congress fail to movo at onco in the matter of Hawaiian annexa tion seizure will result, and tbat vory quickly. At least President McKinloy is haviug prepared a plan for the landing at Honolulu of a repimont of infantry and at least two battalions of artillery to hold the harbor and protect it from entranco by any foe. Tho determination to move with celerity has boen made very re- cently. Tho President had mado up his mind to await Congres- sional notion, and was doing no- thing but bending overy energy to securing votes in both houses for a resolution which will bo re- ported to tbo Houbb tomorrow from tho Committeo on Foreign Affairs. Then came the threaten ing attitudo of Germany aud the prculinr position taken by France, and the perils of tho Philippine expedition begau to multiply. Prt-siden- t Molvinloy saw at once that should eithor of the Euro- pean poworri desire to tho Uiiitd States in (ho Pacific just now their tir-- t inovn would bo to cut off Hawaii With a force of tTuwiH-j'- 'i u.. u .u mi' J. uunn'i'ii - "'iimiil was ee-'- becomes absolutely ne- cessary to this o luntry So it was decided tLat a forco ot 1500 shall , be sent down to Honolulu at onoe if Congress does not indicutosomo plan of action. The men who will go will not. ouly provide a garrison, but as well will bo employed in fortify- ing tho town, For this purpose great gunB will ho soul down very soon, and tho whole harbor will bo minod. Posidont Dole of Hawaii, it is said, has offered to shelter and feed all the' mon tho , United States considers necessary to bo sent to Hawaii. This will relieve tho sub- sistence department of much wor- ry, but it is known that commis- saries have already prosecuted inquiries as to the cost of rations there. Meanwhile thore is every indi- cation that Congress will act at onco and thus roudor uuneceesary action by the President. The moment Congress shall act there will bo a stiong movement of troops to Hawuii, and also the makii'gof plans for a series of for- tifications for ihe purpose of rend- ering it impregnable as n base of supplies. On Sunday evening next Rev. J, A. Oruzan will preach nt Con-ti- al Union chuicli and Rev. D. P. Biruio will sp"ak at Palama chattel. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. 3old Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; r CREAM BAKING P0MTOIR A Part drape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD- - itfAX,ii..W;irfiJ Ji afriidte. &lu$lMfe. hMisumk ""' - - -- - "'" " .? -- stkl. "1. f. .L ..t..iju4i3s

Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

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Page 1: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

For knowing how to The oldest and best.Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy.Evening BulletinConsult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The

The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin does

Vol. V. No: 921. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1898. Pkiois 5 Gents.'Wfjwii'um


Newland's Resolution Reported Favor-


Thirty Thousand Soldiers from Yarlons Eton Went So Far As To Propose Sixteen Hundred Boys in Blue Coming Infantry and Artillery to Hold andWhat does

in the Hodse. States for the Philippines. An Alliance. in City of Peking. Defend Honolulu Harbor.

it do?

It causes tho oil glandsin tho skin to become moreactlro, making tho hairsoft and glossy, precisely

Mm as nature Intended.It cleanses the scalp

from dandruff and thus removes one of the greatcauses of baldness.

It makes a better circulation In the Bcalp and

stops the hair from coming out.

It prevents aid

H cares baldness.

AVer's Hair Vigor will surely make hairgrow on bald heads, provided only there isany life remaining In the hair bulbs.

It restores color to gray or white hair. Itdoes not do this In a moment, as will a hairdye; but In a short time the gray color of

. age gradually disappears and the darker colorof youth takes its place.


Dr. X, C. Ann lu Co., Lowell, Man., TJ. S. A.

.1 l i I H.iJMM


Attnt'i tl lfv U'uttlntf for TroopTlir llfbftla UiitrmtiTorthy.

LI i) .fe.-ni- ', My 17. Thoeti'iun. r Hsiner.iliu. which hasjust it'rivi'il from Manila with 400refng , uhttdly Ghineso, reportsthat tin United States cruisersConcord and B.iBton nre goiug toHi)' I ', whiM thoy expect prompt

( ' oi)ituliuiuu and t recuplunj theAiii"iiuai Suraniic, with aClil'( of (". id

The blockade of Manila t oxtrembly riaid ami several foreignships li'ivo bc-- n refuaM admittuiico

Thu rebols a- - useless ns alliesof ' iniir'l pw y. They arethor.ni hly (l, quite halfof lit- - it hwt.ig tii ifivi.r- - f Spiin.

Tin Cavite annual uai foundera tv Colonel Miquol of thoart liery committed suicide bo-ca- ns

ho discovered tbat theammunition was nou oxiateut.

Captain General Augnatin istrying to conciliate tho rebels andhas authorized tho establishmentof native councils.

The Archbishop of Manila, in ap.istnral issued ou the 8th inst.,said: "Christians, dofond your

v faith "gainst heretics who raise aninsuperable barrier to immortalsou I, oualnvo the people,nboli-- h crosses from cempteriPB,forbid pastors to prform baptintn. matrimony or funeral rites,or :o administer cousolntion or

..grant absolution."Pending ttto arrival of troopa

from the Uui'o.l Stated tho AmerieaiH dpfor hi stiliti s ashore.

Tie British second ulasa cruiserPique has ben ordered to the isl-

and of Iloilo for the piotpotion of'liw aiidp'optrty threatened bythe insurgents

Ninv York, May 18. A dispatchfrom Hongkong says:. Lienors from Manila tak3 abrighter view of the situationthoe. Tho aation of the Govern-ment in regulating tho price of

P food has caused h reaction. ThoGermans in MauiU believe Gor-man support will come to themand that Prince Henry and his


ships will soon arrive. The Gov-ernor of Manila allowed the de-- 1liver of ranils to Dowoy.

Flnl, Iatt ami Alwuy.Once a patron always a patron

is tho motto of those who. havo'their tonsorial work dono at JthoCriterion Barber Shop. ' Someshops experience un increasedpatronage for a time, bat it ovontually drops off. The reverse isthe case at tho Criterion Shop itsteadily increases.

m m

For a nine clean shavo or anartistic hair outdroo in to tho Elite

.Barber Shop, King street, noarAlakoa.

Committee on Rules the Stumbling Block Now,

Four Out of Its Fire Members

Opposing Annexation.

The following dispatches worereceived by various businesshouses today from thoir Now Yorkand Washington correspondents:

A New York tologram datedMay 12 says: "House Committeevoted nine to four, two Republic-ans absent, to report the" Nor-lands annexation resolution. Willask for rule for early considera-tion."

Another telegram of the samedate Bays: "Newlands AnnexationResolution adopted by ForoignRelations Committeo by vote tento four. Will bo reported todayand called up Tuesday."

A Washington correspondentwrites under date of May 13:" Speaker Reed's opposition totho annexation scheme has had noeffect whatovor upon tho Commit-tee on Foreign Affairs, and Chair-man Hitt is satisfied that when thetimo comes the Speaker will bowto the inevitable and placo no obstacle in tho way of tho NewlandsResolution. Howevor, the situa-tion is not rosy. Four of tho fivemembers of the Committeo onRules are understood to bo op-posed to annexation, and underexisting circumstances a rulo forthe consideration of tho matter isabout I ho only sure way of reach-ing it. If theroworo two-thir- ds forit, a motion could be made on the6iat or third Monday, if thoSpeakor would givo recognitionfor'tliat purpose. But there fa nottwo thirds for it. A regular steadydemand for tho 'regular order'would reach it under the call ofcommittee. But in any ovpntnothing will be dono beforo nextweek, as the Democrats have untilTuesday in which to file thoirviews.

" According to Mr. Reed's state-ments it is the fear of a prolougation of the session that chieflymoves him to opposo tho rosolution."

The Veteran Doctor.

Dr. John S. McGrow, who lato-lypass- od

his seventy fifth birthday,halo and hearty, rocoivod noticeby today's steamer that ho wouldbo subject to call as U. S. armysurgeon, beiug among tho veter-ans of the civil war placed on theretired list. The dootor also received from tho War Departmonta chock for SO. 18 duo for servicesrendered in the civil war.

Christian Workers.

The regular weekly meeting oftho Christian Workers will bohold tomorrow aftornoon at 3:30o'clock, at the Y. M. 0. A. hall.Rev. Dr. Berber will apeak on the"McGaul Mission in Paris." Acordial invitation is extended toall to bo present.

A Bike Smashed


The Honolulu Cyclery

231 King Street.

A sound Job of Repairs guaranteed.Quick dispatch.

Parts and Sundries for ANY VTHKELIn Honolulu In stock or mado to ordor.

Bettor is it to liave a good old maclilnorepaired than to buy a cheap now ono.

Rumored Bombardment of Santiago The Van-

ishing Fleet Battleship Oregon R-

eportedWar Notes.

For other war news boo secondand third pages:


A San Francisco paper of May19 has the following:

A Washington dispatch BaysSecretary of War Alger told Sen-

ator Pei kins that California wouldgot no Brigadier General, as thoPresident had decided to make nofurther appointments from civillife for somo timo. This leavestho command of tho CaliforniaVolunteers under regular armynflinnrn. Ihn RrimuliAra nndftr "Mil

jor Generals Wesley Morritt andJiilwell Utis being tfenorals Anderson. Com oton and ono or twoothers not yet selected. MajorUoneral Utis will depart witn tnofirst 11)00 mon. It has boonpractically decided by the Govern-ment to send 30,000 soldiers tothe PliilinnintH nnd tho secondcall for volunteers will bo madosoon in order that tho desirednumber may be secured.

New York, May 19 GonoralMorritt will go to Washington tonight, accompanied by his aides,Lieutenants Mott and Halo. To-

morrow ho will havo n final con-ference with tho President andwith Secretary Alor as to thoplans for tho expedition to thePhilippines.


Dr. O. J. Dooker, U. S. N., un-til recently at tho Maro IslandHospital, and who was ordered tothe City" of Poking with tho un-derstanding that ho would maketho trip to Manila on that vesseland como back with the sick andwounded, has had his orderschanged. It has been decided touso the steamer Monouacy as ahospital chip, and Dr. Docker hasboen ordered to ber. The Monocacy is an old sidowheel woodencunboat, which has proved usefulin river service on tho Chinastation.


Washington, May 19. -- It is roported bore that Santiago de Cubawas successfully bombarded yestorday by three American ships.The orders of tho vessels wero tocat the cable at tho port and it isreported that this was successfullyaccomplished, a hot fire beingkept up on tho fortifications inorder to protect the men at work.When the cables wore cut thovessels drow off out of rango, notattempting to reduce the batteries,


Washington, May 19. It is annouucod this morning that thebattleship Oregon has sailed fromBarbadoea for Key West. Sho isduo at tho latter placo within afew days. Sho will coal at thatplaco and what repairs are necessory after hor long trip will bemado and tho vessel will then boready to join Sampson's squadron.

THE vanishing: fleet.New York, May 19. A cable to

tho World from Colon says thatCervera's flyingsquadron has beenreported near Port Limon on thoeastern coast of Cuba, and is re-ported to bo working its way, to--:

ward the Gulf oifies.Naval officers discredit this re-

port. If tho news is true tbatSpain's floet has gone to that cor-ner of the Caribbean sea it is bolioved that it was dono either toavoid combat with the Americans,or in tho hopo of ontioing tho American floot away from tho Cubancoast.

Continued ou Eighth Page.

No Intimation From McKInley As to How the

Offer Will Be Received By the

United States.

In the Senate this morninc themost intorosting subjoct camo upjust after the Senate adjournedand beforo tho Senators bad lofttheir seats.

Minister Cooper came oat of thoPresident's room oxpocting tomnko a communication to thoSenate, but as tho Senate had ad-

journed he mado it informally.He desired to inform the Senatorstbat previous to the roceipt of thonews of Admiral Dewey's victoryat Manila the Hawaiian Government had caused an offer to bomado to tho President of theUnitodStates, through tho Hawaiian Min-ister 'at Washington, tondoringihe froo use of the islands duringtho war to tho United States, andstating tbat the Hawaiian Govornment was willing to exiond anyand all privileges required. Thooffer even went so far as to offorto negotiate an alliance. By themail today a letter had been re-ceived from Minister Hatch stating tbat the offor had been dalvtransmitted to Pie9ident McKin-ley- ,

bnt that no reply thereto hadso far been received at tho Hawaiian Legation.

At the opening of the sessiona communication was read fromthe nctinu Minister of Intoriorstating that the President hadsigned Act 39, the Audit Act.

Senator Rice reported Senntt-Bil- l,48, placing a duty on chicory,

printed and the bill was referredto the Committee ou Commerce,

Senate Bill 41, opiam permits,was1 deferred to next Monday ow-ing to the absonco of SonatorBrown.

Souato Hill 44, regulating thooponing of streets, and SenatoBill 4G, rotating to agreements ofsale undor Homestead Act, bothpassed third reading.

At 10:20 the Senate adjourned,


Mlnlater Cooper Make a Statement forPresident Dole.

Minister Cooper, under suspen-sion of tho rules, made the following statement to tho Houso ofRepresentatives this morning:

"The President of tho Republichas instructed mo to, inform thoHouso that he had sent a commu-nication to the President of theUnited States tondoring to him allprivileges which ho may desire inthe ponding conflict between thatGovernment and Spain ovon tothe end of consummating a troatyof alliance between tho two coun-tries. A dispatch has beou re-ceived from Minister Hatch stat-ing that tho tender had boon communicitod to President MoEinlcyand that no answer had as yotbeen received, but that

Continued on Firth Page.

Royal makes the food pure,wbolctomo anil dellcleat.


ami tttfa rem eo nfwveeK.

The Transport to Be Coaled from United States

Pile U. S. S. Charleston

Put Back.

Consul General Haywood statedthis morning thnt he had receiveda lettor from Mrs. Haywood nowin San Francisco, giving information as follows:

That upon her arrival thero shehad gono to tho Palaco Hotel andwhile thcro was called uppn bytho army and navy officers, friendsof horsolf and husband. Amongtho callers was Captain Gibson,formerly of the training shipAdams, who is now iu commandof the City of Peking. Hoasked Mrs. Haywood towrite and toll her husband thattho Poking would touch at Hono-lulu and that bo had orders toland 1G0O men hero.

The lottor further states that alltho transports and warships leav-iu- g

Sau Francisco for Manilawould touch horo to coal. ConsulHaywood has' received orders tocoal tho Poking and H. Hackfeld& Co. have received informationfrom Mr. Schwerin, manager oftho Pacific Mail steamship (Joinpany, that tho Poking would bocoaled horo witn tue United Statescoal on hand.

Charleston Pate Hack.

The San Francisco Daily Re-

port, evening, of the 19th inot.,nays: Tho cruiser Charleston re-

turned to Maro Island this mornini. It anchored in the bay forthe night and went up to tho navy.yara eariy- - tuis morninu. xueship's condensers are out of ordor,but not to any serious extent andin a couple of days sho will bereadv to mako a coou start.

"Somo such uiscovoiy as theabovemontioned was oxpoftBd, andthe Charleston is foituuato inhaving no more important repairsto make. It may be remem-bered that at tho timeof tho rocont sharp earthquaketho Charleston was in the drydock, whoro she got tho full beno-f- it

of tho shako and the wrench.Somo anxiety was folt about herat the timo, and although an overhauling did not result in any dis-

covery of damage, it was fearedthat unpleasant diecovories mightbo mado whon sho put to sea mattimo. The faults iu tho conden-sers appear, however, to bo thesum total of the mischief done."

The Transport.

Tho San Francisco Bulletin oftho same date is sarcastic in com-

ments on the Charleston's plightand her unfortunate record, andhas tho followiug to fay about twoof tho transports:

"Another outrage on the gov-ernment is being perpetrated ontho steamship City of Peking.The attention of our Congressmenshould bo called to tho matter im-

mediately that tho wrong mny berighted beforo it is too lato. In-stead of putting bunks in tiors botween decks and having tho bunksarranged two in a tier, five bedsare built in a row, which willrender tho quarters not only ex-

ceedingly uncomfortable but veryunhealthy.

"Imagino a vessel going to atropical zono with men packedbetweon docks like Ohiuoso. Thoarrangements aro badly planuod,tho work on the boat has beonsoriously delayed and "somebodyought to lose his job. Whpovortho man is who put the w

bunks in the Peking, hoshould be made to take them outand put them back again properlyat his own oxpenso.

"On tho Australia tho accommo-dations are oxoollent. Tho bunksaro arranged in tiers aiid eachcontains a wire mattress, Thequarters aro light and cool."

What President McKInley May Do If Congress

nun UaI TmIta DAmnf litffAn AH 'vma nvi iiilc uumyi nmvu vu


Mrs. Haywood's letter to herhusband would, in the light of thefollowing dispatch, mean that thotroops to bo landed here aro fortho occupation of Honolulu in-

stead of its temporary guests fora fow hours:

Washington, May 1G. ShouldCongress fail to movo at onco inthe matter of Hawaiian annexation seizure will result, and tbatvory quickly. At least PresidentMcKinloy is haviug prepared aplan for the landing at Honoluluof a repimont of infantry and atleast two battalions of artillery tohold the harbor and protect itfrom entranco by any foe.

Tho determination to move withcelerity has boen made very re-

cently. Tho President had madoup his mind to await Congres-sional notion, and was doing no-

thing but bending overy energyto securing votes in both housesfor a resolution which will bo re-ported to tbo Houbb tomorrowfrom tho Committeo on ForeignAffairs. Then came the threatening attitudo of Germany aud theprculinr position taken by France,and the perils of tho Philippineexpedition begau to multiply.Prt-siden- t Molvinloy saw at oncethat should eithor of the Euro-pean poworri desire to thoUiiitd States in (ho Pacific justnow their tir-- t inovn would bo tocut off Hawaii With a force of

tTuwiH-j'- 'iu.. u .u mi' J. uunn'i'ii - "'iimiilwas ee-'- becomes absolutely ne-

cessary to this o luntry So it wasdecided tLat a forco ot 1500 shall ,

be sent down to Honolulu at onoeif Congress does not indicutosomoplan of action.

The men who will go will not.ouly provide a garrison, but aswell will bo employed in fortify-ing tho town, For this purposegreat gunB will ho soul down verysoon, and tho whole harbor willbo minod. Posidont Dole ofHawaii, it is said, has offeredto shelter and feed all the'mon tho , United Statesconsiders necessary to bo sent toHawaii. This will relieve tho sub-sistence department of much wor-ry, but it is known that commis-saries have already prosecutedinquiries as to the cost of rationsthere.

Meanwhile thore is every indi-cation that Congress will act atonco and thus roudor uuneceesaryaction by the President. Themoment Congress shall act therewill bo a stiong movement oftroops to Hawuii, and also themakii'gof plans for a series of for-tifications for ihe purpose of rend-ering it impregnable as n base ofsupplies.

On Sunday evening next Rev.J, A. Oruzan will preach nt Con-ti- al

Union chuicli and Rev. D. P.Biruio will sp"ak at Palamachattel.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

3old Medal, Midwinter Fair.DR;



A Part drape Cream of Tartar Powder.


itfAX,ii..W;irfiJ Ji afriidte. &lu$lMfe. hMisumk""' - - --- "'" " .?--stkl. "1. f. .L ..t..iju4i3s

Page 2: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer











ro?r- - ? ' yrff!i



Our Shoes Talk Pate DeAn Important American Scheme for


They will appeal to you now as they

never liave before. No matter what the

price you pay, our SHOES are equal to it.

AVe do not advocate buying cheap footwear,

but inside the prices quoted wo can gua-

rantee coniploto satisfaction in lit, wear and


E. MURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St., Arlington Blook.

Just Received Ex "Mauna Ala."


Hay, Bran, Barley,Surprise Oats, Wheat,Middlings and Cracked Corn.

"VYo have also received a fresh supply of

Port Costa and Starr Flours.

California FeedTelephone 121.


Manila CigarsReceiving Regularly by Every Steamer

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobacoos,

Pipes and Smokers' Articles.

HOLLISTERConnor Fort & Merchant

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Moloknl, H. I.

Abstraot and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having beeu entiuated from busi-ness men all over lh Islands fur thepast yearn, I ana prepared to makeAbatraoU of Titles or Deeds In a mnsithorough, accurate and complete manner, and to negotiate sales or leases o'tonus belonging to Ihoso who are reelding at tbe Settlement on short no-

tice. 6?3-3-

For Renx.

House containing four rooms, wltbkitchen, nantrv mid storeroom. Pre- -

mines on Lllllia street opposite Kua- -

klnl. Immediate possession givenFor terms apply to V. C. Parke,Kaahumanu street, or C. Crelghton,Mercliant street. 788--tf


Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.

Orders left at Club or PantliconStables will be received and promptlyattended. Diseases of dogs a specialty.

. v


CompanyQueen Street.

& CO.,Streets


By last Bteamor from tbe Coast.


At my store, wbere the


Eb done repairing and new workboth. Pins, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc. '

H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

Monuments and. Headstones.

Tho undorslgnod Is prepared to doCEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEAD- -STONES of which ho lias a groat va-rlo- ty

of tho Latent and Most ArtistioDoslgns, and will also supply Stono Cop-

ing soparatoly for surrounding como-tor- y

lots,S& IWI mates glvon in Marblo, Gra-nit- o,

Hawaiian Stono, oto.P0 tf FREI). HARRISON.

Evening Bulletin 76c per month.

, ttin'rrtiiBiiti


West Indian Waters. Foie GrasSpain Gets a Coaling Station In North

American Waters Nervousness at

Boston and Elsewhere.'

Following nro tho vnry latestwar dispatches recoived by thosteatnor Mariposa, arriving fromSan Francisco early this morning:

Kurly Xnnl EiitfiiKvment Kxiirctrl.San FrauciBCO, May 19. A

Washington dispatch to tho evening papers says: There aro whis-

pers hero, some at least duo tomysterious tolegraphio hints fromKoy West, of important oventsimmediately impending in thoWest IuUian sons. Tho references, it would spom, can only boto a prospective battlo betweentho fleots, and public interest hereis rapidly becoming excitement.

Tbo cruiser Columbia arrivedoff Sandy Hook this morning. Itis thought her presence Lore is duoto important information tho Government has received,

Secret Movement on Foot

A special from Key "West toNow York says: Thoro is importantinformation hero regarding mattors in which the peoplo of thoUnited States aro intensely inter-ested, but tho government will notpermit it to bo cabled for feartho Spanish officials may learnsomething which will put them ontheir guard and defeat tho aims ofthe United States.

A dispatch from St. Fiorro,Martiuiquo, says: Tho cruiBorHaivard has suddenly sailed fromthis port. She has not been fol-

lowed by tho Spanish torpedoboat destroyer Terror, as tho latteris suit coaling at L'ort do France.

HpanUh Coaling Htatlon.London, May 19. A diapatoh

from Montreal, published today,

Bajs Senor Polo y Beruabe hassecured by cable a coal depot onSt. Pierre Island, the French colo-

ny on tho Bouth coast of New-

foundland, at which placo tbe Ca-

diz squadron will coal previous toattacking tho Atlantic soaboard oftbo United States, while tbe CapoVordo squadron, commanded byAdmiral Corvera, draws off thosquadron commanded by AdmiralSampson and (Jiniinodore Schley.

Now York, May 19. A dispatchfrom Colon, Colombia, says: TheFrouch steamer Ferdinand doLeseops cleared here yesterday forPort Limon. It is reported bIio

has a big cargo of supplies andammunition for Corvera'e fleet.Tho Spanish squadron is said tobo near Port Limon.

Good Lookout Kept.Now York, May 19. A dispatch

to tho Times from WashingtonBays:

Admiral Sampson is now, it issaid, in a position to bo regularlyand frequently informed of thoapproach of tho enemy, and thoSpanish Admiral is already, orwill bo, cut off and unablo to turnin any direction with safety.

"Wo aro bound to como up withhim," said a prominent navalofficer, "unless ho decides to runfor our coast. But that will onlydefor the inevitsblo meeting for afow days. Tho longor he runsand dodfios, tho shortor becomeshis supply of fuel. Once that iB

exhauatod, ho has no place towhich ho can resort for suppliesexcept San Juan or Havana.

"Ho mayBolect either port hoprefers. If it be Porto Itico,Sampson would return and o

tho bombardmont. I do not,however, beliovo that AdmiralCorvora will permit his float to bobottled up in a harbor and shollodwhero it cannot maneuver. Thatwould condemn him for unsea--

Continued on Third Page.

A delicacy sought aftor by conno-

isseurs in all parts of tho world; It

Is rich and dollrato, and Is used at

banquets and for lunchos at oven-In- g


To sorvo l'ato do FoloGras Is to bo

ultra fashionable.

No houso In Honolulu carries any

thing llko tho variety In this lino

that wo do. Ourassortniontls very

largo and coniploto.


aro olives stuffed with plinlontos,

a sweet Spanish Popper.

Even tho brlno tastos good.

Thoy aro a rich morsel, dollghtlng

tho palato and assisting digestion.

An ollvo fork frco with oach bottlo.

Lewis & Co.




Is any old thing goodenough for yon 1

Or do yon want your

StationeryAND OTHER

Printing Matters

Up-To-Dat- e?

J3E Tho questions avo un-necessary. You can gottho best at tho



Printing House210 King St., Honolulu, H.I.

Turkevs ! Turkeys !


Alive, Dressed or Roasted,


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


Central fat Market,

ISTuuanu Street.Leavo Your Orders Early.

Telerhone 104L






1 COTTAGE, containing parlor, 3 s,

dining-roo- otc, and out-houses; socond cottago from PauoaBridgo on Punchbowl stroot. Fortorms apply to abovo at 210 Kingstroot.

MAKIKI Houso of 0 rooms. Electriclights comploto. Lot 125x200. Hothouso, stablo, carrlngo houso, sor- -vaius quarters anil chicken houso,Fruit and ornamental trees.

NUUANU VALLEY-Hou- so of 7 rooms. Good stablo and son-ant-s quarters.

1J4 acres of land, will leaso for aterm at a low rental.

THIIEE NEW COTTAGES on Kingstreet, near Waiklki road.


MAKIKI Houso of 0 largo rooms. Bath,kitchen and pantry; largo hall,vorautla on 2 sldos. Eloctric lightscomploto.

MAKIKI Building lot 75x103.

PROSPECT STRECT Building lot75x160.

175x200 Valuablo lot in fashlonablorosldonco portion of tho city. Palms,fruit and ornamontal trocs. A dosl-rabl- o

lot foranyouo contemplatingbuilding. , ti.

1IERETANIA STREITT Improvod pro-perty. Lot 200x200 through to Kl-na- u

stroot. Two lino residoneos,Stahlos and servants quarters.Grounds woll covorod with shadotroos, plants and Honors.



rfaL ,.afilifak d .a.,. ,.A.ftiiyyj






OLAA LANDS.A lino Coffeo Ranch of 118 acros lease-

hold. 20 acros cleaned and undorcultivation planted with 1 year oldcoffeo trees.

llxcollont bargain in a Coffoo Plantationof 100 acros. Foo simple 70 acrosplanted In coffeo trcos from 2 to 3years old. Fino dwolling houso andoutbuildings.

A 00 aero Coffoo Ranch In foo slmplo,facing on tho Volcano Road. 15acros In coffoo. 0 months advanced.

A 30 aero Coffeo Farm, loasohold property, j acres aro piantod with 4year old coffeo troos and 18 acroswith 2 year old trcos. Tho ownorwill cloar and plant 2 acros addi-tional frco of chargo for tho pur-chaser.

:80 acros of unimproved coffoo land Justhack of tho Volcano Road. 30 footroad leading to tho land.

A Coffoo Plantation of 51 acres onh-- 0

mllos from Hilo. 20 acros piantodin coffoo. A houso and Improve-ments on proporty.

200 acros foo slmplo. 50 acros undorcultivation. 3U,00U bearing troos.Good rosldonco, stablo and laborersquarters.

255 acros. foo slmplo. 30 acros culti-vated.

ZONA LANDS.12 acros In Ilolualoa. 12 acros in coffoo

2 to 3 years old. Laborers houso,wator tank, etc., on samo.

8 acros on now Govornmont road. Allplanted In collco from 3 to 1 yearsold. Laborers houso. Sltuatod InKapalaalaca, North ICona.

50 acres a portion cultivated. 2 storyframo dwolllug.

3000 acros foo slmplo. 1000 acros thobest of coffoo lands. 00 acros undorcultivation. 5' laborers houses andstore houso at landing.


P. O. BOX 404.

Finest Coffee Plantation on tho Islands. 240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000Trees in Bearing, present prop estimated at 20 tons. Pulping

Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

of Water. One Mile from Landing.

Greenwich Fire Insurance Company






EHMETT HAY, Superintendent ol Agencies.


Page 3: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

'yjWWgipgfW'Y' ''" ' ifinw n''yWniTOp'Wi"iiy'ii; .1pmtFf&ym:i'W''ir,,iv' mTwmmm'U'm9'fH'-'- dj

Claus dpitioixm. WU. U. RWIN



SnlVandjeon Tm NhVADA Bunt 0Bah Frakcisco.


Bah FnAHOiaao Tho Nevada Bank of Ban

Francisco.Loudon The Union Bank of London. Ltd.Niw Tobk American ExcbanKO National

Bank.Cnicuoo Merchant National Bank.Paiub Cora'ptolr .National d'Etcompt do

PaVls. 'iBiitMN Dresdner tun.Honobono AND okonxMA Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking' Corporation.Nhw Zit alamd and Australia Bank of New

'ViOToptA and" Vahcoovbr Bank of British

riurlu Auiurlcn.

Trajwrt a Reneral Bantine uAExcbaBse Business

Dcpolts Received. Loans made ontieuurlty. Commercial and Traveler;

Credlto Issued. Bills f ExchanRO boughtnd sold.


Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, $118,708.25.

Money Loauod on Approved seonrlty.A Savluu-- . n,mk (or Monthly Deposits.Houiie-- i Unilt on the Monthly Installment

Fluu.Fifteenth Sorion of Stook now open.

Tor lurthor particulars apply 'nA. V. GEAR, beorotiiry.

Chamber of Gotniuoroe Booms.0(Hc hnnra, 12i30 I :30 P.M. 373-t- f

Tjje Yokohama gpacie Bank;LIMITED,

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Op apital Yen 7,800,000Beservo Knnd Yen 5,464,600



Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,San Francisco, Shanghai,

Bombay, Hong Kong,

Tr4Q44ota a General Banking and Ex- -

change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetle Bank

Mew Republic Bunting. Ill King St, Honolulu

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all tho principal citiesof tho world.

Interest allowed after July1, 1898, on hxod deposits imonths 3 nor cont., G months3i nor cent.. 12 months d

a j. 'per cont.


Royal Insurance Company.AUiauoe Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and General Assnranoe

Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Soottish Union and National Insurance

Company.Room 13 Bpreckels Block, Honolulu, H. 1.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Owen: Merchant street, Honolulu i ,



The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .

H. MY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 617 Fort St., HonoluluTelephoner 22 P.O. Box 470



225 Queen street, Honolulu, H, 1,


Merchant TailorsSuits or Linen Duck, Woolen, fAt,

At very low prices.

King, near earner Richards.


If your grocerdoesn't sell Schilling's Best tea, tell us his name,what kind you want (Japan, English Breakfast,Oolong, or Blend), and what size pack-

age you want. We '11 see that you getDon't send us any money. don't sell at

retail,san Frandsco m A. Schilling & Company

Art Portraits

Chcsnoy W. Ewlng, a leading por-trait painter of San Francisco, Isnow In Honolulu connected withour studio. His work hero is already

On Exhibition

and admired by all who seo It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfeslze to miniatures. A spe-cialty is made of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Qet your

Sweetheart's .Picture

on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by thelatest sclcnco, witli special regard toposing and grouping, atill, makesours the

Best Place.

At the old stand In Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekanwila Sts.

lias a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon tor house wir-n-gand Electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a spooialty.


Yee Sing TieLargeWioketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Streot, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

Wing WoTai & Go.

214 Nuuanu Street.

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleanooffee in the parohment.


Apply to


IWASHITA,Watchma- - tfsfe Gold & Sil- -

kcr' Ife vorsmith.No, 417 Nuuanu street, next to Love's


POuEArEST in TownS






Sleamshlip Co's


Capt. J. A. KING, PortSnpt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., tonohingatLahaina, Maalaoa Bay and Makonu thesame dayj Mahukona, Kawaihaennd

.the following day, arriving atUilo the same evening.


Tuesday... May 31 8aturday...May28Thurs(lay...Juno t) Wed'wlay... Juiio 8Tuesday.. Juno 21 Saturday.. Juno 18Friday -- July 1 Wed'Bday..Junc 20

Beturning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'olocit. M., touohing at Laupuhuehoe, Mahukona and Kawuihao same dayj Makena,Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingdayi arriving at Honolulu the afternooniof Tuesday and Fridays.

Will nail n( Pntmlbl D- -..

WTfio Freight will be received afteiDa. m, on day oil sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. m.itouching at Kahului, Hana, HamoaandKipahu u, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nun, Kaupo, on seoond tripof each month.

fsT"No Frfllohf will l.o Al...t .....4 p. h, on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right Umake changes in the time of departure andarrival oiitn RlAAmAra vttlmn, ..Ati ..it will not be responsible for nnyconse-iuvuMn aijDiujj lUUreirOUJ.

ConsicrnAAH mnatha af liA .ll ..receive their Fmlnt.t. n,t n ..not hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live 8took only at owner's risk.Thlfl Cnmnnnv will ... l, .. it...

for Money or Valuables of passenoenunless placed in the care of Pursers.

Packages containing porsonnl oflbots,whothor shlppod as baggage or freight,II tho Contmitii thnrnnt Avnnn.l tlnn tin i- WAUUU VAVU.UU IIIvaluo, must Uavo tho value thoroofplainly stated and niarkod, and thoCompany will not hold itself llablo forany loss or damnirn In nrnin ni ti.iosum oxcopt tho goods bo shlppod underu DjfUUIUI uuuiruci.

A1.', omPloyoos of tho Company nroforbidden to rnrnlvn frnlirl.t nliu.i ,illvoring a shipping receipt thorofor Intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon by shippersUDon nnnlfpiitlnn in iUn miMA n i.Company's Stonmors.

ouippors aro notlllod that if frolght Isshipped without such rocoipt, It will bosololy at tho risk of tho shipper.

Passengers are requested to purohasttiokots before embarking. Those falling todo so will he subjeot to an additionalcharge of twenty-fiv-e per eenU


i g Mess's--

fifelflllr?is"s"goSS.5 r



mm n m --.hIm

e..n w 7zn ? n

fi -- :

2-- 3rSB4?5iwwrwj.vwrsM,ssr0,fMrj4

Evening Bulletin 7Se per month


Continued from Second 1'nge.

manlike conduct, and for crim-inal wosto of the powdor of hisfleet."

Few officers consider the sug-gestion of a dash for tho coast ofthe United States as ono of thoprobabilities. If that were to befundertaken, it would be by voeselsnot in tho squadron now in thoCaribbean. Tho dangor from thatsource is regarded as very slight.If tho squadron is proceeding bya northern route it cannot avoidboing seen by vessels bound eastalong the usual routes. If it istravohng by a southornroute, out of tho usual lano,the scouts of the United Stutesnavy nro almost certain to Bight it.Charleston, Obosapeako bay, Phi-ladelphia, New York, Boston andPortland are considered by thoNavy Department officials and byordinary officials of the "War De-

partment quito Bafo against Span-ish exploit.

Eaitern CKloa N'crvout.

Tho Navy Department pooplohavo ceased to pay any nttentionto inquiries concerninc the mnnvSpanish fleets daily reported ashaving been seon at widely separ-ated points of tho compHSS, andwill no longer venture to oxtondcomforting aBSurancoj to thosewho cannot avoid conc-.T- at ev-

ery fresh reportof a Spanish fleet.Not a little amusemout aud sotnoindignation at the altogether uncalled for nervousness manifestedby citizens of Boston and otherEnstorn cities, who called for protection from the navy and whosucceeded in detacbincr on uselessscouting service the Columbia nndtho Minneapolis.

The offiuorB of those vessolahavo been heard from hero, andthey consider that thoy were

prevented by usolessscouting Bervico from going southward, besides being exposed to tbojeers of thoir comrades merely toquiet tho nuxieties of personsquite needlessly alarmed.

Tho war will, it is believed bythose who are acquainted withthe program of the naval authori-ties and the condition of theSpaniards in Cuba, be short, if thefleet of Admiral Sampson and thatof Spain can be brought togothersoon. Tho Navy Department doesnot look for any accpss of onorgyin tbo Spanish navy. It is con-sidered that tho demoralized con-dition of Spain precludes ronow- -ed war activity.

: -Band Tonight

Tho band will play at Thomassquare this ovoning. Tho follow-ing fine program has been se-

lected.PART I.

Overture: "LightCavalry" SuppeChoriiH: "Tniinhniiuni-- " r..:.Selection: "Bohemian Girl"....lJalfeSolo and Chorus: Mikioi, OKapua

la la.Miss Annie Kanoho.

PART II.Cornet Solo: "Culvert"

StciuliuusorAir. fHinrlnu Ifpnntnt.

Medley: "Light HrlBado"....'..HoycrWaltz: "ForTheo Alone"...

WnMi..riQuadrille: "Old Acquaintance"..

MnylamlHawaii Pouol.

What the Doctor Ordered.

"I Was in noor hnnlrli nnil llir.proscriptions i tried did not bonofit mo. At last tho doctor bocanto givo mo Hood's Sorsapanllaand it proved to bo the best of allmodicinoB for mo, and I can spookof it only in tho highest termsnnd doom it a doty to recommendit." Charles S. Powell, 429 IowaStreet, San Antonio, Texas.

Hood's Pills aro tho only pillsto take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.Curo all liver ills.

Your T)hotoB will nnnn lin nnni- l-ed if exposed without glass overthem. Kiner Bras, hnvn uimA nvery neat and inexpensive way ofuoing up piiotoa wuioh iscroat satisfaction. 110 SBstreet.

The Remington Typewriter




BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.U? This is tho Highest Possible Award, ranking

abovo a Gold Medal.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LtdSole

Oceanic Steamship- - Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passenger Steamers

Loavo This Port as Hereunder

From San Pranoisco:ZEALANDIA .Tnno sMOANA Juno 22

In connection with tho sailingaro prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon tbrongbtickotB by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in tbeUnited States, and from Now Ynrlr hv nn ntnnmaii'n i;nn .tiEuropean ports.

For farther particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.



&Fort and

Since We Must Eat to


of Honor


of Arrive at

For San Franoisco:ZEALANDIA Juno 14ALAMEDA Juno 22

of tho abovo steamers, tho Acenbi


0 9 WATttBL !

Have Vie 'Best.


o. nox mo

A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, L.iver Complaint, Diseases of tho Kidney

Bladder, Skin irruptions, Etc, Etc.

Benson, Smith Co.,Corner Hotel Streets.

Just Ooenedinvoice of . . .

ScifiLLiiiq's Best ThsCONSISTINO OF

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,'

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Givo them a Money back If you like them, Alw, Just reoeived

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Buttor,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Haras, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc'

Chas. Hustace,212 street, next to tho Arlington.


Live, Let's

-- p.



Groceries, Provisions and FeeiNew Gooda Beoelred by Every Packet from the Soatern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEBAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of the FBEE,

General Agonts for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Foodsmjum Obdbu Bouoiuu,



This Lino Will and


trial. don't



. Baxiuaowiox GDAXAirnrtAND KING STBEET8


Page 4: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer



. i'

Evening BulletinPuMNhcd Eory Day oxcopt

Sunday nt i!10 King street,Honolulu, 11. I.

THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1898.


Will Prnlmlily Avrli Sniiiluy ami Con 1

Churier of Zriiliiii'llu.

W. G. Irwiu una received a lot-to- r

of mlvictfH for th corporationbearing Uib nmin, in agnrd to thoculling her.' f tho Ocontiio steninship Autrnliu ns a transport forUuited btutes (roups. Johu D.Sprcchcls writes saying "that thoAustralia would probably anilfrom Sun Friiuoiso tlionrxt (hatis last Sunday and might stop atHonolulu to take in coul andwatnr.

"Si.o will take nbout900troop,"Mr. Spreokold 6aye ''It is alsopotsihlo that tho Zwiliuuliii willno m Lo hor next 'rip !o tho Isl-au- d',

as I am negotiating with theUnited States Government for herclmrfr. I am expecting a dispatch from "Wasuiugtou ovorymlnuto"

Mr. Irwin fays it was rumoredjust before ths Mariposa sailedthat the Zealnndia had been ac-

cepted. If buo has not beenchartered for a transport she willcorao hero on her regular telledule. Mr. Spreckolswilloudoavot,if the United States Gov-

ernment has chartered thZealandia, to put a tomporarysteamer on the Honolulu route.

It was not stated by Mr.Sprockets whether the Australinshould bo coalod hero by theUnited States autl oritiea or bv"V. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.Consul General Haywoodis just as much in the dark onthis question as Mr. Irwin, thetwo gentlemen boiug mot tinsafternoon by a roporfrr while theywere diseusfeiug that very thing.

Mr. Haywood pointed out a differenco between tho Peking andthe other vessels engaged forManila. The Peking is charteredby tho Navy Department and asan auxiliary suipof tho U.S. Navis under tho command of a navalofficer. Tho Australia and Zealandift, if the lat'or has beon obtained, are chartered by the WarDepartmout Wholhoror not

sWraiTJ will have nnviiofficers in chnreo of thorn theConsul General could no! say.Mr Irwin suggested that thoiclmrteid might ho like the Klon-dil- co

charter of the Australia,which would leave tho ulnpB innavigating control of their ownregular oll'icera.


)Iii Act'imvil if.Munilitiitfhtrr for Klll-lii- tf

IIU Mothfr.

Kaua, a native woman, died ntPunihou last Tuccday. It wasa suddou death aud undor sus-

picious circumstances. A coroner's jury empaneled by DoputyMarshal Chdlingsworth eat outho chio jesteiday afternoon.Several witnrss1"' were examined,who Instilled ns follows:

Dr. E'riier-on- : Tht deceasedwas a sufferer from h'art diten-'o- .

Uaalilio k: Saw Keaka striketho woman nud she fell to thegrouud and whs dragged by Kaka. She. groaned and died.Kaua wus Realm's mother nuu hewas in tho habit of striking hoiwhen ho was angry.

Tho following verdiot was hand-ed in by tho jury: "That saidKaua came to her death on May21 from heart disease, said deathbeiug caused by violonco usedupon dpoeaspd by Keaka, suohviolence causing unusunl excite-men- t,

resulting in death."Ou tho ror-oi- of tho vprdict

tho Mnrahal Bwora to a complaintcharging the unnatural son withmanslauuliter in tho first degree.

Tho jury consistod of JohnKuaaua, George Cox, JooKalano,0. B. Mnile, S. II. Cni and AlbertTrask..

l'uvorUo Hulooii Kolibril.Tho burclaries of almost night

lyoccurroncenrocottinpfnrtlipp nntown DOW. Last niL'Ilt. nnrnntimnaftor closing up, the Favoritesaloon was broken into by somoono who used a brace and bit outhe back hoor. Holes wero boredaround tho lower look ond it wasbroken off so that an arm was ins'rted ond the spring lock therebyopened. Tho onsh drnwor wiihvisited and severnl dollars inohaugo tnfceu. Nothing elso wasdisturbed.

'UoJkit . amte&Jt. UU


Grand Old Man Passes Away Peacefully

at Early Morn.

Touching Deathbed Scene The Wife's Tender

Waiting and Farewell-Lo- n(?

and Useful Career.

Hawarden, May 19 Mr. Glad-

stone, died at fivo o'clook thistnorniUL'. Ho had beon unconscious practically all day,though at times ho soemed torecognize for a moment some oftho watchois about him. Certainlyho did recognize his wife, who wasbeside him all day except when thophysicians prevailed upon hor torest. She tenderly clasped horhusband's hand as sho watchedhim. He slept a good dortl, andsuffered no pain.

Though tho uews.of Mr. Glad-

stone's death spread rapidly, itwas tho tolling of tho HawardonChurch bell which carried tho sadtidings to every sorrowing homein this vicinity. Slowly the detailsof the last moments of tho greatstatesman are cominp. out of thecastle, where the Rriof is too profound to bo intruded upon.

The family was summoned at 2a. in., owing to tho sinking noticedby tho medical watchers. Fromthat time until Mr. Gladstonepeacefully passed away no ono loftthe death chamber. Tho only absentee was little Dorothy Drew, whohad tearfully complained that hergrandfather did not recognize hor.Evon in that hour of agony kindlytuouutits for others wore notwanting. The old coachman, whohad been unablo to bo presentwhen tho servants bid farewell tothe dying man, was. summonedand remained to the end with hismaster. At 8:20 n. m. Dr. Dobietook hid leave of Mrs. Gladstoneaud returned to Chester, deeplyaffected. Indeed, almost everyone around the castlo was intears.

Dt. Dobie said he had been asiistiug Dr. Bliss and Henry Gladstone to draw up a statement ofMr. Gladstone's last hours, whichwill shortly be ready.

Fu til r" details of tho passingaway oitho gient English ttates- -inan snow lus ond was tlio mostpeaceful imaginable. Thoro wasuo sign of pain or distress. Mrs.Gladstouo clasped her husband'shand aud occasionally kitsed it,while the Rev. Stophen Gladstoneread prayor and repeated hymns.

Tho nurso in the rapauwhilebnthod tho brow of the ptiont,who showod gratitude, murmur-iu- jl

"how nice." Then came thogentle, almost imperceptible ces-

sation of life in the midst ot hiss'on's prayer. The ouly evidoncpthat Mr. Gladstouo realizedhis surroundings was whonhis sou recited the "Litauy."L'hen tho dying man feobly mur-mured "Atnon." It wo8 thp lastword spoken by Mr. Gladstone.

After his death tho weepingfamily slowly filed from the room,taking Mrs. Gladstouo, who wasinduced to lie down and who Boonslept quietly.

Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Gladstouo,Mrs. Stephen Gladstouo, MissHelen Gladstone and others at-tended early communion thismoining at Hawarden church,conducted by Itev. Stophen Glad-stone. Tho ordinary sorvico wasprefaced with selected prayersfrom buriol service.

Mauy telegrams of sympathyare arriving at Hawardon.

President Fauro has telegraphedbis coudoleuce.

The following dispatch has beenreceived at Hawarden from UnitedStates Ambassador Colouol JohnHay:

"To tho Bit-li- t Hon. HerbertGladBtono: I beg to present to nilyour family my hoartfolt expres-sions of sympathy at your per-sonal loss and, at the same time,to reverenuy congratulate youand tho English race overywheroupon the glorious completion of alife filled with splendid achievements and consecrated to thonnlilpaf nnrnnflcH. .TniiM TTav "

liondon, May l'J. 1 ho deepestmanifestations of grief are seenthroughout. Tho bolls aro tolling,shades are drawn dawn and in thepublio galleries hero tho picturesof Mr. Gladstone have been drnp-o- d

with crepe.1 he Queon and the Princo of

Wales received an early intimation of tho bad nows and immedi


ftf-'- i H-r iWiUrrtiiiW.'Jli'i. ifo h ,,'


ately sont touching expressions ofcondolence to tho widow.

Tho Daily Chronicle, in itseditorial ou Gladstone, says:

"His lifo presented aspects ofcharm to all minds. H5b learn-ing captivated tho scholar; hisoloquenco and statesmanship thopolitician; his financial genius thebusiness man, while his domesticrelations nnd simplo human ss

appealed to all hearts."Beneath the editorial is tho fol-

lowing quotation in leaded typo:" Thero is a princo and a groat

man fallon this day in Israel."The Standard says:" Whether men agreed with him

or differed from him in matters ofparty politics, thoy could not comowithin tho rauge of his iufluouceus au administrator without beingprofoundly impressed nlike withhis extraordinary powers of dis-

patching publio business most ef-

ficiently and his absolute devotionto what ho bolioved to bo thehighest iutorests of his country."

Tho Bight Honorablo "WilliamEwnrt Gladstone, tho foutth sonof Sir John Gladstone, Baronet,wob born on December 29, 1809,in .Liverpool Mo was thoreforoin the 89th year of his age. ,

Sir John Gladstouo was a puroScotchman, a Lowlandor by birthaud descont, who lived to becomeono of the merchant princes ofLiverpool, a baronet and a mombor of Parliament. His wifo isdescribed as a lady of great ac-

complishments, a fascinatingwoman of commanding presenceand hich intellect ono to craceany homo and eniear any heart.

ThomaB Gladstone, tho grand-father of tho late statesman, was aprosperous corn merchant in Loithwbon Napoleon went down ut"Waterloo. John Gladstone, thefather of William, did not hidehis talent in a napkin. His onergy and business qualifications wonhim a place as ono of tho wealthiest of Liverpool's millionairemerchant princes.

Willinm Ewurt Gladstone wassent to Eton school at the 6ge of12, and lotrned everything thatwas to bo learned at the school inthose days. He started a collegejournal, the Eton Miscellany, andwrote it himself. Tho youth loftrt n in .uecemuer, loss, ond alterstudying for six months with Dr.luruor, nfterward bishop of Cal-cutta, wpnt to Christ Church College, Oxford. How well he studiedis evidenced by the fact that, going up for examination fouryears later, ho gained tho highesthonors of the university, graduating Dnublo First.

Gladstone wa9 in Italy the fol-

lowing year, whon the summonscamo in obedience to whiob. beplaced his foot on tho first step ofthe lnddor of fame.

In tho House of Commons, hismercantile origin, tho success ofhis university career, his devotionto buoiness and his high characterrecommended him to tho notice ofSir Bobort Peel, who in Decomber, 1834, appointed him ajunior lord of the Trea-sury, and in Fobruury, 1835,Under Secretary for ColonialAffairs. He rotired from officewith his Ministerial loader inApril, nud remained in tho oppo-sition camp until Sir BobortPeel's return to power in 1811.Gladstone accepted oilico as vice-presid- ent

of tho Board of Tradeand Master of the Mint, and wasthuB sworn in as a member of thoPrivy Council.

It would requiro a full page oftuis paper to oven sKetch the entirecareer of William Ewart Glad- -ston, who, dubbed in 1839. "therising hope of those storn and unbonding Tories," was claimed, notmny yoars lator, by tho Liberals,as the commanding genius of theopposition, and known through-out tho oivilized world of today astho Grand Old Man of England.Suffice it to say here, of his political life, that ho was fourtimes Premier of the British Gov-ernment, viz:

From December 9,1868, to Fob.21, 1874;

From April 28. 1880. to Juno24, 1885;

From Feb. G, 188G, to Aug. 3,1886; and

From Aug. 18, 1892, to March3, 1894.

Mr. Gladstone was Chancellorof the Exchequer in four Cabinetsbefore ho took tho same officewith his own premiership in 1868,viz.: in tho Enrl of Aberdeen'sMinistry,l852;Lord Palmerston's,1855: Lord Palmerston's. 1859:Earl Bussoll's, 1865.

As an orator Mr. Gladstone hadno equal in tho English House ofCominous durii.g his tirao. Hiscommand of languago and his

mi gULyjjgicyUb

"r - " .Jflfc..uiiA.

method of delivery wero match-Ice- s.

In a capacity for, and ahabit of, throwing all his soul andbody into wuatovot buBipess houndertook probably lay tho secretof his wonderfal commandingforco and influenco over men.His memory was wonderful. Hecould memorize pagos of statisticsand figures with one reading.Asked once for tho searot of hismarvelous vitality nud ceaselessouorgy, ho quaintly answered:"Thero was a road leading out ofLondon on which moro horsesdied than nny other. Inquiry lul

tho fact that it was perfect-ly level. Consequently the ani-mals, in travoling ovor it, used butone sot of muscles."

Gladstone's contributions to lit-

erature, oxtondiug over a periodof sixty years, aro prodigious inquantity On the very day ho fortho last time took loavo of his col-

leagues in Cabinet council hoturned to put tho finishing touchosto his translation of the "Odes ofHorace " His scholarship was asbroad as his intellect. After hoursof tirosomo debate ho would turnto Homor or Seneca for mentalrecreation. The books and pam-phlets this wonderful man haswrittnu fill twenty-tw- o pigcs oftho Cataloguo of theJBritish Museum.

Gladstone's wedded lifo wasidyllic and ideal. Seldom, indeed,has a marriage occurred of whiuhit might bo more truly said,"Theylived happily ever after." Hissimplicity and matter of fact waysgave his family great facility forwhat micht bo tormed "managinghim." To evoiybody he was thonemo of courtly politeness. Inhis manners, bs well as in every-thing about him, thoro was a finostateliness aud exquisite courtesy.

Hoiiin Through Pauengtri,Among the through passongers

by tho Mariposa wero W Maddernand H Austin Goddard.

Mr. Maddern is a New Zealanddetectivo returning homo with Dr.Orpen charged with causing awoman's doath by mal practise inNew Zealand, who has boen turn-ed ovor to him by tho UnitedStates authorities.

Mr. Goddard is tho travelingrepresentative of tho H. A. LoziorCo., of Toledo, Cleveland andToronto, the makers of Olevelnndbicycles. Ho is on a tour of theworld in the interests of this firm.Mr. Goddard is a prominent mem-ber of the Bay City Wheelmen ofSan Francisco and was formerlyone of tho fastest riders in theolub. He holds the road recordfor five miles unpaced, it boing 11minutes and 10 seconds.

New Pnclfle Line.

Tho Santa Fo railway peopleare about to establish a steamerline between San Diego and Yokonoma, and Dewoy's victory atManila will probably change ori-

ginal plans to the extent that theboats will touch nt the Philippines.A Japauoso steamship companywill probably do tho sorvice. Theline will call at Honolulu, thefirst stcamor to leave San Diegothe first of October.

Samuel Boyd, tho father of W.Porter Boyd, U. S. Vice Consul-Genora- l,

is dead. Mr. Boyd leftfor his father's home in the last(Zealandia, and this morning tho ,

Mariposa brought news of thejdeath.

The freight henco of tho Moana i

for San Francisco yesterday con -sisted of 5,715 bags sugar, 15 bagscoffee, 183 qrates pineapples, 21orates mangoes, 598 bunchesbananas and 3G boxes fruit valuedat S'2lJ,(Ma, ttho had 3(3 passongers from this port.

Meeting Notice.I

Kamelmmeuu Lodi-- of Perfection,No. 1, A & A. 8. B., will hold a reg- -

ulr meotiuir nt Masonio Temple att7:30 o'clock THW (Thursday) EVEN-- 'ING, May 20, 1608.


L OBABBE021 It. Hrcretary.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FIRSTCircuit of tho. Hawaiian Islands, InBankruptcy. In tho mattor of thoBankruptcy of R.Sawnl of Koloa, Kauai.Creditors of tho said bankrupt nro horo-l)- V

not I Hod to como in nnd provo tholr '

dobts boforo tho Clork of tho CircuitCourt of tho 1st Circuit, ut Honolulu, onFRIDAY, tho 27th day of May, 1808,uotwoon tho hours or 1U o'clock in tlioforonoon nnd noon of tho said day, nndoloct an Asslgnoo of tho said Bank-rupt's Estate.

By tho Court:(JEORQE LUCAS,

017-t- d Clork.


Timely JoptesMay 9, 1898.

Last week we drew your at-

tention to the good qualities ofthe Aermotor Steel Windmillbut did not mention the factthat although the Aermotor willpump more water than anyother mill, even with a poorPump, still-eve- it will not doits best work unless attachedto a good pump.

We keep in stock to go withour 16ft. geared mills the

Gould Triple

Acting Pump,which will furnish from 8000to 10,000 gals, per hour.

For our smaller mills wehave a pump which is manu-factured by the

Aermotor Go. Itselfand is just the thing for thosewho want a pump that ischeep and, at the same time,the best of its kind.

TJbiiUHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Spreckels' Bank.

A Man

of ThirtyOnmo intodaylendinghisfour-ye- ar

old son.Said hisfatherdid '

tho sainofor him.He'shcon ourcustomersinco.History ingood clothesrepeatsitself.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Streot fafcrleyBloci

Agents tor D , Delmel's Linen-Mes- hUnderwoai. Bend for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Tlie Tire TMI Gnres


is the

1 1 1 1 1 V



We Have It!

Ha&artfOMAtuntb aW&ottied in mnd

We anA'strength


The Old Government

Bottled Under Supervision

or THE

U.S. Government

roil SALE BY

W. C. PEACOCK fr CO.Limited

Solo Agents.Tel. 46. Merchant Street- -

"What Fools

We Mortals Be."

Uo you think for ono moment thatwo nro In polItlc3?

Kvorybody FKEB nnd HQUAL at ourstore. Kmlotmllty, ltcllglou, ToHtics,nro nil tho Hamo to us. Tlio million-aire receives no moro nttcntion th.ui thoman who earns his 50 conts n day.

Whim tho whole community Is car-

ried away with tomporary oxcltomentthoy forgot nil nbout tholr householdduties, nnd also tholr housohold wants,but thoy novor forgot whoro thoy canbuy tho cheapest. Thoy think ofTUMIlLKHS at 35 cents a dozen at

Dlmond it Co. 'a.IHNJsETt PLATES nt 75 cents n dor.on

nt Dlmond it Co.'s.UltOOMS, 10 conts each nt Dlmond

A Co.'s. ,,

An fKON HANDLED STEEL KNIFEand FOHK for 10 conts nt Dlmond,t Co.'s. i

COAL OfL SOAP, 5 conts n enko atDlmond it Co.'s,

and whon thoy wnnt a STOVE orthoy call ut Dlmond

it Co.'s and got tho host and cheap-est.

AVo tako tho CASH and lot thoCKEDIT go.

W. W. Dimond & Co.,LIMITED.

The People's Store,

King Streot.That TiM Feeling."



H Tire


.HEsaaaaji 2aS2

HBia in Place by Two Blectrically Welflefl Wires

4BOOO Sets XJsed.. IN

UNITED -:-- STATESWo invito Inspection Goods on Exhibition


Hawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.'s Faotory

Wilson & WhitehouseSolo Licensees for Hawaiian Islands.


Page 5: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

& -


Au American farmer is wantedat Gear, Lancing & Co.'s ageiioy.

W. W. Dimond & Co.'s ad. isworth roadinq to anybody wantingvalue for cash.

Kamelmmelm Lodge of Perfeotion will have work in thirteenthdogroo this evening.

Judge Widomanu was soriouslyill at tho Califomin hotel, banFrancisco, when the Mariposa left.

Martyuo and Sauntlortt' benoGtwill havo the best program of theseason at tonight's circus. U.S S.Bennington band will play.

Pearson & Hobron are agentsfor tho Search Light BicycleLamp which is generally concededto be tho best bicycle lamp in ex-

istence. "

Thoro will bo a first viow r."ception to members and fri'ndsoftho Kilohana Ait Limgne, for

rxhibition, on Tuesdayevonitu? next.

Mr. Davpy has secured excellentprints of the Hash light and ordinary photographs of tho Victoriacelebration committor nt the British Legation on tho 24th.

A dollar saved is a dollar earn-ed. You can save a good manydollars by buying your groceriesof J. Hutchinps, C27 Fort street.P.O. box 102. Telephone 358.

The engngement is announcedot luisa lUiiureu jjuwib ot oaoFrancisco to a New York gentleman. Miss Lnwis is a sister ofHarry and Fred. Lowis of thiscity.

Ma Yeong and Ah Lum, in theDistrict Court, were dischargedfrom having opium in possession.Bovonteen Chinese woroonch fined$5 and costs for visiting a gam-bling game.

Mrs. Bobort Louis Stevenson,Mrs. Isobel Strong and Mr. andMrs. Lloyd Oshourne sailed May,10 for London by th North Ger-man Lloyd steamship KaiserWilhelm der Grosse.

Tho jury in the chso of EmMieMacfarlaue against Elizabeth K.Wilder and 0. L. Wight returneda verdict for the defendants.There wore two dissenting votes.Notico of appeal was given.



The Hawaiian Meillcal AssociationOpens Annual Netslon.

The annual session of the Hawaiian Medical Association open- -'

oa yesterday evening in tuo olncesot Drs. Myers and Andrews, AlaBonia building. Those presentwere: Dr. Andrews, presiding,and Drs. Alvarez, Wood, Day,Cooper, Garvin, Noblitt, Howard,Humphries, Cooper, Weddick,iiimoraon and Myers. Drs. Wood,Uarvin and .Humphries wereeleoted to membership, and thenthe chairman appointed Drs.Weddick and Myers a committee tonominate officers for the ensuingyear. Those elected were: Pre-sident, 0. H.Wood; Vice President,Dr. O. IS. Uoopor; oeorotary andTreasurer, Dr. J. Weddick; Jfixocutivo Committee,' Drs. Myersand Baymond. A unanimous votewas cast for these gentlemen.

A vote of thanks was tenderedto Dr. Androws.the retiring president, for hiB faithful services andendeavors in behalf of the organization. The subject of regulating the licenses of physicians and

'surgeons was discussed on amotion made br Dr. Myers. Asa result of the discussion thomotion was carried to havea committee consisting ofDrs. Emerson and Alvarezwait on the President of thoBoard of Health for tho purposeof conferring with him on theproposition of raising tho licensoto practise medicine and surgeryin me Hawaiian uopuoiio iromS10 to $50.

No papors were read last night,but Dr. Alvarez spoke lor a tewminutes on the subject of leprosy.Dr. Day spoke of tho Norwegianplan of treatment of tho diseaseand tnougnt mat tnopian ot segre-gating tho afflicted persons wouldnot under tho existingconditions, work hero. A committeo composed of Drs. Horbort,Alvarez and Cooper were appoint-ed to druft a resolution to bo pre-sented to (he Board of Health en-

dorsing tho improved methods ofDr. Alvarez for segregating lepors.

Drs. Howard and Andrews wereappointed a committoo to examinointo the non-paym- ent for exporttestimony. They will look up tholaw in the matter and report tothe Association at its second ses-

sion this evening.


Sensational Speech by Chamberlain

Rings Around the World.

Causc3 Widespread Discussion Accord Be-

tween United States and Japan About

Hawaii and Philippines,

Secretary Chamberlain made aspeech at Birmingham which hascreated a groat sensation. Ho advocated an Anglo-Saxo- u allianceIndirectly ho called the Czar the"dm I," and he sail Bussia wasan impossiblo ally on account ofher "perfidy." Tho prevailingopinion in England is that theepeech was an indiscretion. Papersall along friondly to America areafraid Chamberlain's "gush" and"jingoism" will retard rathor thanprouioto the desired consummation.

Prince Bismarck is roported,from a vory sick bed on the 19tb,as ridiculing Chamberlain'sspeech. Ho is quoted in thosecomments on the speech:

"The importance thereof de-pon- ds

upon whether Mr. Cham-berlain's private opinions arethoso of tho British government.Closer Anglo-Americ- an rolationsare doubtless feasible, but an alli-ance is improbable and unservice-able to both. Besides, it is a mistake to call the Americans Saxons.Theirs is a mixed blood, British,Irish, German, Fronch and Scandinavian. The Anglo Saxon doesnot even prcdominato today. Thisdwelling on so called race iutor-oat- s

is nonseueo in politics.Look at the Basso-Fren- ch agreeraent and tho Droibund, Potiticsare not dictated by such far-fetched sentimentalities. Germany's duty, plainly, is to maintainher interests by carofullynursing the good neighborshipof the European nations."

Boar Admiral Lord CharlesBeresford, Conservative memberof Parliament for York, in an ad-

dress expressed his strong ap-proval of the Birmingham speechof Josoph Chamberlain, Secretaryof State for the Colonies, on theAnglo Saxon alliance, but ues-nribed it as "the right thing saidin the wrong way." It seemed tohim an alliance with Germanywas what Chamberlain asked for,but no added: "It people speakin enigmas and fail to bring atuing out straight, they often dofeat the objoot they havo in viow."As for an Angjo-Anioric- an

alliance, his ' lordship continued:"I sympathize with that idea also,but it seems to me premature."

The Tientsin correspondent ofthe London Telegraph saysChamberlain's utterances havemade a deep and favorable im-

pression there. "It is universallyunderstood," he continues" to roforto a possible alliance which willinclude Japan. I am enabled tostate that Japan is ready to joinEngland in an active and deter-mined policy calculated to controlthe Government at Peking, to re-form the Chineso administration,to check Bussia and to save Chinafrom anarchy or complete absorption.

"Further, I am assured thatJapan is ready to place 800,000men on too mainland, besideslending the assiatauce of the fleetin'tho East to Groat Britain. Thegeneral view hero is that the bold-est policy is the safest. Tho sug-gestion of an Anglo-America- n

alliance is most cordially in-

dorsed."Tho press of Yokohama, dis-

cussing tho recent speech of Mr.Chamberlain at Birmingham ad-

vocating an Anglo Saxon alliance,oxprosses the opinion that thetime is ripe for tho formation ofan Anglo Japanese alliance

Chicago, May 18. A special totho Journal from Washingtonsays:

Secretary Day and the Japa-nese Minister Lad a conforenootoday. Incidentally they discuss-ed the situation in the Philip-pines.

Minister Hoshi officially dis-proved the statement that Japan,intended tp'iprotest against Ameri-can occupation of tho islands.

Thoro is a dear and definiteunderstanding between the Gov-ernments both as to tho Philip-pine and Hawaii, and it is notlikely to bo disturbed by any com-plications with powors in thoEuropoan coucort.

m m m

Evening Bulletin 76c per month.

fW? H'V


War -:- - NewsEverybodyShould SubscribeJTor Eitltor the

OELll,Olironiole orEscsLxniner ,

In to getAll tho News


At the local agency


The Very Latest and Best in






Just recolvod by tho

Fort Street.



Continued, from First Pago.



. .

the attitude of this Governmentin the present controversy washighly appreciated by our friendsand was having a very markedeffect upon tho efforts to procuroannexation.

"Tho fact that this tender wasmade prior to any knowledgo onour part ot tuo American victoryat Manila has emphasized theAmerican goodwill towards thosoislands."


These remarks were loudly applauded by memborsof tuo Mouse.

Tho Houso renewed considera-tion of the salary appropriationbill.

Tho salary of tho Deputy Attorney General was'fixed at $3600for 18 months. The salaries ofclerical assistance, Auditor's office,was passed at $11,000. Tho itemsunder tho Bureau of Customswere further segregated and passed substantially as in tue bill. Anitom was inserted under tho Boardof Health for salary of FoodCommissioner, July 1, 1898, toJan. 1, to 1900, $2700. Tho itemBunder the AVator Avorks Departmont were passed as in tho billwith a few slight changes.

Bocess till 1:30.

Character !

Schilling's Best bakingpowder keeps, and does per-fect work, in all climates:wet, dry, hot, cold.

Your money back atyour grocer's if(you do notlike it. &

' -

American Farmer Wanted.

Must understand the caroand treat-ment of Horses. Cattlo and Rwlne.Also willing and 'capable of Plowing,naming ami irrigating, .marriedman preferred. Apply to

024 tf


UJSAll, IjAJNBIWU & CO.,210 King street.



"Why make tho littlo ones cryand compel thorn to tako a medi-cine which is distastoful to them,whon you can accomplish the do-sir- ed

end without it?


Tho finest preparation ever in-troduced in tho oil lino, the tastepleasant, doso small and acts likoa charm.

Nature's Own Cathartic.

Don't be talked into tryinosomething that is claimed to bo asgood, there is but one first-olas- s

tasteless castor oil and that isCUMMIN'S.

Children Relish It.

The price is low, a bottlo con-taining many doses at 25 cents.You cannot afford to bo without it.

Hollister Drug Co.

Sole Agents.

3 .

' it,

' ' t1 .


j v.., i, k,.


--; t

'" 5i'




l.'jji.-,'- -. u 'W&w- - U&JJ-'-$J&xt- ta&f&&k

I S. Sachs Dry Good& Co., Ltd520 Port Street Honolulu.

Assortment, duality and PricesAre the Attractions

That Keep Us Ever Busy.A Few of Our Many Bargains.

IjuIIpm' Shirt WnlntB, jwrfect flttliiK all rIz-u- 05;.Oltiglmmx, liest quality 18yds for $1.00.I'riutt (an colons iiSyils for 81.00.PoruiluH, full yard wldo, .now patterns 10 nnd l'Jyds for $1.00.UnWcaclioil Cotton, 27 Inch wldo, 25yds for Si. 00.Unbleached Cotton, full yard wldo, 20yds for $1.00.Wliltd Cotton, full yard wldo, extra good quality, 10yds for $ 1.00.Art Donlins, ynrd wide, nil eolors, 20c. b yard.Silkoliiics, now pattorns, 12yds for $1.00.Flannelettes, flno assortment of patterns, lfiyds for $1.00.

Special Bargains in Mnslins, Lawns and Organdies.

N. S. Sachs Dry Good Co,, Ltd.

Do You Know ThaiTho best place to buy is at tho store whore the largestbusiness is dono'J Tho hig business insures not onlyeconomics of buying and soiling but also fresh goods,tho latest and best. Millinery is not carried here as a,ido lino.

The Styles Are EntirelyDifferent from last year, and also different from whatyou will find in tho ordinary millinery store. Thevariety is larger than tho combined stocks of tho en-ti- ro

city could muster.

The Dressmaking Department

Is in keeping with tho Millinery Department.

Miss M. E. Killean,HOTEL STREET.



LADIES' SHIRT WAISTSFrom 25c. to ,&1.00Former Prices 75c to S3 OO

Ladies' Neck Wear and Belts

At Exceedingly Low PricesFOR ONE WEEK I

.''" ALSO


White, Unbleached, Pink, Blue,

Lavender, Yellow andIf 1 r lrBldWv, fejt.

tL '' " Oomo oarly and got first choico at

$-.- - E. W. JORDAN'SNo. lO Fort Street.


V. Uy ; ;: '





'3 ', '.


' ? .


''" L


' s








Page 6: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer









ItKjf, '






MsWe now offer their Brandf

of Flours as follows:



C, & C,







Money BrokersM

Stocks and Bonds BoughtandSold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real EstateAND

Insurance Agents

Rents collected. Complete clmrgoof Property for absentees.

teSTFInancial Agents in any capa-city, as Trustees, Assignee.,, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency of




Fine Tailoring !

I have a new cutter of great skilland experience, and can guaranteegood tits nt very low prices. Thelatest suitings arc kept In stock, In-cluding u beautiful blue serge forsummer wear.

New s !

Finest ami freshestDry Goods con-stantly In stock. Have just receivedfine Grass Cloth, Pongee Silk, em-broidered Bilk Handkerchiefs, etc.Also, best of White and Colored Mut-tlu- g.

Fancy Things !

Tho latest S. S. Gaelic broughtBamboo Chairs and Lounges, Cam-phor Trunks with alarm bell locks,etc, also New Crop Tea.

My prices In nil lines meet thefiercest competition.

GOO XIM,Merctinnt Tailor ami General Dealer,

lijii Nuuanu, near Hotel street.


Throw-tl- i

R.sponsitilityTlml'o litnt whllt OUT DalrOllS Can (lo.

Just understand that ovory purchasomailo Is with tho Ulstinct unuorsuinuingthat It must glvo satisfaction. Our pricosaro LOWEIl than many bocauso wo buyright and as low as any storo that

roods. It's tho vory choapthat Is vory expensive

it will do wortnyour wimo iu visit winstoro and pricos, tho following:

White Linen

Towels All Grades & SizesCotton, at BedrockPrices.

Linen Crash

Tea excellent Quality

Bleached or Unbleached

Heavy Table

Large Heavy

Uiillifcis Turkish

2 Spools (ort snt 25c.




It pays to tnulo with ns.

J. T. WaTerhouseQ-uieex-

i Street.The Club Stables

Limited..0. Bullixa, : Manager.


Tel -- phone 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

"Wo aro especially equipped to cator toyour trauo. Fair dealing and good sor-vlc- o

Is what wo dopond upon to got it.Wo havo for salo Family Carriage and

Driving Horses, singlo or doublo teams.Tlioy aro in good condition and will bosold on favorablo tonus.

Dr. Itowat is always in attondanco attho Stablos.

Ciub Stables Hack StandCor. Union A Hotol Sts.



or Doublo Teams at a lnomont's notico.Hack Nos. 125, 183, 100, 70, 77.

C. DELL1NA, Mgr.

TJ- -,



Dandruff will not euro Itsolf. Tobe froo of it you must troat yourhair and scalp with sonio re mody

Our Dandruff Killerprepared and sold only by us is

Warranted to Cure I

Pacheco & Fernandas,Arlington Block, Hotel Street.



Association Grounds!


Honolulu vs. 1st. Regt.90(1 3m

Mules For, Sale.

A choice lot of Missouri and Califor-nia Mules

Jlist, ArrivedNow for sale ut low terms. En-

quire ofG. SCHUMAN,

005-- tf Club Stables.


A.ROHITEOT223 Merchant St,. Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alakea,

Telephone : : : 734

jjltfatittii t iiiik

imw!t3fwr m ""PfiY"mmjjiww iiiWiliJWi)iPIWjpSp



Sad Ending of the Yessel Sophie Suth

erland Expedition.

Many of the Men Dead and the Survivors In

the German Hospital at


Sometime in 1897 a man d uracilS'irensen succeeded in beguilingfiftoon San Franciscans intochartering a vessel and sailingwith him to an island in tho SouthPacific which he called the Ai) (un-

less Eden. It was a land ofpromiso in more ways than oup,bo ho said. There boing no menthero, and plenty of gold whichthe adventurers could easily uet.

Tho schomo was to take, posses

sion oi tue island. JLbe

men were foolish enough totake Soronson's word for every-thing and sailed for the islandami aftor a while arrived at Apia,whore the ship, Sophie Suther-land, remained about a fortnightand thou sailed for Suva, whereshe remained four days.

It seems that Sorenspn wasrecognized while at Apia as aman who had had a difference ofopinion with the colonialauthorities which had causedsocial relations to bo sus-pended for tome ten year,lhis was reported to tho party,but they had faith in their leader,gold was in proapoot and theywont on their way houlthy audhappy.

Tho first island of the Solomonsreached was Florida Island,Talugo harbor, where Soreusoubad stated gold was in abundance.There it whs ascertained that thestorios told in Apia respecting thepromoter were true

They went to novorol of theother islands and finally decidod to laud S.irousen. Thiswas done. Four of theparty Groenwood,Ginpg, Gunathand Sinadeke also remained, asrich copper doposits w re foundThe rest of the ship's companywere attacked by fever and thocaptaiu docnlod to sail far SanFrancisco. When she left thereworo only throe men able to moveabout. Wheu a w-o- k out tnocaptain, seeing ovi r hoily gottiogworse, beaded for Samoa for me-dical assistance They arrived backin Apia on Mny 11. Duringthe three week" four of thomen Kobn, Ntchol-o- n, Gold- -smidt and Do Wilt diod and wereburiod at sea.

Thoso who reached Apia presented a terrible uppoaranco. Onoof them who was vory ill, unableto movp, had not been woshod fortwo months. The crew were plaoed in tho German hospital, wheroDr. Funk attended them. Thonames of thoso who reached Apiaaio: McLean, Mtgyins, Lampe,Berge, Headberg and Olson.

Police Court.There was quite a Catherine of

interested parties in court duringthe bearing of the cases of thebelligerents in the row last Thurs-day evening.

Edward Frago, a truant, wascommitted to tho Reform schoolfor six months by Judgo Petersonyesterday,

The caso9 of Kaui opio andOhas. Kaui, charged with oseaultand battery on Kauoiuea, woronolle prosoquied.

Tho assault and battery caseagainst G. B. Eapule was dis-


All stylos of Kroeuer pianos forsalo, for cash or on the instalmentplan. Old instruments exchangedfor now ones. Pianos rented,tuned and repaired. Telephone321. Bergstrom Musio Go., Ltd.,Masonio Temple.

Ilaiililly DUaiiiwurlntr.

Tho supply of tho justly colo-brate- d

Seattle Book Boer is rap-idly disappearing in town. Lovers of this nutritious spring bev-erag- o

can obtain it for a limitedtimo at tho Criterion Saloon.

Circuit Court.

Ohas. Kaheo has been discharg-ed as cnardian of tho person andestate of Jab. K. Kaheo, his son,who has roacnea nis majority.

If you want gasoline in a harryring up Telephone 907.


"Vlrtuo lias its own rcwardl"

Unar Admiral Dow OV las dono hlm- -solf proud In tho rhlllippinos and oarn-c- d

for himself tho dosorvlng tltlo of"Rear Admiral."

Tills storo Is also anxious to cam a do-

sorvlng tltlo from tho public; a tltlo ofmerit, that carries with It the name ofhaving inorltorlous goods at popularprices.

In ordorto do this It is nocossary to bomoro than caroful In tho soloctions ofgoods bo cautious knowing what thopublic tastes aro wo havo usod tho

to Import only flrst-cla- quail-tlo- s

In doslgns and matorials such as arosalablo In tho host markots of tho world.Nodoad stock Is wanted or bought by us,no mattor what tho luducomonts. StlUgoods w 111 somotlmos accumulato fasterthan nntlclpatod thoy must bo dlsposodof oven at a sacrlflco that's what wo arodoing now sacrificing a fow dollarsyou dorho tho benefit.

Don't fall to visit this storo during thorenovation salo you will agroo with usthat It pay you to do so.

.lust arrh od, latost stylos In t

White and Colored Organdies, Dimities,



Latest pattoms InChiffons, Muslin du Sua, Valenciennes

Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, in Plaidsand Stripes.

J. J.lSGAN,jH'ort Street.



The Golden Rule Bazaar

Just received oxS. S. Zcalaiulia



HAWAII'S STORY(By Llliuokalaul)


J. M. WEBB316 Fori Street,

J.R.. Shaw,D.V.S.


Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.


Modern and Humano Troatmont.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BEFAIBKB.

Blacksmithing in All lis Branobei.

W. W. WKIGUT, Proprietor.(Snooeasor to O. West)

Davey's IridiumsAro hotter than High-clas- s Wator

Color Drawings.


870 tf Cor. Hotol and Sort Sts.

The Evening Bulletin, 76 cts. permonth.


Having takon stock

and reduced all

prices now offor

tho latest styles of


At 5 cents a yard


Also ox "Zcalaiulia"a lino assortment of


EIm IDT 4 ISKing Street, Von Holt Block.


Near' Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho Rail-

road Stations.

Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40years can be obtained in tracts of anynumber of acres desired, on tho mostfavorable conditions

The special attention is called ofthoso with small capital wishing togo Into this very profitable-Industry- .

For particulars, apply to

Gear, Lansing & Co.,




Q. J. Walled ... Manaqeh.



Naw Contractors.

Refrigerated PoultryAND


iMtopoIifan Sjetf (Jo.

Telephone 45.Just arrived per Zcalandla

Whole Wheat FlourGraham, in 10 and 50

lb sacksRolled WheatRolled Oats, in 7 lb sks

And all sorts of meal stuff.

Tie Mingtoi Fed Co.

Consolidated Sola Water Co., L'i

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort St., Honolulu.

HOLLI6TER & CO.,Agents.

Home Decorating I

Gold Paint:

Which Is a substitute for goldleaf, and will LAST.


For Imparting a hard and glassysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:

For porcelain finish on tubs,flower pots. etc. Not affectedby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

lFulldlrcctlonsforuso. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers In

Steel and Irbn Ranges,STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL UOUHS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON TIAND.


T. ICro-ase- , - - . ETopPer Day 8 2.00

Special Bat.ilThe UoBt of Attendance, the Rest Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this City





Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. Tol 398.

To My Patrons and the Public.'

Havinc rocovornd frnm tnv ra.cout illness, I am npain proparod

.trrs nil 1.2 .1 fi rTl?j'uu mi jtmuH oi xinsmttn anaPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for post favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceoi mo same.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.VST Tel. 844.

J.A.FARLA,200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom $10 to $18.

M Money returned If you are notsatisfied. All work Kuaranteed.

EOBEET GRrEVU.Book and Job PrinterMorokant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Oompany'aBook Storo. my 18,

-w- t 'fnmftift riint tr infitrfi ifflrttiiriialntfiiiaiii

Page 7: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

W. G. Irwin & Go.

P'fi"11 H!PiwllPll'!yfMll!P; 'fwr'yy " ?'jT"mff- - "" -"' v,iyyt' ""Wflit'". v, ' Trr'm,p$k'my



Agents forWestern Sngjr Reflnory Go. of Ban

Francisco.Baldwin Loeomotivo Works o( Fblln

dolphin, l'enn.. 0. B. A.Kewoll Universal Mill Co. (Kfltlonol

Oano Shredder), Now York, U. B. A.N.Ohlandt & Go's Chemical fertilizers.Alex Cross & Bonn, high grado fertU

izors (or Cane and Coffee.Reeds Steam Plpo Covering

AlsoOffer for Sale

Parafflno Paint Go's P & B Paints andPapers; Lncol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indarlne. (a cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filter Pross Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.

LIPK and FIREfflOpJE AljEflTg.


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

iETNA Fire Insurance Company


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G.Irwin, - Prosidont nnd ManagerOlnus Bproofeols, ...W. M. Giflhrd, Socrotnry and TreasurerThoo. 0. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.4UKKT8 07 THB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORlUwallin Agricultural Compiny, Onomea SugarCompany, Ilonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhec Sugar Company, MaketSugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company,

Ranch. Planters' Line San FranciscoFacketi, Chas. Brewer & Co.'i Line of BostonPacket!. Agents Boston Board of Underwriteri.Agent! Philadelphia Board; of Underwriters.

uaT or orrtOEnat

P 0 Jones, President; George H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary ; Gol. W F Allon, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H Waterhonse, A W Carter, Dlreotors.

w. c. achi a CO.,

Brokers & Dealersn- -

REAL ESTATEty We will Buy or Sell Beal Estate In

all parts of the group.ty" We will Bell Properties on Reason-abl- e

Commissions ;


Building Lots!At WALKIK1 on oar line and on

ROAD near ifertillzingPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Doalors in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.TWMPIIONK 607. P. O. Box .



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lumbor and Goalnd Building Materials o! all

kinds,Qneon Street, Honolulu,

Jusfc Like Gold Coin,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todavstands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe homo.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do, tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revelation of the ingredients that enter into the manufacture ofthia ever popular remedy.

It is n xfectlv harmless, vouneed havo no fear of becomingHabitually inclined to its use.

Jbor Uolic, Uramps, .Dysentery. Colds, and all Dainfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with somoremedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

M& Tho naw 35c. size con-tains oyer doublo tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,- -

Bole Agents (or the Islands.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoodOut and Split (ready for the Store).



At Lowest Prioes, delivered to any part olthe City.


HUSTAOE & CO.,31 Queen Btreet.


Is prepared to furnish

Kltrato of Soda, Bono Moal, raw ordissolved ;Florlda and Lady Elliot IslandGuano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Muriateand Sulphato of Potash and Kainlto, Co-

ral Lime Stone and Manures. In quanti-

ties to suit.

A. P. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merohant Street.

FOB BALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; J8

each.1 Surrey in fine order; price f200.House and Lot, 76x166 ft., on Mo. 71

Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kltohendining-roo- eto.


Contractor and Builder.Offices and Stores fitted up and

Estimates given on


or Office and Shop: No. 610 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are furnished with from fiveto six lists per week, giving an anoaratrecord of all deeds, mortgaces, leases, re-

leases, powers ef attorney, eto., eto., wnlobare placed on record.

Subscription Price, T2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOa HOTEIt STREETS,

Cakes and Candies,

Ffefl fie Cream.

Our Establishment Is the Finest BesortIn the City. Gall and see us. Open till 11

o'clock r. m.



Have your Rubberstamps limdo bytlio HawaiianNews Co., Lt'd.,nntl obtain tholowest prices in

town. Satisfac-

tion guaranteed.Call and examinebur now lino of" UNIVERSALStamp Holders."


Merchant Street.

"The Hawaiian"

--A. "W"eeldy3Sre-vvs;pa.;p- er

Devoted to tho Agriculturaland Horticultural De-

velopment of the Ha-

waiian Islands.

Issued Saturdays.


One Year $2 00One Year (Foreign postago paid).., 2 60Six Months " " " 1 26Six Months (Domostlo) 1 00Single Coplos 05

Advertising RatcB on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"210 King Street,

Honolulu, H. I.

Ml Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,



Kin St, near ffalldRl Boafl

TWO ACRESof Important property iu central part ofcity limits.

Desirable rosldonco property, nice cot-

tages and well Improved grounds, Kingstreet, Young street, Punahou and SouthSlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Co.

,210 King Street.JAS. F. MORGAN,


No. 45 Queen Btreet.

Export Appraisement of Sealgstato and Furniture.


Editou Eveninq Bulletin:Tho very iuteroeliny coffoo uirculnr of Messrs. W. H. Grossmnn &

Bro. of New York, dated April 29ultimo, contains vnluobleinforma-tio- n

showing that Brazilian coiToohas not yetroaohedita lowest prioe.

That the decrease -- in value ofBrazilian coffro will affect tho ar-ticle produced in other countriesis out of doubt, audit is for tnisroa6on that our first investigationwas to find out tho differouco iuvalue betwoen our coffeo and theBrazilian article, that wo mightcome to tho lowest possible figureat which ours can go

Wo havo said beforo, that Hawoiiau coffeo ia worth 8 cpdIb pprlb. more than tho Brazilian pro-du- co

and that for this reason wecan be suro that our very lowestpossible price will nover bo untlor10 cents per lb. because, whon wogot down to that figure, tho Bra-zilian arliclo will hove to with-draw from tho market.

A local pHi'Gr itsdoubt as to whether saiddifforoncoof 8 cents per lb, does really exist,and although tho editor of aidpublication has boon providedwith various circulars showingtho stated difference, no rectifica-tion of the doubt has yet appear-ed.

Tho only quotations wo have ofHawaiian coffees are from SanFranciBco, probably because ourshipments to other markets havonot yet boon larce enough, butcomparing tho valuations giv-- n

by Han 1'rancisco houses, mo nnJthat our produco commands ahigher prico than that of Guatemala and, for this reason, wo navemodo comparisons between Quatemala and Brazil iu tho circularsfrom other markets, boing per-fectly suro that in considering theprico of Hawaiian coffeo equal tothat of Guatemala, we stilln margin iu favor of tho Islandproduco.

From the latest coffee circulutsrecoivod, wo havo made tho average prices, considering tho variour gmdos, and tho t is thefollowing: Otis, McAllister &Co., San Francisco, April 27,average Hawaiian.lC pnr lb;Now York Coffeo Exchange, April29,. average Brazil, 7o. per lb;which shows a difference of 8 7 8o.per lb in favor of Hawaiian.

Heeso Nurman & Co., Hamburg,April 1G, averago Guatemala, M.(30.16 por 50 E., against avoragoBrazil M. 28.32 per 50 K., show-ing a difference of M. 87.84 per 50K. in favor of Guatemalan,

I. A. Rnokor & Bonoraft. London, April 21, averago Guatemala71s. 3d. per owt., against averagoBrazil 48s. Id. per cwt., showing adifforenco of 43s. 2d. per owt. infavor of Guatemalan.

If such difference exists, nowthat our coffeo ib yot far frombeing properly curpd. acainst theBrazilian produco which has longago arrived at its highest possibleperfoction, we must reasonablyhope for still higher difforenco infuture, when the result of perfectcuring and preparation of ourArticle will bring it up to thostandard of "Coylon plantation,"which commands 10s. more percwt. than tho Guatemalan coffee.

F Souza.

Value For Value.

Whon you want to got tho valueof your money go and examino thelargo stook of carriages, wagonsand harnoBB at Bchuman's Car-riage Repository, Club StabloBlock, Fort street. Ho hasiust rocoived ox W. G. Irwin anow lino of horse millinery alsoa few of the celebrated Cortlandjump seat blackboards with cano-py tops, finished in light colorsthroughout. They are beauties.Como and examino thorn. Fricosof all these goods aro lower thanelsewhere.

m m

Speak for Theuuelvei.

Sterling bioyolos speak forthemnolves. They sell withoutcomparison. They always giveporfect satisfaction and are novorout of ropair. Onco riddon noothor mount gives tho samo wholo-som- o

enjoyment. Facifia Cyole& Manufacturing Co., agents.

Window poles and fittingB.King Bros., 110 Hotel street.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular Houso, 164 Fort street,from S1.00 por wook up.

Meohanics' Horau. oorner Hoteland Nunanu streets, lodging byday, wook or month. Torms: 25and 50 cents por night. $1, and$1.25 Der week.



Just received ior "A. J. 1'iillor"

STONEWARE:Butter .Tars.Water Jars.Preserve Jars.French Pots.Ooffco Pots.Bean Pots.Flower Pots.Flower Baskets."Water Kegs.Water Jugs.Glazed Plat Bottomed Pans.Mixing Bowls.Poultry Fountains.

Household Snpply Department.


The City Furniture StoreAnother lot

Juot recelvedln time for the HolidaysLove Building, 634 and 636 Fort Btreet

Call and Inspect tuem before It

n.Office 846 TELEPHONES

12 M.

G-- .

f n$ gyBffBBrefill

," '

: :



i-- ----xv

the following articles In

of those


Is too late.

lMtn.na.gev.: : Rbbidencc 840.- -





Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, tc.r

Honolulu Undertaking Co-

rn A. WILLIAMS, F. D : : Mm.The Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELY'UNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands. Every-thing New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Speoialty ! No Bungling! No Failures !

NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williamb is a Graduate of Clark's School ofPerfect Embulming which process the body retainB its natural"appoarunco for years.

gjf Office and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel.'Telephone 179. Residonco and Night Telephone 815

Honolulu Messenger ServiceCORNER KING AND ALAKEA STS.,




Office Open Until O'clock P.




Bulletin, 75c, Per Month







Page 8: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...tho trip to Manila on that vessel and como back with the sick and wounded, has had his orders changed. It has been decided to uso the steamer

IHBMPffiiiPJ'M'IWlitPilllk1 Jl'JiplMII,lil9IW








,Aii(l tlio roads aro good all tlio way around

Ktlio Island. Wo knowBuy a

And save your drug

E. O. & limited.11AMBLEH AGENTS.

Fort and Kino;


A good Carriage, Buggy orHarness, step In and havo alook ut our

Large Stock I

For Wheeling

have tried



Corner Streets.

JjBlS rWijBPTir?lffllMft'H


We cau make you prices that will interest you and which defy competition.Just recolvod ex "Albert"


03S Any ono doslring first class goods should oxamlno thorn at

,jjSSmmfZl I


for tine toJust landed at the

JL A., J--4.

.".".' .".'.' .".'.' .'.'.'

A New Stock of Fireworks.titars and Stripes Decoration Bunting.American Shields.PRESIDENT MCKINLEY'S PICTURES.Rod, 'White and Wue Festoolng.American Hunting,Muslin and Silk Falgs, all sizes.lluttonholo Buttons, etc., etc.

S.W. Lederer X I2KL IjBoardman &

Business Agenoy.Houses for Rent.

Real Estate Agents.Brokers In Japanese Goods.

Employment Agents.Collections Made.

Legal and other documents trans-lated into any language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


Also Shaman & Co., Manchurian orCliliK'so laborers.

Room No. 1, Sprockets Block. Tele-phon- u

017. 021-- tf

Grounds aud Decoration Committee.

You are requested to bo on tin I. I.S. N. Co. Wharf us soon after thewhistles are blown as andbring all the Hugs and bunting youc. : decorate the sti'umur mrrylngthe Reception Committee.'

W. H. HOOGS,'Chairman Grounds and Decoration

Committee.T P. riKvniirif, Secretary.Honolulu, May 34, 1603. 022--

Tlie Evaning Bulletin, 75 ft. per:mutilli.

it, wo thoin.


Carriage & Harness House

Street,Ono Door Club Stablos.

Telephone 205.

jguftrShow Your Colors


Decorate, Boys Arrive'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. -I- - -I- -



-Cor.Nuuanu and King Sts.


Try to

Dodge!Tlio fact tlmtclothos "cutaflguro"

in tlio career of a man. I'eoplo un-acquainted with you linvo no ot'iorway of Judgliigyoiir financial stand-ing or responsibility. If you buyfrom tlio avorago n

tailor, nino chancos out of ten you'llgot a drossmakor's make. Tlio wolldressod man all othor things Doingequal will inako moro monoy thantho man who Is carolossly drossod.

MEDEIR0S& DECKERThe Hotel Street Tailors.

Waverley Block.

Notice.The Annual Meetiiij; of the Medi-

cal Association of Hawnil will be heldon the 2fth and 20th instant at theotllces of Drs. Andrews and Myers,Masonic Temple, at 8 p. in.

All members of the Medical Piarc cordially invited to attend

the meetings.L. F. ALVAREZ, M. D.,

Secretary of the Medical Associationof Hawaii. 022-- 3t

vif&w vrvrop r " imigm


Gould Not SleepSufferod With Dyspepsia and Un-nb- lo

to Do Hor Work-Complo- toty

Curod by Hood's Snrsaparllln."I suffered with dyapepsla and could

not do any kind of housowork. I 'wasvery nervous and could not Bleep, Iheard so much about Hood's Sarsaparlllathat I bought a bottle. I found it gavemo relief and I bought six bottles. WhenI had taken them I was cured. I can nowdo my housework and can sleep well atnight." Marie IIames, 1730 ProspectAvenue, Helena, Montana."I havo found Hood's Barssparllia ex-

cellent for building up and strengtheningthe system when it is In a run down orexhausted condition." Mns. Sarah M.Shook, Red Lodge, Montana.

If you have decided to take Hood's Sar-saparllla do not bo Induced to buy anyother. Get Hood's and only Hood's.

Hood's ",.Is tho lie st in fact tho One True Blood Purl-fle-

Bold by all druggists. l,slilorl5.Bct withharmoniouslyflOOd S FlIIS Hood's BarsaparlUa. 3c.


Diamond Head Signal Station, May2(1, 1 pin Weather hazy, wind fresh


Stmr Kaoiia, Moshcr, 0 hrs fromWulalua.

Sell Tetautua, Tlnau, 3 days ftomHookena.

Stmr Keauhou, Thompson, 8 hrsfrom Knanai.ll.

Am bk J It Walker, Wallace, 31days from Kobe, ancnorcil outsidehound for Sun Francisco.

Stmr Mariposa, Hay ward, 0 days10 hrs from San Francisco, pass andmdse to W G Irwin & Co.


Stmr Knenu, Moshcr, for Walalua.Stmr Mariposa, Huywurtl, for the

Colonies.Sell Emma & Louisa, Harris, for

San Diego.Sch Esther Buhne, Anderson, for

Sau Francisco.

DIED.GARDIXIER-- At Ampton, X. Y.,

April 17, 189S, Professor James T.Gardinler, aged 70 years, after ashort Illness.

Professor Gardluler wns tlio fatherof Mrs. A. W. Heydtinaiiii, of Nnale- -hu, Kau, Hawaii.

maiuposa PAssi:NGi:ns.

Home or the People ArrUril from theCiulttt This Mornlnir.

Among tlio pusseugors for Honolulu on tlio Mariposa were:

E. A. Kiley of San Fraucisco,who couji-- to accept u positionwith tho Hollitter Drug Co. Hois a druggist.

A. F. Knudson and Mrs. V'Kuuduon of Kauai, returningfrom a trip to tho Stat s.

Louis lteiche of Sau Franciscocorned to the. Islands to uccopt aposition as ongiuoer at Lihuoplantation.

. B. a prominentlawyer aud politician of th Mid- -dlo West. The gentleman is nocompanied by his wife aud child,aud will probably locato hero. Hois a personal friend of William J.Bryan, late presidential candidate.

W. It. Furringtou iB well knownhero as a former editor of the Advertiser. It is rumored that howill resume newspaper work here.

Dr. T.O. Whitehead and familyare from Texas, aud intend toremain in the islands somemonths.

Rev. Ohas. R. Brown and wifeof Oakland. Mr. Brown is pastor ot tne l'irst Congregationalchurch in the Athens of Califor-nia and comes here to spend afive wiokB' vacation.

Col. W. Evans o the SalvotionArmy, who has general oversightof tho affairs of the army on thoPacific Coast and in Hawaii. Col.Evans has just returned from atour of Mixico. He will make atour of inspection among the armyposts of tho islands.

0. M. Cooke and family ontheir usual summer tour to thoislands.

Capt. G. D. Frcetb, who comosfor a short business visit

Wray Taylor returns full ofhealth and war stories

Miss E. Swiokard of San Josecomes for a visit to frionds.

John Watorhouso returningfrom a business trip to the Coast.

Tho tug Eleu has not as yetreturned from her unknown voyago to windward. Tho reticence ofthe customs officials is still maiutainod, and tho tug's whereaboutsis a matter of conjecture.

n" p



vax tftt:iTtftf(P


Delayed Liner,

Mariposa In Port En

Route to the Colonies.

Tetautua In Charge of Sheriff Arrives Bark

J. D. Walker Stops for War


The U S steamer Alert was atSau Diepo May 16.

Captain Friis is now in comtnand of tho bark Martha Davis.

Tho dehiy in tho arrival bf theMnripusn wan caused by tho laten rival in New York of tho English uiHils.

Dr M Soula is now Burgeon ofthe JUitripusa vico Dr JMcJNultywho goes to Manila as surgeon onthe Australia.

The steamer Poter Jobson, nowseeking a Hawaiian register, isrepotted May 13 sailing from SanDiego for Nauaiitfo.

Tho schooner Esther Buhne hassailed for San Francisco with713G sacks of Ewa sugar, 892,000pounds, valued at S3 1231.

A steam schooner, named thoAloba and owned by JS Kiinbill,was launched in San Francisco,May 12. She will be used in thocoasting trade.

The schooner Emma & Louisasailed today for San Dipgo. Amongtlio shipments were GOO sacks rico,30 dozon cocoanute, 50 bunchesbananas and G2.516 bottles.

Tho American bark J B Walkeranchored outside tho channel latevening at 8 o'clock bound fromKobe for Snn Francisco withcurio. The captain stopped forwar news.

Tho bark Annie Johnson forHiio and bark-- " S O Allen, Mohi-can nnd R P Rithet aud barken-tiu- o

W H Dimond for Honoluluwore up aud loadiug at San Fran-cisco May 19.

TheTabitinn pchooner Tetautuasail"d into port this morning anddocked at Irmgard wharf, wheresho is tho cynosure of nil waterfront eyes Tho Tetautua was incharge of a deputy sheriff fromHookena, but will no doubt bereleased from custody today.

Paiird a Capsized lloat.

Tho bark S 0 Allen, which ar-rived May 12 in San Franciscofrom Honolilu, r p irted havingpaseed at 2 am of May 12th. aboutthirty-si- x miles west of PointReyep, a boat drifting bottom up-ward. The bark passed nuitfcIoho to tlio dorolict, which wusabout 25 feet lone, 8 feet beam,and was painted black.

'ev Hteamihlp Line to Honolulu.

Tho Santa Fo Railroad company will put on a line of steamersto operate permanently betweenSan Diego aud Yokohuma,accord-in- c

to a disuutch from Los Anre- -les May 12. A Jnpaneso corporation will furnish tho ships andrun them. The termini nf thoSVfltem will lin San Dionn tinr Vnkohimia, with call at Honolulu.

The Amarapoora Wrecked.

Word was received May 10 inSan Francisco of tbo total wreckof tbo British stoamer Amarapooraon tho Shantung coast. She isreported a total loss, and in thedispatch no mention is mado as towhether tho crew aro saved or not.The Amarapoora is well knownin this port. JSlie ran for sometime between Biitish Columbiaports and So Francisco with coal.On Novomber 23 last she sailedfrom Vancouver, B C, for Yokohama, and has since tben been engngeu along tlio Uhineso andJapaueso coasts.

Where Did the Art'yll Oo.

Tho departure of the steamshipArgyll lust Monday night waswatched with some cariosity hvtho waterfront. Sho olearod forPortland. Orannn. and. nnnn nftwrdischarging the pilot, her coursowas direoted to the westward instead of around Koko Head, thecustomary routo to tho north. Up-on the heights, it boinc n. clearovoning, tho Argyll's smoke wasoauu U1DUJJJUIM jug uu uiu UUrlZOuaway off in the courso of .steamersgoing 10 japan, uan tne contin-ued absence ' of the turr Elnn hnconnected with this ? May nottho Argyll be just out of sightwaiting for something?

The Iloauoke'a Captain Known Here.

Captain Thompson of tho shipRoanoko which lately arrived inSan Francisco after a disastrousvoyago from New Tork is wollknown in this port, having been


viBjy JWW- -


mute of the And row Welch andArchor. Ho left Honolulu in tholloanoke as first mato and waspromoted to tho command uponarrival of tho vessel in New York,tho captain having died nt sea.Four deaths among tho crow oc-

curred in this lost vovage of thoRoanoke from Now York, butho reflection on Captain Thompson who is a veiituble mascothaving alwayB mado very success-ful trips. Ho is only 25 years ofogo.


Per Mariposa: M S Giin-bau- m

& Co, T H Davies & Co, HH Hackfold & Co, E O Hall &Son, Dr T 0 Whitehead, E B MoOlanahan, Mrs A M WG Irwin & Co, Mrs ET Skidmore,S E Eoso, Kiuu Bros, Hobron &Co, A V Gear, Hon Fire Co, O AGalbrntor, L B Korr, Mrs H Vos,Miss M Burbauk, NS Sachs, MissM E Killean, J J Egnn, WOPeacock & Co, Haw Hotel, MasterGeo Brown, Haw Nows, T GThrum, Wall, Nichols Co, GeoAndrews, Pacific Hdw Co, HymanL5ros,Pearoii & Hobron, Hall &

Sons.foiieiqn roKTS.

Auckland Arrived, May 11,stmr Alameda honco Apr 27.

Sydney Arrived, May 10, stmrMiowera from Honolulu.

Port Ludlow Sailed, May 12,bktu Klikitat tor Honolulu.

Port Gamble Sailed, May 14,sch Alice Cooke for Honolulu.

Newcastle N S W Sailed, May14, sch John O Potter for Hono-lulu.

San Francisco Arrived, May13, U S S Mohican henco May 1,bark S O Allen houce April 23,May 1G, stmr Doric honco May 11.Siiled, May 12 brig Lurlino forKabului, May 15 bktn S G Wilder for Honolulu, May 18 bk AldenBesse for. Honolulu.


For San Francisco, per stmr SS Moana: Mrs C J Campbell, GW Tall, Mrs A M Sheldon andmaid, Mrs E B Sherman, Mr andMrs R W Davis, Dr and MrsWallace Terry, Honry Krebs, WmG Ohvor aud wife, Miss J EFisber, Miss M 0 Alexander, MrsL T Ellis, I Rubeusioiu, Miss MBalch, T J Birch, O H Walker,Mies R Johnson, Mr and MrsGardiner Johuson, Geo 0 Sellner,R D Silliman, H P Walton.


From San Francisco, per stmrJUanpoBa: JJev Uharloa HUrownand wife, CMC oko, wife, childand maid, lliobard Cooko, MissAlico Cooke, O W Deacon, Col WEvans, G D Fiooth. E A Kilev.A F Knudsen, Mrs V Knudsen,Mrs Uiias S .Lewie, E IS McUlnnaban, wife and child, Louis Reicho,Miss E Swiokatd, Wray Taylor,Miss M Walters, John Water-hous- e,

Dr T C Whitehead, wifeand infant, W Woon, W R Far-ringt-on,

J Soaves, wife and child,A Silva, wife and 2 children, AOtrember, A H Viroira, J Napierand family. O J Sellander, A HBebrens, F Nott, W W Danel, AGomez, Hits M Prios and child, FKeough.


Continued from First Page.


A Miami, Florida, dispatch ofthe 18th says:Fire broke out Monday in tho coul bunkers of thecruiser St. Paul, and it took half aday to cet tho flomos uuder control. There wore 1300 tons of am-munition aboard, and CaptainSigsbeo and his crew had a hardtime. Thirteen of tho crow wereovercome by tho heat. All haverevived. There weio twenty twooflicors and 5G0 mon aboard nnd200 wero engaged in fighting thehro.


Only old mon and boys areavailable nt Las Palmas, CanaryIslands, for handling cargo. Alltho rest of tho men havo boonconscripted.

ihc German warship Geier,arrived at Havana, did not salutetho American ships, but salutedtho Spanish' forts, and her com-mander exchanged cordial civili-ties on shore with General Blanco,Admiral Mantorola and the President of tbo Colonial Govern-ment.

The Porto Rico Governmentnow permits messages in plainlanguage to and from the UnitedStates for cabling at sender'srisk.

lFf I

Tuo Siaiiih toipcdi) boats ar-rived at Las Palmas, Canary Isl-

ands, on May 7. Thoy were cov-ered with salt, as after a longvoyage.

The captured Amorioan news-paper correspondents, Thrall andJones, will be exchanged for Col-onel Cortijo and Surgoon Julian,Spanish otlicers di taiuod at FortMcPhoison.

The Spanish Cabinet has beenreconstructed, Sng'nBta being stillPremier.

Secretary Alpor has asked Concross in a bill for an AssistantSecretary of War with a salary ofS4000

A bill making it a gravo penaloffen80 for any person to photo-graph or to niako public at anytimo tho strength of tbo fortifica-tions of tbo United States wastaken up in the House of Repre-sentatives on the 18th. Mr. Bolknap said that when the miserablewretch Downing the spy wasbanging himself, a New Yorkpiper "was spreading broadcastto the world tho exact location ofevery mine in New York harbor."Tho bill wns opposed by Bland asinfringing on tho liberty of tbopress. It wns recommitted, failingto pass.

Ono report brought by a manfrom Cuba is thut Gomez onlynants arms nud ammunition, anddoes not wish tho United Statestroops to enter the country. Fromthis it is inferred that GeneralMiles may not liud Gomez anally.

A joint board of army nnd nr.vyoflicrs will supersede tho Boardof Strategy nt Washington. Pre-sident McKiulty is responsiblefor the change,

Ollioi'il notices given to marin-or- s

how that all the principalports of tho Atlantic nr now pro-tected by torpedoes m.d tbina- -

riutt IlllUrB.m


Hpanlili Hentinel Hhoota n Ilrltlali Sol-

dier Fire lit Constantinople.

A number of British soldierswhile out boating at Gibraltarattempted to laud on Spanish ter-ritory, whereupon u seniry firedupon them and woundt-- onoman.

A tornndo has swept over Illi-nois nnd othor States, d strovinaina.ly lives and a great deal ofproperty

Constantinople, May 19. Thereis a terrible fire raging here. Al-

ready hundreds of houses havobeen dntroyed, and it is fearedthst many more buildings will beburned. How tho firo originatedis not known. Thf-r- has beenquite a high wind for hours andthe firemen do not seem to be ableto check the awful conflagration.

The Canadian Pacific nnnouueosthat, beoinninrr Mnr 9.0 ir. wtllstart a train service to make therun from Montreal to Vancouverin 100 hours.

Fiances Aura Alnnr. thn vnnnir.est daughter of tho Secretary ofWar, and Charles Burrell Pike,of Chicaco. son of Enmnn S.Piko, one of tint city's most energetic anu influential citizens,wera married at nnramn fhnlRthat tho residence of SecrotaryAlger.


OF -:- - CANADA.

Summary of tho Annual Report for 1897.

Now Life Applications ro- - ,colvcU during 1BU7.... 10,21)2,751 92

Incroaso oor 1608 C. 182. 102 711

Ciishliu'oiiio forycarond- -lllR tflM, Doe., 1SU7.... 2,2'IH,HIH 74

Incroaso ovor 1800 U52.030 71Assots at 31st Docomlior,

18U7 7, 122,1171 11Incronso ovor 1800 031,220 78

Itosorvo for Socurlty ofPolicyholders 0,850,7.12 OH

fAuconlliiK to Hill. Fourpor cont. 'riihlo )

Incroaso ovor 1800 021,552 50Surplus ovor all Liabili

ties, oxcopt Capital... .111,220 l:t(According to Ilin. Fournor cont. Tahlo.)Surplus ovor all Liabili-

ties and Capital Stock 683,271 V&

(According to CanadianGov't Standard, Ilm. iiler cont.)Surplus ovor all Llahlll- -

tlos. oxcopt Capital... 088,272 00(According to CanadianGov't Standard, ii porcont.)Claims Taid During 1807 103,071 37

Bishop & Co, Bankers,


J. H. PORTEOUS,yU-l- Inspector.
