SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1901. THE MIiraE^POLIS 'JOUBNAE. Famous American Vetrans :B'£ AND SOLDIERS ENDORSE PE=RU=NA r ""'' __i <8& BBftBB s§>]g|2s ® m RWOUS AKEfUCMI'sfIIMERS jjjljj «fANZ> VETERANS WHO ATTEST « gj TO THE «REAT MERITS S fff •* PE-RU-NA . ||g Captain Bnrtla Recovers. Captain J. J. Burtis, captain of Company A, Twentieth Ohio volunteers, writes from 1>34 Lincoln aye., Chicago, 111., as follows: "I know by experience that Petuna is a wonderful medicine for kidney troubles. 1 suffered for years with bladder and kid- ney trouble, nothing helped me except temporarily, but when a friend told me of Peruna I felt at once that I had found something which would cure me. Relief came soon and I was entirely cured in a very short time, and have had no trouble since. I keep it in the house and take some occasionally, as it prevents my catching cold."—J. J. Burtis. Major Mars Is Strong Again. Major T. H. Mars, of the First Wiscon- sin cavalry regiment, writes from 1425 Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the follow- ing letter: "For years I suffered with catarrh of the kidneye, contracted in the army. Med- icine did not help me any until a com- rade who had been helped by Peruna, ad- vised me to try it. I bought some at once, and soon found blessed relief. I kept taking it for four months, and I am v.ow well and strong and feel better than I have done for the past twenty yeara, thanks to Peruna."—T. H. Mars. Chaplain Jaycox Finds Relief at Last Hon. D. L. Jaycox, Chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic, writes from 565 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.: "I contracted severe bladder and kid- ney trouble, spent hundreds of dollars and consulted a host of doctors, but neither did me any good. "I bought a bottle of Peruna on the ad- vice of some comrades who had been cured by it; after using it four months, my pains are gone, and I believe myself to be cured. I feel well and would not be without a bottle in time of need for ten times its cost."—D. L. Jaycox. Soldier Stegman's ?farrotv Escape. William Stegman of 430 Washington street, Appleton, Wis., writes as follows: Gentlemen "After returning from Cuba I felt my health was considerably broken down. Standing in water for days in the trenches affected my lungs until the doctor said I had quick consumption. My mother advised me to use Peruna, and in three months my lungs were as well as ever. "I have arranged to take some Peruna with me to the Philippines, as I consider it indispensible to maintain my health in the unfavorable climate."—William Steg- man. Private Vance Still Improving-. Mr. John Vance, member of Company I, 71st Ohio Infantry, First Brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, who lives et Hartford City, Ind., in a letter dated June 7tb, 1899, says: "My kidney trouble is much better. I have improved so much that everybody wants to know what medi- cine I am using. 1 recommend Peruna to everybody and some have commenced to use it. The folks all say that if Dr. Hart- man'g medicine cures me it must be great." In a later letter he says: "I am still improving in health; people call me well now.. I am atill using your medi- cine." —John Vance. Captain Moss Restored to Health. Percy W. Moss, late captain company D, 2d Arkansas Volunteers, writes from Paragould, Arkansas, the following letter to Dr. Hartman: "It is with great pleasure that I write you of my success with Peruna. I think it undoubtedly the finest and %urest ca- tarrh cure ever prepared and it has taken but two bottles to convince me of this fact. "I also find it a very good spring tonic and will readily recommend it at any time." —Percy W. Moss. Major Malison's Grateful Cure. Major Algernon A. Mabson, of the Tenth Volunteer regiment, stationed at Macoa, Ga., in a recent letter to Dr. Hartmen \u25a0from Washington, D. C. has the following to say in regard to Peruna: "I think there is no better medicine on earth than your Peruna for catarrh. It has surely cured me. It would take a volume to tell you all the good it has done me. Peruna is the greatest remedy ever prepared, and I think I have tried them all."—A. A. Mabson. Gen. Voder's Gratitude for Pe-ru-na. General S. S. Voder, ex-Member of Con- gress from Lima, Ohio, in a recent fetter to Dr. Hartman, speaks of Penlna as fol- lows: "I desire to Bay thai I have found Pe- runa to be a wonderful remedy. I h*ve only used it for a short time and am thoroughly satisfied in regard to its mer- its. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the good results obtained from its use. As a catarrh cure I shall' gladly recommend it to all sufferers." S. S. Voder. Captain Alexander's Restoratioa..- Win. K. Alexander, captain and quar- termaster, writes the following from Lynchburg, Va,: "You cannot imagine how much better I feel since I commenced taking * your remedy, Peruna, one week ago. I tardly know how to thank you for this great treatment. I had suffered continuously from the effects of malarial fever before taking Peruna. Should lat any future time have occasion to recommend a treat- ment of your kind, rest assured that yours '\u25a0will be the one."—Wm. K. Alexander. No Other Catarrh Remedy Has Ever Received Such Great Popular Endorsements. Gen. Powell Completely Restored. General W. H. Powell, Department Commander of Hecker Post, No. 443, Belleville, 111., writes: "Following a severe attack of la grippe in 1890 I have suffered greatly and con- tinuously from a constantly increasing stubborn case of catarrh of the head and stomach. All prescribed remedies fail- ing to yield permanent relief, I was in- duced to try Peruna, and began its use in August, 1899. In using one bottle I became convinced of its curative quali- ties, and continued its use to date. All symptoms of catarrh have disappeared,yet I continue its moderate use as a pre- ventive, and an old man's tonic."—W. 11. Powell. Serjeant Taylor Was a Friend of Peruna. Sergeant Buck Taylor was one of the famous Rough Riders, and is a personal friend of Governor Roosevelt of New York. He accompanied Governor Roose- velt on his great stumping tour through upper New York state. He was pro- moted through gallantry in the field dur- ing the late war. The sergeant ,had the following to say of Peruna: "I think there is no better medicine on earth than Peruna, for ca- tarrh. It has cured me. It would take a volume to tell you of all the good it has done me. Peruna is the best catarrh cure on earth, and I know, for I have tried nearly all of them."—Buck F. Taylor. Capt. Guse Keeps Well by Peruna. Captain Paul R. Guse, Co. C, Thirty- ninth Volunteer Infantry, writes from 409 Lincoln avenue, Chicago, 111.: "Several times after contracting severe colds I have been quickly relieved by the use of Peruna. I especially recommend it also as the best preventative of colds I know of. By taking a few doses a week it keeps me in a fine, healthful condition."— Paul R. Guse. Veteran Brock a Centenarian. Mr. Isaac Brock, born before the United States was formed, saw twenty-two presidents elected. He is a veteran of four wars. Shod a horse when 99 years old. Of Peruna he says: ! > - G Eh. I (JAMES LONGSTREEIj Bb ;- \u25a0> < ;\u25a0* n^^Vjt mf frjf tJ\II It H it 'IrV \V k ' >^>b3bßEcißh ' !" mr"''l^MM ""'«»«M"»»«WMM \u25a0 MMIMMIII Hl— I I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0H>Ml^- Major General Joseph Wheeler, commanding the cavalry forces im front of Santiago, says: "I join with Senators Sullivan, Roach and McEnery in their good opinion of Peruna. It Is recom- mended to me by those who have used it as an excellent tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrh." General Vv. W. Duffield, General in the Mexican war and General of the Union Army in the late Civil war, in a letter writ- ten from "The Cairo/ Washington, D. C. t says the following of Peruna: "I hay» used Peruna in my fam- ilyand have found it a valuable medicine, and take pleasure in recommeadiag it to alt who suffer from catarrh ml the stomach or who require a tonic of efficiency." General James Long' street, of Gainesville, Ga., writes as follows in re~ gard to Peruna: •'/ join with my comrade, Gen- eral Wheeler, in testifying to the merits of Peruna, both as a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Peruna enjoys the greatest reputation as a catarrh remedy of any medicine yet devised." Soldier Friebertshauser Made a New Man. "A comrade whose kidneys had been cured through the use of Peruna ad- vised me to use it. I found that the first bottle relieved me, and after the faith- ful use of eight bottles I was a new and happy man. I have not had an ache or pain for over a year now." —John Frie- bertshauser. Matron Smith Uses Peruna in Hos- pital. A letter from Mrs. T. B. Smith, Hos- pital Matron of the Omaha Barracks, written from 2327 N Clark street, Chi- cago, 111., reads as follows: "Peruna seemed to be the favorite tonic among the soldiers at the barracks. If they were weak or convalescent after an illness, it would build them up and re- store their strength in a very few days." —Mrs. T. B. Smith. Major Creeine Escaped Consumption. Major John Creeine of the Seven- teenth Infantry, writes from 495 Sheffield avenue, Chicago, 111.: "I recommend Peruna to all my friends as the most reliable remedy for catarrh on the market. I suffered for years with chronic catarrh of the lungs, contracted in the army. I spent hundreds of dol- lars without getting any benefit, and a few dollars for a dozen bottles of Peruna made me as strong and well as ever."— John Creeine. Peruna the Soldier's Friend. N To wonder the American soldier is a friend of Peruna when such a renowned officer as General Wheeler gives Peruna his hearty indorsement. Everyone con- nected with the army and navy can have no reasonable doubt as to the merits of the remedy. No remedy ever yet de- vised has received such unstinted eulogy from so many rejiowned statesmen and military men as Peruna. There is a natural reason for this. Pe- runa is a specific for catarrh, wherever located. It not only instantly cures acute catarrh, but even old cases of chronic ca- tarrh vanish under its persistent use. The "During my long life I have known a great many remedies for coughs, colds, ca- tarrh and diarrhoea. I have always sup- posed these affections to be different di- seases, but on reading Dr. Hartman's books I found that these affections are the same and that they are properly called catarrh. soldier is especially subject to catarrh in some form or phase. Exposed as he is to constant changes, subjected as he is to the vicissitudes of climate, wet and dry, night and day, he finds catarrh to be his most insidious and ever present foe. In field and barracks, Peruna is equally effi- cacious Taken in time it will absolutely prevent catching cold. After the cold has become established Pe-ru-na wil break it up quicker than any remedy known to man. Even after the cold has settled in some organ, Pe-ru-na can be relied upon to promptly dispel It. "I had several long sieges with the grip. At first I did not know that Peruna was a remedy for this disease. When I heard that la grippe was epidemic catarrh, I tried Peruna for la grippe and found it to be just the thing. "As for Dr. Hartman's remedy, Peruna, I have found it to be the best, if not the only, reliable remedy for these affections. It has been my standby for many years, and I attribute my good health and ex- treme old age to this remedy."—lsaac Brock. This is why Peruna is so popular in the army and navy to-day. It is precisely the remedy that meets the particular ills to which this class of people are exposed. Our army and navy is the natural protec- tion of our country; Peruna is the natural protection of the army and navy in the vicissitudes of climate and exposure. General Wright Eulogizes Peruna. General Marcus Wright, 1724 Corcoran street, Washington, D. C, a prominent Confederate general, who is in charge of getting up the records of the War of the Rebellion, has the following to say in re- gard to Peruna: The number of specific catarrh reme- dies is small indeed; the number of ca- tarrh palliatives is legion. The effect of catarrh palliatives is often immediate, but always temporary; they never cure. "I take pleasure in recommending Pe- runa. It is a remarkable medicine and should be used by persona who are in need of a good tonic and by sufferers from ca- tarrh."—Marcus Wright. This kind of catarrh medicine includes sprays, snuffs, inhalants, gargles and local applications of all kinds. They seem to cure for awhile, but the disease is sure to return. NOTHING HELPS IN SPRING LIKE PERUNA Major Hawks Gives Peruna Great Praise. Major E. S. Hawks, writes the following letter to the Peruna Medicine Co., from Washington, D. C: "I take great pleasure in recommending Peruna as an excellent tonic. It has been recommended to me by influential people as an excellent remedy and should be in every man's household. It is particularly effective as a cure for catarrh in all its phases and stages."—E. S. Hawks. Major Liddell lies Peruna at Home. Major J. M. Liddell, major of the Fifth Immunes, recently ordered to the Philip- pines, and well known in Mississippi, has used Peruna in his family for years. He gives his opinion of this great catarrh remedy from several years' constant ob- servation and personal use. He says: "I have used Peruna for years and I know of no better medicine on the market. It is a grand tonic and should be used in every household. As a cure for catarrh I know of nothing better."—J. M. Liddell. Colonel Joyce Cured by Peruna. Colonel John A. Joyce, well-known throughout the country as the "Soldier's poet," is an ardent friend to Peruna. He speaks of it in the following terms in a recent letter from Washington, D. C: Gentlemen—"l think there is no better medicine sold than your remedies for ca- tarrh. They have cured me. It would take a volume to tell you the good they have done me. Peruna is the best rem- edy on earth for catarrh and I think I have tried nearly all of them."—John A. Joyce. Captain Yarnell Benefited by Peruna Captain M. G. Yarnell, Post Commander Wm. Downs Post, No. 68, G. A. R., writes from 2322 Lincoln street NE, Washington, D. C, as follows concerning Peruna as a catarrh cure. He says: "Your medicine, Peruna, I believe to be the best medicine for catarrh on the market. I have taken only a small amount, and can see very beneficial re- sults. I shall continue its use and recom- mend it to my friends and comrades for all catarrhal affections." —M. G. Yarnell. Paymaster Collier Recommends Peruna. One of the most responsible positions ia the practical management of the United States Navy is the Paymaster's Office. Only men of great executive and clerical ability can fill such a position. Such a man is the Hon. William A. Collier, As- sistant Paymaster of the United States Navy. In a recent letter of his to Dr. Hartman, he says: "I have taken Peruna and take pleas- ure in recommending it to those needing a first-class tonic, feeling assured that it will do all that is claimed for it."—W. A. Collier. Major Longstreel Finds Peruna Ex- cellent. Major Robert L. Longstreet, who served in the late war with Spain, is the son of the great ex-Confederate General. Major Longstreet was mustered out in June, and he is now in Washington trying to get rid of the pernicious malarial fever which, he contracted in Cuba. He found Peruna of benefit on his return to the United States, and says the following in regard, to the great catarrh cure and tonic: MI have taken Peruna as a tonic on my return, from Cuban climate, and find it excellent."—Robert L. Longstreet. Col. Hamilton Used Peruna in Span- ish War. Colonel A. L. Hamilton, late Colonel commanding the 7th O. V. 1., writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman: "I wish to say that my commaand used your Peruna very freely during our ser- vice in the Spanish American war, and will say this, that if the War Department rec- ords are consulted you will find that the casualties in my regiment were less than any other regiment of the 2nd Army Corps while at Camp Alger, Meade and Bushnell. The total deaths in my regiment during the seven months' service was seven out of a total number of 1,400. I, of course, can't help but think that Peruna was a great benefit to my command."—A. L, Hamilton. Major Armes Restored by Peruna. Major George Armes, U. S. A., retired, of Washington, D. C, has one of the most interesting and romantic histories, which, briefly stated, is as follows: At the age of 17 he was wounded while guid- ing a union raid. At 18 he was congrat- ulated publicly by Lincoln, and at 20 was made brevet major for gallantry. At 21 he stampeded a horde of Indians. At 23 was breveted lieutenant-colonel. At the age of 25 he became a victim of official persecution. At the age of 50 he was a millionaire through his success in the real estate business in the city of Washing- ton, D. C At the age of 55 he heads an expedition to the Transvaal. In a recent letter written to The Peruna Medicine company, Columbus, Ohio, he says: "Peruna cured me of indigestion and biliousness, and I continued to take it, and have found it an excellent tonic*"— George Armes> Colonel Livingston Indorses Pernm. Colonel L. I. Livingston, Washington, D. C, the leading democratic member for the south, is on the industrial commis- sion, and is the leading democratic mem- ber of the committee on appropriations in the house of representatives, says; "I take pleasure in joining; with Gen- eral Wheeler, Congressman Brewer and others in recommending Peruna as an ex-, cellent tonic and a catarrh cure."—L. I. Livingston, Atlanta, Ga. a^fii if n \u25a0«- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 *~--^~-f -1 ilium \u25a0 ——= *—— \u25a0-\u25a0,-!\u25a0 |lllJllL <^.»-j..^'..-r~ 3* jlb^es %> BgggßT }'M FAMOUS AMERICAN SOLOIERS MM AND VETERANS WHOATTEST **< m TO THE GREAT MERITS S, fillL ». PE-RU-NA " p S ||[ ** E \u25a0jriniri* M %


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Famous American Vetrans:B'£



Captain Bnrtla Recovers.

Captain J. J. Burtis, captain of Company

A, Twentieth Ohio volunteers, writes from1>34 Lincoln aye., Chicago, 111., as follows:

"I know by experience that Petuna isa wonderful medicine for kidney troubles.1 suffered for years with bladder and kid-ney trouble, nothing helped me excepttemporarily, but when a friend told meof Peruna I felt at once that I had foundsomething which would cure me. Reliefcame soon and I was entirely cured in avery short time, and have had no troublesince. I keep it in the house and takesome occasionally, as it prevents mycatching cold."—J. J. Burtis.

Major Mars Is Strong Again.

Major T. H. Mars, of the First Wiscon-sin cavalry regiment, writes from 1425Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the follow-ing letter:

"For years I suffered with catarrh ofthe kidneye, contracted in the army. Med-icine did not help me any until a com-rade who had been helped by Peruna, ad-vised me to try it. I bought some atonce, and soon found blessed relief. Ikept taking it for four months, and I amv.ow well and strong and feel better thanI have done for the past twenty yeara,thanks to Peruna."—T. H. Mars.

Chaplain Jaycox Finds Relief at Last

Hon. D. L. Jaycox, Chaplain of theGrand Army of the Republic, writes from565 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.:

"I contracted severe bladder and kid-ney trouble, spent hundreds of dollarsand consulted a host of doctors, butneither did me any good.

"I bought a bottle of Peruna on the ad-vice of some comrades who had beencured by it; after using it four months,my pains are gone, and I believe myselfto be cured. I feel well and would notbe without a bottle in time of need forten times its cost."—D. L. Jaycox.

Soldier Stegman's ?farrotv Escape.

William Stegman of 430 Washington

street, Appleton, Wis., writes as follows:Gentlemen — "After returning from

Cuba I felt my health was considerably

broken down. Standing in water for daysin the trenches affected my lungs untilthe doctor said I had quick consumption.My mother advised me to use Peruna, andin three months my lungs were as well asever.

"I have arranged to take some Perunawith me to the Philippines, as I considerit indispensible to maintain my health inthe unfavorable climate."—William Steg-


Private Vance Still Improving-.

Mr. John Vance, member of Company I,

71st Ohio Infantry, First Brigade, SecondDivision, Fourth Army Corps, who liveset Hartford City, Ind., in a letter datedJune 7tb, 1899, says: "My kidney troubleis much better. I have improved so muchthat everybody wants to know what medi-cine I am using. 1 recommend Peruna toeverybody and some have commenced touse it. The folks all say that if Dr. Hart-man'g medicine cures me it must begreat." In a later letter he says: "I am

still improving in health; people call mewell now.. I am atill using your medi-cine." —John Vance.

Captain Moss Restored to Health.Percy W. Moss, late captain company

D, 2d Arkansas Volunteers, writes fromParagould, Arkansas, the following letter

to Dr. Hartman:"It is with great pleasure that I write

you of my success with Peruna. I thinkit undoubtedly the finest and %urest ca-

tarrh cure ever prepared and it has takenbut two bottles to convince me of thisfact.

"I also find it a very good spring tonic

and will readily recommend it at anytime."—Percy W. Moss.

Major Malison's Grateful Cure.

Major Algernon A. Mabson, of the Tenth

Volunteer regiment, stationed at Macoa,Ga., in a recent letter to Dr. Hartmen

\u25a0from Washington, D. C. has the following

to say in regard to Peruna:"I think there is no better medicine on

earth than your Peruna for catarrh. Ithas surely cured me. It would take a

volume to tell you all the good it has done

me. Peruna is the greatest remedy everprepared, and I think I have tried themall."—A. A. Mabson.

Gen. Voder's Gratitude for Pe-ru-na.

General S. S. Voder, ex-Member of Con-gress from Lima, Ohio, in a recent fetterto Dr. Hartman, speaks of Penlna as fol-lows:

"I desire to Bay thai I have found Pe-runa to be a wonderful remedy. I h*veonly used it for a short time and am

thoroughly satisfied in regard to its mer-its. I cannot find words to express my

gratitude for the good results obtainedfrom its use. As a catarrh cure I shall'gladly recommend it to all sufferers." —S. S. Voder.

Captain Alexander's Restoratioa..-

Win. K. Alexander, captain and quar-termaster, writes the following from

Lynchburg, Va,:

"You cannot imagine how much betterI feel since I commenced taking * your

remedy, Peruna, one week ago. I tardly

know how to thank you for this greattreatment. I had suffered continuously

from the effects of malarial fever beforetaking Peruna. Should lat any future

time have occasion to recommend a treat-ment of your kind, rest assured that yours

'\u25a0will be the one."—Wm. K. Alexander.

No Other Catarrh RemedyHas Ever ReceivedSuch Great Popular

Endorsements.Gen. Powell Completely Restored.General W. H. Powell, Department

Commander of Hecker Post, No. 443,Belleville, 111., writes: •

"Following a severe attack of la grippein 1890 I have suffered greatly and con-tinuously from a constantly increasingstubborn case of catarrh of the head andstomach. All prescribed remedies fail-ing to yield permanent relief, I was in-duced to try Peruna, and began its usein August, 1899. In using one bottle Ibecame convinced of its curative quali-ties, and continued its use to date. Allsymptoms of catarrh have disappeared,yetI continue its moderate use as a pre-ventive, and an old man's tonic."—W. 11.Powell.Serjeant Taylor Was a Friend of

Peruna.Sergeant Buck Taylor was one of the

famous Rough Riders, and is a personalfriend of Governor Roosevelt of NewYork. He accompanied Governor Roose-velt on his great stumping tour throughupper New York state. He was pro-moted through gallantry in the field dur-ing the late war.

The sergeant ,had the following to sayof Peruna: "I think there is no bettermedicine on earth than Peruna, for ca-tarrh. It has cured me. It would takea volume to tell you of all the good ithas done me. Peruna is the best catarrhcure on earth, and I know, for I havetried nearly all of them."—Buck F.Taylor.

Capt. Guse Keeps Well by Peruna.Captain Paul R. Guse, Co. C, Thirty-

ninth Volunteer Infantry, writes from409 Lincoln avenue, Chicago, 111.:

"Several times after contracting severecolds I have been quickly relieved by theuse of Peruna. I especially recommend italso as the best preventative of colds Iknow of. By taking a few doses a week itkeeps me in a fine, healthful condition."—Paul R. Guse.

Veteran Brock a Centenarian.Mr. Isaac Brock, born before the United

States was formed, saw twenty-twopresidents elected. He is a veteran offour wars. Shod a horse when 99 yearsold. Of Peruna he says:


Bb ;- \u25a0> < ;\u25a0* n^^VjtmffrjftJ\IIIt H it 'IrV\V k ' >^>b3bßEcißh '

!"mr"''l^MM""'«»«M"»»«WMM \u25a0 MMIMMIIIHl— I I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0H>Ml^-

Major General JosephWheeler, commanding thecavalry forces im front ofSantiago, says:

"Ijoin with Senators Sullivan,Roach and McEnery in their goodopinion of Peruna. It Is recom-mended to me by those who haveused it as an excellent tonic andparticularly effective as a curefor catarrh."

General Vv. W. Duffield,General in the Mexicanwar and General of theUnion Army in the lateCivilwar, in a letter writ-ten from "The Cairo/Washington, D. C. t saysthe following of Peruna:

"Ihay» used Peruna in my fam-ilyand have found it a valuablemedicine, and take pleasure inrecommeadiag itto alt who sufferfrom catarrh ml the stomach orwho require a tonicof efficiency."

General James Long'street, of Gainesville, Ga.,writes as follows in re~gard to Peruna:

•'/ join with my comrade, Gen-eral Wheeler, in testifying to themerits of Peruna, both as a tonicand a catarrh remedy. Perunaenjoys the greatest reputation as acatarrh remedy of any medicineyet devised."

Soldier Friebertshauser Made a New


"A comrade whose kidneys had beencured through the use of Peruna ad-vised me to use it. I found that the firstbottle relieved me, and after the faith-ful use of eight bottles I was a new andhappy man. I have not had an ache orpain for over a year now."—John Frie-bertshauser.

Matron Smith Uses Peruna in Hos-


A letter from Mrs. T. B. Smith, Hos-pital Matron of the Omaha Barracks,

written from 2327 N Clark street, Chi-cago, 111., reads as follows:

"Peruna seemed to be the favorite tonicamong the soldiers at the barracks. Ifthey were weak or convalescent after anillness, it would build them up and re-store their strength in a very few days."—Mrs. T. B. Smith.

Major Creeine Escaped Consumption.

Major John Creeine of the Seven-

teenth Infantry, writes from 495 Sheffieldavenue, Chicago, 111.:

"I recommend Peruna to all my friendsas the most reliable remedy for catarrhon the market. I suffered for years withchronic catarrh of the lungs, contractedin the army. I spent hundreds of dol-lars without getting any benefit, and afew dollars for a dozen bottles of Perunamade me as strong and well as ever."—John Creeine.

Peruna the Soldier's Friend.

NTo wonder the American soldier is afriend of Peruna when such a renownedofficer as General Wheeler gives Peruna

his hearty indorsement. Everyone con-nected with the army and navy can haveno reasonable doubt as to the merits of

the remedy. No remedy ever yet de-vised has received such unstinted eulogy

from so many rejiowned statesmen andmilitary men as Peruna.

There is a natural reason for this. Pe-runa is a specific for catarrh, whereverlocated. It not only instantly cures acutecatarrh, but even old cases of chronic ca-tarrh vanish under its persistent use. The"During my long life I have known a

great many remedies for coughs, colds, ca-tarrh and diarrhoea. I have always sup-posed these affections to be different di-seases, but on reading Dr. Hartman'sbooks I found that these affections are thesame and that they are properly calledcatarrh.

soldier is especially subject to catarrh insome form or phase. Exposed as he is to

constant changes, subjected as he is to

the vicissitudes of climate, wet and dry,night and day, he finds catarrh to be hismost insidious and ever present foe. Infield and barracks, Peruna is equally effi-cacious Taken in time it will absolutelyprevent catching cold. After the cold hasbecome established Pe-ru-na wil breakit up quicker than any remedy known toman. Even after the cold has settled insome organ, Pe-ru-na can be relied uponto promptly dispel It.

"I had several long sieges with the grip.At first I did not know that Peruna wasa remedy for this disease. When I heardthat la grippe was epidemic catarrh, Itried Peruna for la grippe and found it to

be just the thing.

"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy, Peruna,I have found it to be the best, if not theonly, reliable remedy for these affections.It has been my standby for many years,

and I attribute my good health and ex-treme old age to this remedy."—lsaac


This is why Peruna is so popular in thearmy and navy to-day. It is precisely theremedy that meets the particular ills towhich this class of people are exposed.

Our army and navy is the natural protec-

tion of our country; Peruna is the naturalprotection of the army and navy in thevicissitudes of climate and exposure.

General Wright Eulogizes Peruna.

General Marcus Wright, 1724 Corcoranstreet, Washington, D. C, a prominentConfederate general, who is in charge ofgetting up the records of the War of theRebellion, has the following to say in re-gard to Peruna:

The number of specific catarrh reme-dies is small indeed; the number of ca-tarrh palliatives is legion. The effect ofcatarrh palliatives is often immediate, butalways temporary; they never cure.

"I take pleasure in recommending Pe-runa. It is a remarkable medicine andshould be used by persona who are in needof a good tonic and by sufferers from ca-tarrh."—Marcus Wright.

This kind of catarrh medicine includessprays, snuffs, inhalants, gargles and localapplications of all kinds. They seem tocure for awhile, but the disease is sure toreturn.



Major E. S. Hawks, writes the followingletter to the Peruna Medicine Co., fromWashington, D. C:

"I take great pleasure in recommendingPeruna as an excellent tonic. It has beenrecommended to me by influential peopleas an excellent remedy and should be inevery man's household. It is particularlyeffective as a cure for catarrh in all itsphases and stages."—E. S. Hawks.

Major Liddell lies Peruna at Home.Major J. M. Liddell, major of the Fifth

Immunes, recently ordered to the Philip-pines, and well known in Mississippi, hasused Peruna in his family for years. Hegives his opinion of this great catarrhremedy from several years' constant ob-servation and personal use. He says:

"I have used Peruna for years and Iknow of no better medicine on the market.It is a grand tonic and should be used inevery household. As a cure for catarrh Iknow of nothing better."—J. M. Liddell.

Colonel Joyce Cured by Peruna.

Colonel John A. Joyce, well-knownthroughout the country as the "Soldier'spoet," is an ardent friend to Peruna. Hespeaks of it in the following terms in arecent letter from Washington, D. C:

Gentlemen—"l think there is no bettermedicine sold than your remedies for ca-tarrh. They have cured me. It wouldtake a volume to tell you the good theyhave done me. Peruna is the best rem-edy on earth for catarrh and I think Ihave tried nearly all of them."—John A.Joyce.

Captain Yarnell Benefited by PerunaCaptain M. G. Yarnell, Post Commander

Wm. Downs Post, No. 68, G. A. R., writesfrom 2322 Lincoln street NE, Washington,

D. C, as follows concerning Peruna as acatarrh cure. He says:

"Your medicine, Peruna, I believe tobe the best medicine for catarrh on themarket. I have taken only a smallamount, and can see very beneficial re-sults. I shall continue its use and recom-mend it to my friends and comrades forall catarrhal affections." —M. G. Yarnell.

Paymaster Collier RecommendsPeruna.

One of the most responsible positions ia

the practical management of the UnitedStates Navy is the Paymaster's Office.Only men of great executive and clericalability can fill such a position. Such aman is the Hon. William A. Collier, As-sistant Paymaster of the United StatesNavy. In a recent letter of his to Dr.Hartman, he says:

"I have taken Peruna and take pleas-ure in recommending it to those needinga first-class tonic, feeling assured that itwill do all that is claimed for it."—W.A. Collier.

Major Longstreel Finds Peruna Ex-cellent.

Major Robert L. Longstreet, who servedin the late war with Spain, is the son ofthe great ex-Confederate General. MajorLongstreet was mustered out in June, andhe is now in Washington trying to get

rid of the pernicious malarial fever which,he contracted in Cuba. He found Perunaof benefit on his return to the UnitedStates, and says the following in regard,to the great catarrh cure and tonic:

MI have taken Peruna as a tonic on myreturn, from Cuban climate, and find itexcellent."—Robert L. Longstreet.

Col. Hamilton Used Peruna in Span-

ish War.Colonel A. L. Hamilton, late Colonel

commanding the 7th O. V. 1., writes thefollowing letter to Dr. Hartman:

"I wish to say that my commaand usedyour Peruna very freely during our ser-vice in the Spanish American war, and willsay this, that if the War Department rec-ords are consulted you will find that thecasualties in my regiment were less thanany other regiment of the 2nd Army Corpswhile at Camp Alger, Meade and Bushnell.The total deaths in my regiment duringthe seven months' service was seven out

of a total number of 1,400. I, of course,

can't help but think that Peruna was agreat benefit to my command."—A. L,


Major Armes Restored by Peruna.Major George Armes, U. S. A., retired,

of Washington, D. C, has one of themost interesting and romantic histories,which, briefly stated, is as follows: Atthe age of 17 he was wounded while guid-ing a union raid. At 18 he was congrat-

ulated publicly by Lincoln, and at 20 wasmade brevet major for gallantry. At 21he stampeded a horde of Indians. At 23was breveted lieutenant-colonel. At theage of 25 he became a victim of officialpersecution. At the age of 50 he was amillionaire through his success in the realestate business in the city of Washing-

ton, D. C At the age of 55 he heads anexpedition to the Transvaal. In a recent

letter written to The Peruna Medicinecompany, Columbus, Ohio, he says:

"Peruna cured me of indigestion andbiliousness, and I continued to take it,

and have found it an excellent tonic*"—George Armes>

Colonel Livingston Indorses Pernm.

Colonel L. I. Livingston, Washington,D. C, the leading democratic member for

the south, is on the industrial commis-sion, and is the leading democratic mem-ber of the committee on appropriationsin the house of representatives, says;

"I take pleasure in joining; with Gen-eral Wheeler, Congressman Brewer andothers in recommending Peruna as an ex-,cellent tonic and a catarrh cure."—L. I.Livingston, Atlanta, Ga.

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