Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · [email protected] Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

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Page 1: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington


Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Page 2: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

2 January 2019 Boulevard Park Press

This monthly PAGE 2 column reminds us that a partnership

takes two. We should all be active, on-going sEndErs partnering with the sEnT.

Compiled and edited by Ellyn Roe

pagE 2: You and YouR global WoRkERsTwosomes partnering with god around the World

*Because the Press is published online, some of our global workers must guard their identities. If you

need email addresses, contact [email protected]

Boulevard Park PressJanuary 2019

Published Monthly byBoulevard Park Church

1822 s 128th streetBurien, Washington 98168-2903

Phone: 206-243-2600 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bpcburien.org

Pastor: Bud diener

Worship services: sunday at 8:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Press Staff Editor: Eva Lee Henderson reporters: sue redhed Ellyn roe Photographer: Jessica Barton Proofreaders: Peggie & Ernie recker

The Press is available in color on the church website.

February deadline: January 15

Phone 206-988-3918E-mail: [email protected]

Photo credit: Kd

Photo credits on page 1: Jon recker, banner

Jessica Barton, outdoor nativity


UGLY SWEATERS BUT HOPEby Tim and debbie bryce (excerpted from co-workers Mike and Julie Kelly’s prayer letter)

Every Monday a group of natives gather at Montana state Uni-versity’s American Indian Council room for a meal, some fun and games, and to hear a story from the Bible. Our final Nations 2018 meeting was no exception; the only differences were the ugly sweaters and the myriad “white elephant” gifts under the glittery artificial Christmas tree. Tim Bryce, one of our faithful volunteers, shared the story of simeon’s long-awaited desire to see the Mes-siah, the revelation of hope for an oppressed people. simeon was able to see for himself the very promise from God found in Jesus!

Driving home that night, Julie and I reflected and were so encouraged that each week more and more attended! Involve-ment has continued to grow. There were thirty-five at this last meeting, and the group included undergrads, a handful of gradu-ate students, as well as native administrators and volunteers.

Our prayers are being answered as we watch God pursue these special students. Our desire is that every native student and faculty member has a clear understanding of what it means to follow Jesus and finds hope and healing in a relationship with Him.

DONKEYS AND DATESby Marlon and denise Hovland (currently serving in dallas, Texas)

When the world was fretting about Y2K, (1999-2000) we were living in Turkey. We spent that new Year’s weekend with a team from YWAM. There was much discussion about whether the donkeys that pulled the wagon loads of hand-picked vegetables even cared how computers handled dates. We speculated if we’d notice power outages as they were already so common. Fortunately, the Y2K fears did not come to pass, but that was a most-memorable weekend.

Standing at right, Tim Bryce shares the Bible’s account of Simeon.

special note from Tim and debbie: This is a time where the dysfunctional family and community really challenge students to live good lives. Please pray for them. Thank you for doing this publication. We are forever grateful for you as our church family since 1983.


similar to Christ-mas, new Year’s day isn’t really celebrated among northerners in this country. Among southerners, unfortunately, there is a lot that happens that I’d rather not mention. At local churches, though, there may be a new Year’s morn- ing prayer meeting or service and perhaps a meal together. I haven’t heard yet if my local church will do anything, so I’m waiting to find out more…. As we think about this coming year, I would ask for prayer that the Lord would strengthen MBBs in my current city (and across the country) and work to bring them together into gathered bodies that can grow in the Word, be healthy, support one other, provide fellowship, and equip individuals to be light in their families and communities. There is such a need for them to gather together!




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Marlon and Denise in Marlon’s International Linguistics office in Dallas, December 2018.

Note Arabic language lettering on the windows, representative of many languages on display

throughout the office. The church in D-Town decorated for Christmas in 2014 – which would have looked similar a few days later when we gathered together

New Year’s Day morning, prayed, and enjoyed a meal together.

Photographer: Kd

In december, the Press received additional insights from our own global workers about december-January holiday observances (or non-observances) in their countries of service. What great reminders that our God is sovereign over all the affairs of men everywhere regardless of what the calendar says.

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Boulevard Park Press January 2019 3

Have you ever been set up? If you are a parent, it might sound like this. “Dad, I love you. You are the best dad in the whole world. Would you like some more Coke Zero? Can I get the paper for you? I cleaned my room and took out the trash.” When I hear that, I am immediately suspicious. Sure enough, after a few minutes the bomb drops. “Dad, can I use the car?” or, “Dad, I really need $20. I promise I’ll pay you back.” Here’s the plan. Do a bunch of stuff that you know the other person will appreciate, and then ask them for a favor. This is guilt-manip-ulation at its finest. Why the guilt? Because we have heard since youth, “I’ll scratch your back, and then you scratch my back.”

The above scenario is nothing new. It even happened to Jesus. Matthew (15:21-28) records an encounter Jesus had with a Syrophoenician woman. She was a Gentile from the district of Tyre and Sidon located just northwest of Galilee. She was a frantic woman in need of a miracle. Desperately seeking help for her cruelly demon-possessed daughter, she cried out to Jesus, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David” (Mt. 15:22). Our Lord ignored her anguished pleading. The disciples, wanting peace, urged Jesus to deal quickly with the situation and send her away (Mt. 15:23). Jesus’ next words give the impression that He was in agreement with the disciples. “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt. 15:24). This seems odd because Matthew has already recorded Jesus’ healing of the Centu-rion’s servant (Mt. 8:5-13). Obviously, a Roman centurion was not one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Nevertheless, the woman was persistent. She came closer and bowed low before Him and humbly uttered another plea for help (Mt. 15:25). It is hard to anticipate what Jesus said next. Nothing in the history of His first two years of ministry would have in-dicated such a response. “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (Mt. 15:26). This is another strange response from our Lord. To heal this woman’s daughter was not literally taking bread from children. Jesus had more power than was needed to heal all the people in the world. How could His ministry to this young demon-possessed girl somehow deprive the children of bread? Then, the most amazing thing happened, and this is the key to understanding the entire passage.

Here I stand

From Worksville to Gracelandby pastor bud

The woman said, “Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table” (Mt. 15:27). That response tipped the scale. Jesus praised the woman for her great faith and granted her request (Mt. 15:28).

So, what is the point of all this? Let me provide you with a simple framework that may help you see how this woman made the journey from Worksville to Graceland. Consider four characteristics of this encounter.1. Her need for grace. There is no doubt that

the woman needed grace. Nothing more needs to be said about this.

2. Her subversion of grace. As a Syrophoe-nician Gentile, this woman did not grow up with a fervent expectation of the Mes-siah. However, while still far off, she uses a specifically Jewish messianic title for Jesus (Mt. 15:22; cf. 2 Sam. 7:12-16). Could it be that she thought Jesus would be unwilling to extend grace to a Gentile? It is possible that this woman was trying to subvert grace by portraying herself as someone who was worthy of Jesus’ help. The problem is, Jesus wasn’t fooled. His reply strikes to the heart of her ruse (Mt. 15:24). Jesus knew she was a Gentile. It wasn’t Gentiles that He struggled with; it was her attempt to subvert grace.

3. Her lesson about grace. After being discov-ered, she tried a posture of humility that was still a ruse and Jesus was not convinced. Although it may appear that Jesus is piling on in the woman’s moment of humility, He is teaching her a lesson about grace. The woman learns the lesson.

4. Her reception of grace. The woman’s reply gave evidence of a lesson learned. Okay Lord, I am a dog, a Gentile, who has no right to muscle in on the promises of Israel. Still, I need crumbs that may fall from the master’s table. To this, Jesus proclaims her faith great and grants her request.

What are you doing to earn grace? Are you trying to get to Graceland without leaving Worksville? Remember the words of Paul, “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace…For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Rom. 11:6; Eph. 2:8-9).


Birthslinnea Marie gatesdecember 5, 2018Parents: Caleb and Meredith GatesGrandparents: Tom and debbie Wood

Everly grace dienerdecember 9, 2018 Parents: Arthur and sarah dienerGrandparents: Bud and Teresa diener

Anniversarydave and linda HuckJanuary 6, 1973




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Page 4: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

4 January 2019 Boulevard Park Press

Update on Staff Search director of Worship and Congregation Care (dWCC)

dear Church Family, On november20, Pastor Bud announced that the Board of

Elders appointed me as the chair of the director of Worship and Congregation Care (dWCC) search team, and encouraged you to keep watching for updates. Here is the first update.

since Pastor Bud’s announcement, seven other committee members have been recruited and were approved by the Board of Elders the first week in December. All those on the committee are church members, and include men and women ranging in age from early 20s to late 60s. some are on the worship committee, some are long-time BPC members, and some have joined the church much more recently. While recruitment was progressing, the dWCC job description, approved by the Board of Elders, was posted on line and thus far, 20 responses have been received.

By december 9 the committee met for a kick-off meeting, and from that point until the time of this update, the committee has been sorting through which applicants should be interviewed, and has even begun to conduct some interviews.

The committee has discussed the topic of how long this process will take. While we really have no idea, we are hopeful that it will take four to six months from Pastor Bud’s november announcement.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact me. And please pray for dWCC search committee, that we would recommend the right person to the Board of Elders, that through this process the body at Boulevard Park Church would be blessed, and that our Lord would be glorified.

– david siedenburg

January Sunday Adult Classes

The following adult classes will continue to be offered on sunday mornings for the month of January:

8:45 a.m. Women’s Class – “Made for God’s Pleasure” by Alistair Begg, led by Jean rose

Mixed adult Class – “dust to Glory” by r.C. sproul, led by roger Gillihan and associates

Couples Class – “Love and respect” by Emerson Eggerich, led by doug Barton and david siedenburg

10:30 a.m.Men’s Class – Men’s Huddle, led by rick rose


work through our grief. The experts featured in the videos and workbook give valuable insight, helping us understand that the confus-ing emotional ebb and flow of the journey is to be expected. The real-life testimonials of those who have been through grief, give participants assurance that there is hope on the other side of our pain.

some of our group members shared:“I couldn’t make sense out of my state of mind. I am relieved to learn that this is normal.”

“I am glad to have a place where I can talk about my grief, without hurting other members of my family.”

“I have a new perspective on God’s love and care for me. I am thankful that we have a God who walks with us through our pain.”

“The workbook helps me to focus on God’s Word and promises…”

Grief Share gives an open invitation to anyone experiencing loss to come and meet the God of all comfort in a new and meaning-ful way. The 13-week program will be offered again starting in February. Please pray for those the Lord will direct to BPC for comfort and healing. Pray for God to increase our Grief Share team. Ask the Lord if there is someone He would have you walk alongside through the grief journey. You both will be blessed along the way.

Questions? Call Katy Lynch 206-371-054 or Lynda Eck 206-351-3462 or go to: griefshare.org

“God is our refuge and strength An ever-present help in trouble.

– Psalm 46:1

do you know someone who is dealing with the loss of a loved one?

The BPC Grief Share program has helped over 40 people navigate the challenges that come after a loved one has died. No matter how sure our footing before our family mem-ber or friend leaves this world, the landscape of the grief journey can be full of unexpected hills and valleys. Our role is to help participants connect in a new way with Jesus, the Good Shepherd who can lead them through the val-ley of the shadow of death.

Grief Share provides a biblically-based approach to processing loss. Grief can affect us mentally, physically, and spiritually. The video presentation each week helps us learn about the process and gain tools and strategies to

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Boulevard Park Press January 2019 5

Yearly Renewal Time

Risk Managementby shawn Will

As we approach another renewal cycle of our Child Abuse and Risk Management Policy, it seems appropriate to remind everyone what this policy is and some of its history. In 1996, our insurance company informed our trust-ees and elders that BPC would need a policy to deal with the rising child abuse and child abuse allegations that were (and are still) ram-pant in our society. Of course, the insurance company responds to claims and this was an area where they were seeing a rise in payouts. Therefore, we implemented the policy in May of 1997. The intent of the policy is to protect children, protect adults working with children, and BPC from liability.

Over the years, there have been some minor changes and two major changes to the policy. One major change was the language around “mandatory.” Originally, it was MANDA-TORY that two adults were to be in attendance when working with children under the age of 18. After legal counsel, the two-adult rule was changed to read as only a guideline. The rea-son we did this was because we would be put in jeopardy if we were to break the rule.

The next major update included changes made after much research was conducted with specialists in the field. These specialists included our attorney, the volunteer coordina-tor for the Highline School District, a police officer specializing in child abuse, and the in-surance company. The changes that were then made included some legal language regarding criminal histories. All criminal histories are re-quired to be disclosed even if they might have occurred over thirty years ago. One thing to

note about criminal histories is that they don’t necessarily preclude the individual from work-ing with children. If an applicant has a criminal history, session members will decide on a case-by-case basis how to proceed. The important thing to remember is to be completely honest during this confidential process.

So, as our policy states, every January of odd years, we need to renew our Washington State Patrol form and take a “refresher” course. We have found the most efficient way to follow our policy is to wipe the slate clean and have everyone renew their background checks at the same time. A master list is then made which can be accessed by individuals to determine if they have completed the appropriate paper-work and/or reference checks. This process will begin on Sunday, January 13. Other dates include January 27 and February 3. Start times on Sundays are 10:10 a.m. Please check the bulletin for other dates and times that may be added on an as-needed basis. All classes will be held in Room 444.

Finally, please remember, all adults who work with children or who might work around children in the future need to attend a short training session to fulfill the requirements of our policy. Additionally, all church officers, staff, and security members are required to be screened. (Screenings are a bit different if you are a new paid staff member or a member of the security team.) My objective is to have everyone screened by mid-February. It’s an easy process that requires photo identification. It also requires that you attend a meeting. See you soon!

Please Take Note

Risk Management Refresher Course and Screening Dates: sunday, January 13 sunday, January 27 sunday, February 2

All sunday risk management courses will be held in room 444 at 10:10 a.m.

All adults who work with children at BPC now or in the future need to attend this short training session.

Election of Church Officers

The elders have called for a congregational meeting to elect the new church officers on Janu-ary 6, 2019 at 10:05 a.m. in the sanctuary (between services). Here are the officers we will be voting for:

• Trustees: Larry Gray (1-year term), Bob Burton, Annette Lowen, Kevin stuart, and Bill Turner

• deaconesses: Maria Carter, Alice Hammond, sherri Henry and Lisa Finnsson

• deacons: Bud Thorne


Watch for a Special Edition of the Press Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You –

Introducing BPC Renovation Plans

Page 6: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

6 January 2019 Boulevard Park Press

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31


January 2019

noTE: To schedule an event on the church calendar, please check with Teresa or Kathy in the church office.

All Church PrayerSaturday, Jan. 12, 9-10 a.m.


staff risk Mgmt screening 12:00Pm

CE Meeting


Heart to Heart Bible studies

6:30Pm Awana Men’s Bible study Heart to Heart (H2H) Bible study


Heart to Heart Bible studies

6:30Pm Awana Men’s Bible study


Heart to Heart Bible studies


Awana Men’s Bible study H2H Bible study


Heart to Heart Bible studies


Awana Men’s Bible study



Men’s Huddle 9:00Am



Board of Elders6:30Pm Heart to Heart (H2H) Bible study


Men’s Huddle 9:30Am

MOPs Leadership Mtg


H2H Bible study


Men’s Huddle 9:00Am



H2H Bible study


Men’s Huddle


H2H Bible study


Mission Prayer


Ladies Fellowship Cir1:30Pm

Mission Prayer


Mission Prayer




Mission Prayer

CommUnIon SUnDAy 8:45Am Worship service Christian Ed Classes10:05Am Congregational Mtg10:30Am Worship service

6:00Pm Youth Group

8:45Am Worship service Christian Ed Classes10:10Am risk Mgmt Class10:30Am Worship service12:30Pm Welcome Lunch sizzler6:00Pm Youth Group SAnCTITy of hUmAn LIfE SUnDAy8:45Am

Worship service Christian Ed Classes10:30Am

Worship service


Worship service Christian Ed Classes10:10Am

risk Mgmt Class10:30Am

Worship service6:00Pm Youth Group


Undecorate the church


All Church Prayer

TBD Youth Basketball Tournament


Board of Elders


Men’s Breakfast


Parents’ night Out/ drive-In Movie night Outreach


Business Committee deaconesses Men’s Ministry Comm


Awana Training for Coaches, Line Judges, scorekeeper


Choir rehearsal



Choir rehearsal


Clipper Club

SANCTITY of Life Sunday, January 20, 2019

Page 7: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

Boulevard Park Press January 2019 7

MEn’s WEdnEsdaY EVEnIng sTudYbegins January 9th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 43133 The series: a Man and His design is a 6-session Bible study that is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth. This volume of 33 starts with meaning-ful insights into the current state of manhood, which will help men navigate through some realities that have created cultural confusion. It follows by

unfolding God’s mandates for all men and offering a clear definition of authentic manhood that will help men on their journey. Men will learn the four “faces” of manhood and how to anticipate and transition through the specific seasons of life.

MEn’s bREakFasTsaturday, January 26 at 8 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room

SPEAkER:Gene Hunt

CHrist CHurCH YoutH missions international


Ladies! Our Tuesday Night Bible Study resumes January 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Do you often struggle and feel weighed-down with worry? Does the un-certainty in your life fill your mind and keep you awake at night? Do you sometimes feel that irrational fear is a constant companion? Could you use a road-map to find some calm in your life?

Come and join us for this 5-week video Bible Study by best-selling author, Max Lucado. We will be studying and exploring God’s very own “treatment plan” for anxiety, found in Philippians 4:4-8. Throughout the study, we will be learning to celebrate God’s goodness, to ask for His help, and to leave our concerns with Him…giving us the glorious gift of God’s peace. This is the peace that “passes all understanding” and allows us to look at our fears from a different perspective.

Study books are available from Lisa Bowen. Cost per book is $6.50. You can pick one up the first evening, or stop by her office and grab your copy! We’ll also be sharing a light meal together that evening. Hope to see you there! Any questions? Contact Lisa Bowen at 206-243-2600 or at [email protected].


January Birthdays 1 Lynda Eck 5 rebecca Carvo Jennifer McCombs 6 rebekah Jonasson 8 Edmund Faulkner 10 Karen d. sheila richardson 12 Kelly Graham 15 dan Kent Katie siedenburg 17 Carrie Hilstad sylvia Thompson Jeanne Whalen 18 Jean rose 19 doug Barton Bud Thorne 20 ranita Goodin 22 Forrest Kluth shawn Will 23 Tim simmonds Vicky steiner 25 Barry Groves 28 Annette Conroy Mark McClamrock dee secrest 29 Mel Kimmel Chris Moore diane siedenburg 30 Anita Lee 31 Pat Jorgensen Jonathan stariha Janis Whitbeck

Early February Birthdays 1 Anita Coffman donald Ellefson 3 Aidan Conroy 4 debbie Bryce 5 scott Boone Jim Buck 6 diane Mosman Karen shickley 7 sherry Clemons 8 Ezekiel Jones 9 Paul Gray

If your birthday is not listed,please contact the church office.

Page 8: Even so, come, Lord Jesus!...2019/01/01  · ellynroe@comcast.net Boulevard Park Press January 2019 Published Monthly by Boulevard Park Church 1822 s 128th street Burien, Washington

8 January 2019 Boulevard Park Press

If you were at the Christmas Dessert Theatre, we pray your evening was both joyful and meaningful. What could be more important than the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?

As the play got underway, I thought, “Oh, no. Where is this going?” but by the time it fin-ished I was praising with an exuberant alleluia!

The Nativity on the Square Christmas story emphasized:

• God uses “Broken Pots.” He can use us! • Our need to include people who appear

different and offensive. These are God’s people too.

• True worship heals our hearts of stone and makes the Savior come alive in our spirits.

Christmas Dessert Theatre Followupby Jim shoe

• Jesus covers our sin with His blanket of love and forgiveness. Jesus Christ’s message of life-changing love was brought to us in a play that was creative, gritty, thought-provoking, even uncomfortable.

Thank you, Taproot Players! Events like this happen through the

co-operation of many helping hands. Thanks to a wonderful Family Life Committee, office staff, youth servers, beautiful table decorations, men’s carolers, and the continuing excellence of Eva Lee Henderson, David May, Sue Vercam-men, and Diane Stuart. Heartfelt thanks go to our supportive and talented congregation and to the incarnate Lord Jesus Christ, our guide, our hope. Amen.

Edward Gunning retired from Boeing after 56 years. He lives in North Auburn and began coming to our church one week after the passing of his wife when invited by his neigh-bor, Rue-Ann Larson. He has been blessed by attending here and has learned more under Pastor Bud’s teaching in two years than he did in any of his previous churches. Edward has always believed that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and says, “I’m longing to be with Him one day.”

Edward’s hobby is genealogy. Along that line, his four children are: Angela, Andrew, Andrea, and Anthony and stepchildren, Michele and Emily.

Del and Rifkah Kralman, who have lived in the Tukwila area since 1969, began attending BPC when dear friends asked them to drive them to services. Naturally, they stayed and listened to God’s precious Word before returning their friends home. This went

on for a few months, starting in September of 2017. Del and Rifkah got to know our people, enjoyed Pastor Bud with his delightful sense of humor, and when the friends no longer needed to be driven, the Kralmans continued coming; they’d found a new church home.

Del is a minister/rabbi/teacher, semi-retired since he lost hearing. He has a Home Page on the internet teaching Genesis through Revela-tion. He previously worked on missile stations for Boeing throughout the Midwest. Rifkah is an author writing a daily “Hebrew Sage” devo-tional on the internet. She was an insurance adjuster for ten years before becoming a wife and mother to Del’s children. Their family is a “full quiver” which includes two sons and two daughters, seven grandchildren, eight great-children, and a sprinkling of foster children.

For 39 years, Kralmans have done a Sab-bath Bible Class every Friday night. Del’s first love is teaching Holy Scripture and they are pleased to share and celebrate the Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23.) They are willing to go where they are needed and generally are available for a variety of ministries: counseling, teaching, hospital and hospice visitations etc.

By way of testimony, Del and Rifkah share, “The Lord Jesus is our life, hope, joy – words fail. We feel responsible to arouse mankind into participating in the greatest experience in human freedom and dignity ever attempted by man. It is living for, and knowing personally, the Almighty eternal God of creation. The only real life is the one lived in knowing, honoring, and serving the Lord Y’shua ha’Mashiach and one’s fellow man.”

More New Membersby peggie Recker

You might recognize Del and Rifkah from our

Seder in April.


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Boulevard Park Press November 2018 9


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What do you get when you put 44 women together for an entire week-end at a cozy lodge next to a beautiful lake? You get a group of very happy girls, who were able to step back from their holiday responsibilities for a bit, relax, laugh, connect with each other, make some new friends, worship, and experience God in some unique ways!

In our few days together, we dis-covered several interesting things:• There are women at BPC who have an

incredible ability to do jigsaw puzzles… it’s like a superpower!

• We have impeccable taste in snack selections. Our snack table “runneth over” the entire time!

• We drink a lot of water, coffee, and tea.• We have important things to say to

one another.• There are some very creative women

in our group!• We learned some tricks on how to make

very hard mattresses a little less so.• We have some women who have hid-

den talents we had no idea existed!• We have a lot in common.• We get goofy and laugh hysterically

when we sit around a table together.• We need each other.

What an amazing weekend it was! As we centered our session times around the book of Ruth, our activi-ties focused on two main themes. The first was the importance and blessing of friendships between women, and how vital they are for encouragement

and support, daily life activities, our spiritual growth, as well as speaking life and truth into our lives. The sec-ond, and most important focus of the weekend, was how Jesus is our Sweet Redeemer. He covers EVERY need and gives us a future and eternal hope. We were able to wrap ourselves in these truths through times of prayer, worship, teaching, and quiet reflection.

An event like this can’t happen without an incredible team to put it all together, and these were the sweet women who made it the wonderful ex-perience it was. I am grateful for their servants’ hearts and hard work:

Lisa Barton (decorations)Jessica Barton (decorations/photos)Marie Thorne (session leader)sherri Henry (registration and session leader)Teresa diener (session leader, worship)suzanne sneesby (worship leader)ranita Goodin (refreshments)Ginny Olson (welcome bags)Joni Kisena (welcome bags)

Thank you, too, to each and every one of you sweet friends who were able to attend. It was wonderful to share this special weekend with you. We hope you were encouraged and your hearts and minds were filled with God’s amazing love and care for you.

saVE THE daTE: our next Heart to Heart fall retreat will be november 8-10, 2019, at Rainbow lodge in north bend! We hope you will be able to join us!

Cozy Mountain Lodge: Women’s Fall Retreat Wrap-Upby lisa bowen

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seattle, WaReaching Our World for Christ1822 S 128th StreetBurien, Washington 98168-2903

Beyond Times square and the space needle (page 2)

From Worksville to Graceland (page 3)

A Ministry of Hope (page 4)

Election of Officers (page 5)

More new Members (page 8)

Kids, build your own car before you come or bring a box and work on it at church.

(A kid-friendly dinner will be provided. Children 2 through 12 are welcome to participate.)

Go to www. bpcburien.org to register.

Parents’ Night Out & Drive-In Movie Night

Saturday, January 265:00-8:30 p.m.

Drop off the kids and enjoy an evening to your- self or go out with your spouse or friends!