i f ' I- - THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER -- ' : dvfrtisfmtnts Police Court. A SABBATH SERVICES. BY AUTHORITY. HOUSES AND HOMESTEADS. W f ROYAL FSS'elf J Ni i: : i t v - .'.I, !! ' . i i - - .u 1 ' . i.5 - i 7 : : . '.1 .Li'-- - BEFORE T0LICE JUSTICE EICKF.BTON. j Saturday, March 2Sth. Ah Kim, charged with drui'Kouncss, for- - j Carl Alfer, on th same charge, was found guilty, and fined ?( and ?1 coats. John McQueen and E. Gilsey were charged with an affray iu Honolulu on March 27th. j After hearing testimony, the Judge rerri-maude- d tho defendants and discharged them. Monday, March 30th. Keaili. Eehaulilio and Kauhikapu each forfeited $6 bail on charges of drunkenness. Uluhaiu (w.) was charged with having de- serted her husband. Remanded until the 31st instant. Joseph Seef, charged with disorderly con- duct on the 23th, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 4S hours' imprisonment with hard labor and to pay $1 costs. A!i Kvng and Ah Sung were accused of having opium in their possession during the week lust passed. Ah Kong pleaded guilty. Ofiicer Mc-l.-i tens testified to having caught th'.t two defendants in one of ' the rooms of the Oiines-- j workhouses smoking opium. The defendant. Ah Sun, made a statement, after which he was found guilt-- . The ac- cused were sentenced to hard labor for one month and lined $30 each. Ah Sun was or- dered to pay ?1 20 costs and Ah Kong $1 costs. Ah Chung, on a similar charge, pleaded guiity, and was sentenced to one month's hard labor, lined $30, and SI costs. John Herring, charged with assault aud battery on Kalaukou, was remanded until the 31st instant. J. II. Nye pleaded guilty to a charge of assanlt and battery on Wahid, and was fined S4, and SI costs. Frank CourteJ, charged with assaulting Luke Fay, was remanded until the 31st instant. Joseph Levey, alias Smith, was charged with largeny of about S30 from Annie Boden on the 2Cth instant. Mr. Russell for nt. Remanded until the 31st instant. A Stranger Death at the Queen's ITopitAl. Last Sabbath evening at half past S o'clock Mr. Charles Nicolai's sufferings ended, and his earthly life was brought to a close. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the Queen's Hospital at a quarter past 3 o'clock, tho Rev. E. C. Oggel of the Bethel Union Church officiating, assisted by Mr. F. Williams Damon. After reading a brief povtiou of Scripture, Mr. Oggel said, "Charles Nicolai was of German doscent. He was born at Cinciu-uat- i, Ohio, in 1839, aud was therefore 16 years of age. He cimo to Uonolulu iu January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th, under the auspices of the Stranger's Friend So-cicjt- It i3 needless to say that at this jptreet. iioniinrii'.-.VwwiB- i received the best of " .gthrttsfEitnis.- - G. W. MACFARLANE t CO., A V Cor. Fort & Queon Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Role Agents for lbl rairorlte Brand ot CHAMPAGNE. 470tfA OCEANIC STKAJISIIIP CO. THE NEW AND ELEGANT hTEAMSUIPS 'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.' Will leave Honolulu and San Franc on th KIRST and F IITEENTH of each month. PASSENGERS may Uuve . their name booked in advance by applying at the oflice f the Agent. PASSENGERS by this line are tereby notified Uiat thev wUl be allow ed 2.' pound lf baK FREE by tho Overland Railway when traveling East. EXCCRSION TICKETS for round trip, Good to return by any of the Company's ateamer within ninety days. MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thU Ino will bo received free of charge, in the Com pany'a new warehouse, and receipt Issued for ame. Insurance on merchandise In thft w e ouse will be at owners' rlak. t william . mwix . ' 3S4.tf PACIFIC J1AILJTEA1IIIP (0 TIME TABLE. PACIFIC MAIL S.S.CO. For San Francisco Australi. On or hbv- -t .x A IS For Auckland and Sydney t City of Sydney On or about April I JS.l-tfw- tl Stallions at Marslifield ! 14 General Garlic Id By California, h by Monday. Terms, ($10 1st dam, Queen, by Norfolk; 2nd for dam Duces, by Bulwer. the Season. ajTFor extended pedigree see Brucc's Stud Book, 8rd volume. it Langford, Jr Terms, 9101 By Langford, lie by Beliuont. 'or jst nam flora, Dy eonmii uouu. 1 MR. B. F. DILLINGHAM has instructed rue to offer for Private Sale a portion of his SpleudH Woodlavvn Property On Beretanla and Bingham St . Lot No. 1 Is 114 feet front and 300 feet deep, with a Fine House and out Buildings, Stable. Carriage House, etc.. upon It. and is the property ' ttrlv oreunied bv Rev J A Cruzan. The House Is new Is In fine order and wiH be !en for Inspection for any person desiring to view it. ine upset price for this spiencuu piece or property will be r,,500. OXE-rOUR- TII CASH, BALANCE IN 1, 2 AND $ YEARS, WITII INTEREST AT 7 PER CENT. Lot No. 2 Is 90 ft by 200 ft: upset price 1. :;- -" 00 Lot No. 3 la 85 ft by 200 ft; upset price. I, .mo 00 i Lot No. 4 Is h't ft by 200 ft; upset price 1 ,:;oo ic Lot No. 5 is 75 ft by 2fK) ft; upset price l,2no oo Lot No. 6 Is 75 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1.200 00 Lot No. 7 is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,000 00 Lot No. 8 Is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1.000 oo Lot No. 9 Is SO ft by 200 ft. upset price 1,000 00 And upon the same terms as for Lot No. 1 , so that payments can be very easily met. A plan of these lots can be seen at the auction room The new Tramway, for which a Charter was recently granted by the Legislature, will bring this Property w ithin 15 minutes of the Past Office and w 111 naturally increase it value. We Invite an examination and Inspection of those Lots as they are wil situated and very desirable. E. I3 ADAMS. 17 mar 27-- 1 m Benson, Smith & tCo., JOBBING AN RETAIL DRUGGISTS, PROPRIETORS OF THE Maile Cologne. m AND 115 FORT STREET. - mar27 lS-fi- m Wanted to Purchase, BY J. M. OAT. JB., & CO., The following No.'b of the Daily Bulletin : Aug. 28, 1881. Oct. SO, 1883. Jan. 31, 1883. Sept. 18, 1S83. Sept. 25, 1883. Executors' Sale. BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT, I instructed by tbe Executors of tbe estate of the late JAMES WOODS, of Kohala. Hawaii, to sell at public unction, at my salesroom, Queen street, Honolulu, 1 ON TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST, k noon, the following properties. namely : FuloZ Mill Co., . :jui- - What Tranplrt in teadlns Evau-jrellr- al C'hiirchrs. At the Fort-stre- et Church on Hunday ras-to- r Cruzaa made the following annouacc-ments'- V Address lefore W. C. T. U., Tuesday, 3p.ru., at Y. M. C. A. Hall; Wednenday, 7:30 p.m., monthly concert of prayer for iniaiiona; Friday, 3 p. m., ladico' prayer meeting; 7:30, etranfiers' sociable ; Saturday, 2:30 p. ra., Gleaner's Society ; prayer meet- ing daily in Y. 2. C. A. at 12:13. The morning Bermou, suggested by Palm Sundaj, waa upon " Christ as Kinft of the World." The children's sermon was upon ! Procrastination." In the evening the ser- mon was upon " Ahab and Jezebel." Mr. Cruzan said : In ' Faust," Geothe make3 the hero sell himself to the devil. The idea is not only biblical, but it is an every-da- y danger. This is the charge which God brings against Ahab that " he had wold him- self to do evil." What was it that Ahab de. sired so much? A kitchen garden. It neeins strange that Ahab should set s much by so gmall a matter. And yet it is in little things that character is tested. He had set his heart upon having that onepieco of land, tlave it he would. The devil waited. He knew there was no hurry. Juat when land was highest in Samaria, using his emissary devil bid for Jezebel as a the Ahab's soul. There was a little chaffering, but the ten nit was certain Ahah sold him- self. This old story is for us. Everyman who thoos.es a Binful life sells himself. V.'e can permanently part with character. We can sell conscience and the will. We can put out of our possession the divine possi- bilities of life. AVe can become, through acts seemingly unimportant, so mortgaged and bankrupted in sin, that at critical times of temptation certain to come, the last valu- able thing, the sacred and inalienable pos- session, is staked and los- t- the man bar- gains himself away ! Aud this wo all aro in danger of doing. Have you been trading with the devil ? You have priceless poo-sioti- s of purity, truth, honor, tenderness f conscience, integrity of will, chatater, and above all, the source of all, an immortal soul. Now for these what docs the devil bid? Money? Pleasure? Temporary sue cess? Sensual gratification? Ahab got a more substantial price in his bit of real estate out of which to make a kitchen garden. There is a final act to every tragedy. It gives the final adjustment. Ahab came to take possession of a bit of ground for whicu ho had shed inuoceut blood, and paid so high a price. As ho looks over the coveted vineyard, suddenly Elijah, tall, dark, awful as fate itself, stands before him aud delivers his message: "Hast thou killed and also taken possession? Thus saith the Lord, in the place where the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine!" Tho dav of retribution comets. - sorely pressed Mil. E. J. ELL'j- - -- YM, v-- MISS FANNIE INGHAM, MISS ELLA VERNON, MISS CHARLOTTE TITTEL. The Repertoire of this Company contains the following standnri plays: Lady of Lyons, Faur-hon- , Ranker's Daughter, Rip Van Winkle, Romeo and Juliet, I.ed Astray, A Mountain Daisy, Honeymoon. Don Csar, shaugran, Colleen Bawn, Rosedale, Richelieu, Marble Heart, Hazel Kirke, Rooms to Rent, Richard III., Two Orphans, Etc. Reserved Seats, with box plan, and bill of opening, will be placed on sale at usual place Immediately on arrival of the steamer. m24-8t- f "Cordon Rouge" mii'iAW ill mwmi EXTRA DRY DnVVCDlCtlA I. kVVCvvvxv.xvttMII I G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. F.ort& Queen Sts., . . -- HONOLULU, H. I. Role Asents lor thi Favorite Itrand of " 463 tf fe w WENNER & CO. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign ' and Hoineinade Jewelry. AVatches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pius, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Eleyrant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all its branches. y Sole Agent for King's Eye Preservers. HOLLISTEE & CO. Have jut received, Ex Steamer Alameda, LUNDBORG S PERFUMES, i HOYT'S GERMAN COLOGNE, VANITY FAIR TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. GOLDEN CCPID SMOKING TOBACCO, All Fresh from the Factories. ll CAPTAIN MARCHAXT HAS RECEIVED PER ALAMEDA " Full Dress v Cigarettes, Kinney Brothers very celebrated and choice. Fancy !Pets. RALEIGH MILD (beautiful, CIGARETTES, put up iu cases. LONG TASTYs," with corn mouth-piec- e, and other brands which he does not keep long. CIGARS. Henry Clay; Fancy; Antony; Joyous; Joyous Companiou aud Castle Garden. mar27-I5-4- t MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR-sua- nt N to a power of sale contained in a certain mortsaged deed, dated the 30th day of January, 1883, made by George Wood to James I DowsHtt, and for breach of the conditions in the said mortgage to wit: The nonpaymont thereof, that all and aiugular the property iu s dd mortgage deed contained, will bo sold at public auction at the store situate at No. 59 Fort street, Honolulu, aud formerly occupied by the said George Wood, on MONDAY, the tub day of April, 11S5, at 10 o'clock a ta. The property consists In part of the following uamed articles : I Counter; Shelving aud Fixtures; 1 Chandelier: I Clock; 7 Chairs; 1 Desk; 3 Tables; 2 Pictures; 1 Inkstand; 1 Tobacco cutter; 1 Cigar-Light- er and Cutter; 1 Iron Press; 1 Wooden Press; 1 Scale; 2 Racks: 3 Globes; ivt -- rs MoMs and Clamps; AND NOT LIABLE Tl- -. . WARRANTED T The Best and most Durable Sail Buck IN THE WORLD. For Sale iu Honolulu. GANDY'S PATENT Made from the Very Best Hani Wove Cotton Duck. NEVILLE & CO.I soli: auexts, SAN FRANCISCO. THE BEST DRIVING BELT, Neither I feat or Dampuess affects them. They do not Stretch. St router than Leather, Better than Rubber. WILL OUTLAST BOTH. X'or Sale iu Honolulu. l.V-t- f mytf SUN Fl OFFIGE O F L t 5T I O X . ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total S'Uih Insured in 1S83 310,(21,000. Claims arranged by the local ai nts, and paid with promptitude and liberality. . Tlie jurisdii ti'in of the Li,rj-.- Tril. 'Rials recognize G, VV. Macfarlane & Co., oo:Jtf ii t.s for the Hawaiian IalanJj. C. milKS ,S: CO.. 5.1 IllClf ST KELT. I'COlilllllll, LoikIoii, S. E. Colonial uSlorcliants. IuJenti executed for all Litnls of Englibh and Continental Goods, against Dank Credits or Produce, facilities for drawing against the latter. Agencies accepted at 2H per cent on net amount of manufacturer's invoices, including cash discounts varying from ?2 to 3 per cent. Purchases in ini-o- r ter's own name. Twenty years' buying experience for export. Beference: Continental Bank, 79 Lombard Street, E. C. , . 4C5ap2 - v'' r t i 4 - i t ' '9 - - V , t - All person-- , aru hereby r:,l dden to bathe In the pool at Jvapeun FalH. in Nuuaiu Valley, or la any waj- - :q deflls tU water supplying the am, of to trespass on tbe ivijacent rrouads. notice wlU be Any person disregarding this proecutsd to the fall extent ot th law. CHAS. 15. WILSON, Superintendent Water Works. OBlce Honolulu Water Works, March 25, 1335. Approved: CIIAS. T. OCLICK. mrtiMMm-L- Minister of Interior. Phaae ot llie Moon imriits March, 1HH3. D. It. M. . 9 A.M First Quarter. Tbe Biiu(,' ami Settlns: or Ihe Sun. The sun rises morning at 5:j'J o'cloclr. Tln sun sew this eveuiuir at 8:12 o'clock. - PORT OF HONOLULU, II. 1. AKIUVALhS. SOfDAV, March 29. . Oeriuan bkMutblMa. Kreiizien.lrom Newcastle, American' whallns bark Cape Horn Pigeon, Kelley, from New l'.edforrt Monday, March 'Hi. Schr Ku Mol, from Jjiupahothoe. Bchr Uhollli. from llanioa, Maui car MUIe Me-rris- , from Molokui Schr WailPle, from Maliko Schr Ebukal, from Walalua IKPARTl'KEN. Mosbav, March i0. tnir Jamen Makec. Weir, for Kapua. Kauai, direct, at 5 P.M. SunrWaiinanalo.Nel.ion, fyr annai.mo. ' Schr Waioll, for llononm Hchr Nettie Merrill, for Lahalni e. Schr Malolo, for Onomea anl Xawaiba- - Mchr Mary K foster, for Waimea, Kani ? Schr Manuokawai, for KoolaM $ Hchr Kawallani, for Koolau & Schr Horah and Klira, for Koolau Hchr Kob Hoy, tor hooiau ,'tichr Kainbow, for Koolau scar wsiou, iui nr Kin m, K1n. for Maul and Hawaii ,mr Planter. Ciimer m, for Nawiliwili, Wai- - .. icnlna Kleele. and Kekaha. Kauai, at 5 p. m. Am whaler John Carver, Sherman, for the '' oholki, for Kukalau ;iukai, for Waialua -- Atf Vallele, for Maliko V(o Morris, for Molokai uud Lanni for Uanalel Roy, for Koolau On her last -- flp" tor Koola'J IslAD(l3 the best lr0iu lorrUn I'ortt. Ladles', "Children's U M llayward, from San ID the 1 Liverpool, due April w York, due March 1300T, t oiu Sau Pedro, due SHOE -- AND- : ' . ; SLIPPER Line ever brought to this market. MR. P. McINERNY Will open on Saturday, March 21st, a store next trTLycaiV & Co.'s, Fort street, where the above stock can be seen. Thi larjfO ioek ua been selected with yreat rare ami bought FOE CASH, And. will be Hold at living: rate. Everything that belonsf to a first-Ia- s 'Boot and .Shoe .Store can be found here. JC3"Remember the place: Fort St., next door to Lycan & Co.. l McINKUNY. niar20-- l tf NOTICE. AH persons having any claims against MR. HENRY COKNWKfX are requested l present . the same on or before April 1st proximo, at my olice In Wailcapu, Maui. 3 " WM. H. UORNWKLL. March 6,185 . 57. tJ A Beautiful Seaside Resort. KS. A. K. MORRIS TAKKS TLKASURK M in annouitcin:-- ; that she has le:ised the Beantllnt Heanide- - It evidence Of Mr. Allen Herbert, at WAIKIKI," Honolulu's famous summer resort, aud Is prepared to accom- modate parties desirous of enjoying the balmy air unsurpassed g, and tropical rest and quiet of this charming place. Every facility i Offered for the perfect enjoyment of this ideal wateriug place. Ry special arrangement Dodd's line of 'busses will take passenxers to the entrance to the place, when two or inore offer. For terms, etc., apply to Mr. 11. Condon, telephone No. 302, Queen street, Honolulu, or to ' the undersigned, at the residence. MRS. A. F. MOItKIS, Waikiki TELKruoNE, No. 257. Lessee. 573 dJfcvrtf Drifted Snow Flour. (ItOLLJER mOCJBSS.) HAVING LEASED THE SALINAS. MILLS, now prepared to supply, In quantities to suit, all orders, with the celebrated family Flour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1 bakers' brand, RISING SUN. Please address all orders to C. L. DINGLEY, mh24-7-3- m No. 13 Stcuart St., San Francisco. NOTICE. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OUR accounts will be rendered monthly instead oi quarterly, as heretofore. S. J. LEVEY 4l CO. Konolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1S95, 497 tf "TM Medaiue U'Or '"ffff AabnT Hawh Br. Assa. , Stf 3 Absolutely Pure, This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomencs?". More economical than the ordinary ki nd, svr.d cannot be sold In com- petition w ith the multitude cf low test, short weight, Mum or phosphate powden. SotD OXLTCi Royai. B.iai:.a Powder Co.. loa Vrall N. Y. 20 If Dividend Notice. VIDENDOF ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE VDI he paid to the Stockholders of Paia Plan- tation, on April 1st, at t'ue oflice ot Messrs. Castle & Cooke, AEtents in Honolulu. E. M. WALsH, Tieasnrer. Paia, March 2. 1RS5. Ji-ap- rl dAw S250 REWARD. REWARD OF ?250 WILL BE PAID FOR A information that will lead to the tirrest and conviction of the party or parties who, on the evening ot the "Sth instant, tampered with the calling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone. GODFREY BROWN. President Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company. March 30. 1SS5. 27 mar 30-- U WANTED. LADY WHO EXFECTS TO GO TO SAN A Francisco about May 1st, would like to meet with soma one who, for having her fare paid to that place, would take full thargt; and care of a child two years of age. Address P. O. box 257. P. P. GRAY', M.D., PIITSICIAX AND SFROE03S, Office next leor to the HONOLULU LIBRARY. 9 to 10 A.M. Okfick ItOtJSb 2 to 4 P.M. 7 to 8 P.M. Suuday8 9 to 11 A.M. RESIDENCE Cor. KSnau aud Fensavola Si. 531 myl7 WILDER STEAMSHIP CO, IiAIH-- . -- f ... HONOLULU, H.I. nOVtr E 'REST MARKET. Comer Hotel and Union Streets, KKAXCII OF Kntr.HA JMKKIX The undersigned will open this new market with the choices; beet, veal and mutton. Also Fresh Pork Sausage made every lay liDxxl and Liver Mauini;es and Ito- - lorna a Speeialty. All orders promptly attended to. Respectfully CiF.O. I. St IIKAF.DER. Forest Market, Telephone No. 365. Enreka Market, Telephone No. 11 1. 4S4-apl- 0 ALYIN U. KASEMAN, BOOK BINDEK, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. CirBookbinding of all descriptions neatly and prompt ly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building:, 392tf MERCHANT STREET. J. J. WILLIAMS Xo. 103 FORT STREET, Leading FMograplier "of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Watcr Color, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, X'hoto. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection ot Island Views Terns, Shells, Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. o85tf TELEPHONE 55 NTERPRISfp3 P PLAXINCt 3IILL. ? Alakea, near iueeii St. L3 C. J. IIAKDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. ion kali:- - Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cu aud Split. 377-t- f MONTHLY PAYJIEXTS. All accounts for AdvertLfius and Job printi-i- at the I'acific Commercial Advertiser Oilice will from this date be presented foi pay. mcnt monthly. E C. MACFARLANE. Honolulu, JIarch ?, 1S?5, Hold Medah and Premiums awarded Philadelphia, 1VTC; Paris, 1S78; and Amsterdam, 183.. MACFARLANE & CO., Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATEB BECIt. 471tftw EOYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL. JOSEPH TILDEN - - - Manager. At! oriie.v-nf.I.a- u and of .Solicitor in (lianceruere umee, . cur. tort and .Merchant .is., HONOLULU, If. I. 4S2 If J. M. iYIONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Ftate in any part of the Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. Xo. 27 Ml'KfHAST STlSKET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. HT I -- tf Dr. E. Cook Wel)b, Residence and Oflice, cor Richards it ReretaniaSt $ptrial Attention given tit 2isease!i of the Kidne and Urinary Organ Office Horns: 8 to 10,-- ) 2 to 4, y Telephone Jfo. 3. 7 to S. J 5ti5-my2- 4 A. G. ELLIS & CO., KEAL ESTATE, STOCK AXI) MOXEY ItlJOKEKS. Oilice, No. 2 Campbell Block. Merchant St. 543-my- l9 J. Oat, Jr.? & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Ifawaiian Gazette HloeJc. 27 Merchant St. Honolulu. II. I. 2; tl THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Xo. BO Xuuanii Street, .Opposite HollLster & Co Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention p;ud to repairing. ::i2tl M. 1IKR1NC1. JOS. nt'BAHt. llavtaiiau Jewelry M'netory, No. 30 Merchant street, llouolnlu, J 1 .1. KUKUI JEWELRY, nd FINE DIAMOND SETTING a specialty. All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re- paired. Watches carefully repaired and war- ranted. General engraving and fancy inonoram neatly executed. All done at moderate prices. 5W if i . LYONS. L. J. LtVLY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers AND General Commission MerchantSj Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. of Furniture. Stoek, Ileal Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Atrcnf- - for: American & Enropean Merchandise, :;7:-tfv- tf IIAFilIA INVESTMENT & AGENCY CO., (Limited.) Loanrdon First Class Money for long or short period. Apply to W. L. GREEN, Manager pro tern. Office on Queen St., over O. W. Macfarlane fc Co. 4?9-t- f j r" A Tho Royal Hawaiian Hotel is one of the leading arcaitectural structures of Honolulu. Tho grounds upon which it stands comprise an entire square of about four acres, fronting on Hotel Street. ' This large area affords ample room for a lawn and beautiful walks, which arc laid out most artistically with flowering plants and tropical trees There are twelve pretty cottages within this charming enclosure, all under the Hotel management. Tho Hotel and cottages afford accom- modations for 200 guests. The basement of the Hotel contains the finest billiard hall in tho city; also, a first-clas- s bar, well stocked with fine wines and liquors. The main entrance is ou the second floor, to tlie right of which ar the elegantly furnished parlors. A broad passage-wa- y leads from tho main hall to the dining-room- . These apartments open on to broad verandas, where a magnificent view of the Xiiuanu Mountains may bo seen through the wealth of tropical foliage that surrounds thr balconies. The fare dispensed is the best tho market affords, and is first-clas- s in all respects. Hotel aud cottages arc supplied with pure water from an artesian well on the premises. The Clerk's office is furnished with tho Telephone, by which communication is had with the leading busi- ness firms of the city. e EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE And Money Lavishly Expended under the Present . Able Management to make this establishment the "MODEL FAMILY HOTEL." A Reputation it Enjoy and jVIOST justly merits. 445-w- ft 3- - jm - - CT:.r - S I.-- . jiii mm -.

Evau-jrellr- HOLLISTEE...January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th,

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Page 1: Evau-jrellr- HOLLISTEE...January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th,


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dvfrtisfmtntsPolice Court. ASABBATH SERVICES.BY AUTHORITY.



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Saturday, March 2Sth.Ah Kim, charged with drui'Kouncss, for- - j

Carl Alfer, on th same charge, was foundguilty, and fined ?( and ?1 coats.

John McQueen and E. Gilsey were chargedwith an affray iu Honolulu on March 27th. j

After hearing testimony, the Judge rerri-maude- d

tho defendants and dischargedthem.

Monday, March 30th.Keaili. Eehaulilio and Kauhikapu each

forfeited $6 bail on charges of drunkenness.Uluhaiu (w.) was charged with having de-

serted her husband. Remanded until the31st instant.

Joseph Seef, charged with disorderly con-

duct on the 23th, pleaded guilty, and wassentenced to 4S hours' imprisonment withhard labor and to pay $1 costs.

A!i Kvng and Ah Sung were accused ofhaving opium in their possession during theweek lust passed. Ah Kong pleaded guilty.Ofiicer Mc-l.-i tens testified to having caughtth'.t two defendants in one of ' the rooms ofthe Oiines-- j workhouses smoking opium.The defendant. Ah Sun, made a statement,after which he was found guilt-- . The ac-

cused were sentenced to hard labor for onemonth and lined $30 each. Ah Sun was or-

dered to pay ?1 20 costs and Ah Kong $1

costs.Ah Chung, on a similar charge, pleaded

guiity, and was sentenced to one month'shard labor, lined $30, and SI costs.

John Herring, charged with assault audbattery on Kalaukou, was remanded untilthe 31st instant.

J. II. Nye pleaded guilty to a charge ofassanlt and battery on Wahid, and was finedS4, and SI costs.

Frank CourteJ, charged with assaultingLuke Fay, was remanded until the 31stinstant.

Joseph Levey, alias Smith, was chargedwith largeny of about S30 from Annie Bodenon the 2Cth instant. Mr. Russell for nt.

Remanded until the 31st instant.

A Stranger Death at the Queen'sITopitAl.

Last Sabbath evening at half past S

o'clock Mr. Charles Nicolai's sufferingsended, and his earthly life was brought to aclose. The funeral took place yesterdayafternoon from the Queen's Hospital at aquarter past 3 o'clock, tho Rev. E. C. Oggelof the Bethel Union Church officiating,assisted by Mr. F. Williams Damon.

After reading a brief povtiou of Scripture,Mr. Oggel said, "Charles Nicolai was ofGerman doscent. He was born at Cinciu-uat- i,

Ohio, in 1839, aud was therefore 16

years of age. He cimo to Uonolulu iuJanuary last. He contracted a cold in hisnative city, and came to these islands insearch of health. Ho was brought to thoQueen's Hospital February tho 25th, underthe auspices of the Stranger's Friend So-cicjt-

It i3 needless to say that at thisjptreet. iioniinrii'.-.VwwiB- i received the best of


.gthrttsfEitnis.- -



VCor. Fort & Queon Sts.,


Role Agents for lbl rairorlte Brand ot




'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu and San Franc on th

KIRST and F IITEENTH of each month.

PASSENGERS may Uuve . their name bookedin advance by applying at the oflice f the Agent.

PASSENGERS by this line are tereby notifiedUiat thev wUl be allow ed 2.' pound lf baKFREE by tho Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCCRSION TICKETS for round trip,Good to return by any of the Company's ateamerwithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thUIno will bo received free of charge, in the Com

pany'a new warehouse, and receipt Issued forame. Insurance on merchandise In thft w eouse will be at owners' rlak. t

william . mwix .'3S4.tf



PACIFIC MAIL S.S.CO.For San Francisco

Australi. On or hbv- -t .x A IS

For Auckland and Sydney t

City of Sydney On or about April IJS.l-tfw- tl

Stallions at Marslifield !

14 General Garlic IdBy California, h by Monday.

Terms, ($10 1st dam, Queen, by Norfolk; 2ndfor dam Duces, by Bulwer.

the Season. ajTFor extended pedigree seeBrucc's Stud Book, 8rd volume.

it Langford, JrTerms, 9101 By Langford, lie by Beliuont.

'or jst nam flora, Dy eonmii uouu.1

MR. B. F. DILLINGHAM has instructed rue tooffer for Private Sale a portion of his SpleudH

Woodlavvn PropertyOn Beretanla and Bingham St .

Lot No. 1 Is 114 feet front and 300 feet deep,with a Fine House and out Buildings, Stable.Carriage House, etc.. upon It. and is the property' ttrlv oreunied bv Rev J A Cruzan. The House Is

new Is In fine order and wiH be!en for Inspection for any person desiring to view

it. ine upset price for this spiencuu piece orproperty will be r,,500.



Lot No. 2 Is 90 ft by 200 ft: upset price 1. :;--" 00

Lot No. 3 la 85 ft by 200 ft; upset price. I, .mo 00 i

Lot No. 4 Is h't ft by 200 ft; upset price 1 ,:;oo icLot No. 5 is 75 ft by 2fK) ft; upset price l,2no ooLot No. 6 Is 75 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1.200 00Lot No. 7 is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,000 00Lot No. 8 Is 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1.000 ooLot No. 9 Is SO ft by 200 ft. upset price 1,000 00

And upon the same terms as for Lot No. 1 , sothat payments can be very easily met.A plan of these lots can be seen at the auction room

The new Tramway, for which a Charter wasrecently granted by the Legislature, will bringthis Property w ithin 15 minutes of the Past Officeand w 111 naturally increase it value. We Invitean examination and Inspection of those Lots asthey are wil situated and very desirable.

E. I3 ADAMS.17 mar 27-- 1 m

Benson, Smith & tCo.,



Maile Cologne.m AND 115 FORT STREET.

- mar27 lS-fi- m

Wanted to Purchase,

BY J. M. OAT. JB., & CO.,

The following No.'b of the Daily Bulletin :

Aug. 28, 1881. Oct. SO, 1883.Jan. 31, 1883. Sept. 18, 1S83.Sept. 25, 1883.


instructed by tbe Executors of tbe estateof the late JAMES WOODS, of Kohala. Hawaii,to sell at public unction, at my salesroom, Queenstreet, Honolulu,

1 ON TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST,k noon, the following properties.

namely :

FuloZ Mill Co.,

. :jui- -

What Tranplrt in teadlns Evau-jrellr- al


At the Fort-stre- et Church on Hunday ras-to- r

Cruzaa made the following annouacc-ments'- V

Address lefore W. C. T. U., Tuesday,

3p.ru., at Y. M. C. A. Hall; Wednenday,7:30 p.m., monthly concert of prayer foriniaiiona; Friday, 3 p. m., ladico' prayermeeting; 7:30, etranfiers' sociable ; Saturday,2:30 p. ra., Gleaner's Society ; prayer meet-

ing daily in Y. 2. C. A. at 12:13.

The morning Bermou, suggested by PalmSundaj, waa upon " Christ as Kinft of theWorld." The children's sermon was upon

! Procrastination." In the evening the ser-

mon was upon " Ahab and Jezebel." Mr.Cruzan said : In ' Faust," Geothe make3 thehero sell himself to the devil. The idea isnot only biblical, but it is an every-da- y

danger. This is the charge which God

brings against Ahab that " he had wold him-

self to do evil." What was it that Ahab de.sired so much? A kitchen garden. Itneeins strange that Ahab should set s muchby so gmall a matter. And yet it is in littlethings that character is tested. He had set

his heart upon having that onepieco of land,tlave it he would. The devil waited. Heknew there was no hurry. Juat when landwas highest in Samaria, using his emissary

devil bid forJezebel as a theAhab's soul. There was a little chaffering,

but the ten nit was certain Ahah sold him-

self. This old story is for us. Everymanwho thoos.es a Binful life sells himself. V.'e

can permanently part with character. We

can sell conscience and the will. We canput out of our possession the divine possi-

bilities of life. AVe can become, throughacts seemingly unimportant, so mortgagedand bankrupted in sin, that at critical timesof temptation certain to come, the last valu-

able thing, the sacred and inalienable pos-

session, is staked and los- t- the man bar-

gains himself away ! Aud this wo all aro indanger of doing. Have you been tradingwith the devil ? You have priceless poo-sioti- s

of purity, truth, honor, tenderness fconscience, integrity of will, chatater, andabove all, the source of all, an immortalsoul. Now for these what docs the devilbid? Money? Pleasure? Temporary suecess? Sensual gratification? Ahab got amore substantial price in his bit of realestate out of which to make a kitchengarden.

There is a final act to every tragedy. Itgives the final adjustment. Ahab came totake possession of a bit of ground for whicuho had shed inuoceut blood, and paid sohigh a price. As ho looks over the covetedvineyard, suddenly Elijah, tall, dark, awfulas fate itself, stands before him aud delivershis message: "Hast thou killed and alsotaken possession? Thus saith the Lord, inthe place where the dogs licked the blood of

Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, eventhine!" Tho dav of retribution comets.

- sorely pressedMil. E. J. ELL'j- -

-- YM,v--




The Repertoire of this Company contains thefollowing standnri plays:

Lady of Lyons, Faur-hon- ,

Ranker's Daughter, Rip Van Winkle,Romeo and Juliet, I.ed Astray,A Mountain Daisy, Honeymoon.Don Csar, shaugran,Colleen Bawn, Rosedale,Richelieu, Marble Heart,Hazel Kirke, Rooms to Rent,Richard III., Two Orphans, Etc.

Reserved Seats, with box plan, and billof opening, will be placed on sale at usual placeImmediately on arrival of the steamer. m24-8t- f

"Cordon Rouge"




I.kVVCvvvxv.xvttMII I


Cor. F.ort& Queen Sts.,. . -- HONOLULU, H. I.

Role Asents lor thi Favorite Itrand of

" 463 tf fe w

WENNER & CO.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign ' and HoineinadeJewelry.

AVatches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pius, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Eleyrant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing in all its branches.y Sole Agent for King's Eye Preservers.


Have jut received,

Ex Steamer Alameda,







All Fresh from the Factories.ll



" Full Dress v Cigarettes,

Kinney Brothers very celebrated andchoice.

Fancy !Pets.RALEIGH MILD (beautiful, CIGARETTES, put

up iu cases.

LONG TASTYs," with corn mouth-piec- e, andother brands which he does not keep long.

CIGARS.Henry Clay; Fancy; Antony; Joyous; Joyous

Companiou aud Castle Garden. mar27-I5-4- t

MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE.OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR-sua- ntN to a power of sale contained in a

certain mortsaged deed, dated the 30th day ofJanuary, 1883, made by George Wood to James IDowsHtt, and for breach of the conditions in thesaid mortgage to wit: The nonpaymont thereof,that all and aiugular the property iu s dd mortgagedeed contained, will bo sold at public auction atthe store situate at No. 59 Fort street, Honolulu,aud formerly occupied by the said George Wood,on MONDAY, the tub day of April, 11S5, at 10o'clock a ta.

The property consists In part of the followinguamed articles :

I Counter;Shelving aud Fixtures;1 Chandelier:I Clock;7 Chairs;1 Desk;3 Tables;2 Pictures;1 Inkstand;1 Tobacco cutter;1 Cigar-Light- er and Cutter;1 Iron Press;1 Wooden Press;1 Scale;2 Racks:3 Globes;

ivt --rs MoMs and Clamps;



The Best and most Durable Sail BuckIN THE WORLD.

For Sale iu Honolulu.GANDY'S PATENT

Made from the Very Best

Hani Wove Cotton Duck.

NEVILLE & CO.Isoli: auexts,


DRIVING BELT,Neither I feat or Dampuess affects

them.They do not Stretch.

St router than Leather,Better than Rubber.

WILL OUTLAST BOTH.X'or Sale iu Honolulu.

l.V-t- f mytf



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total S'Uih Insured in 1S83 310,(21,000.

Claims arranged by the local ai nts, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. .

Tlie jurisdii ti'in of the Li,rj-.- Tril. 'Rials recognize

G, VV. Macfarlane & Co.,oo:Jtf ii t.s for the Hawaiian IalanJj.

C. milKS ,S: CO..5.1 IllClf ST KELT.

I'COlilllllll, LoikIoii, S. E.

Colonial uSlorcliants.

IuJenti executed for all Litnls of Englibhand Continental Goods, against DankCredits or Produce, facilities for drawingagainst the latter. Agencies accepted at 2Hper cent on net amount of manufacturer'sinvoices, including cash discounts varyingfrom ?2 to 3 per cent. Purchases in ini-o- r

ter's own name.

Twenty years' buying experience forexport.

Beference: Continental Bank, 79 LombardStreet, E. C. , . 4C5ap2


v'' r t

i 4 -

i t '

'9- - V

, t -

All person-- , aru hereby r:,l dden to bathe In

the pool at Jvapeun FalH. in Nuuaiu Valley, or

la any waj- - :q deflls tU water supplying theam, of to trespass on tbe ivijacent rrouads.

notice wlU beAny person disregarding thisproecutsd to the fall extent ot th law.

CHAS. 15. WILSON,Superintendent Water Works.

OBlce Honolulu Water Works, March 25, 1335.

Approved: CIIAS. T. OCLICK.mrtiMMm-L- Minister of Interior.

Phaae ot llie Moon imriits March,1HH3.

D. It. M.. 9 A.MFirst Quarter.

Tbe Biiu(,' ami Settlns: or Ihe Sun.

The sun rises morning at 5:j'J o'cloclr.Tln sun sew this eveuiuir at 8:12 o'clock. -



. Oeriuan bkMutblMa. Kreiizien.lrom Newcastle,

American' whallns bark Cape Horn Pigeon,Kelley, from New l'.edforrt

Monday, March 'Hi.

Schr Ku Mol, from Jjiupahothoe.Bchr Uhollli. from llanioa, Maui

car MUIe Me-rris- , from MolokuiSchr WailPle, from MalikoSchr Ebukal, from Walalua

IKPARTl'KEN.Mosbav, March i0.

tnir Jamen Makec. Weir, for Kapua. Kauai,direct, at 5 P.M.

SunrWaiinanalo.Nel.ion, fyr annai.mo.' Schr Waioll, for llononmHchr Nettie Merrill, for Lahalni

e. Schr Malolo, for Onomea anl Xawaiba- -

Mchr Mary K foster, for Waimea, Kani? Schr Manuokawai, for KoolaM$ Hchr Kawallani, for Koolau

& Schr Horah and Klira, for KoolauHchr Kob Hoy, tor hooiau

,'tichr Kainbow, for Koolauscar wsiou, iui

nr Kin m, K1n. for Maul and Hawaii,mr Planter. Ciimer m, for Nawiliwili, Wai- -

.. icnlna Kleele. and Kekaha. Kauai, at 5 p. m.Am whaler John Carver, Sherman, for the

''oholki, for Kukalau;iukai, for Waialua

-- Atf Vallele, for MalikoV(o Morris, for Molokai uud Lanni

for UanalelRoy, for Koolau

On her last --flp" tor Koola'J

IslAD(l3 the best lr0iu lorrUn I'ortt.Ladles', "Children's U M llayward, from San

ID the 1 Liverpool, due April

w York, due March

1300T, t

oiu Sau Pedro, due


: '.

; SLIPPERLine ever brought to this market.


Will open on Saturday, March 21st, astore next trTLycaiV & Co.'s, Fortstreet, where the above stock can beseen.

Thi larjfO ioek ua been selectedwith yreat rare ami bought

FOE CASH,And. will be Hold at living: rate.Everything that belonsf to a first-Ia- s

'Boot and .Shoe .Store can befound here.

JC3"Remember the place: Fort St.,

next door to Lycan & Co..

l McINKUNY.niar20-- l tf

NOTICE.AH persons having any claims against MR.

HENRY COKNWKfX are requested l present

. the same on or before April 1st proximo, at my

olice In Wailcapu, Maui.3 "

WM. H. UORNWKLL.March 6,185 . 57. tJ

A Beautiful Seaside Resort.

KS. A. K. MORRIS TAKKS TLKASURKM in annouitcin:-- ; that she has le:ised the

Beantllnt Heanide- - ItevidenceOf Mr. Allen Herbert, at WAIKIKI," Honolulu'sfamous summer resort, aud Is prepared to accom-

modate parties desirous of enjoying the balmy airunsurpassed g, and tropical rest andquiet of this charming place. Every facility i

Offered for the perfect enjoyment of this idealwateriug place. Ry special arrangement Dodd'sline of 'busses will take passenxers to the entranceto the place, when two or inore offer.

For terms, etc., apply to Mr. 11. Condon,telephone No. 302, Queen street, Honolulu, or to

'the undersigned, at the residence.

MRS. A. F. MOItKIS,Waikiki TELKruoNE, No. 257. Lessee.

573 dJfcvrtf

Drifted Snow Flour.(ItOLLJER mOCJBSS.)

HAVING LEASED THE SALINAS. MILLS,now prepared to supply, In quantities

to suit, all orders, with the celebrated familyFlour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1

bakers' brand, RISING SUN. Please address allorders to C. L. DINGLEY,

mh24-7-3- m No. 13 Stcuart St., San Francisco.


ON AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL OURaccounts will be rendered monthly insteadoi quarterly, as heretofore.

S. J. LEVEY 4l CO.Konolulu, Feb. 2nd, 1S95, 497 tf

"TM Medaiue U'Or '"ffffAabnT Hawh Br. Assa. , Stf 3

Absolutely Pure,This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholesomencs?". More economicalthan the ordinary ki nd, svr.d cannot be sold In com-

petition w ith the multitude cf low test, shortweight, Mum or phosphate powden. SotD OXLTCi

Royai. B.iai:.a Powder Co.. loa VrallN. Y.

20 If

Dividend Notice.VIDENDOF ONE DOLLAR PER SHAREVDI he paid to the Stockholders of Paia Plan-

tation, on April 1st, at t'ue oflice ot Messrs. Castle& Cooke, AEtents in Honolulu.

E. M. WALsH, Tieasnrer.Paia, March 2. 1RS5. Ji-ap- rl dAw

S250 REWARD.REWARD OF ?250 WILL BE PAID FORA information that will lead to the tirrest and

conviction of the party or parties who, on theevening ot the "Sth instant, tampered with thecalling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone.

GODFREY BROWN.President Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.March 30. 1SS5. 27 mar 30-- U

WANTED.LADY WHO EXFECTS TO GO TO SANA Francisco about May 1st, would like to meet

with soma one who, for having her fare paid tothat place, would take full thargt; and care of achild two years of age.

Address P. O. box 257.


Office next leor to the HONOLULU LIBRARY.

9 to 10 A.M.Okfick ItOtJSb 2 to 4 P.M.

7 to 8 P.M.Suuday8 9 to 11 A.M.

RESIDENCE Cor. KSnau aud Fensavola Si.531 myl7



E 'REST MARKET.Comer Hotel and Union Streets,


The undersigned will open this new marketwith the choices; beet, veal and mutton. Also

Fresh Pork Sausage made every layliDxxl and Liver Mauini;es and Ito- -

lorna a Speeialty.All orders promptly attended to.



Forest Market, Telephone No. 365.Enreka Market, Telephone No. 11 1.

4S4-apl- 0


BOOK BINDEK,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


CirBookbinding of all descriptions neatly andprompt ly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building:,392tf MERCHANT STREET.


Leading FMograplier "of Honolulu.WORK FINISHED IN

Watcr Color, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

X'hoto. Colored, Ac.The only Complete Collection ot

Island ViewsTerns, Shells,

Curiosities, &c.CHARGES MODERATE.




Alakea, near iueeii St. L3C. J. IIAKDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


ion kali:- - Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cuaud Split.

377-t- f


All accounts for AdvertLfius and Job printi-i-

at the

I'acific Commercial AdvertiserOilice will from this date be presented foi pay.

mcnt monthly.


Honolulu, JIarch ?, 1S?5,

Hold Medah and Premiums awarded Philadelphia, 1VTC; Paris, 1S78; and Amsterdam, 183..

MACFARLANE & CO.,Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I.



JOSEPH TILDEN - - - Manager.

At! oriie.v-nf.I.a- u and of

.Solicitor in (lianceruereumee, . cur. tort and .Merchant .is.,




Real Ftate in any part of theBought, Sold and Leased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

Xo. 27 Ml'KfHAST STlSKET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. HT I -- tf

Dr. E. Cook Wel)b,Residence and Oflice, cor Richards it ReretaniaSt

$ptrial Attention given tit 2isease!i of theKidne and Urinary Organ

Office Horns:8 to 10,--


2 to 4, y Telephone Jfo. 3.7 to S. J 5ti5-my2- 4

A. G. ELLIS & CO.,


Oilice, No. 2 Campbell Block. Merchant St.543-my- l9

J. Oat, Jr.? & Co.,


Ifawaiian Gazette HloeJc.

27 Merchant St. Honolulu. II. I.2; tl


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xo. BO Xuuanii Street,.Opposite HollLster & Co

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention p;ud to repairing. ::i2tl

M. 1IKR1NC1. JOS. nt'BAHt.

llavtaiiau Jewelry M'netory,No. 30 Merchant street, llouolnlu, J 1 .1.


All kinds of Jewelry made to order and re-paired. Watches carefully repaired and war-ranted. General engraving and fancy inonoramneatly executed. All done at moderate prices.

5W if

i . LYONS. L. J. LtVLY.

LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers


General Commission MerchantSjBeaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

of Furniture. Stoek, Ileal EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Atrcnf- - for:American & Enropean Merchandise,

:;7:-tfv- tf


Loanrdon First ClassMoney for long or short period. Apply toW. L. GREEN, Manager pro tern.

Office on Queen St., over O. W. Macfarlane fc Co.4?9-t- f



Tho Royal Hawaiian Hotel is one of the leading arcaitecturalstructures of Honolulu. Tho grounds upon which it stands comprisean entire square of about four acres, fronting on Hotel Street. ' Thislarge area affords ample room for a lawn and beautiful walks, whicharc laid out most artistically with flowering plants and tropical treesThere are twelve pretty cottages within this charming enclosure, allunder the Hotel management. Tho Hotel and cottages afford accom-modations for 200 guests. The basement of the Hotel contains thefinest billiard hall in tho city; also, a first-clas- s bar, well stocked withfine wines and liquors.

The main entrance is ou the second floor, to tlie right of which arthe elegantly furnished parlors. A broad passage-wa- y leads from thomain hall to the dining-room- . These apartments open on to broadverandas, where a magnificent view of the Xiiuanu Mountains may boseen through the wealth of tropical foliage that surrounds thrbalconies.

The fare dispensed is the best tho market affords, and is first-clas- s

in all respects. Hotel aud cottages arc supplied with pure water froman artesian well on the premises. The Clerk's office is furnished withtho Telephone, by which communication is had with the leading busi-

ness firms of the city.e


And Money Lavishly Expended under the Present . Able

Management to make this establishment the

"MODEL FAMILY HOTEL."A Reputation it Enjoy and

jVIOST justly merits.445-w- ft

3-- jm



- S I.-- . jiii mm -.

Page 2: Evau-jrellr- HOLLISTEE...January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th,

on Application. ttirneth he back from the sword.'Cubo Sugar in 2j lb. boxes.

Drj Granulated, in barrels and kegs.

"A" Crushed Sugar, in barrels.

"D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs.

Gold?a Syrup, in gallon tin?.

Holy Writ.-- :o:-

rs?,;H ii-- :o:-HORSE-BREAKIN- G.

- 7.IV to

(continued.) .oi,.i:s,i:$ $t

to Arrive, in the Line of

Clothing;, Shirts,Neckwear, TXiiclexweax

Hose, Handkexchiel"sSuspenders, Hats, Caps,

By C. B. MILES.N. W. Corner Kearny and Post Streets,

Coila Manila Rope, all sizes.

Coila Sisal Rope, 6 thread to 2H inch.Coils Bale Rope and Banana Twine.

-- :o: Itttioset to eck parfid ,

If you ask a mantiow to Break a Colt.

engaged in the business the above question, and he answers youtrUimuiiy, nine um ui tcu wu n-- n j uu, nu.u j v...thing you must impress upon his mind is that you are his master Trunk;Shoes,SAN FRANCISCO. of you, so that he will not dare to doReed's Patent Pipe and Boiler

Covering All Sizes. Bags)waliseswEte10 uo, cveu u juu uau iu uo ooitic ni wmvo. ... ,

to say that this is not the best plan of educating a young horse, Ithe plan that I have always practiced ; and furthermore, I will Bay

General24-a- pril 6.

professional or ai, mai in uuuuub juutwu.u ju " . ri" !of coercion, and try and make i his first ilesaons Tf "1150 111 Cl il ll

auu iuuuuc, iudivu wumiicumi, wexistence that you will soon find your colt stu!

to please you, and make your work as;MANILA CIGARS.

Salmcn, Beef ani Pori, in barrels, GIKEMOVAL.

One 4 12 foot Smoke Stack, &5 feetHigh, trill be Sold Cheap.

574-ju- S "Key"CONOVER BROS'.


- Has removed bis fine stock of


To the store on Fort street formerly:' occupied by

: Mrs. Wilkinson.

085-m- ar 1C 12t


.A gent, Honolulu.



The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,



........ -; that it ia business to Boots,

anything he may think



No. 91 Kincr St.Once more solicits the patronage and support of

those who for twenty years knew and

aealt with him.

Plain Talk Pays Always.

Peter has for many years worked for and en-

deavored to please every class of the community

fromjhe highest In the land down to the humblest

tho working classes, and he can say tbat during

that time he never made an enemy or lost a cus-

tomer. Now he has again put his hand to the

plow, and Is as well able and willing to give honest

work, good material, and lair value for money "W

ever yet was done iu the Hawaiian Islands. Has

always on hand

Single and Double Harness,Express Harness,

Plantntiou HarnenA,Whips. Spurs,

Chamois, Spoil jjs,Brushes,

Ami everything: requisite for theStable.

gA full line of English and Sydney Saddles,Saddle Cloths, Blankeis, etc., always In stock.Vhat he has not got he can make.

290 mjiM&w


We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk nnd

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of nittritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 ITiS. of this meal is equal to 300 Its. of oats,or 31S ff'S. of corn, or to 767 . of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED I KED, as well as

our usual supply of the bet kinds of

Ilaj. Oats. Wheat, Corn. f.le.. Ele

l,INK Sc CO.--

i tf

Co-Partners- hip Notice.


Honolulu, Oahu, have this day entered into CO-

PARTNERSHIP under the tirm name of HI'S-TAC- E

& ROBERTSON, for the purpose-- of carry-ing on the Draying Business iu sail ilouo!uiu.

The business will be conducted by FRANKUUSTACE.

Thanking our friends for their generous supportto each of us In the past, we hope to merit a con-tinuance of the same in the future, as we are nowbetter than ever prepared to attend to all businessin our line promptly and satMactorily.


March Z ?. 15. 20-- 6

and also make him afraidyou uo not wani mmwhile I am not goingwill sav that it is notto anyone, eitheruse persuasion insteadto mm lnsteaa ox a laajt,that I will stake myas yourself of tryingpossible tor mm 10 ao.

Durinir the last fewStables, wen as m cvervtnmccompared with the.

Hotel Streets. bircl senses I

.uager of ft plantation has peculiardifficulties to contend with iu connectionwith this subject; but I fail to see what

right the residents of Honolulu have inforcing liquor saloons on us against ourwishes. (

Hilo, Hawaii, March 26.

The Hawaiian brig Hazard, CaptainGoodman, leaves for San Francisco thisafternoon with a cargo of 36y tons ofsugar, 120 of which is from LaupahoehoeSugar Co., and the balance from "SVaiakea

Mill Co.The American schooner Anna, Captain

J. E. McCulloch, leaves for San Franciscow, 27th inst., with a cargo of 384

tons sugar 307 from Wainaku and 77

fromWaiatea Mill Co.

Hoxokaa, Hawaii, March 27th.

Notwithstanding the depression in busi-

ness which is felt all over the islands, two

new stores are opened in Honokaa (Chi-

nese).Some of the planters have got quite a

number of acres planted already, mostlyuplands. The weather has been pxcep-tional- ly

fair for young cane so far.Under date of the 13th inst., yon pub-

lished a letter from Ilamakua, in which a

case of wife beating is alluded to. Itwould be as well for the future if yourcorrespondent made himself acquaintedwith facts before rushing into print, as no

such casa ever occurred, as many respect-

able people here can vouch for. It issaid that man was created a little lowerthan the augels, and evidently some of

them have been sinking a little lowersince creation. When a man sinks so low

in the social scale as to try and maketrouble between a man and his wife, hecan be spared from society without lossto tho latter. Other parts of your correspondent's letter will be taken up andcommented on by the proper parties.

Kahcixi, Maui, Mrtich 27th.The American schooner Rosario, E. D.

Swift. Master, cleared from this port forSan Francisco on Saturday evening, andsailtd on Tuesday last, having been de-

tained by calm weather. Her cargo is

492,024 pounds of sugar; value, $22,-59- 6

Cl. One passenger, Arthur Richardson, returned oa ner.

The American brigantiue CourtneyFord, F. O. Miller, Master, arrived fromSan Francisco on Wednesday last, 25thinstant, after 19 days' passage, with a

small lot of general merchandise and two

passengers Mrs. II. B. Bailey and Mr.G. H. Bailey.

The American tern William Renton,J. E. Eschcn, Master, arrived on Wednes-

day evening, two days from Honolulu.She is loaded with coal from Wilder fc

Co. The Captain reports tho loss of herforetopmost in a squall off Coco Head onher passage from Honolulu to Kahului.

Ecitob P. C. Advertiser Sir: In

ASSETS - - - ? ,500,000 00


Havinff established an Agency at Honolulu for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned U prepared

to accept risks against lire on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery on th most favor-



mar27-H-dw2- Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

477 ap23fcw

N ! PantheonCor. Fort &

Brand Gin, Jjjir.t makeseditorial atten- -

isement winch ita' to publish for a

uaRtUifTeireu'' term, of so vile andabominable a character as to elicit anindignant protest from parents andguardians, the purity of whose homesit did not scruple to pollute for'thirty pieces of silver." "The Press

Is not given to rash or false utter- -

It has a code of ethics foritself, and moves impassive upon amoral plane which the light of truthand purity never brightens except byaccident. We have done with thePress and its spavined morality.


The Cirautluts of Liquor LicensesStrongly Opposed.

Ivoiiala, Hawaii, March 26th.The opinion of cane raisers in this dis

trict i's that it would be unwise and unsafeto iss'ue a license for the sale of intosicating beverages, as cane fields are tootempting as a resort for drunken men,who, through carelessness, might causeereat destruction by fire. As regards theamount of rum drunk, your humble servant does not think the quantity would

t honor h the number of1 1

drinkers would. The native church mem

bers of good standing would sink into a

minute minority if whisky was constantlyhandy, so that a saloon would work harm

in this view of it. On the other hand,the chance of getting a drink without thepurchase of a whole bottle would causeless drunkenness, as the spirit of econ

omy that now prevails will not allow aman to waste the bottle full of ardent, so

he drinks till he is drunk. e don twant a license anyhow.

Mr. H. P. Wood, manager for Messrs.S. U. Wilder & Co., was severely injuredon Sunday last by the kick of a horse, andthough considered on the improve atpresent, he is not thought to be out of

danger.Rev. Mr. Whalley is a proud man. It

is a toy.We hear that the Kohala Sugar Co. is

about to follow the exumple of Niulii Mill,and put in a double-effe- ct and diffusion.Other mills must do tho sauio in order todo their work in a satisfactory manner.

Kohala is still blest with splendid caneweather.

Dr. F. A. Thompson, the dentist, is intown, doing a little work on tho teeth of

the inhabitants, but will only remain a

short time.

Honokaa, Hawaii, March 26th.I havo read with interest the many

varied opinions of men of good standing,

anl men whoso opinions are worth havingwn alaaoot any vital question, regarding

years there has been great advancement madfoiso. owj iuu o .vvr".'plrr i fljntte"KoyBl Hawaiian Hotel,

Wish to notify the public that they are preparedto furnish



With Stylish, Gentle Horses.of

Horses boarUed by day or mouth.Saddle Ilorses to Let.Horses Bought and Hold.Hacks at all hours duy and night.Any incivility, reckless driving, overcharging,

etc., by drivers employed by this Company willplease be reported at the office.


Telephone Xo. 32. 0 dfcw

Central Part Skating EM ana

Roller Coaster,(Corner Beietanla and I'imchbowl Streeta).

rpiIIS LARGE AXD COMMODIOUS PLACKI of amusement is now open to the

public EVEKY AFTEKXOON during the week,and EVERY MIGHT, Wednesday excepted..Friers reasonable for a firn-clas- s place. Generaladmission, 25 cents ; children under 5, free. Useof Rink or private skates, 25 cents.

Commutation ticket good for ten admissions,the with rink or private skates, ?3 50; or 35 centsfor admission and skates. Tickets transferable.

Tuesday and Friday afternoons and nights forladies, children that accompany them, and theirfscorts. Music each night, composed of best partof Royal Hawaiian Band- - As the Central Parkskates are without the obsolete rubber, springstbat cause so much strain on the ankle, the be-

ginner learns to skate in half the time, tekute rscan leave their own private skates in skateroom (at their own risk), where tbey will be keptcleaned, repaired, etc., subject to their order only.

This R nk will be under the special supervisionof the proprietor. Any Inattention on the partof employees should be promptly reported to theproprietor. Every exertion uill be used to havethis Rink conducted so ladles can come and ei'joyttiemsflves any afternoon or night ; good orderami nnlltp attention wUl be maintained at allhazards. 25-M- ar 31 tf


CarpcDtei .No. '31 Alakea Si.

Will attend and cuittraf t for all kinds of work inhis line.

REMOVING, RAISING or RKPAIIUNU oilor new buildings.

Work to be paid for whe complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or uo pay.

Charges as low as the lowest in tho town.

Post Office box 135. pt 30

"You'll Find Out."

UARTERLY BILL'S DISTRIBUTED ANDQ Collected, and Books Adjusted by

J. E. WISEMAN.Honolulu's General Business Agent.

Send your Account end Book In early.33-a- r

K. O. HALL & SON (Limited),Have just received from BnMon, ex. steam barkentine MORNING STAR, ai.d by other lat

arrivals? the following, viz:

For Sale ioNTT CI? ri will stand

convicted of malicious lying an offenseagainst eood morals far more reprehensiblethan habitual drunkenness, which it regardsaa ft cardinal evil.

The Issue of veracity thus raisedwas accepted by the Press of the9th instant, and in an articleheaded Our Charge Established," Itr.n..oo.u to five its proofs. Andwhat are these proofs? Does it namethe "leading citizens" wnn wnoiuthe Advertiser held interviewswhich it dared not publish? Not&tall. It confines itelf to one case,hut withholds the name. This omis- -

t..n wa nrnnonfl to SU ddIv. Buifirst, we shall permit the Press tospeak for itself, which is much more

1,- -r. if wonhl do with tne advekTtisKR in a similar case. It says :

Now, It is not the first time that the journal fmeanine the Adveetiseb has sought

to brand us infamous, but each time it hasattpmnted to do so it has signally failed

How taithfut it has recorded the interviews

published we leave the interested parties to

decide ; but we would like to jog tne inter-

viewer's memorv relative to his queries to a-- trrnsiinent citizen who told him in reply as

to what he thought of the Council's action

that he had been indulging in hopes for

the future of this country, but that thistaiiv rnaiie him feel sick I" 13 thia

1UUIOthe onlv omission from the number interiwed ? We will let the journal answei .

Bit snnDosing, for argument's sake, it waa

the only disputing view to the action of tLe

Privv Council, then, inasmuch as it could

give no comfort to their supporters and was

not referred to by the court journal, thertis absolutely no excuse for the omission, and

Ha were on the side of truth in our asser

tinna of last week and were not amiss in ask--

. faiMifnl record be civtn of the6

views aousht. The journal i right in say

ing that our. charge was "either true. or

f. ' and demanded that we give an in

utance. The preutlemaa quoted from above

is a " leading " citizen. lie was intervieweda representative of the court journal

The interview did not appear in the Advek

THIS.We pass by the sneer at the Ad

VERTI3ER as unworthy of notice, andpftme to the facta Involved. Wo re

peat now, and we shall demonstratehofora we close, that the originalat.TTlmotit bv the Press tuchinn theInterview- - in question was "absolutely false in suggestion and asser-

tion." The gentleman referred to bythe Press I Mr. B. F. Dillini;ham,wboe opinions the Advertiserwiuld hav;-v- 3 P'awl t publishIf he had tHriltt"d himself to be IntrrvUw.!.! for that purpose. This he&tly but courUoualy declined to do






23 an


t649 at




HONAid eUi pg



Sl A)it CO



mm ani Ranges


And Kitchen Furniture

Of Every Description.

Iron, Granite Ware,

Wire Cloth (all s;z-- s .

Cotton Waste,

ru.'kiiig, all kinds.

Lntiricatim m,l h- - Lire;. hi Stock in the

Market, luriudlnt;Lard Oil, In Vjsfs nu bbS.,l'.lacU Oil, : i hamsiililt;at! Oil, in cast ,

Cylinder Oil, in cases,i':itafl,je Oil, In ease,Sp::-r- Oil, In drums

and burfin.

2 uay:

AXLE GREASE. Also, Neat's Foot and Peanut Oil by tbe case or gallon.

Just to band, a new lot of Hall's Celebrated Plows ami Ilrcakertt, and about twohundred pairs of Plow Handle of all sizes. Also, extra Plow Shares to fit all our plow.

Plow Ream. All kinds of Agrlrtillnrnl Implements needed for rice or cane culture.

A Fine Slock of Shelf Hardware Constantly on Hand.We make a specialty of filling order's for country mores and plantations, and with our Koprrlor

facilities and long experience, can do so with the crcattht dispatch.

All our Goods are of lue Best Quality, nnd.'arc sold at Low-- t Market Rate.


Page 3: Evau-jrellr- HOLLISTEE...January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th,

- 4 :' - a








-- 1




Satcedav, March 2?th.Ah Kim, charged with drunkenness, for-

feited r6 bail.Carl Aifer, on the same charge, was found

guilty, and fined ?b" aud 1 costs.John ilcQueen and E. Gilsey were charged

with an affray in Honolulu on March 27th.After hearing testimony, the Judge repri-manded tho defendants aud discharge!them.

Mo'CAY, March 30th.Keaili. Kehaulilio and Kauhikapn each

forfeited S6 bail on charges of drunkenness.Uluhaiu (w.) was charged with having de-

serted her husband. Remanded until the31st instant.

Joseph Seef, charged with disorderly con-

duct on the 23th, pleaded guilty, and wassentenced to 43 hours imprisonment withhard labor and to pay SI costs.

Ah Kvng anil Ah Sung were accused ofhaving opium in their possession during theweek last pa3sed. Ah Kong pleaded guiltj.Officer Meliitens testified to having caughtthv two defendants in one of ' the rooms ofthe Chinese workhouses smokiiig opium.The defendant, Ah Sun, made a statement,after which he was found guilty. The ac-

cused were sentenced to hard labor for onemonth and fined $50 each. Ah Sun was or-

dered to pay 81 20 costs and Ah Kong $1

costs.Ah Chong, on a similar charge, pleaded

guilty, and was sentenced to one mouth'shard labor, lined So0, and SI costs.

John Herring, charged with assault andbattery on Kalaukou, was remanded untilthe 31st instant.

J. H. Nye pleaded guilty to a charge ofassault and battery on Wahia, and was finedS4, and SI cost..

Frank Courtel, charged with assaultingLuke Fay, was remanded until the 31stinstant.

Joseph Levey, alius Smith, was chargedwith largeuy of about $30 from Annie Bodenon the 2Gth instant. Mr. Russell for nt.

Remanded until the 31st instaut.

All perin aru bcrt-b-y forbidden to bathe in

the pool at Kapeun. FuIH, ia Nuuanu Valley, or

la any way to defile the water supplying thename, or to treapi on tbe adjacent grounds.

notice will beAny person disregarding thisprosecuted to the fall extent of the law.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Superintendent "Water Works.

Office Honolulu Water Works, March 25, 19S3.

Approved: CIIAS. T. OCLICK,Minister of Interior.

Phae ol' the Moon iMirinsr Starch,

D. H. M.

2i 9 A.MFirst Quarter...

The BUius ami Setting of the Suit.

The sun rises morning at 5:03 o'clock.The sun sets this eveulag at 6:12 o'clock. -


ABRIVALS.Sunday, March 29.

, German bkMatbilda. Krenzien, from. Newcastle,

American wballns hark Cape Horn Pigeon,Kelley, Irom New Bedford

Monday, March 38.

.Schr Ka Mol, fromSchr IJhollbe, from Ilaaioa, Mauicar MUle Merris, from Molokai

Schr Wailele, from MalikoSchr Ehukal, from Walalun

DEPART I'KEM.Monday, March 30.

Wtmr Jamet Makec, Weir, for Kapaa. Kauai,direct, at 5 r.n.

fitmr Waimanalo, Nelson, fyr W uunanaio.Mchr Waioli, for HonoiuuHchr Nettle Merrill, for Lahaina

m. Schr Malolo, for Ononiea and Kawaihaeiichr Mary K Foster, for Wainiea. Kauai

S'.Schr Manuokawal, for KoolaHchr Kawallani, for Koolau

V- - Schr Sarah and Eliza, for KoolaoHchr Rob Hoy, for hooiau.Schr Rainbow, for Koolau

r Schr Waloll. for Maiito

Vesel E,faviit3r Thi Day.ar Kin iu, K.mir. ior jraui ana

Tmr Planter. Caraer m, for NawiliwIH, Wul- -

tiea, Kolea. Eleele.and Kekaba, Kauai, at 5 p. m.Am whaler John Carver, Sherman, for the

Arctic.Schr Foholkl, for KukalauHc.br Ehukai, for WaialuaHchr Wailele, for MalikoHchr Mile Morria. for Molokai and Lamilichr Kawatlani. for Hanaleischr Rob Koy, for KoolauSchr i?aral and Eliaa for Koolau

V,(t9fl Expeetert from foreign i'ort-- .

meamsblp Mariposa, II M Hay ward, from SanKraaelaco due April 8

Bark Chu-sc- a t.Urit. from Liverpool, due April14-- 15

Bark Meodota. from New York, due March25-- J1

Brltbaik James G Bain, trom San Pedro, due

Srt hark- - Birmah, Witts, from Glasgow. iueApril 30

American bark Calbarien, Hubbard, from .SailFrancisco, due March 30

Brit bark Orlonte. Hughes, from Liverpool, dueMay 20

Am bark Amy Turner, Newell, from Boston,due April 30

Am brgrtne John Smith, Foss, from Newcastle,N H W, due April 510

Am tern Reporter, Cook, from Newcastle, N SW, due Aprii 1015 j.

Am bktne Katie Flickinffer, Young, from New-castle, N H W, duo April 2530

Am bark Neptune, from Newcastle, N .s W.dueMay 15 ' -

Am bark Autumn, from Newcastle, N H W, dueMay 510

V S S Har'-ford- , Perkins, from Valparaiso, Chill,S A, due Mar 23-2- 5

Am tern Eva, from iCurcka, Cal. Due March31su

Am bktne Beulab, from Newcastle. N S W.Due April 15tU,

rOREHlX VESSELS IS PORT,fctearashtp Alameda, II O Morse, from Han Frau

IoscoAmerican bktna Discovery ,W R Perrinian, from

Hn FranciscoAm Missionary steam-bktn- e Murrains Htar

Hrav. from BostonBrit bark Lady Lamp.tm, V. II. Marston,

Newcw.le. N w WAm bktne Kllkitat, R. D. Cutler, from Port

Townsend.W TNor ship Imperator, M C lloie, from LiverpoolAm whale bark John Carver, Sherman, from

New Bedford.Am Brjjtn Consuelo, Cousins, from San Fran-cUc- o

German bark Math'.Me, A. Krenzien, from New-castle, NSW

American whaling bark Cape Itorn Pigeon,KeUty, from New Bedford


VCor. Fort & Queen Sta.t


SoleAKent for till Favorite Brand t




'JIAIUPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Wilt leave Honolulu and San Frncloo on tb

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of eacb month.

PASSENGERS may have their uamet bookedin advance by applying at the office of the Agent.

PASSENGERS by thla line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pound cf bogFREE by tho Overland Railway wheu travUiijfEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, 125.

Good to return by any of the Company teaiutrwithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE Intended for shipment by thlilne wlil bo received free of charge, In the Com

pany's new warehouse, and receipt lwued forame. Insurance on merchandise in the w eouse will bo at owners' rlk.



TIMli TABLE.--,"rY,3. - 1


For San FranciscoAustralia.., .On or ub- -- A; rt: 12

For Auckland and SydneyCity of Sydney On or about April 1

393-Uw- tl

Stallions at -- MarsMeld !

4 General GarfieldBy California, he by Monday.

Terms, fliO 1st dam, Queen, by Norfolk; 2ndfor dam Duces, by liulwer.

the Keason. "For extended pcd'ffree seeBrucc's Stud Book, 3rd volume.

Langford, JrTerms, 10 By Langford, he by Veliuout.

- 'or 1st dam Flora, by Cosmo; 2nd dam,tbe Se Fanny Harper, by Grey Eagle r

- - -Paye'


Or C. W ,


tyieen dt Edinburgh Htreett,


Dealers hi;

HAY AND GRAIN.Telephone No. 175.

Goods dellverrd proinpt'

Iland Order KoIlcltaU.

361 If

Lmdkt' French. Kjd tdi'ot Patent Ctjr.


What Trnnoplred in Leading Evau-elir- al


At the Fort-stre- et Church on Bunday Tas-to- r

Cruzan made the following announce-ments"? Address before W. C. T. U., Tuesday,3p.m., at Y. 31. C A. Hall; Wednesday,7:30 p. m., monthly concert of prayer formissions; Friday, 3 p. m., ladies' prayermeeting; 7:30, strangers' sociable ; Saturday,2:30 p. n.. Gleaner's Society ; prayer meet-

ing daily in Y. 3. C. A. at 12:15.- The morning sermon, suggested by PalmSunday, wa3 upon Christ as King of theWorld." The children's sermon was upon

: Procrastination." In the evening the ser-

mon W83 upon ' Ahab and Jezebel." Mr.Cruzan said : In ' Faust," Geothe makes thehero soil himself to the devil. The idea isnot only biblical, but it is an every-da- y

dauger. This is the charge which Godbrings against Ahab that " he had sold him-

self to do evil." What was it that Ahab de.sired so much? A kitchen garden. Itjeems strange that Ahab should set so muchby so small a matter. And yet it is in littlethings that character is tested. He had sethis heart upon having that one piece of land,tlave it he would. The devil waited. Ifeknew there was uo hurry. Just when landwas highest in Samaria, using his emissaryJezebel as a the devil bid forAhab's soul. There was a little chaffering,but the result was certain Ahab sold him-

self. This old story is fur us. Every manwho choonL-- a sinful life hells himself. We

can permanently part with character. Wecan sell conscience and the will. We canput out of our possession the divine possi-

bilities of life. We can become, throughacts seemingly unimportant, so mortgagedand bankrupted in sin, that at critical timesof temptation certain to come, the last valu-

able- thing, the sacred and inalienable pos-

session, is staked and lost the man bar-

gains himself away ! Ami this wo all are indanger of doing. Have you been tradingwilh the devil ? You have priceless posses-

sions of purity, truth, honor, tenderness fconscience, integrity of will, charater, andabove all, the source of all, an immortalsoul. Now for these what does the devilbid? Money? Pleasure? Temporary suecess? Sensual gratification? Ahab got amore substantial price in his bit of realestate out of which to make a kitchengarden.

There is a tiual act to overy tragedy. Itgives the final adjustment. Ahab came totake possession of a bit of ground for which,ho had shed innocent blood, and paM sohigh a price. As ho looks over the covetedvineyard, suddenly Elijah, tall, dark, awfulas fate itbelf, stands before him and delivershis message: "Hast thou killed and alsotaken possession? Thus saith the Lord, inthe place where the dogs licked the blood of

Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, eventhine!" Tho day of retributiou comes."3Iy Lord Cardinal," said a sorely pressedQueen to Richelieu, "God may be a slowpaymaster, but he pays!" Sin and retribu-tion arc interlocked. Tho one follows theother just as inevitably an effect followscause. Be sure your sin will find you out.

Lut even here, where we should least ex- -

pect it, wc see the wonderful mercy of God.Ahab humbled himself, put on sackcloth,and fasted. God once moro sent Elijah tosay: "Because thou hast humbledst thyselfI will not bring the evil in thy days." Thesinner who has Bold himself can be forgiven.To do that Christ came. "The Son of Mancame to seek and to save that which aslost."


Secretary McCoy of San Francisr-- waspresent at the Sunday-scho- ol iu connection

ith this church, and made interesting re-

marks.The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was

administered at the morning service, Rev.E. C. Oggel, the pastor, officiating. Five new-membe-

were received four by professionand one by letter. Attention was called tothe following notices: Ladies' prayer meet-

ing this afternoon at the Bethel Church lec-

ture room at 3 o'clock. A noonday meetingfor prayer every day this week at the Y. M.

C. A. parlors from 12:15 to 12:43 o'clock.At the same place this afternoon at 3

Mr. McCoy'a address to the ladies of Hono-

lulu on temperance. This evening therewill be an entertainment at theBethel Church lecture room in aid of theinfant department of the Sunday-schoo- l.

Everybody is requested to bring a basketcontaining lunch for two, and the gentle-men are expected to buy the baskets andpicnic with whom they wish. Coffee will beserved by the ladies of the church. The fol-

lowing persons will give the audience a re-

ceipt for the cure of tramps: Misses NellieFuller, Kate Lewis and 3Iay Dillingham;and 3tr, J, 31. Oat, Jr., Pofe3sor Sanford,Mr. Miller and Mr. Kinney. Admission only25 cents. Evidently a treat is in store forold and young. The entertainment shouldcall forth a full house. It will commence at8 o'clock sharp.

There will be a meeting of the Trustees ofthe church at the lecture-roo- m on Wednes-day evening at 7 o'clock sharp. On Wednes-day evening wi.'l be the monthly concertof prayer. Miss NVith? Andrew will illus-trate the map. Stcr tary Forbes and Cap-

tain Brav of the Morning Star will give al- -

drc.w s. The subject is Micronesia."The young people's prayer tiicc.-tin- on

Friday evening, professor Lanr;fird to Ictd.The monthly meeting of theGleaueis will lc iu Saturday aft- 'noon at2:30 o'clock.

In the af lerii'Hii'i the pat-i- r l.':ij-tizfc- thechild if Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Howi; atthe residence of Hon. Dvi,u:!ir I). Baldwin.

At the evening service the IU v. Dr. A. 1'.Happe-- r cf Canton. China, of fhepro-grer- s

,f Christian missions in that hind.

Alarm of I'iri-- .

At half-pa- st seven o'clock last evening thelire bell raus: an alarm for the lower part ofth city. The engines were quickly prepared for action, but were uvt called on togo far, as the welcome news was telephonedthat tho blaze, which was in a shed of theHawaiian Carriage Compauy, had been ex-

tinguished by tho prompt application of abucketful of water by tho watchniau.

J. E. Wiseman, tbe activo business agentof Honolulu, mentions the fact iu his ad-

vertisement to-da- y that " You'll Find Out "when the bills are presented from ourmerchants and storekeepers, an.l we allagree that "Joe" knows. Read his

MR. B. F. DILLINGHAM has instructed me to j

offer for Private Sale a portion of his Splendid

Woodlawn PropertyOn Beretania and Bingham St.

Lot No. 1 I-- i IU feet front and 300 fr't deep,with a Fine House and out Buildings, Stable.Carriage House, etc., upon it. and is the property' iMy occupied by Rev J A Cruzan. The House Is; oinparatively new. Is In fine order anO wiH beopen for Inspection for any person desiring to view-it- .

The upset price for this splendid piece ofproperty will be ffi.500.



Lot No. 2 Is 90 ft by 200 ft: upset price ' 00Lot No. 3 13 85 ft by 200 ft; upset price l.oJ 00Lot No. 4 is fc ft by 200 ft; upset price! 1 ::oo ( 0Lot No. 5 is 75 ft by 2r0 ft; upset price 1 ,2oo ooLot No. 6 Is 75 ft by 200 ft; upget price 1.200 ooLot No. 7 U 80 ft by 200 ft; upset price 1,000 00Lot No, 8 Is 80 ft by 200 ft; up3et price l.ono 00Lot No. 9 Is SO ft by 200 ft. upset price 1.000 00

And upon the same terms a for Lot No. 1. sothat payments can be very easily met.A plan of these lots con be seen at the auction room

The new Tramway, for w hich a Charter wasrecently granted by the Legislature, will bringthis Property within 15 minutes of the Post Officeand will naturally Increase It value. We Invitean examination and Inspection of those Lots asthey are wll situated and very desirable.

E. I3 ADAMS.17 mar 27-- 1 m

Benson, Smith & tCo.,



Maile Cologne.113 AlfD 115 FORT STREET.


Wanted to Purchase,

BY J. M. OAT. JK., & CO.,

The following No.'s of the Daily Bulletin :

Aug. 28, 1881. Oct. SO, 1883.Jan. 31. 1883. Sept. 18, 1S83.Sept. 25, 1883.


instructed by the Executors of the estateof the late JAMES WOODS, of Kohala, Hawaii,to sell at public unction, at my salesroom, Queen6trcet, Honolulu,


At 12 o'cloe.S noon, the following properties,namely :

(20) Shares of the LnioZ Mill .,Of Kohala.

The undivided (H) quarter interest in the prop-erty known as

THE KEHUA RANCH,Situated :Norh Kohala, Hawaii.


Full particulars rati be obtained by applicationat the oflic? of TIfEO. H. DAVIES & CO.

3C. 3?. ADAMS,mai-2o-ll-l- Auctioneer.


St. LouIh. Mo.Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book, Jien's,Flat aiwl Label Papers.

BinderM, Board.Twiuea, lc.


203 LeldeMdorlT Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X. B. Special Attention given toLarge Contract. 474 ttAw


Rouds, etc. Apply toM. THOMPSON,

Attorney t-Law,

Cor. Fort nnd Merchant Sts., Honolulu, n.I539 tf

Notice to tlif Piililic.

f have iceeivod, by the ntf-uir.e-

u ALAMEDA'My iistntl of

Ladies. Mis"t and Children! Boot,Slie and Wpcr.

Which are now open for inspection and eale.It is not ueccscary fur uie to praitse up tLeyoods, as the LadiC3 of thttie Islands will,one and all, bear testimony to their excel-

lent qtulitica. I do not throw oul anyfoolish induceraenta to th mblic, such as" Great Kcdaction iu Trice," "Selling offat Cost," "Great Cieariog Salea," etc. Ioffer lirt class gooJri aa Iot ap the 3nlecla- - r--i ? xls can or w ill ha -- oH.

Havc ju- -t received.

Ex Steamer Alameda,







All Frenli from the Factories.U



"Full Dress v Cigarettes,

From Kinney Brothers very celebrated andchoice.

Fanc.r l3e ts .

RALEIGH MILD 0eautifnl) CIUAItF.TTES, putup iu cases.

LONG TASTYs," with corn mouth-piec- e, andother brands which he does not keep long.

CIGARS.Henry Clay; fancy; Antony; Joyous; Joyous

Companiou and Castle Garden. mar?7-15-4- t

MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE.OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR-sua- ntN to a power of salo contained in a

certalu mortgaged deed, dated the 30th day ofJanuary, 1S85, made by George Wood to James IDowsutt, and for breach of the conditions in thesaid mortgage to wit: The nonpayment thereof,that all and singular the property lu s dd mortgagedeed contained, will bo sold at public auction atthe store situate at No. 59 Fort street, Honolulu,and formerly occupied by the said George Wood,on MONDAY, the 6th day of April, 1833, at 10o'clock a m.

The property consists in part of tbe followingnamed articles :

.1 Counter;Sshelvlog nnd Fixtures;1 Chandelier:1 Clock;7 Chairs;1 Desk;3 Tables;2 Pictures;1 lukstand;1 Tobacco cutter;1 Cigar-Light- er and Cutter;1 Iron Press;1 Wooden I'ress:1 Scale;2 Rack:,:3 Globes;98 Moids and Clamps;2 Sieve's;

and Pully ;1 Lamr nndl "Lantern; - ...5150 CVfe-- rs, (Mermaidi;46 Bundles Cigars of 50 each;100 Cigars (Little Daisy);2 Boxes loose Cigars;23 Pounds Smoking and Chewing Tobacco in

Plug;5-- gr. Century Chewing Tobacco;14 Rolls Challenge;1 Box Clay Pipes;6 Wooden Pipes;211 Packages Smocking Tobacco;HI Empty Cigar Boxes '00.5;635 Empty Cigar Boxes 50.0;X Vanity Fair Cigarettes;80 pds. Leaf Tobacco;Wrapping Paper;4 Boxes stripped Tobacco and Scraps;A part can of Coal Oil, etc.;1 Canvas Awning.

W. C. PARKE,Attorney for J. I. Dowsett.Honolulu, March 27, 1335.

California Rose Company.


lira in oniiAiinnino' t h Via Vmr. tAHu- ukiiv iuut u tr uui urrn hii- -pointed SOLE AO EXT of the

CALIFORNIA ROSE COMPANYFor the Hawaiian Islands. Parties who desireto add choice and beautiful varieties of


To their flower gardens will be furnished withCATALOGUES containing names, prices andother Information concerning over 250 varieties,


Prices astonishingly low for guaranteedvarieties.

C. W. MACFARLANE, Agent.Honolulu, March 27, 1Sj. mar23-22-diw- tf

A. ROSA,TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUE- -i. LIC. Ofilce with the Attorney General, Alii- -

olani Hale, Honolulu, H. I. mr2G-12-t- f


li rr?nn Kid Ooera Slifsp., LXV, U

Bennett & Barr.ard'i

Absolutely Pure.Thiapowdcr never varies. A marvel of purity,

strength and wholesomencss. More economicalthan the ordinary and cannot be sold In com-

petition with tho multitude cf low-te- st, shortweight, lum or phosphate powders. Sold oxxtOrAsi Kotai. B.nui. j Powder -- o.. 108 Wall-s-

N. Y.

20 tf

Dividend Notice.ONE DOLLAR PER SHARKVDIVIDEXPOF the Stockholders of Paia Plan-

tation, on April 1st, ot the ofliee ot Messrs. CaMled: Cooke, Agents m Honolulu.

E. M. WALSH, Ticasnrer.Paia, March 2s, iss,'. 25-ap- rl riv

S20O REWARD.REWARD OF S50 WILL BE PAID F'HtA information that will lead to the nrrest unil

conviction of the party or parties who, on theevening ot the 2Sth Instant, tampered with 'ecalling wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone.

GODFREY BROWN.President Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.March 30. 15S5. 27 mar 30-- tf

WANTED.LADY WHO EXPECTS TO UO TO SANA Francisco about May 1st, would like to meet

with soma one who, for having her fare paid tothat place, would take full tlmrge and care of achild two years of age.

Address P. O. hox 297.


Office next door t the HONOLULU LIBRARY,

j to 10 A.M.Okfice Hocks U to 4 P.M.

7 to 8 P.M.Sundays 9 to 11 A.M

r.lWIDKNCE Cor. Kinau aud Teusa-ol- a iH.531 my I"


l.iiititMl .

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commander),

Will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 v. u. forLahaina, Maalaea, Makeua, Mahukona, Kawaihae,"Laupahoehoe and Hilo. Leaves Hilo Thursdays atnoon, touching at the same ports on return, arriv-ing hack Saturdays.

PASSENGER TRAIN from Niulli will leaveeach Friday at 1 p. m., to connect with the Klnauat Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Houokaia andPaauhau on down trips tor Passengers if a signal ismade from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE,ti.orenzen, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu every Mouday at 4 P. m. forKuuuakakai, Kahului, Kennae. every other week:

Huelo, liana, Kipahulu and Nuu. Returning, willstop at the above ports, arriving back Saturdaymornings.

For malls aud passengers only.

STEAMER LEH ITA,(L'avies, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohinn, Iaupaboeboe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea.

STEAMER KLLAUEA HOU,fWeisbarth, Commander).

T.T11 leave regularly for same ports as the N. S.Lehua.

STEAMElFTlOKOLII,(McOregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Wednesday for Kaunaka-ka- l,

Kuomlo, Pukoo, Moauul, Halawa, Wailau,Peleknnu and Kalaupapa ; returning, leaves PukooFriday a. h. for Lahaina ; leaves Lahaina SaturJayfor Pokoo, remaiaiuing Sunday, and arriving atHonolulu Monday evening.

The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, hutthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

s AM'L tl. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and fjueen streets.2X-l- y Mar Si)

M. McINERNY,ami Dealer in Clothing-- ,Importer Hius, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery,

Pocket Cutlery, and every description of Gent'sSuperior Furnishing (ioods. P.V i'.enkf-rt'- s FineCa'f Dress Boots, always on hand.N. E. Cokxer Fop.T.e Mki:cha.nt Sis. Hi-- f

II. W, SEVERANCE.vt uiiiiit ?.iiil and CommissionnilMerehnut, :1; California Street. San Frances-co- ,

California. No. I. Kir.-- w tf

F. A. SCIIAEFER k CO.,Importers &Coimnission Merchants



oots & Shoos,ALO

French JD i--e h t vNo &0, Fort Honolulu.


' I,' .'


, A.'i 'Jit.


-- VI . -


v t

2 -



A Nt rniij;er Death at the neen."ITopilaI.

Last Sabbath evening at half past 6

o'clock Sir. Charles Nicolai's sufferingsended, and his earthly life was brought to aclose. The funeral took place yesterdayafternoon from the Queen's Hospital at aquarter past 3 o'clock, tho Rev. E. C. Oggelof the Bethel Union Church officiating,assisted by 3Ir. F. William Damon.

After reading a brief portion of Scripture,Mr. Ogi;el said, "Charles Nicolai was cfGerman descent. He was born at Cincin-nati, Ohio, in 1839, and was therefore 46years of age. He came to Honolulu iuJanuary last. He contracted a cold in hisnative city, and came to these islands insearch of health. Ho was brought to thoQueen's Hospital February tho 25th, underthe auspices of the Stranger's Friend So-

ciety. It is needless to say that at thishospital 31 r. Nicolai received the best ofcare. He enjoyed in his last days the com-

forts of the Christian religion, trusting, aslio told me, iu Jesus Christ, as tho Rock ofAges. To you, and those who are not herenow, but 'who have made the last days ofthisraan comfortable by their visits anddelicate attendance,' I would say in the""

3Iaster's words: "I was a stranger andyc took me in. I was sick and ye visitedme. For iuasmnch as ye have done it untone of tho least of these my brethren yohave done it unto 3Ie."

3Ir. F. W. Damon prayed for a blessingon the man's absent friends, the Queen'sHospital and all who had showed theBtranger- - kindness. At the grave Rev. 3Ir.Oggel read the burial service and prayerwas offered by Harry W. Laws, who has fre-

quently visited Mr. Nicolai and was withhim almost to the last.

Dentil oT Bazaar.The Breeder and Sportsman ot March 17th

says: "Mr. W. L. Pritchard informs us bynote that the chestnut horse Bazaar, byJack Malone, dam by Ivy Leaf, by importedAustralia, from Bay Flower, by Lexington,died recently at Honolulu. He was ownedat the time of his death by the MilesBrothers, who purchased him of Mr.Pritchard, paying $5,000 for the horse.Bazaar was bred at Woodburn, by R. A.Alexander, foaled 1873, and in his racingdays was a good performer. As a three-year-o- ld

he won at a mile and a quarter in2:09 ; ran second to Aristides, two milesand a half, won in 2:471j; won mile heats in1:4334, 1:4G, and at two miles in 3:45He was then brought to this coast, and as afour-year-o- ld started twice, but was over-matched, being beaten by Mollie McCarthyat four-mil- e heats, and by Lady Amanda atmile heats. He diel not start afterwards,and owing to the retirement of Mr. Pritchardfrom the turf, the horse elisappeared frompublic view. His death will be a seriousloss to the Messrs. Miles."

Chief Justi ce Judd is the fortunate pos-

sessor of one of Bazaar's colts, now aboutfive weeks old. This is the only one on thisisland, and strengly resembles his sire.


Dr. J. Brodie has resumed bin duties asGovernment Veterinary Surgecm.

I The bao Ln-:- i ovrihangiux i!e sittewalkin Nunanu valley, just below the first

j bridgf, lo cut down l y the RoadSnpon i-. J: i ;i nuisance to passers by.

! Mr. IS. !! Smith, of the Sct'irJay Press,j is in : for a day t r two from Hawaii! ii, which h: will resinu.- again this week,j

1 - : i t j having a t time-- so far.The cxcav-uion- i nov oiir' en ; n the site

of Hie iii w Chinese club house- - on Kingstreet have laid bare a ruf of coral rock afew feet below the- surface Blastiug willcommence to-d.i- v.

Dr. McGrew is the proud possesoor of per-

haps tho finest Shorthorn Durham cow everseen on these islands. The animal arrivedhere on the Consuelo last week, and is war-

ranted to give eight gallons of milk per day.She weighed when shipped from Sau Fran-cisco 1,590 pounds.

A case of attempted Lighway robbery isi re per ted ou tho "j'.i road, near the watej hole, about one-fumt- h way down. Four

white tacn and tvo natives are report id tohave & topped a Ch:naman aud foiciblysearched him, but without stctrlug anyvaluables. The Deputy Marshal is investi-gating the case.

" IMPORTS.From Newcastle, N S W, per bark y- thiide,

March 2s W U Irwin k Co, 721 tons IiUesendcoal.

PASNEXtiKILV,From Hamakua, per steamer Iwalani, March

29 ,Owen McCabe and H deck.From Kaunakai and Kahului, per steamer Like-lik- e,

March 2.) J Lucas and wife, W Wagner, JB Holt, Jr, Ah Young and CI deck.


The schooner Ehukal 'brought 233 bags sugarfrom Waialua.

The sjhooner Wailele brought 1,109 bags sugar

from Maliko.Trie sshoouer Ka Moi brought 3,000 sugar from

Loupahoehoe,- The schooner Mil a Morrl brought oOO goat andbeep skins from i.anai, an J reporu very rough

weather.The steamer Kllauea Hon brought 1,351 bng

sugar from Hawaii.' she leaves at 5 o'clock to-

morrow afternoon.TUe ste.uner Likelike brought 2,971 bags sugar,

131 bags l).:gs corn and 3f bags potatoes from Ka-

hului. .M;'--' 5 "is tin- -

The sifa.ijt-- r inought 5, V2 bags sugaran I 25 piyk.im siiiidries from llainnkua. She

, sails sit 4 p. in.

The o.irKeiitlne KIikii.it will I'inlsU dischargingJaer linnb--r and will sal. iu ballast forl";rt Towiwoml.


AnrM04 S;1-- h Aiiiiuujkm- - i.

MARCH -- isl- K . P, AiIjids, 2'J iliaics U'niouJlili Co.; asi'l Kvhu.i Ranch.

JelorjnIue.l Suleiile.baluiday niht last u C'itiuaiuau uaukiI

Cltaw dice Noli, win; iiul just comij to towufrom uii of tbe other laluud, sick antl

buicutn: in a room that liadbeen provided for him as a bleeping placein Autone Lopez's lodfiiug hwusc, in the Por-tasiie- so

quarter cf Honolulu. When foundit was ascertained that he had wound hisown queue around his neck and one cf thesupporters to'his bed, and by kaniug for-

ward bad succeeded in strangling himself.Hid countrymen of the clan of Set: Yagslook charge of Ihc body for burial in IVnoavalley. .

.- -- -- -

Subocribo for. the Wttsi-- r I. C.TlsEB and mail copies to fricuds abroad. Asingle copy will give them a better idfa ofthe progress and condition of the islandsthan twenty letters however voluminous,sould do.1 '

Page 4: Evau-jrellr- HOLLISTEE...January last. He contracted a cold in his native city, and came to these islands in search of health. Ho was brought to tho Queen's Hospital February tho 25th,


v :


- " " . m '



" 0Honolulu Almanac t i--i e

AXD --

, A Cri'lCIAI. AXD mmVYJL o




Hits Jiint Returned from Enrnp

WITH A LARGE STOCK OFOpposite 'Campbell's Block, and Nexim

Door to the New Bank Building,


Have the honor to announce to their numerous customers of the

Hawaiian Islands that they are prepared to take Special Orders for

all kind of Merchandise in the

DRY GOODS LINE,New Goods and Materials

Cor. Fort and 'Merchant '"Streets.- -

Basines'Diicciiji'y of Honolulu,


Statistical k General Information

Relating to the IXan'n IUudt., For Sale by J3I.0at,

. Jr & Co. .AXD AT -

Tlie P. C. Adrertiser Office.

FIFTY CTS. PER C()PYHonolulu, Jaauary 27, 1335. - V--

.Wm. GL Irwin & Co.


Star! Simar! Star!

Of the Latest Styles and Patterns,5 . . -- :o:-

rt'toioh he is Prpparwl to Make up In theTo be executed in Pari by their buyers, and delivered in Honolulu, 4 iynuniNG Tin: past month, thisLATEST FASHION,via San Francisco, in transit.


We beg further to call their attention to our long established

Has been Enlarged and iicnovaied, andr.LOWEST PEICES POSSIBLEhouse, known all over the Pacific for its honorable dealings, and beg

the Manager now wishes to inform the Public533 my IIto assure them that we will spare no pains to continue to deserve their

that an 'jpatronage.

-- :o:-

ENTIRE NEW STOCKHp naweth in the vallev. and reioiceth in liis' ' ..

moreAll Orders Promptly Executed, and Samples sent

on Application.mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted, neither Has oeen Receivecl ly late Arrivals, andturneth he back from the sword'

HILEA PLANTATION Washed " Sugariu kegs.


Cubo Sngar in 25 lb. boxes.Dry Granulated, In barrels and kegs.

"A Crushed Sugar, In barrels."D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs.

. Goldrn Syrup, in gallon tins.

to Arrive, in the Line ofIlolv Writ.:o:

--- :o:-


(continued.) maBy C. B. MILES.

N. W. Corner Kearny and Post Streets,Cotis Manila Rope, all sizes.

Coils Si3al Rope, 6 thread to 24 inch.Coila Bale Rope and Banana Twiue.

Clothing--, Shiits,v.

Neckwear, UiiclexweaiyHose, Handkei;chieis,

Suspenders, Hats, ,Caps,Boots, Shoes, Trunks,

Bap;s, "Valises, Etc., Etc.

-- :o:-

tiow to nreak h Colt.Tf vnn ask a man eneased in the business tne above

truthfully, nine out of ten will tell you, when you commence on a colt, that the very firstthing vou must impress upon his mind is that you are bi3 master ; that it is business to

SAN FRANCISCO. aUDIUll IU YUUr Will , Wat )UU XUU Ui.fta UJI nil d " j -

oTc mote v.im nfmid nf vnn. so that he will not dare to do anything ho may thinkReed' CbUU 4.o " - ' " -. . ,i k - Art. 1 Avan if vnn Int'l r I iA QPTf-r- TPlfh hi TV1 fit tlTl"fl- - AOW.i Patent i; Pipe and Boiler

Coverik'0"-Al- l Sizes. while I am not going to say that this is not the best plan of educating a young horse, Iwill say that it is not the plan that I have always practiced ; and furthermore, I will sayto anyone, either professional or that in handling your colt, if you willuse persuasion instead of coercion, and try and make his first lessons a pleasure

vj, inofoari r.f task and inrlnra. instead of comcellinsr him to submit to your wishes.

-- :o:- aolul477 ap23Jcw

KJ lilLU !' V - , tthat I will stake my existence that you will soon find your colt studying the same practiceMANILA CIGARS. as yourself of trying to please you, and make jour work as much a pleasure as it is

--The Mala Feature of the O. P M. Ii. is to sell 2-- 5 per cent, less than

any of ita Competitors. Thi3 it is enabled to do by the advantages of Low-Rents-,

Purchasing for Casb, and General Good Manageiftent.possible for him to do.

. . t...t.,.louring tlio lasi icw years iiitmn i-.-Pantheon Stables, dng.Vflf,ago as-- , fitell ofGr I JNT ! well n 't Siiriiiinn' iiiirT i i i i cMmni tparhincr half a century

j a . t 1 1 hor hoonn" m v TamerSalnoBj-Jee- f ani Port, in tarrels. twith the Plan ol tne present uay. r? i "i t"-- :o:-

CfTSsStotl Streets. 9thi)

, for tw.

v.! - tiie lor correction, xxe uu iuu6SrcSwhipsXought6 in tmfS tbr. t'thenfiuto the fire and partially roastedKm 7J

, ii?!ke tK tou-h- -a common birch whip without being toughened in the above

ow . we only"" " "tenng schoolboy. . J are more effective and lastingCA. LL A. 1ST 13 USTSPECTOs 4 1--2 foot Smoke Stack, 83 ftm?h, will be Sold Oieap. dealt t. time ;o mue . , i.r. ,lin in the handlinsr of colts. The old

i TLIVERY. BOARDlNw, a ; .fir ... gGin, 11 &. Varied Stock.rjchon aSund7y. Nowadays, with the advancement that has been ma? tneAND SALE STABLES.(lONOVER p.jtt- -

of handling, we are auic iu main - --ni-

v-than he could acquire in the old way in as many months.t,,. TT TT n amincnt rlivinA of TOSt011. VTl'OtQ a

Tor Sale in Quantities to Suit, '

SupportS,T y6tr wnVwntl'tSdV."The Perfect iio ' Twnich he devoted a very longRnhiecr. "How to Train ararriaffos for hire at ail hours of the dry or

jgTThanking our Friends and the Public for their Generousnight; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.105 EA ' ' Thf :St5Shyo instructive, and one desiring it

2f ir&i me to read. Tbercverend heretofore, we respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronageExcellent SalUe Horses lor r.alieRatesMetAt Lowest! and Gentlemen, uuaranteed Oentie. .A.T THE -was aaCarrlas Xos. a, 24. 46. 47, 48, 49, a "' ; ,"",.. :,,.. it .,i,,nnt K!,nt vnnr toes trod eon

50, 51, 52 and 53.


i r


i "



alffiSt wa71 iVen then I think it .ould takei Bl One Price Mechanics Bazaar

apply sto , "1 4rr wilrl polt brolcen ana turneu over iu uiui iwmiv J . .nave u.uu j i,:,. n Kmi r wt lpocnnQ. and 1 1 would be 111st as kind

time that no would nave Eivc-i- i ins luii-"i.- .

il n a Via Tvmilrl ljfl to his. COR. FORT

Double and single teams always to be hart on

livery at the most reasonable rates.

lArge and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can

always be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained ny apply-

ing at the office.'

The tons Branch Bathing House.an .inrn.vn be for picnic or excursion


Willi luiuc nohorae-braake- ra adopt is to have their vehicles and harnesses made

thatThe usual plan . or,,i ctn nrfi 11Refi for broke horses, so that afterpRr.nnuFREETH nW OpiVe CampteW Bloc.SSS abto do any damage , by breakage and af ter f

disposition,too rebellions aa few days, or weeks, perx.ap3, wicj u , - ...

service: become -- :o:-parties by applying at the office. SrSSn 0 Now? his n seem7to me very" much the same as it would be to

nnt iinwin him to have anv weapons to captureCorner Fort and Hotel Streets. Store open from 6 A. M. to P. f. Saturday Kveniug till 10 o eloek.send a policeman aiier F.u. --" , strenKth and awkwardness.

23 Nuuanu Street,THMt urtititto rorlflrht Pianos ever produced, Telephone No. 34.lan Is never to bitch a colt up until the fear i all out of him, after which I find J. JL. ROSBNBE11G. S. W. LEMJllim, ManarcrWVfor quality of tone and wonderfufand elastic

fcctiotaK The coming upright pianos of the world. 391 tfJAS. DODD, Proprietor.393tfSend for Hlnstratd eatatosrue, dpsrription nnu

llMwaiiaii Ilnls.Honolulu, Bubmit to the guiding process ana t---"l" -i omio all over theprices to

r. W. RPENt'ER CO"

Iaciflc CoastAgent,400-t- f

eafablishments. tne weannng cons ic mj,r 7 u.satisfactory result. m,nernf Oneen and Tunchbowl streets ANNUALSAN FRANCISCO. FIEST GEEAT23 and.giftb street i nave now ou ur - r:::r- - -

ro Rome of them I have only had tw ofm 11 II hK Mill 11 fjS 19 twelve head ol cous, trom without blinds: and475 tf.w


Notice to tlie Public. UUII wr-itaw...- . Wceks, and I will drive anjmM r -and carry a

will also ride any ol wem T, en mT timp' And I will do the same thing withlarge carriage umoreiuuvc. .u.. 1 JT" " orPiR rt charge a cent, as I amXU. 7 FORT STREET.

Opposite Wilder fc Co.'slFurniture, Beddinc:, any horse that any one may ui.ug - -- .r" " "f ,ln " t considor them"d.vT SloV to perfect them in the LIAND CARPETS, The Elite (liication. and that- !5 K"r wuSDSthem alongpretty fast inthci ., ,


(ce C


fiijned is pnin the most

r tfie Jlawaliun lsa. , j. ii.

mited),iTAIt. :u.d l.y othrr lut



I 0

: h: stock4't, lK'iulll

i av'H aulJ I i:il r Jr.,


ill flihCBIn cast',

In drums.mil n

vse or ga

and aboif

fit all our 1

dine cultur

d.. lb our Ktr

fcUet Ri

. 2 tna

bllh; uiuu - , o nni nhpfi i f.n t lira 11 v nor ses , BUM!"The Finest and Best Selection on the. Pacific Coast. OPKX TOM 3 A. M. TILX 10 1. M. they are on the right tracK lor "r -7--. -k

tliat some of

ICE CREAM PARLORS ! FIRST-CLAS- S LCXCHES, COFFEE,All of perstern and Foreign Make,..AT THE..

TEA, SODA WATER, GIXGER ALE,, and Latest Jjcstgn. -

is surely yas what every - 'rgreTt many horses that have boon worked a year orbetter broke eaay tnanthem are much less now in passing heavyaXShi rulCrriLfas tlJ Cy ,cn work for years

and years in the carriages.1:cspcctfully,

C. 13. MILlilS,Cigars and Tobaccos TEMPLE OF FASHIQSOFFEItS AT iOW-iriUUI- s.

Jos. Fredericks & Co., OF BEST BRANDS... . 1 . tho. K4RATOGAIce Creata will De sryu Practical Horse Breaker.

riaiu and Fancy PIPES personally selected fromunfd Further notice.nOUSE, on Hotel Street,m..M.rketSL. SAN FRANCISCO . . . . o 'o-ap- r 1Honolulu. March 11, 18S-- . ;

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety

of BEST QUALITY Nos. Ci and 6:5 Fort Stkkkts.WOven nally until 10 P.M.' '

' 473 ap'25&w'- -


onral inwlnexs and - smokers; articles.Orders received and carefully attended to.

Commencing This Day, Friday, March Otlv. ' ileal Estate Apents. Wedding and Tarties supplied.

Lovers of BILXJLAUDS will find an ElegantPrompt At tention given to Collections.

Telephones 181.r .nrr Tort JStreet, Honolnln. COMPANYHAHDWAEE j In Order to make room for our Unsurpassed Stock, which is beingPAOIEICEMSWICS & CO. BILLIARD TABLE

on the Premises.

The Pioprivtor would be pleased to receive a cal

om bis FYicnds and the Public generally

(LISJ.IT33D),will makeISTGTIOE;;- -n.,r cart with CelebratcIcc Cream

Xott.395tf d-- Co. and SamuelSuccessors to Dillinghamits usual oute In the evening.The andersigned I have this day bgPg v . IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS IAHSWM" el, iB"wl;n . Indebted to who may desire a

bought regardless of expense or trouble at the present time in

Eastern MarretsBy S. COHN & Co.

8HOHE. OR A GAME OFTHE CURKENCY ACT Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Kanges and

Tinware. House Furnishing Goods andBIIXIARDS.ate payment at me coce "W. C. PARKE, Assignees.(3 VV. SMITH. J

556 tr The New Gold Law.Honolulu February 26th, 1885.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.'THE CASINOIUlv- - , ,,r T"TIIK WEEKLYlutelv . A .,, r n....nrcial Advertiserr- - . 1 x m m - .

-- :o:tloD." Tne gen 29th Jniy. conthe Press I, Mr. B. F. x..text of


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.and complete hue of goods,full

The combined stock of the two firms gives us a very

sent to the undersigned, or to Mr. bamuel 3ott formarket rates. All orders

Lcilll in the class of goods formerly sold hy him, will at present receive personalwhose oi.inlori3r the ADVERTISE Saturdays until 10 o'clock.Store open until 8 o'clock every evening.

542-mar2- 4-- lrl hav?tii- P'ased to publiBh

ass-T- he only J Resort In me and supervision,from lion.

No shoe-tingli-ng


31 Ala;llonol

varied opinion.-- PACTBIC H.XRDWA RE COMPANYIf he Iiad penuittd himself to be In-

terviewed for that purpose. This heflatly but courteously declined to do

Hp-- '

Editor P. C, Advebti9aal men whose opinions are worth havingon tlmost any Tital question, regarding
