julio 2011 1 aniversario aniversario Spirit With My By Rev. Luis M. Ortiz The magazine that edifies your life Evangelistic Impact July 2011 / Edition 691 / www.impactoevangelistico.net OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT

Evangelistic Impact July 2011

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SpiritWith My

By Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

The magazine that edifies your life

EvangelisticImpactJuly 2011 / Edition 691 / www.impactoevangelistico.net OFFICIAL PUBLICATION


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We are aware that the greatest need the world has is a spiritual one. There is a big crisis

everywhere. Even though the world is full of religions, creeds, and philosophies, the huge void in people has not been filled with neither religion, creeds, philosophy, nor humanism. Other things such as pleasures, vices, or family affection cannot fill that void either because it can only be filled with the presence of the Lord God Almighty.

No matter how much people strive, go back and forth or undertake different ventures, it is impossible for their heart be delivered or edified. It is only through the redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel that men are delivered and changed.

The Word of God is being preached everywhere because that is the command the Lord gave the Church “go into all the

world and preach the gospel to every creature.” However, many people for various reasons are not able to come to the Lord, they feel bound, tied, and committed to other things or activities. Some people are treated by others as if they were the waste of human life because they have fallen in the deepest of sin, depravation, immorality, and vices.

Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President

of the M.M.M.


We need the mercy of the Lord

People do not want to deal with them, come close to, or help them to come out of their condition because they consider them hopeless cases with no solution, without medicine nor improvement, where everything seems impossible.

Beloved readers, let me tell you that although people have fallen into these conditions, or they have been rejected by the rest of humanity, however they are not excluded from the mercy and grace of God. There are no barriers for God’s mercy, no frontiers, or any difficulties that can prevent His salvation.

If you so desire, open your heart and cry out unto the Lord; He will answer. He will come into your life regardless of your condition is. For God no barriers exist, no obstacle can stop Him, nothing is impossible!

The Lord can heal you and perform a miracle, He can deliver you from drugs prostitution or immorality. In you have fallen into disgrace and misery, He can take you away from them. He came to give us a better life. Amen l

No matter how much people strive, go back and forth or undertake different ventures, it is impossible for their heart be delivered or edified. It only through the redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel that men are delivered and


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Of a reserved, shy and discreet character he was always a self-sacrificing servant

of the Lord Jesus Christ, and unfailingly cou-rageous. Throughout his almost 78 years of life, Luis Magin Ortiz Marrero, founder of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, be-came one of the most important promoters and diffusers of the Word of God for modern day Christianity. He was able to combine the precise preaching with the timely action, of giving his whole existence to the Almighty, and walking steadfastly in his principles to raise up from nothing a Work that today is established all over the world.

Born on Septemeber 26th, 1918, in Corozal,

a northen area of Puerto Rico, Rev. Ortiz su-rrendered his life for God’s sake. At the age of 10, while living on the island og Enchantment, he accepted the Heavenly Father and made Him his Saviour. Three years later, led by the Creator, he preached his first sermon. After fi-nishing his secondary school studies, he star-ted working for the Puerto Rican newspaper “El Mundo,” where he developed his interest in journalism and communications. Neverthe-less, a short time later, he left everything and consecrated his life to study the Word of God.

TOWARDS DOMINICAN REPUBLICWhile Pastor Ortiz studied at The Instituto Mizpa in San Juan of Puerto Rico, the oldest theolegical school of Pentecost, his relation-ship with the Father became stronger. He would recall that during those days, God was already working in him and showing him that he was destined to become a “missio-nary of faith.” However, before that would happen, in 1943, he married Sister Rebecca Hernández Colón and strengthened his per-sonal life. Immediately after, together with his wife, he departed to Dominican Republic to start giving life to his divine task: taking God’s message to everyone that is unaware of the heavenly truth.

After a year, the path Bro. Ortiz started tra-cing in the second largest country in the Ca-ribbean, became stronger and glorious. Thus, in 1944, after twelve months of successful


of faithServant of the Lord, teacher, journalist, communicator, writer and Christian poet, Luis M. Ortiz was a great man chosen by Jesus to preach His Word. A person who went all over the world relentlessly on an evangelistic mission.

Johan Pérez Landeo Photos: Evangelistic Impact Ar and Personal Archive

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Luis M. Ortiz was not only a great herald of God. He stood out also in the secular world for his undeniable gifts of social communicator: Serious and moderate journalist; witty and clever poet with more than 200 written poems; prolific and versatile announcer, creator of the best Christian radio programs; profound, clear and comprehensible prose writer who used the Word of God as a springboard to escape the anonymity and deliver nonstop the redeeming message of the King of Kings across the five continents. In spite of his innumerable professional qualifications, Rev. Ortiz became known in the world of communications due to his journalistic efforts displayed throughout the pages of the monthly magazine, “Evangelist Impact.” It was in this official publication of the Worldwi-de Missionary Movement, in charge of spreading the evangelistic and missionary work, where its endless production was developed without reservations, and allowed millions of desperate souls to find the way to redemption and eternal lifel


missionary labour in the Dominican Republic, which was ruled at that time with fire and blood by the dictator Rafael Trujillo, God sent him the island of Cuba to fulfill the expansion of the evangelistic movement in Caribbean lands. The fruit was yielded immediately. Im-mediately, God blessed him with the building of 23 churches and the establishment a body

of pastors of more than de 30 brethren, who worked together alongside him unwaveringly for the glory of the Lord. LABOUR IN CUBAOn the Island of Cuba, where he had known he would arrive since he was very young, Rev. Ortiz laid the foundation for the evan-gelization of the world. That’s why, in the most known archipelago of the American continent,he made use of of the most clever and innovate ways of communication to take the Christian message to the pagans. Little by little and led by the Holy Spirit, he became a champion of the Word. He made incursions into the radio through the program “Evange-listic Impact” which was totally dedicated to the preaching of the Gospel. He held innume-rable evangelistic crusades in travelling tents, founded a Bible Institute and planted 60 churches in 16 years of evangelistic mission.

He was a kind, humble, spiritual, holy, steady in his convictions and tireless man. Ortiz Marrero came back to Puerto Rico in 1960 led by God’s command and tried un-successfully to convince his superiors to start a “Worldwide Work” for Jesus’ sake. Never-theless, having the Eternal’s sponsorship , he established the Latin Amercian Missionary and Evangelistic Association Inc. This insti-

When he was merely 10 years old, he accepted the Lord as his Saviour. Three years later, enlightened by the Creator, he preached his first sermon. After finishing his secondary studies, he entered the workforce for the Puerto Rican newspaper, “El Mundo.” Yet, his love for God was greater, and he became a true herald of faith.

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1918. He was born on Sep-tember 26th, in Corozal (Puerto Rico).1928. When he was 10 years old he surrendered to the Lord. 1943. He married to Rebec-ca Hernández and travelled to the Dominican Republic as a missionary. 1944. Begins an evangeli-cal mission to Cuba. 1956. The new vision to establish the Work started developing. 1960. He came back to Puerto Rico led by the Lord’s command. 1963. In Febreuary the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. was of-ficially registered.1996. On September 25th, a day before his 78th birthday, he went to meet his Lord.


tution preceded the Worldwide Missionary Movement and it displayed a labour full of great miracles performed by the Lord. In addition, in January 1961, he created the ma-gazine that is now in your hands: Evangelis-tic Impact.THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORKHaving neither a church of his own, nor fi-nancial resources, nor support from any denomination, but enveloped with a great faith, the Puerto Rican Pastor reached the objective given to Him by His Saviour in just three years. Thus, on February 13th 1963, he founded in Puerto Rico the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Puerto Rico with the vision of “winning the world for Christ” establishing the starting point of the Work. Talking about this he once confessed: “This Work belongs to God and I did not know what the Lord intended to do. We say with joy and gratitude, we can say that it is God who raised this movement, without our tryingor thinking about it to give back to the missionary Work and the evangelization of the world the position Jesus gave them.”

From that time forward, starting with Brother Ortiz’s drive and courage, the name of the Work reached millions of peo-ple across the globe, thousands of churches

hasve been built, thousands of sick people have been healed, saved and anointed with the power of God. A positive labour of evan-gelical maturity, Biblical strength, spiritual stability, sound doctrine, clean testimony, and definite and transparent concepts of the eternal values have been portrayed. A mis-sion that with the divine grace remains holy up to now and has great expectations in the coming few days when the signs of Jesus’ re-turn are more evident.

Father of two daughters, Damaris and Priscila Ortiz Hernández. Bro. Luis M. Or-tiz Marrero was always an inspiring and promoter man within the Worldwide Mis-sionary Movement during the 25 years he presided and led the Work skillfully and succesfully. All along his career which las-ted a quarter century, he was a leader, a guide, a preacher, an organizer, a witness, and a champion and hero of faith. His active presence, which was able to reach 47 coun-tries, is still alive among us in spite of his death on September 25th, 1996, on the eve of his seventy-eighth birthday. That was the day when God called him to his kingdom and took him away from earthly life. That was the ideal ending for an existence fully devoted to the Lordl





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With my

SpiritWhen Christians humble themselves, consecrate their lives to Jesus Christ and receive the power of the Holy Spirit, they win more souls for Jesus in a day than the ones they could win during their whole lives without that wonderful power. Being full of the Spirit is essential to bear much fruit in the vineyard of the Lord.

Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

Photos: Roberto GuerreroIn the book of the prophet Zachariah 4:6, we read: “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying,

This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”

The purpose of these words was to encou-rage Joshua and Zerubbabel to do the great la-bour of restoring the temple and the nation of Judah after the captivity in Babylon. They were told the true source of power to accomplish the task was not by might or human power but by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It was exactly by that mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit that Joshua and Zerubbabel accomplished that job.

We are living in a materialistic time. Spiri-tual values are in crisis. The void in people’s li-ves cannot be filled with material things; it is by the Divine Spirit that we will win all our human battles. Reviewing the Holy Scriptures we find that man has not been able to do anything on his own, by his own might of the Holy Spirit of God.

In the beginning of creation, the Bible says, that “and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2). In the defense of the peo-ple, Moses worked by his power and killed an Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-15), but after witnessing the great manifestations of God’s power delive-ring His people, he learned that is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.

In their service to the Lord, Nadab and Abi-hu, in their own opinion and stregth, offered strange fire to God, and consequently they died; the people learned that is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God. (Leviticus 10:1-3).

In regards to the government of the people, Korah worked by his own human power and

We are living in a materialistic time. Spiritual values are in crisis. The void in people’s lives cannot be filled with material things; it is by the Divine Spirit that we will win all our human battles. Reviewing the Holy Scriptures we find that man has not been able to do anything on his own, but by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

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rebelled against Moses. Moses came to God and by His Spirit the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up Korah and all his men, thus the people learned that is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (Numbers 16).

Concerning the choosing of leaders, the peo-ple acted by their own power and human con-

cept; they asked for a king and Saul came. They wanted to be like the other nations. They lear-ned too late that the true King is the Lord God; that it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (1st Samuel 8; 12:19-25).

As to the source and continuity of power, Samson trusted in his physical strength and >>>

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shamefully failed. He learned that his phy-sical strength came by the Spirit of God (Judges chapters 13-16).

All the prophecies of the old prophets did not come to them by neitheir human or intellec-tual strength, but as the Apostle Peter says: “but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2nd Peter 1:19-21).

In the case of our marvellous Saviour Jesus Christ, He did not come by human will, but was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was baptized by the Holy Ghost, was anointed by the Holy Spirit to minister, was offered by the Holy Spirit in His crucifixion, and was raised up by the Holy Spirit in His resurrection.

In the apostles, we see the Holy Spirit using great writers in great revelations and interpreta-tions of the Work of Jesus. We see the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit in full operation.

In the last book of the Bible – Revelation – we find the same power of the Holy Spirit that flows across all the Scriptures, and it says, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 2:7).

Throughout the history of the Church of Jesus Christ, its great victories have come just because of the power, manifestation, anointing, baptism, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

During the great revival of Wales (1904), the power of the Holy Spirit swept away sin and wickedness as a tornado. The instrument anoin-ted by the Holy Spirit was Evan Roberts. People confessed their sins, paid their forgotten debts, closed theaters, and even the oxen in the coal mines realized people’s transformation because they were no longer mistreated. In five weeks, 20,000 people surrendered to the Lord.

In Hawaiian Islands another great revival of the Holy Spirit shook these islands in 1837. The man full of the power of the Holy Spirit was Ti-tus Coan. Crowds of people came to listen to the Word of God. People trembled, cried, shou-ted, and begged for forgiveness. Just on a Sun-day, 1,705 people were baptized in water and 2,400 participated in the Lord’s Supper. When Coan left the islands of Hawaii, he himself had baptized 11,960 new converts.

In 1821, a young lawyer in a small township of Adams, in New York, went to the forest to pray, where he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He became the great evangelist Charles Finney. While he was preaching, the power of God was so great that people started crying and begging for God’s forgiveness. He had to stop his prea-

ching and allow God to work in their lives.The great preacher C. H. Spurgeon, said: “If

we allow the Holy Spirit to zeal our ministry with power, human talent will mean nothing. Men can be poor and without intellectual preparation, their words can even be mispronounced, but if the power of the Holy Spirit is in them, the humblest preacher will be more succesfull than the most knowledgeable theologian or the most eloquent preacher. The extraordinary power of God is what we need, we do not need human talent. It is spiritual anoin-ting not mental power. The ministers of the Gospel need to have the power of the Holy Spirit, otherwise they are not suitable for the ministry. Even the very same apostles had to remain silent, they had to wait in Jerusalem, they could not start their labour until they were filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Beloved, in our days, the Holy Spirit wants to do the same things He did yesterday. The world has not been totally evangelized because of the lack of the power of the Holy Spirit. Generally speaking, people strive more, depend more on human strength, wisdom, talent, efforts and re-sources, than on the glorious power of the Holy

In the case of our marvellous Saviour Jesus Christ, He did not come by human will, but was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was baptized by the Holy Ghost, was anointed by the Holy Spirit to minister, was offered by the Holy Spirit in His crucifixion, and was raised up by the Holy Spirit ib His resurrection.

Spirit. We forget that the Holy Spirit does more things in a few minutes, than all of us in one year working with our own stregth. We can better serve God and His Work by filling our hearts with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. When Christians humble themselves, consecrate their lives to Jesus Christ, and receive this power of the Holy Spirit, they win more souls for Jes-us Christ in a day than the ones they could win during their whole lives without that wonderful power. It is necessary for everyone, and it is a pro-mise for us all, no matter what church we belong to. Being filled with the Spirit of God is essential to live a triumphant life and bear much more fruit in the Lord’s vineyard l


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passion for theSikuani missions

In Colombia there are 90 indigenous towns across its territory. For more than 20 years the Worldwide Missionary Movement has carried out a labour of evangelism, education and social support in many communities, especially in the state of Vichada.

During the 1940s, while the world was shaken and sunk into a chaos, witnessing

the most terrible foolishness personified in an unscrupulous man named Adolfo Hitler, who was the main character of the World War II; a 17 year-old girl called Sofía Müller, paradoxically from that same man’s race, appeared.

She knew what she wanted in life: to be-come an artist, so she travelled to the U.S. The National Academy of Design in New York City was the perfect place to receive adequate trai-ning; but God had different plans for her, and

used a simple team of evangelists with trum-pets and preaching to call her attention.

In the beginning, she thought they were eccentric and inexperienced religious people, but she joined them for Bible study and soon accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ in her life. Instead of serving her own interests, she now wanted to serve the King of kings and registe-red in the National Bible Institute to study the Word of God.

With a burden to reach out to the indigenous tribes who had never heard the Gospel, she joi-

Jorge Hernán Gutiérrez from Colombia

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ned the New Tribes Mission, and in 1944 she accepted a job in the jungle of Colombia. On her way to one of the farthest parts, Sofia encounte-red an alarming surprise. The natives that were taking her in a canoe througout the thick jungle thought that she was going to cast a spell on the people, therefore, they decided to leave her and all her belongings by a river bank .

That experience of being abandoned in a fo-reign and deserted place helped Sofia a lot in her prayer life. Nervously, she prayed for two hours until God gave her the peace she needed and sent a merchant who took her where she wanted to: To Sejal, an indigenous village of the curipaco (Guainía). Then, she faced another challenge.

As part of a spiritual rite, a folk healer gave her a stew which had the most powerful poison


many other indigenous communities from the east and south of Colombia)… and the Word of God continues working, as the worthy labour begun by the “heaven-sent beautiful blond lady”, as she was so called, is thriving thanks to the passion for the missions of the Worldwide Missionary Movement.

WHAT SOMEDAY WAS BEGUN…The Missionary Work in the indigenous com-munities within the Colombian jungle has been carried out for more than 30 years. After Sis. So-fía Müller accomplished this labour of evange-lization and many indigenous people were rea-ched, a period of absence and a void was lived in the history of those communities. However, in this missionary story a missionary champion who reactivated the labour showed up: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz (founder of the WMM).

“…Positively, God opened these doors for us to come in and reach these souls with this message of power, of glory, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, as well as to reach the natives that live in the plains; most of whom have not been touched by the message of the Gospel.”**

Those words uttered by Pastor Ortiz were the result of the missionary experience with the indigenous groups of the “Llanos Orienta-les” (the eastern plains) in November of 1976. He was not the only one on this missionary adventure, but was also accompained by other brethren from Puerto Rico, Curacao, and of course, from Colombia. Representing Colom-bia was Rev. Ciro González, the National Su-pervisor at that time, Rev. Enrique Centeno

I(Left): Rev. LuisM. Ortiz (first from the left) in front of the meeting house in Villavicencio, on theirway to the airport to board the small planes that would take them to the indigenous village of Valdivia, place of the convention in 1976.

known to him because he wanted to find out if she would survive it. Unware of what was going on, she ate the stew, and only threw up some, but she survived. The folk healer was so impressed that he accepted Jesus Christ at that very same moment. Müller had been warned that these people would kill her and take all her belongings. After hearing about the curipacos’ fondness for drinking, dancing, and immorali-ty, the merchant told her: • “You won’t change them.” She replied:• “I won’t change them, but the Word of God will do

it.”*Without question, these words echo in his-

tory. It was not Sofía’s words, it was the Word of God which transformed them (no only the curipacos, but also the Sikuani–Guahibas, and

• Biblical training, appropriate lessons for pastors, leaders, ladies, gentlemen, youth, children, Sunday school teachers, and ushers.

• Wonderful worship services, weddings, baptisms, ministration of the Lord’s Supper, etc.

• Health and dental departments, manufacture of dental prostheses.• Training in the cutting and making of clothes: the indigenous sisters have completed

six levels and have learned how to make clothes for women, men, and children. Leading this work consistently are our Brother Henry Ospina and Sister Ligia Molina, with the help of sisters such as Bernarda Gomez and Pastor Rubi. Besides, 25 sewing machines have been given them (manually cranked, and foot pedaled as there is no electricity in these communities).

• Promoting the use of the Scriptures in the mother tongue. “We are positive that God wants to communicate with each person in the language of his or her heart. Thus we motivate our brethren to participate of the worship services, to present plays, and to read the Holy Scriptures in their native tongue. Presently, with a group of pastors from the communities, a doctrinal manual is being translated for the brethren who want to be baptized,” states Sister Avendaño.

• The giving of help, donations: Simple, but useful items for daily life, and other more costly ones, such as, motorbikes, electric generators, and chainsaws sent by the of-fices of the WMM in Bogota.


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>>> (who was an International Board Member of the W}MM for more than 16 years) who was called by the natives ‘Cacique Catamaraya’, in honour of a native chief they had had, among other brethren. If it is difficult to visit these com-munities in these times, in those times it was more than an odyssey.

LIVING AMONG THE INDIGENOUS COMUNITIES The proposal had been presented: Who will go to the indigenous communities in Vicha-da? On the calendar the indicated the ,month of February, 1985. Her thoughts assaulted by a divine calling that struck Sister Luz Marina Molano’s heart, who together with another sis-ter of the WMM church in the neighbourhood,

“12 de Octubre” in Bogotá, decided to accept that challenge.

They packed, Pastor Centeno bid them fa-rewell and they arrived at the place. One year, the Lord had only asked them for a year. When they arrived in Valdivia, they were welcomed with a shy ‘jaco’ (greeting). The cacique of the indigenous community, Brother Paulino, had already prepared them a bedroom in his woo-den house with roof made of moriche ( a palm tree).

They learned the native language very fast and started their ministerial labours. They be-came accostumed to cooking amidst stones, eating “mañoco,” (powder made from the cas-sava, which added to water makes a refreshing

Sikuani Children showing the presents received, handicrafts done, and the missionary group on its way to the indigenous communities of Colombia.

For Pastor Henao, the indigenous communities have a great value before God although they are ignored by some sectors. “In the redemption plan of God all the indigenous communities, people, languages and nations are inluded. The large denominations do not want to invest in the indigenous people because they are not financially profitable, sadly to say. A seed was sowed in this zone more than 50 years ago. American missionaries came in and sowed the Word, and that labour has to continue. Finally, we must keep pressing forward because we have a large number of indigenous leaders who can continue with our project in the future” l


OPINIONS “The Work has been in-volved in this labour

because we have seen the results. More than 50 leaders attended the 2nd In-digenous Convention in the community “Nuevo Jardín,” 4 hours from Cumaribo... I have seen the project yielding good results and I have seen the blessing of the Lord right there. We will continue going to Vichada for about two more years and after that we will go in another direction. We can all cooperate. If a health professional would like to get involved, help is nee-ded… the condition is total surrendering.” [1]

“We have been working for about

16 years in Vichada and we have been visiting mainly two areas: the natives and the colonials who are people who have travelled from the interior to live in Vichada and have settled towns. We have pastors among the native and the colonial communities. We have worked with them for many years preaching the Word. In the past two years, we have celebrated two indigenous conventions with an attendance between 1000 and 1200 people. A flourishing Christianity is already perceived among these people.” [2]

“It never entered my mind to get as far as

God has allowed us. We have already celebrated the second convention of the indigenous reservations in Vichada, where more than a thousand brethren came to-gether, carrying tons of aid, health services, and most valuably: the teaching of the Word of God. It is a compre-hensive work developed as a team. Each trip demands prayer, fasting, money, time, and perhaps what we all struggle with, our families, as once we leave, we are isola-ted, without communication, but to obey the Lord brings so much blessing.” [3]

“Dios tocó touched my heart and bent it

toward the missions, as I witnessed first the example of my parents, who as pastors taught me to love the missionary work. Then, my Sunday school teachers showed the same passion, including sister Marisol Avendaño with whom I visited the Sikuani commu-nities at the age of eight. Since then, the fire to share the Gospel with children and youth from vulnerable communities has been growing, thus developing a work that increases in excellence and dedication to the Lord .” [4]

[1] Rev. Humberto Henao, International Board Member and Colombian Supervisor of the M.M.M.[2] Rev. �li�io Berm��Rev. �li�io Berm��dez, Leader the Sikuani Proje�t.[3] María �ugenia Rojas, Co�leader Sikuani Proje�t.[4] Leidy María Berm�dez, Co�leader Sikuani Proje�t.

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drink) and grate poisonous cassava to take the poison out and prepare “casabe” (a sort of bread thin and round made of cassava flour).

The task of these missionaries was to teach reading and writing which they did during the day with the children; and in the evening time they shared the Word of God with the adults. But they not only taught, they also learned. “We learned so many things with them. They allowed us to accompany them on their expedi-tions… aalso we learned how to sow, fish, and hunt for animals,” discloses Sister Luz Marina.

THE FOOTPRINTS HAVE NOT BEEN ERASEDWhile some people enjoy secular comfort and waste their time and money on vain things, a group of passionate brethren from the city of Bogota, who have understood that missions are not an “optional ministry” for some hyperacti-ve Christians of the church, but the purpose of the church… have developed this project called ‘Sikuani, Passion for the Missions.’

Today, those who are leading this project are Reverend Elicio Bermudez (WMM pastor in Britalia, Bogota), his daughter Leidy Maria Bermudez, and sisters Marisol Avendaño and

Maria Eugenia Rojas. The mission team is also composed of brethren from the city and other parts of the country. Yet we cannot forget the one who has believed and has supported this initiative without hesitation is Reverend Humberto Henao, International Board Mem-ber, and the current national supervisor of the Work in Colombia.

THE TRIPS ARE VERY DIFFICULT…About 10 years ago, after a second lapse of

being ‘forgotten,’ the Lord placed in the heart of these heroines of faith: Maria Eugenia Rojas, Ne-lly Oviedo, and Marisol Avendaño, a restlessness to return to Vichada. Thus, they began a grueling 24-hour trip from Bogota to the hot Cumaribo. So the task was started, or better yet, the fire was relit and the embers burned.

The brethren of the WMM Church in Britalia entered a period of fasting and prayer asking the Almighty’s guidance for this task. The Lord was not slow to respond, two trips a year were esta-blished: one in March or April, and one in Decem-ber. Travel is very difficult due to the state of the pathways, because paved roads have never exis-ted. According to Sister Marisol the trips made during the month of December were suspended for some time by a public order act.

About five years ago the Missionary Support Group of the Work in Colombia visited the Ma-curipana II community in Vichada, and from that moment, in a special way, Reverend Humberto Henao and the headquarters of the mission have dedicated financial and human resources to sup-port this noble cause.

Little by little the group has grown, and now every missionary foray numbers nearly twenty brethren, each fulfilling a specific task.

The direction of the work in the communities is under the responsibility of Brother Mardoqueo Jiménez, bishop of The Department of Vichada, in collaboration with the pastors of the churches in the region.

Sikuani women in cutting and designing workshops that allow them to design different clothing for their use.

* Story taken from ProyectoAltar.com – Vidas Misioneras, Sofía Müller, and translated into English by Word of Inspiration Ministries** Graphic-Informative Album, Convention of Indigenous Tribes, Colombia Nov. 1976. Published by Editorial Impacto Evangelístico.

In the last missionary trip in April 2011, after travelling for 29 hours in the middle of intense rains (which still lagues the coffee country), and full of a thousand difficulties, the second glorious convention in the indigenous department of Vichada took place. On this occasion, nearly 40 indigenous communities participated, and by initiative of their pastors and leaders, the Bible Institute was established. More than 65 brethren attended this training and the first module was developed: Biblical Introduction and Biblical Geography. The director assigned by the Work for the Bible Institute was Reverend Elicio Bermudez.“We continue to fulfill the mandate of the Great Commission because we know that sooner rather than later we will gatherto worship before the Lord day and night; and there also will be brethren of every race, nation, and tribe of our country. Besides, we are confident that the purpose of the Lord is that his word be shared in an integrated manner, taking care of the spiritual, physical, social, and material aspects of those in need,” indicates Sister Marisol.


If you are willing to cooperate with this missionary work please contact the main office of the WMM in Colombia,or the missionary group in charge of the project, information: [email protected]

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Glorious Revival in

CaracasA great number of the brethren gathered in the church of the Work in Venezuela. The ministration of the Word of God was given by Reverend Epifanio Asprilla, National Board Member of the Movement in Panama.

From Monday, May 9th through Wednes-day, May 11th, the temple of the World-

wide Missionary Movement in Catia, located in the center of the capital city of Caracas, was the site of a Glorious Revival Campaign full of the blessings and the power of God. The ministration of the Word of God was gi-ven by Reverend Epifanio Asprilla, National Board Member of the Work in Panama.

The first night as much as the others, was saturated with the glory of God; the tem-ple seemed small given the large number of brethren who remained standing or were outside of the temple. The first message was titled: “Here Is Jesus.” The word spread like rushing rivers, filling every heart and encou-raging the Work in this country. God ratified by the lips of Reverend Asprilla what he has for Venezuela.

On the second night, God did not delay, and continued with a new message entitled: “A Mighty Rushing Wind,” based on the Bi-blical book of Acts 2:2. The place was over-flowing with his glory; each testimony from the preacher encouraged and strengthened

all the lives that were present. God was hea-ling, baptizing, and liberating the captives of heart.

The final and great night ended in a flourish with a theme alluding to this year’s theme “Commitment.” The message was pre-cious, and allowed us to see God’s immense love in that knowing the human condition full of faults; even so, God is still able to make commitments with people. Glory to God!

That night at the conclusion of the prea-ching, broken and in tears, lives came forward to confess Jesus Christ as their only and suffi-cient Savior. The manifestation of the power of God could also be seen through healings, one of which God worked in a sister who came with much pain in her legs and had difficulty walking, but that night the Lord healed her. Glory to God!

They were three nights of abundant bles-sing and spriritual refreshing, the Lord mo-ved and did according to His will and the disposition of each heart l

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Ladies’ Retreats in

AfricaIn the cities of Malabo and Bata, Equatorial Guinea, the work of the Lord rendered glorious activities geared towards the sisters of the congregation.

Two glorious Ladies’ Retreats were celebra-ted in Equatorial Guinea in the African Con-

tinent. One in he city of Malabo, from February 25th through March 1st, 2011; and the other in the city of Bata, from March 2nd through March 6th, 2011.

Sister Gladys Vergara, thewife of Reverend Clemente Vergara, Super-

visor of the Work in Africa, was responsible for sharing God’s message in these days of spiritual activity. She proffered important issues such as: “The Virtuous Woman Builds Her House” (Proverbs 14:1); “The Influence of a Mother and Wife;” “Prudent Abigail” (1 Samuel 25); “Debo-rah, an Undaunted Woman “(Judges 4); “See-king God” (John 12:1-18); among others.

About 60 ladies met daily in the city of Mala-bo to receive the word of God. In the evenings, around 250 brethren and pastors filled the place of worship, which was also filled with the pre-sence and the glory of God.

On the other hand, about 120 women gathe-red in the city of Bata for each of the morning ser-vices; while in the evenings when all the people of God congregated, the attendance increased

to about 500 people, including pastors and workers in this blessed Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Africa.

God also allowed Sister Gladys to illustrate the conduct of the pastors’ wives. Likewise, the spouses Vergara, Pastor Clemente and his wife

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Gladys, had the opportunity in the evenings to teach the whole family under the topics: “How To Instruct Our Children in the Fear of God” (Proverbs 22:6); “Family and Prayer “(Joshua 24:15); and also, “Proper Education In Our Ho-mes “(Proverbs 3:1-4). They were also able to minister to the husbands, taking the Bible Scrip-ture of 1st Peter 3:7. Thus, the whole Christian family was ministered by the powerful word of God.

These activities were of great impact and edi-fication to all the brethren and workers present, especially because of the participation and mi-nistration of the Holy Spirit of God confirming His word in every heart.

Without a doubt, the ladies of the Worldwi-de Missionary Movement are special to God. In Equatorial Guinea, he was pleased to mold, to equip, and to bless them, so they in turn, conti-nue to be a blessing in their homes and the work of God. Praise the Lord!

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Ladies Fellowship inCartagena

Women Committed to God” was the theme under which the glorious activity for the sisters of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Colombia began. The central temple welcomed a massive attendance.

In the historic city of Cartagena de Indias, the church of the Worldwide Missionary

Movement in Colombia held a great Ladies Fellowship from March 4th to the 6th, 2011. Zones 7, 19, 26, and 45 (the hosting zone) par-ticipated in this event with their overseers, along with the overseer of Zone 62.

This activity began under the theme, “Wo-men Committed to God,” based on the bibli-cal text of the book of Esther 4:16.

The ministration of the Word of God was

brought by Sister Carmen Valencia de Marti-nez, wife of Reverend Gustavo Martinez, the International President of the Work. During these days, Sister Carmen was a special ins-trument in the hands of God delivering a clear and convincing message. The word flowed as rushing rivers enveloping all those who were present.

The central temple of Cartagena was dee-med too small due to the massive attendance of ladies which exceeded a thousand sisters.

The event was broadcast by the Internet station MMMCENTRO of Montería, reaching different parts of the Colombian nation, and receiving reports of joy and blessings from some countries such as: Canada, the US, Mexico, Australia, Guatemala, Panama, Ecua-dor, and Haiti, among others.

Sister Carmen Martinez and the gathered overseers acknowledged the fine courtesies of the overseer of Zone 45, Reverend Carlos Arango and his wife, and also of the whole team of the area.

The Work in Cartagena de Indias is expe-riencing a precious momentum, and we know that better days are yet to come. Glory to God!

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The Work grows in

Venezuela The First Ladies Convention and the Nineteenth Youth Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement took place in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Both were very blessed by God.

Del 18 al 20 de abril de 2011 the First La-dies Convention of the Worldwide Mis-

sionary Movement was held in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It was housed in the Napoleon Rodriguez Gymnasium in the capi-tal city of the state of Lara, Barquisimeto.

It was a glorious activity full of the presen-ce and the blessings of God. Immediately after, the Worldwide Missionary Movement conti-nued with its Nineteenth Youth Convention, which concluded on Friday April 22nd, 2011.

It was blessed by representatives of the Re-public of Colombia. Sister Carmen Rodriguez was in charge of the ministration of the Word in most of the services. For reasons beyond his control, Reverend Walter Zambrano, who was the minister in charge of the youth convention, was not able to make it. Nevertheless, God worked in a very special way through Sister Carmen Rodriguez and Reverend Clemente Vergara to speak to each youth and to all who attended.

All the services were glorious, full of the power and the presence of the Lord. We firmly believe that the prophecies that God declared to the Venezuelan nation have begun to be fulfilled, when it was foretold that God would give a wellspring of young workers full of His power. The brethren and servants of the Lord flocked to this activity, in such magnitude that the meeting place became small. Each person received what God had for his or her life and ministry.

The Holy Spirit made His presence felt in a remarkable way. His outpourings were sudden and spontaneous; all the people stood to praise the Lord. The Word spread like rus-hing waters in both the day time services, as

in the evenings. At the conclusion of the prea-ching, it was extraordinary to see the number of souls receiving Christ as their only Savior. God did miracles of healing, and baptized with his Holy Spirit dozens of brethren.

A very precious aspect was that this great event was broadcast day and night over 7 countries across the Internet by several radio stations. God is doing wonderful things in this country through technology. The Lord is opening big doors in mass media such as ra-dio and television. He has begun to fulfill his promises when he said he would place in the hands of the Work of the Worldwide Missio-nary Movement the world’s most advanced and sophisticated media and we believe this is already a reality.

It was mentioned that the work has a tele-vision channel and internet radio named Te-levision Values & Radio Values, which broad-cast edifying programs from day to day that comfort the soul, and music that lifts to the presence of God. This media mode also counts on a grid of more than 16 programs for youth, children, and pastors. But most importantly, is that the Word flows in an extraordinary way.

Let us continue in victory, with renewed strength, with great expectations, and greater impetus to work in the precious Work of the Lord l

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Matrimonial Conference in

PanamaA glorious campaign, "Defending Marriage and Family," was convened for the anniversary of the Central Church in Panama. The meeting took place under the Biblical text: "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

The Central Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panamá pas-

tored by Reverend José A. Soto Benavides, In¬ternational Vicepresident, under the gui-dance of the Holy Spirit and in order to defend marriages and the family environment, organi-zed a glorious conference on “Matrimony and Family,” which was filled with the presence of God, and where the Lord strengthened the bonds of marriage.

The family conference was under the super-vision of Reverend Luis Cordero, the presbyter of Zone 13 in Costa Rica, who was accompa-nied by his wife, Sister Yamileth Cordero. The conference centered on the biblical text: “Ex-cept the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1.

This glorious campaign for the families took place from the 26th to the 29th of May concu-rring with the XXXII Anniversary of the Cen-tral Church in Panama. The event was sponso-red by the National Supervisor, Reverend José Alcides Ramea, the national board members, and the presbyters of the Work in Panama.

The main conference for the family was presented by Reverend Luis Cordero, “The Foundation of Blessings in a Marriage,” Bibli-cally based on the book of Revelation 21:10-20.

SReverend Cordero indicated that the Bi-ble talks about marriage from the beginning. The first miracle of the Lord during his minis-try was at a wedding, and the book of Reve-lation, or the end of time, closes referring to a wedding: The wedding of Christ with His church. Throughout his message, Pastor Luis Cordero referred to several foundations that strengthen marriage by comparing it with the precious stones that adorn the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem according to the book of Revelation 20:19-20.

1- The foundation of surrender: This foun-dation leads to a commitment of surrender that should be in the marriage, that is the respon-sibility of both spouses, and where there are many things to forsake for the good of the ma-rriage. It is similar to a topaz stone, which is difficult to cut.

2- The foundation of loyalty: This founda-tion is similar to the trust that must exist in a couple, and which simultaneously produces peace. It is compared to the gemstone agate.

3- The foundation of contentment: This foundation means joy, happiness, and is what should reign in the home. This foundation is

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comparable to the jasper, a stone of various co-lors.

4- The foundation of authority: This is a foundation of family service, and where the head of the household, as the authority, pro-vides a service within the family. This founda-tion is compared to the beryllium, a hard, shiny stone.

5- The foundation of consideration: This foundation implies gratitude, and both spou-ses must consider each other in the difficult circumstances of life. This foundation is com-pared to the onyx gemstone that is used in fine ornaments.

6- The foundation of fellowship: This foun-dation alludes to the necessity of having good communication in the marriage for it to be suc-cessful. It is comparable to the emerald, a pre-cious green and hard gemstone.

7- The foundation of honor: This founda-tion implies that honor must be given, which both spouses deserve within the marriage. The same is compared with the chrysoprase, a greenish stone of a purity that adorns.

8- The foundation of holiness: This founda-

tion underscores the importance of the marital relationship.

9- The foundation of caring: In this foun-dation, the man should show interest in how much or how little the wife accomplishes at home.

10- The foundation of fulfillment: This foundation underscores the primary responsi-bility of the head of the household to provide for the home, but also the blessing of support the wife can supply.

11- The foundation of conjugal duty: This foundation refers to the divine order in the marital relationship according to Genesis 2:24, where we read: a) shall leave, b) shall cleave, and c) they shall be one flesh.

Reverend Luis Cordero concluded by sa-ying that when one loves the family and the institution of marriage, there is hope for the marriage, and that marriage cannot be loved for what it gives, but for what it represents.

The family conference concluded with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on marriages, who were ministered to by the servants of the Lord.

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Tenth anniversary of the MinisterialSchool

The Ministerial and Missionary School in Panama completed a decade of training qualified people to teach doctrine. It also held its Eighth Graduation of Teachers and Instructors of Biblical Doctrines.

The Church of the Worldwide Missio-nary Movement in Panama celebrated its

Eighth Graduation of Teachers and Instruc-tors in Biblical Doctrines on May 28, 2011, at an event held in the Central Temple. Reve-rend Jose A. Soto, Director of the Ministerial and Missionary School, and Pastor José Luis Pino, Administrative Secretary, were respon-sible for such a precious assembly.

About 17 brothers of the Province of Colón amidst whom were the National Supervisor of Panama, Reverend José Alcides Ramea, his wife, presbyters, pastors, and brethren of the Atlantic Region received their diploma certi-fying them as Instructors of Biblical Doctrines. They in turn will become part of the teaching staff of the Ministerial and Missionary School in Panama.

The Honor Roll of the new Instructors of Biblical Doctrines was led by Reverend Ro-

lando Griffith, National Board Member of the Work in Panama, and the brethren Amin-ta Vega de Barrera and Epifanio Hernandez. At the same time, about 19 brethren from the Province of Panama also received their di-ploma certifying them as Teachers of Biblical Doctrines, after more than two years of stu-dying the Word of God.

The Honor Roll of the new Teachers of Biblical Doctrines was led by Sister Reyna Samudio and the Brothers Gustavo Pino Mar-tinez and Jose Serrano, respectively.

The Ministerial and Missionary School in Panama completed ten years of preparing Teachers and Instructors of Biblical Doctrines, which has been of a great blessing and growth in the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama.

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YouthMeeting in

EcuadorA event filled with the glory and the presence of God was the 16th National Youth Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement held in the twon of San Lorenzo, province of Esmeralda.

From the17th to the 20th of March, the 16th National Youth Convention was cele-

brated in Zone 06, in San Lorenzo, Province of Esmeraldas. The activity was conducted un-der the theme: “The Teacher Is Here and Calls You,” taken from the Biblical text of John 11:28.

Youth groups from several provinces of the country gathered for this activity. Numbered among which were delegations of Pichincha, Santo Domingo, Carchi, Chimborazo, Orellana, Napo, Esmeraldas, Manabí, Los Ríos, El Oro, Santa Elena, Guayas, and others. Also included was a group of thirteen pastors from different provinces, including the group of pastors of the zone.

In this convention, God used Reverend Aris Solís, evangelistic pastor of the Work in the de-partment of Cesar, Republic of Colombia, to bring the message in each service.

It was wonderful to see the young people in each service seeking the face of God. They were not disappointed because the Holy Spirit mani-fested himself in a great way.

The topics were diverse, some of them entit-led: “Youth We Are Going to Overcome Giants”, “The Youth Who Yearns”, “The Youth Seeking Models”, “The Lord Will Perfect That Which

Concerneth Me,” among others. “Courtship and Marriage Affect Your Calling” was another topic that explained how the young often make decisions with which parents, pastors, and the church do not agree, and many times with which even God does not agree; and how it may affect the future and plans God has for him or her. The preacher emphasized the steps to take to having a happy home in the will of God.

From the first night and during the following days of the convention, God shed His glory, and many young people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour. This activity brought tremendous results for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Reverend Yovan Armijos, National Supervi-sor of the Work in Ecuador, thanked the efforts of the overseers and pastors of the zone for such a glorious event.

Thus ended an activity that left its imprint on the lives of those who strove to go, regard-less of the distances, or tremendous expenses, originated by this activity. In addition, we know that in the not too distant future, we will see the fruits of this powerful Word that was sown on good soil, the hearts of the youth of Ecuador. Amen l

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EuropeanFellowship Meeting in

The 2nd Fellowship Meeting in Brussels gathered delegations from Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and the hosting country. It opened under the theme: Where is the God of Elijah? The glory of God was present there.

The Worldwide Missionary Movement in Belgium held the 2nd European Fe-

llowship Meeting in the city of Brussels, from May 17th to the l 8th. In addition to the hosting country, delegations from Ger-many, Holland, and Switzerland attended.

This glorious Fellowship Meeting be-gan under the theme: “Where is the God of Elijah?”Inspired by the Biblical text of the 2nd Book of Kings 2:9. During those days, the attendance was about 120 people.

The preachers for each service were pastors: Jimy Ramírez (Switzerland), Leo-nel Cedeño (Bergamo, Italy), and Hugo Lo-pez (Italy). The Word of God was mighty; the messages touched each person’s heart, and brought much blessing for all the at-tendees.

Some of the topics discussed during those days were: “Ask What You Want” and “7 Signs God Performed Through Eli-jah.” The glory of God was poured out on the people of God and many of the visitors.

During the missionary message the preacher focused on: “God has not for-saken His people; He is listening to our cla-mour and He will do great things in each country according to His holy and perfect will, particularly in Europe. We have to continue trusting in Him, we have to con-tinue crying out, waiting for and being as faithful as Elijah, and we have to build up an altar of worship as Abraham did.”

When the 2nd European Fellowship Meeting was over, the results were tre-mendous as it is in every place where God is pleased.

We hope, very soon, from August 3rd to the 7th, 2011, to experience God’s pre-sence in a greater way in the 1st European Congress of the Worldwide Missionary Movement whose motto is: “Committed to Magnify His Work” (Job 36:24). This mega event will be held at Auditorium Hotel, in the Kingdom of Spain. We will be waiting for you! God bless you!

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Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

July 2011 / Edition N° 691(USPS 012-850)


The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World.

PUBLISHED MONTHLY BYMovimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc

World-Wide Missionary Movement, IncSan Juan, Puerto Rico

Washington, D.C.

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OFICIALES DEL M.M.M. INC.INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF THE W.M.M. INC.Rev. Gustavo Martínez PresidentRev. José Soto Vice-presidentRev. Jorge Álvarez SecretaryRev. Rodolfo González TreasurerRev. Álvaro Garavito DirectorRev. Margaro Figueroa DirectorRev. Rómulo Vergara DirectorRev. Humberto Henao Director


ArgentinaArubaAustraliaBelgiumBelizeBoliviaBonaireBrazilCameroonCanadaCanaries Islands(Spain)ChileColombiaCongoCosta RicaCuracaoDominican RepublicEcuadorEl SalvadorEnglandEnglish Guyana Equatorial GuineaFranceFrench GuyanaGabonGermanyGhanaGuatemalaHaiti

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Worldwide Circulation: 200,000 copies

The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a nonprofit religious organization properly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Washington D.C. with headquarters in both cities and in each state of the American Union, as well as in other countries where we have missionary works established.

n ImportantOfferings, cash donations, gifts in goods or commodities, real state given by will in favor of the Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. are tax deductible and the receipts expedited by the Worldwide Missionary Movement may be presented to the U.S. Federal Government I.R.S. and the Associated Free State of Puerto Rico I.R.S.

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The contents of this publication are properly registered at the Library of Congress, Washing-ton D.C., USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The complete or partial reproduction of the contents of this magazine or its translation to other languages is prohibited without the express written consent of the MOVIMIENTO MISIONERO MUNDIAL, INC. also known as the WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, INC. According to international agreements, copyright infringement is punishable by law.

n OUR DOCTRINEThe Worldwide Missionary Movement firmly adheres to the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Scriptures such as:

• The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21. • Divine Godhead in Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Matthew 3:16, 17; 17:1-5; 28:19; John 17:5, 24, 26; 16:32; 14:16, 23; 18:5, 6; 2 Peter 1:17, 18; Revelation 5.

• Salvation by Faith in Christ:Luke 24:47; John 3:16; Romans 10:13-15; Titus 2:11; 3:5-7.

• The New Birth: John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9.

• Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7.

• Baptism in Water by immersion as ordered by Christ: Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39.

• Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salva-tion, speaking in other tongues accordingly: Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:4.

• Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16, 17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15.

• The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

• The Fruit of the Holy Spirit:Galatians 5:22-26.

• Sanctification:1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; Hebrews 12:14;1 Peter 1:15, 16; 1 John 2:6.

• Church Ministry and Evangelism:Mark 16:15-20; Romans 10:15.

• Tithing and the Financial Support of the Church: Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21-26; Malachi 3:7-10; Matthew 10:10; 23:23.

• The Rapture of the Church:Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52;1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

• The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9; Matthew 24:30, 31;2 Thessalonians 1:7; Titus 2:13; Jude 14, 15.

• The Millennial Reign of Christ: Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:5-10; Zechariah 9:10; Revelation 19:20; 20:3-10.

• The New Heavens and the New Earth: Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Reve-lation 21:1.

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ON THE 18TH of June, 2011, in the city of Danlí,

El Paraíso Township, on the Church premises, Bible Institute Elim (BIE) of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Honduras held its Second Graduation.Students from seven countries participated in this event: Honduras as host country, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, and Mexico. The students successfully completed their Bible studies, and 39 brethren received their end of course diploma. "We Come to Learn, We Leave to Serve" was the theme of the event. The event counted with the participation of the pastors, Reverend Manuel Zúñiga, Supervisor Missionary of the WMM in Central America; Alberto Rivera, staff member of BIE, and Pastor in Puerto Rico; Ramon Luis Aponte, International Director of BIE; Dan Moyeno Rios, Pastor in Puerto Rico; Juan Casiano, Pastor in Puerto Rico; and Roberto Cuadrado, Director of Basic BIE. Before the presentation of diplomas, the powerful word of God was revealed by the lips of Reverend Zuñiga, based on the Biblical book of Numbers 27:15, and Joshua 1:1. This time the theme was "Taking Responsibility."


THE CHURCH of the Worldwide Missionary

Movement in the Republic of Ecuador from the 23rd to the 27th of May developed a Bible Seminar on Ministerial Ethics. The city of Buena Fe, in the Province Los Rios, in the Presbytery Zone 2, was the place of such a glorious activity.Reverend Rubén Concepción, International Board Member and teacher of the Bible Institute Elim, came from Puerto Rico to teach the lessons in this seminar. God used him in a special way for the training of the clergy. This Bible Seminar was aimed to all the workers of the Lord and was very uplifting. The pastors made an effort to attend both the morning and afternoon classes all week. God blessed these days with his gracious presence, providing His workers with what they needed.Reverend Rubén Concepción ministered in this course of ministerial training throughout the week. God reward the commendable work and commitment of this man of God. At the conclusion of the seminar, all the workers went back to their respective places of work, but with new goals and a greater understanding of the Gospel. Amen


THE MINISTERIAL body of the Worldwide Missionary

Movement in the United States gathered for a glorious Retreat of the Workers in Orlando, Florida. The venue was the WordSpring Discovery Center, which opened its doors to such glorious activity from the 26th to the 29th of April. During these four days the subjects taught were: "Making Decisions,” by Reverend Carlos Guerra, the National Supervisor in the United States; “Tools for the Growth and Development of the Work," by Reverend Arturo Hernandez, a National Board Member and the Presbyter of Michigan of Zone 4; "Child Abuse" by Reverend Benito Green, Presbyter of New York in Zone 6; and "Breaking Boundaries," by Pastor Erick Murillo, a pastor in Costa Rica.In the midst of this spiritual activity, those present offered up a day of fasting for the whole work, for the International Board Members, and for the American nation.We take this opportunity to thank the brethren of the WMM Church in Orlando with their pastor, Reverend Alba N. Rolon, for their hospitality and cooperation for the success of this glorious meeting.

UNITED STATESNational Retreat of the Workers

THE CHURCH of María Chiquita, located in Costa Arriba, in the

province of Colon, held a powerful baptism ceremony on April 17th, where several brethren went down to the baptismal waters, thus fulfilling the mandate established by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in

the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20.We thank God for this great victory given to the church of Maria Chiquita where the pastor is Reverend Guillermo Valdes, National Secretary of the Youth in Panama.We encourage new members to continue in the Lord and to uphold those standards of morality and holiness in which they were instructed. Advancing until Christ comes!

PANAMABaptisms in María Chiquita