In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


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Page 1: Evalutation

In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Page 2: Evalutation

Front CoverThe orange tag under neither the header displays the price and issue date, also on the opposite side their is a barcode. These make the magazine sellable as they have the features of a real media product.

Most of sell lines are placed down the right side of the page so they follow the rule of thirds, this is used in almost every magazine I have researched. They are also commonly placed around the face/image so blend on the cover.

The masthead is displayed in the header as that is typically the place for it to be on any other magazine I have seen. This would be as it is the first place the eye looks at on the page.

The main image is light with a bright background, also there is direct eye contact to the reader which is a lot of music magazines to give a positive and honest impression of the artist.

The main sell lines are commonly placed in their own box or coloured shape to signify their importance and so noticed quickly. Therefore I decided to use this idea on my magazine for the main cover lines in a coloured box, however I have made them partly transparent so they are not too bold or overpowering.

I have added a footer to hold the basic information of the magazine which helps to give a slight border to the page also with a coloured border.

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Contents PageThe idea of there being an editors message on the contents page is something I found to be interesting and useful for my music magazine.This piece of writing is the linked with an image to balance out the amount of text on the page.

Sections of the contents page have been put in boxes with patterned borders to separate the information and add more colour and interesting display to the page. This is found in other popular magazines.

The header holds the title of the page which is written using the same font type and colour of the magazine title, this created a theme within the magazine which is a common conversion found.

Underneath the header is placed a smaller version of the magazine title so it is repeated and then becomes more rememorable to the reader.

Down the right hand side of the page is a list of the topics and features which will be found in the magazine, this idea is used in every magazine on the contents page to give an introduction and summary into what it is about and what to expect.

I added smaller images to the page to make it more aesthetically pleasing, this helps to give a visual idea to the text and adds more informal personality to the magazine to create the happy/enjoyable theme it wishes.

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Double Page SpreadThe main image takes over the whole of the left page, this to make sure that their is an equal amount of imagery to text. Also it creates a visual idea of the article, it helps to show the artists spoken about and display an impression of the to the reader so gain interest. Using eye contact makes a direct link and friendly feel to the reader such as others do.

I have added another smaller clip of the magazines title in the footer to create a common theme and links the pages together. This is included with the website and twitter page, this feature frequently used makes the magazine more interactive for the reader.

The text is all placed on the right hand page, this is used for most magazine I have researched. I also noticed that the text is usually separated into two columns so it is not too overpowering for the reader. Including a smaller image withing the text adds more shape and is an aesthetic way of showing information to complement the text.