1 st draft evaluation


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1st draft evaluation

Page 2: Evaluations

The main thing that stands out to me about my product design is the colours. They match the Irn Bru colour scheme but yet the tin looks totally different. Also, I like the way the colours are set out as it differs from many other tins, having the top and bottom a different colour to the middle. Another thing I like about my design is the font used for the ‘Irn Bru 32’. It is quirky, bold and eye catching just like other Irn Bru product designs, everything needs to jump out at you.

Things that I would consider changing and/or improving would be changing the font style on the ‘wakey wakey!’ part to a less space consuming font such as Arial Black (like in the flat plan design). This is so that I can make the font bigger so it would wrap around most of the tin so that there is less blank space. Also, I could make some of the drop shadows more defined so that words really pop off the page. Another way of improving my tin could be to add a bit more white to it to make the colours more varied and fitting to Irn Bru. A final thing

that I can add is the company logo because it features on every Irn Bru product.

Page 3: Evaluations

2nd draft evaluation

Page 4: Evaluations

On the 2nd draft of my tin’s design there is more space that I have used up. I have done this by putting the logo of the company in the bottom left hand corner. This was good because I filled up more space but also kept a traditional theme throughout all Irn Bru products. I also added the ‘great tasting stimulation’ text to the actual tin whereas on the flat plan design I just defined the drop shadow more to make it stand out better. Also, I like the fact that now I have changed the font for the tag line it stands out more and fills more space.

I could make some improvements by making the ‘great tasting stimulation’ text at the top of the can bigger and also make it fit to the shape of the tin by warping it. I could also maybe fill some more space around the ‘32’ by adding some of the designs from normal Irn Bru tins but faintly in the background, just to fill some space. I could do this by cutting them from pictures of Irn Bru tins using the polygonal lasso and then placing them onto my own design and lowering the opacity.