In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation question one front cover page

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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The masthead of a magazine is very important as it reflects the magazine as a whole and has to be the biggest text within the front cover. Originally, I was going to follow the convention of putting the masthead behind the main image, however, when I attempted this, you couldn’t read what the word said which is ‘Sparkles’. This encouraged me to challenge this convention and position the masthead in front of the main image. Allowing the target market to see what the word says clearly.

I also chose the word ‘Sparkles’ as I believe it represents the genre of pop. While researching what my masthead should be, I wanted to be outside the box instead of using a basic masthead such as ‘World of Pop’ which was what one of the options was. I wanted to challenge the usually conventions of masthead such as ‘Top of the Pops’ and ‘We Love Pop’ which all include pop within the masthead. I came up with sparkle as sparkle can be defined as a glittering flash of light which is what I wanted my magazine to be. Sparkle can also be associated with things that relate to a pop magazine such as Sparkling Makeup/Nail polish and Sparkling colours/texts. It can also be defined as shining brightly and as my magazine is pop, it will be quite bright as this is a convention of pop.

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Main Image

The image used within my front cover is the most important as it’s the picture that the target market directly see. I wanted to use an image that had direct address with the market (eye contact) which engages the reader and represented pop within the image. I chose this image to my other photos as the boom box is a prop frequently used within pop. I also made the model wear pink glasses which is also a convention of pop due to the colour of the glasses. The way the model is positioned also reflects the main cover line of this magazine. She is biting into the boom box which reflects the cover line ‘Kayleigh Bites Back’.

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Main Cover Line

When deciding what the cover line was going to be, I wanted to use something which reflected the main image. As the main image is my model biting into the boom box, I decided on ‘Kayleigh Bites Back’. I got some inspiration from ‘Top of the Pops’ when deciding how to present my main cover line. I wanted to use colours which were the conventions of pop such as bright bold colours. I also used a basic front (Arial) as within most pop magazines I researched, this was the font that was used within the main articles. It grabs the audiences attention due to the contrast and brightness of colours.

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Selling LineA selling line is a convention used within magazines, especially pop. When researching existing pop magazines such as ‘We Love Pop’, they included selling lines. I made sure to follow this convention as my selling line could potentially be what encourages my target market to purchase my magazine. A selling line is usually short which is what I made sure to include, however, I wanted to describe the whole of my magazine in my selling line by including the main topics which are constantly included within my magazine issues. I made my selling line pink as the selling line is the magazine as a whole and as it is pop, I think pink would reflect the genre within the selling line. I also didn’t use an ordinary font but used one which could be described as fun and as someone claimed within my post production feedback ‘funky;.

‘We Love Pop’ selling line

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Issue, Date & Price

A main convention of magazines which is used in most are the issue number, date and price. They need to be noticeable but not to obvious and shouldn’t take attention away from the rest of the magazine front cover. I included this within my front cover and I believe it did it well as it was subtle and the reader is able to see it as the font is not to small but the front is not to big so that it overshadows the rest of the front cover.

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Cover Lines

My cover lines reflect the content within the magazine and attracts the reader to read the magazine which is why the cover lines are so important. The cover lines which I included are all the same font to avoid the page looking messy and unorganised with a cluttered layout. At the beginning, I had the issue of getting my cover lines noticed as the models hair was affecting the colour of the font, however, I changed it to pink so it was more noticeable. While researching and planning, I noticed that words such as ‘EXPOSED’ and ‘EXCLUSIVE’ were words constantly used within pop magazine front cover line so I made sure to include this convention within my own front over. I used rectangles to make these words stand out more as this may attract my target market to purchase my magazine. I also made sure my cover lines were aligned as this is another convention used within front covers.

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Posters were a unique aspect which isn't the usually convention of magazines but the usual convention of pop magazines. During my audience research, posters was something most of my audience wanted and

would expect to see within a pop magazine. Also, during my research and planning, all the pop magazines which I researched, included posters. I decided to follow this convention in order to reflect the genre of pop in

a more evident way. This aspect is usually presented within the end of the page which is where I have positioned mine.

We Love Pop

Top of the Pops

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A barcode is a convention present in every front cover regardless of the genre. I have included this within my front cover in order to make it look more professional. I made sure to make it an appropriate size and put it in the position which magazines usually position it in.

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Left third

Originally, I had everything positioned within right, however, I decided to do a left third as this is what my target market are most likely to see first. This is why I included most the cover lines within the left third so this is what they will see first and what will most likely attract them.

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The colours used in pop magazines are stereotypically and conventionally bright and feminine. I followed this convention with the use of pinks which was the colour scheme within my whole magazine task. I also contrasted yellow and pink to make the main cover line stand out the most among the other cover lines which is something in which I think I succeed in.

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In Conclusion….

Main cover line


Direct Address

Left third

White Background

Oval/rectangle shapes

Bright Colours