Evaluation Question 2: How does your film represent particular social groups? How is gender represented in your film opening and how does your film represent particular social groups? The film opens up with an asynchronous diegetic soundtrack where our femme fatale character walks into the screen. This soundtrack is very upbeat and quite harsh to create an enigmatic effect as this mysterious woman walks onto the set, due to this its shows a very modern representation of woman due to the harsh sound creates by the drums which would traditionally represent a masculine sound. Within our film opening there are clear indications which show our femme fatale character becoming a very traditional yet modern aspect of the female gender. She both shows demonstrations of the traditional representation with her physical appearance such as a fitted costume of a fluffy white coat, fitted black skirt and a tucked in white shirt. Her costume shows aspects of success and sophistication which influences a modern representation of women towards a modern audience who can relate to her character physically through her look. However it also suggests a very traditional sense of women through her curvy bodily figure

Evaluation Question 2

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question 2textual analysis of my film opening

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Evaluation Question 2:

How does your film represent particular social groups?

How is gender represented in your film opening and how does your film represent particular social groups?

The film opens up with an asynchronous diegetic soundtrack where our femme fatale character walks into the screen. This soundtrack is very upbeat and quite harsh to create an enigmatic effect as this mysterious woman walks onto the set, due to this its shows a very modern representation of woman due to the harsh sound creates by the drums which would traditionally represent a masculine sound.

Within our film opening there are clear indications which show our femme fatale character becoming a very traditional yet modern aspect of the female gender. She both shows demonstrations of the traditional representation with her physical appearance such as a fitted costume of a fluffy white coat, fitted black skirt and a tucked in white shirt. Her costume shows aspects of success and sophistication which influences a modern representation of women towards a modern audience who can relate to her character physically through her look. However it also suggests a very traditional sense of women through her curvy bodily figure which is clearly exposed through her clothing; indicating a very seductive look which may influence a more traditional appearance of woman.

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There are further showings of the belittlement of women through the use of several track up shots. With this it hides her identity to create an enigmatic effect within the film opening. On the other hand by creating this enigma affect this way it gives her character a loss of identity which then interprets the idea of a traditional representation of women by hiding them from the audience's eyes. This mysterious effect is further shown through the dim lighting used within the opening which further hides this character away from the screen belittling her femme fatality.

Furthermore in the editing we use a ghost like effect to create a dizzy effect, this reinforces the man’s weakness to imply a modern representation of men. This then further indicates our femme fatale character to give a modern representation by having control over her male victim. This shows similarity to the 1946 film ‘Gilda’ showing her upper hand over men with her beauty to control the male gender.

Moreover, the setting that our femme fatale character is set in an office to further imply her success and sophistication in her work influenced environment. Due to this it demonstrates a modern representation of women by giving her superiority through the visual fact of having her own office. Furthermore, this office space, due to the lack of props used, shows a sense of tidiness and organisation skills to imply a traditional representation of women as a result of her cleanliness within her office space. Moreover it adds an enigmatic effect by having a lack of props which may imply her hiding something and having a second identity.

In our film we tried to largely influence women as a strong gender in different to common gangster films. We wanted to show our male characters to come across

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much weaker in comparison to show a modern representation of women becoming a lot more intelligent and dominant over the male race. We did this by using different connotations of film noir with a traditional viewpoint of women with their traditional seductive influences to give her the upper hand over the male race. However we wanted to twist it slightly by her using this upper hand to trick men in becoming obsessed with her until she was bored with them. This is shown through her male victim setting up the table to indicate him catering her by cooking a meal.

However due to her eventual boredom with this man she shows off her sneaky feminine intelligence by poisoning him.

This shows the unpredictability of women reinforcing a modern representation of women by removing the stereotypical label of the innocence of females to give them power and control over the traditional domineering gender of men.

In addition to our film opening we use a bold white thin font titles to expand our feminine power within the film. The use of a thin font demonstrates to the audience a feminine look to the film credits to add their domination.

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The contrast in the colour scheme enhances the contrast between light and dark such as the white symbolising the traditional female innocence and the rouged red to symbolise the idea of danger and seduction of women.

These are a few conventions in which we show the different works of traditional social groups of men and women and how we challenge them to reinforce a modern representation of them.