HOW DOES YOUR PRODUCT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS? My magazine represents 13-16 year old girls who have a keen interest in pop music. It does this by the artists/bands featured, colour scheme, language, camera shots and mise-en-scene. For example the artists I have chosen to be the main feature are an all girl pop group the Spice Girls. This represents my audience well As it is the music that they may listen too, as pop is a popular genre amongst young teenage girls. They are also a pop group that have reunited and come back, recapturing peoples love for them also representing the older group of people who liked the music when they first came out. Their costumes also represent and appeal to the audience. For example the leopard print top, pink dress and lollipop prop, are all quite young and girly. This also matches the colour scheme of the magazine of pink, purple and white. This again represents social group of young teenage girls, as the colours are very girly and will appeal to that particular audience. The camera shots of the images I have used also capture the social group/audience I am catering for. Especially the article page, this is because the group shot shows the girls as being very care free

Evaluation question 2

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SOCIAL GROUPS?My magazine represents 13-16 year old girls who have a keen interest in pop music. It does this by the artists/bands featured, colour scheme, language, camera shots and mise-en-scene. For example the artists I have chosen to be the main feature are an all girl pop group the Spice Girls. This represents my audience well As it is the music that they may listen too, as pop is a popular genre amongst young teenage girls. They are also a pop group that have reunited and come back, recapturing peoples love for them also representing the older group of people who liked the music when they first came out. Their costumes also represent and appeal to the audience. For example the leopard print top, pink dress and lollipop prop, are all quite young and girly. This also matches the colour scheme of the magazine of pink, purple and white. This again represents social group of young teenage girls, as the colours are very girly and will appeal to that particular audience. The camera shots of the images I have used also capture the social group/audience I am catering for. Especially the article page, this is because the group shot shows the girls as being very care free and letting themselves go. This matches the audience as they are young and don’t particularly have any stresses at that point in life like exams, or university. Their expression/pose also adds to the carefree atmosphere of the article, again representing the social group as young and happy. The language used also represents the social group of young teenage girls. It is very simple and fun such as ‘Absolutely’, ‘excited’ and ‘amazing’ that is easy for the audience to read.