Evaluation Kiran Raza

Evaluation q4

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Evaluation Kiran Raza

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4. What Have You Leant About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

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Video CamcorderThroughout the whole course I was able to use video camcorder effectively and shoot the required footage needed for our thriller opening. We were also able to obtain all the required shots through various techniques using tripod. One of these shots included panning, I learnt that I had to keep the camera steady and use the handle of the tripod to move it around to create the perfect distorted shot to leave the audience feeling puzzled and to add a sense of mystery within our thriller opening.

I was also able to capture some pictures from visiting several locations using my digital camera. This helped in building up my research.

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The Digital Camera I used in order to take pictures of the locations we visited and the

locations in which we filmed our footage for our film ‘Blind Premonitions’.

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Final cut- I learnt a lot about the programmed final cut throughout the AS media course and constructing the preliminary task and thriller opening. Ii was able to cut all the clips so we are left with the required scenes we needed in order to blend all the videos together so they were able to flow therefore look more professional. All the videos were cut down and blended together to form the final and full thriller opening.

- I was also able to add different transitions and effects to give our film variety and add more of a supernatural vibe and a sense of creepiness. This is used when the ‘mystery girl’ is seen looking distorted which leaves the audience questioning whether she is real or not or if the girl standing on the platform is just having ‘Blind’ Premonitions.

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A variety of transitions were also used make the film flow better, I found out the most useful transitions which were pretty basic were, fade in and fade out. These added simplicity within our film and didn’t make it too complex as an overload of transitions would have made the sequence look unprofessional and almost ‘cheap’ and ‘tacky’. Therefore I learnt that simplicity was the key in making an effecting opening sequence to a thriller film.

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- I was also able to download sound extracts from a secondary source, convert them into the required file and then import them into final cut express. We were then able to fit them in and around our scenes to make them blend together and have the music in synch with the movements which are taking place within our thriller opening, giving it more of a surreal concept.

Overall I was able to grasp the basic concepts of ‘Final Cut Express’, as I began to have a lot of experience through the experimentation done from when editing the preliminary exercise to the final task of producing an opening to a thriller.

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I also became familiar with other programmes on the internet such as Prezi and Slideshare. Slideshare enabled me to upload my research and evaluation PowerPoint's onto my blog using an embedded code. This made sure my work was organized in a suitable manner and presented neatly without it being overcrowded. Prezi also enabled me to create PowerPoint's using various techniques, I was able to import pictures from my research and incorporate them within my presentations to make it more interesting and appealing for those looking through it. As well as this it helped me to build up my research and keep on track as to what I had left to do on my checklist.

Prezi And Slideshare

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Prezi Screengrabs.

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Slideshare Screengrabs.