What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This film wouldn’t be produced in a Hollywood studio. This is because it will be a relatively low budget film, and going to Hollywood to film it in a studio would require a large budget and a huge production company such as paramount. Instead, this film could be produced by a British film company such as Hammer films, a British horror company. This would keep the filming and production relatively local (as the company is based in London), and would be easy to film in England, keeping costs low. Hammer films has also previously produced films similar to ours, such as ‘Demons of the mind’.

There is a possibility that the film could be released as a ‘TV movie’. This is because the movie would then be widely distributed to homes across Britain, and may get a larger audience than if it were released in cinemas. Also, the film will be a quite low budget production, so it may be more suited to TV release as oppose to some of the bigger films that are released in theatres.

The film would not be released as an art house movie. This is because art house movies are targeted at niche audiences and only appeal to small audiences. This film is targeted at the whole of British teenagers, and would suit a more public release, as oppose to being released in one or two small theatres that people only know of because of word of mouth. Also, art house movies tend to focus less on the scene and props, and more on the characters thoughts and emotions. This movie relies quite heavily on the use of location and props, and therefore isn't suited as an art house movie.

• An internet only release is a possibility for this film, because of the target audience. Since the film is targeted at teenagers (who are very likely to use the internet on a regular basis) an internet release would be an effective way of getting the film straight to the target audience. It could also be advertised on popular social networking sites such as facebook or myspace to spread the word about the film, as viral marketing would be the most likely form of advertisement to reach a large number of teenagers.

A good reason for releasing this film is that it fits well into the classic horror genre, and would hopefully appeal to any die hard horror fans immediately. It would also have the potential to have merchandise created (such as t-shirts or jackets) related to the movie. This could help the movie fit into particular social groups, such as the way many other horror films such as the nightmare on elm street fit into the Goth / punk teenager stereotype.

• I think the best way to distribute our horror film would be to release it on the internet. This is because it is set in a graveyard and is a cult horror, which would immediately appeal to the teenage audience (most of whom are online a lot of the time). Also the main characters are teenagers, so the audience can relate to the characters. By releasing it on the internet, viral marketing on websites such as facebook or myspace becomes a simple way to direct the target audience straight to the film, and the fact that the audience wont have to pay a theatre to see the film makes it more accessible to the target audience.