Evaluation 6 The use of so many different technology that I have used within my product has increased my knowledge on how each program operates and how effective just a small program can be in helping to create a magazine such as Photoshop can change many aspects of your photo to make it seem more interesting as well as making your image seem perfect for your page with tools such as red eye reduction.

Evaluation 6

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Evaluation 6

The use of so many different technology that I have used within my product has increased my knowledge on how each program

operates and how effective just a small program can be in helping to create a magazine such as Photoshop can change many aspects of your photo to make it seem more interesting as well as making your image seem perfect for your page with tools such as red eye


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Digital camera

• I used a digital camera to take my photos and the resolution was 10 mega pixels this was used to take my although I did not get the perfect shot every time I was able to take a variety of shots and the quality was good enough to make the pictures seem more from a genuine magazine

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• Photoshop was used to make my camera pictures change into magazine quality pictures when taking my pictures I encountered many problems such as red eye in my pictures and the pictures were too dark but with the use of photoshop I was able to overcome these problems as on Photoshop I was able to change the brightness/contrast to take the image from bright to more dark to help with the hip hop genre

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• Another problem I found that when I took my images later on at night the image would have red eyes

• But I was able to solve the solution with the red eye tool

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InDesign • This program is what made the magazine look the way it

did it helps in creating other things such as leaflets and business cards and has tools specially built to help create a magazine look better InDesign gave you a basic template and let you put your title and image in and let you experiment with them to move around and make your magazine look better with this program I have learnt how to create a magazine from scratch and how much InDesign can help with the tweaking of the magazine to make it look Perfect and with the program you are able to make the magazine look very professional this program was used the most and apart from my images and word this is what created my magazines looks.

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www.blogger.com• This website was used to store all of my research and

once it was all on my blog I was able to go back and read it while creating my magazine blogger is a online book which contained all of my work this website made it very easy to go on while doing my magazine this website was also very helpful in keeping my work organized as it kept dates of when it was entered so I knew when I did each work and also helped me when I had to go back and use my information when using word t create my double page particle using blogger has helped me understand how all of the internet blogs work and made me realize how helpful this website can be to help keep organized.

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Microsoft word

• Microsoft word was used to create my double page article I knew about Microsoft word and I know exactly how it functions so I didn’t learn anything from suing this as I already use it frequently but this still helped me with perfecting my mistakes from my article and made sure no spelling and punctuation was wrong.