Common SenseCommon Sense 1| Page Common Sense Europe: Too Much Germany and Not Enough Britain? On May 10, Angela Merkel hosted her French counterpart, François Holland, in the German coastal city of Stralsund. The event was planned as a show of unity, with joint statements on the future of the Euro and the Union’s response to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. And after 20 hours of discussions, the two did indeed hammer out some common positions they could sell to the press and their publics as a demonstration that all was well 1 . But in fact, the mood between the two “motors of Europe” was better reflected by the iron grey skies over the Baltic port. There are a number of reasons for pessimism in the partnership. France continues to face economic and fiscal challenges despite indications of growth in Europe as a whole. And the worse is far from over: there is a serious risk of deflation across the continent, with some nations like Spain already experiencing it in core prices 2 . Deflation will increase the debt burden on the periphery economies that are already suffering from debttoGDP ratios well above 100%, regardless of the substantial drop in sovereign bond rates these countries have recently benefited from. Berlin and Paris remain at loggerheads over the value of the Euro: France wants to weaken the exchange rate to benefit her exports, while Germany is comfortable with the current level, knowing that the single currency is undervalued against an independent Deutsch Mark. ECB President Mario Draghi has promised aggressive action against deflationary risk should the situation continue into June, but so far his organization has followed the Germany position of leaving interest rates where they are. 3 European union or zollverein? At the heart of this acerbic debate is the markedly differential performance of the 27 member states since the crisis. While GDP growth has returned to most markets, in many it can only be described as anemic. The margin between growth and recession is narrow enough in these markets to be

Europe Little Britain

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Common Sense Europe:  Too  Much  Germany  and  Not  Enough  Britain?  

On  May  10,  Angela  Merkel  hosted  her  French  counterpart,  François  Holland,  in  the  German  coastal  city  of  Stralsund.  The  event  was  planned  as  a  show  of  unity,  with  joint  statements  on  the  future  of  the  Euro  and  the  Union’s  response  to  the  ongoing  crisis  in  Ukraine.  And  after  20  hours  of  discussions,  the  two  did  indeed  hammer  out  some  common  positions  they  could  sell  to  the  press  and  their  publics  as  a  demonstration  that  all  was  well1.  But  in  fact,  the  mood  between  the  two  “motors  of  Europe”  was  better  reflected  by  the  iron  grey  skies  over  the  Baltic  port.  


There  are  a  number  of  reasons  for  pessimism  in  the  partnership.  France  continues  to  face  economic  and  fiscal  challenges  despite  indications  of  growth  in  Europe  as  a  whole.  And  the  worse  is  far  from  over:  there  is  a  serious  risk  of  deflation  across  the  continent,  with  some  nations  like  Spain  already  experiencing  it  in  core  prices2.  Deflation  will  increase  the  debt  burden  on  the  periphery  economies  that  are  already  suffering  from  debt-­‐to-­‐GDP  ratios  well  above  100%,  regardless  of  the  substantial  drop  in  sovereign  bond  rates  these  countries  have  recently  benefited  from.  Berlin  and  Paris  remain  at  loggerheads  over  the  value  of  the  Euro:  France  wants  to  weaken  the  exchange  rate  to  benefit  her  exports,  while  Germany  is  comfortable  with  the  current  level,  knowing  that  the  single  currency  is  undervalued  against  an  independent  Deutsch  Mark.  ECB  President  Mario  Draghi  has  promised  aggressive  action  against  deflationary  risk  should  the  situation  continue  into  June,  but  so  far  his  organization  has  followed  the  Germany  position  of  leaving  interest  rates  where  they  are.3  

European  union  or  zollverein?  

At  the  heart  of  this  acerbic  debate  is  the  markedly  differential  performance  of  the  27  member  states  since  the  crisis.  While  GDP  growth  has  returned  to  most  markets,  in  many  it  can  only  be  described  as  anemic.  The  margin  between  growth  and  recession  is  narrow  enough  in  these  markets  to  be  

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Common Sense attributable  to  additional  government  deficit  spending,  as  is  the  case  in  Spain,  or  one  off  corrections,  as  is  the  case  in  Greece.  Most  countries  in  Europe  have  not  yet  recovered  their  pre-­‐crisis  (2008)  GDP  levels;  and  some  are  still  below  their  2005  GDP  levels.4  


    %  of  Exports  to  Germany   %  of  Imports  from  Germany  Mitteleuropa  

Czech  Republic1   31.80%   29.50%  Austria1   31.40%   42.10%  Netherlands   26.30%   13.90%  Poland1   26.00%   27.30%  Hungary1   25.60%   25.10%  Slovakia   22.40%   18.50%  Switzerland   19.80%   29.70%  Romania   18.90%   17.50%  

Large  and  Diversified  Belgium   18.00%   14.2%2  France   16.70%   19.50%  Denmark   15.90%   20.80%  Italy   12.80%   15.70%  

Outside  German  Orbit  Norway   12.6%2   12.4%2  Portugal   11.8%2   11.2%2  United  Kingdom   11.50%   12.50%  Spain   10.8%2   11.80%  Sweden   10.3%2   17.40%  Finland   9.4%3   13.9%3  Greece   6.2%3   9.2%2  1  German  trade  volume  is  2x  or  more  next  largest  trade  partner  2  Germany  is  second  largest  trade  partner  3  Germany  is  third  largest  trade  partner    Outside  the  “German  orbit”,  things  have  gone  less  well.  Unless  you  were  a  major  oil  and  gas  exporter,  like  Norway,  or  kept  control  of  your  currency,  like  Sweden  and  the  United  Kingdom  -­‐  or  both  -­‐  then  you  were  in  trouble.  The  Mediterranean  and  Balkans  countries  have  suffered  terribly,  and  continue  to  suffer.  Growth  there  remains  fragile  and  disproportionately  tied  to  large  fiscal  budget  deficits,  exports  and  wage  deflation.  France  straddles  the  line:  it  is  a  large,  diversified  economy  with  world-­‐class  companies;  but  unemployment  remains  stubbornly  high,  growth  sluggish  and  fiscal  deficits  large.    

Just  looking  at  GDP  paints  a  rosier  picture  than  what  actually  exists  on  the  street.  Gross  Domestic  Product  is  not  a  particularly  good  measure  of  what  is  going  on  in  an  economy;  as  Americans  have  discovered,  and  you  can  have  growth  without  jobs.  Growth  of  corporate  profits,  that  is.  In  Europe,  this  is  very  much  what  we  are  seeing.  Other  than  the  German  middle  class  (and  that  of  a  few  other  small  economies)  most  of  the  growth  in  Europe  has  yet  to  benefit  workers  and  unemployment  levels  

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Common Sense remain  intolerably  high5:  


“Mitteleuropa”  stands  out  even  more  starkly  as  the  only  region  that  has  managed,  as  a  bloc,  to  reduce  unemployment  rates  below  pre-­‐crisis  levels  (2005  to  2008).  Slovakia,  Hungary  and  Romania  are  not  yet  there,  but  their  unemployment  is  trending  downwards.  The  Nordic  markets  and  UK  have  also  responded  relatively  well,  thanks  to  their  control  over  monetary  policy,  but  unemployment  is  shockingly  high  across  the  Mediterranean  Basin  and  the  Balkans.  In  France,  Italy,  Portugal  and  Ireland  job  creation  is  barely  occurring;  while  in  Spain  and  Greece,  “catastrophe”  is  not  too  strong  a  description  and  unemployment  levels  are  falling  only  because  people  are  leaving  the  job  market  faster  than  jobs  are  being  destroyed.  

These  results  are  beyond  worrying.  The  dislocation  between  top-­‐line  GDP  growth  and  street-­‐level  stagnation  is  leading  to  a  massive  disillusionment  in  European  leaders  and  the  European  project  by  voters.  Across  the  continent,  polls  find  trust  in  European  leadership  elites  plummeting6.    Even  in  a  relatively  prosperous  Germany,  70%  of  voters  indicated  that  they  didn’t  trust  mainstream  politicians,  though  Ms.  Merkel  enjoys  higher  support.  This  discontent  has  left  the  door  wide  open  to  far  right  parties  in  the  upcoming  European  elections.  The  Swiss  have  already  voted  this  year  on  a  referendum  to  limit  immigration  to  their  country  even  from  within  the  EU.  There  are  also  extremist  parties  in  Austria,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Cyprus,  Denmark,  Greece,  Hungary,  Italy,  Latvia,  Sweden,  and  Slovakia  that  stand  to  benefit.  And  they  are  beginning  to  organize  between  themselves,  joined  by  a  common  dislike  of  non-­‐European  foreigners  (i.e.  Muslims)  and  the  EU  itself.  Historically,  each  nation’s  far-­‐right  has  been  focused  on  domestic  politics  and  fragmented,  but  late  last  year  Marine  Le  Pen’s  

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Common Sense National  Front  and  Geert  Wilders  Freedom  Party  agreed  to  coordinate  strategy  across  the  continent.    

Not  Enough  Britain  

The  challenge  posed  by  the  waspish  MEP  Nigel  Farage  and  his  openly  Eurosceptic  UKIP  is  a  growing  one.  Recent  polling  data  makes  grim  reading  for  conservatives.  The  Tories  have  trailed  Labour  in  the  polls  since  late  20107  –  ever  since  Mr.  Osborne  unveiled  the  budget  with  the  largest  spending  cuts  in  decades.8  However,  the  UKIP  has  recently  experienced  a  surge  that  has  not  only  solidified  their  lead  over  their  mainstream  conservative  rivals,  but  also  has  eclipsed  Labour  for  the  first  time  since  May  2013.  Although  still  a  far  cry  from  being  a  threat  in  the  national  elections,  the  UKIP  looks  set  to  win  a  comfortably  majority  in  the  European  elections.  


Mr.  Cameron  has  sought  to  aggressively  to  counter  his  disadvantage  at  his  weakest  point:  Europe.  By  finally  promising  his  party  their  long  sought  after  referendum  on  remaining  in  the  EU,  he  has  become  the  hero  of  the  hour  for  Tory  MP’s  as  well  as  conservative  voters,  though  he  hopes  the  effects  of  his  speech  will  last  longer  than  that.  Even  the  most  anti-­‐Europe  MP  is  unlikely  to  buck  the  PM  now.  The  UKIP  continues  to  bang  on  the  drum  of  EU  exit;  but  at  least  they  are  not  as  likely  to  steal  Tory  voters  anymore.  With  an  eye  beyond  the  European  vote,  Mr.  Cameron  has  also  been  positioning  himself  as  the  ONLY  man  who  could  deliver  a  referendum  to  the  British  public:  the  UKIP  would  never  win  a  national  election,  and  Labour  would  never  deliver  on  the  plebiscite  promise9.  

There  is  no  question  that  Mr.  Cameron  is  aware  of  the  potential  costs  of  an  exit  from  the  common  market  and  he  has  been  very  clear  that  he  personally  does  not  want  Britain  to  leave  Europe.  By  leaving  the  referendum  in  the  distant  future,  and  predicating  it  on  a  Tory  victory  in  2015,  Mr.  Cameron  is  hoping  to  reap  the  short-­‐term  domestic  benefits  without  conceding  much  in  the  long-­‐term.  There  is  evidence  that  seems  to  support  this  view.  

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Common Sense While  Britons’  visceral  rejection  of  all  things  from  Brussels  is  almost  proverbial,  much  if  not  all  of  the  dislike  is  focused  on  social  issues  and  immigration,  rather  than  economic  complaints.  While  business  leaders  grouse  about  “excessive  regulation”  from  EU  bodies,  the  reality  is  that  most  people  concede  that  British  firms  and  the  British  economy  have  benefited  mightily  from  the  Common  Market.  Mr.  Cameron  clearly  feels  that  in  the  long  run-­‐up  to  an  actual  referendum,  pragmatism  would  win  out…  as  long  as  he  can  secure  an  acceptable  deal  from  his  European  partners.  But  the  threat  remains  a  real  one:  voting  intention  on  an  EU  referendum  fluctuate  around  40%  in  favor  and  40%  against  staying  in  the  union,  with  a  disconcertingly  large  16%  to  20%  undecided.  Misreading  the  sentiment  of  the  voters  could  have  enormous  consequences  for  the  future  of  the  United  Kingdom  and  the  European  Union.  


Too  Much  Germany  

Some  European  leaders  are  betting  that  the  referendum  will  never  happen.  After  all,  for  Britain  to  leave  the  Common  Market  would  be  economic  suicide,  they  argue.  Europe  accounts  for  half  of  all  British  trade10  and  the  UK  is  a  major  trading  partner  for  all  of  Europe’s  largest  economies.  However,  Great  Britain  is  only  a  small  part  of  the  exports  of  any  European  market  in  particular.  With  the  exception  of  Norway,  exports  to  the  UK  represent  only  6%  to  7%  of  total  exports  for  most  European  states.  And  the  European  share  of  Britain’s  total  trade  has  been  on  the  decline  for  over  a  decade.  

That  places  Mr.  Cameron  in  a  somewhat  awkward  position:  the  UK  stands  to  lose  up  to  €269  billion  in  trade  –  on  aggregate  –  from  departing  the  Common  Market,  but  none  of  her  trading  partners  will  individually  lose  more  than  €70  billion,  even  if  the  EU  would  lose  more  the  Britain  –  on  aggregate.  This  could  lead  to  the  perverse  dynamic  of  individual  states  with  little  to  lose  in  British  trade  blocking  any  revisions  to  the  current  relationship  even  states  with  more  to  lose  might  be  willing  to  make  concessions.  

Perverse  or  not,  €300  billion  is  still  a  very  great  deal  of  money  to  lose,  and  European  economies  are  not  in  a  position  to  be  leaving  any  money  on  the  table.  The  economic  damage  to  Britain’s  partners  goes  beyond  a  simple  calculation  of  export  volume:  British  industries  are  heavily  involved  in  Airbus  

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Common Sense and  the  parent  company,  EADS.  European  pharmaceuticals  have  a  critical  research  and  manufacturing  presence  in  the  United  Kingdom;  the  automotive  sector  in  the  UK  is  also  pan-­‐European.  Great  Britain  is  a  major  exporter  of  petroleum  and  its  derivatives  to  Europe.  The  City  of  London  provides  vital  financial  services  to  many  European  companies  and  is  the  only  global  financial  center  in  Europe.  

Mr.  Cameron  is  also  aware  of  his  economy’s  declining  stake  in  Europe.  British  firms  have  made  a  sustained  effort  since  the  middle  of  the  last  decade  to  better  position  themselves  in  emerging  markets.  This  strategy  has  borne  fruit,  with  exports  to  the  EU  steadily  declining  as  a  percentage  of  total  exports.  There  is  an  apocryphal  story  of  a  debate  between  pro-­‐  and  anti-­‐Europe  British  politicians.  Where  the  pro-­‐EU  politician  stated  smugly  that  British  trade  with  the  Netherlands  was  greater  than  that  with  China,  the  anti-­‐EU  politician  replied,  “That  is  precisely  the  problem.”    


There  is  another,  political  reason,  why  Europeans,  particularly  Germany,  should  want  Britain  to  stay  and  may  be  willing  to  give  Mr.  Cameron  some  face-­‐saving  concessions  to  take  to  the  voters.  Today,  the  European  Union  is  relatively  well-­‐balanced,  with  four  great  economies  dominating:  Germany,  France,  United  Kingdom  and  Italy11.  No  economy  dominates,  though  Germany  is  clearly  the  most  important  and  influential  member  of  the  club.  Take  away  the  United  Kingdom,  however,  and  the  Common  Market  starts  to  look  an  awful  lot  like  a  continental  version  of  the  Prussian  Zollverein  of  the  late  19th  Century.  

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The  European  Union  desperately  needs  the  stability  provided  by  a  “semi-­‐independent”  UK,  preventing  the  formation  of  a  too  dominant  Germany.  The  only  possible  alternative  would  be  a  coalition  of  Mediterranean  states,  led  by  France,  to  counterbalance  the  Teutonic  giant.  There  have  already  been  some  serious  proposals  made  in  this  direction,  including  the  potentially  disastrous  idea  of  a  “two-­‐speed  Euro”.  Such  a  shift  in  the  internal  dynamics  of  the  Union  could  have  profound  and  highly  negative  impacts  on  the  future  of  the  institution.  German  power  is  already  being  reviled  in  markets  where  “Germanic”  austerity  has  bitten  the  hardest.  

Germany  is  well-­‐aware  of  this  negative  perception  and  has  been  actively  attempting  to  mitigate  it.  The  Germans  want  to  be  the  good  Europeans;  and  to  an  admirable  extent,  they  have  succeeded.  It  is  probable  that  Berlin  would  be  extremely  sensitive  to  enhancing  perceptions  of  “dominating  Europe”;  and  they  do  not  want  the  formation  of  a  permanent  “Club  Med”  working  against  their  interests.  Germans  value  the  British  commitment  to  free  and  open  markets,  to  trade  liberalization  and  to  the  avoidance  of  undue  regulations.  

Most  commentators  have  asked,  “Can  Britain  survive  without  Europe?”  Perhaps  the  opposite  question  is  more  pertinent.  It  seems  clear  that  both  Britain  and  Europe  stand  to  lose  a  very  great  deal  from  a  divorce,  no  matter  how  accommodating  it  is.  The  British  economy  would  weather  the  storm  eventually,  though  the  cost  might  be  more  than  the  British  public  is  willing  to  bear.  It  is,  after  all,  a  nation  state.  The  European  Union  is  not  a  nation  state  and  its  institutions  remain  fragile  –  it  is  less  clear  to  me  that  it  could  survive  a  British  departure.  The  economic  costs,  though  significant,  are  affordable:  what  is  difficult  to  reconcile  is  the  fundamental  realignment  of  power  within  a  Europe  limited  to  the  continent,  a  Europe  even  more  obvious  dominated  by  Germany.  

On  one  point,  Mr.  Cameron  should  give  no  ground.  The  referendum  should  go  forward.  The  EU  has  changed  dramatically  since  the  last  time  the  British  public  voted  on  membership  and  they  have  the  right  to  expect  their  voices  to  be  heard.  For  an  institution  that  ostensibly  supports  democracy,  the  European  Union  has  proven  to  be  remarkably  allergic  to  the  democratic  process.  The  fact  that  the  United  Kingdom  is  setting  this  example  is  very  necessary  to  the  long-­‐term  health  of  Europe.  After  all,  if  Europe  cannot  convince  its  citizens  that  the  benefits  far  outweigh  the  costs  of  membership,  what  future  does  it  really  have?  

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                                                                                                                         Sources  and  Notes    1  Noah  Barkin,  “Franco-­‐German  show  of  unity  masks  policy  divide,”  Reuters,  12  May  2014  2  Milton  Ezrati,  “Be  Afraid:  The  EU’s  Next  Economic  Crisis  is  Looming,”    The  National  Interest,  09  May  2014  3  Claire  Jones,  “European  Central  Bank  signals  monetary  loosening  in  June,”  Financial  Times,  08  May  2014  4  Eurostat  5  Ibid  6  Antonia  Malloy,  “Ukip  set  to  win  in  European  elections,  poll  suggests,”  The  Independent,  12  May  2014  7  ComRes  Poll,  Ipsos-­‐Mori  Poll,  Poll  of  Polls,  Populus  Poll  -­‐    BBC  News  Poll  Tracker  8  “Spending  Review  2010:  George  Osborne  wields  the  axe,”  BBC  News,  20  October  2010  9  “Only  Tories  Can  Deliver  EU  Referendum,  Says  PM,”  SkyNews,  02  May  2014  10  See  note  11.  11  Spain  could  be  included  as  a  courtesy,  but  it  is  only  66%  of  Italian  GDP