EURADH 2014 10 th European Adhesion Conference 22 - 25 April 2014 - Alicante - Spain 2014 CALL FOR PAPERS SOCIAL PROGRAMME A programme of exciting social events will be offered, including conference, dinner, sight-seeing and shopping. REGISTRATION AND ACCOMODATION Registration and accomodation has been reserved for conference participants at a special rate. Reservations should be made directly by the participants at: http://euradh2014.inscribete.es LANGUAGE The conference language will be English REGISTRATION FEE* The registration fees include admission to all sessions, exhibition and poster programme, the list of participants, a book of abstracts and a CD of extended abstracts, and lunches during the breaks. An additional 10% will be charged for registrations received after 1 st march 2014. * No VAT requested 1 Societies members 2 Proof of status required ALICANTE (SPAIN) Alicante lies at the shores of Mediterranean sea, in the east of Spain. The panoramic situation at Mediterranean sea, makes Alicante one of the most interesting conference venues in Spain.The beautiful town is known as an international tourist resort. We look forward to meeting you in the beautiful city of Alicante, the Spanish city of the forever Spring. For more information on Alicante please look at: http://www.alicanteturismo.com/ VENUE Hotel Meliá Alicante Plaza del Puerto, 3 Alicante 03001 (Spain) N +38º 20' 34.25" / W -0º 28' 43.50" http://euradh2014.inscribete.es CONFERENCE OFFICE VIAJES HISPANIA Avda Maisonnave, 11 -7ª planta 03003 Alicante (Spain) Tf.: +34.965.22.83.93 Carmen Fernández e-mail : [email protected] Organized by: In cooperation with: DATES TO NOTE 15 th september 2013: Registration open 31 th october 2013: Deadline submmission of abstracts, 15 th december 2013: Notification of acceptance for lectures and posters 1 st february 2014: Final programme 1 st march 2014: Deadline submission of extended abstracts http://www.sociedad-adhesion.org/EURADH-2014 Members 1 Others Delegate 690 € 715 € Student 2 365 € 385 € Conference dinner Included Included

EURADH 2014 10th European Adhesion Conference · The European Adhesion Conference - EURADH - is the paramount Conference of Adhesion in Europe, for scientists and engineers throughout

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Page 1: EURADH 2014 10th European Adhesion Conference · The European Adhesion Conference - EURADH - is the paramount Conference of Adhesion in Europe, for scientists and engineers throughout

EURADH 2014 10th European Adhesion Conference22 - 25 April 2014 - Alicante - Spain




A programme of exciting social events will be o�ered,including conference, dinner, sight-seeing and shopping.


Registration and accomodation has been reserved for conferenceparticipants at a special rate. Reservations should be made directlyby the participants at:http://euradh2014.inscribete.es


The conference language will be English


The registration fees include admission to all sessions, exhibitionand poster programme, the list of participants, a book of abstractsand a CD of extended abstracts, and lunches during the breaks.

An additional 10% will be charged for registrations receivedafter 1st march 2014. * No VAT requested1 Societies members2 Proof of status required


Alicante lies at the shores of Mediterranean sea, in the east of Spain.The panoramic situation at Mediterranean sea, makes Alicante one of the most interesting conference venues in Spain.The beautiful town is known as an international tourist resort. We look forward to meeting you in the beautiful city of Alicante,the Spanish city of the forever Spring. For more information on Alicante please look at:http://www.alicanteturismo.com/


Hotel Meliá AlicantePlaza del Puerto, 3Alicante 03001 (Spain)N +38º 20' 34.25" / W -0º 28' 43.50"



VIAJES HISPANIAAvda Maisonnave, 11 -7ª planta03003 Alicante (Spain)Tf.: +34.965.22.83.93Carmen Fernándeze-mail : [email protected]

Organized by:

In cooperation with:


15 th september 2013: Registration open31 th october 2013: Deadline submmission of abstracts,15 th december 2013: Noti�cation of acceptance for lectures and posters1 st february 2014: Final programme1 st march 2014: Deadline submission of extended abstracts


Members1 Others

Delegate 690 € 715 €

Student2 365 € 385 €

Conference dinner Included Included

Page 2: EURADH 2014 10th European Adhesion Conference · The European Adhesion Conference - EURADH - is the paramount Conference of Adhesion in Europe, for scientists and engineers throughout

EURADH 2014 10th European Adhesion Conference22 - 25 April 2014 - Alicante - Spain


The European Adhesion Conference - EURADH - is the paramountConference of Adhesion in Europe, for scientists and engineersthroughout the world that constitute the community working inresearch, development and applications of adhesion phenomenaand technology.

EURADH 2014 is organized by �rst time in Spain, and will take placein Alicante under the steering of the joint scienti�c committeerepresenting , the Sociedad de Adhesion - Grupo Iberoamericano deAdhesión (Spain), DECHEMA (Germany), the Société Française du Vide (France), the Society of Adhesion and Adhesives (United Kingdom)and the Associação Portuguesa de Adesão e Adesivos (Portugal)

Being the 10th conference of this series, EURADH 2014 will constitutea milestone for the consolidation of this international meeting of the scienti�c community. In addition to the conference sessions, and exhibition of R&D equipments and Companies booth is planned. A special sessions devoted to "Bioadhesion - Prevention and Stimulation" will be organized and chaired by well-known scientistsin these �elds.

We now cordially invite scientists and engineers to propose papers forlectures and posters on all aspects of adhesion science and technology,adhesive formulation, surface treatment, equipment for adhesion andsurface science, publishing, professional training etc.

The conference programme provides a balanced mix through the various fundamental themes and application areas of adhesion,highlighting the most promising directions of research and applications, while allowing for in-depth discussions.

The scenic location guarantees an environment of relaxed and openexchange for personal interaction. There will be plenty of time to fostercontacts and numerous opportunities for networking with the majorplayers in the �eld.

We look forward to meeting you in the beautiful city of Alicante, the Spanish city of the forever Spring.


A. Kinloch. Imperial College/UK

A. Rosenhahn. Ruhr-University Bochum/D

E. Drockenmuller. University of Lyon/F


Companies and publishers are invited to present theirpublications, products and processes in the �eld of adhesiontechnology, adhesive formulation, surface treatment,experimental equipment for adhesion and surface science. The exibition will be held in conjuntion with the scienti�c sessions. For futher information please contact the conference o�ce:Carmen Fernández e-mail : [email protected]


_ Aspects of fundamental Adhesion Mechanisms_ Science and Technology of surfaces for Adhesives Bonding_ Bioadhesion: Prevention and Stimulation_ Dynamic Adhesion and Friction_ Ultrathin Films on solids: Processes and Properties_ Chemistry and Adhesives_ Nanotechnology in Adhesion_ Adhesives composites - Formulation and Performance_ Structural Bonding - Sti� and compliant Adhesives_ Ageing and Life Time Predition for Adhesives Joints_ Industrials Challenges_ Adhesion Indentistry_ Bacterial Adhesion


J.M. Arenas-Reina. Technical University of Madrid/E J. Bishopp. Star Adhesion Limited/UK J.C. Bordado. Technical University of Lisbon/P J.F. Chailan. Université du Sud-Toulon Var/F L.M.F. Da Silva. University of Port /P M.L. González-Martín. University of Extremadura/E M. Grunze. University of Heidelberg/D A. Hartwig. Fraunhofer IFAM/D W. Possart. Saarland University/D F. Restagno. CNRS. Université Paris-Sud/F S. Shaw. Defence Science & Technology Laboratory/UK


J.M. Martín- Martínez. University of Alicante/E J.C. Suárez -Bermejo. Technical University of Madrid/E S. Martín Rey. Technical University of Valencia/E P. Pinilla Cea. Technical University of Madrid/E



Bioadhesion: Prevention and Stimulation.

Coordinator:M. Grunze. University of Heidelberg/D


J.M. Martín- Martínez. University of Alicante/E J.C. Suárez -Bermejo. Technical University of Madrid/E


[email protected]