.Jgtor THE MAWHAMET PBW3, TH^DAy. JW.Y 2g. Ij86 twr-wtiT MUSIC APPRE0ATION ' Bf ANNS L CAVENBV Bhrery teachw of mu^lc It ruently asked the quetUofi. "At What ane should T start mv child In music study?There Is no ah- sohite reply which mlcht tit every child and clreumstanM. hut theiv la one safe answer which does fit all conditions.' and that is, "As early as poaslhle." If there are . dlffVniltles of economy, or loca- tion, or whatever they may be, pre- venting the formal stilHv'of music with a reputable teacher, everv mother shdflld consider It one of her mo((t,^Ifmjoctant duties as e parent, toInstill into each ch'lld 9 sincere love of music. Of course children differ In the dearee of snureclatlon Indicated, but child can resist singing any more than a bird can resist flylne Before real Instruction and Study of an Instrument' Is "'begun, the chlld'.s ear .should be trained by .»ln^ng.,,As the voice Is the earliest outlet of emotion fwltncss the c-v if a child at birth) there Is really ro tjme at which the child Is too ycung to bealn to have Its natural talent trained. Many children are tauvht to sing and recognize tones end melodies long before they can rr>^ plainly, thus leading the way naturally to the reproduction of tones on an instrument. Where the mother does not feel qualified to bring this early In- struction to the young child, she - should see that he Is placed with a sympathetic teacher, not neces- erarlly a famous performer. Many authorities believe that the founda- tion musical training ^ould be. well started before the routine at- tendance at school leads to a dl- visldn of his Inteiagts. Thus a certain degree of concentration nay be achieved on one subject, resulting In regular discipline of ttlnd and body as he progresses in his studies. Unfortunately due to a number of contributory Influertces. as ra- dio, the depression, etc., the study of 'music was neglected by a large majority of growing children dur- ing the years following the World War. Undoubtedly, the pendulum Is now swinging the other -way and attention Is being given to that art which Is unique In that, it is at once the oldest and the ncwe.st of all arts. Young men and women who were deprived of musi- . cal training, or rejected It. In their childhood, are turning to advanced methods 'of adult training and' finding new joy In accomplishment. After all, one need not aspire to the concert stage In order to da- rive pleasure from music I Through music study, personality may be developed, as well as a mode for expressing ft, thus laying the foundation for a wonderful cul- tural training. iKd. note; This Is one of a fertes of articles by Mrs. William V. Caveney, of 7. Baker Hill Road, who recently resumed the teach- ing of music, specializing in voice and piano for the younger chil- dren. after much' research, and study into approved modep meth- ods and the psychology of pre- ien^ng them.) Nassau County Drum i Corp Is Honoredi The Ladles' Drum and Bugle corp, composed of women of the V. P. W. Auxiliaries, who competed with 11 other units In the womens division at the annual convention of the Veterans of Porelgn Wars at Troy last week won first prise, a handsome sliver trophy, and with it the designation of the official ladlesdrum and bugle corps of the Department of New York, which means they are the state cham- pions. I^gal Notice LONG ISLAND LIOHTIiai COMPANT Here He Is, Girls NOtICE or EULEA FOE OA8 8BEVICE Pursuant to *.he provltlorui of the Public Seevica taw the lionf Island tlfhtlnf Ccmipany tiat nted with the Public Service Commission. State of New York, amendments* to its O'S R'tte Schedules (P.8.C. >ro, 1 eoveiinf Suf- folk County and P.S.C, No. 3 coverhu Co^ty. providlnt for the lowing revlsioiu and/or additions to the Rules and Regulations for Oas Service of the Company, effectivt June 33. 1936: 1A new Subdivision '*Dhas beeii added to the Rule on. Deposits ....... wheTeby th# company shall havr the righb to render one receipt to cover both gas and^lectric^» service; ^ 8Addition of or revision to Rule as to SSstimated Bills, to read as followi: In all oases arhere the meter shall cease to tvgister. and/or where said meter does not fully register, and/or Where circumstances indicate tnat the meter or service pipes have been tampered with, the Company reserves the right-to estimate and render bills (or all gas consumed but not reglsteced because of any one of the foregoing circumstances, or any other . circumstances, upon the basis of previous consumption, or upon facts and information obtained by the Company, or upon the best infor- mation' obtainable, at the option of the Company.Full details of the changes may be lecured from the offices of the Com- pany and,, may be examined in the schedule of rates on file in the offices of the Company or at the office of the Public Service ^dfbmmission. -- LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY. Dated, July 14, 1936. at ... ■'fe-V RICHARD CROMWELL Hollywoods latest darling is coming to the Red Barn next'Tuesday as juvenile lead in "So Proudly-We Hail3N-J8 Julyn-Au* 7 If your last summer grass rugs are faded . . . dip them in water tinted with your favorite lingerie dye, made very strong. If badly faded and the rugs are large, use hot dye of the type used for fab- rics, painting it on with an or- dinary paint brush. Start at one end and paint across the rug until one side is finished.When dry, turn the rug and paint the other side. I DATE AND (MtANOB SALAD 12/3 cu^ dates, sliced 4 medium sMtsi orHnges % cup French dsuslng Lettuce Mix French drcMlng and dates and allow to marinate in the re- frigerator lor an hour. Pare the brange by removing all the while part and cutting a continuous cli- cular peel. Cut in one piece. Place a mound of the marinaM dates in the center of a lettuceleaf and surround with the sections of orange. Add more French dressing if desired. Serve thoroughly chilled. l)cu{ ^ r MAJd VOE OWHIASY TBMS Vm Cm New Vg ONi.TWP-owA nni mt fOm QustirTNOr OuMMSad WaadsH mn-aAttiiqn Aim> XADiot-MiATcaa __ auto aiFAiaiNG OaOwMmdhr W .12 §>A\ PtAN. ^ VMS Utmmmrn tmtUMTom Hm4 HAVERS onuNf rw M] CfmU Check Yqn^ 'itaJrigerator COST with a 30-day f EE Trial of a NEW 0-E Refrigerator Also write or .,hone for Free Dessert Book FRED FAULKNER Cottage Di^tlay 239 Middle Neck Bd. O. N. 281. or Middle Neck Carpet '<jo. 1 Cuttrr Mill Kd.. Great Neel ». .1.1, but are giving u, i on ov«M0d waited to'' BOX OF 50 BOOK MATCHES WITH GOLD-PLATED RED AND BLACK GILLETTE RAZOR 5 BLUE BLADES B4j>TH FOR Dr."iyoiisBSa.39c tnc SizeTin of 18 Midol Tablets 29c ir;^eeUP>dck36c 1 aa Si/e Dandefine 74c 60c .Size Frostilla'' 36c TOILETRIES SSeSlMO ILADTBSTHIR FACE . POWDER 37* THE BLACKBIRD - . New Location 23 Glance Av«nue Tel. Great Neck 1182 ORDERS TAKEN FOR DELICIOUS APPRTTIKERS FOR COCKTAIL fARTIK Tea from 4 to 6 P, M.- Dinner 6 to 8:30 P. M. Sunday Dinner 'from 1 to 8:30 P. M. No Tea and Dinner qn Frldaya Money to Loan ON MORTGAOBS - BEN W. HILL Jteal srtate Management 4 Maple privo Great Keek srrMTZ PUYHOUSE Gi^t Nock Phone 800 fW. and Sei. lalj 24-25 ■TLVU SIDNXT and IRY*» Begtrat -jaMih, Utr" iMboniiiM. Mte M.iT ' 'iOMlI WlVMlWa aeO Nabotir*' You need all these modern features to get complete motoring satisfaction ToonoedNEVPERFECTEDIlYDRAU- LK: BRAIKBs for your own taftitv «nH th« Mfety of others, under todays driving oooditiona TheMbrakes are alwaye equal- ^**4alweye dependable; they have maxi- mum stopping power; they are the tq/«t .Md-tmamhegt-acring brakes ever built. Ost this future ... get a QievHdetl .1.^c Ponds Creams . . 25c Noxzema.... 40c D. & R. Cold or Vanishing Cream . 1.00 Edna Wallace Hopper Restorative Cream.' 50c Pacquins Hand Cr. f -60c Djer Kiss Face Powd. 75c Dorins Rouge. . . 55c l^ree Flower Rouge 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo . . W Dfer Kiss Taee Fd.7 60c Rouge Incamat # 29c LARGE TUBE REXALL MILK MAGNESIA TOOTHPASTE r-7- ar\dA PLATINUM TOPPED DECORATED " ^ ICED TEA GLASS J.25 Size KREMl. HAIR TONIC 92c 70c Size KRU8CHEN SALTS 43c BOTH 'for You need a SOCiD STY^L nne-pUma TURRET TOP for coa}plete^rerhes^|>ixucGtionp lor mo^nicsr for all-season comfort. It putt the aafety of solid team- less steel over your bead; beautifiaa apd identjOea the modern car; keeps passengers cooler in eummer 'and wander iti winter. Ost tbia feature ,,. get a Gbavralatl Yon need KlvnEE-ACTIOK WHEELS* for meaimum safety ae-well as' maximum riding comfort. They "steft over.bumpe and holei eliminate cac,4utchin^ and ioaainggive all paioengera a amooth, iteady, level ride over alt types f>f roada gnd at all engine •peeda. Oel ihisKkture;.. geia Gbevrulwif Chevrolet is the only low-priced car that has them ail Wm 1.50 Pro-Ker, Large , . 75c Glovers Mange Med. 50c Polymol .... 80c Glostora. . . . . 60c Hennafoam Shamp. 1.25 Wyeths Sage & Snip. 50c Packers Shampoo . 15c Amami Shame 35ft GUnt haamp. 1.00 50c OR. HALL*8 9stby Talc BORATED Pound^Tin 19c % MIDOL Tin of 10 29c 60c Size Btomo Selttw 41 Pint Peroxide Hydrogen Ij 25c Size Ex^Lax 1.50 Slze^ Agarol 1 1.25 Size Pettolagar M 1 L K S T ErI ELECTRIC MILK JiO WARMER BLUE ipoo ^Man GUnt Shat Shampoo don Shampoo 39c 1.50 Kolorbak Hair Dye . i no LJJfWTo Gray Hair Rest, t'lo 5i00 Inecto Hair Dye. . lit lJ5£auSRibUn^e Hair Dye Clinti Shamiioo36c 50c Site PhUllptCmunt 37' l^diR»ACteani37 weeinee. It "oooope inrefreehing breeoee on hot deyeprevents drafteelinllnatea clouding of the windshieldand givee eqqh pcoaenger indl* vidunlly controlled ventiUtion et touch of the Nfulator. Get this feature ... get Chevroletl IHMed 4 HlGB-COMFlIESSKm VALVE. Ipi^D YRCINI WliyiaS SSSST. tloB of performenee and eooMuy. TW* eteedy Cbevrolet velvedn-beed esigllu «tcde in ^ radnd action and givaa ^t•l^se^;)>' isfaetrt aWM in * f«U-aiae oar. G«t tUO tutuga . . . jm aOwfeolatl ' Xam Bead. SHOCKPROOF STEERINO* for Mai dfivlBg aaae oh thoae l<»i"tripa yST ^ pliliig lUa MBUitar. It diminataa ateeriug whaalvibratiaoa i pseicett your handt and arms fceyvnenatant alinA ntakea driving mace naiUkr «a«rdasa than you ever thought it - *et Gheemlm! OOcSiaa' Aatrimoaoi 49* socSixa Kolyiwoiag 3I.C 50c Size JERGENS LOTK>N 36i^ Pint WITCH HAZIL 17« 1.25 Absorbine Jr.. , , ,75c Ba"ume Bengue , , 1.30 Lydia Pinkhams Compound . . , 1.25 Kelpamalt Tablets. 35c L. B. 0- Tablets. , Neurophosphates . 1.00 Ironized Yeast . . 60c Jad Salts (CondenseJ 1.50 Fellows Syrup Hypo- phosphites. . , , 1.00 Haleys M. 0,. . . 75c Doans Pills . . . 30c Edwards OliwTabi. 40c Castoria . . Pint Size NUJDL *495 CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANt, DSTBOIT, Htf HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Pint -RUBBING ALCOHOL 13c 72j Hobarts Aspirin Tabfc "iFi»<nattr8;Casca^, Aromatic - - '4 oz. Purdys, Castor Oil Pint Masters Cod LiverOii 4 01. Ardens Glycerin Glycerin Supp.,A<>uii Sheldons Mercuro- Pint Haskels Milk of Maj- Pint Lamsons MineS 60c Flit Pt. & Free Motn teflag. Ptnf Rhubarb and S^a - 1 lb. Bicarbonate of Sc^a Pint Graysons MineralOflt Russian Type I lb. Epsom Saits . torSchoUs ¥& itetaiied Yeast, 54cSiae L V. t Pearls 3l sm iBMnmn Vsninrtnna aaiNnsusoToaivAUM I6AN Cci/ij? pbTqip'' cnVMOIi*T, -Me. rA'i;? Aji a " t WT RAti OTIHI8 75c sue Bellans I and ^ ! : YourChok*^ e«l or •* j Saladf piattd] I Roaetinw I /"dtV I I none so^ I OPTTHISJ Middle Neck Rd. 'W Station Pliao, Great Neck FREE-.PROMPT delivery ...jCAU. QIULAT NECK 1^ '■'-'IV. .-jjr 'V !-•

EULEA FOE OA8 8BEVICE rMAJd VOEOWHIASYTBMS nnimt fOmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071155/1936-07-23/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · .Jgtor THE MAWHAMET PBW3, TH^DAy.JW.Y 2g.Ij86 twr-wtiT MUSIC

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Page 1: EULEA FOE OA8 8BEVICE rMAJd VOEOWHIASYTBMS nnimt fOmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071155/1936-07-23/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · .Jgtor THE MAWHAMET PBW3, TH^DAy.JW.Y 2g.Ij86 twr-wtiT MUSIC

.Jgtor THE MAWHAMET PBW3, TH^DAy. JW.Y 2g. Ij86twr-wtiT



Bhrery teachw of mu^lc It ruently asked the quetUofi. "At What ane should T start mv child In music study?” There Is no ah- sohite reply which mlcht tit every child and clreumstanM. hut theiv la one safe answer which does fit all conditions.' and that is, "As early as poaslhle." If there are

. dlffVniltles of economy, or loca­tion, or whatever they may be, pre­venting the formal stilHv'of music with a reputable teacher, everv mother shdflld consider It one of her mo((t,^Ifmjoctant duties as e parent, to” Instill into each ch'lld 9 sincere love of music. Of course children differ In ‘the dearee of snureclatlon Indicated, but child can resist singing any more than a bird can resist flylne Before real Instruction and Study of an Instrument' Is "'begun, the chlld'.s ear .should be trained by .»ln^ng.,,As the voice Is the earliest outlet of emotion fwltncss the c-v if a child at birth) there Is really ro tjme at which the child Is too ycung to bealn to have Its natural talent trained. Many children are tauvht to sing and recognize tones end melodies long before they can rr>^ plainly, thus leading the way naturally to the reproduction of tones on an instrument.

Where the mother does not feel qualified to bring this early In­struction to the young child, she

- should see that he Is placed with a sympathetic teacher, not neces- erarlly a famous performer. Many authorities believe that the founda­tion musical training ^ould be. well started before the routine at­tendance at school leads to a dl- visldn of his Inteiagts. Thus a certain degree of concentration nay be achieved on one subject, resulting In regular discipline of ttlnd and body as he progresses in his studies.

Unfortunately due to a number of contributory Influertces. as ra­dio, the depression, etc., the study of 'music was neglected by a large majority of growing children dur­ing the years following the World War. Undoubtedly, the pendulum Is ■ now swinging the other -way and attention Is being given to that art which Is unique In that, it is at once the oldest and the ncwe.st of all arts. Young men and women who were deprived of musi-

. cal training, or rejected It. In their childhood, are turning to advanced methods 'of adult training and' finding new joy In accomplishment. After all, one need not aspire to the concert stage In order to da- rive pleasure from music I Through music study, personality may be developed, as well as a mode for expressing • ft, thus laying the foundation for a wonderful cul­tural training.

iKd. note; This Is one of a fertes of articles by Mrs. William V. Caveney, of 7. Baker Hill Road, who recently resumed the teach­ing of music, specializing in voice and piano for the younger chil­dren. after much' research, and study into approved modep meth­ods and the psychology of pre- ien^ng them.)

Nassau County Drum i Corp Is Honoredi

The Ladles' Drum and Bugle corp, composed of women of the V. P. W. Auxiliaries, who competed with 11 other units In the women’s division at the annual convention of the Veterans of Porelgn Wars at Troy last week won first prise, a handsome sliver trophy, and with it the designation of the official ladles’ drum and bugle corps of the Department of New York, which means they are the state cham­pions.


Here He Is, Girls


Pursuant to *.he provltlorui of the Public Seevica taw the lionf Island tlfhtlnf Ccmipany tiat nted with the Public Service Commission. State of New York, amendments* to its O'S R'tte Schedules (P.8.C. >ro, 1 eoveiinf Suf­folk County and P.S.C, No. 3 coverhu

Co^ty. providlnt for the lowing revlsioiu and/or additions to the Rules and Regulations for Oas Service of the Company, effectivt June 33. 1936:

1—A new Subdivision '*D“ has beeii added to the Rule on. Deposits

....... wheTeby th# company shall havrthe righb to render one receipt to cover both gas and^lectric^» service; ^

8—Addition of or revision to Rule as to SSstimated Bills, to read as followi:

“In all oases arhere the meter shall cease to tvgister. and/or where said meter does not fully register, and/or Where circumstances indicate tnat the meter or service pipes have been tampered with, the Company reserves the right-to estimate and render bills (or all gas consumed but not reglsteced because of any one of the foregoing circumstances, or any other

. circumstances, upon the basis of previous consumption, or upon facts and information obtained by the Company, or upon the best infor­mation' obtainable, at the option of the Company.”

Full details of the changes may be lecured from the offices of the Com­pany and,, may be examined in the schedule of rates on file in the offices of the Company or at the office of the Public Service ^dfbmmission. --


Dated, July 14, 1936.at



RICHARD CROMWELLHollywood’s latest darling is coming to the Red

Barn next'Tuesday as juvenile lead in "So Proudly-We Hail”

3N-J8 Julyn-Au* 7

If your last summer grass rugs are faded . . . dip them in water tinted with your favorite lingerie dye, made very strong. If badly faded and the rugs are large, use hot dye of the type used for fab­

rics, painting it on with an or­dinary paint brush. Start at one end and paint across the rug until one side is finished.’ When dry, turn the rug and paint the other


I DATE AND (MtANOB SALAD 12/3 cu^ dates, sliced

4 medium sMtsi orHnges % cup French dsuslng

LettuceMix French drcMlng and dates

and allow to marinate in the re­frigerator lor an hour. Pare the brange by removing all the while part and cutting a continuous cli- cular peel. Cut in one piece. Place a mound of the marinaM dates in the center of a lettuce’leaf and surround with the sections of orange. Add more French dressing if desired. Serve thoroughly chilled.

l)cu{ ^

r MAJd VOE OWHIASY TBMSVm Cm New VgONi.TWP-ow A nni mtfOm QustirT—NOr OuMMSad WaadsHmn-aAttiiqn Aim> XADiot-MiATcaa __ auto aiFAiaiNG

OaOwMmdhrW .12 §>A\ PtAN.^ VMS Utmmmrn tmtUMTom Hm4

HAVERSonuNf rw M] CfmU

Check Yqn^ 'itaJrigerator COST with a 30-day f EE Trial of a


Also write or .,hone forFree Dessert Book

FRED FAULKNER Cottage Di^tlay

239 Middle Neck Bd. O. N. 281.or Middle Neck Carpet '<jo.

1 Cuttrr Mill Kd.. Great Neel

». .1.1,—but are giving u, ion ov«M0d waited to''




Dr."iyoii’sBSa.39ctnc Size—Tin of 18

Midol Tablets 29cir;^eeUP>dck36c1 aa Si/e

Dandefine 74c60c .Size

Frostilla'' 36c






New Location 23 Glance Av«nue

Tel. Great Neck 1182♦



“ Tea from 4 to 6 P, M.- Dinner 6 to 8:30 P. M.

Sunday Dinner 'from 1 to 8:30 P. M.

No Tea and Dinner qn Frldaya


- BEN W. HILL Jteal srtate — Management

4 Maple privo Great Keek


PUYHOUSEGi^t Nock Phone 800fW. and Sei. lalj 24-25



-jaMih, Utr"iMboniiiM. ’ Mte M.iT

' 'iOMlI WlVMlWa aeO


Youneed all these

modernfeaturesto get complete motoring satisfaction

ToonoedNEVPERFECTEDIlYDRAU-LK: BRAIKBs for your own taftitv «nH th« Mfety of others, under today’s driving oooditiona TheM brakes are alwaye equal- ^**4—alweye dependable; they have maxi­mum stopping power; they are the tq/«t

.Md-tmamhegt-acring brakes ever built. Ost this future ... get a QievHdetl

.1.^c Pond’s Creams . . 25c Noxzema’ .... 40c D. & R. Cold or

Vanishing Cream . 1.00 Edna Wallace Hopper

Restorative Cream.' 50c Pacquin’s Hand Cr.

f • -60c Djer Kiss Face Powd. 75c Dorin’s Rouge. . . 55c l^ree Flower Rouge 50c Mulsified Cocoanut ’ Oil Shampoo . . W Dfer Kiss Taee Fd.7 60c Rouge Incamat • #


TOOTHPASTEr-7- —ar\d—



J.25 SizeKREMl.



70c SizeKRU8CHEN





You need a SOCiD STY^L nne-pUma ’TURRET TOP for coa}plete^rerhes^|>ixucGtionp lor mo^nicsr for all-season comfort. It putt the aafety of solid team- less steel over your bead; beautifiaa apd identjOea the modern car; keeps passengers cooler in eummer 'and wander iti winter. Ost tbia feature ,,. get a Gbavralatl

Yon need KlvnEE-ACTIOK WHEELS * for meaimum safety ae-well as' maximum riding comfort. They "steft over”.bumpe and holei —eliminate cac,4utchin^ and ioaaing—give all paioengera a amooth, iteady, level ride over alt types f>f roada gnd at all engine •peeda. Oel ihisKkture;.. geia Gbevrulwif

Chevrolet is the only low-priced car that has them ail


1.50 Pro-Ker, Large , . 75c Glover’s Mange Med. 50c Polymol .... 80c Glostora. . . . . 60c Hennafoam Shamp. 1.25 Wyeth’s Sage & Snip. 50c Packer’s Shampoo . 15c Amami Shame 35ft GUnt haamp.1.0050c

OR. HALL*89stby Talc




Tin of 10


60c Size

Btomo Selttw 41Pint

Peroxide Hydrogen Ij25c Size

Ex^Lax1.50 Slze^


1.25 Size

PettolagarM 1 L K S T ErI




ipoo^Man GUnt Shat

Shampoo—don Shampoo 39c

1.50 Kolorbak Hair Dye . i no LJJfWT’o Gray Hair Rest, t'lo 5i00 Inecto Hair Dye. . lit lJ5£auSRibUn^e Hair Dye

Clinti Shamiioo36c50c Site

PhUllpt’Cmunt 37'

l^d’iR»ACteani37weeinee. It "oooope in” refreehing breeoee on hot deye—prevents drafte—elinllnatea clouding of the windshield—and givee eqqh pcoaenger indl* vidunlly controlled ventiUtion et • touch of the Nfulator. Get this feature ... get ■ Chevroletl

IHMed 4 HlGB-COMFlIESSKm VALVE.Ipi^D YRCINI WliyiaS SSSST.tloB of performenee and eooMuy. TW* eteedy Cbevrolet velvedn-beed esigllu «tcde in ^ radnd action and givaa ^t•l^se ;̂)>' isfaetrt aWM in * f«U-aiae oar. G«t tUO tutuga . . . jm aOwfeolatl '

Xam Bead. SHOCKPROOF STEERINO* for Mai dfivlBg aaae oh thoae l<»i"tripa yST ^ pli—liig lUa MBUitar. It diminataa ateeriug whaalvibratiaoa i pseicett your handt and arms fceyvnenatant alinA —ntakea driving mace naiUkr «a«rdasa than you ever thought it

- *et • Gheemlm!


Aatrimoaoi 49*socSixa

Kolyiwoiag 3I.C

50c SizeJERGEN’S





1.25 Absorbine Jr.. , , ,75c Ba"ume Bengue , , 1.30 Lydia Pinkham’s

Compound . . , 1.25 Kelpamalt Tablets. 35c L. B. 0- Tablets. ,

Neurophosphates . 1.00 Ironized Yeast . . 60c Jad Salts (CondenseJ 1.50 Fellow’s Syrup Hypo-

phosphites. . , , 1.00 Haley’s M. 0,. . . 75c Doan’s Pills . . . 30c Edward’s OliwTabi. 40c Castoria . . • •

Pint SizeNUJDL




13c72’j Hobart’s Aspirin Tabfc

"iFi»<nattr8;Casca^,Aromatic - • -

'’4 oz. Purdy’s, Castor OilPint Master’s Cod LiverOii4 01. Arden’s Glycerin •

Glycerin Supp.,A<>uii Sheldon’s Mercuro-

Pint Haskel’s Milk of Maj- Pint Lamson’s MineS 60c Flit Pt. & Free Motn

teflag. ■Ptnf Rhubarb and S^a - 1 lb. Bicarbonate of Sc^a Pint Grayson’s MineralOflt

Russian Type I lb. Epsom Saits .

torSchoU’s ¥&

itetaiied Yeast,

54cSiaeL V. t Pearls 3l

sm iBMnmn Vsninrtnna aaiNnsusoToaivAUM



pbTqip'' cnVMOIi*T, -Me.rA'i’;? Aji a "


75c sueBellansI and ^! : YourChok*^

e«l— or •*

j Saladf ■ piattd]I Roaetinw

I /"“dtVII none so^I OPTTHISJ

Middle Neck Rd. 'W Station Pliao, Great Neck FREE-.PROMPT delivery ...jCAU. QIULAT NECK 1^

'■'-'IV. .-jjr 'V !-•