European Integration University of New York in Prague Unit VI. European Institutions: The Council of the European Union Oscar Hidalgo-Redondo


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European Integration University of New York in Prague Unit I. History of the European Integration I

European IntegrationUniversity of New York in Prague

Unit VI. European Institutions: The Council of the European Union

Oscar Hidalgo-Redondo

6.1 The Figure of the Council of the European UnionThe European Commission is the second central institution among the European institutionsalso a very long historypresent in the creation of the first European Communitiessome modifications until today

EU cannot be understood without its council

The Council as the main centre of power of the EUall the important decisions taken with the Councildefine the future directions for EU integration processthe key political discussion held within this institution

Symbol of state sovereigntyintergovernmental logicstates decidestates lead the process

Role of council should have diminished as the process of integration deepenedmore trustless need of quota of power for states

however this has not been quite socouncil maintains an important positionlost power to parliament in 1990sbut still main decision making agentreforms do not plan to remove it

6.2 Council or Councils? The Confusion around this InstitutionThere is a common confusion around this institutionnot just one council but up to three councils the Council of Europethe Council of the European Unionthe European Council

The Council of Europe is a different institutioncreated in 1949sits in Strasbourg (France)47 member statescooperation in human rights, cultural aspects, dem. devlp.European Court of Human Rights

The Council of the European Union and the European Councilare both part of the EU

in reality it was the same institutionbut now dividedin any case, both incarnating the interest of the member- states

6.3 The Council of the European Union: CompositionThis is not an institution with a formal and permanent compositiondelegates to the meetings of the council rotateusually ministers of national governments

Council of the European Union has different configurationsGeneral AffairsForeign AffairsEconomic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin)Justice and Home AffairsEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer AffairsCompetitivenessTransports, telecommunications and EnergyAgriculture and FisheriesEnvironmentEducation, Youth and Cultureministers of national governments

In addition to representativesthere are delegations5-6 experts2 or more ministries involvedbut just one positionpresence of regional representativesinformal bargainingbut vital for EU legislationthe decision made by the representative is binding for the countryeven if there are differences of opinion between members of the government

Voting method varies according the issue votedtreaties and legislation establish the voting methods

Three voting methods in the Councilunanimity, everyone must agree (no dissenting opinions)restricted to the most important aspectsnew treaties, new membersJustice cooperation, Foreign and Sec. policynew areas of cooperation

qualified majority voting double majoritynumber of countries, 55% (16/28) (72% if proposal does not come from commission) positive votes include 65% of EU populations

blocking minority: 4 states with 35% or more of EU pop.most of the decisions done with QMVsimple majority (15/28)procedural matters, or proposals

6.4 The Functions of the Council of the European UnionIt is a key institution in the EU decision making structuremain decisive organ

Legislative powernegotiate and amend EU legislationproposals from CommissionCouncil will amend and approve (together with EP)

Coordination of EU states policies in some key areaseconomic and fiscal policieseducation, culture, youth and sportsemployment

Centre of the EU common foreign and security policy (CFSP)council defines and implements positions of EU

International agreementsasks the EU Commission to negotiatedecides on signature and ratifies after EP agrees and member states ratify

Finance controladoption of the budget (with the EP)

No decision can be done without the consent of the Council

6.5 The Internal Organisation of the Council of the EUThe Council has a presidencyrotating, every 6 monthsTasksPlanning and chairing meetings (exc. Foreign policy, high rep.)Representation of the country

Presidency is relevant for the work of the EUmore or less active countriesgoals setcapacity to broker agreements

Below the Council of the European Union are two types of supporting entities

Working groups and CommitteesCommittees of Permanent Representatives (COREPER)

Working groups are set up for countries to discuss different aspects of European Integration initiativespreliminary meetings that explore potential agreementsdiscussions about policies and implementationsonce the agreements could be possible topic will be taken to COREPER

COREPER (divided into two, I and II)COREPER II: Ecofin, Foreign Aff., Gen. Aff. And Justice and Home aff.Antici groupCOREPER I: the restMertens groupmeetings of permanent representatives to the EUpreparation of decision in the Council meetingsweekly meetings

The process would be as it follows

Working groups discussion and work

Informal discussion: Antici or Mertens groups


Council of the European Union

6.6 The European CouncilIs the highest level configuration of the Council of the EUcreated informally in the 1970s appears in the ESAnot different from the Council of Ministers until Lisbon Treaty

Leaders in EU and member statesPresident of European CouncilPresident of the CommisionTwo representatives of the governments of the EU member statesHR for Foreign Affairs and Sec. Policyand those other people invited to take part in discussions

It has a president2 years and a half mandateelected by the European Council

Currently Donald TuskMain functionschair the meetings and prepare themrepresentation of the European Council

The functions of the European Councilset the long term goals of the EUmonitor progress European Integrationfacilitate integration initiativesformal nominations: President of EU council, Commissioners

Meets two times at least every six monthsscheduled meetingsad-hoc meetings