Prescott-Harley-Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition I. Introduction to Microbiology 4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function © The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002 CHAPTER 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function Often we exclusively emphasize procaryotes and viruses, but eucaryotic microorganisms also have major impacts on human welfare. For example, the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is a cause of African sleeping sickness. The organism invades the nervous system and the victim frequently dies after suffering several years from symptoms such as weakness, headache, apathy, emaciation, sleepiness, and coma. Outline 4.1 An Overview of Eucaryotic Cell Structure 76 4.2 The Cytoplasmic Matrix, Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments, and Microtubules 76 4.3 The Endoplasmic Reticulum 79 4.4 The Golgi Apparatus 80 4.5 Lysosomes and Endocytosis 80 4.6 Eucaryotic Ribosomes 82 4.7 Mitochondria 83 4.8 Chloroplasts 85 4.9 The Nucleus and Cell Division 86 Nuclear Structure 86 The Nucleolus 87 Mitosis and Meiosis 87 4.10 External Cell Coverings 88 4.11 Cilia and Flagella 89 4.12 Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells 91 Concepts 1. Eucaryotic cells differ most obviously from procaryotic cells in having a variety of complex membranous organelles in the cytoplasmic matrix and the majority of their genetic material within membrane-delimited nuclei. Each organelle has a distinctive structure directly related to specific functions. 2. A cytoskeleton composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments helps give eucaryotic cells shape; microtubules and microfilaments are also involved in cell movements and intracellular transport. 3. In eucaryotes, genetic material is distributed between cells by the highly organized, complex processes called mitosis and meiosis. 4. Despite great differences between eucaryotes and procaryotes with respect to such things as morphology, they are similar on the biochemical level.

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Prescott−Harley−Klein: Microbiology, Fifth Edition

I. Introduction to Microbiology

4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2002

C H A P T E R 4Eucaryotic CellStructure and Function

Often we exclusivelyemphasize procaryotesand viruses, but eucaryoticmicroorganisms also havemajor impacts on humanwelfare. For example, theprotozoan parasiteTrypanosoma bruceigambiense is a cause ofAfrican sleeping sickness.The organism invades thenervous system and thevictim frequently diesafter suffering severalyears from symptomssuch as weakness,headache, apathy,emaciation, sleepiness,and coma.

Outline4.1 An Overview of Eucaryotic

Cell Structure 764.2 The Cytoplasmic Matrix,

Microfilaments,Intermediate Filaments, andMicrotubules 76

4.3 The Endoplasmic Reticulum 79

4.4 The Golgi Apparatus 804.5 Lysosomes and

Endocytosis 804.6 Eucaryotic Ribosomes 824.7 Mitochondria 834.8 Chloroplasts 854.9 The Nucleus and Cell

Division 86Nuclear Structure 86The Nucleolus 87Mitosis and Meiosis 87

4.10 External Cell Coverings 884.11 Cilia and Flagella 894.12 Comparison of Procaryotic

and Eucaryotic Cells 91

Concepts1. Eucaryotic cells differ most obviously from

procaryotic cells in having a variety of complexmembranous organelles in the cytoplasmicmatrix and the majority of their genetic materialwithin membrane-delimited nuclei. Eachorganelle has a distinctive structure directlyrelated to specific functions.

2. A cytoskeleton composed of microtubules,microfilaments, and intermediate filaments helpsgive eucaryotic cells shape; microtubules andmicrofilaments are also involved in cellmovements and intracellular transport.

3. In eucaryotes, genetic material is distributedbetween cells by the highly organized, complexprocesses called mitosis and meiosis.

4. Despite great differences between eucaryotes andprocaryotes with respect to such things asmorphology, they are similar on the biochemicallevel.

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I. Introduction to Microbiology

4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

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(and to some extent, algae) are exceptionally useful in industrialmicrobiology. Many fungi and protozoa are also major humanpathogens; one only need think of either malaria or Africansleeping sickness (see chapter opener) to appreciate the signifi-cance of eucaryotes in pathogenic microbiology. So, althoughthis text emphasizes bacteria, eucaryotic microorganisms arediscussed at many points.

Chapter 4 focuses on eucaryotic cell structure and its rela-tionship to cell function. Because many valuable studies on eu-caryotic cell ultrastructure have used organisms other than mi-croorganisms, some work on nonmicrobial cells is presented. Atthe end of the chapter, procaryotic and eucaryotic cells are com-pared in some depth.

4.1 An Overview of Eucaryotic Cell Structure 75

The key to every biological problem must finally be sought in the cell.

—E. B.Wilson

I n chapter 3 considerable attention is devoted to procaryoticcell structure and function because bacteria are immenselyimportant in microbiology and have occupied a large por-

tion of microbiologists’ attention in the past. Nevertheless, eu-caryotic algae, fungi, and protozoa also are microorganisms andhave been extensively studied. These organisms often are ex-traordinarily complex, interesting in their own right, and promi-nent members of the ecosystem (figure 4.1). In addition, fungi

Figure 4.1 Representative Examples of Eucaryotic Microorganisms.(a) Paramecium as seen with interference-contrast microscopy (�115). (b) Mixed diatomfrustules (�100). (c) Penicillium colonies, and (d) a microscopic view of the mold’s hyphae andconidia (�220). (e) Stentor. The ciliated protozoa are extended and actively feeding, dark-fieldmicroscopy (�100). (f) Amanita muscaria, a large poisonous mushroom (�5).

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

(f )

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I. Introduction to Microbiology

4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

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4.1 An Overview of Eucaryotic Cell Structure

The most obvious difference between eucaryotic and procaryoticcells is in their use of membranes. Eucaryotic cells have membrane-delimited nuclei, and membranes also play a prominent part in thestructure of many other organelles (figures 4.2 and 4.3). Organellesare intracellular structures that perform specific functions in cellsanalogous to the functions of organs in the body. The name or-ganelle (little organ) was coined because biologists saw a parallelbetween the relationship of organelles to a cell and that of organs tothe whole body. It is not satisfactory to define organelles as mem-brane-bound structures because this would exclude such compo-nents as ribosomes and bacterial flagella. A comparison of figures4.2 and 4.3 with figure 3.11 (p. 51) shows how much more struc-turally complex the eucaryotic cell is. This complexity is duechiefly to the use of internal membranes for several purposes. Thepartitioning of the eucaryotic cell interior by membranes makespossible the placement of different biochemical and physiologicalfunctions in separate compartments so that they can more easilytake place simultaneously under independent control and propercoordination. Large membrane surfaces make possible greater res-piratory and photosynthetic activity because these processes are lo-cated exclusively in membranes. The intracytoplasmic membranecomplex also serves as a transport system to move materials be-

tween different cell locations. Thus abundant membrane systemsprobably are necessary in eucaryotic cells because of their largevolume and the need for adequate regulation, metabolic activity,and transport.

Figures 4.2, 4.3, and 4.26b provide generalized views of eu-caryotic cell structure and illustrate most of the organelles to bediscussed. Table 4.1 briefly summarizes the functions of the ma-jor eucaryotic organelles. Those organelles lying inside theplasma membrane are first described, and then components out-side the membrane are discussed.

4.2 The Cytoplasmic Matrix, Microfilaments,Intermediate Filaments, and Microtubules

When a eucaryotic cell is examined at low power with the elec-tron microscope, its larger organelles are seen to lie in an appar-ently featureless, homogeneous substance called the cytoplasmicmatrix. The matrix, although superficially uninteresting, is actu-ally one of the most important and complex parts of the cell. It isthe “environment” of the organelles and the location of many im-portant biochemical processes. Several physical changes seen incells—viscosity changes, cytoplasmic streaming, and others—also are due to matrix activity.

76 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Figure 4.2 Eucaryotic Cell Ultrastructure. (a) A lymphoblast in the rat lymph node (�17,500). (b) Theyeast Saccharomyces (�7,200). Note the nucleus (n), mitochondrion (m), vacuole (v), endoplasmic reticulum(er), and cell wall (w).



(a) (b)

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4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

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Water constitutes about 70 to 85% by weight of a eucaryoticcell. Thus a large part of the cytoplasmic matrix is water. Cellularwater can exist in two different forms. Some of it is bulk or freewater; this is normal, osmotically active water. Osmosis, water ac-

tivity, and growth (pp. 61, 121–23)

Water also can exist as bound water or water of hydration.This water is bound to the surface of proteins and other macro-molecules and is osmotically inactive and more ordered than bulkwater. There is some evidence that bound water is the site of manymetabolic processes. The protein content of cells is so high thatthe cytoplasmic matrix often may be semicrystalline. Usually ma-trix pH is around neutrality, about pH 6.8 to 7.1, but can varywidely. For example, protozoan digestive vacuoles may reachpHs as low as 3 to 4.

Probably all eucaryotic cells have microfilaments, minuteprotein filaments, 4 to 7 nm in diameter, which may be either scat-tered within the cytoplasmic matrix or organized into networksand parallel arrays. Microfilaments are involved in cell motionand shape changes. Some examples of cellular movements asso-ciated with microfilament activity are the motion of pigmentgranules, amoeboid movement, and protoplasmic streaming inslime molds (see chapter 25).

The participation of microfilaments in cell movement is sug-gested by electron microscopic studies showing that they fre-quently are found at locations appropriate for such a role. For ex-ample, they are concentrated at the interface between stationaryand flowing cytoplasm in plant cells and slime molds. Experi-ments using the drug cytochalasin B have provided additional

4.2 The Cytoplasmic Matrix, Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments, and Microtubules 77




















Figure 4.3 Eucaryotic Cell Ultrastructure. This is a schematic,three-dimensional diagram of a cell with the most important organellesidentified in the illustration. AV, autophagic vacuole; C, centriole; CH, chloroplast; CI, cilium; CR, chromatin; DV, digestion vacuole; F, microfilaments; G, glycogen; GA, Golgi apparatus; GE, GERL; LD, lipid droplet; M, mitochondrion; MT, microtubules; N, nucleus;NU, nucleolus; P, peroxisome; PL, primary lysosome; PM, plasmamembrane; PV, pinocytotic vesicle; R, ribosomes and polysomes; RB, residual body; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; SER, smoothendoplasmic reticulum; SV, secretion vacuole.

Table 4.1 Functions of Eucaryotic Organelles

Plasma membrane Mechanical cell boundary, selectively permeable barrier with transportsystems, mediates cell-cell interactionsand adhesion to surfaces, secretion

Cytoplasmic matrix Environment for other organelles, location of many metabolic processes

Microfilaments, Cell structure and movements, form the intermediate filaments, cytoskeletonand microtubules

Endoplasmic reticulum Transport of materials, protein and lipid synthesis

Ribosomes Protein synthesisGolgi apparatus Packaging and secretion of materials for

various purposes, lysosome formationLysosomes Intracellular digestionMitochondria Energy production through use of the

tricarboxylic acid cycle, electrontransport, oxidative phosphorylation, andother pathways

Chloroplasts Photosynthesis—trapping light energy and formation of carbohydrate from CO2

and waterNucleus Repository for genetic information, control

center for cellNucleolus Ribosomal RNA synthesis, ribosome

constructionCell wall and pellicle Strengthen and give shape to the cellCilia and flagella Cell movementVacuole Temporary storage and transport, digestion

(food vacuoles), water balance (contractile vacuole)

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evidence. Cytochalasin B disrupts microfilament structure andoften simultaneously inhibits cell movements. However, becausethe drug has additional effects in cells, a direct cause-and-effectinterpretation of these experiments is sometimes difficult.

Microfilament protein has been isolated and analyzed chem-ically. It is an actin, very similar to the actin contractile protein ofmuscle tissue. This is further indirect evidence for microfilamentinvolvement in cell movement.

Some pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes make useof eucaryotic actin to move rapidly through the host cell. TheActA protein released by Listeria causes the polymerization ofactin filaments at the end of the bacterium. A tail of actin isformed and trapped in the host cytoskeleton. Its continued elon-gation pushes the bacterium along at rates up to 11 �m/minute.The bacterium can even be propelled through the cell surface andinto neighboring cells (figure 4.4).

A second type of small filamentous organelle in the cytoplas-mic matrix is shaped like a thin cylinder about 25 nm in diameter.Because of its tubular nature this organelle is called a micro-tubule. Microtubules are complex structures constructed of twoslightly different spherical protein subunits named tubulins, eachof which is approximately 4 to 5 nm in diameter. These subunitsare assembled in a helical arrangement to form a cylinder with anaverage of 13 subunits in one turn or circumference (figure 4.5).

Microtubules serve at least three purposes: (1) they helpmaintain cell shape, (2) are involved with microfilaments in cellmovements, and (3) participate in intracellular transportprocesses. Evidence for a structural role comes from their intra-cellular distribution and studies on the effects of the drugcolchicine. Long, thin cell structures requiring support such as theaxopodia (long, slender, rigid pseudopodia) of protozoa containmicrotubules (figure 4.6). When migrating embryonic nerve and

78 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function


Actin tail

Figure 4.4 Listeria Motility and Actin Filaments. A Listeria cell ispropelled through the cell surface by a bundle of actin filaments.




Figure 4.5 Microtubule Structure. The hollow cylinder, about 25 nm in diameter, is made of two kinds of protein subunits, �-tubulinand �-tubulin.

Figure 4.6 Cytoplasmic Microtubules. Electron micrographs ofpseudopodia with microtubules. (a) Microtubules in a pseudopodiumfrom the protozoan Reticulomyxa (�65,000). (b) A transverse sectionof a heliozoan axopodium (�48,000). Note the parallel array ofmicrotubules organized in a spiral pattern.



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1. What is an organelle?

2. Define cytoplasmic matrix, bulk or free water, bound water,microfilament, microtubule, and tubulin. Discuss the roles ofmicrofilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

3. Describe the cytoskeleton. What are its functions?

4.3 The Endoplasmic Reticulum

Besides the cytoskeleton, the cytoplasmic matrix is permeatedwith an irregular network of branching and fusing membranoustubules, around 40 to 70 nm in diameter, and many flattened sacscalled cisternae (s., cisterna). This network of tubules and cister-nae is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (figure 4.2a and figure4.8). The nature of the ER varies with the functional and physio-logical status of the cell. In cells synthesizing a great deal of pro-tein for purposes such as secretion, a large part of the ER is stud-ded on its outer surface with ribosomes and is called rough orgranular endoplasmic reticulum (RER or GER). Other cells,such as those producing large quantities of lipids, have ER thatlacks ribosomes. This is smooth or agranular ER (SER or AER).

The endoplasmic reticulum has many important functions. Ittransports proteins, lipids, and probably other materials throughthe cell. Lipids and proteins are synthesized by ER-associated en-zymes and ribosomes. Polypeptide chains synthesized on RER-bound ribosomes may be inserted either into the ER membrane orinto its lumen for transport elsewhere. The ER is also a major siteof cell membrane synthesis.

New endoplasmic reticulum is produced through expansionof the old. Many biologists think the RER synthesizes new ERproteins and lipids. “Older” RER then loses its connected ribo-somes and is modified to become SER. Not everyone agrees withthis interpretation, and other mechanisms of growth of ER arepossible.

4.3 The Endoplasmic Reticulum 79

Figure 4.7 The Eucaryotic Cytoskeleton. (a) Antibody-stainedmicrofilament system in a mammal cell (�400). (b) Antibody-stainedmicrotubule system in a mammal cell (�1,000).

(a) (b)

Figure 4.8 The Endoplasmic Reticulum. A transmission electronmicrograph of the corpus luteum in a human ovary showing structuralvariations in eucaryotic endoplasmic reticulum. Note the presence ofboth rough endoplasmic reticulum lined with ribosomes and smoothendoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes (�26,500).

heart cells are exposed to colchicine, they simultaneously losetheir microtubules and their characteristic shapes. The shapelesscells seem to wander aimlessly as if incapable of directed move-ment without their normal form. Their microfilaments are still in-tact, but due to the disruption of their microtubules by colchicine,they no longer behave normally.

Microtubules also are present in structures that participate incell or organelle movements—the mitotic spindle, cilia, and fla-gella. For example, the mitotic spindle is constructed of micro-tubules; when a dividing cell is treated with colchicine, the spindleis disrupted and chromosome separation blocked. Microtubulesalso are essential to the movement of eucaryotic cilia and flagella.

Other kinds of filamentous components also are present in thematrix, the most important of which are the intermediate fila-ments (about 8 to 10 nm in diameter). The microfilaments, micro-tubules, and intermediate filaments are major components of a vast,intricate network of interconnected filaments called the cytoskele-ton (figure 4.7). As mentioned previously, the cytoskeleton plays arole in both cell shape and movement. Procaryotes lack a true, or-ganized cytoskeleton and may not possess actinlike proteins.

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4.4 The Golgi Apparatus

The Golgi apparatus is a membranous organelle composed of flat-tened, saclike cisternae stacked on each other (figure 4.9). Thesemembranes, like the smooth ER, lack bound ribosomes. There areusually around 4 to 8 cisternae or sacs in a stack, although theremay be many more. Each sac is 15 to 20 nm thick and separatedfrom other cisternae by 20 to 30 nm. A complex network of tubulesand vesicles (20 to 100 nm in diameter) is located at the edges ofthe cisternae. The stack of cisternae has a definite polarity becausethere are two ends or faces that are quite different from one another.The sacs on the cis or forming face often are associated with the ERand differ from the sacs on the trans or maturing face in thickness,enzyme content, and degree of vesicle formation. It appears thatmaterial is transported from cis to trans cisternae by vesicles thatbud off the cisternal edges and move to the next sac.

The Golgi apparatus is present in most eucaryotic cells, butmany fungi and ciliate protozoa may lack a well-formed struc-ture. Sometimes it consists of a single stack of cisternae; however,many cells may contain up to 20, and sometimes more, separatestacks. These stacks of cisternae, often called dictyosomes, canbe clustered in one region or scattered about the cell.

The Golgi apparatus packages materials and prepares themfor secretion, the exact nature of its role varying with the or-ganism. The surface scales of some flagellated algae and radio-larian protozoa appear to be constructed within the Golgi appa-ratus and then transported to the surface in vesicles. It oftenparticipates in the development of cell membranes and in thepackaging of cell products. The growth of some fungal hyphaeoccurs when Golgi vesicles contribute their contents to the wallat the hyphal tip.

In all these processes, materials move from the ER to theGolgi apparatus. Most often vesicles bud off the ER, travel to theGolgi apparatus, and fuse with the cis cisternae. Thus the Golgiapparatus is closely related to the ER in both a structural and afunctional sense. Most proteins entering the Golgi apparatus fromthe ER are glycoproteins containing short carbohydrate chains.The Golgi apparatus frequently modifies proteins destined for

different fates by adding specific groups and then sends the pro-teins on their way to the proper location (e.g., lysosomal proteinshave phosphates added to their mannose sugars).

4.5 Lysosomes and Endocytosis

A very important function of the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmicreticulum is the synthesis of another organelle, the lysosome. Thisorganelle (or a structure very much like it) is found in a variety ofmicroorganisms—protozoa, some algae, and fungi—as well as inplants and animals. Lysosomes are roughly spherical and enclosedin a single membrane; they average about 500 nm in diameter, butrange from 50 nm to several �m in size. They are involved in in-tracellular digestion and contain the enzymes needed to digest alltypes of macromolecules. These enzymes, called hydrolases, cat-alyze the hydrolysis of molecules and function best under slightlyacid conditions (usually around pH 3.5 to 5.0). Lysosomes main-tain an acidic environment by pumping protons into their interior.Digestive enzymes are manufactured by the RER and packaged toform lysosomes by the Golgi apparatus. A segment of smooth ERnear the Golgi apparatus also may bud off lysosomes.

Lysosomes are particularly important in those cells that obtainnutrients through endocytosis. In this process a cell takes up solutesor particles by enclosing them in vacuoles and vesicles pinched offfrom its plasma membrane. Vacuoles and vesicles are membrane-delimited cavities that contain fluid, and often solid material. Largercavities will be called vacuoles, and smaller cavities, vesicles. Thereare two major forms of endocytosis: phagocytosis and pinocytosis.During phagocytosis large particles and even other microorganismsare enclosed in a phagocytic vacuole or phagosome and engulfed(figure 4.10a). In pinocytosis small amounts of the surrounding liq-uid with its solute molecules are pinched off as tiny pinocytotic vesi-cles (also called pinocytic vesicles) or pinosomes. Often phago-somes and pinosomes are collectively called endosomes becausethey are formed by endocytosis. The type of pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, that produces coated vesicles (see p. 403) isimportant in the entry of animal viruses into host cells.

80 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Dictyosome(a stack offlattenedcisternaeor lamelliae)

Trans or maturing facePeripheral tubules

Secretory vesicle

Cis or forming face

Figure 4.9 Golgi Apparatus Structure.Golgi apparatus of Euglena gracilis. Cisternalstacks are shown in the electron micrograph(�165,000) in (a) and diagrammatically in (b).



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4.5 Lysosomes and Endocytosis 81

Figure 4.10 Lysosome Structure, Formation, and Function.(a) A diagrammatic overview of lysosome formation and function. (b) Lysosomes in macrophages from the lung. Secondary lysosomescontain partially digested material and are formed by fusion of primarylysosomes and phagocytic vacuoles (�14,137).











Lobe of nucleusGolgi apparatus

Primary lysosomes



Material in endosomes is digested with the aid of lyso-somes. Newly formed lysosomes, or primary lysosomes, fusewith phagocytic vacuoles to yield secondary lysosomes, lyso-somes with material being digested (figure 4.10). Thesephagocytic vacuoles or secondary lysosomes often are calledfood vacuoles. Digested nutrients then leave the secondarylysosome and enter the cytoplasm. When the lysosome has ac-cumulated large quantities of indigestible material, it is knownas a residual body.

Lysosomes join with phagosomes for defensive purposesas well as to acquire nutrients. Invading bacteria, ingested bya phagocytic cell, usually are destroyed when lysosomes fusewith the phagosome. This is commonly seen in leukocytes(white blood cells) of vertebrates. Phagocytosis and resistance to

pathogens (pp. 718–20)

Cells can selectively digest portions of their own cyto-plasm in a type of secondary lysosome called an autophagicvacuole (figure 4.10a). It is thought that these arise by lysoso-mal engulfment of a piece of cytoplasm (figure 4.11), or whenthe ER pinches off cytoplasm to form a vesicle that subse-quently fuses with lysosomes. Autophagy probably plays arole in the normal turnover or recycling of cell constituents. Acell also can survive a period of starvation by selectively di-gesting portions of itself to remain alive. Following cell death,lysosomes aid in digestion and removal of cell debris.

A most remarkable thing about lysosomes is that they ac-complish all these tasks without releasing their digestive en-zymes into the cytoplasmic matrix, a catastrophe that woulddestroy the cell. The lysosomal membrane retains digestiveenzymes and other macromolecules while allowing small di-gestion products to leave.

The intricate complex of membranous organelles com-posed of the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endosomes, and as-sociated structures seems to operate as a coordinated wholewhose main function is the import and export of materials (fig-ure 4.11). Christian de Duve (Nobel Prize, 1974) has sug-gested that this complex be called the vacuome in recognitionof its functional unity. The ER manufactures secretory pro-teins and membrane, and contributes these to the Golgi appa-ratus. The Golgi apparatus then forms secretory vesicles thatfuse with the plasma membrane and release material to theoutside. It also produces lysosomes that fuse with endosomesto digest material acquired through phagocytosis and pinocy-tosis. Membrane movement in the region of the vacuome ly-ing between the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane istwo-way. Empty vesicles often are recycled and returned to theGolgi apparatus and plasma membrane rather than being de-stroyed. These exchanges in the vacuome occur without mem-brane rupture so that vesicle contents never escape directlyinto the cytoplasmic matrix.

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More recently a nonlysosomal protein degradation systemhas been discovered in eucaryotic cells, a few bacteria, and manyarchaea. The majority of eucaryotic proteins may be degraded bythis system. In eucaryotes, proteins are targeted for destruction bythe attachment of several small ubiquitin polypeptides (figure4.12). The marked protein then enters a huge cylindrical complexcalled a 26S proteasome, where it is degraded to peptides in an

ATP-dependent process and the ubiquitins are released. The pep-tides may be hydrolyzed to amino acids. In this case the systemis being used to recycle proteins. The proteasome also is involvedin producing peptides for antigen presentation during many im-munological responses (see section 32.4).

1. How do the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum differ fromone another in terms of structure and function? List the processesin which the ER is involved.

2. Describe the structure of a Golgi apparatus in words and with adiagram. How do the cis and trans faces of the Golgi apparatusdiffer? List the major Golgi apparatus functions discussed in the text.

3. How are lysosomes formed? Describe the various forms oflysosomes and the way in which they participate in intracellulardigestion. What is an autophagic vacuole? Define endocytosis,pinocytosis, and phagocytosis. What is a proteasome?

4.6 Eucaryotic Ribosomes

The eucaryotic ribosome can either be associated with the endo-plasmic reticulum or be free in the cytoplasmic matrix and islarger than the bacterial 70S ribosome. It is a dimer of a 60S and

82 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Endoplasmic reticulum














Plasma membrane


Figure 4.11 Membrane Flow in the Vacuome. Theflow of material and membranes between organelles in aeucaryotic cell.(1) Vesicles shuttling between the ER and Golgi apparatus.(2) The Golgi–plasma membrane shuttle for secretion of

materials.(3) The Golgi-lysosome shuttle.(4) The movement of material and membranes during

endocytosis.(5) Pathways of plasma membrane recovery from

endosomes, lysosomes, and through the Golgiapparatus.

(6) Movement of vesicles from endosomes to lysosomes.(7) Autophagy by a lysosome.





26S Proteasome


Figure 4.12 Proteasome Degradation of Proteins. See text fordetails.

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a 40S subunit, about 22 nm in diameter, and has a sedimentationcoefficient of 80S and a molecular weight of 4 million. Whenbound to the endoplasmic reticulum to form rough ER, it is at-tached through its 60S subunit.

Both free and RER-bound ribosomes synthesize proteins. Asmentioned earlier, proteins made on the ribosomes of the RER ei-ther enter its lumen for transport, and often for secretion, or areinserted into the ER membrane as integral membrane proteins.Free ribosomes are the sites of synthesis for nonsecretory andnonmembrane proteins. Some proteins synthesized by free ribo-somes are inserted into organelles such as the nucleus, mitochon-drion, and chloroplast. As discussed in chapters 3 and 12 (seepp. 52, 272–74), molecular chaperones aid the proper folding ofproteins after synthesis. They also assist the transport of proteinsinto eucaryotic organelles such as mitochondria. Several ribo-somes usually attach to a single messenger RNA and simultane-ously translate its message into protein. These complexes of mes-senger RNA and ribosomes are called polyribosomes orpolysomes. Ribosomal participation in protein synthesis is dealtwith later. The role of ribosomes in protein synthesis (pp. 267–72)

1. Describe the structure of the eucaryotic 80S ribosome and contrastit with the procaryotic ribosome.

2. How do free ribosomes and those bound to the ER differ infunction?

4.7 Mitochondria

Found in most eucaryotic cells, mitochondria (s., mitochon-drion) frequently are called the “powerhouses” of the cell. Tri-carboxylic acid cycle activity and the generation of ATP by elec-tron transport and oxidative phosphorylation take place here. Inthe transmission electron microscope, mitochondria usually arecylindrical structures and measure approximately 0.3 to 1.0 �mby 5 to 10 �m. (In other words, they are about the same size asbacterial cells.) Although cells can possess as many as 1,000 ormore mitochondria, at least a few cells (some yeasts, unicellularalgae, and trypanosome protozoa) have a single giant tubular mi-tochondrion twisted into a continuous network permeating thecytoplasm (figure 4.13). The tricarboxylic acid cycle, electron transport,

and oxidative phosphorylation (pp. 183–89)

The mitochondrion is bounded by two membranes, an outermitochondrial membrane separated from an inner mitochondrialmembrane by a 6 to 8 nm intermembrane space (figure 4.14). Spe-cial infoldings of the inner membrane, called cristae (s., crista),greatly increase its surface area. Their shape differs in mitochon-dria from various species. Fungi have platelike (laminar) cristae,whereas euglenoid flagellates may have cristae shaped like disks.Tubular cristae are found in a variety of eucaryotes; however,

amoebae can possess mitochondria with cristae in the shape ofvesicles (figure 4.15). The inner membrane encloses the mito-chondrial matrix, a dense matrix containing ribosomes, DNA, andoften large calcium phosphate granules. Mitochondrial ribosomesare smaller than cytoplasmic ribosomes and resemble those ofbacteria in several ways, including their size and subunit compo-sition. Mitochondrial DNA is a closed circle like bacterial DNA.

Each mitochondrial compartment is different from the othersin chemical and enzymatic composition. The outer and inner mi-tochondrial membranes, for example, possess different lipids. En-zymes and electron carriers involved in electron transport and ox-idative phosphorylation (the formation of ATP as a consequenceof electron transport) are located only in the inner membrane. Theenzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the �-oxidation path-way for fatty acids (see chapter 9) are located in the matrix.

The inner membrane of the mitochondrion has another dis-tinctive structural feature related to its function. Many smallspheres, about 8.5 nm diameter, are attached by stalks to its innersurface. The spheres are called F1 particles and synthesize ATPduring cellular respiration (see pp. 187–89).

The mitochondrion uses its DNA and ribosomes to synthe-size some of its own proteins. In fact, mutations in mitochondrialDNA often lead to serious diseases in humans. Most mitochon-drial proteins, however, are manufactured under the direction of

4.7 Mitochondria 83


Figure 4.13 Trypanosome Mitochondria. The giant mitochondriafrom trypanosomes. (a) Crithidia fasciculata mitochondrion withkinetoplast, K. The kinetoplast contains DNA that codes formitochondrial RNA and protein. (b) Trypanosoma cruzi mitochondrionwith arrow indicating position of kinetoplast.


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84 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function







Figure 4.14 Mitochondrial Structure. (a) A diagram ofmitochondrial structure. The insert shows F1F0 complexes lining theinner surface of the cristae. (b) Scanning electron micrograph (�70,000)of a freeze-fractured mitochondrion showing the cristae (arrows). The outer and inner mitochondrial membranes also are evident. (c) Transmission electron micrograph of a mitochondrion from a batpancreas (�85,000). Note outer and inner mitochondrial membranes,cristae, and inclusions in the matrix. The mitochondrion is surroundedby rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Outer mitochondrialmembrane

Inner mitochondrialmembrane


(b) (c)

Figure 4.15 Mitochondrial Cristae.Mitochondria with a variety of cristae shapes.(a) Mitochondria from the protostelid slimemold Schizoplasmodiopsis micropunctata.Note the tubular cristae (�49,500). (b) Theprotozoan Actinosphaerium with vesicularcristae (�75,000).

(a) (b)

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the nucleus. Mitochondria reproduce by binary fission. Chloro-plasts show similar partial independence and reproduction by bi-nary fission. Because both organelles resemble bacteria to someextent, it has been suggested that these organelles arose from sym-biotic associations between bacteria and larger cells (Box 4.1).

4.8 Chloroplasts

Plastids are cytoplasmic organelles of algae and higher plantsthat often possess pigments such as chlorophylls andcarotenoids, and are the sites of synthesis and storage of food re-serves. The most important type of plastid is the chloroplast.Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and use light energy to convertCO2 and water to carbohydrates and O2. That is, they are the siteof photosynthesis.

Although chloroplasts are quite variable in size and shape,they share many structural features. Most often they are oval withdimensions of 2 to 4 �m by 5 to 10 �m, but some algae possessone huge chloroplast that fills much of the cell. Like mitochondria,chloroplasts are encompassed by two membranes (figure 4.16). Amatrix, the stroma, lies within the inner membrane. It containsDNA, ribosomes, lipid droplets, starch granules, and a complexinternal membrane system whose most prominent components are

flattened, membrane-delimited sacs, the thylakoids. Clusters oftwo or more thylakoids are dispersed within the stroma of most al-gal chloroplasts (figures 4.16 and 4.25b). In some groups of algae,several disklike thylakoids are stacked on each other like coins toform grana (s., granum).

Photosynthetic reactions are separated structurally in thechloroplast just as electron transport and the tricarboxylic acidcycle are in the mitochondrion. The formation of carbohydratefrom CO2 and water, the dark reaction, takes place in the stroma.The trapping of light energy to generate ATP, NADPH, and O2,the light reaction, is located in the thylakoid membranes, wherechlorophyll and electron transport components are also found.Photosynthesis (pp. 195–201)

The chloroplasts of many algae contain a pyrenoid (figure4.25b), a dense region of protein surrounded by starch or an-other polysaccharide. Pyrenoids participate in polysaccharidesynthesis.

1. Describe in detail the structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts.Where are the different components of these organelles’ energytrapping systems located?

2. Define F1 particle, plastid, dark reaction, light reaction, and pyrenoid.

3. What is the role of mitochondrial DNA?

4.8 Chloroplasts 85

T he profound differences between eucaryotic and procaryoticcells have stimulated much discussion about how the morecomplex eucaryotic cell arose. Some biologists believe the orig-

inal “protoeucaryote” was a large aerobic archaean or bacterium thatformed mitochondria, chloroplasts, and nuclei when its plasma mem-brane invaginated and enclosed genetic material in a double membrane.The organelles could then evolve independently. It also is possible that alarge blue-green bacterium lost its cell wall and became phagocytic.Subsequently, primitive chloroplasts, mitochondria, and nuclei would beformed by the fusion of thylakoids and endoplasmic reticulum cisternaeto enclose specific areas of cytoplasm.

By far the most popular theory for the origin of eucaryotic cells is theendosymbiotic theory. In brief, it is supposed that the ancestral procary-otic cell, which may have been an archaean, lost its cell wall and gainedthe ability to obtain nutrients by phagocytosing other procaryotes. Whenphotosynthetic cyanobacteria arose, the environment slowly became aero-bic. If an anaerobic, amoeboid, phagocytic procaryote—possibly alreadypossessing a developed nucleus—engulfed an aerobic bacterial cell and es-tablished a permanent symbiotic relationship with it, the host would be bet-ter adapted to its increasingly aerobic environment. The endosymbioticaerobic bacterium eventually would develop into the mitochondrion. Sim-ilarly, symbiotic associations with cyanobacteria could lead to the forma-

Box 4.1

The Origin of the Eucaryotic Cell

tion of chloroplasts and photosynthetic eucaryotes. Some have speculatedthat cilia and flagella might have arisen from the attachment of spirochetebacteria (see chapter 21) to the surface of eucaryotic cells, much as spiro-chetes attach themselves to the surface of the motile protozoan Myxotrichaparadoxa that grows in the digestive tract of termites.

There is evidence to support the endosymbiotic theory. Both mito-chondria and chloroplasts resemble bacteria in size and appearance, con-tain DNA in the form of a closed circle like that of bacteria, and repro-duce semiautonomously. Mitochondrial and chloroplast ribosomesresemble procaryotic ribosomes more closely than those in the eucary-otic cytoplasmic matrix. The sequences of the chloroplast and mito-chondrial genes for ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA are more similarto bacterial gene sequences than to those of eucaryotic rRNA and tRNAnuclear genes. Finally, there are symbiotic associations that appear to bebacterial endosymbioses in which distinctive procaryotic characteristicsare being lost. For example, the protozoan flagellate Cyanophora para-doxa has photosynthetic organelles called cyanellae with a structure sim-ilar to that of cyanobacteria and the remains of peptidoglycan in theirwalls. Their DNA is much smaller than that of cyanobacteria and resem-bles chloroplast DNA. Despite such evidence, the endosymbiotic theorystill is somewhat speculative and the center of much continuing researchand discussion.

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4.9 The Nucleus and Cell Division

The cell nucleus is by far the most visually prominent organelle.It was discovered early in the study of cell structure and wasshown by Robert Brown in 1831 to be a constant feature of eu-caryotic cells. The nucleus is the repository for the cell’s geneticinformation and is its control center.

Nuclear Structure

Nuclei are membrane-delimited spherical bodies about 5 to 7 �min diameter (figures 4.2 and 4.25b). Dense fibrous material calledchromatin can be seen within the nucleoplasm of the nucleus ofa stained cell. This is the DNA-containing part of the nucleus. Innondividing cells, chromatin exists in a dispersed condition, butcondenses during mitosis to become visible as chromosomes.Some nuclear chromatin, the euchromatin, is loosely organizedand contains those genes that are expressing themselves actively.Heterochromatin is coiled more tightly, appears darker in theelectron microscope, and is not genetically active most of thetime. Organization of DNA in eucaryotic nuclei (pp. 234–35)

The nucleus is bounded by the nuclear envelope (figures 4.2and 4.25b), a complex structure consisting of inner and outermembranes separated by a 15 to 75 nm perinuclear space. The en-velope is continuous with the ER at several points and its outermembrane is covered with ribosomes. A network of intermediatefilaments, called the nuclear lamina, lies against the inner surfaceof the envelope and supports it. Chromatin usually is associatedwith the inner membrane.

Many nuclear pores penetrate the envelope (figure 4.17),each pore formed by a fusion of the outer and inner membranes.Pores are about 70 nm in diameter and collectively occupy about10 to 25% of the nuclear surface. A complex ringlike arrangementof granular and fibrous material called the annulus is located atthe edge of each pore.

The nuclear pores serve as a transport route between the nu-cleus and surrounding cytoplasm. Particles have been observedmoving into the nucleus through the pores. Although the functionof the annulus is not understood, it may either regulate or aid themovement of material through the pores. Substances also movedirectly through the nuclear envelope by unknown mechanisms.

86 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Chloroplast envelope(double membrane)







Figure 4.16 Chloroplast Structure. (a) The chloroplast (Chl), ofthe euglenoid flagellate Colacium cyclopicolum. The chloroplast isbounded by a double membrane and has its thylakoids in groups ofthree or more. A paramylon granule (P), lipid droplets (L), and thepellicular strips (Pe), can be seen (�40,000). (b) A diagram ofchloroplast structure.

Figure 4.17 The Nucleus. A freeze-etch preparation of the conidiumof the fungus Geotrichum candidum (�44,600). Note the large convexnuclear surface with nuclear pores scattered over it.

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The Nucleolus

Often the most noticeable structure within the nucleus is the nu-cleolus (figures 4.2 and 4.25b). A nucleus may contain from one tomany nucleoli. Although the nucleolus is not membrane-enclosed,it is a complex organelle with separate granular and fibrillar re-gions. It is present in nondividing cells, but frequently disappearsduring mitosis. After mitosis the nucleolus reforms around the nu-cleolar organizer, a particular part of a specific chromosome.

The nucleolus plays a major role in ribosome synthesis. Thenucleolar organizer DNA directs the production of ribosomalRNA (rRNA). This RNA is synthesized in a single long piece thatthen is cut to form the final rRNA molecules. The processedrRNAs next combine with ribosomal proteins (which have beensynthesized in the cytoplasmic matrix) to form partially com-pleted ribosomal subunits. The granules seen in the nucleolus areprobably these subunits. Immature ribosomal subunits then leavethe nucleus, presumably by way of the nuclear envelope poresand mature in the cytoplasm. RNA splicing (p. 264)

Mitosis and Meiosis

When a eucaryotic microorganism reproduces, its genetic mate-rial must be duplicated and then separated so that each new nu-cleus possesses a complete set of chromosomes. This process ofnuclear division and chromosome distribution in eucaryotic cellsis called mitosis. Mitosis actually occupies only a small portionof a microorganism’s life as can be seen by examining the cell cy-cle (figure 4.18). The cell cycle is the total sequence of events inthe growth-division cycle between the end of one division and theend of the next. Cell growth takes place in the interphase, thatportion of the cycle between periods of mitosis. Interphase iscomposed of three parts. The G1 period (gap 1 period) is a time

of active synthesis of RNA, ribosomes, and other cytoplasmicconstituents accompanied by considerable cell growth. This isfollowed by the S period (synthesis period) in which DNA isreplicated and doubles in quantity. Finally, there is a second gap,the G2 period, when the cell prepares for mitosis, the M period,by activities such as the synthesis of special division proteins. Thetotal length of the cycle differs considerably between microor-ganisms, usually due to variations in the length of G1.

Mitotic events are summarized in figure 4.18. During mitosis,the genetic material duplicated during the S period is distributedequally to the two new nuclei so that each has a full set of genes.There are four phases in mitosis. In prophase, the chromosomes—each with two chromatids—become visible and move toward theequator of the cell. The mitotic spindle forms, the nucleolus disap-pears, and the nuclear envelope begins to dissolve. The chromo-somes are arranged in the center of the spindle during metaphaseand the nuclear envelope has disappeared. During anaphase thechromatids in each chromosome separate and move toward the op-posite poles of the spindle. Finally during telophase the chromatidsbecome less visible, the nucleolus reappears, and a nuclear envelopereassembles around each set of chromatids to form two new nuclei.

Mitosis in eucaryotic microorganisms can differ from that pic-tured in figure 4.18. For example, the nuclear envelope does not dis-appear in many fungi and some protozoa and algae (figure 4.19).Frequently cytokinesis, the division of the parental cell’s cytoplasmto form new cells, begins during anaphase and finishes by the endof telophase. However, mitosis can take place without cytokinesis togenerate multinucleate or coenocytic cells.

In mitosis the original number of chromosomes is the same af-ter division and a diploid organism will remain diploid or 2N (i.e.,it still has two copies of each chromosome). Frequently a microor-ganism reduces its chromosome number by half, from the diploidstate to the haploid or 1N (a single copy of each chromosome).

4.9 The Nucleus and Cell Division 87







S MCytokinesis

MITOSISINTERPHASEFigure 4.18 The Eucaryotic Cell Cycle. Thelength of the M period has been increaseddisproportionately in order to show the phases ofmitosis. G1 period: synthesis of mRNA, tRNA,ribosomes, and cytoplasmic constituents.Nucleolus grows rapidly. S period: rapid synthesisand doubling of nuclear DNA and histones. G2 period: preparation for mitosis and celldivision. M period: mitosis (prophase, metaphase,anaphase, telophase) and cytokinesis.

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88 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Figure 4.19 Mitosis with an Intact Nuclear Envelope. Mitosis inthe slime mold Physarum flavicomum. The nuclear envelope, NE,remains intact, and the spindle is intranuclear. The process is atmetaphase with the chromosomes, Chr, aligned in the center andattached to spindle fibers, SF (�15,000).

Haploid cells may immediately act as gametes and fuse to reformdiploid organisms or may form gametes only after a considerabledelay (figure 4.20). The process by which the number of chromo-somes is reduced in half with each daughter cell receiving one com-plete set of chromosomes is called meiosis. Life cycles can be quitecomplex in eucaryotic microorganisms; a classic example is the lifecycle of Plasmodium, the cause of malaria (see pp. 954–56). Life

cycles of eucaryotic microorganisms (chapters 25–27)

Meiosis is quite complex and involves two stages. The firststage differs markedly from mitosis. During prophase, homolo-gous chromosomes come together and lie side-by-side, a processknown as synapsis. Then the double-stranded chromosomes fromeach homologous pair move to opposite poles in anaphase. In con-trast, during mitotic anaphase the two strands of each chromosomeseparate and move to opposite poles. Consequently the number ofchromosomes is halved in meiosis but not in mitosis. The secondstage of meiosis is similar to mitosis in terms of mechanics, and

single-stranded chromosomes are separated. After completion ofmeiosis I and meiosis II, the original diploid cell has been trans-formed into four haploid cells.

1. Describe the structure of the nucleus. What are euchromatin andheterochromatin? What is the role of the pores in the nuclearenvelope?

2. Briefly discuss the structure and function of the nucleolus. What isthe nucleolar organizer?

3. Describe the eucaryotic cell cycle, its periods, and the process ofmitosis. What is meiosis, how does it take place, and what is itsrole in the microbial life cycle?

4.10 External Cell Coverings

Eucaryotic microorganisms differ greatly from procaryotes in thesupporting or protective structures they have external to the plasmamembrane. In contrast with most bacteria, many eucaryotes lack anexternal cell wall. The amoeba is an excellent example. Eucaryoticcell membranes, unlike most procaryotic membranes, containsterols such as cholesterol in their lipid bilayers, and this may makethem mechanically stronger, thus reducing the need for externalsupport. (However, as mentioned on page 47, many procaryoticmembranes are strengthened by hopanoids.) Of course many eu-caryotes do have a rigid external cell wall. Algal cell walls usuallyhave a layered appearance and contain large quantities of polysac-charides such as cellulose and pectin. In addition, inorganic sub-stances like silica (in diatoms) or calcium carbonate (some red al-gae) may be present. Fungal cell walls normally are rigid. Theirexact composition varies with the organism; but usually, cellulose,chitin, or glucan (a glucose polymer different from cellulose) arepresent. Despite their nature the rigid materials in eucaryotic walls







Figure 4.20 Generalized Eucaryotic Life Cycle.

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are chemically simpler than procaryotic peptidoglycan. Bacterial

cell wall structure and chemistry (pp. 55–60)

Many protozoa and some algae have a different externalstructure, the pellicle (figure 4.16a). This is a relatively rigid layerof components just beneath the plasma membrane (sometimes theplasma membrane is also considered part of the pellicle). The pel-licle may be fairly simple in structure. For example, Euglena hasa series of overlapping strips with a ridge at the edge of each stripfitting into a groove on the adjacent one. In contrast, ciliate proto-zoan pellicles are exceptionally complex with two membranes anda variety of associated structures. Although pellicles are not asstrong and rigid as cell walls, they do give their possessors a char-acteristic shape.

4.11 Cilia and Flagella

Cilia (s., cilium) and flagella (s., flagellum) are the most promi-nent organelles associated with motility. Although both arewhiplike and beat to move the microorganism along, they differfrom one another in two ways. First, cilia are typically only 5 to 20 �m in length, whereas flagella are 100 to 200 �m long. Second,their patterns of movement are usually distinctive (figure 4.21). Fla-

4.11 Cilia and Flagella 89

Figure 4.21 Patterns of Flagellar Movement. Flagellar movement(left illustration) often takes the form of waves that move either fromthe base of the flagellum to its tip or in the opposite direction. Themotion of these waves propels the organism along. The beat of a cilium(right illustration) may be divided into two phases. In the effectivestroke, the cilium remains fairly stiff as it swings through the water.This is followed by a recovery stroke in which the cilium bends andreturns to its initial position. The black arrows indicate the direction ofwater movement in these examples.

Figure 4.22 Whiplash and Tinsel Flagella. Transmission electronmicrograph of a shadowed whiplash flagellum, WF, and a tinselflagellum, TF, with mastigonemes.

gella move in an undulating fashion and generate planar or helicalwaves originating at either the base or the tip. If the wave movesfrom base to tip, the cell is pushed along; a beat traveling from thetip toward the base pulls the cell through the water. Sometimes theflagellum will have lateral hairs called flimmer filaments (thicker,stiffer hairs are called mastigonemes). These filaments changeflagellar action so that a wave moving down the filament towardthe tip pulls the cell along instead of pushing it. Such a flagellumoften is called a tinsel flagellum, whereas the naked flagellum isreferred to as a whiplash flagellum (figure 4.22). Cilia, on theother hand, normally have a beat with two distinctive phases. Inthe effective stroke, the cilium strokes through the surroundingfluid like an oar, thereby propelling the organism along in the wa-ter. The cilium next bends along its length while it is pulled for-ward during the recovery stroke in preparation for another effec-tive stroke. A ciliated microorganism actually coordinates thebeats so that some of its cilia are in the recovery phase while oth-ers are carrying out their effective stroke (figure 4.23). This coor-dination allows the organism to move smoothly through the water.

Despite their differences, cilia and flagella are very similarin ultrastructure. They are membrane-bound cylinders about 0.2 �m in diameter. Located in the matrix of the organelle is acomplex, the axoneme, consisting of nine pairs of microtubuledoublets arranged in a circle around two central tubules (figure4.24). This is called the 9 � 2 pattern of microtubules. Each dou-blet also has pairs of arms projecting from subtubule A (the com-plete microtubule) toward a neighboring doublet. A radial spokeextends from subtubule A toward the internal pair of micro-tubules with their central sheath. These microtubules are similarto those found in the cytoplasm. Each is constructed of two types

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of tubulin subunits, �- and �-tubulins, that resemble the con-tractile protein actin in their composition. Bacterial flagella and

motility (pp. 63–66)

A basal body lies in the cytoplasm at the base of each ciliumor flagellum. It is a short cylinder with nine microtubule tripletsaround its periphery (a 9 � 0 pattern) and is separated from the restof the organelle by a basal plate. The basal body directs the con-struction of these organelles. Cilia and flagella appear to growthrough the addition of preformed microtubule subunits at their tips.

Cilia and flagella bend because adjacent microtubule doubletsslide along one another while maintaining their individual lengths.The doublet arms (figure 4.24), about 15 nm long, are made of theprotein dynein. ATP powers the movement of cilia and flagella,and isolated dynein hydrolyzes ATP. It appears that dynein arms in-teract with the B subtubules of adjacent doublets to cause the slid-ing. The radial spokes also participate in this sliding motion.

Cilia and flagella beat at a rate of about 10 to 40 strokes orwaves per second and propel microorganisms rapidly. The recordholder is the flagellate Monas stigmatica, which swims at a rateof 260 �m/second (approximately 40 cell lengths per second);the common euglenoid flagellate, Euglena gracilis, travels ataround 170 �m or 3 cell lengths per second. The ciliate protozoanParamecium caudatum swims at about 2,700 �m/second (12lengths per second). Such speeds are equivalent to or much fasterthan those seen in higher animals.

90 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Figure 4.23 Coordination of Ciliary Activity. A scanning electronmicrograph of Paramecium showing cilia (�1,500). The ciliary beat iscoordinated and moves in waves across the protozoan’s surface, as canbe seen in the photograph.


Outerdynein arm

Innerdynein arm

Subtubule A

Subtubule B



Radial spoke

Spoke head

Nexin link

Figure 4.24 Cilia and Flagella Structure. (a) An electron micrograph of a cilium cross section. Note the twocentral microtubules surrounded by nine microtubule doublets (�160,000). (b) A diagram of cilia and flagellastructure with two doublets removed for sake of visibility.

(a) (b)

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4.12 Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells 91

Flagellar basalbody



PyrenoidStarch granules




Cell wall


(a) (b)

Figure 4.25 Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic CellStructure. (a) The procaryote Bacillus megaterium (�30,500). (b) Theeucaryotic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a deflagellated cell. Notethe large chloroplast with its pyrenoid body (�30,000).

1. How do eucaryotic microorganisms differ from procaryotes withrespect to supporting or protective structures external to theplasma membrane? Describe the pellicle and indicate whichmicroorganisms have one.

2. Prepare and label a diagram showing the detailed structure of acilium or flagellum. How do cilia and flagella move, and what isdynein’s role in the process?

4.12 Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells

A comparison of the cells in figure 4.25 demonstrates that there aremany fundamental differences between eucaryotic and procaryoticcells. Eucaryotic cells have a membrane-enclosed nucleus. In con-trast, procaryotic cells lack a true, membrane-delimited nucleus.Bacteria and Archaea are procaryotes; all other organisms—algae,fungi, protozoa, higher plants, and animals—are eucaryotic. Pro-caryotes normally are smaller than eucaryotic cells, often about thesize of eucaryotic mitochondria and chloroplasts.

The presence of the eucaryotic nucleus is the most obviousdifference between these two cell types, but several other majordistinctions should be noted. It is clear from table 4.2 that pro-caryotic cells are much simpler structurally. In particular, an ex-tensive and diverse collection of membrane-delimited organellesis missing. Furthermore, procaryotes are simpler functionally inseveral ways. They lack mitosis and meiosis, and have a simplergenetic organization. Many complex eucaryotic processes are ab-sent in procaryotes: phagocytosis and pinocytosis, intracellulardigestion, directed cytoplasmic streaming, ameboid movement,and others.

Despite the many significant differences between these twobasic cell forms, they are remarkably similar on the biochemicallevel as will be discussed in succeeding chapters. Procaryotes andeucaryotes are composed of similar chemical constituents. With afew exceptions the genetic code is the same in both, as is the wayin which the genetic information in DNA is expressed. The prin-ciples underlying metabolic processes and most of the more im-portant metabolic pathways are identical. Thus beneath the pro-found structural and functional differences between procaryotesand eucaryotes, there is an even more fundamental unity: a mo-lecular unity that is basic to all known life processes.

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92 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Table 4.2 Comparison of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells

Property Procaryotes Eucaryotes

Organization of Genetic MaterialTrue membrane-bound nucleus Absent PresentDNA complexed with histones No YesNumber of chromosomes Onea More than oneIntrons in genes Rare CommonNucleolus Absent PresentMitosis occurs No Yes

Genetic Recombination Partial, unidirectional transfer Meiosis and fusion of gametesof DNA

Mitochondria Absent PresentChloroplasts Absent PresentPlasma Membrane with Sterols Usually nob YesFlagella Submicrosopic in size; composed Microscopic in size; membrane bound;

of one fiber usually 20 microtubules in 9 + 2 patternEndoplasmic Reticulum Absent PresentGolgi Apparatus Absent PresentCell Walls Usually chemically complex with Chemically simpler and lacking peptidoglycan


Differences in Simpler OrganellesRibosomes 70S 80S (except in mitochondria and chloroplasts)Lysosomes and peroxisomes Absent PresentMicrotubules Absent or rare PresentCytoskeleton May be absent Present

Differentiation Rudimentary Tissues and organs

aPlasmids may provide additional genetic information.bOnly the mycoplasmas and methanotrophs (methane utilizers) contain sterols. The mycoplasmas cannot synthesize sterols and require them preformed. Many procaryotes contain hopanoids.cThe mycoplasmas and Archaea do not have peptidoglycan cell walls.


1. The eucaryotic cell has a true, membrane-delimited nucleus and many membranousorganelles (table 4.1).

2. The cytoplasmic matrix containsmicrofilaments, intermediate filaments, andmicrotubules, small organelles partlyresponsible for cell structure and movement.These and other types of filaments areorganized into a cytoskeleton.

3. The matrix is permeated by an irregularnetwork of tubules and flattened sacs orcisternae known as the endoplasmic reticulum(ER). The ER may have attached ribosomesand be active in protein synthesis (rough orgranular endoplasmic reticulum) or lackribosomes (smooth or agranular ER).

4. The ER can donate materials to the Golgiapparatus, an organelle composed of one ormore stacks of cisternae (figure 4.9). Thisorganelle prepares and packages cell productsfor secretion.

5. The Golgi apparatus also forms lysosomes(figures 4.10 and 4.11). These organelles

contain digestive enzymes and aid inintracellular digestion of materials, includingthose taken up by endocytosis.

6. Eucaryotic ribosomes found free in thecytoplasmic matrix or bound to the ER are80S ribosomes. Several may be attached to thesame messenger RNA forming polyribosomesor polysomes.

7. Mitochondria are organelles bounded by twomembranes, with the inner membrane foldedinto cristae, and are responsible for energygeneration by the tricarboxylic acid cycle,electron transport, and oxidativephosphorylation (figure 4.14).

8. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis.The trapping of light energy takes place in the thylakoid membranes, whereas CO2

incorporation is located in the stroma (figure 4.16).

9. The nucleus is a large organelle containing thecell’s chromosomes. It is bounded by acomplex, double-membrane envelope perforatedby pores through which materials can move.

10. The nucleolus lies within the nucleus andparticipates in the synthesis of ribosomal RNAand ribosomal subunits.

11. Eucaryotic chromosomes are distributed todaughter cells during regular cell division bymitosis (figure 4.18). Meiosis is used to halvethe chromosome number during sexualreproduction.

12. When a cell wall is present, it is constructedfrom polysaccharides, like cellulose, that arechemically simpler than procaryoticpeptidoglycan. Many protozoa have a pelliclerather than a cell wall.

13. Many eucaryotic cells are motile because ofcilia and flagella, membrane-delimitedorganelles with nine microtubule doubletssurrounding two central microtubules(figure 4.24). The doublets slide along eachother to bend the cilium or flagellum.

14. Despite the fact that eucaryotes andprocaryotes differ in many ways (table 4.2),they are quite similar metabolically.

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I. Introduction to Microbiology

4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

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Additional Reading 93

Key Terms

autophagic vacuole 81

axoneme 89

basal body 90

cell cycle 87

cell wall 88

chloroplast 85

chromatin 86

chromosome 86

cilia 89

cisternae 79

cristae 83

cytoplasmic matrix 76

cytoskeleton 79

dictyosome 80

dynein 90

endocytosis 80

endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 79

endosome 80

endosymbiotic theory 85

eucaryotic cells 91

F1 particle 83

flagella 89

Golgi apparatus 80

grana 85

intermediate filament 79

interphase 87

lysosome 80

meiosis 88

microfilament 77

microtubule 78

mitochondrion 83

mitosis 87

nuclear envelope 86

nuclear pores 86

nucleolus 87

nucleus 86

organelle 76

pellicle 89

phagocytosis 80

pinocytosis 80

plastid 85

polyribosomes 83

polysomes 83

primary lysosomes 81

procaryotic cells 91

proteasome 82

pyrenoid 85

residual body 81

rough or granular ER (RER or GER) 79

secondary lysosomes 81

smooth or agranular ER (SER or AER) 79

stroma 85

thylakoid 85

Questions for Thought and Review

1. Describe the structure and function of everyeucaryotic organelle discussed in the chapter.

2. Discuss the statement: “The most obviousdifference between eucaryotic and procaryoticcells is in their use of membranes.” Whatgeneral roles do membranes play in eucaryoticcells?

3. Describe how the Golgi apparatus distributesproteins it receives from the ER to differentorganelles.

4. Briefly discuss how the complex ofmembranous organelles that de Duve calls the“vacuome” functions as a coordinated whole.What is its function?

5. Describe and contrast the ways in whichflagella and cilia propel microorganismsthrough the water.

6. Outline the major differences betweenprocaryotes and eucaryotes. How are theysimilar?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Giardia lamblia is an example of eucaryotesthat contain nuclei, but no mitochondria. Howdoes the existence of Giardia affect theendosymbiosis theory? How do you thinkGiardia obtains its energy? Would your answerchange if you learned that Giardia is parasitic?

2. Would you expect to find organisms withmitochondria, but without nuclei? Why orwhy not? Support your answer with literaturesources.

Additional Reading

GeneralAlberts, B.; Bray, D.; Lewis, J.; Raff, M.; Roberts, K.;

and Watson, J. D. 1994. Molecular biology ofthe cell, 3d ed. New York: Garland Publishing.

Becker, W. M.; Kleinsmith, L.; and Hardin, J. 2000.The world of the cell, 4th ed. Redwood City,Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings.

de Duve, C. 1985. A guided tour of the living cell.New York: Scientific American Books.

Gray, M. W. 1983. The bacterial ancestry of plastidsand mitochondria. BioScience 33(11):693–99.

Ingber, D. E. 1998. The architecture of life. Sci. Am.278(1):48–57.

Lodish, H.; Baltimore, D.; Berk, A.; Zipursky, S. L.;Matsudaira, P.; and Darnell, J. 1999.Molecular cell biology, 4th ed. New York:Scientific American Books.

Margulis, L. 1971. Symbiosis and evolution. Sci.Am. 225(2):49–57.

4.2 The Cytoplasmic MatrixBretscher, A.; Drees, B.; Harsay, E.; Schott, D.; and

Wang, T. 1994. What are the basic functionsof microfilaments? Insights from studies inbudding yeast. J. Cell Biology 126(4):821–25.

Porter, K. R., and Tucker, J. B. 1981. The groundsubstance of the living cell. Sci. Am.244(3):57–67.

Pumplin, D. W., and Bloch, R. J. 1993. Themembrane skeleton. Trends Cell Biol.3:113–17.

Stossel, T. P. 1994. The machinery of cell crawling.Sci. Am. 271(3):54–63.

4.4 The Golgi ApparatusRothman, J. E. 1985. The compartmental

organization of the Golgi apparatus. Sci. Am.253(3):74–89.

Rothman, J. E., and Orci, L. 1996. Budding vesiclesin living cells. Sci. Am. 274(3):70–75.

4.5 Lysosomes and EndocytosisBaumeister, W.; Walz, J.; Zühl, F.; and Seemüller, E.

1998. The proteasome: Paradigm of a self-compartmentalizing protease. Cell 92:367–80.

Dautry-Varsat, A., and Lodish, H. F. 1984. Howreceptors bring proteins and particles intocells. Sci. Am. 250(5):52–8.

DeMot, R.; Nagy, I.; Walz, J.; and Baumeister, W.1999. Proteasomes and other self-compartmentalizing proteases in prokaryotes.Trends Microbiol. 7(2):88–92.

Helenius, A.; Mellman, I.; Wall, D.; and Hubbard, A.1983. Endosomes. Trends Biochem. Sci.8(7):245–50.

Holtzman, E. 1989. Lysosomes. New York:Academic Press.

Mahadevan, L., and Matsudaira, P. 2000. Motilitypowered by supramolecular springs andratchets. Science 288:95–99.

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I. Introduction to Microbiology

4. Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

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94 Chapter 4 Eucaryotic Cell Structure and Function

4.6 Eucaryotic RibosomesCraig, E. A.; Gambill, B. D.; and Nelson, R. J.

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4.7 MitochondriaWallace, D. C. 1997. Mitochondrial DNA in aging

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4.9 The Nucleus and Cell DivisionElledge, S. J. 1996. Cell cycle checkpoints:

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4.11 Cilia and FlagellaSatir, P. 1983. Cilia and related organelles. Carolina

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