EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 Measures, tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint development decisions and planning/guiding of joint development in the CBC area Proposals from the European Commission October 2011 October 2011

EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020

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EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 Measures , tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint development decisions and planning/guiding of joint development in the CBC area Proposals from the European Commission October 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020

Measures, tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint development decisions and planning/guiding of joint development in the CBC area

Proposals from the European Commission

October 2011October 2011

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Structure of the presentation:

1.What is the impact of EU cohesion policy?

2.Why is the Commission proposing changes for 2014-2020?

3.What are the main changes?

4.How will the funding be allocated?

5.When will the changes come into effect?

6.Where can I find further information?

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What is the impact of EU cohesion policy?

8400 km of rail built or improved

5100 km of road built or improved

Access to clean drinking water for 20 million more people

Training for 10 million people each year

Over 1 million jobs created

GDP/capita up 5 % in newer Member States

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Why is the Commission proposing changes for 2014-2020?

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What are the main changes - objectives:

1.Deliver the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

2.Focus on results

3.Maximise the impact of EU funding

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What are the main changes - reinforcing effectiveness and performance:Focus on results: Common & programme-specific indicators, reporting, monitoring & evaluation

Performance framework for all programmes: Clear and measurable milestones and targets

Performance reserve: 5 % of national allocations (by Member State, fund and category of region)

Ex-ante conditionality: Ensuring conditions for effective investment are in place

Macro-economic conditionality: Alignment with new economic governance

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What are the main changes - more coherent use of available EU funds:

Comprehensive investment strategy: aligned with Europe 2020 objectives

Coherence with National Reform Programmes

Coordination: cohesion policy, rural development, maritime & fisheries funds

Objectives and indicators to measure progress towards Europe 2020 targets

Effectiveness: introduction of a performance framework

Efficiency: reinforcement of administrative capacity, cutting red tape

Operational Programmes

Partnership contract

Common Strategic Framework

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A menu of thematic objectives - thematic objectives to deliver Europe 2020:1.Research & innovation

2.Information and communication technologies (ICT)

3.Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

4.Shift towards a low-carbon economy

5.Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management

6.Environmental protection & resource efficiency

7.Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures

8.Employment & supporting labour mobility

9.Social inclusion & combating poverty

10.Education, skills & lifelong learning

11.Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations

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European Social Fund (ESF):Fully in line with the Europe 2020 strategy

Promoting employment & supporting labour mobility

Investing in education, skills & life-long learning

Promoting social inclusion & combating poverty

Enhancing institutional capacity & efficient public administration

Reinforced social dimension

20 % of ESF allocations for social inclusion

Greater emphasis on fighting youth unemployment

Mainstreaming & specific support for gender equality & non-discrimination

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European Social Fund (ESF):

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Cohesion Fund: supports Member States with GNI/capita < 90 % of EU27 average

Investing in environment

Climate change adaptation and risk prevention

Water and waste sectors

Biodiversity including through green infrastructures

Urban environment

Low carbon economy

Investing in transport

Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T)

Low-carbon transport systems and urban transport

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An investment-oriented policy:

Promoting the use of innovative financing instruments

Extending scope to all areas of investment

Clearer regulatory framework

10 % bonus for innovative financing instruments & community-led development

A range of options offering flexibility to programme managers

Maximum co-financing rates

75-85 % in less developed and outermost regions

60 % in transition regions

50 % in more developed regions

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Territorial Cooperation: Separate regulation

Increase of financial resources (+30 %):

3 categories: 73% for cross-border cooperation (EUR 8.6 bn); 21% for transnational (EUR 2.4 bn); 6% for interregional (EUR 0,7 bn)

Population: criterion for breakdown by Member State

75% co-financing rate

Concentration of programmes on up to 4 thematic objectives

Simplified programme management (merger of managing and certifying authorities)

Easier creation of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)

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Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020: COM to adopt list of cross-border areas to receive support by programme

(at NUTS 3 level) Addition of adjacent NUTS 3 regions may be proposed when submitting

programmes 4 thematic objectives for CBC and transnational Interregional can cover all thematic objectives Definition of investment priorities in ERDF regulation apply Additional element in ETC regulation: ESF-type actions, legal and

administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, macro-regional strategies

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How will funding be allocated:

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Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020:COM to adopt list of cross-border areas to receive support by programme (at NUTS 3 level)Addition of adjacent NUTS 3 regions may be proposed when submitting programmes 4 thematic objectives for CBC and transnational Interregional can cover all thematic objectives Definition of investment priorities in ERDF regulation apply Additional element in ETC regulation: ESF-type actions, legal and

administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, macro-regional strategies

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When will the changes come into effect - timeline: 6 Oct 11: Publication of draft regulations

End 2011 – early 2012: Draft Common Strategic Framework & public consultation

End 2012: Agreement on MFF(2014-2020)?

Spring 2013: Agreement of Regulations?

Summer 2013: Agreement of Common Strategic Framework covering Structural Funds?

During 2014: Entry into force and adoption of programmes

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Further information:


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