AIDE MEMOIRE Joint Scoping Mission for Multi-Sector Investment Planning (MSIP) for the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) with the Climate Investment Fund’s Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) and Multilateral Development Bank Support Ethiopia February 15-19, 2016

Ethiopia - Climate Investment Funds · 2019-08-21 · Adaptation to Climate Change, Addis Ababa University’s Climate Science Center’s and ACCRA’s 2015 Climate Change Public

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Page 1: Ethiopia - Climate Investment Funds · 2019-08-21 · Adaptation to Climate Change, Addis Ababa University’s Climate Science Center’s and ACCRA’s 2015 Climate Change Public


Joint Scoping Mission for Multi-Sector Investment Planning (MSIP) for the

Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) with the

Climate Investment Fund’s Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR)

and Multilateral Development Bank Support


February 15-19, 2016

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Ethiopia is a recognized global leader on climate action and landscape restoration. Ethiopia’s Ministry of

Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC) requested the World Bank to provide lead support to the

development of a Multi Sector Investment Plan (MSIP) to scale up investment and action to achieve the

country’s Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy and the Second Growth and Transformation

Plan (GTP-2). This work is currently supported by the World Bank through technical assistance to the

CRGE Unit of MoFEC, and will be supplemented with new grant support to MoFEC from the Climate

Investment Fund’s (CIF) Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR). In May 2015, Ethiopia was selected

to participate in the PPCR, following its submission of an Expression of Interest for support in investment

planning for forest and agriculture.

A joint World Bank Group-African Development Bank scoping mission was then hosted by MoFEC on

February 15-19, 2016 to initiate the preparation of the MSIP. The objectives of the mission were to (i)

introduce the multi sector investment planning process and PPCR support; (ii) discuss the context of the

Government of Ethiopia (GoE) development planning and institutional arrangements for the climate

resilient green economy; (iii) engage key stakeholder groups expected to take part in the planning process,

including development partners; (iv) discuss approach, timeline and technical documentation needed to

support the process; and (v) prepare a budget proposal and work plan for the GoE to implement a US$1.5

million preparation grant received through the PPCR, and plans for a Joint Mission.

The mission wishes to express its gratitude to the GoE for the courtesy extended and cooperation provided.

The mission findings and next steps are summarized in this Aide Memoire.

The mission interacted closely with Ato Admasu Nebebe (Director, UN Agencies and Regional Economic

Cooperation Directorate, MoFEC), and met with H.E. Dr. Shiferaw Teklemariam (Minister of

Environment, Forestry and Climate Change, MEFCC), H.E. Ato Sileshi Getahun (Minister of Livestock

and Fisheries, MoLF), H.E. Frenesh Mekuria (State Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources,

MoANR) and H.E. Ato Wondimu Tekle (State Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, MoWIE). In

addition, the mission met with representatives and delegates of the CRGE Facility Advisory Board (which

includes WB representation) and most major international partners working on climate resilience in the

rural space.

The mission was led by World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) and involved five

GoE ministries, civil society, and nearly 20 international development partners. The WB team was led by

Stephen Danyo (Senior Natural Resource Management Specialist and Task Team Leader), and included

Kanta Rigaud (Lead Environmental Specialist and World Bank PPCR Coordinator), Susan Tambi Matambo

(Environmental Specialist), Dereje Agonafir (Environmental Specialist), Sandra Romboli (Senior M&E

Specialist), Iretomiwa Olatunji (Natural Resource Management Specialist), Mareile Drechsler (Economist),

Issa Diaw (Senior Power Engineer), Hikuepi Epi Katjiuongua (Senior Agriculture Economist), Shimeles

Sima (Senior Forest Landscape Specialist), Hailu Tefera (Senior Forest Carbon Specialist), Million

Alemayehu (Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist), Mistre Hailemariam (Team Assistant) and

Mahlet Girma (Team Assistant). The AfDB team was led by Bamba Diop (Principal Environment

Specialist), and included Gareth Phillips (Chief Climate and Green Growth Officer), Ambrose Oroda

(Environmental Specialist), and Melanie Teche (Climate Change Specialist). A list of mission participants

is included in Annex 1. A mission agenda, including the major consultation agenda, is given in Annex 2.

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Objectives of the MSIP: The diverse and very well-attended consultations confirmed that the multi sector

investment planning approach will be vital to prepare a comprehensive, unified, realistic, costed investment

plan that can harness synergies and ensure an integrated approach for scaling up and coordinating financing

for climate resilience. The MSIP will focus on the forest and agriculture sectors, and will incorporate

activities in the water, energy and livestock sectors. The MSIP will consist of a pipeline of large scale,

programmatic investments that serve to contribute to the GoE priorities and the achievement of the goals

under the Government’s GTP-2 (2015-2020) and CRGE Strategy (2011-2030). The MSIP is expected to

facilitate Ethiopia’s progress towards its climate resilience objectives and mobilize both new and additional

finance from multiple sources – climate financing, conventional concessional lending and grants from

bilateral and multilateral actors, private sector – to implement priority investments at scale that can reduce

vulnerability to climate risk. The process will build upon sector plans and will harness cross-sectoral

synergies, strengthen investment proposals, programs, policies and projects and will build the capacity of

relevant stakeholders. An Approach Note for the MSIP was shared in advance with all mission participants

to form the basis of the discussions. As a result of mission discussions the MSIP Approach Note is being

updated to reflect the most current thinking among actors to support further discussions. See Annex 3 for

the WB presentation on the MSIP concept and process, as well as presentations on climate investment by

the four ministries and the AfDB.

GoE leadership of the MSIP process: MoFEC is the lead agency in the process of designing and overseeing

the delivery of the MSIP in collaboration with the four sector ministries, the Ministry of Agriculture and

Natural Resources (MoANR), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC), Ministry

of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) and Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MoLF). The

coordination of the process will be further facilitated by the existing designated focal points within MoFEC,

MoANR, MEFCC, MoWIE and MoLF. Key development partner agencies and stakeholders will remain

engaged in MSIP preparation and dialogues. The MDBs will provide grant funds and technical assistance,

and assist in delivering an MSIP that is responsive to multiple potential international climate finance

opportunities including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the WB’s

International Development Association (IDA) and AfDB’s African Development Fund (ADF). Other

sectoral interactions are important and related; for more on this see the discussion on scope and boundaries


Stakeholder participation: The MSIP development has kicked off and will sustain an inclusive stakeholder

engagement to build ownership and support of the planning and investment selection process. This will

seek to consolidate and harmonize information sharing, foster collaboration, reduce costly fragmentation

and enhance coordination. The mission and consultations recognized that private sector participation is

integral in achieving climate resilience goals included in the GTP-2, due to its unique ability to provide

innovative, market-based and efficient solutions. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a key PPCR

partner, is preparing a foreign direct investment plan for the forest sector in partnership with the WB and

GoE under the existing WB technical assistance for CRGE. The MSIP will seek opportunities for improving

the enabling environment for greater investment in domestic private sector development. In addition, the

mission recognized the critical role that women play in land use and natural resource based sectors, and that

resilience investments should include a gender lens. Finally, regional state governments need to be engaged


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Existing climate resilience initiatives: As a recognized global leader on climate action including the CRGE,

Carbon Pricing Panel, and landscape restoration, the GoE has made significant progress in advancing its

climate agenda, as demonstrated by the development of key policies, projects and programs. Relevant on-

going and planned climate resilience initiatives include GoE’s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy,1

Agriculture Planning and Investment Framework, REDD+ Strategy, Climate Resilience Strategy for

Agriculture and Forestry, and Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), among others. The

development of the MSIP will enhance and empower these plans and strategies, as well as existing large-

scale WB-financed operations such as the SLMP, Agricultural Growth Program (AGP), Productive Safety

Nets Program (PSNP), and the Oromia Forested Landscape Program (OFLP). The MSIP will also

incorporate the many analytics already prepared in the country such as the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences’

2015 Climate Assessment, WB’s and MEFCC’s 2015 Forest Sector Review, WB’s 2011 Economics of

Adaptation to Climate Change, Addis Ababa University’s Climate Science Center’s and ACCRA’s 2015

Climate Change Public Expenditure Review, the on-going Country Environmental Analysis, among many

others. A list of key plans, strategies, and analytics related to climate resilience in Ethiopia is provided in

Annex 4.

MSIP strategic process: The development of the MSIP will be conducted in four steps: (i) scoping to define

the MSIP process and to determine boundaries of the investment plan, (ii) analysis and stocktaking to

conduct evidence-based assessments to address gaps identified during the scoping and to agree on criteria

to identify priority investments, (iii) prioritization to identify bankable activities, projects, programs and

policies, starting with each sector’s plans, (iv) the finalization of a comprehensive, unified, realistic, costed,

multi-sector investment plan (MSIP), and (v) the translation of the MSIP into detailed pipeline of programs

and projects. Throughout the development of the MSIP, consultations with stakeholders will be conducted

as part of a participatory and inclusive process. In many ways the MSIP process is itself the product.

Discussion highlights: Through bilateral consultations with the five ministries, CRGE Advisory Board,

the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and a broad stakeholder consultation with approximately

20 development partners, the concept of the MSIP was explored and discussed with a view to obtaining a

clear process to move forward. Initial discussions sought to identify emerging gaps that could be addressed

through the MSIP and to make initial steps toward identifying criteria that might be used to prioritize multi-

sectoral investment opportunities. Broad agreement was reached on moving forward with the development

of the MSIP, building on sector plans. Initial gaps for further investigation were identified and initial

approaches for setting prioritization criteria were discussed. A key aspect was the importance of scaling up

integrated, multi-sectoral approaches to help secure greater resilience, while also ensuring that the scope of

the task was clearly bounded so that the MSIP preparation is manageable. A number of existing programs

and projects were highlighted that are already achieving results at scale and with multiple benefits across

sectors and among local land users.

Scope of the MSIP: The mission discussed the scope of the MSIP process, focusing particularly on the

identification of priority sectors. In accordance with the GoE’s Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate

in the PPCR, agreement was reached that the MSIP will focus on rural landscapes in line with the GTP-2

cluster that includes agriculture, forest, water, energy and livestock. It was proposed that the MSIP process

may be repeated, building on this exercise, to address investment planning in other sectors such as transport

1 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2011): Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy.

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and trade/industry. The current investment planning focus, however, would be on the natural resource

dependent productive sectors, as well as enabling information, institutions and incentives.

Emerging gaps in institutions, investments, and information: Gaps that could be filled through MSIP

support were discussed through a stakeholder consultation and based on these discussions, the following

emerging gap-filling investment priorities were proposed:

a. Climate information: The consultation discussed the need to further advance climate-informed

decision making through investments in hydro-meteorological and climate services and

through the generation of climate-based information, such as, for instance, climate-smart

agriculture. Technical assessment of gaps and needs, including capacities should be undertaken

to strengthen this area of work.

b. Information and data management. Improvements in information and data management are

critical to inform and gauge progress toward scaled up resilience financing and GTP-2 targets,

and to convene and leverage stakeholder participation. Access to and sharing information and

other data is useful for enhancing coordination and convening financing.

c. Analytics: The consultation discussed options for the MSIP process to fill gaps in analytics to

facilitate sound and sustainable climate resilient development by enhancing the evidence base

for existing policies, programs and projects.

d. Climate resilience policy: Investment in enhancing Ethiopia’s climate policy framework could

represent an opportunity for the GoE to scale up action to achieve GTP-2 climate and

development targets. Policy development could be part of the MSIP given its complementarity

to attracting and deploying external and domestic private and public financing for climate and

development objectives.

e. Capacity development. While existing programs are largely fairly well implemented, capacity

gaps remain in mainstreaming climate action into sector and program implementation, and

coordination across sectors, programs and projects.

f. Gender and youth: While there are some impressive achievements in land restoration and

access among women and youth in programs such as SLMP, gender considerations are

generally a gap that could be filled and used as a prioritization lens; the mission hopes to discuss

this issue further.

Prioritization of investment: The mission discussed possible prioritization methods and ranking criteria to

identify investment needs that could be supported through the MSIP process. Initial efforts to prioritize

investments have been made through the GTP-2 and CRGE processes and this is the entry point to further

prioritize specific activities and projects for scaled up investment. However, the MSIP should build upon

sector plans, recognizing the iterative nature involved in preparing a credible investment plan across sectors.

Criteria to prioritize investments will be developed and agreed through a consultative, transparent and

inclusive process and might include:

a. Advance toward GTP-2 and CRGE objectives: The MSIP should prioritize investments that

exhibit a clear connection with the climate, growth, development and poverty reduction goals

set out in the GTP-2 and CRGE strategy.

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b. Climate change impact: Investment opportunities should be prioritized on the basis of their

expected relative impact in achieving Ethiopia’s climate change adaptation and mitigation

objectives (mitigation and adaptation co-benefits are closely linked in natural resource

dependent sectors).

c. Ease of implementation: The consultation noted that the MSIP process could prioritize

investments for which the GoE has the relevant implementation and monitoring capacity to

scale up on the ground.

d. Planning horizon: Short and long-term climate impacts should be considered, with a view to

achieving a balanced investment portfolio that takes account of both short- and long-term

policy objectives under GTP-2 and the CRGE strategy.

e. Harnessing synergies across sectors: This entry point for spatial, thematic, sectoral, and other

synergies would be important for prioritizing investments that are expected to contribute to

climate resilience development goals across multiple sectors and in all regional states.

f. Scale up potential: In accordance with the GoE’s priorities, the consultation agreed that the

MSIP should identify investments that are scalable and can be relatively easily implemented.

Priority investments should particularly focus on building resilience in rural areas, as is being

done in MoANR’s Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP).

Linkages to existing investment plans in Ethiopia: The mission recognized the need to harmonize the

MSIP process with existing investment plans, including Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector Policy and

Investment Framework, the Ethiopia Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management,

Ethiopia’s Livestock Master Plan, the Disaster Risk Management Strategic Program and Investment

Framework, as well as IFC’s FDI plan for forest (under the existing WB CRGE Technical Assistance). As

climate change is associated with an increased frequency and severity of disasters, the mission recognized

the importance of connecting the MSIP process with Ethiopia’s Disaster Risk Management ambitions.

The MSIP process above will be strengthened with a $1.5m grant from the PPCR to the GoE. This

preparatory grant will be mobilized via the WB which aims to deliver these recipient-executed funds as

quickly as possible. MoFEC requested the possibility of a combined Recipient Executed Trust Fund (RETF)

and Bank Executed Trust Fund (BETF) through the WB as lead MDB as confirmed earlier via a letter from

MoFEC to the CIF. To enhance inclusivity of the MSIP development process, the WB and AfDB will

support joint missions and national workshops to validate the agreed upon investment plans and specific

investment projects. The GoE has already identified its MSIP core team, led and coordinated by MoFEC

that will work with the MDBs and other partners on the MSIP. The GoE’s core team’s first priority is to

send to the MDBs its list of specific costed activities to finance with the $1.5m grant to the GoE.

CIF-specific requirements: The World Bank, confirmed earlier as lead MDB in this process, will work

with the GoE to meet CIF specific requirements (e.g. approval of the $1.5m Technical Assistance proposal,

requirements of joint mission, peer review of the draft MSIP through an independent external peer review,

and presentation of the MSIP by the senior level representative to governance committee). The CIF, like

other climate financing entities, requires public disclosure of Aide Memoires and key documentation in

support of this process (e.g. TORs of the missions and the MSIP itself).

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The following table indicates some key milestones and next steps for the MSIP preparation processes, to

be in a position for the GoE to submit the MSIP document to the PPCR Sub-committee by November 2016.

Key Milestones and Next Steps Responsibility Tentative

Target Date

1. Submission of Phase I PPCR Proposal for $1.5m grant to

PPCR MoFEC 28 Feb 2016

2. Begin internal processing of WB $1.5m grant “Initiation

Note” WB 29 Feb 2016

3. Update MSIP Approach Note and circulate MoFEC /

MDBs 4 Mar 2016

4. Working session to finalize WB Project Document for

the $1.5m grant. GoE core MSIP team to send to the

MDBs its list of specific costed activities ASAP.

GoE core team and

WB 25 Mar 2016

5. Analytics supporting MSIP (to be further identified) GoE / MDBs Ongoing

6. Draft MSIP annotated outline GoE / MDBs May 2016

7. First joint technical mission and consultation with

stakeholders / development partners (ToR must be sent to

Climate Investment Fund Administrative Unit 6 weeks

before mission)

GoE / MDBs June 2016

8. External independent peer review of advanced Draft

MSIP MDBs / GoE Aug 2016

9. Meeting to present final draft MSIP to stakeholders and

development partners (ToR must be sent to Climate

Investment Fund Administrative Unit 6 weeks before


MoFEC with

MDBs Sept 2016

10. MSIP submitted by MoFEC to the Climate Investment

Fund Administrative Unit MoFEC Oct 2016

11. MSIP presentation by senior level GoE representative to

the PPCR Sub-committee GoE Nov2 2016

12. MISP endorsed by the PPCR Sub-committee CIF Administration

Unit Dec, 2016


Under the Bank’s Access to Information Policy introduced on July 1, 2010, the Aide Memoire may be made

public, if the client and WB agree. The AfDB has a similar disclosure policy. Agreements recorded in this

Aide Memoire are subject to approval by MDB management.

2 The PPCR Sub-Committee meets twice a year (May, Nov), and presentation of the MSIP has to be made to the

committee. There is a possibility for an inter-sessional between these two sessions, but that is not yet confirmed.

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No Name Title Organization

1 Fisseha Abera Director, Finance Institution

Cooperation Directorate

Ministry of Finance and

Economic Cooperation


2 Admasu Nebebe Director, UN Agencies and Regional

Economic Cooperation Directorate


3 Abebe Tadesse Senior Expert and ISP-PPP



4 Kassahun Alemu Senior Expert MoFEC

5 Elmi Nure Climate Change and Development

Cooperation Analysis/MSIP focal


CRGE Facility, MoFEC

6 Zerihun Getu CRGE Facility Coordinator CRGE Facility, MoFEC

7 Adugna Nemera M&E Specialist CRGE Facility, MoFEC

8 Fantahun Belew CRGE Facility Advisor CRGE Facility, MoFEC

9 Medhin Fisseha Environmental and social safeguards


CRGE Facility, MoFEC

10 David Potter Climate Change Adviser & Technical

Adviser to the CRGE Facility

CRGE Facility, MoFEC

11 Shimelis Fekadu CRGE Coordinator CRGE Facility, MoFEC

12 H.E. Dr. Shiferaw


Minister Ministry of Environment,

Forestry and Climate Change


13 Ghrmawit Haile Director, Strategic Planning and

Resource Mobilization Directorate

GEF Focal Point


14 Yonas Teklemichael Advisor to State Minister,

Environment and Climate Change


15 Dr. Yitebitu Moges REDD+ Coordinator MEFCC

16 Dr. Yigremachew


Director - Forest Sector MEFCC

17 Desalegn Tebratu Development Economist/MSIP focal



18 Birhane Bezabh Senior Forest Expert/MSIP focal



19 H.E. Frenesh Mekuria State Minister Ministry of Agriculture and

Natural Resources (MoANR)

20 Habtamu Hailu SLMP-II Coordinator MoANR

21 Berhanu Assefa MRV Expert, MSIP focal person MoANR

22 H.E. Ato Sileshi


Minister Ministry of Livestock and

Fisheries (MoLF)

23 Eyob Alemu CRGE focal person MoLF

24 Dessalegn Birkeneh Planning Expert MoLF

25 H.E. Ato Wondimu


State Minister Ministry of Water, Irrigation and

Electricity (MoWIE)

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26 Tefera Arega MSIP focal person MoWIE

27 Sisay Shibru Senior Planning Expert MoWIE

28 Assefa Gudina Program Coordinator MoWIE

29 Stephen Danyo Senior Natural Resource Management

Specialist and Task Team Leader


30 Andrew Goodland Program Leader WB

31 Kanta Kumari Rigaud Lead Environmental Specialist and

World Bank PPCR Coordinator


32 Iretomiwa Olatunji Environmental Specialist WB

33 Mareile Drechsler Climate Resilience Specialist WB

34 Tambi Matambo Environmental Specialist WB

35 Issa Diaw Senior Power Engineer WB

36 Hikuepi Epi


Senior Agriculture Economist WB

37 Dereje Agonafir Environmental Specialist WB

38 Shimeles Sima Senior Forest Landscape Specialist WB

39 Million Alemayehu Senior NRM Specialist WB

40 Hailu Tefera Senior Forest & Climate Change



41 Sandra Romboli Senior M&E Specialist WB

42 Mistre Hailemariam Team Assistant WB

43 Mahlet Girma Team Assistant WB

44 Gareth Phillips Chief Climate & Green Growth


African Development Bank


45 Bamba Diop Principal Environment Specialist AFDB

46 Ambrose Oroda Environmental Specialist AFDB

47 Melanie Teche Climate Change Specialist AFDB

48 Habtamu Tamir Director Abbay Basin

49 Mandefro Beyene Socio Economist Beles Sub Basin

50 Lakech Imru Mikael Senior Director, Environmentally

sustainable and Inclusive Growth

Agricultural Transformation

Agency (ATA)

51 Dr. Wogayehu Bekele Director ATA

52 Anders Vatn Counselor Royal Norwegian Embassy


53 Lars Ekman Counselor RNE

54 Hege Ragnhildstveit Senior Advisor Norway's International Climate

and Forest Initiative (NICFI)

55 Sisay Nune Program Officer RNE

56 Lulu Likassa Program Officer RNE

57 Jorunn B. Johannessen Trainee RNE

58 Ciara Silke Climate and Environment Adviser |

Wealth Creation and Climate Change


Department for International

Development (DfID)

59 Tigist Kebede Senior Program Officer Denmark Embassy

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60 MORBIN Daniele Program Manager, Rural Development

& Food Security Section

EU Ethiopia Office

61 Dereje Kebede Program Manager Austria Development


62 Jennifer Bloom Second Secretary (Development) Foreign Affairs, Trade and

Development Canada

63 Abebech Assefa Team Lead Food Security Ag Embassy of Canada

64 Yacob Wondimkun Environment Advisor Ethiopia - Canada Cooperation


65 Abigail Jones Climate Advisor United States Agency for

International Development


66 Yitayew Abebe Mission Environment Officer USAID

67 Tesfaye Chekole Program Officer Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau


68 Imruwa Demissie Senior Program Officer KFW

69 Tiina ByringIlboudo Counsellor Embassy of Finland

70 Emilie Bruckmann Second Counsellor French Embassy

71 Ababu Anage NCCS United Nations Development


72 Abubeker Ali NRM/CCO Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United


73 Lulseged Asfaw Program Manager Irish Aid

74 Frew Behabtu Country Program Officer International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

75 Solomon Gizaw Technical Assis. ECH P.L.C.

76 Ju Hyun Park Manager Korea Trade-Investment

Promotion Agency (KOTRA)

77 Selam Zewdu Marketing & Research Manager KOTRA

78 Getahun Worku Legal Advisor KOICA

79 Dr. Zewdu Eshetu Director AAU Climate Science Centre

80 Prof. Masresha Fetene Professor Ethiopian Academy of Science

81 Dr. Araya Asfaw Executive Director Horn of Africa RECN

82 Negash Teklu Ex. Director Population, Health and

Environment- Ethiopia

Consortium, PHE-EC

83 Zerihun Dejene Environment Coordinator PHE-EC

84 Manish Kumar


ACCRA Coordinator Oxfam GB/ACCRA

85 Dejene Biru CRGE Technical Advisor Oxfam GB/ACCRA

86 Carlo Fadda Biodiversity specialist, Country Rep. Consultative Group for

International Agricultural

Research, CGIAR

87 Sayuri Teramoto Project Formulation Advisor- Agri


Japan International Cooperation


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88 Gebru Jember Advisor Global Green Growth Institute

89 Kinfe Hailemariam Director for Met & FCT National Meteorological Agency

90 Beyene Geleta PDQA Director World Vision

91 Evan Girvetz Senior Scientist International Centre for Tropical

Agriculture (CIAT)

92 Mequanent Eyayu Plan & Program Director Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

93 Dejene H/Giorgis Planning M&E Director Ethiopian Environment and

Forest Research Institute


94 Hailesilasie A. Medhin Centre Director Environment and Climate

Research Centre, Ethiopian

Development Research

Institute (ECRC/EDRI)

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

Day 1: Monday, February 15, 2016

MSIP Task Team Meeting and Mission Briefings 8:45 – 10:00 MDBs Task Team Meeting

MoFEC’s Mission

Invitation Letter

Mission Announcement


MoFEC’s Expression of

Interest (EOI) to PPCR


WB Initiation Note for

$1.5m PPCR TA to GoE

Scoping Mission ToR

Mission and key contacts

WBG Task Team

WB PPCR Coordinator

AfDB Team

AfDB PPCR Coordinator

Confirmed WBG: G-08

10:30 – 11:30 Mission briefing with the

Ministry of Finance and

Economic Cooperation


Same as above MoFEC (Directors Ato

Fisseha and Ato Admasu,

MoFEC CRGE team)


Coordinator, and AfDB

PPCR Consultant


PPCR Coordinator, WB

Program Leader for

Sustainable Development,

and Dereje)

Confirmed MoFEC

12:00 – 12:45 Mission briefing with the

Ministry of Water, Irrigation

and Electricity (MoWIE)

Same as above MoWIE (H.E. Minister Ato

Motumma Mekassa, H.E.

State Minister Ato

WondiumTekle, and Tefera

Arega), MoEFC (Elmi Nure)


Coordinator, and AfDB

PPCR Consultant


PPCR Coordinator, WB

Confirmed MoWIE

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

Program Leader for

Sustainable Development,

Issa and Dereje)

13:30 – 14:30 Mission briefing with the

Ministry of Environment,

Forest and Climate Change


Same as above MEFCC (H.E. Minister Dr.

Shiferaw Teklemariam, H.E.

State Minister Ato Kebede

Yimam, H.E. State Minister

Ato Kare Chawicha, Dr.

Yigremachew, and Dr.

Yitebitu), MoFEC (Elmi


AfDB Team


PPCR Coordinator, WB

Program Leader for

Sustainable Development,

and Dereje)

Confirmed MEFCC

15:10-16:10 Mission briefing with the

Ministry of Agriculture and

Natural Resources (MoANR)

Same as above MoANR (H.E. Minister Ato

Tefera Deribew and H.E.

State Minister Frenesh

Mekuria, and Ato Birhanu

Assefa), MoFEC (Elmi


AfDB Team


Andrew, WB PPCR

Coordinator, WB Program

Leader for Sustainable

Development, Million, and


Confirmed MoANR

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

16:30-17:30 Mission briefing with the

Ministry of Livestock and

Fisheries (MoLF)

Same as above MoLF (H.E. Minister Ato

Sileshi Getahun and Eyob

Alemu), MoFEC (Elmi


AfDB Team


PPCR Coordinator, WB

Program Leader for

Sustainable Development,

Hikuepi, Million, and


Confirmed MoLF

Day 2: Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Briefing and Discussion on the MSIP process

9:00-11:00 Meeting with CRGE

Facility Advisory Board

Members and some CRGE

Development Partners

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

Briefing on the MSIP

process as a way to scale up

large-scale programmatic

financing to deliver on

Government strategy

(CRGE,GTP-2, Climate

Resilient Strategy for

Agriculture and Forestry,

Ethiopia SLM Investment

Framework), international

climate financing priorities


GEF, BioCarbon Fund,

etc.), private sector

investment (IFC FDI on

Same as above MoFEC, MEFCC, MoANR,



Norway, DFID, France,

USAID, Austria, Finland,

Denmark, Germany/KfW,

PHE Ethiopia Consortium,

Forum for Environment,

AAU-Climate Science

Center, GGGI Ethiopia,

Oxfam, Republic of Korea,


AfDB Team

AfDB PPCR Coordinator

WBG Team

WB PPCR Coordinator

Confirmed WBG: G-08

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

forest), and so on (by WB


Discussion and feedback

Afternoon Bilateral Meetings with DPs Same as above DPs, MoFEC, AfDB and

WBG Team


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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

Day 3: Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Consultation on the Multi-sectoral Investment Planning

8:30-9:00 Registration MOFEC’s Expression

of Interest (EOI) to



WB Initiation Note

for $1.5m PPCR TA

to GoE

Government staff from MOFEC,

National Planning Commission and

other ministries

Development Partners

AfDB Team

WBG Team

NGOs, academia, think tanks

Confirmed WBG: G-09

9:00-9:10 Welcome and Opening


MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

Welcome by World Bank

Group (2 minutes):

Objectives of mission and


Greeting by AfDB (2


Opening remarks by Ato

Admasu Nebebe, MOFEC

Director (6 minutes)

Same as above Same as above

Confirmed WBG: G-09

9:10-10:40 Government perspectives

on how to scale up

financing for resilience

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

Presentations from GoE

on sector planning and

investments related to

climate resilience:

Same as above Same as above

Confirmed WBG: G-09

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, threats

(SWOT) (10 minutes

each presentation)



Investment Planning

for CRGE and GTP-2

– SWOT (Ato Zerihun


MEFCC: Sector

Investment –


Ghirmawit Haile)

MoANR: Sector

Investment – SWOT

(Ato Birhanu Assefa)

MoLF: Sector

Investment – SWOT

(Ato Eyob Alermu)

MoWIE: Sector

Investment – SWOT

(Ato Tefera Arega)

Q&A, discussions: 30


10:45-11:00 Coffee Break WBG

11:00-12:30 Partner perspectives on

how to scale up financing

for resilience

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

Same as above Government staff from MOFEC,

National Planning Commission and

other ministries

Development Partners

AfDB Team

Confirmed WBG: G-09

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

Presentations from DPs

on investment


WB: Multi-Sector

Investment Plans

(MSIP) - concept

and options for

convening financing

for scaling up

resilience action (by


AfDB: Perspectives

from PPCR

processes(by AfDB


Comments from each

DP on current and

planned resilience

investment in the rural

landscape (5 minutes


Q&A, discussions: 30


WBG Team

NGOs, academia, think tanks

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break WBG

13:30-15:00 Toward joint action:

Consultation on MSIP

Approach Note

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

Facilitated conversation on:

(i) Scope of MSIP,

(ii) Identification of

necessary technical

assistance and resources

MSIP Approach Note

Same as above

Confirmed WBG: G-09

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

including information

required to develop the


(iii) Synthesis and review

on key government

documents as well as

identification of gaps that

require analytical work,

(iv) Stakeholder

consultation process,

(v) Roadmap for MSIP


(vi) Discussions of next

steps, planning for joint

mission, and any other

business (topic of next

day’s consultation)

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break WBG

15:30-16:30 Wrap up of day’s

discussions and

confirmation of next

day’s schedule

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

MSIP Approach Note

Government staff from MOFEC,

National Planning Commission and

other ministries

Development Partners

AfDB Team

WBG Team

NGOs, academia, think tanks

Confirmed WBG: G-09

Day 4: Thursday, February 18, 2016

Focused Meeting on Technical Follow-ups

9:00-10:00 Confirmation of next

steps, planning for joint


Same as above MOFEC’s and line ministries’ MSIP

core team

AfDB Team

WBG Team

Confirmed WBG: G-08

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Time Sessions Documents Participants Confirmation Venue

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

10:00-10:15 Coffee Break WBG

10:15–12:30 PPCR grant to MOFEC

and line ministries for

delivering the MSIP:

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

(i) PPCR grant activities

(ii) PPCR grant

institutional and



(iii) Grant preparation


WB Initiation Note for

$1.5m PPCR TA to


MOFEC’s and line ministries’ MSIP

core team

AfDB Team

WBG Team

Confirmed WBG: G-08

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break WBG

13:30–14:00 Wrap up of day’s

discussions (by MOFEC,

Ato Zerihun Getu)

MOFEC Director Ato

Admasu Nebebe to Chair

WBG, AfDB, MOFEC’s and line

ministries’ MSIP core team

Confirmed WBG: G-08

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Day 5: Friday, February 19, 2016 Discussion on the main findings and Wrap up meeting

9:00 –11:00 Discuss the main findings

of the scoping mission and

next steps

Mission Draft Aide


MSIP core team of GoE

AfDB Team

WBG Team

Confirmed WBG: G-08


Wrap up meeting with


Mission Draft Aide


MoFEC (Directors Ato Fisseha and

Ato Admasu, MOFEC CRGE team)


Coordinator, and AfDB PPCR



Coordinator, WB Program Leader for

Sustainable Development, and


Confirmed MoFEC

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